
Happier Than A Billionaire: The Escape Manual

Amazon.com: Customer reviews: Happier Than A Billionaire: The Escape Manual

Showing 1-10 of 158 reviews

Valerie Linn

5.0 out of 5 starsThank God for this book!January 15, 2015
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
My husband and I have visited Costa Rica twice... that's it... twice... a total of 25 days spent there. We have done our research online, we've taken a great seminar about retiring in Costa Rica, and of course we've read all of Nadine's books.... and we made the decision to retire there. Next year. It's the "next year" part that was freaking me out. My monkey brain was going round and round in circles about this decision. What am I doing thinking of giving up a great job and retiring when I'll be only 53 years old? How will we navigate the complicate Costa Rican rules and processes? Where will we live? What about our dog? Family? Friends? But I love it there... but the sidewalks all have potholes... but the air and food is healthy... but cars are expensive... but the people are so awesome... but, but, but. I finally made a stiff drink and filled up my soaker tub (how would I live without my soaker tub?) and settled in to finish reading "The Escape Manual". After just a few chapters and lots of laughs, I remembered every good reason why we made this decision. Not only are the stories wonderful, the book is filled with great web links. I opened a few of them and realized we CAN find anything we need in this beautiful country. Hopefully I'll be able to trade in my 'monkey brain' for the sounds of real, live monkeys.

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5.0 out of 5 starsPlan YOUR Escape !November 11, 2014
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
Nadine has done it again, writing a funny, enjoyable book about living in Costa Rica. But this time, she does it in an informative style, telling stories that made me laugh out loud while teaching how to successfully become an expat there. Most of the chapters include links to various agencies, places, or people that the reader may want to learn more about. In her first two books her readers have enjoyed hilarious stories of her adventures with her exuberant, protective, and accident-prone husband, Rob, and this book provides more. In several places, I just had to put it down to thoroughly enjoy a great laugh. The stories themselves are funny, but Nadine's style makes them even more so. She shares her own medical experiences with lighthearted humor. The reader cannot help but feel that they are hearing about all of this from a dear friend. I sincerely hope that she is working on her next book! I recommend reading her prior two books first, "Happier Than A Billionaire" and "Happier Than A Billionaire, The Sequel" to gain an understanding of the background stories and the people mentioned, including their parents when they visited Costa Rica. "The Escape Manual" is a GREAT read, whether the reader plans to follow Nadine's path to Costa Rica or not, but it is a wonderfully helpful, informative book for those who do aspire to actually go for it.

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patricia a blair

5.0 out of 5 starsRight on Time!!!April 8, 2015
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
My husband and I had just purchased our tickets to Costa Rica for our own escape, when I happened across Nadine's blog.... Curious about her "Escape Manual", I purchased the e-book and could not stop reading until it was finished. So much of what she shared is information that we need Right NOW... The way she describes her experiences - the good, the bad and the exceptionally ugly- is so helpful. It's difficult to get this level of information. Her style of writing made me feel like we're already friends. I don't consider myself to have stalker tendencies..... but I'll probably look her up and invite her out for coffee.... Even if your not planning your escape, this book will entertain, educate and inspire... Definitely worth the price of admission.....

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5.0 out of 5 starsUtterly Amazing, Utterly Hilarious and Utterly Informative! We love the continuing story of Rob and Nadine!March 29, 2015
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase
Nadine (and poor injured/bleeding/hospital friendly Rob) have done it again! If you have ever thought of moving to Costa Rica, like my fiancee Jill and I have, you MUST read this book. It has all the humor of the first two books (which you also need to read) with a lot more factual basics of moving, living, and most importantly, SURVIVING in Costa Rica.

As Jill and I are getting ready to make the escape to Costa Rica, we have found this book invaluable (and also a fantastic deal for the information that Nadine and Rob give you). We have found out what doctors to contact, what hospitals we should go to since Rob has a lot of experience in going to them (as does Nadine) and how to get around Costa Rica without killing yourself.

I really love that Nadine put the contact information for the people that she recommends in her book and we are able to get in touch with them, either before we move down, or after we move down, to make sure we can have dependable people to help us out. Another benefit is that Rob and Nadine are incredibly generous with their time, and knowledge, as we they have their email address in the book and have become our "friends" on Facebook and continually give more advice and information (I would be remiss if I didn't suggest you immediately go to Facebook and like their page: Happier Than A Billionaire right now!). They post pictures and give updates on their lives and it will make you want to move there, if not immediately, in the future. And by reading this book, you can be more than set up to do just that!

Again, a 5 star review for hilarity, information and the chance to see how real people, who just decided to take a chance and live a different life, have done and encourage you to do the same.

