For this episode I found myself embeded with a small community in Japan. They were born there, they speak the language. But they're not Japanese citizens, or even ethnically Japanese - they're North Korean. There's about 150,000 of them living in Japan today, and they've been there for over a century. This community has close ties with the regime in Pyongyang, which supports them financially (and vice-versa). But more importantly, Pyongyang offers them an identity, a heritage, and cultural legitimacy - things that some elements of Japanese society work to deny them.
For this episode I found myself embeded with a small community in Japan. They were born there, they speak the language. But they're not Japanese citizens, or even ethnically Japanese - they're North Korean. There's about 150,000 of them living in Japan today, and they've been there for over a century. This community has close ties with the regime in Pyongyang, which supports them financially (and vice-versa). But more importantly, Pyongyang offers them an identity, a heritage, and cultural legitimacy - things that some elements of Japanese society work to deny them.
Inside North Korea's bubble in Japan
Published on 31 Oct 2017
Why North Korea has children’s schools in Japan
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--------------------Follow Johnny to stay up to date on Vox Borders:
I've heard people say that the video of the North Korean torture is
fake Anyone know for sure?
Vox thanks for this videos. Thully refreshing!
Next time please get someone who knows Japanese to check your Japanese titles.
is not how you spell Tokyo (unless you live in 1943, which is the last year 東京市
existed), and you're using a Chinese font to write Japanese, which looks wrong
and, worse, is missing the 学 character in 朝鮮大学校, so that character ended up
being written in another font. This looks really amateurish.
Read more
Thank you for this documentary. Consider my mind blown. I used to think
that if North Koreans had the chance to access the internet, to see how the
outside world views their country, perhaps they would be less fanatical. But
thank you for showcasing a community that I didn't even knew existed that has
seriously challenged my perspective of how opinions and beliefs work.
Read more
So what are their economic opportunities compared to Japanese? What
percent go to college, what are the crime rates, poverty? All that talk about
heritage, identity, and culture is cheap and imprecise when compared to
economic factors that actually measure quality of life.
While you guys are doing videos on how the Japanese are out Americaning
America when it comes to blind nationalism, you guys should do a video about
Vox i
HI Johnny, any plans in Indonesia?
Borders: Catalonia
Vox, beautiful, Johnny. I can really tell this took a lot of time and
trust building
3 more?!? I thought this would be endless! I wish I never knew ! Now
I'll be counting down mentally each Tuesday ...
$78 for a t-shirt?!?! You cant be serious.
Very well made documentaries! Well done sir
If they think they're oppressed, maybe they should go "home"
to North Korea. I'm sure that would be much better for them...
these documentaries are amazing
Vox are you guys gonna talk about Islam? That would be interesting
Vox great doc, as always, but I'm really confused about this
relationship to North Korea...nearly all these Koreans originate from South
Korea, so why doesn't South Korea help them? And surely these families still
have ties to that country (the war/division was very recent)? To break that
cycle in that diagram, there are so many solutions...Japan could fund the
Korean schools, on condition of comprehensive education about world history,
Japanese history, and full Korean history (North + South), not the northern
propaganda they are filling those kids minds with right now. This wiuld build
awareness/education on the issues and what they were missing and build closer
ties to their current home. Alternatively, Japan could offer to pay for
relocation of these Koreans to North or South Korea (the choice should be
obvious for them, since they ORIGINATE from the South), and surely that would be
what this isolated, discriminated against Japanese-Korean population wants?
Finally, the South Korean government could simply do what the North Koreans
used to do, to de-radicalize these people, by funding their
schools/businesses/etc. The Japanese-Koreans would become grateful to the
South, learn about their shared history, and, crucially, no longer funnel money
or show devotion to the twisted Northern regime, while also no longer having
(as big) a target on their backs by the Japanese, as Japan's concern is mostly
around the violent/nuclear/propaganda-filled North brainwashing their local
Korean population - not the South. Did you ask about any of these scenarios?!?
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Btw, why did you guys advertise pants in this video xD?
As a wheelchair bound individual who goes through many pairs of
sweatpants, I was curious if those Lululemon ABC pants would be a good sturdy
but comfortable alternative to the $12 (on sale) variety that I currently wear.
Well, at $128 I have to say, sadly, nope. Dollar per dollar I get more use out
of 10 pairs of cheap-o sweatpants. Now, don't get me wrong. I can see the value
of having something that would hold up on a long trip so that you don't have to
worry about getting new pants every once in awhile. Heck, if you can afford to
travel, you can afford the pants. But, man, I just can't afford that. Maybe I
could get one pair a year? :/
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What about South Korean schools? was that museum available for South
Koreans? I want to see something other than the North Koreans
I'm enjoying this series a lot and so excited to have an American media
outlet cover this issue. I'm American born but was raised in Tokyo and live
here now. While I thought there was excellent reporting in this piece, I have
to say I think you've mischaracterized the issue somewhat. The people you are
discussing, Zainichi Koreans, identify as "Korean" not as North
Korean, as you say in this piece. And while that is a complicated identity in
Japan tied into North Korean politics, you bracket any connections to South
Korea in this community and, in fact, in multiple instances mistranslate
"Korea" to North Korea in order to make the North Korea vs. Japan
narrative more accessible to Western audiences. The idea of the Korean
Peninsula being two nations or heritages with a separate Northern is contested
in this community, not a notion embraced as you make it out to be.
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You never asked them, why they don't leave Japan? If some do? Has any
of them ever lived and worked in NKorea beyond a short visit? What are their
feelings towards Japan? Do they love Japan too? If there is an attack on Japan
will they ask NKorea to stop in statements? can there be korean identity and
culture without the Kim dynasty? tell me asked some of these questions at
least!!! Is it your policy to just look and say what they say and challenge
nothing? I can respect that... but this video comes so short as to make me
personally empathize and understand either side! interesting topic, and kudos
for that. IMO, it never came to fruition...
Read more
japan always unique contry
Hey Johnny I heard what happened, and I hope you feel better soon ❤️
Vox left
Vox can you tell me who actually died in Hiroshima and it
Koreans or Japanese....and do you know how many Indian INA soldiers were eaten
by Japs and who dug the tunnels in pumic rock
Hello ?? already thursday and no episode ??? plz be punctual
@farouk he got into a car accident. they gave some notification that
the show will be delayed until he recovers @vox It might be worth noting that
none of the people in this video spoke Korean, they all spoke Japanese
Only 3 more? This is worse than watching a 12 episode anime.
is there no update yet?😁
No episode has been released this Teusday (09.11). When is it going to
be released? Eagerly waiting..
Yo, when the hell is the next one going to come?
Vox I feel very sad for them. I praise the man who helps preserve them.
