
The Dirty War on Syria: Tim Anderson: 9780973714784: Amazon.com: Books

The Dirty War on Syria: Tim Anderson: 9780973714784: Amazon.com: Books

The Dirty War on Syria has relied on a level of mass disinformation not seen in living memory. In seeking regime change the big powers sought to hide their hand, using proxy armies of Islamists , demonising the Syrian Government and constantly accusing it of atrocities. In this way Syrian President Bashar al Assad, a mild-mannered eye doctor, became the new evil in the world. The popular myths of this dirty war that it is a civil war , a popular revolt or a sectarian conflict hide a murderous spree of regime change across the region. The attack on Syria was a necessary consequence of Washington s ambition, stated openly in 2006, to create a New Middle East . After the destruction of Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, Syria was next in line. Five years into this war the evidence is quite clear and must be set out in detail. The terrible massacres were mostly committed by the western backed jihadists, then blamed on the Syrian Army. The western media and many western NGOs parroted the official line. Their sources were almost invariably those allied to the jihadists . Contrary to the myth that the big powers now have their own war on terror , those same powers have backed every single anti-government armed group in Syria, terrorists in any other context, adding thousands of jihadis from dozens of countries. Yet in Syria this dirty war has confronted a disciplined national army which did not disintegrate along sectarian lines. Despite terrible destruction and loss of life, Syria has survived, deepening its alliance with Russia, Iran, the Lebanese Resistance, the secular Palestinians and, more recently, with Iraq. The tide has turned against Washington, and that will have implications beyond Syria. As western peoples we have been particularly deceived by this dirty war, reverting to our worst traditions of intervention, racial prejudice and poor reflection on our own histories. This book tries to tell its story while rescuing some of the better western traditions: the use of reason, ethical principle and the search for independent evidence.

Editorial Reviews


Tim Anderson has written the best systematic critique of western fabrications justifying the war against the Assad government. No other text brings together all the major accusations and their effective refutation. This text is essential reading for all peace and justice activists. -James Petras, Author and Bartle Professor (Emeritus) of Sociology at Binghamton University, New York, Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. --James Petras

Tim Anderson s important new book, titled The Dirty War on Syria discusses US naked aggression rely(ing) on a level of mass disinformation not seen in living memory, he explains. ISIS is the pretext for endless war without mercy, Assad the target, regime change the objective, wanting pro-Western puppet governance replacing Syrian sovereign independence. There s nothing civil about war in Syria, raped by US imperialism, partnered with rogue allies. Anderson s book is essential reading to understand what s going on. -Stephen Lendman, Distinguished Author and Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Host of the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network. --Stephen Lendman

Professor Anderson demonstrates unequivocally through carefully documented research that America s Moderate Opposition are bona fide Al Qaeda affiliated terrorists created and protected by the US and its allies, recruited and trained by Saudi Arabia, Turkey, in liaison with Washington and Brussels. Through careful analysis, professor Anderson reveals the unspoken truth : the war on terrorism is fake, the United States is a State sponsor of terrorism involved in a criminal undertaking. -Michel Chossudovsky, Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization, Professor of Economics (Emeritus), University of Ottawa. --Global Research

About the Author

Dr Tim Anderson is a Senior Lecturer in Political Economy at the University of Sydney. He researches and writes on development, rights and self-determination in Latin America, the Asia-Pacific and the Middle East.

Product details

Paperback: 240 pages
Publisher: Global Research Publishers (June 16, 2016)
Language: English

Showing 1-10 of 21 reviews

Michael Pappie

5.0 out of 5 starsImportant book!November 23, 2016
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase
Tim Anderson’s book, ‘The Dirty War on Syria’ pierces the veil of lies, disinformation and propaganda being disseminated by the State Department, Military Industrial Complex, and the Western Media. Doctor Anderson’s book helps the reader gain a much clearer understanding of who the real players are behind the scenes that are directly involved in an unrelenting campaign of informational distortion, deception, and subterfuge- and what they hope to gain.
The book also exposes the use loaded language that is employed to create, sustain, and propagate their false narrative. Terms and words such as ‘moderate rebels’, ‘opposition’, ‘freedom-fighters’, ‘activists’, etc.; each must be taken apart and examined for the role and function that it has been designed, and intended to play, in the insidious subtle warping and obfuscation of the hearer’s understanding.
Doctor Anderson’s book juxtapositions (at great length) Western news media stories of alleged atrocities and war crimes committed by Assad and the Syrian Army against the strong forensic evidence provided - and testified to - by reliable eye witnesses and the reporting of highly credentialed and credible independent journalists. The evidence and conclusion is irrefutable and overwhelming: we have been--and are being--lied to on a massive scale.
CNN is constantly quoting an entity called the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Turns out that, in reality, the ‘Syrian Observatory for Human Rights’ is nothing more than some guy hold up in a dingy apartment in the UK whose being given a meager pittance by British Intelligence. Oh, and by the way, this ‘observer’ belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood!
It is shameful that the United States is one of the leading principal players (perhaps the principal player!) in all this; actively supporting this pernicious confederation of mercenaries, murderers, and assassins.
From the recent exhibition of histrionic tirades by U.S. ambassador to the United Nations- Samantha Powers, who called down execrations on her Russian counterpart, to State Department Spokesman John Kirby- angrily castigating a reporter for daring to ask him for proof and reveal his sources when he (John Kirby) recently accused Russia of bombing hospitals in Syria; the list of names of those responsible for perpetrating this sick drama are legion.
And yes, it is true, we are giving money, guns, and even training to ISIS and Al Qaeda operatives in Syria.
When you marry delusional messianic neo-liberal R2P interventionist ideology to military might and muscle, you’ve created a very dangerous beast. The West must give up its obscene, rabid, pathological addiction to ‘regime change’ and ‘color revolutions’ and face up to the misery, destruction, and chaos that these undertakings have created.
Doctor Anderson’s book is a very timely and very needed book. His work goes a long way in helping the reader come out from under all the rubble of lies, disinformation and propaganda that’s daily being fed to the American people. It is replete with an abundance of footnotes and reference sources. An extremely valuable and important work in helping to shed light and reveal the truth about this ongoing.. Dirty War on Syria.

