
Publications - Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Australia Inc.

Some books for those new to Quakers

One way to find out about Quakers is to read one or two of the books listed here. Most can be borrowed for a month from your local Meeting House library, or can be purchased over the net from Quaker bookstores.
  1. The Quaker Way(written by David Johnson 2007, 20 pages) was published by the South Australian Regional Meeting in Adelaide, dealing with prayer, pastoral care, the absence amongst Friends of priest, liturgy, creed or sacraments. Instead, there is daily attention to that of God within.
  2. The Handbook of Practice & Procedure 6th edn 2011 is published by the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Australia Inc. The Handbook describes the organisational framework of the Society in Australia and contains guidelines on the conduct of the component parts of the Society. The Handbook is available online as an interactive file and in portable document format (pdf).
  3. A Quaker Book of Wisdom: Life Lessons In Simplicity, Service, And Common Sense by Robert Lawrence Smith (published by Eagle Brook, New York, c1998).
  4. This We Can Say (by the AYM Faith and Practice Committee 2003, 352 pp.) is a compilation of brief writings on their religious life, faith and thought by around 250 Friends, chiefly Australian.
  5. Quaker Ways (edited by Elizabeth Stevenson 1996, 58 pp.) was written for Junior Young Friends (aged 10 –16) by a score of Australian Friends. It explains, in simple language and pictures, Friends’ manner of living and the key ideas behind it.
  6. A Light that is Shining (by Harvey Gillman 1988, 101 pp.) has become the standard introduction to Quakerism sent to enquirers in England. It describes the Quaker outlook, based on the common experience of a creative, loving power in all people and in the world around, however hidden. This leads to worship in the form of quiet waiting, a freedom from creeds and hierarchy, an emphasis on Spirit-led action, and so on.
  7. Encounter with Silence (by John Punshon 1987, pp.) is a classic written by a Friend steeped in the traditions of both the un-programmed style of Quakerism in Britain and Australia, for instance, and the programmed Meetings common in America and Africa. There is gentle humour and great wisdom about silent worship, prayer, and so on, always related to the author’s own personal pilgrimage. The non-Quaker theologian Matthew Fox wrote a foreword.
  8. Quaker by Convincement (by Geoffrey Hubbard 1985, 253 pp.) is a book often borrowed from Meeting House libraries. The author was a research scientist and convert from being ‘a fairly humanistic agnostic’. He points out that becoming a Quaker is to make a commitment to God, not to the Society of Friends. Also, that membership of the Society is compatible with participation in other churches. The book includes a brief history of Friends, their core beliefs, the link to behaviour (peace; materialism; sexuality; crime; etc) and Quaker organization.
  9. Introducing Quakers (by George Gorman 1981, pp.) describes the wide range of religious belief within the Society of Friends but unity on the greater importance of Christ-like behaviour than dogma. There are wise words about the Bible, miracles, death, Quaker worship, sense of community and simplicity.
  10. Coming Home: an introduction to the Quakers (by Gerald Priestland 1981, pp.) is a racy pamphlet written by a Friend who was a war correspondent and then popular BBC broadcaster. He wrote to explain how he became a Quaker, to undermine "Friends’ distressingly virtuous reputation”, and to respond to George Fox’s query: "Christ saith this, and the apostles say this – but what canst thou say?"
  11. Friends (by Richard T. Vann 1974, 3 pp.) is the heading of a neat and scholarly account of the Society in the Encyclopedia Britannica (vol. 7, p. 743). It deals with the basic tenet of the Inner Light, the Society’s history (notably in America), its organization and its influence in the world.
  12. The Amazing Fact of Quaker Worship (by George Gorman 1973, 158pp.) answers questions such as - What do we worship? How best? How connect worship and life? How does the Quaker community work? The last brief chapter testifies to the Meeting for Worship as a gateway to transcendence, the simple happiness of living.
  13. Friends in deed: 50 years of Quaker Service Australia (by Heather Saville 2009, 343pp.) This book gives a personal and engaging background to Australian Quaker's international aid and development work over the past half a century. It explores questions of why we get involved, what works and what doesn't, and what we could be doing better.
  14. "QUAKERS in BRIEF"or "QUAKERISM made EASY" (An over-view of the Quaker movement from 1650 to 1990) David M Murray-Rust Birkenhead Meeting, Merseyside, UK 1995 can be downloaded as a .pdf (252 kb)here.
  15. George Fox's Journal with a study guide is available online atwww.strecorsoc.org/gfox/title.html You can read on screen or download in RTF or plain text format to search, read or print in a word processor. George Fox was the itinerant preacher who first called together those who were to become the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

Want to know more about Quakers?