They are like the Native Americans. They need their identity and culture
protected but why can't they move to North Korea where they won't be
在日本朝鮮人総聯合会は、北朝鮮が日本に設置したスパイ組織です。破壊活動、諜報活動、拉致、彼らは多くの違法行為を行ってきました。朝鮮学校は在日本朝鮮人総聯合会の傘下にある学校です。朝鮮学校は北朝鮮の為に働く人材を育てる為の思想教育を行う学校であり、金正恩に対しては「私たちの朝鮮学校と朝鮮総連をお守りくださる金正恩元帥様だけに、地の果てまでもついていく」「金正恩先生だけを頑なに信じる」と宣言しています。また、北朝鮮は優秀な学生を招聘し、日本で違法行為をさせています。また、北朝鮮に帰国した卒業生は北朝鮮が日本に潜入させるスパイを教育する役目も担っていると言われています。日本が朝鮮学校を金銭的に支援していない理由は、教育内容が教育基本法6条・学校教育法1条に基づいた「法律に定める学校」には該当しない学校である事とともに、独裁者を崇めさせる為の洗脳教育を行っている学校に税金を投入するべきではないからです。 日本、韓国、台湾。当時の日本は「一国三制度」でした。この制度の下で韓国人は朝鮮半島の政治に参加し、法律を制定しました。朝鮮では朝鮮の実情に合わせて売春に関する法律が制定され、故に日本とは売春に関する法律が異なり、韓国人は日本の制度の下では日本列島で売春婦として働くことができませんでした。しかし、許可を得ずに不法に働いた女性はいたと考えられます。 韓国人が日本に移動する場合には、渡航許可証を取得する必要がありました。しかし、許可証を得ることは困難であり、朝鮮では偽造、強盗、売買などの違法行為が頻繁に発生しました。現代の日本にいる在日韓国人のうち30〜50%が日本に不法に渡航してきた人とその子孫です。 渡航許可証が必要だった理由は、日本が朝鮮半島を統治して以降、韓国は急激に経済が発展しましたが、朝鮮半島にはその人口を支えるだけの仕事はなく、韓国人は職を求めて日本に移住して来ましたが、日本にも膨大な人数の韓国人を受け入れられる就職先はなく、日本人が就職難に陥った為に、韓国人が日本に移動してくる事を制限するべきだとの声が高まった為です。 この法律の制定以降、日本政府は渡航許可証を持たずに違法に日本に来た韓国人を朝鮮半島に戻しました。 朝鮮半島で徴用が開始されたのは1944年9月です。その他に、日本政府は1942年から朝鮮半島で「官斡旋」と呼ばれる工場労働者の募集を行いましたが、日本にいた全ての朝鮮人の内、徴用によって日本に来た人は2%未満であり、官斡旋によって日本に来た人は約4%です。彼らは日本に生活基盤がなく、敗戦後の日本に滞在し続ける理由がなかったので、大部分の人々は日本の敗戦後に朝鮮半島に帰りました。 第二次世界大戦直後から李承晩政権の圧政と弾圧などにより多くの韓国人が日本に不法入国しました。 日本政府は1959年から1984年にかけて朝鮮半島に朝鮮人を戻すために「帰国事業」を行い、帰国を選択した多くの韓国人が朝鮮半島に戻りました。 上記のような理由で、現在日本にいる大韓民国及び朝鮮民主主義人民共和国の国籍を持つ人々の殆どは自らの意思で日本に来た人々とその子孫です。
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Great Content
@pureheat101 Oh !! sorry I hope he's fine ... thanks for the answer and
have a good day
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it's amazing how brainwashed they are about the state of their
"home" even though they've never even lived there.
I would advise you to consider your own view before you scrutinize
theirs. Are you religious or do you have any view that are mostly because of
your heritage? It’s kind of similar.
It's not difficult at all to be brainwashed considering the country
they live in hates them. The last part of the video explains the cyclical
process that contributes to the inane deification of North Korea.
Ryan Bananahands The thing is, North Korea is a totalitarian
dictatorship that is brutal towards many of their own people and lets millions
live in absolute poverty. I understand the idea of having an ancestral
homeland, however South Korea is also the ancestral homeland of the Koreans and
it is actually a decent place to live with a decent government. It seems like
they are praising and admiring the Kim dynasty for their contributions to the
Korean schools in Japan, while ignoring all of the terrible atrocities they
have committed. Of course, it doesn't help that their schools are
indoctrinating the students, and that their trip to North Korea is largely
artificial and staged, but Japan is a free society with freedom of speech and
freedom of the press, so it's really not that hard to see how bad the North
Korean regime really is.
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Japan should pull all funding of their school so they are forced to
attend Japanese schools like when America forced blacks to go to white
But it is in his blood and ancestors... you can't deny that
Well, americans are not any less brainwashed, when it comes to their
patriotism, invading other countries, killing hundreds of thousands for their
economic interests!!!
sounds like america with the rest of the world lol
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hmm... If that's the case, why don't these people leave Japan and live
in North Korea. That way they will be in place which they love and admire and
it will also help Japan not to waste their tax payers money on people who don't
love Japan. It's like this .... If you are my children and all the time you say
that other parents are better, then just leave and live with the other parent.
No need to come back home. That way, I don't have to waste my time and effort
on you.
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North Korea has a very strict anti immigration policy, I don't think
they would let'em in.
Many returned already.
I think a better example would be you having kidnapped some children.
You spend most of their childhood telling them that they're not your children
and you'll never consider them to be your children. They don't have the means
to go back home and so their biological creepy uncle takes advantage of this by
sending them money and supporting them while their parents deal with the
aftermath of a traumatic event and as a result they see him more as a father
then you. By no means do I support North Korea but I do believe that it's not
their fault that they don't feel a strong devotion to the country of Japan
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Editing mistake at 0:49 it should
say (Tokyo-to) 東京都 not (Tokyo-shi) 東京市
View all 23 replies
Although allowing a separate North Korean school on Japanese soil may
seem like the right thing to do, it is a divisive policy that ensures ongoing
separation for generations to come. Consider what happened in Singapore when
cultural integration was mandated by a series of public housing initiatives.
Generations ago, people of different cultures were required to live together in
apartment buildings, requiring multicultural cooperation and at least an
element of understanding and respect for neighbors. There was no effort to
enforce language bans, though most citizens ended up bilingual. Instead of
sliding into chaos, Singapore has risen to be considered the least corrupt and
most successful city state in the world. Multiculturalism only works when there
is a foundation of mutual respect. Often that begins in schools, so children
raised in a homogeneous monoculture start out with a major disadvantage. It
should never be about 'us' vs 'them'.
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Ell Lee ????????? You are so naive. You can talk about any fantasy you
want if you do not have to back up. It is Koreans who chose to be Koreans.
There is no reason for Japan to make neutralization easy for illegal migrants,
yakuzas, people who do not obey Japanese Law and criminals. It is Koreans that
disguise themselves as Japanese using Japanese name and lie that the Japan took
names away. It is very hard to change surname in Japan. Just think why only
Koreans are hated in Japan. It is because they engage in illegal activities and
behave so badly in Japan. And when they are accused, they play victims. They
are the biggest liars and professional victims. If you want to stay in other
country, then respect the culture and tradition, follow the laws and rules of
society. If you cannot do that, then just leave. Simple as that with any other
country. It is NOT your country but it is a Japanese country. Koreans should be
deported as the original agreement said. Their permanent residence was for two
generations, and they should go home as such.
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Easy to say cuz they are all Singaporeans, Japan-born Koreans are not
even legally considered/acknowledged as citizens of Japan.
BELLOBLOCK Because they want to stay as Korean.
Actually many of them have ties to the south and a majority just want
to be accepted Korean-Japanese in Japan as it's all they've known.
BELLOBLOCK They want all the goodies in Japan but do not want to take
responsibility. The answer is NO.
I stay in singapore and we learn to respect others from school, having
racial harmony day celebrated every year in school, teaching us about how the
racial riot was started and ended in the 1960s.
Singapore has been independent only for the past 50+ years. And before
that, it was a British Colony, where people of different races and religions
had arrived from different parts of the world to work, from countries like
Malaysia, India, China, and even as far as Holland. We have 4 official
languages (English, Melayu, Tamil and Mandarin) so, we so our best to integrate
each others' culture and beliefs. Not saying that we have a perfect system,
every system definitely has its pros and cons.
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maybe this is what their government wants...japanese nationals don't
want them to integrate mix with the japanese
NO what? I wouldn't say freedom of self is considered a
"goodie" more like a human right?
BELLOBLOCK Then say that to your Kim papa that you love so much. If you
live in a foreign country, you have to follow the law and rule, respect the
culture, and fulfill the responsibility. Koreans are doing the opposite.
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Thanks for bringing all your intelligent comments to the conversation 🤦
BELLOBLOCK Ask yourself out of two million foreigners, why only Koreans
are hated. Usually, in every other country it is always the newest comer that
are most hated. But that does not apply to Koreans. They keep on doing terrible
things to Japan and to the Japanese and when accused they play victims. You
should leave Japan you hate so much.
