
Daedong* Education Mission Statement by Lee Jong Man(1945)

Daedong* Education
Mission Statement
by Lee Jong Man(1945)

1.   Only the work of Ending Wars Completely is Justice and Righteousness

         This most tragic war of all of human history ended on August 14, with Japanese surrender.  The whole world was a battlefield and all of humanity was the victim.  The total amount of material goods wasted reached trillions, and the number of human lives lost reached millions.  Those crying out for each other and lost fathers, husbands, sons and homes are in hundreds of millions. What gruesome poison and crime of a war!

         Now the outcome of the war is clearly drawn. Losers lost their motherland and their freedom. But what did the winners gain?  Territory? Reparation? The joy of victory?  Can any of that make up for the losses and casualties?  There is only one thing that could compensate the lost human lives and the grief of survivors.  And that is the single work of making sure that war disappears from the face of the earth. 

If this one task is not achieved in the follow up of this war and there is the use of nuclear bombs again, that responsibility will lie with the victors of this war.
Eliminating all wars in humanity is the one true path of righteousness and the foremost goal for humanity.

2. The Cause of War is Selfish Greed – Victor Nations Too Must Examine Themselves

What is the cause of a war?  War is so often rooted in the selfish greed of participating nations and the judgment of wrong doing by opposing sides in the conflict. We are well aware that the fuel that ignites a war often arises from a country’s deliberate mis-education of it’s own people, excessive arming, and it’s industry centered in military armaments. The policy of a winning nation is invariably to destroy the losing nation’s armaments and turning their education and military industries non-competitive.  While this may be reasonable, it is only when a winning nation applies an equal measure of censorship, penalty and reorganization to itself that wars will disappear and lasting peace come to humanity.
         Countries initiating a war know clearly the reason why they are initiating the war, and know clearly, at the same time, the point of view that would cause wars to disappear altogether. This is revealed in the propaganda they use to justify the reason for war. It behooves each nation to put each their own sense of justice forward, respect the freedom of others, and not commit the crime of forcefully taking others’ possessions, deceiving or cheating. It behooves them to help each other, and maintain cooperative international relations. The key to world peace is entirely in this. 

3. We Must Win the True, Ideological War for Justice and Peace

Just as most people have a conscience endowed by heaven, all nations have sages who communicate heaven’s mandate. Thus, it is not that there aren’t enough people aware of what is right and wrong or good and bad.  On the contrary, it is rare that people lack this awareness.  In today's world, when printing, transportation and educational systems are so well developed, if a country truly wanted to concentrate it’s vision and life upon the focal goal of justice and peace, this would not be a difficult task to achieve.

         I sincerely hope that the nations that won this world war will set as their concerted goal the saving of humanity and the ending of wars. May they do major surgery on the shortcomings of modern civilization, making essential corrections in their governing and life philosophies. May they do this by rejecting imperialistic and economic egotism, materialistic greed, and innovating their nations' politics, industries and education toward a truer humanism and harmonization with truth.  In this, it is my hope that they will lead the nations that lost the war.  If the allied nations’ reason for war was the protection of justice, the victory of this war was merely a secondary victory, the victory of arms. And this victory is the beginning, I believe, of the primary battle which is the philosophical or ideological war. 

4. Let Us Build a Moral Nation that Upholds an Ideal of Frugality and Nobility Rather Than Wealth and Might

         As for our own nation, we came out of the yoke of 39 years of Japanese domination and we are just about to change our history.  I proclaim that we must build a nation that is unique and different based on the larger dream of rescuing humanity itself. And as we walk into this new beginning, we should not fall into the idleness of merely studying old things.  Our people have excellent genes and have a long and noble culture, no less than the culture of China.  Already, during the Shilla period, our people gathered all the thoughts of East Asia into one place.  Also, our geographical condition is such that we are located at the center of exchange of cultural commerce for the many peoples of East Asia.  Our genes, our history and our geography are not accidental. And it seems impossible to not realize that there is heaven’s deep will in our country’s establishing of a new nation now in this time of great world re-examination and reconstruction.  

         We should not shrivel because our country is not large in land mass or in population.  Our goal should not be wealth and might but rather frugality and nobility. And we should pledge ourselves to be moral and cultural role models for all nations.

The militarism that says "power is justice" and the exploitative commercialism that says "wealth is justice" will no longer be tolerated in the future by heaven, nor by the conscience of humanity. 

Building a world of co-existence and co-prosperity, based on a principle of loving one other and helping, is clearly the mission and action practice for future humanity. Therefore, truly, we who seek to bring a new history, pledge to step forward to create a new future. So it is that our people must contribute to the progress of humanity by fully manifesting the character that heaven has endowed us.    

5. The Daily Life Practice of Spiritual Truths is the Core of World Peace

         The base for carrying out this mission is education and the re-organization of industry.  In education, we should discard narrow-minded and the stifling nationalism and nationalistic prejudices and adopt truths that have universal validity. Also, it is easy for science dissociated from spirituality to be become an instrument for material greed at an individual level and aggressive violence at an international level. So, it is truly a science that stands upon the foundation of compassion and human affection that will fulfill it’s original purpose to benefit humanity. Industry, too, bereft of spirituality, becomes a tool for greed at an individual level and a motivational force for invasions at international levels. So it is that the tragedy that the world experienced recently originated in science and industry bereft of spiritual foundation.

Buddha, Confucius and Jesus are teachers from different eras, but their teachings of compassion (Buddha), benevolence (Confucius), and charity (Jesus) are together a true life principle towards world peace. And it is only the practice of such a principle that is the key to world peace.  World peace will not happen by supernatural change; it will happen by the ordinary pathway of daily practice of such truths and principles.  Rightly, science exists to fulfill this goal too, as does industry.  A world brought by the fulfilment of such principles and goals will be a world of justice and fair order.  This is not to endorse any religious sectarianism that occupies itself with hatred, defamation and strife. We hope for the emergence of authentic religion. Meanwhile, even atrophied sectarian religion is better than none at all towards world peace.

