
Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender, David R Hawkins

(1) Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender, David R Hawkins
Welcome! "This group is aligned with and devoted to the teachings of David R Hawkins, MD, PhD. The intent for the group is to serve as a vehicle of Divine will, an opportunity to keep holy company, and support our advancement of consciousness in service of God and humanity."

The purpose is to raise the level of consciousness, create a holy context, and a sanctuary in which to do our spiritual work; with an intention to keep the teachings pure and provide holy company. A space for spiritual growth and apply the "Map of Consciousness" which incorporates findings from quantum physics and nonlinear dynamics, thereby confirming the classical "stages" of spiritual evolution found in the world’s sacred literature as actual "attractor fields."

As a reminder for the group is that the intention of the discussion is to share with one another our questions, concerns, inspirations and experience with Dr. Hawkins' teachings whom have inspired you on your journey.

The present work describes a simple and effective means by which to let go of the obstacles along our journey to Enlightenment, thus become free of residual ego attached to negativity.

Dr. Hawkins is an internationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, and pioneer in the fields of consciousness research and spirituality. He writes and teaches from the unique perspective of an experienced clinician, scientist, and mystic and is devoted to the spiritual evolution of mankind.

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