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Hahahaha you are funny dude, seriously entertaining. Absolutely no
context to your gibberish.
This makes so much sense. But in this situation, it would only work to
asimilate the N Korean people into becoming more and more Japanese. Compared to
so many other countries that has very tolerant, open, multicultural approach to
society, Japan is relatively closed off, nationalistic. Not always in a bad
way, they are very welcoming hosts to guests, yes, but as their immigration
policy also shows, they aren't very open to mixing with other cultures. If the
model you propose was instituted, in a generation or two, these N Korean kids
wouldn't even remember they were Korean once. They would just be asimilated
into the Japanese culture, rather than creating multi cultural harmony.
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August Hayek really? Japanese are pretty racist. They just aren’t
public about it. Anyways did you forget that the Japanese enslaved these
Koreans and brought them to Japan? Japan also attacked America... remember
Pearl Harbor. The Japanese are not innocent. You also mention that Koreans are
hated it because of thousands of years of rivalry. Nothing new! Anyways I
digress. At first when I started watching I was like WTF?!?! Are you North
Koreans stupid or what? Why would you even identify as a North Korean. After I
watched I kind get it. Let them have their school. It would be completely
different if these kids where being radicalize and became subway bombers but
they just want to hold on to their identities. I’m glad Japan did get rid of
the network that was sending money back to North Korea but since they stopped
that I think they should be allowed to keep their school. I mean there are
Japanese schools in the US and again Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. North Korea
hasn’t bombed Japan and really they probably never will. Seriously though, the
North Korean people just need to assassinate the leader.
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Korea has no foundation for mutual respect. They always compare each
other. They are going to always occupy the position that is higher than
neighboring people.And they envy the success of others and bully those who are
weak. In short, Korea is a country of discrimination.
Robert K They worked as citizens' obligations. A salary was also
paid for the recruitment worker. They are not slaves but workers.
After living and working on three continents, I've decided that I'm
tired of so much defence of multiple cultures within countries. Somehow
multiculturalism always ends up being about conflict and hatred. The French
Revolution and Napoleon afterwards succeeded in reducing cultural differences
within France. Meanwhile in Spain, democracy restored cultural differences
which are now tearing the country apart again. Protecting heritage and cultural
sensitivity ends up being an excuse for hating everyone who doesn't share that
same heritage and culture.
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BELLOBLOCK You are not even funny as you cannot even read your own true
history since they are all written in Chinese characters. You cannot even CHECK
who is telling the truth....
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Eye Snap Watch the video more carefully. It is NK that wants everything
in their way.
Robert K Read proper history, not propaganda. 1. Japan did NOT enslave
Korean. They were Japanese. They are professional victims by spreading lies. 2.
There is nothing wrong with attacking PH. 3. Koreans are so hated in Japan for
their crimes, bad behaviors, illegal political activities, etc. 4. They are
brainwashing these children. Some of the spies that abducted the Japanese are
from these schools. They are communists and that is why they are in North rather
than South. Their purpose is to overthrow the Japanese government. 5. ??????
They abducted many Japanese, attacked Japanese coast guards with rocket
launchers, threatens with missiles and nuclear weapons. What more do you want?
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+Greg K Well stated, I agree. The major problems happen when one
culture decides to wall itself off within a country, living in a specific
section of a city and isolating itself with language and cultural barriers. From
there it is a short step to an 'us vs them' mentality. Many in a minority
culture feel their heritage is being lost, or at least diluted. However
government efforts to preserve minority culture need to avoid circumstances
that can boil into hatred and conflict generations later.
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'1. Japan did NOT enslave Korean. They were Japanese. They are
professional victims by spreading lies. 2. There is nothing wrong with
attacking PH. 3. Koreans are so hated in Japan for their crimes, bad behaviors,
illegal political activities, etc. 4. They are brainwashing these children.
Some of the spies that abducted the Japanese are from these schools. They are
communists and that is why they are in North rather than South. Their purpose
is to overthrow the Japanese government. 5. ?????? They abducted many Japanese,
attacked Japanese coast guards with rocket launchers, threatens with missiles
and nuclear weapons. What more do you want?' August Hayek, wow. Just wow. The
first one's already wrong, mate. Sorry to tell ya.
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spelunkerd gc
Kanna Miyabi While I do agree with you there, this video provides a
perfect insight in human intereaction and how we take opposittion and turn it
into embracement
August Hayek Yes, but that is why the embracement of their culture is
needed to allow everyone to turn their heads to the real problem
Allen Lim Persceptive really matters in this situtation as these
children are embracing their culture due to the Japanese seeing their safety
threated with North Koreas around, the NKs, very much the children see this
rejection and push aganist it, having a different point of view on a situation
can really change things, that is why no persceptive should be ignored
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spelunkerd it's true, every country does have human rights issues
but..i don't know...
General Association of Korean Residents is the spy organization which
North Korea set up in Japan. Subversive activities, espionage, Abduction, They
performed much illegality activity. The Korea school is affiliated with this
group.The Korea school performs anti-Japan education and performs education to
praise North Korean political system. And, North Korea invites excellent
student and let them do illegal activities in Japan. It is the reason why Japan
does not support Korea school.
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Japan, Korea, Taiwan. At that time, Japan was a "One country,
three systems". In conformity with the system, Korean participated in
politics in the Korean Peninsula and made a law. For that reason, Because
systems about the prostitution were different, the Koreans could not become
prostitutes under the system of the Japanese archipelago. But it is thought
that there was the woman who set to work illegally without receiving
permission. 個人的な見解として、裏の理由として、日本の売春制度では、定められた場所でしか営業はできませんが、その定められた場所というのは殆どの場合、古くからある色町であり、日本独特の秩序と文化がありましたので、そこに朝鮮人業者と朝鮮人の売春婦が入って来ることによって、場を荒らされてしまうことが嫌厭されたのではないかと思います。
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When a Korean wanted to emigrate to Japan, it has need to acquire a
permit. However, obtaining permits was difficult, and illegal acts such as
counterfeiting, robbery, buying and selling occurred frequently. Of the Koreans
who remained in Japan, 3 - 50% are people illegally residing in Japan. Current
Europe = Japan in the era of Japan-Korea Annexation. Koreans who had not
obtained permission when coming to Japan were caught. And the Japanese
Government returned them to the Korean Peninsula. People who are commandeered,
and came to Japan are fewer than 2%. Including those recruited by the Japanese
government, it is around 6%. They had no reason to stay in Japan, so most
people went back to the Korean Peninsula after the Second World War. After
World War II was over, many Koreans entered Japan illegally. In other words,
most Koreans came to Japan for own intention.
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August Hayek for real, it seem like you are the one who have been
brainwash by propaganda. I love Japanese culture and their people but to
neglect historical facts is just wrong. The Japanese did enslave Koreans! Just
like any other empire on earth.
The Japanese did not exploit a Korean. The Korean Peninsula in the era
of Japan-Korea Annexation.
thi tran ?????????? You can talk about any fantasy you want if you do
not have to back up. You made your statement, now that time to back up. Go and
explain how the Japanese enslaved Korean. Talk away. Do NOT dodge or hide.
(BTW, how do you know you are not the one that is brainwashed?)
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spelunkerd well said
the Japanese enslave many Korean women to comfort their troops. Plus the
Japanese have been in occupation of Korea for a long time. They mistreat the
Koreans and forced them to join their army. You seem more brainwashed when you
assume that the Japanese never conduct any warcrimes! Deny Japanese war crime
in WW2 is like denying the holocaust! Japan back then is an Empire, they
conduct war crimes and enslavement just like any empires before them! No
empires can last that long without that!
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If Koreans really want peace then please leave Japan. I am going to get my
japanese citizenship when I get older and I don`t want my future children to be
part of this hate cycle so please go back to your home country.
