
Ever wondered what North Korean TV looks like? Here's an hours worth of it! - YouTube

Ever wondered what North Korean TV looks like? Here's an hours worth of it! - YouTube
Ever wondered what North Korean TV looks like? Here's an hours worth of it!

Sgt. T. Zonday, 1st ID CIA Meme Warfare DivisionPublished on 19 Mar 2017
Thank you /u/Weaselbane on reddit for the timestamps! 
0:00 – Dance routine of women in uniform and combat boots, intersting in a 1940s-50s dance number movie sort of way 
5:00 – Museum of something about westerners and spying equipment? The dangers of using commercial electronics, maybe using them to spy on you? 
10:30 – Boy and mother being brainwashed by a (Catholic?) priest and then the priest kills the boy, obviously about how dangerous western religions are 18:30 – ode to the patriotic tractor? Ends in a reference to 1955 
20:00 – Ebullient woman talking about making clothes, complete with lots of certificates of some sort commentary and scenes about making fabric and clothes. 
29:30 – Rock mining. People drilling rocks, and rock being dumped as fill? I couldn’t tell if this was about the rock being used, or if it was about making a tunnel 
35:00 – A bunch of images of people working, marching, doing things with a soundtrack of singing. Getting a little glazed eyed here. The Great Leader is shown directing some activities with great vigor. 
37:45 – Something about the early earth and its creation, with comets raining down and life evolving, fossils. Cuts to animatronic dinosaurs in a museum. Ah, it is a museum on natural history. 
48:00 – Two very young children playing a duet on the piano, they look to be 5-6. 
51:00 – Child (8-10) dancing with a stick, somersaulting, spinning, 
54:00 – Two very young children playing a duet on stringed instruments 56:30 – Young girl (8-10?) choir singing a song and playing harmonica, move over K-Pop, you’ve been replaced 
58:30 – More very young kids, this time boys and girls, doing an outdoors dance and song routine Browsing around on the net late at night yesterday, I found a link someone had posted to 4chan of a stream that could be added into VLC relaying back a seemingly hacked live feed of North Korean television. North Koreans only have working TV for 8 hours on the weekend (which, due to their strict 6 day workweek, is only one day) and 3 hours after 5PM on weekdays, other than that it gets completely shut off. I recorded about an hour of it to share. Enjoy!

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