
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas | Goodreads

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas | Goodreads

The Hate U Give

 4.53  ·   Rating details ·  318,531 ratings  ·  44,436 reviews
A three-time winner of Goodreads Choice Awards

Sixteen-year-old Starr Carter moves between two worlds: the poor neighborhood where she lives and the fancy suburban prep school she attends. The uneasy balance between these worlds is shattered when Starr witnesses the fatal shooting of her childhood best friend Khalil at the hands of a police officer. Khalil was unarmed.

Soon afterward, his death is a national headline. Some are calling him a thug, maybe even a drug dealer and a gangbanger. Protesters are taking to the streets in Khalil’s name. Some cops and the local drug lord try to intimidate Starr and her family. What everyone wants to know is: what really went down that night? And the only person alive who can answer that is Starr.

But what Starr does—or does not—say could upend her community. It could also endanger her life.



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K Jay It is not preachy at all. But then again it is a topic that can stand to be preached about since lots of people seem to miss the point, and are not empathetic AT ALL.
This is a wonderfully told story, with lots of different perspectives. Thought provoking. It does not capitalize on the social/political/racial issues. Although, all 3 need attention, because we STILL deal with these issues everyday.(less)
lucky little cat It's a remarkable book. If you're considering buying it for your own middle-grader, I'd suggest that you read it too. Your son or daughter will have…more
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 4.53  · 
 ·  318,531 ratings  ·  44,436 reviews

Chaima ✨ شيماء
When you're reading books like The Hate U Give, you're reading someone's decision against silence.

This book has made me feel every single possible emotion at the same time. It was truly incredible and I have SO MUCH to say about it I wish I could actually just send everyone a howler containing the entire script of this book instead.

“What's the point of having a voice if you're gonna be silent in those moments you shouldn't be?”

In all honesty, The Hate U Give has made me realize just how simply clueless I was as to the continuing day-to-day actuality of systemic racism in America. A reality in which on any given day, some innocent person likeTommy Le can get shot hours before his high-school graduation because he was carrying a pen, or another innocent person like Sandra Bland can get into a car, and then three days later she is going to end up dead in jail, or a five years old child can get shot and wounded after the police kills his mother. A reality in which justice is dead and the police kills black youth with impunity.

And so many other real stories I read about that truly made the atoms making up my body have enough of being anchored to this awful reality in this human form and wish to move on, become a light wave or something.

See, I don’t know what it's like to be black in America, but I have 18 years of experience in being a brown Muslim woman and I can tell you this: being in the minority is like being stuck behind a glass wall and whenever an injustice occurs, you breathe onto it and you write it in HUGE letters in the condensation...but nobody seems to really see it. Nobody seems to really seeyou. You’re completely and utterly alone.


The Hate U Give is about institutional racism and a broken criminal justice system where the police can violate the civil rights of thousands of people publicly and openly with almost no consequence at all. It's about what happens when racialized and marginalized communities stand up for their rights in any visible way whatsoever. It’s about how piles and piles of evidence showing sustained corruption and racism and literally hundreds of civilian deaths per year at the hands of the police is still somehow notenough to delegitimize a deeply flawed system.

It's about how instead of standing in unwavering solidarity with the non-violent protests by Black Lives Matter in the face of actually violent, overtly discriminatory and often fatal actions by the police and demanding societal redress and justice, there will always be people who will decry and get enraged by it, people who will try to justify those injustices by any means to curb their own cognitive dissonance.

“A hairbrush is not a gun.”

I mean, this is the 21st century. We evolved. America had elected its first black president. Humanity must've left ‘racism’ back up in the trees from the jungles we descended from.... right?

Maybe there just aren't many “social experiments” on YouTube where privileged folks get to dress up like oppressed groups and have cameras following them around in order to find out that racism is real, since apparently you really need the personal account of a white non-Muslim girl who tries on a hijab for a week to find out that racism and islamophobia do indeed exist, or a straight person pretending to be gay to find out that homophobia does exist, or an able-bodied person pretending to be disabledto find out that ableism does exist.

