
(19) 【フライブルク市長 Dr. Dieter Salomon 氏について】... - Yoshio Haraguchi

(19) 【フライブルク市長 Dr. Dieter Salomon 氏について】... - Yoshio Haraguchi

【フライブルク市長 Dr. Dieter Salomon 氏について】
From Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia
Dieter Salomon (born 9 August 1960 in Melbourne, Australia) is a German politician and mayor of Freiburg im Breisgau. He is a member of the Alliance '90/The Greens.
Dieter Salomon grew up in the German Allgäu. He received his Abitur in 1979 in Oberstdorf and moved to Freiburg to study Political Science, Public Finance and Roman Philology. He received a Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Freiburg in 1991. During his time as a student he became active in the local chapter of the Alliance '90/The Greens.
He was married to Helen Hall-Salomon and has one child from a previous marriage. Since 2011 he lived separated from his wife[1][2] At the end of 2015 he married his new partnerin in Melbourne, Helga Mayer.
<Political career>
From 1990 until 2000 Salomon was a member of Freiburg city council, and was a member of the Landtag of Baden-Württemberg from 1992. From April 2002, he was the head of the Baden-Württemberg Green Party fraction and lead candidate for state elections.
He became mayor of Freiburg on 1 July 2002, after receiving 64.4% of votes on the second ballot held on 5 May 2002, thereby becoming the first Green mayor of a large German city and only the second or third in the whole of Germany. Once elected mayor of Freiburg, he resigned his position in the Landtag. Within the Green Party, he is considered a Realo.
<Other activities>
・Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Member of the Board of Trustees
・Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics, Member of the Board of Trustees
<Written Works>
・Salomon, Dieter (1992). Grüne Theorie und graue Wirklichkeit: die Grünen und die Basisdemokratie (in German). Freiburg: Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut. ISBN 978-3-928597-03-6. OCLC 32350409.
・Thaa, Winfried; Salomon, Dieter; Gräber, Gerhard (1994). Grüne an der Macht: Widerstände und Chancen grün-alternativer Regierungsbeteiligungen (in German). Cologne: Bund-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-7663-2521-1. OCLC 31605999




実は先日、辛淑玉さんのフェイスブックに初めてコメントし、在日が主体となって反日ヘイト・レイシズムへの反対運動を起こしてはどうかと、それが在日へのヘイトスピーチを減らすことにもつながるのではないかと提案しましたが、予想通り一部の口汚い罵り以外は何の反応もありません。そして何も変わらないでしょう。健全な左翼の復活を望んでいるのですが、当分は無理みたいですねSee Translation
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Yoshio Haraguchi 先日、朴裕河氏を支援するグループで紹介されていたあるブログを知りました。元挺対協と関わった(メンバーだったかも)、最近日本国籍を取った在日朝鮮人の方のブログですが、挺対協の裏側をかなり深く知る人のようです。ご参考までにリンクを挙げておきます。
See Translation
「良いニュースはいつ来るのやら」…秋夕(チュソク)控えた慰安婦被害者ハルモニたちのため息 (2016.9.10 ハンギョレ) 挺隊協所属の活動家とボランティアたちは、ソウル、京畿道、全羅道、慶尚道にチームを分け、14人の慰安婦被害者ハルモニたちと会った。挺対協と市民が集
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