
(19) Charles Park - Well put. Realists think like former US President...

(19) Charles Park - Well put. Realists think like former US President...

Well put.
Realists think like former US President George W. Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney who started the Perpetual War on Terror: "You are with us or you are against us."
By "you are with us", they mean literally the "US" - that you follow our lead, however, illiberal the policy may be, like the War on Terror.
Unfortunately Realism, rather than Liberalism, characterizes the dominant US foreign policy establishment. Mr.Bush and Cheney are not aberrations.
The exasperating thing for the US Realists or Realism about China is that it continues to grow strong and prosperous without committing to the bargain: You are with us.
It continues to grow strong and prosperous without the Communist Party losing power to capitalist (neoliberal) oligarchs more subservient to US capital interests and amenable to US influence and control. It shows real independence of national interest.
And with OBOR, China may wean the little countries off dependence on our aid, the World Bank, and IMF and possibly make them be no longer "with us," directly resulting in the possible decline of influence and access to the US national interests (military, political, and economic influence, access, and control).
That is what we (American Realists) fear. That is a good part why China must be against us, and we must see China as a mortal threat. And so we drum up another Propaganda War and take steps to Isolate China.
The other is that with this growing prosperity, theyare wisely investing in further growth and increased military power and minimizing waste going to bribery and corruption, the bane of many third world "Bana republics" development that sell their sovereignty to the highest foreign bidder or the World Bank/IMF.
We in the US have not yet taken to heart Jack Ma's criticism: We waste billions on endless wars and not on investing in our citizens (who are increasingly homeless or otherwise becoming poor).
Maybe one reason is that as George W. Bush said, "Wars are profitable."
What he may not realize is that wars are also theft by other means, both upon the target nation of war but also on the domestic population who must sacrifice to wage that war...
Both spheres of developed and developing world need to recognize the efforts made by China instead of constantly casting a critical eye.
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    Xinjiang and Uyghurs — What You’re Not Being Told
    Xinjiang and Uyghurs — What You’re Not Being Told
    • Brian Hanley Yes, at this point, that is just a game. Relative to Tibet, when Mao invaded it was genocide. Mao invaded to prevent his revolution from failing due to famine. The only place he could get the food was Tibet because it had an agricultural surplus. XinjiSee more
    • Brian Hanley The reality is that the USA, since the Obama administration, arms and supports Islamists (again) as a "tool of convenience". I don't know how to stop this.
    • Brian Hanley Yes. Carter ordered that prior to the Soviet invasion. He backed the Islamists as a strategy to induce the USSR to invade to create a quagmire like Vietnam for the USSR.

      If you like I can send you my unpublished article on that history. (It does not include support for uigurs in Xinjiang however.
    • Brian Hanley Andrew Dianiska I was referring to the current century.
    • Andrew Dianiska bc PBO was operating in a vacuum?

      Ok fine- 9/11 is ‘commingled’ w Wahhabis- Wahhabism is a Saudi ultra orthodox movement- W Bush not only covered saudis asses after 9/11, we are still selling arms to them today. 
      See more
    • Andrew Dianiska as to AFG & USSR, considering my undergrad was soviet studies and I recall it real time, while I’d be interested in your thesis I’m not a novice in the field- I knew the plot of Wilson’s movie & Beardens book before they were discrete offerings.

      My point was as stated above- pointing at PBO & Islam is arbitrary.
    Write a reply...

  • Charles Park Calls for industrial policy (more industry/technology/targeted state intervention in the economy grow as the China threat balloons... Of course, where it came to social welfare of our own citizens, the state is the thief.

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  • Brian Hanley The real problem with wars is that they can be lost. Since WWII, the USA has not been involved in any hot war that the nation was at risk of losing to. We fought in Vietnam and Korea, and Iraq and Afghanistan, but in none of those wars was our nation aSee more
  • Andrew Dianiska As the speaker relates here, When pressed by the West to ‘hurry up’ shifting their economic model, they respond they are a 5000 yr old culture- and they saw what happened to Russia.
    Kishore Mahbubani: Has the West Lost It? Can Asia Save It? - The Long Now
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  • Brian Hanley Yeah. That's why China has excluded the Soros Foundation from any activity in China. A good move. Even Soros says that his limitation is that he can only drive wedges into cracks in the wall until it breaks. He can't build anything.

    I agree with Chin
    a. The "shock treatment" experiment was a mass slaughter failure. (Literally. At least 4 million Russians died from it. Those ideas are murderously moronic drivel.

    China is doing it right. Build, evolve your nation. Do not revolutionize because that will break your nation.
    • Andrew Dianiska agreed- but then again Soros never meant to install his vision, simply bring down what he saw as oppressive to be replaced by the western oecd neoliberal ‘democracy’ model - can’t really blame Soros for natural tendencies rising to fill the void.
    • Andrew Dianiska although in his defense he did host numerous symposia at his Budapest CEU on both Constitution drafting AND international trade/ business practices- I had cause to attend summer 1998 and was impressed by the attempt to offer support in recasting a society’s mindset- many young smart legal & economic minds present worked hard to figure out what came next..., sadly national prejudices won out over time.

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