You don't need any “social experiments” to understand oppression. You don’t need to plagiarize lived experiences when you can just listen. Not to the personal accounts filtered through a white person but listen to the testimonials of all the people of color across the globe who experience these issues first hand - no matter what their socio-economic standing is, and who are ignored when they actually reach out to educate you even though they shouldn't even have to.

No one should have to debate about whether or not they should have basic human rights.

No one should be expected to be the mouth piece for an entire group.

No one should have to defend their humanity at every single step, repeatedly and constantly.

But racism does exist.

And I don't usually comment on other people's reviews, but if you’ve read this book and chose to ignore the important message it conveys to get offended over the main character’s remark about the way white people call 'target' tar-jay and “hey hey that’s racist!” because you think a harmless joke could possibly equate thousands of black lives unjustly killed every year at the hands of the police, or say “but what if it was the other way around?" when you have zero concept of power dynamics and historical context, you are missing the point.

Now you can justify your outrage by bringing up the definition of racism like I’ve seen so many people do, but I don’t think dictionary definitions will help you there when they are the most basic forms of words and often can’t even be taken in a sociological sense.

Just like how they won’t help with the usual cries of ‘reverse racism’ or even the moronic nonsense like trying to claim that anti-Islamic bigotry is not racist because “Islam is not a race”.

It won’t change the fact that members of marginalized groups suffer under the yoke of all forms of social inequality, from racism to misogyny to ableism to so much more on a daily basis.

It won't change the fact that these words are a constant, inevitable factors of the lives of the minority, all found on different levels of existence, allcarrying various levels of trauma.

I think Scott Woods said it best when he said that racism is bigger than just “conscious hate”. That it might look like hate but it is just one manifestation. And privilege is another. Access is another. Ignorance is another. Apathy is another.

“You can destroy wood and brick, but you can't destroy a movement.”

Khalil's story is one I will never forget, just like I won't forget all the realstories this book has opened my eyes to.

Emily May
Oct 17, 2016rated it it was amazing
Shelves: contemporaryarcyoung-adult2017
The truth casts a shadow over the kitchen—people like us in situations like this become hashtags, but they rarely get justice. I think we all wait for that one time though, that one time when it ends right.
Maybe this can be it.

There are those books that are important and timely, worthy of reading because of the social and/or political message that they send. They fill a gap in the market; they make waves. They need to exist. And there are other books that are well-written, emotionally-charged and unputdownable - books that are not important as such, just really fucking good. But, on occasion, you find one of those rare wonderful creatures that is both important AND really fucking good.

The Hate U Give is one of those books.

I could tell you that this book is inspired by the "Black Lives Matter" movement. I could tell you that it rips unapolegetically into a subject that needed to be ripped into - the shootings of unarmed black people by police officers, as well as racial bias in the justice system. I could tell you that it opened my eyes to aspects of white privilege I never considered. All of that needs to be said, for sure, but I feel like I'm doing this book a disservice by highlighting its sociopolitical importance over the fact that it's also afantastic, powerful and utterly unforgettable book.

I don't know what your experiences were as a child, but when I was young, I remember my parents giving me a talk about how if I was ever lost or in trouble, I should look for a police officer. They would protect me, look after me, and make sure I got back to my parents unharmed. They are the people in society we should be able to trust. But the black protagonist of this book - Starr - gets a very different talk. About how to behave around police officers so she doesn’t get arrested. Or shot.

Unfortunately, her friend - Khalil - never got that talk.
I’ve seen it happen over and over again: a black person gets killed just for being black, and all hell breaks loose. I’ve Tweeted RIP hashtags, reblogged pictures on Tumblr, and signed every petition out there. I always said that if I saw it happen to somebody, I would have the loudest voice, making sure the world knew what went down.
Now I am that person, and I’m too afraid to speak.