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thi tran I read that there were millions of Korean soldiers in the
imperial army so what did they do in ww2 ? Were they just bystanders ? I`ve
read that the father of the former president of south korea was the one who
rounded up their women then sold them to the japanese army. Even some Koreans I
had argued before acknowledged this fact.
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August Hayek You are correct. My mom is 1/4 Filipino and 3/4 Chinese.
She loves Japan very much and she`s got a Filipina friend that is married to a
Japanese. Her friend runs one of the biggest karaoke chains in Japan and is
extremely successful. These foreigners are interfering when they don`t know
anything about Japan except watching videos on youtube. Japan is wvery
welcoming of other nationalities that are not trouble makers.
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+Allen Lim Don't mind Hayek. They are probably a part of retarded
netto-uyoku whose failures in real life force them to compensate by spreading
hatred online. Only the words of their sacred emperors are true to them.
Leonard ????????? It is YOU who cannot back up any of your stupid
statements. What an idiot.
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The issue is that Korea in WW2 doesn't have a president! They are part
of the Japan occupied territories. There are Koreans in Japanese army because
they forced them to join. If you research 1 korean actually serve in 3
different army in ww2 (USSR, Japan, Germany). I love Japanese culture too but
that doesn't mean I don't have to acknowledge the crimes they did during their
occupations. My country experience it first hand after the French occupation
then the Japanese came and things does not turn out better.
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thi tran ?????????? You must be a real idiot. 1. Korea was annexed by
Japan: they asked for it to be modernized. They changed their mind AFTER the
War. 2. Conscription only happened towards the end of War in 1945. They were
volunteers, and were very popular and highly competitive. Stop spreading lies,
idiot. If you want to talk about Vietnam, go to Vietnam videos.
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They changed their minds because the Japanese does not treat them as
well as they think they are. Conscription already start in 1938 when Japan
engage the USSR in Manchuria. Yang Kyoungjong was one of many Korean conscripts
who were forced to fight for the Japanese army in Manchuria. It is so funny
that you are arguing and while everybody else was giving sources about the
issue you never gave out any proof or any source to proof your point. It's
common sense that Japan one of many big empires at the time conduct crimes in
their colonies/ occupied/ annexed ares like the rest of the big empires at the
time. Nanking massacre
, unit 731,
there is alot of them and you keep denying every single one of it. Who is the
brainwashed now when you keep denying without giving any sources!!!
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August Hayek Keep talking crap and I'd talk crap about your
mass-murdering Hirohito.
Leonard No, you cannot tell who is talking crap and who is not because
you cannot even read your own true history as they are all written in Chinese
characters. You can only wish. The only thing you can do is to blindly
regurgitate your stupid government fabrications and keep on dodging and hiding
when it is time to back up. You are a miserable liar.
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thi tran This is the documentary of Nanjing.
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Kanna Miyabi You are wasting your time. What these Koreans are seeking
is not the truth, justice or establishment of human rights. The issue is not
even a history issue either. They are in it just for the sake of bashing Japan
REGARDLESS of the truth. This is to do with their national philosophy and
religion, Sojunghwa, and with their identities. They never look at primary
source evidence that negate their claims, nor do the present any to back up
their claims. There is nothing rational about this issue when you talk to
Koreans about it. It is their cult.
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before apartment buildings, families lives in villages in different
house and the village host family from different race too but there are those
with majority of each and towns too. so with land scare, apartments were build
and each unit were selectively sold to the owner to have a proper mix. Language
were enforce on a few specific, base on majority and strategy while Standard
British English set as common, Chinese dialect were not allow in media as "standard
chinese lang" were set as the main chinese lang and in education too.
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shirokaze "If Koreans really want peace then please leave
Japan" I'm pretty sure the KKK said the same thing to black people in the
1960's. "Japan is wvery welcoming of other nationalities that are not
trouble makers." You literally just contradicted yourself
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August Hayek You don't even know whether I'm a Korean or not, so don't
get ahead of yourself. And you conveniently left out the fact that your written
language is a pathetic plagiarism of Chinese hanzi. Your tea drinking culture,
poetry, pottery, kimono, Confucian and Buddhist traditions are all copies of
Chinese and Korean ones. You don't have anything to be proud of. For the most
part of your history, you're just a bunch of barbarians and pirates who can't
help being envious of the achievements of greater civilizations.
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Not really. It's like allowing a ISIS-sponsored school to exist in
upstate New York.
True, but I think the reason they created this school is to protect
North Korean kids from blatant discrimination by the Japanese. Although I don't
agree with what these North Koreans educators are teaching their students, I
would much rather send my child to a school where he or she will be safe.
If they want to do that then they shouldn't raise their kids to follow
the ideology of a terror state. There are perfectly good South Korean and
international schools in Japan that their kids could attend if they were really
just afraid of racial prejudice.
A Japanese does not discriminate against a Korean, and a Korean
discriminates against a Japanese. That culture is called "Kaichitsujo".
This thought is grounded on Korea being nearer to China than Japan. However,
Japan is not a Chinese vassal state. Thus, the Japanese does not sympathize
with Korean thought. The Korean discriminates against a Japanese. It is one of
the reasons why Japanese dislike a Korean.
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I agree with you 100%. Japan absolutely did some terrible things before
and during WWII but Jesus Christ have the Koreans and Chinese been milking it
ever since. If the US, Britain and France still treated Germany in the way that
China and and Korea treat Japan then today's global landscape would look very,
very different. Why should these schools receive any money from the Japanese public
system when they openly teach an oppressive ideology that is hostile towards
Japan and calls for the destruction of Japan and its allies? They're just lucky
that Japan still allows those schools to even exist in the first place because
most other countries don't. If, for example, an Islamic faith school in Canada,
Australia, America or the UK is found to be teaching radicalist ideology or is
funded by a source that the respective government doesn't like then that school
is forcibly shut down.
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August Hayek Please replace the "Korean" part with
"Westerners" There is no incongruity at all. Do you think that you
wasting your time?
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Kanna Miyabi ???????????? What I know is that you think so but you can
neither prove your statement, nor can you know it is not you who is wasting
your time.
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cavenerd Some stupid coolies think low of their national fame - which
is true including them who can't do anything right - by spouting "if you
talk about Singapore you must be a Singaporean". We give them too much.
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cavenerd Some stupid coolies think low of their national fame - which
is true including them who can't do anything right - by spouting "if you
talk about Singapore you must be a Singaporean". We give these filthy
low-value underachievers too much.
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+August Hayek >What these Koreans are seeking is not the truth, justice
or establishment of human rights. The issue is not even a history issue either.
They are in it just for the sake of bashing Japan REGARDLESS of the truth. This
is to do with their national philosophy and religion, Sojunghwa, and with their
identities. They never look at primary source evidence that negate their
claims, nor do the present any to back up their claims. There is nothing
rational about this issue when you talk to Koreans about it. >What
these Westerner are seeking is not the truth, justice or establishment of human
rights. The issue is not even a history issue either. They are in it just for
the sake of bashing Japan REGARDLESS of the truth. This is to do with their
national philosophy and religion, Sojunghwa, and with their identities. They
never look at primary source evidence that negate their claims, nor do the
present any to back up their claims. There is nothing rational about this issue
when you talk to Westerner about it. It
is their cult. ????????????に対する回答です。分かりづらかったようなので・・・。
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Kanna Miyabi 文章の意味は分かりますが、果たしてそうなのか、ということです。
Multiculturalism never works. I agree it should never be about 'us' vs
'them', but there shouldn't a 'them' at all.