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Poly Scientist

4.0 out of 5 starsDocuments all the disinformation about SyriaAugust 11, 2017
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase
Great book! It documents all the disinformation about Syria in the American/Western media. I took the media reporting about Syria with a grain of salt, but it appears that it has all been distorted or fabricated. The author also presents evidence of President Assad’s popularity in Syria. It also appears that the propaganda campaign is a part of strategy based on the “Full Spectrum Dominance” doctrine. It is primarily a military concept that advocates America’s overwhelming superiority on the land, sea, air and space. An extension of it is “informational, economic, and cultural dominance” (p. 91) The U.S. must win the propaganda war! But the “informational” war (i.e. disinformation) is unlikely to have a major impact on the target states. The net result is that the U.S. media and government lie to their own citizens.

The book does not appear to advocate any particular ideology, but towards the end there are approving references to Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro and Salvador Allende. The author compares Syria to Cuba. I believe that what the author conveys in the book is true: we are being subjected to a massive disinformation campaign, the TV screens present inverted reality, and most people are unaware of it. This is a serious issue. The credibility of the book would be higher without injecting problematic comments. Hence only 4 stars.

On the back cover we read: “The Dirty War on Syria has relied on a level of mass disinformation not seen in living memory.” But in fact the lies about Yugoslavia were just as bad if not worse. Somebody has to yet to write a book documenting all of it. We also need a more balanced view of the war in Chechnya.

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5.0 out of 5 starsThe foreign war against a non-compliant governmentDecember 21, 2016
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With the tsunami wave of propaganda and blind acceptance of unjustifiable claims, it may seem to many of the Left-Right, Democrat-Republican minds connected to the grand deception of supposed party opposites that offering arguments that lean on favoring the Syrian government is tantamount to supporting the killing of innocent civilians, since the regime of Bashar Al-Assad is allegedly solely focused on killing his own people as the all knowing western media loves reporting. Tim Anderson in this book does a good job at dispelling many of the false accusations brought up against the Syrian government and exposing the true movers and shakers behind this foreign intervention of Syria. For anyone with a brain that operates outside of the political establishment fantasy land deception and lies, they can easily see that there is an arcane elite motive behind this foreign intervention in Syria. Tim Anderson mentions the NATO bombing of Libya in 2011 many times in the book which further helps the independent thinker unlock the hidden motive behind this Saudi-Israeli-Turkish-American supported Islamic insurrection. Whether it is the Oded Yinon plan being conducted or just more 21st century western imperialism in front of our eyes, that analysis is for the individual to research and conclude. What isn’t deniable is that countries that refuse to comply with western or arcane elite agenda such as Iran, Syria, and Russia are always subjected to antagonism by western powers. Tim Anderson’s book is sufficient for one to understand what exactly is going on in Syria, gather information to refute false claims against Assad’s regime (such as him perpetrating some of the highly publicized massacres), and obtain knowledge of how the big powers such as the US and Saudi Arabia are either directly or indirectly causing massive carnage to a country that will not bow to a foreign elite agenda that has become a chessboard on the world stage.

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Eric C. Petersen

5.0 out of 5 starsA Must ReadMarch 8, 2017
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If you, like me, have been scratching your head about what's going on in Syria and the role of the U.S. in this conflict, this book has the answers. In short form, everything that's come out of D.C. has been a total lie. Similar to what's been going on in Yemen, the U.S. is supporting the Sunni Salafists bankrolled by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Gulf States "donors." This whole policy is totally ass backwards if the defeat of ISIS, al-Nusra et al is the goal, but such is the outcome of proxy wars we seem to be keen to engage in.

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Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 starsPropaganda war through fake news...July 31, 2017
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Stay away from CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, ABC, AND BBC..They represent the financial interest of all corporations.

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5.0 out of 5 starsHighly Relevant Today as the Battle of Idlib BeginsSeptember 9, 2018
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Outstanding page turner. Still highly relevant today 09/2018. A must read for anyone interested in getting the true story on Syria.

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fareed Nasser

3.0 out of 5 starsRead this book to open your eyes to what is going on in SyriaOctober 25, 2018
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While the book could have used some editing for clarity, the information provided in this book sheds a light on the real story in Syria .

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Peter Loeb

5.0 out of 5 starsUNDERSTANDING SYRIAMarch 10, 2017
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Excellent analysis of Syria. A "must-read" (for those
who do not accept official govt-MSM PR). To be

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Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 starsExcellent detailDecember 17, 2016
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Research and reference make this book on Syria a must read.

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5.0 out of 5 starsThe other side of the coinFebruary 28, 2017
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The other side of the war...well written .. a page turner....

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