
Pointing the Way to the Tao [이승 헌]

Pointing the Way to the Tao [이승헌]
Embrace the Unquenched Thirst 

As you already know, we humans are facing serious environmental and political problems on this little planet of ours, and if we don’t find a way to solve them soon, humanity might face a very miserable existence or even the end of its existence. I believe that bringing ourselves back into alignment with the Tao, with the natural flow and rhythms of life, is key to finding the answers to these problems. Really, this all begins on the personal level as we learn first to understand the nature of Tao within ourselves, and then as we use that knowledge to improve our relationships with others.
In its purest form, the Tao teaches balance, acceptance, and equality. It also teaches harmony with the natural world and a way to live in sync with all that is. The wisdom of the Tao is not the kind passed down by authority figures through ancient texts and codes for good behavior. 
Tao is simply the wisdom already written on your heart, your internal guide to finding your highest character and the most fulfilling way of life possible. If you yearn to meet your highest self, and you are willing to go on a quest to find that self, please join me here as we consider the way back to the way.
People today are yearning to reconnect with the part of themselves that already knows the Tao, the way of nature and the universe. I know this because I can see it in the faces of people everywhere I go. I suspect you feel the same – a deep, unquenched desire to get to the root of your existence and to really live
This is the emptiness, the aloneness that you sometimes feel that you can never quite escape. This feeling is not there because there is something wrong with you. Rather, it is there because there is something very right with you, something that knows there is something more important than the petty concerns of this human world. Instead of resisting this, I urge you to embrace it and to follow it to the core of your being – to the source of Tao itself.]

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