+August Hayek 告訴人の裏付けのない証言のみを信じて、被告人の証言と提出した明確な証拠を完全に無視するする姿勢は、魔女裁判と全く違いが見受けられないですよね。セイラムの魔女裁判とか昨今の移民問題を見ても分かるように西洋人の集団心理は暴走しやすく、また、同調圧力も強いのです。実は韓国人と西洋人はよく似ているのですよ。
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Kanna Miyabi サヨクは確かに。しかし一般的に西洋人はそこまでこだわる必要がないから一次資料を見せれば納得する。単純だが、良くも悪くも一神教を信じている(た)人たちですよ。 でも半島人は出発点が儒教と小中華思想。「日本人より俺たちの方が道徳的に優れている民族である」という宗教から始まる。だから一次資料を見せようが、自分たちが何の一次資料を示せれないだろうが、まったく関係なし。そもそもそんなものに興味は無いし、仮に価値を見いだせるとすれば、自分たちの宗教を証拠づけるだけの範囲においてのみ。
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Ye unfortunately Japan isn't very welcoming of 'foreign people' even if
they lived there for generations. And even within the normal Japanese schools
with purely Japanese people bullying is high if you don't fit in yet teachers
and schools can't deal with it very well in general.
wanderfulwolfie ?????????????? There are 2.5 million foreigners living
in Japan but only Koreans are complaining. How do you that? Because you are
Korean and lived in Japan disguised as Japanese, who committed all these
crimes, spread fabricated histories, engaged in illegal political activities,
and attacked the Japanese while saying you are attacked?
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August Hayek Don’t try to blame them, it’s the govt fault for not
recognizing them as Japanese citizens. From reading what you wrote, it’s clear
that you people are a very big cause to this problem. If you aren’t so racist
toward them it there would be less demands for wanting their own identity.
Blood Rose I agree with you about the schools; it’s stupid of the
Japanese government to give fundings to them.
August, nobody wants your nationalist bullshit.
Alexander, nobody wants your idiotic bullshit. BTW, I am not a
nationalist. But if I was, how do you know "nobody"?
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Culture is one things, but praising North Koreas current leader with everything
going on is a different beast entirely. I don't agree with the harassment these
kids are getting because it really isn't their fault for learning about their
heritage. But, celebrating the wrongs of your ancestors country would be like
if the Germans of today celebrated a lineage of Hitlers.
You really said it best
Or like Americans praising literally EACH one of their modern WAR
CRIMINAL presidents? Only if you had a mirror to look at!
Treasons Beta stfu American
lol too much double standards. US celebrate all their founding fathers
(mostly big slave owners themselves) and white supremacists are rising as well.
There are people who indeed support Hitler and people who like Stalin and Beria
in Russia. Don't just focus on these people, it's nothing special about North Korea.
You celebrate christopher columbus day... You learn a revisionist
version of history of george washington in school, and you have statues of
slave owners in charlottesville that cause injuries and deaths when the city
attempts to take them down. Seems like celebrating the wrongs is a trend in the
U.S., it's no different in any other part of the world. Russians view Vladimir
Lenin and Joseph Stalin positively, it's how the world works. The chinese view
Mao Zedong positively. It has much less to do with what these figures have done
and much more to do with the fact that these people are just that... Figures,
figures that happened to be pioneers when the country was made and are viewed
positively as a result. That's all there is to it.
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Great analogy. Well said.
In Germany parsing Hitler or the Nazis can get you up to 20 years of
prison time. Only an extremely small group of underground criminals do it. It's
nothing compared to the systematic brainwashed cult that they have in NK, which
is imposed on the people by the goverment
Nikolas Maximilian Yes, great German people can now choose right-wing
governments on their own, wow what an improvement for the poor!
wow your comments are so wierd man. but yeah, germans can choose their
goverment themselves, unlike north koreans. you got the point, it seems
Εκκολαπτόμενος Πεοστίφτης Idk if you're being sarcastic, but yes you're
right the poor can vote for the right wing. Usually it's not hard to spot the
right wing voters, you just have to look for skinheads, old people in East
Germany (the not so developed half of Germany) also called Hitler's residues,
unemployed alcoholic on the verge of being homeless individuals, and
school-drop out, pregnant, 14 year old mothers with really bad teeth.
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Hualan Shi Hitler did nothing wrong, he was the man who fought the
GdAkaDaesungsSugarDaddy You can also spot left wing voters easily too,
just look for the sniveling, weak effeminate looking manchildren. unemployed
alcoholic on the verge of being homeless individuals, and school-drop out,
pregnant, 14 year old mothers with really bad teeth.
There is no wrongs on North Korea they are only defending his own
Cool story bro
TO THIS DAY Americans celebrate Columbus Day, a man who committed
genocide and was actively involved with slave trade!!
LibreToiMeme "a man who committed genocide" yeah no, false.
Juan The One They can do that in their home country.
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So let me get this straight. They don't consider themselves Japanese,
they support education that is blatantly false, supporting a regime that hates
the country they are living in, then have the nerve to cry because Japanese
won't keep paying their teachers?
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Let them live in NK for a month, they will change their thinking
View all 17 replies
I understand they have a right to their own culture but North Korea
isn’t exactly a great place
SmellsLikeCurry Their close ancestors where brought to Japan as SLAVES
of Japanese imperialism, so they should forget that and their identities and
their despise by the Japanese, because DPRK is not an imperial parliamentary
Firstly, they were NOT force to come to Japan: their parents came and
decided to stay Japan for better life though they lie that they were forced.
They are always professional victims to get more concessions. Secondly, they
chose to be citizens of North Korea instead of South Korea to be communists.
Thirdly, now Kim use them to overthrow the Japanese government for a communist
revolution. That is why their crime rates are high and actively engage in
illegal political activities. They need to brainwash these kids for this jihad
and for this end they need to prey to the Kim photo everyday. They have already
kidnapped many Japanese. They are hiding many automatic weapons, rocket
launchers, hand grenades underneath their houses, some of which were revealed
after the Hanshin Earthquakes when their house were shuttered.
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They can have a Korean identity AND criticize North Korea. Millions of
South Koreans manage to do that. We in the West can criticize our governments
fiercely without abandoning our identities. Why go over the board and lick the
boots of the Kim dynasty, and then find an excuse for servitude?
Firstly, they were NOT forced to come to Japan: their parents came and
decided to stay Japan for better life, or they are illegal migrants during the
Korean War, although they lie that they were forced. They are always
professional victims to get more concessions. Secondly, they chose to be
citizens of North Korea instead of South Korea to be communists. Thirdly, now
Kim use them to overthrow the Japanese government for a communist revolution.
That is why their crime rates are high and actively engage in illegal political
activities. They need to brainwash these kids for this jihad and for this end
they need to prey to the Kim photo everyday. They have already kidnapped many
Japanese. They are hiding many automatic weapons, rocket launchers, hand
grenades underneath their houses, some of which were revealed after the Hanshin
Earthquakes when their house were shuttered.
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They should just go to South Korean or Japanese schools instead
So what? It's their choice. If the want to be north Korean let them be.
Who are you to decide what's great and what's not ?
They can to be North Korean, stick to their culture, stay disrespectful
to Japanese culture, commit crimes, behave badly towards Japanese culture in
North Korea, but not in Japan.
Ikr, I'm sorry, but I feel kind of reluctant to support their views on
North Korea and I kinda understand the Japanese people's reaction. To me, it
seems like they were swiping North Korea's crimes under the rug and trying to
avoid questions. And NO, no country is as ruthless to its people as North Korea
is, Syria came close, but even in Syria people have the freedom to leave the
country if they wanted unlike North Korea. I think they don't realize they can
be North Korean AND hate their government (Every single Arab of us does that
without having to erase our heritage). Their understanding of North Korea = Kim
Jong Un's father. I'm not educated on how good/bad Kim Jong Un's father was for
them to love and praise him so much, but to not criticize even ONE thing about
Kim Jong Un himself??? That's straight up brainwash. The interviewer should've
showed him pictures of starving North Korean children, concentration camps, and
videos of the NK refugees. I can understand why the Japanese would be enraged,
the North Koreans' dedication to covering up for such a barbaric government
would lead to doubt wether they're spies or not.
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Real question (I’m only halfway through the video)...if NKorea is so
wonderful, why are they not immigrating?
Why not just send them back.