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Kindle Customer

5.0 out of 5 starsaMarch 9, 2015
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
Another great book by Nadine Pisani, but this one is like talking to a friend who has been to all the places she mentions and personally recommends the people such as Mechanics, Doctors, tour guides & etc. It was incredible to me that she gives us phone numbers and websites! You could plan a vacation or even contemplate becoming an Expatriate because the information is so detailed. It was unlike any other travel book I have ever read, plus you get to read her witty style while she spins a story about her impressions & her happiness living in Costa Rica. Then you get to read about her husband Rob who is just hilarious. I have purchased and read all three of her books and I am so happy to find out that we can see them both on the internet with video and can even email Nadine. I would love to visit Costa Rica, meet them and take them out to dinner as I feel I already know them and it was such a pleasure to read her books. I can't wait for the next one. I wish them both much happiness and continued success always.

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5.0 out of 5 starsThis book is so informative and so much fun to readAugust 4, 2015
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
I should be done with this book already, but I'm reading the last half slower. It's called savoring (and too busy to want to read through it quickly, because I don't want to miss one single morsel!!! This book is so informative and so much fun to read. One particular chapter I just finished had me laughing out loud in public as I was reading it and people were staring. Just a fair warning! Nadine does a fantastic job of drawing you in and you'll want to book a flight to CR and maybe forgo the return flight. :) I started backwards on her books, obviously, as this is my first, but I definitely plan to get each one and ingest them slowly and let the laughter overtake me. Thanks, Nadine, for such a fun read!! (Oh, and btw, the information in it alone is worth the price of the read..... what a bargain!)

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Craig Strong

5.0 out of 5 starsI highly recommend reading ALL of Nadine's booksJuly 22, 2017
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase
I highly recommend reading ALL of Nadine's books. We have found them to be a great source of incredibly valuable information and some really good laughs. To make a long story short Nadine's books, Happier Than A Billionaire, The Sequel and The Costa Rica Escape Manuel has saved us tens of thousands of dollars in what could have been a costly real estate deal. Sounds crazy, but true. We shall be ever grateful for her incredible talent as an author, Nadine's willingness to share their story and to Rob for providing her such great writing material!!!

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5.0 out of 5 starsI really enjoyed this bookNovember 3, 2015
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
I really enjoyed this book. I've made two visits to Costa Rica, and would love to go back again. Nadine gave me so many places I want to go "next". I think I'll need a few trips. I'm not sure I'm ready to move here permanently, but the idea keeps coming that this would be a great place for me. I understand the difficulties better than I did before, and that will help me better prepared should I decide to do this (or a different country) in the next few years. I love the sense of humor in this book, it made it so enjoyable and I found myself chuckling most of the time I read it. I started with the third in the series. That's totally ok with this book, but now I'm intrigued enough to want to read the others. Great job!

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5.0 out of 5 starsCome with Nadine and escape... (meant to be read with the Piña Colada song tune by Jimmy Buffet)... ;)August 20, 2015
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
I am not planning on moving to Costa Rica...yet. However, this book is full of great information. Per usual (just like her past 2 books), Nadine's stories are hilarious. Normally, I have a smile on my face when reading her stories, but some of them I found myself laughing out loud. It is not your typical guidebook and I think that is what makes it so great. It gives real personal experiences, great advice, and a lot of information on who to contact for various scenarios you may find yourself in (Doctors, hospitals, lawyers, real estate agents etc.). One day (soon) when I visit, I know I will be pulling "The Escape Manual" out again and definitely be visiting all the amazing places Nadine mentions. If you're looking to educate yourself a bit on Costa Rica and would preferably be doing so while smiling and/or giggling, definitely get this book! Can't wait for more of her books. :) #PuraVida

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Tim S.

5.0 out of 5 starsThank You Nadine...A great gift to anyone considering visiting or moving to Costa RicaNovember 6, 2014
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
The Escape Manual completes a Perfect Trifecta... Her first two books were outstanding, this even more so !! It answered virtually every question that I was preparing to post to her blog her about my exit plan to Costa Rican Ex-Patdom... Bravo Well Done

Beyond being a great source of mega useful "On the Ground" insider info, I found it to be incredibly inspiring. I now plan on using this book as a guide for my first year as an ex-pat in Costa Rica, first to navigate the maze of the move and residency and secondly as a travel guide. While I had originally planned to roost in San Ramon on arrival, I am now inspired to travel light, buy a used 4x4 and spend a year exploring the country traveling from city to city, region to region before i decide where my new "home" will be.

Now i just gotta get rid of all the rest of this "stuff" that seemed so important at the time ... Who wants my Joe Montana Teddy Bear? it comes with a free blender and some Ginsu Knives just pay separate Postage and Handling

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