
Left-Wing Political Prisoner Turns 60 in Aussie Jail | Trotskyist Platform

Left-Wing Political Prisoner Turns 60 in Aussie Jail | Trotskyist Platform

NOVEMBER 17, 2018

Left-Wing Political Prisoner Turns 60 in Aussie Jail

16 November 2018: Leftist political prisoner in Australia Chan Han Choi turned 60 today. We pass on our greetings to this brave supporter of socialistic North Korea. However, we can hardly say, “Happy Birthday” to him. Choi remains locked up in harsh conditions in one of Australia’s most notorious prison camps.

Chan Han Choi has been locked up since last December and is still being denied bail. He is jailed because of his support for socialistic North Korea. He is accused of trying to help North Korea’s people by facilitating the sale of their produce abroad in violation of UN sanctions. Given the pro-capitalist bias of Australia’s legal system we wouldn’t be surprised if he is simply being persecuted because of his vocal support for North Korea. Yet, even if the claims against him turn out to be true, he is no criminal from the working class standpoint. Quite the opposite! This would simply demonstrate that he was merely aiding people who are being ground down by the most severe sanctions ever imposed. That he was boldly standing by a socialistic state.

As well as being unjustly classified in the highest security level of prisoner in order to isolate him from friends and family, Choi has been stripped of many other fundamental rights. However, there is also growing support for Choi among leftists in Australia. On 29 September, the first public protest action for Choi was held in the multi-racial working class Sydney suburb of Auburn. Soon after, Choi spoke of how in recent days the prison authorities have suddenly started treating him with more respect.

However now, as his legal proceedings have entered a crucial stage, with Choi due to enter a plea, the authorities have intensified their persecution of him. In the latest outrage, Choi’s lawyers have suddenly been blocked from visiting him. They have been told that since he is a “National Security Interest” they must first go through a criminal history check … that could take an “indefinite” period to complete! This despite the fact that they have visited him twice before and the fact that his previous lawyers were able to visit Choi without going through such a check.

Yet such attempts to isolate Choi are hardly new. At his court hearing two days ago, Choi told the judge how in the early days after his arrest he had been denied any visits, including by lawyers, for 50 days. However, the judge was not interested and wanted to close the court hearing as soon as possible.

In a still more sinister development, Chan Han Choi and his lawyers recently received letters from Legal Aid implying that Choi had sacked his lawyers. Yet Choi did no such thing and has indeed had absolutely no contact with Legal Aid in the recent period! The letter from Legal Aid showed that they were not keen on him sacking his existing lawyers and this suggests that – rather than Legal Aid being responsible – a shadowy third party masquerading as Choi had sent Legal Aid a false flag communication. The Australian spy agency ASIO, the Australian Federal Police and the South Korean spy agency, the KCIA, are prime suspects.

The authorities seem to be determined to use any means to isolate and demoralise Choi at this crucial time. They want him to plead guilty in order to avoid a trial that could expose the cruelty of the economic sanctions that they and their ilk have imposed on the people of North Korea. However, knowing that he has determined supporters, Choi’s morale is still good and he remains extremely defiant.

Please see this video, which broadcasts recent verbal statements from prison by Choi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro3RkGojbgY

In a sensational new development, Choi has articulated how he had access to incontrovertible evidence that a South Korean warship, whose March 2010 sinking was blamed on North Korea, was actually sunk in an accidental collision with a submarine from a country allied to South Korea. He said that this information and his attempts to get South Korea to compensate North Korea for the harm done by the false accusation was a factor in his own arrest.

The South Korean warship, the Cheonan, sank in waters near North Korea on 26 March 2010. The U.S., South Korea, Australia and other Western capitalist regimes were quick to blame No rth Korea. But their “investigation” was full of holes – much like their earlier claim that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. For example, this academic paper by experts from Cambridge University and a South Korean university analyses seismic recordings and explains how the measurements debunked the claim that the Cheonan was sunk by a North Korean torpedo: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/aav/2014/514346/

Here also are a couple of articles from mainstream South Korean newspapers about the ongoing controversy over the Cheonan:



Please also see this video where Chan Han Choi explains the relationship between the false accusation against North Korea over the Cheonan sinking and his own arrest:



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