I bet if they go back to north korea, they wont want to stay there for
Oh boy, if they go there for more than just a trip, they won't come
back at all
They can have their own culture IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY - i.e., NORTH
KOREA. If they love North Korea so much, then they should all leave Japan and
go to - OR BE DEPORTED TO - North Korea.
Change "North Korean" to "African American" and
"Japan" to "America" and see how deeply flaw all of your
arguments are: 1/ "If African American hate how America treat them so
much, why don't they go back to Africa?" 2/ "If African American want
to hold onto their root of black culture and worship black leaders, shouldn't
they go back to Africa?" 3/ "These African American decided to stay
back in America for better life. And now they whine about discrimination.
What's a bunch of professional victims". 4/ "Just deport them all to
Africa. If they can't assimilate to the way (white) American live, they can
celebrate black culture in Africa, not in America." ...and so on...
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August Hayek criminal political activities? like wanting representation
for themselves? It said clearly in the video that they were took to Japan as
slaves, they didn't choose to go to Japan.
GdAkaDaesungsSugarDaddy Japan did a lot worse than North Korea has ever
done. The USA didn't drop 2 nukes on Japan for nothing. Also look at how
Japanese treated POW's.
Watch Me Play Games You Koreans are biggest liars and professional
victims. They are descendants of those who came to Japan for better life on
their own, or of illegal migrants during the Korean War. There was NO slave in
the Japanese history. State what the "worse" thing Japan did.
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ABC pants, eh? Atomic Bacteriological Chemical - Must be sturdy stuff.
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View all 7 replies
plzz make the video on how Pakistan once open the nuclear market sell
it to n.korea...
I find this noble initiative of Japan as pure Suicidal act.
I'm will to bet $5000 you're Indian
nope, I am American by passport so where u gonna send my money...
Rajat Gupta indian by ethinicity not your passport...boi you pakistan
and india throwing shade at each other always ....dont try to be a smart ass
who the hell r u tell me what to do or not definitely ur the member of
isis...that's why so much pain for the state of terrorism...and plzz convey my
msg to ur brother plz send me my $5000 ...and u should feel the shame for ur
activity in NYC...u coward and boneless people
Rajat Gupta ye i am definetly isis yep thanks for recognozing me. Oh i
just loveeeee terrorism...yayay omg thank youu so muchhhh
Rajat Gupta YEP LOVE NYC attak lovve it.innocent people died how could
i not love are so not racist and a islamaphobic ❤❤❤
Rajat Gupta it doesn't work that way fam you were born in India thus
you're Indian
Wtf shame on both of u...u idiot supporting the killing of innocent
people... I am Islamaphobia hahaha I tell u what u have more fear than I do of
ur religion see ur names do not have enough guts to have the account with their
own name...I never said this Islam spread terrorism because according to me
terrorist has no religion...But people like u link everything to ur religion
...Pakistan is state of terrorism so where is the point religion come in
between ...tell me any 5 countries who want to trade Pakistan after having so
many resources ?? Pakistan is the country where major of terrorist trained and
create disturbance around the world ?? where Osama bin Laden found ?? out of 15
criminal in UN list 5 are in Pakistan and even one of them is standing in the
local election what does it mean?? U people like to support ISIS who kill
innocent people really shame on u ...cowards
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Rajat Gupta go look up SARCASAM and come back and look at your dumb ass
see how cheap u r instead of condemning the act of the state of
terrorism and using the bad word for me...if u respect humanity condemn them I
dont understand where is the sarcasm in it.
Rajat Gupta I never once said I'm supporting killing of anybody of any
so condemn what Pakistan is doing...5 terrorists out of 15 from UN
now what happen why not condemning the act of Pakistan or u to need 2
more days ..I told u don't try to fool people I know ur typical mentality
coward and don't forget to give mine $5000
how many people die from gun violence every day 30-50 shouldn't we be
concerned about this as it effects America every day and we know where the
people got the weapons?
you dumb why u changing ur account, again and again, u have to say that
I condemn the act of Pakistan the state of terrorism.This not justifies the act
of feeding terrorist on their land and killing innocent people.What to say UN
list of most wanted terrorists out of 15, 5 are in Pakistan and one of them
going to stand for local election. how it is even possible when ur government
and army not supporting them?? u have to condemn otherwise it is pretty clear u
like ur other two brothers are the member of ISIS. and u talking abt gun check
this video how ur local people sale gun this thing happen nowhere around the
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Does everyone like massacring the English language?
rollingknuckleball lmao
This is what inbreeding does to you.
You realize they're not native speakers? How much punjabi do you
hhh Bn. The best inbreeding deterrent is to go and look at Indians and
Pakistanis fight doing their own holy war in every comment section. They need
to make it into an advert.
This guys clearly Indian
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Simple, love your country then go live there. Why stay in Japan and
force Japan to support them? Makes no sense.
Pam injapan exactly 🙌🏻
To have the cake and eat it too.
Exactly! If they want to go back to N. Korea or value their culture so
much, why don' they go back? ffs
because Japan brought their ancestors there as slaves. People don't
choose what country they are born into. I think you may have been dropped on
your head more than once :)
i find this comment very unfair. It's like telling every immigrants in
this world to go back to their country if they missed/loved it so much, how
close minded are you??
Leon Ironically, the most close minded people here are most likely the
people from Vox with their 24/7 liberal bull. Sure, if an individual were an
illegal immigrant, they probably should(similar to any other country). To be
frank, taking in immigrants/migrants costs money. There is nothing inherently
wrong with looking out for YOUR own people first. In this case, if these kids
glorify this horrendous dictator and his values, then why stay in a foreign
country where they aren't comfortable in? Obviously the Japs wont fund schools
in their own homeland filled with N. Korea propaganda, and I respect that. This
isn't comparable to a simple immigration issue either. If you are in a country,
you should respect and integrate into their cultural norms and values, not
change it and isolate yourself into your own cultural bubble, no matter what
country it is.
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Close minded ha, no not at all. You cannot immigrate to another country
and expect them to financially support you. nor your culture. It's very simple.
Japan is Japanese why in the world would they accept outsiders who don't
represent their culture and make any type of concessions for them? Besides that
Japan is technically is STILL AT WAR with the Koreas! Why allow the enemy live
here? Because of a Armistice Agreement ? while their leader fly's missiles over
our heads and threatens us daily? which by the way is not all reported to the
world. Get real. Maybe you sit back and watch on T.V. but we live it! You talk
about unfair? The whole situation is unfair for everyone.
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Pam injapan they didn't immigrate to Japan.. They were forcibly taken
there to be slaves. You do see the difference don't you? That's it i'm
boycotting Japan now and letting all my left-wing friends know how far-right
wing Japanese are. Pity you dogs didn't get more nukes dropped on you.
I am an American! And what you just posted is uncalled for and a
horrible thing to say, nonetheless you don't know the half of it. It's a real
shame if you are American and we are here protecting you and you say such
trash. I was addressing the comment about immigrating here not the reason their
ancestors are here.
what you say don't make any sense because there are tons of other
ethnicities born into America, that probably have their own culture. For
example, a chinese born American will taste both american and chinese culture.
If he happens to relate more to chinese culture, he should go back china????
wth is this mentality in the video, they said those koreans were left with
nothing until NK funded them. If you yourself had nothing left to survive and
someone sends you money/food ofc you're gonna be forever grateful and embrace
that person. Are you gonna go live with them because they saved you????? my
guess is no.
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Pam injapan you're just a worthless bigot.. If you're in the USA I dare
you to walk up to Africans and tell them that they deserve to be deported. Your
parents must be absolute scum to bring you up with such a racist and bigotted
they can leave now boi
Leon if they love north korea so much, they have to go back there.
Japan don't want them.
Emy Watson they dont have to... If they had to, they would've been
deported already. They just value the Korean culture more than the Japanese
North Korea is anti-immigration, under any circumstance. Not a chance
they would let'em in.