The Hate U Give is about how Starr deals with the aftermath of witnessing Khalil being shot by a cop for... doing absolutely nothing wrong. Her fear is palpable as she confronts a system that she knows is working against her. She's afraid to speak out, yet angry that Khalil's murderer could escape justice. We see, through Starr's eyes, how the media presents young black men as guilty until proven innocent - and when you're poor, black, and from a rough neighborhood, it's virtually impossible to appear innocent.

Though, at its heart, this book first and foremost captures the perspective of a scared young girl. A girl with a loving family, complicated friendships with white teenagers at her school, and a white boyfriend. The relationship dynamics run alongside the fight for justice and are no less compelling. Thomas deftly portrays complex, nuanced relationships between all the people in the book, considering the divides between Starr and her white classmates, but never allowing anyone to become cliche or one-dimensional.

Little humorous gems lay scattered throughout the dialogue:
Momma reaches her fork onto my plate and breaks off a piece of pancake. “What is Tumblr anyway? Is it like Facebook?”
“No, and you’re forbidden to get one. No parents allowed. You guys already took over Facebook.”
“You haven’t responded to my friend request yet.”
“I know.”
“I need Candy Crush lives.”
“That’s why I’ll never respond.”

It's incredible how The Hate U Give manages to both break your heart and warm it in the space of just a few pages.

What else can I even say? If you want to have your heart ripped out - read this book. If you want to read a great book about a girl dealing with family and relationships - read this book. If you want to cry, laugh, and then cry some more - read this book. If you're ready to change this stupid fucking world - read this book.

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Nov 18, 2016rated it it was ok
This is a book I've been avoiding reviewing.

I finished The Hate U Give a while back, rated it two stars, but never dared write any of my thoughts about it - why? Because every single review I've seen of this book is 4 stars or above and showers it in seemingly endless praise. When it seems like you're the only person in the world who didn't like a book, reviewing it can be a little intimidating.

Also, this book focused on an incredibly sensitive topic nowadays - racism. Now, before I start making my points and telling you why I didn't like a book that is supposedly anti-racism, when I, myself, am anti-racist, let's go over the definition of "racism." According to the dictionary, racism is theprejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

If someone works at a coffeeshop and a customer comes in of a different race and they treat them badly, because of their race, that's racist. If someone says "you're stupid because you're ___ (insert race here)," that's racist. If someone thinks they're better than you simply because of the color of that person's skin, that's racism, folks.

Now, if a person were to stop talking with someone because they felt uncomfortable with that person's skin color, wouldn't that be racism? Wouldn't treating someone with hostility just because of their race, something they can't help, and are born with, be racist? Then what, I ask you, is this:

“You can’t even tell me what’s going on!”
“You’re white, okay?” I yell. “You’re white!”
“I’m white?” he says, like he’s just hearing that for the first time. “What the f***’s that got to do with anything?”

The person who said "you're white," who has no other reason besides this prejudice to be angry and stop talking to a white person, is Starr Carter, the narrator of this supposedly anti-racist book.

After Starr's black friend, Khalil, is unjustly shot by a white police officer, Starr immediately zeroes in on the fact that the police officer was white.Suddenly every white person looks evil to her and she worries that she, a black girl, could be killed next.

“I kneel beside my dead friend in the middle of the street with my hands raised. A cop as white as Chris points a gun at me.
As white as Chris.”

Now, I love that this book focused on an unjust police shooting, but I think the author took a wrong turn when she decided to focus on "blacks" and "whites." My question is: why was the police officer's skin color the main focus of this book? Shouldn't the fact that he's a police officer who unjustly shot somebody be the reason for Starr getting so angry about her friend's death? Black people are unjustly shot by police officers, yes, but so are white people. To quote a good article about the statistics of police shootings that you can read here:

“…When a black man is killed by a cop, do we grieve more because there are 46 million of us as opposed to 198 million whites? I doubt it: most Americans never hear about the white men’s deaths at all.
Rather, we operate according to a meme under which cops casually kill black men under circumstances in which white men are apparently let off with a hand slap—and occasional cases of just that are what often get around social media, suggesting that they are the norm.”

