
송지영 Jay Song Publication


As of 1 March 2018
  1. 2017. edited, History of Human Rights Society in Singapore: 1965-2015. London: Routledge.
  2. 2014. co-edited with Alistair D.B. Cook. Irregular Migration and Human Security in East Asia . London: Routledge.
  3. 2010. Human Rights Discourse in North Korea: Post-colonial, Marxist and Confucian Perspectives. London: Routledge.
  1. forthcoming in 2018. “The emergence of North Korean defector-activists in transnational activism,” in Danielle Chubb and Andrew Yeo eds. Transnational Activism and International Discourses on North Korean human rights. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  2. 2017. “People Smuggling in North Asia,” in John Coyne and Madeline Nyst eds. People Smuggler Globally 2017. Canberra: Australian Strategic Policy Institute.
  3. 2017. “Introduction,” in Jiyoung Song ed. A History of Human Rights Society in Singapore, 1965-2015. London: Routledge.
  4. 2016. Migrant Smuggling in East Asia,” in The International Organization for Migration (IOM) ed., 2016 Global Report on Migrant Smuggling (Geneva: IOM, 2016).
  5. 2016. “The Nexus between Migration and Security in the Asia-Pacific,” in The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) ed., 2016 Asia-Pacific Security Assessment (London: IISS, 2016).
  6. 2014. “Introduction” in Jiyoung Song and Alistair D.B. Cook eds. Irregular Migration and Human Security in East Asia (London: Routledge, 2014).
  7. 2014. “Complex Human Security in North Korean Irregular Migration,” in Jiyoung Song and Alistair D.B. Cook eds. Irregular Migration and Human Security in East Asia (London: Routledge, 2014).
  1. 2018. “North Korean Secondary Asylum in the United Kingdom,” Migration Studies. https://doi.org/10.1093/migration/mnx074
  2. 2017. “Co-evolution of networks and discourses: a case of North Korean defector-activists,” Australian Journal of International Affairs 71(3), pp. 284-299. DOI: 10.1080/10357718.2016.1266600
  3. 2015. “Human Security of Karen Refugees in Thailand,” Journal of Population and Social Studies 23(1), pp. 213-225.
  4. 2015. “Redefining Human Security for Vulnerable Migrants in East Asia,” Journal of Human Security 11(1), pp. 45-56.
  5. 2015. “Five Phases of Brokered International Marriages in South Korea: A Complexity Perspective,” Asian Studies 1(1), pp. 147-176.
  6. 2015. “Twenty Years’ Evolution of North Korean Migration, 1994-2014: a Human Security Perspective,” Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies 2(2), pp. 399-415.
  7. 2013. “‘Smuggled Refugees’: the social construction of North Korean migration,” International Migration 51(4), pp. 158-73.
  8. 2010. “How Communist is North Korea?: from the birth to the death of Marxist ideas of human rights,” Cambridge Review of International Affairs 23(4), pp. 561-87.
  9. 2010. “The Right to Survival in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,” The European Journal of East Asian Studies 9(1) , pp. 87-117.
  10. 2008. (with Robert Weatherley). “The Evolution of Human Rights Thinking in North Korea,” The Journal of Communist Studies and Transitional Politics 24(2) , pp. 272-96.
  1. 2018. Labour migration as complementary pathways for refugees, Working Paper for the Department of Immigration and Border Protection. Sydney: Lowy Institute.
  2. 2017. Safe and Legal Migration in Asia-Pacific, Baseline Study for the Bali Process. Bangkok: Regional Support Office of the Bali Process.
  3. 2017. (with Neil Cuthbert), Removals of Failed Asylum Seekers in Australia: a comparative perspective, Working Paper for the Migration and Border Policy project with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection. Sydney: Lowy Institute.
  4. 2016Australia and the Anti-Trafficking Regime in Southeast Asia, Working Paper for the Migration and Border Policy project with the Department of Immigration and Border ProtectionSydney: Lowy Institute.
  1. 2018. “Onward Migration: Why Do North Korean Migrants Leave South Korea?,” SinoNK, 26 February.
  2. 2018. “Two Koreas working together on Winter Olympics is a small but important step toward peace,” The Conversation, 6 February 2018.
  3. 2017. “How Australia could help South Korea deal with North Korea,” NK News, 9 November.
  4. 2017. “Trump and the Rocket Man’s ‘North Korea First’ Policy,” Pursuit, 21 September.
  5. 2017. “The women who will lead the two Korea’s nuke negotiation teams,” NK News, 7 September.
  6. 2017. “After North Korea’s denuclearisation has failed, who can bring it back to the negotiation table?,” The Guardian, 4 September.
  7. 2017. “High hopes for first female foreign minister,” The Korea Times, 26 June  2017.
  8. 2017. “Turnbull’s policy towards North Korea crucially ignores South Korea,” The Guardian, 9 June 2017.
  9. 2017. “Why Ban Ki-Moon is Not Going To Be the Next South Korean President,” The Diplomat, 18 January 2017.
  10. 2017. (with Isobel Crealy) “Why teaching refugee children is so crucial,” The Interpreter, 17 January 2017.
  11. 2016. “South Korean Scandal Prompts Possible Resignation,” Australian Outlook, 29 November 2016.
  12. 2016. “What do we know about the central American refugee deal between the US and Australia?,” The Guardian, 25 November 2016.
  13. 2016. “The Challenge for Asia’s Female Politicians,” The Diplomat, 23 November 2016.
  14. 2016. “Choi’s silent supporters,” The Korea Times, 13 November 2016.
  15. 2016. (with Rachael Buckland) “What Malaysia has to gain from migration reform,” The Interpreter, 30 September 2016.
  16. 2016. “UN and Obama Summits: What’s Next?,” The Interpreter, 21 September 2016.
  17. 2016. “Myanmar’s Muslims: a long way down Aung San Suu Kyi’s to-do list,” The Interpreter, 16 August 2016.
  18. 2016. “Time for a whole-of-nation approach to asylum seekers,” The Interpreter, 11 August 2016.
  19. 2016. “The Migration-Security Nexus in Australia and Asia Part 5,” The Interpreter, 14 July 2016; “The Migration-Security Nexus in Australia and Asia Part 4,” The Interpreter, 6 July 2016; “The Migration-Security Nexus in Australia and Asia Part 3,” The Interpreter, 20 June 2016; “The Migration-Security Nexus in Australia and Asia Part 2,” The Interpreter, 6 June 2016; “The Migration-Security Nexus in Australia and Asia Part 1,” The Interpreter, 23 May 2016.
  20. 2016. “Why a prosperous nation needs migration,” The Interpreter, 17 February 2016.
  21. 2016. “High Court detention-centre decision highlights duelling forces in migration,” The Interpreter, 11 February 2016.
  22. 2016. “Human Rights in Asia and the West,” Global Ethics Network, 28 January 2016.
  23. 2015. “Studying North Korean human rights: a South Korean’s perspective,” NK News, 28 December 2015.
  24. 2015. “Who really speaks for North Korea’s abduction victims?,” NK News, 25 November 2015.
  25. 2015. “What is life like for North Koreans in Britain,” NK News,15 October 2015.
  26. 2015. “Why do North Korean testimonies so often fall apart,” The Guardian, 13 October 2015.
  27. 2015. “Unreliable Witnesses,” Policy Forum, 1 August 2015.
  28. 2015. “Final Destination,” Policy Forum, 17 June 2015.
  29. 2013. “The Complexity of North Korean Migration,” Asia-Pacific Memo, 6 June 2013.
  30. 2012. ジヨン・ソン, ‘北朝鮮からの非正規移住,’ 東日本大震災 移住者たちは今, 通巻151 号 (2012 年6 月25 日発行(毎月1 回25 日発行)[Jiyoung Song, ‘Irregular migration of North Koreans in China and Southeast Asia,’ Migrant Networks 151 (June 2012)] (in Japanese, translated by the publisher)
  31. 2011. “North Korea: What Next?” Chatham House Expert Comments, 20 December 2011.
  32. 2009. (with Kerry Brown) “North Korea’s fate, Chimerica’s test,” Open Democracy, 7 December 2009.
  33. 2009. “영국의원님 눈엔 세금은 눈먼돈 (British MPs’ blind money),” Sisain, No. 99, 3 August 2009. (in Korean)
  34. 2009. “영국의 현재는 한국의 미래다? (Britain’s Present is Korea’s Future?),” Sisain, No. 84, 20 April 2009. (in Korean)
  35. 2009. “영국식 교육개혁 (UK Education Reforms),” Sisain, No. 82, 6 April 2009. (in Korean)
  36. 2008. “케임브리지 마지막 공산당원 (The last member of the Cambridge Communist Party),” Sisain, No. 67, 23 December 2008. (in Korean).
  37. 2002. “The Invisible Refugees: North Korean asylum seekers in China,” China Rights Forum, No. 3 (2002), pp. 5-11.