Thunder Jay Many went back to North Korea. They are descendants of
those who came to Japan by their choice for better life, or of illegal migrants
during the Korean War. They came and stayed by their choice.
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Kidnapping Japanese citizens to learn Japanese culture... wtf.
Honestly, I have to side with Japan. If you have people in your own
country being taught by a foreign power that has over decades threatened to
destroy you and kidnapped/killed your own citizens, then you shouldn't have to
fund that. Like the guy said, we in the US wouldn't allow a Bin Laden memorial,
much less a school, to be built anywhere in the country, so why would they fund
a North Korean one? They won't.
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Well said. Plus, they have all the freedom to go back to NK anytime.
Send help from South Korea??? That's always an option.
Matthew Miller Are you sure? Because they're being forced into a corner
right now. Japan won't recognize them as citizens despite being born there and
maybe even have one Japanese parent and got no help from SK, only NK. They are
getting harassed for wanting to identify with a country that they have never
lived in because the country they are living right now treats them horribly.
Japan has a long history with discrimination against other Asians. It's kind of
like this: you live in a horrivle situation at home, getting screamed and
ridiculed and even harassed. And then some guy or girl comes by and they start
to help you. You know that they too are doing bad things probably even worse
then whats happening in your household but it doesn't matter. They helped you.
The others didn't.
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Knight of Spirit You are naive and easy to be fooled... It is the
Japanese students that are attacked by these Korean students all the time. The
Koreans are professional victims. These students are also trained by their
teachers to say they are attacked while they are attacking. You can read about
this in books written by Koreans who used to play the game of hunting and
assaulting Japanese students. Just about every student around him was playing
while even the teachers were encouraging. Because there is no diplomatic
relationship between Japan and NK, the NKoreans act as if they have
quasi-extraterritorial rights and the Japanese police are very weak against
them as the issue is so political. Japanese students near Korean schools are
terrified of them. They came to Japan for better life or illegally migrated during
the Korean War. Also these people chose to be North Koreans instead of South
Koreans, meaning they want to be communists, and their ultimate goal is to
overturn the Japanese government for a communist revolution. This involves
violence, illegal political activities, kidnapping Japanese, smuggling out
nuclear and missile parts, illegally sending funds home, sabotaging Japanese name it. That is one of the reason their crime rates in Japan
are so high. They need to brainwash these kids for the jihad and for this end
they need to prey to the Kim photo everyday. They have already kidnapped many
Japanese. They are hiding many automatic weapons, rocket launchers, hand
grenades underneath their houses, some of which were revealed after the Hanshin
Earthquakes when their house were shuttered. These schools would be illegal on
US or South Korean soil, even if they pay for themselves.
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Matthew Miller Because these students and teachers didn't commit those
atrocities, a fairer parallel would be an afghan school that isn't being funded
properly because they are biased toward afghan affairs and ideals, buy still, that's
just my perspective, as a non-american or Japanese, I cannot relate to 9/11 or
these kidnappings, again it is totally understandable that the government
stopped funding these schools, but for me such actions are scaremonuring not
logic based. This is an extremely complicated issue so disgusting it peacefully
is the best thing we can do.
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August Hayek Hey man, when you make claims as serious as these you need
some sources or any form of backing at all. These people support North Korea
because the Japanese government neglected them and failed to integrate them,
just like Americans do, so these outsiders are marginalised and, even if I
doubt that this is real or based on anything other than scaremonuring, become
hostile to the natives that cut funding for their schools. Also the communist
takeover of Japan can be flipped, imagine this, you are a North Korean and all
the rest of the world wants your way of life and government, that everyone you
know says it's the best there are, to be obliterated, you would feel threatened
by people trying to change your society, even if for the better you couldn't
possibly know that, so in you perspective it's the capitalist takeover of North
Korea. I believe the best way to go about this issue it's to NOT riot for these
people to leave, but rather to give them schools that aren't biased and treat
them as a Japanese citizen with a Korean background. Again, this is my
perspective, so feel free to respond, the best way to discuss this issue is
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Thales Guidote You are such a professional victim. What about all these
subsidies they got so far? This issue is right at the core of the taboo in the
present day Japanese society. It is NOT some thing you can read about or get
access to information UNLESS you have special connections and dig in. But one
thing that is clear is that you do NOT know about the history of Japan and this
issue. After the War, it was GHQ that used Koreans for the WGIP. Even though
Koreans were Japanese, after the War, all of sudden they started acting as if
they were victors in Japan acting violently in the absence of Japanese police.
They raped women and killed many Japaneses to steal properties and Police could
not do much about it. You can read about these in those day newspapers. You can
also read books written by Korean students who played games of hunting Japanese
students while their teachers were encouraging. There is no much contest
because if Japanese students fight and get caught, they will be expelled while
Koreans become hero. So the Japanese students were terrified of them. In this
video, I saw comment by a Japanese Motti, who used to get assaulted by these
Korean students. Why don't you ask him? These North Koreans could go home any
time as many of them did. But they came to Japan by their choice, and decided
to stay by their choice. If you know your way is the best, do that in your HOME
country. The Japanese are so sick of Koreans bad behaviors by now, high crime
rates, spreading lies domestically and overseas; illegal political activities;
money laundering and sending illegal money back home; smuggling out missile and
nuclear parts; demonstration against Japanese emperor; kidnapping of Japanese;
drug distribution; espionage activities; threatening Japanese corporations and
authorities; all the Yakuzas; .... you name it. You had all the chance to be
good citizens but I think that the Japnese think it is too late now.
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Matthew Miller: I guess it's hard to argue with a Trump supporter like
yourself.. but imagine that in the USA. Demonising blacks and telling them that
they should all go back to Africa. Maybe if you dogs didn't take slaves in the
first place there would be no need for them to have to go back cause they would
still be in their homeland??? I think your worthless mother dropped you on your
head too many times you disgusting racist.
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Why does everyone have to take sides on everything? I don't get it.
Watch Me Play Games First, they are descendants of those who came to
Japan for better life on their own, or of illegal migrants during the Korean
War. Second, blacks in US has nothing to do with Koreans in Japan. Third,
Koreans were not slaves in Japan. You Koreans are such a professional victims.
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August Hayek He isn't Korean, you dumb Japanese man, and also there is
a parallel between blacks and koreans, they are both minorities.
Thales Guidote He is Korean and I am not Japanese, and also still
blacks have nothing to do with Koreans in Japan. Koreans came to Japan for
better life on their own, refusing to be Japanese, committing all these crimes.
Blacks were victims but Koreans are such professional victims. They are tranied
to say they are attacked while they are attacking. That is their tradition.
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These vids are really informative, I had no idea this even existed.
Stephen Crowder debunked it
Debunked what?
Thomas Suel Pepper can you link me, I love that guy.
i just watched the same type content last night, it was a journeyman
doc about NoKor community in Japan
it is all fake, idiot. Vox is working for the CIA. It is US
천사 천사
lel your account Nice joke
Excellent reporting.
i have no idea why japan has not popped this bubble
Attractive schoolchildren?
They aren't informative at all. This vid says that Japanese Koreans are
discriminated against; are we talking about all Japanese Koreans (incl. South
Koreans?) and if so, what is the severity, frequency, and the exact instances
of such discrimination?? This video just expects you to swallow all information
thrown at you. But yes, adults harassing kids are wrong, no matter how wrong
these indoctrination camps are.
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iih Think of why out of two million foreigners living in Japan, only
Koreans are complaining about discrimination. It is Koreans that continues
their anti-Japan education based on their blatantly fabricated propaganda
history and doing terrible things in Japan.The Korean's crime rates in Japan
are so high.
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CoolMoon wow you're finally out of tht rock u been livin in. congrats
mate, welcome🤗🤗
August Hayek I don't think you understood my comments at all. My point
was that this video doesn't back up the claims they are making. And plenty of
people complain about discrimination in Japan (albeit the state better than in
some other countries, like the US); inferring that there's no discrimination in
Japan is a bit naive.