It is not normal for a black person to be killed by a police officer, and when the officer won't own up to his mistake (like the one in this book), I am fully supportive of whatever non-violent protesting people want to do. What I won't support is the slogan that gets slapped on alongside these riots: All police officers hate black people or All white people are racist and should own up to their "white guilt." These statements are ludicrous and this book sent out both of those messages loud and clear.

*takes deep breath and prepares for the onslaught of comments coming my way*

Now that I'm done talking about the message, I can tell you what I thought about the book itself: It was boring. Seriously. I expected a fast-paced contemporary, but the plot was slow and the characters weren't developed enough for me to connect with them. With such weak writing, The Hate U Give could have been about rainbows and unicorns and I still would have given it two stars.
Emma Giordano
Mar 14, 2017rated it it was amazing
This is a MUST READ for 2017 releases.

I absolutely adored this book. I truly don't feel like it has a single flaw. Every topic addressed was approach so wonderfully and did not hold back. If you're looking for a diverse read that stands out amongst most YA, The Hate U Give is the book for you.

I love Starr Carter so much. She's honestly such an inspiration to girls looking to find their voice. She is resilient, authentic, and everything we need in adolescents today. Although she is not completely fearless, she embraces the adversity in her way and stands against it. I don't know many people who could juggle the stresses in her life and come out weapons (in this case, words) blazing. Every moment in this book just filled me with pride for this girl and it was a pleasure being able to watch her grow.

I also love the family dynamic in this book. I think it honestly might be the most healthy, realistic, close-knit family I've ever read in a YA. The siblings may tease each other, but they protect each other fiercely. The parents may not always get along, but they are head over heels in love. They always attempt to do what is best for their children, even if it may not be their own personal preference. It was so nice to have just a scene of a family sitting down to watch sports together, throwing a pool party, always working together. It is something I truly valued from this read.

The strongest aspect of this book is it's social commentary and political criticism. This is the kind of book that should be in the hands of teens, making them aware of current issues, educating them on pressing matters, and encouraging them to get involved to create change. I absolutely left this read with an entirely new perspective I will carry with me in the future. It poses many important questions about racism, police brutality, discrimination, and prejudice while also answering them in a comprehensive and inviting way. It was fascinating to see the integration of such a powerful movement implemented into an accessible form of media for teens. I truly don't think you can leave this book without SOMETHING that will have made you say "I never thought about it this way", "When you put it this way, that actually makes a lot of sense.", and "I'm glad someone finally told me this."

Although this book is full of important moments related to the current state of marginalized populations, it is primarily about using your voice. I believe this book has the power to make readers realize just how much their words matter. Starr Carter is a perfect example of an individual who feels their voice does not matter but through courage, risk-taking, and ultimate strength, she realizes how crucial it is to speak up for what you are passionate about no matter how terrifying the consequences may seem. And I believe you will leave this book with that revelation as well.

I cannot recommend this book enough. It's absolutely one of my favorite books of the year. I am so happy The Hate U Give exists, and I'm even more ecstatic that it is a 1! NYT best seller, out in to the world, ready to help teens realize how important they really are. Please pick up "THUG". You will not regret it.
Mar 03, 2017rated it it was amazing
Shelves: importantowned2017
“What's the point of having a voice if you're gonna be silent in those moments you shouldn't be?”

Every white person on this planet needs to read this book.

"Lack of opportunities. Corporate America don't bring jobs to our communities, and they damn sure ain't quick to hire us. Then, even if you do have a high school diploma, so many schools in our neighbourhoods don't prepare us well enough. Our schools don't get the resources to equip you. It's easier to find some crack than it is to find a good school around here.
Now think 'bout this. How did the drugs even get in our neighborhood? This is a multibillion-dollar industry. That shit is flown into our communities but I don't know anybody with a private jet.
Drugs come from somewhere, and they're destroying our community.
You got folks like Brenda, who think they need them to survive, and then you got the Khalils, who think they need to sell them to survive. The Brendas can't get jobs unless they're clean, and they can't pay for rehab unless they get jobs. When the Khalils get arrested for selling drugs, they either spend most of their life in prison, another billion-dollar industry, or they have a hard time getting a real job and probably start selling drugs again.
That's the hate they're giving us, a system designed against us. That's Thug life."

