
Change: Realizing Your Greatest Potential

Change: Realizing Your Greatest Potential
Editorial Reviews
About the Author
Ilchi Lee is a respected educator, mentor, and innovator devoted to developing the awakened brain and teaching energy principles. Author of 35 books, Lee is the founder of Dahn Yoga and Brain Education System Training (BEST), techniques designed to enhance human potential and quality of life through mind-body training methods. He began Sedona Mago Retreat, a place for spiritual awakening and serves as president of the Korea Institute of Brain Science (KIBS), the University of Brain Education (UBE), the Global Cyber University in South Korea, and the International Brain Education Association.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Recognizing Nothing as one's true nature, following the guidance of our conscience -- the absolute truthfulness that comes from Nothing -- having a clear distinction between absolute and relative values, and using the Earth as the external absolute scale that matches the internal absolute truthfulness. This is where we have come on our journey together through these pages. How does this description sound to you? If it sounds close and natural to you, and if you can resonate with it, I would say it means your consciousness has gone through an unimaginable transformation during this conversation. You may well be proud of yourself even though your true nature, Nothing, doesn't have anything to feel attached to, or proud of. However, this is not yet the destination that I desired to reach. You may have found this journey delightful and liberating, but actually the most exciting part is just about to begin. So far, our conversation has been about knowing and being, more specifically knowing what we really are and being it in reality. From this point, this journey is about creating. Creating the changes that we desire in our personal lives, creating the reality that we desire to experience, and eventually creating the world that we wish for ourselves, others, and the generations to come. . . . We all want to find the key to turning our desires and dreams into reality, the secret to utilizing the theory that "thoughts become things." Proponents of the Law of Attraction advocate the power of positive thoughts, which, they say, will act like magnets to bring results your way. Similarly, followers of The Secret will say, "Hold your desires firmly in mind -- for your soul mate, financial success, better health, or whatever is important to you -- and it will manifest in your life." These teachings imply, or state boldly, that you can make things happen just by holding ideas or images of what you desire in your mind. The problem is that this secret doesn't appear to work for everybody. So you may find yourself wondering, "If the principles of quantum physics apply to everything, if it's true that observation by the conscious mind has the power to turn possibilities into reality, why doesn't my observation, my attention, affect or change things around me?" In response, I would ask you two questions: 1. Is it truly a good thing for you if your thoughts become things? 2. Do you really observe?
5.0 out of 5 starsA new awareness and understanding
ByJohnon September 25, 2013
Format: Kindle Edition
I read "Change" by Ilchi Lee and found it to be quite enlightening ( I am reading it for a second time). In his book, Mr Lee proposes a new way of viewing the world in which we live. He is a proponent of all humans living in harmony and protecting the Earth. In his view, we have the ability to create the world we want to live in. A world of great potential. To do this, Lee proposes that we change and become aware that we are all connected in some way through consciousness.

Also In this work, Mr Lee calls on thousands of years old east asian traditions and presents them in modern ways that are understandable and remarkably simple to implement. We just need to choose. Through the power of our conscious choice, we can create a positive and harmonious world and begin to heal our societies and the Earth saving both from inevitable destruction.

I highly recommend reading this book and reflecting on the many messages it contains. See what awakenings you may have once you put it down.
Discovering Change
ByAmazon Customeron September 16, 2013
Format: Hardcover
Thank you. Discovering Change is so powerful. Although, change is usually uncomfortable for me, this gives me a tool to discover change, and welcome it. I find out that not liking change only keeps me in the same spot, situation, and circumstances, with no growth & becoming dull. I want to create the life I've always wanted and the only way to do that is to Change. This is a must read, not only once, but 2,3,5,10 times =)
5.0 out of 5 stars
Change that starts within creates more than you imagined!
ByWheeln4lifeon September 16, 2013
Format: Kindle Edition
Ilchi Lee's book "CHANGE" completes the course for those who are actively seeking a wholistic natural view, who want to realign themselves back to their orginal source of life energy! This book awakened my Divine-Human-Earth connections and helped me guide myself back to a pure state where all life is interconnected and vibrating together in a beautiful symphony of consciousness! When I change so does my reality!
5.0 out of 5 stars
time to change for my life
BySaraon October 6, 2013
Format: Hardcover
This book's title grabs my attention. After reading this book, I felt my brain is opened by new information. I got the desire to change myself. Also, I have a hope that it is possible. I appreciate for writer who is Ilchi Lee. I got the courage for changing little better then now for myself and same time for others. It is very exciting things.Change: Realizing Your Greatest Potential
5.0 out of 5 stars
change is possible and evitable
ByHong Young Kimon October 16, 2013
Format: Hardcover|Verified Purchase
the confidence, power, and wisdom to create changes in our life come from what we really are, from knowing our changeless nature. It is true. We need to know who we are for true change.
5.0 out of 5 starsChange itself is supported by nature
ByJane Gon October 16, 2013
Format: Hardcover|Verified Purchase
I know I need to change. Most of us do. And, most of us are afraid to change. Even though we can acknowledge that everything around us is changing. In fact, that seems to be the one constant that exists---that everything changes. And, yet we resist that change. In this newest book by Ilchi Lee, he gives very simple and clear explanations from science and life experience to support our journey through changes in our life. I especially loved hearing that Nature itself supports our every effort to change! Just knowing this makes the changes I want to make more possible. Isn't it great news? Read this book to find more support in your efforts to change and create the life you truly want.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Why Change?
ByJin Heeon October 14, 2013
Format: Hardcover|Verified Purchase
The latest book by Ilchi Lee emphasizes the power of choice to make changes in our lives. Our lives are constantly evolving and changing every minute. Do you let the changes happen to you, or do you cause the changes to happen in your life? The author tells us that honestly looking at yourself and realizing your true value in the world is the first step. Then taking action to let others realize their true value becomes the next step in creating the world in which everyone is happy. Our society that emphasized money, power and fame resulted in wars, poverty and cruelty. If we could focus on similarities instead of differences, we can create the world of peace, prosperity and kindness. If you want to achieve health, happiness and peace for yourself and others, we have to take action. If you just let change happen to you, you become stuck in the matrix and become unable to change. Choose to make changes that are positive not just for yourself, but for your family, friends, co-workers and the earth. It is time to wake up before it's too late!
5.0 out of 5 starsEye-opening book!
Byhumantigeron October 12, 2013
Format: Hardcover|Verified Purchase
Change is something everyone has hoped for, or prayed for at some point in their life. Sometimes it happens quickly, but other times... the phrase "the more things change, the more they stay the same." is too often true. People can get stuck in old patterns and habits. Clinging to those patterns and habits will draw us to an inevitable future.
The simple genius and universal truths in the "Change" book, doesn't only help us with an old habit or two, it is a key to unlock our unlimited potential and can be instructive to nearly every aspect of life. Changing how we see ourselves, creates the change we want to see in the world. A simply amazing book! You can't read this and not have new awakenings. I will be reading this again.
4.0 out of 5 starsInteresting Read
ByAmazon Customeron October 15, 2013
Format: Hardcover
Overall, the book showed the science behind positive thinking and the power of attraction. It helped me to manifest the changes that I want in life in a practical, easy way. The way that the book was written was inspiring and made it easy to transition from 'I'm afraid to try this,' to 'Let's give this a go.' Good, easy read.
5.0 out of 5 starsThis is amazing book
ByJi H Kimon October 18, 2013
Format: Hardcover
I love this book so much. I have been read a lots of spiritual books and self help books. But this is the most powerful book for me. This book suggest ways that we can create change in our life and this world. I feel so much hope in me and our future by reading this book.

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