6. True Industry is Based in Sacred and Joyful Labor        
         The purpose of industry is to create abundance in the standard of living for people, in food, clothing and housing, for example, not the amassing of wealth for the businessman. However, industries that were meant to improve the lives of people grew in pathological ways, bringing suffering and misfortune instead. Confrontation between workers and owners, discrepancies between the rich and the poor, and all abhorrent philosophies and actions that worship gold only became the main causes of domestic political strife and international conflict. Industries that were meant to be the means for mankind's happiness, instead, created problems that could only be corrected by major revolutions.
         Industries around the world will one day return to their rightful position. So the work of cultivating land, excavating minerals and running machines should be allowed to be the free, sacred and joyful, work that repays the blessings of our lives and cares for ourselves and our families.

         Projecting demand, producing, and accurately supplying the demand is the coordinating job of a government, but it is also an important duty of a government to oversee that all work, such as agriculture, fishery, mining and factories arise from spiritual freedom and joy, so that people are not working like slaves merely to survive.
7. A Life of Cultivation and Gratitude Arises from the Unification of the
Workplace and the Learning Place

         In order to ensure the freedom and happiness of work, there must be a social system in place that provides an environment for people to "learn through work" and "work through learning".  In other words, all places of learning should also be workplaces of industry, and all workplaces can become places of learning.  Traditionally, education was merely school education, distant from actual living, and traditional production work was just hard work, disassociated from learning.  This created, not only a separation of learning from work, but also people with no work and people with no learning, thus deforming the people. 

Life should be a lifelong process of learning and of working. So, there should never be an end to self-cultivation and of repayment of gifts received from society. Particularly for our nation, whose culture is lagging behind and our industries are in their beginning stage, spreading the integration of work and learning and manifesting it as a lifelong process, is absolutely necessary.  This is the reason for asserting the idea of "learning in the workplace and working in the place of learning.”
8. Devoted Sacred Labor is a Path to Self-Completion and of Divine Fulfilment of Humanity

         In addition, there is a deeper meaning to the unifying of labor and learning. That deeper meaning is the work of making people and things sacred. At the same time as lifting humanity to the realm of the divine through lifelong learning and cultivation, the product of his labor are transformed into goods of heaven and of God.  When a man makes a straw shoe for his parents or children, putting all his love into it, the straw shoe turns into not a merchandise to make a profit but a sacred object imbued with the substance of his heart and soul.  There is joy and bliss in such labor, and this is transferred to the person who uses the product thus created.  In this, a subtle and mysterious path of the soul is opened.  The product of this kind of labor is drastically different in nature from things produced from slave-like labor. This kind of industry serves to sanctify and elevate humanity and is a force to bring it together as one family. Thus, the integrated place of "labor and learning" will become a training ground for this transforming spirit.
. 9. Only the Cultivation that Makes Human Nature Upright is the Singular Path to World Peace

         Mankind is in deep grief now; it is in the midst of anxiety, suffering and challenges.  However, we have faith in the principles of heaven and also in the conscience and the ability of mankind.  We believe that history is a progress, not a repetition. As many countries positively agreed at the San Francisco Summit to end all wars, we have faith that such will certainly be actualized.
However, we know from history that the ending of war and coming of world peace cannot be guaranteed simply by international meetings and treaties.  It can only happen as each nation and people integrates education and industry, spirituality and science, and brings about the cultivation of upright character of the citizens. We are certain that there is no other way than this.
         Dear compatriots of Korea and the world, for the sake of the joy and happiness of all our future descendants, and for the honor of mankind, shall we not shed our old layers and rise to join in the building of a vastly transforming new world. Shall we not break the old habits of international competition and survival, to construct a new world order of loving and helping one other? Shall we not break out of the self-centered, hellish world of material greed that has been created, and construct instead a heaven on earth where morality shines and people are loved? That this is what heaven truly desires, we are confident.

Main Points of Daedong Philosophy
1. In a spirit of harmonizing all, uphold a vision of world peace and one family of humanity.
2. Believe in the oneness of all creation and the spiritual equality of humanity.
3. Innovate education and industry to establish a system of "learning through work" and "working through learning." And, thus, hold the goal of renewing people and the things they produce so that they are sanctified, and are in accordance with the will of the heaven.
4. Harmonize science and religion (spirituality) and develop science guided by spirituality. Pursue a harmonious integration of the material and the spiritual aspects human life.
5. Seeing the universe as a training hall, all things as scripture, and one’s daily life as spiritual cultivation, make one’s life a continuous path of learning.
6. Make “loving and helping one other and prospering together”, the basic principle of personal life and national life.
7. Construct Daedong Korea, Daedong world, to actualize a heaven on earth where all can enjoy happiness.

Motto of Daedong Philosophy
1. Let’s say “we”, not “me”
2. Teach while working; work while learning.
3. Become a human being while working; work while becoming a human being.
4. Things I produce will be used by my fellowmen.
5. Don’t work in order to live; live in order to work;. 

Four main principles of Daedong Education 
1. In a spirit of harmonizing all, pledge to construct a peaceful human society.
2. Pledge to manifest actual "learning through work" and "working through learning” education settings through innovating educational and industrial systems.
3. Pledge to integrate science with religion (spirituality), so that science does not interfere with the progress of humanity and its peaceful and integrative cooperation.
4. Pledge to upgrade the living standard of humanity to the highest level and bring about equality.

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