
Auschwitz Survivor - Israelis are behaving like 1930s Germans behaved - ...

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Auschwitz Survivor - Israelis are behaving like 1930s Germans behaved - Hajo Meyer
•Aug 27, 2010


StartLoving32.54K subscribers

MORE: http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/po... ALL CREDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWslbL... MORE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hajo_Meyer

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Jorunn Indrefjord6 months ago
This should have been made public all over the world. So wonderful to listen to a wise Jew. Thank you !


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Super Man6 months ago
Great commentary! Why don't more Jews feel similarly? Why isn't the world outraged at what's being done to Palestinians? The world was silent witness to what happened to Jews during WWII and similar happens now to Palestinians and the US gifts Israel millions in dollars each day in support, which pays for them to have free college and healthcare that US itself does not enjoy.


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Jean-Marie Zelenka1 month ago (edited)
he is referring to "moderate" Bennet Gantz, the IDF Chief of staff, who bragged to having killed 2'156 Palestinians 4 years ago.


Allison Shaw2 days ago
As soon as I'm out of FB jail, I'm sharing this. Everyone needs to listen to this man.


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Carole Hammonds4 months ago
It's wonderful to hear the truth come out of the mouth of a jewish person. The man sees as the rest of us do. I am not anti-xxxxx, against a people. I am against the murder of babies and any innocent human being and/or animal. I believe, from research that it's the political ones, the zionists who are the real synagogue of satan and have an agenda that they are the ones who deserve to rule the world! Some of them, from what I understand, are not jewish at all! May God, my Father in Heaven continue to expose the real truth!Read more


hector negron1 day ago
Talk about having character and having the balls to tell the truth. Blessings Sir.


99gypsies9 years ago
@cherifa123--you are correct, people have been speaking all along--I have, for one--but those with the power to stop it were silent then as they are now. How many people died in concentration camps before the world finally stopped it? Israel is a tiny country, and this atrocity has been going on for decades, and America not only turns a blind eye, but gives Israel billions every year, even with our economy is in shambles. It's a very evil and disturbing reality and it has to stop.Read more


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Jack Fearghail2 months ago
This video is here 9.5 years on youtube yet it only received 8,148 views and 19 comments. This is due to the people not sharing, likely for fear of what others will think of them. This stuff needs to be shared.


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John Harp Dalton1 month ago
Well said, sir! Yes, the Terrible Trick of Israeli sensitivity, it works so well.


hong taeyang2 months ago
Real jewish man.


UAE69USA20 hours ago
God bless Palestine. God help Palestinians. The world must unite against what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. The Israeli barbarism must be stopped.


mikael sandberg9 years ago
So true.


Jimmy ButtWhiff1 day ago
Been saying this for years, never knew this video existed. Glad an actual survivor was saying the same thing 10 years ago.


Jinn Doe21 hours ago
Thank you for speaking to every human's suffering.


Philip Bouri1 day ago (edited)
Such a great video. Thank you for your video. It is so true. Does not mean all Jews are like this like Israelis (and many Israelis disagree with their governments actions).. Unfortunately a lot of people confuse antizionism as antisemitism. It's disgusting but effective. The Israelis have the greatest defense: You attack our politics, you're a racist. I can comfortably say: I love Judaism, I love a lot of Jews, but I hate Israel's government.Read more


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Nadia Ghalem21 hours ago
J'ai peur que ça recommence. C'est l'heure de dormir. J'écouterai demain.


Victor C11 hours ago
shared on FB...


PinecrestNova8 years ago
I think by silent he means the world did not react immediately. Yes people are talking and demanding rights for the Palestinians, but nobody is punishing Israel for their actions.


kay smith20 hours ago
So true. I love Judism but i hate the state of Israel. Whats happening to the Palestinians is disgraceful.


Byron Varvarigos18 hours ago
Love this man, a "Mensch"! This video should have millions of views.Why so few? Criticism of Israel is conflated with antisemitism, and of course it would lead to criticism of US policies. So it isn't promoted widely. Maybe same reason the genius of Noam Chomsky stays limited, ignored or attacked by MSM. No empire lasts forever, drowns in its own corruption. God help us.


eileen llorens1 month ago


GaryGettis1 month ago
looks like buddy got a better pot to piss in


happyhooliedaze25 minutes ago
What exactly does he mean by the Jewish heritage? Is he referring to that of helping of being humanitariam. I don't really see Jews as having heritage because they are a religion not a race. Judaism is a religious form of identitarianism that always relates to religious texts, but religion is MAN-MADE and has nothing to with history and real science. It's never been proven Jesus exists. It's an ASSUMPTION. There's more evidence about Bigfoot then there's for Jesus which there is NOTHING.Read more


Operation Agatha1 month ago
pioneers of inter-human ethics? I don't think so pard! They are the pioneers of subversion and supremacy! That said, I appreciate this old timer speaking out. Obviously he's miss informed about Jewish history but at least his moral compass is properly calibrated and he bravely speaks the truth and I can appreciate that in spite of his ignorance. Fuck Israel!


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Rainer Korn1 month ago
Germans are not allowed to criticize Israel! If a German dares to do so, everyone screams Nazi! War is Peace! Freedom is Slavery! Ignorance is Strength!


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Springvale Studios, Ipswich, Suffolk, East Anglia, UK.5 months ago
Well you lost me at having imaginary friends like deities, the Israelis are not the problem, the Palestinians are not the problem, its two conflicting time expired middle eastern religions fighting..... and the upholding righteous Jewish culture would not be relevant to somebody who really sought peace. Even with no experience of living in Israel or Palestine the other people with imaginary deity friends that read from the other book, say they want to push you into the sea. Its a terrible thing that God is on anybodies side, that's the core problem. Its not just common to the middle east, it pervades American culture as well, we can no longer afford to have barriers created by religion. Its a 2000 plus year old disaster, shut up about "in god you trust" because it wont reduce your insurance premiums and until such time as an insurance company offers you a premium reduction for trusting in god. Its just not supported by sane people making risk assessments. so its found to be dangerous and pointless, so just get rid or get me an interview with anybodies god in the very near future and I will share the video for you to Youtube and let the world judge the results, is that a deal?. That's really all that divides you if you could clearly think about it.Read more


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Aryan Civilization6 months ago
Talk about deception! Just saying he knows all about Fascism doesn't actually mean that he knows anything about Fascism. He never touched on it once! And Ha! He criticizes Israel because he feels some kind of compassion for the Palestinians why he struggled to hold back saying that "the J's are God's chosen people". But it was insinuated. They lie even when telling the truth. Nice tattoo. Not typical German font though 😂Read more


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reginaDexant8 years ago
You must have behaved very badly in the concentration camps. You must have beat your own people, starved them, forced them to work themselves to death, co-operated fully and licked the boots of the Jack-booted Nazis. You are a traitor.


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anton hamilton5 months ago
I support totally what he's saying about Israel and Palestine . That he as a Jewish child survived internment in auswitzh proves it was not a death camp but a labour camp . It had a swimming pool and maternity hospital plus football fields and theatre


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