This book opened my eyes. I don't want to say too much, but I love how popular this book is, being No. 1 on the NYT bestseller list and already having cast Amandla Stenberg as the lead actress in the movie adaption. We need this, America needs this, YA fiction needs this. Angie Thomas gets so many things right, and so many readers can learn about black culture, cultural appropriation, covert and internalized racism and so much more through this.

Apart from that, this book is simply good. It could be a biography, that's how realistic it feels. The characters have depth, the plot isn't overly dramatic but still exciting. And honestly, it's so so hilarious. Doesn't matter if the characters are joking about Voldemort or getting their butts whooped by their parents, it's laugh-out-loud material. The first few pages might be a little difficult to get through because it takes a while to get used to the writing and the slang, but keep going, it's worth it. The thing is, I wasn't overly emotional while reading this. I didn't cry ugly tears, didn't have my heart broken. This is no TFIOS. But it's real and it's perfect.
Another thing I love is when authors turn out to be huge Potterheads. There is nothing I enjoy more than a good Harry Potter reference, or five.

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Dec 15, 2016rated it really liked it
‘‘A hairbrush is not a gun.’’ 

This doesn’t make any sense. And I hope that to you, too, it will not make any sense.

Starr may only be sixteen, but she has already witnessed two murders in her life: the first of a young black girl in a drive by and the second of a young black boy shot multiple times by a cop.

While she was in the car. Even though they didn’t do anything wrong. Even though he was unarmed.

‘‘A hairbrush is not a gun.’’ 

Does that make any sense to you? You can’t just kill someone because, to you, they look threatening. Are you a seer? Can you predict that they will reach for a gun and kill you with it?

No, you cannot. (Even then it wouldn’t be completely right.) You have no right to take an innocent life like that.

Inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, this important novel tackles issues of race in society involving the black community of people and authority figures, more precisely, police officers.

Starr was never taught to fear cops, but she was taught to be smart around them. Do what they ask, even if what they ask for makes no sense.

But because of what has happened to her childhood friend Khalil, she becomes scared. Scared enough to speak up about what she witnessed, though? Will she gather her courage to do what is right?

‘‘A hairbrush is not a gun.’’ 

This story needed to be told. It has been told orally and on paper many times before, unfortunately, but it was time someone wrote a book dealing with social issues of race like the ones here for a young audience.

For young people are dying. Young black people. Black boys. Black girls.

This novel educates. It may be fictional in the sense that Angie Thomas created this story using fictional characters, but what happens in it is scary real.

It does feel like it was written for white folks, but it sure as hell didn’t need to be written for black ones specifically.

‘‘A hairbrush is not a gun.’’ 

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Hailey (Hailey in Bookland)
Feb 24, 2017rated it it was amazing
Shelves: ownedcontemporary
This was such a heartbreakingly honest account of what is happening in America right now. As a white reader, the experience this story affords its readers cannot be taken for granted. Inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, this book takes you into the heart of Garden Heights after the main character has witnessed the wrongful murder of her best friend Khalil by a police officers. Being Canadian, as well as being white, I have the privilege of not having to deal with any of the things Starr deals with on a day to day basis but the experience of being alongside her as she grappled with the injustice of it all gave me a completely new understanding of what is going on in America. Canada has it's fair share of race issues as well and I obviously am not ignorant to it all, but this just felt like an honest firsthand account. It really is indescribable. This is such an important read and I highly encourage you to pick it up.
I will do a full spoiler free review and spoiler discussion on my channel very soon.
Adam Silvera
Mar 01, 2016rated it it was amazing
Shelves: 2016-reads
Sabaa Tahir
Sep 16, 2016rated it it was amazing
A thoughtful, honest and fantastic book. One of 2017's shining stars for sure. Highly, highly recommend.
Mar 15, 2017rated it it was amazing
It has taken me a long while to compose this review, because this book is the most powerful book I've ever read. It is important, educational, and happening in our world right now as you're reading this review. If you can only read one book in 2017, please pick this one.