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iih It is you who are naive. No other country or nation complain about
discrimination the way Koreans do in UN, the Japanese government or media of
other countries. They are doing this systematically by playing professional
victim as a nation based on their blatantly fabricated propaganda history. It
has always been their strategy to get more concessions.
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Sources please Oh wait, you don't have any Stop embarrassing other
Japanese people with your ignorance
That does not come across in the video.
Samuel Shim Source for what? How this video isn't well made?? I already
explained it. お前信じられない馬鹿だな。会話って物の概念分かる??? 何言っているか全然わかんねーよ。 この動画の出来は良く無いって言っているのに何突っかかってんだよ、お前ら。味方さえにも批判するなんて馬鹿すぎるぜ、お前も8月さんも。大体YouTubeで返信する場合、相手を名指ししないと誰に向かっているコメントか分からないという基本的な事も分からない時点でお前は強度なコミュ障なんだよ。 こっちは動画の話をしているの。違う話題を急にふっかけているようだからリアルでも友達いねーんだよ。
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+iih I can say that I understood, as an outside American viewer, that
the video seemed to mean that the structural discrimination was against North
Koreans specifically, and usually against those that are participating in the
Chongryon community. I don't think you need to worry about people watching the
video and just thinking that Japan structurally discriminates against all
Koreans. I will say, though, that a lack of foresight by the Japanese government
likely invited these issues and the current situation. I think that their
current actions, such as refusing to subsidize these schools, is probably
correct, though. It's just unfortunate that these kids are stuck in the middle.
I feel fairly certain that if the schools were not teaching the kids to
venerate North Korea and it's leaders specifically, then the Japanese
government would begin to subsidize them again, though. So, the way out is
there if they shift their curriculums. They could still teach Korean culture
and language without the politics. The way out is there for them to take.
Honestly, I don't see why they don't since they are not getting funding from
North Korea anymore, it sounds like.
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CoolMoon Same here 😞
Deschain19 Thanks for your comment! I was getting annoyed at those
Japanese posters who can't read and just want to make dumb arguments. And yes,
I agree with your point. i haven't gone to those schools so I can't tell what
it's like but the detractors often say that they teach kids to hate Japan and
watching the video, I wouldn't be surprised if they do. They can still be proud
of their Korean heritage without vowing allegiance to the country.
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yeah neither did I. thats why I'd prefer youtube over books...quick
burst of information outweights long hours of reading without any picture for
your mind to affiliate with info.
Agreed Behnam Mahdavi. I supplement with reading, but if I had to give
just one up lately, it would be the reading. I am glad that I don't have to
because I find that I can get more depth and take my time to think better with
The more you know ay
CoolMoon I wish I didn't know about this.
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The irony is these North Korean nationalists are all speaking in
Japanese because their Korean isn't fluent enough.
It could be that it was easier to find a translator for Japanese than
for Korean.
If I were a hard-liner Korean. I would request that I must be
interviewed in Korean. Symbolism matters.
I have a friend who had to go North Korean school in Japan. She can
speak fluent Korean and Japanese. She said she had to spend 2 weeks in NK for
school. Don't think she cared for it. Too me though she was 100% Japanese.
I believe to survive in Japan they had to blend in with fluent Kanji
Waw sounds you know everything
Always lossless lol
If they did the interviews in Korean, the Japanese Nationalists could
just use it as further fuel. Remember they are in a nation which will still
require them to speak its language first in most formal cases.
Justin M No, I did NOT know that. How do you know that?
Hayek, Korean is not an official language of Japan.
Justin M How come many people speak English, Chinese or whatever in
Japan, but not Korean?
August Hayek. I live in Japan and not many people can speak English, so
I don't think many would know Chinese or any other languages.
Hunderworld Kanji is a writing system and Koreans use it as well, or at
least they used too.
Goes to show how effective the Japanese are at trying to suppress
Korean culture.
Uninformed. The Korean language spoken in the North is basically it's
own language. It's not like the Korean spoken in South Korea at all. Finding a
translator for the Korean language taught in the school would probably be
difficult unless they had a North Korean defector that also knew English or
Japanese at hand. In contrast, plenty of people know Japanese and could translate
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These kids are already brainwashed. Wondered if they would feel the
same if they were deported to NK.
This is straight up Chongryon propaganda. These students are brain
washed to praise the dictator and are kept behind from the free society of
Japan. Look at how in every classroom, there is a picture of the leaders that
commited horrific atrocities, to their own citizens. These institutions must
cut their ties with North Korea if they want to take part in the Japanese
society. The German immigrants in the US were able to assimilate to the US back
in early 20 century because they fought against their country of origins in the
two wars. If they don't want us complaining about their secret pipelines with
the nation pointing missiles at us, they are more than welcome to go back to
their land of glory.
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Have you felt how much effort Vox puts on making look crappy,
dictatorial regimes like the one in North Korea on a favorable light?
View all 9 replies
Do you ask why they stay in their hating country? Because they can lead
better life in Japan than in their mother country. Do you ask why they don't
get Japanese nationality? Because they can enjoy privilege with victim
business. This kind of unfavorable fact which has been covered by victor's history
is getting revealed. Comfort woman issue, Nanjing incident, etc are same.
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You're right. Humans who can assimilate are accept.
Kind of like Muslims in America. Also some immigrant hispanics...
There's a video of an immigrant woman crying on national tv because her husband
was deported. No one was holding her back to visit her husband in Mexico. If it
was that bad she should have gone to mexico to be with him. But she wanted the
luxuries in America.
+Kitty George The descendants of mass murderers who regularly deny the
crime of their ancestors don't have the right to say "Get over it. Don't
be such a whiner and don't play victim".
+Leonard You are the descendants of mass murderers, aren't you? All you
must do is exhibit the evidence.
Leonard ????????? Mass murder? State when and where that happened.
Crime? Let's see if you can even name the crime and the law to apply. Or admit
that you are a miserable liar. Here you go: According to the main editorial of
Choson Ilbo, the largest newspaper company in South Korea on Mar 6, 2012 and
Feb. 13, 2003, "Koreans lie as if they breathe” and “Koreans are the
world’s biggest liar of all." Korea has the highest fraud rate and is the
only country whose fraud rate exceeds that of robbery in OECD. Also, all of
perjury, calumny and fraud rates in South Korea are some 160-670 times higher
than those of Japan.
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Kitty George Don't assume that my ancestors are mass murderers when you
don't even know me or them. Your underdeveloped brain may not realize it, but
resorting to ad hominem attack instead of addressing my points only makes you
look retarded.
August Hayek Of course, idiotic netto-uyoku like you have no idea about
Nanjing Massacre, Unit 731, Bataan Death March, etc. The only thing you'd
accept as unquestionable truth are the words of your emperor. And don't let me
even start with the ridiculous news that you provided me.
August Hayek Go scream "Tenno-heika, banzai!" instead of
wasting your time trying to convince me.
All words you said are just for you. But if you understand it, you
aren't retarded.
Leonard What about them? If you are really confident, talk away. Let's
see if you are as smart as you want to look to be.
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+Kitty George. Try harder. Maybe you'd succeed after obtaining proper
education. I've heard that it may prevent idiocy from getting worse.
+August Hayek It seems like your reading comprehension skills are
severely lacking. Let me enlighten that little mind of yours step by step.
Firstly, you questioned whether the Japanese military truly commit mass-murders
and you also asked me to name them. So I named them and you replied, in a very
amusing fashion: "What about them". Now, have you understood how foolish
you sound like?
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+Leonard It seems you couldn't understand it. That's a pity. Then
standard adult conversation will be useless with you, won't it?
+Kitty George The fact that you can form basic sentences is already a
miracle in itself.
Leonard No I did NOT. It is YOU who needs to go to school. I said name
of the crime you are talking about and that surely involves the name of law to
apply. Talk away.
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