These publications are available from most capital city Meeting House libaries:
A Light That is Shining (Harvey Gillman, 1988, 101 pages) Although written some time ago, this is still a standard introduction to Quakerism. It describes the Quaker outlook based on the common experience of a creative, loving power in all people and in the world around, however hidden, which leads to worship in the form of quiet waiting, freedom from creeds and hierarchy and an emphasis on Spirit-led action.
Introducing Quakers (George H. Gorman, 1981, 81 pages) This is an easy-to-read overview which covers the beliefs and practices of Quakerism, mainly from a broadly Christian perspective. An older book, and so a bit dated in parts, it is still well worth reading.
Quakerism – A Mature Religion for Today (David Hodgkin, 1988 24 pages) A concise outline of the relationship of Quakers to mainstream Christian churches as well as inspiration from other faiths, the Quaker Meeting for Worship, prayer and faith in action
Advices and Queries (Australia Yearly Meeting, 2008, 18 pages). This small booklet contains pieces of wisdom as well as challenging questions on spiritual and temporal issues for us to consider as we try to live a Spirit-led life.
An Introduction to Quakerism (Pink Dandelion, 2007, 277 pages) A scholarly, but very readable, comprehensive introduction to Quakerism. After looking at the early history of Quakerism, the book examines how Quakerism developed theologically with its spread to different parts of the world, and how this is reflected in the diverse traditions and practices encompassed in today’s world-wide, broadlybased Quakerism. It also examines Quaker belief, thought and testimonies and is interspersed with boxes of information which enrich our understanding of the text, as do the many photographs, diagrams and tables.
The Quakers: A Very Short Introduction (Pink Dandelion, 2008, 142 pages) This small-sized, concise book encompasses Quaker history, thought, belief, worship and development around the world. A must-read for Quakers and newcomers alike.
Silence and Witness: the Quaker tradition (Michael Birkel, 2004, 144 pages) A meaty and inviting introduction to Quaker thought and spiritual life.
Encounter with Silence (John Punshon, 1987, 131 pages) is a classic, written by a Friend steeped in the traditions of both the un-programmed style of Quakerism (as in Britain and Australia), and the programmed Meetings common in Africa and a large part of the United States. There is gentle humour and great wisdom about silent worship and prayer, based on the author’s personal Christian, mystical pilgrimage.
New Light: 12 Quaker Voices (Jennifer Kavanagh, 2009, 224 pages) 12 Friends each give their understanding of a range of topics, demonstrating that Quakers follow a wideranging way that embraces maximum spirituality with minimum religion. this we can say (Australian Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice Committee, 2003, 352 pages) is a substantial compilation of writings, poems, art work and music, all centred on the religious life, faith and thought of about 250 Friends, chiefly Australian.
Quaker Reader (Jessamyn West ed.,1962, 539 pages) Don’t be put off by the size of this book, it’s one for dipping into and is a storehouse of treats. Writings from the mid 1600s to the mid-1900s, on a big range of topics – from Calvin to prayer and mysticism, childhood recollections to American Indians and isolated Quakers in Russia, and much more. With something to speak to your condition whatever your mood or inclination, this book is a delight.
A Quaker Book of Wisdom: Life Lessons in Simplicity, Service, and Common Sense(Robert Lawrence Smith, 1999, 144 pages) A small, easy-to-read and enjoyable book, which gives the personal views on Quakerism of a liberal Friend.


A long and comprehensive article on Quakerism, covering beliefs, worship, history, holy days, ethics, marriage, funerals, structure and clergy.
A very informative site with lots of useful links.
This website of conservative Quakers in the United States gives links to many different Quaker, and other, sites; most are relevant, some are not.
Youtube Put "Quakers” in the search bar, and there are many Quaker videos. Those by Watford Quakers (UK) are particularly interesting and informative.


This webpage gives the links for seven podcasts, on different Quaker topics. Each is a 40 minute talk by Ben Pink Dandelion, Honorary Professor at Birmingham University and Tutor in Postgraduate Quaker Studies at Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre in the UK, followed by questions. In-depth but easy to listen to talks.
The following publications are available from the AYM office, or on this website
The Dictionary of Australian Quaker Biography
This collection of eight ring-bound volumes includes biographies and the Testimonies to the Grace of God in the lives of Friends who have died since 1900. An annual supplement includes material on Friends who have died during the preceding year.
Price: AU 400.00 in print; AU$50.00 on CD-ROM.
To order, contact AYM Secretary

Journals and newsletters

The Australian Friend
is the quarterly journal of Australia Yearly Meeting.
it is available for AU $15.00/year within Australia
and AU$25.00/year overseas.
To subscribe, contact:
AYM Office
PO Box 556
The Yearly Meeting Secretary produces a monthly newsletter,
which is posted or emailed free to members and regular attenders
on request.To subscribe, contact:
AYM Office
PO Box 556
All Regional Meetings produce monthly newsletters. These are usually displayed in the Meeting House, and subscription details are usually inside the cover or on the back page.
Contact your local Regional Meeting library.


Quaker pamphlets explain aspects of Quaker faith and practice within Australia, and are available on this website for browsing or printing out. To see the complete list of pamphlets, go to: Publications - Pamphlets.

List of Members and Attenders

A list of all members and attenders within Australia Yearly Meeting is available to those listed in this book only. They are compiled every second year by our database manager.

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