This book is inspired by the #BlackLivesMatter movement, where sixteen-year-old Starr witnesses her best friend, who is an unarmed black boy, be killed by a police officer. Starr is scared to speak up, constantly battling what to do, because there is never any justice for these heartless killings.

This book is real, honest, and it's going to make a lot of people uncomfortable, but being uncomfortable is necessary to change. And this book is going to change a lot of people's lives. I hope everyone reads this and starts educating themselves on, and will stop ignoring, the problems going on in today's world. Books are the most powerful and influential tool we have, and The Hate U Give is a literary masterpiece that will be a constant reference for years to come.

“That's the problem. We let people say stuff, and they say it so much that it becomes okay to them and normal for us. What's the point of having a voice if you're gonna be silent in those moments you shouldn't be?”

Important things that I want to say: 
• Reverse racism doesn't exist.
• White people will never know what it feels like to be a marginalized black person who is still being oppressed in 2017. You might think you do, but you don't.
• When you say #AllLivesMatter, even when coming from a place of good, it is hurtful and ignoring the greater problems that are prevalent.
• When you say #BlueLivesMatter it actually makes me feel sick to my stomach, especially after reading this book. Stop doing this. I don't care if your dad is "one of the good cops out there"; it is disrespectful for this plague of an epidemic that is happening to our black men and women.
• I can do better and I can do more. We can do better and we can all do more.
• Here is a list of some unarmed black men that have been killed over the past few years by the police brutality that is ever growing in the United States: Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Dontre Hamilton, Eric Garner, John Crawford III, Michael Brown Jr., Michael Brown Jr., Dante Parker, Akai Gurley, Tamir Rice, Rumain Brisbon, Jerame Reid, Tony Robinson, Phillip White, Eric Harris, Walter Scott, Freddie Gray, Keith Lamont Scott, Philando Castile, Alton Sterling, and more that go unnamed and unanswered every day.

Remember these names. Honor these names. Open your eyes. See what is going on in our world and see how wrong it is. It is easy to ignore when it is not happening to you, but is this really the kind of world you want to live in? Open your heart; be empathetic to your fellow human. Let's change this, and have The Hate U Give be the first stepping stone.

“You can destroy wood and brick, but you can't destroy a movement.”

Thank you, Angie Thomas; I truly hope your book changes this world.

Lastly, I want to emphasize that this review is coming to you from a young, white, immensely privileged woman. These are five amazing people of color giving amazing heartfelt reviews on YouTube that showcases why this book is the most important and influential book of our time. Here are a few of the people we should need to be listening to:
• BooksAndBigHair
• TheBookArcher
• Lily Meade
• iLivieforbooks
• the (book) supplier

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Larry H
May 05, 2017rated it it was amazing
Wow. Just wow.

In my life so far, I've had the opportunity to experience many different things, but there are certain things I'll never get/have to experience. For example, I'll never experience childbirth, not that I'm complaining, although I once had a cortisone shot in my hip flexor, and my orthopedist said she thought those hurt just as badly. (You can debate on that.)

I'm also fortunate enough that I'll never have to worry about the police viewing me as a threat as soon as they see me, just because of the color of my skin. I'll never have to think about the possibility of a routine traffic stop turning into something more dangerous just because a policeman gets nervous. That's something I take for granted, but I won't now that I've read Angie Thomas' searing, powerfully moving The Hate U Give .

Starr is 16 years old. She feels like there are two of her—the devoted daughter who lives in a poor neighborhood and saw her best friend get killed in a drive-by shooting when they were 10, and the student at the fancy prep school her parents sent her and her brothers to in order to get them out of the ghetto, the student who doesn't speak the way she does at home, and lets very few people into her "real world." Even her boyfriend at school, Chris, with whom she watches reruns of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air doesn't know the "real" Starr, although he says he wants to.