Since 2009, Jay has been teaching politics, international relations, migration, human rights and contemporary Korea in Cambridge, Singapore and Melbourne. In 2014, she was nominated for the Best Innovative Teaching Award by the School of Social Sciences of the Singarpoe Management University. Jay’s classes adopt blended learning and project-based approaches. Past projects include:
  • 2014. “Victim Identification and National Referral Mechanisms in Asia” with the International Organisation for Migration, Bangkok.
  • 2014. “Access to Justice for Migrant Workers in Southeast Asia” with the United Nation Action for Cooperation against Trafficking in Persons (UNACT) under the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Bangkok.
  • 2014. “Needs Assessment of Karen Refugees in the Ban Dong Yang Camp in Thailand” with WorldRefugee and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Bangkok.
  • 2014. “Comparative Anti-Trafficking Legislation in Asia” with the UNHCR, Bangkok.
  • 2014. “Guidebook for Incoming Indonesian Domestic Migrant Workers” with the IOM, Jakarta.
  • 2014. “Game of Public Service Excellency” with the UNDP, Singapore.
  • 2014. “Land Rights in Southeast Asia” with the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Bangkok.
The courses she has taught so far include:
  • Korea Today: Culture and Institutions (2017-present)
  • Human Rights in Southeast Asia (2017-present)
  • Global Migration and Human Security (2013-7)
  • Human Rights in International Relations (2012-7)
  • Special Projects with International Organisations (2013-5)
  • Social Science Research Methodology (2014)
  • Introduction to Political and Policy Studies (2012-4)
  • Introduction to International Relations (2011-2)
  • International Politics of Northeast Asia (2011-2)
  • Chinese Foreign Policy (2009)

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