



Helping Hands Korea is one of the most prominent groups involved with North Korean refugees. Based in Seoul, South Korea, Helping Hands Korea is managed by Mr. Tim Peters, an American.

While Helping Hands Korea and Mr. Tim Peters have been featured prominently by the international media, many of the NGOs listed on this website and even US government hearings, it has come to light that Helping Hands Korea and Mr. Tim Peters are linked to Family Care Foundation.

What is "Family Care Foundation"?

Family Care Foundation, a.k.a. "Family Missionary Fellowship", "The Family International", "The Family", "The Children of God", is a pedophilia cult that promoted and/or still promotes sex with and between children of its adult members. The plethora of names for the group apparently stems from its attempts to avoid detection by law enforcement agencies and to skirt lawsuits brought by the children, who are now adults.

Helping Hands Korea's website asks Americans to donate through Family Care Foundation ("FCF") and Mr. Tim Peters is quoted as admitting his membership in the group, which keeps 10% of the donations to Helping Hands Korea and features Helping Hands Korea and Mr. Tim Peters prominently on its website.

One of the few things more important than aiding the most persecuted Christians in the world is glorifying or at least not tarnishing the holy name of Jesus Christ. If donations to Helping Hands Korea or Mr. Tim Peters end up supporting Family Care Foundation and if Mr. Peters' work through Helping Hands Korea helps to legitimize Family Care Foundation or any other name linked to a pedophile cult, then that work is not of God.

NorthKoreanChristians.com asked Mr. Tim Peters to clarify his relationship with Family Care Foundation. Not having heard back from him, this page had to be presented, not without sadness. If Mr. Tim Peters responds in the future and severs his relationship with Family Care Foundation, this page will be updated accordingly (If you would like to be emailed regarding this or other updates on this website, please feel free to click here and email). 

For the enquiry sent to Mr. Tim Peters, please click here

2011 UPDATE:

Helping Hands Korea's updated website no longer advises donations to be directed to Family Care Foundation (http://www.helpinghandskorea.org/how-to-help/), although US-based donors seeking tax benefits are advised to email to receive further instructions on how to donate. Also included is a new webpage  (http://www.helpinghandskorea.org/who-were-not/) that states:

"Who We're Not

Helping Hands Korea (HHK) is a non-denominational Christian NGO based in East Asia that is not affiliated with any religious, charitable or political organization that includes the name ‘Family.’ That is, HHK is NOT affiliated with The Family International, Focus on the Family, Family Care Foundation, The Family (political network) etc. Posting this fact has become necessary in light of the unfortunate presence of highly defamatory, slanderous and misleading information posted on the Internet about HHK and its founder."

Moreover, the Family Care Foundation's webpage linked above (http://www.familycare.org/network/p01.htm) returns a "Page Not Found" error message.

The content no longer found appears to have been moved to another Family Care Foundation website that still features Helping Hands Korea prominently, including on its home page: http://www.familycare-foundation.org/. The link to the page titled, "Family Care Foundation Connection" leads to the page, http://www.familycare-foundation.org/fcf-connection.html, which states:

"The Family Care Foundation network has developed through identifying existing, successful programs such as Helping Hands Korea to partner with. This arrangement helps achieve our mission, while in turn to help them build capacity. Working in joint venture partnerships and coalitions that strengthen global grassroots philanthropy and its leadership, our unique approach leverages the resources entrusted to our care.

While Helping Hands Korea is no longer a project partner of FCF, we view this type of transition as a building block in our role of incubating effective philanthropic ideas and entrepreneurial leadership, in that Helping Hands Korea now operates as its own independent NGO."

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