"Funny how it works with white kids though. It's dope to be black until it's hard to be black."

One night while Starr is at a party in her neighborhood, she runs into her childhood friend Khalil. Khalil was her first crush, and although she hasn't seen him for a while, it feels good to reconnect. When a fight breaks out at the party, the two leave before things get out of hand. Not long afterward, police pull Khalil's car over, and before they know it, Khalil gets shot and killed by the cop. He was unarmed.

Khalil's death throws Starr and her family into a tailspin. The media has already branded Khalil a drug dealer and a thug. Starr doesn't feel like she can tell her friends at school what happened because that would be exposing them to a part of her she has tried to keep hidden, but she is angered by the attitude of one of her friends toward Khalil's shooting. Starr is afraid of the ramifications of telling the truth of what happened that night to police, prosecutors, everyone—what if police target her family? What if others think she should just keep her mouth shut? And will speaking up make the difference anyway, if most of the time white cops don't pay the price for shooting black people?

"I've tweeted RIP hashtags, reblogged pictures on Tumblr, and signed every petition out there. I always said that if I saw it happen to somebody, I would have the loudest voice, making sure the world knew what went down. Now I am that person, and I'm too afraid to speak."

Starr's involvement in Khalil's death uncovers friction in a number of places—between her parents, who argue about the merits of getting their family out of their neighborhood versus their responsibility to making sure it doesn't die; between her father and his nemesis, the leader of a powerful gang, who is intertwined with Starr's family in too many different ways; between her and Chris, as well as her friends at school; and between the factions of their neighborhood and others in the community, some who riot for the sake of rioting and don't care what destruction they cause, and some who understand the power of their actions.

The Hate U Give is tremendously moving and just so current given what is happening in our society. While certainly it focuses on police brutality and the anger minorities feel when the authorities don't get punished for doing wrong, it is quick to point out that not all police are bad, just as not all black people are drug dealers, gang members, or looking to do harm. This is a book about racism, but it's also a book about family, friendship, loyalty, community, and how often it truly does take a village to save someone. This is a book that addresses the plight that many young black men face, but it doesn't place the blame on anyone but them, either.

I thought Thomas did a great job with this book, making sure it wasn't too heavy-handed in its messaging or too extreme in its plot. She created characters you grew to care about, characters you were invested in, so when pivotal events occurred, you were moved by them. This really blew my mind, and I think this is a book which really deserves all of the hype it is getting.

Several times in the book Starr's mother uttered the quote, "Sometimes you can do everything right and things will still go wrong. The key is to never stop doing right." I hope The Hate U Give reaches those despairing whether doing the right thing is still worth it even if it doesn't get the result they want. Because it really, truly is.

See all of my reviews at http://itseithersadnessoreuphoria.blo....
Dec 10, 2017rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: favorites-2017
This is one of the best audiobooks I've listened to all year. If you are considering reading this one, listen to it. You wont regret it.
C.G. Drews
Feb 28, 2017rated it it was amazing
This has got to be one of the most hyped books in the existence of YA evers. And you know what? It is 5000% WORTHY of that hype and more and basically get thee to this book and read it as soon as possible. It perfectly combines a really important story about #BlackLivesMatter and speaking up for it with absolutely excellent writing and storytelling. Like, dude, this book is important and one of the best contemporaries.

So I have to admit: the character are what makes it that just something incredibly special for me. Starr was SO winning and rootable (shh that's a word) and I loved how she was so complex and had such personality and was so honestly relatable. And then the book focuses SO much on family!!Be still my beating heart. <3 I looooove books about family and Starr has the kind of parents YA is in desperate need of: in love, supportive, respectful of each other, and bringing their kids up the best they can be. LIKE HOLD ME I'M FLAILING.

(Also it was really refreshing to have teens that respect their parents...because I can't tell you how sick I am of how many books I encounter were the kids are just selfish disrespectful jellyfish. That wasn't how I was brought up so it's like nice to see kids who can talk to their parents about anything, LOVE THEM FIERCELY, and also do not dare muck up too bad or they'll get in huge trouble. I love it.) Basically Starr calls her parents her OTP and....dude yes.

I also absolutely adored all the secondary characters. Like they were ALL so real and complex?!?? It wasn't like "oh here I am reading a piece of paper". More like "oh here I am being with these humans who are like totally alive to me". SO THAT'S INCREDIBLE. A+ for writing at every corner basically.And I absolutely adored Starr's older brother Seven, and Sekani the younger bro was adorable too although entirely annoying...as younger siblings are. And then Starr had an epic Asian friend (and also a racist friend whom we all want to kind of smack into the middle of next week...that gets dealt with tho). And even DeVante was just adorable and I love how his story line went.

Oh oh see this is the thing?!?? EVERY character had their own storyline. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. And that's why this book is so good and the story so real.

• Starr has friends who are women, like god bless, this shouldn't be irregular but it is in a lot of books
• Starr has a super sweet relationship with her uncle as well
• It's funny!! It's such a serious story line but there are still quips and TONS of time where I was grinning like a dork
• It's #ownvoices
• It's unfair but it also shines light into the world, so I feel sad but GOOD finishing it and I think it just sent an excellent message in a really hopeful way

I do have to admit two things were not my favourite. And that would be (1) it's very long...I have yet to meet a contemporary that is nearly 500 pages that I think should be that long. Erm, SORRY. Concise = my friend. And (2) I didn't feel very much chemistry AT ALL between Starr and her white boyfriend, Chris. They both seemed to be a bit of a problem to each other. But ya know, it's a sweet romance and I didn't not ship it, I just think it was definitely the weakest part of the book. (view spoiler)

Also I really learnt a lot about the #BlackLivesMatter movement. It was really good to just be reading this and knowing it's #ownvoices and just taking it all in. The horror that is the justice system is so sickening. And I was so scared for everyone's lives and just knowing HOW REAL THIS IS made an impact. No one should have a friend die in front of them, and Starr has it happen twice. It's heartbreaking. This is such an important book. It tackles racism and police violence and the corrupt justice system head on.

ALL IN ALL: go read it, obviously. I mean, what else is there to say?!?? The writing is beautiful and incredible, there are so many perfect sentences that I was underlining in my kindle, and I loved Starr and her incredibly family so much. <3 It's a SAD book but also a HOPEFUL one.

(And mate, I'm a fantasy reader addict, so look at me go, loving a contemporary so much.)

*** QUOTES ***
Note: these are taken from an ARC so don't use them anywhere! They might not be the final edits!

"Brave doesn't mean you're not scared, Starr," she says. "It means you go on even though you're scared. And you're doing that."

"So she unfollowed your Tumblr thingy," Momma says, proving why she can never have one.

I feel like shit right now. I can't believe I let Hailey say that. Or has she always joked like that? Did I always laugh because I thought I had to?
That's the problem. We let people say stuff, and they say it so much that it becomes okay to them and normal for us. What's the point of having a voice if you're gonna be silent in those moments you shouldn't be?

Funny. Slave masters thought they were making a difference in black people's lives too. Saving them from their "wild African ways". Same shit, different century. I wish people like them would stop thinking that people like me need saving.

"Daddy, you're the worst person to watch Harry Potter with. The whole time you're talking about" -- I deepen my voice '''Why don't they shoot the nigga Voldemort?'"
"Ay, it don't make sense that in all them movies and books, nobody thought to shoot him."

"Sometimes you can do everything right and things will still go wrong. The key is to never stop doing right."
Feb 01, 2018rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: ya
When you read a 444 page book in one day bc you can’t put it down. Powerful.

Yeah, I don’t think I can write a review for this one other than to say everyone (of a certain age/maturity) should read this. Poignant, important and timely.

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