
Judaism as an End spells the End of Judaism - Rabbi Rami

Judaism as an End spells the End of Judaism - Rabbi Rami

Hand to GodKilling For Christ: Is It About Time?


It’s the Message, Stupid

Why I joined the

Theosophical Society

Why I Can’t Be an Orthodox Jew: a Critique of “Jewish Conservatism: a Manifesto”

Dr. Gordon Peerman

Rabbi Rami is Jon Stewart’s spiritual double: hilarious and insightful, who wickedly exposes the religious insanities of our time while movingly offering an authentic interspirituality that is timeless.

While my personal life is between me, Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos, here are some highlights from my professional life:

I was born on April 26, 1951 and circumcised eight days later. (OK, that was personal.)

I earned rabbinic ordination from Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion in 1981, and a PH.D. in religion from Union Graduate School in 1985. Over the past forty years I’ve been a USAF chaplain, a congregational rabbi, a business consultant, a university professor, and an author of three dozen books on religion and spirituality.

In 2010 I was initiated into the Ramakrishna Order of Vedanta Hinduism by Swami Swahananda, and became a 32° Scottish Rite Mason (KCCH). Several years later I founded the Order of the Holy Rascal, and joined another secret society, The Grand Lodge of All Beings.

I currently co-direct the One River Foundation (oneriverfoundation.org), write the “Roadside Assistance for the Spiritual Traveler” column for Spirituality & Health Magazine and host the magazine’s podcast “Essential Conversations with Rabbi Rami (spiritualityhealth.com).

And through it all I have wrestled with my addiction to food. (Ah, again with the personal.)

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama says his religion is kindness. What’s yours?

Being a blessing.

Being a blessing obligates me to cultivate wisdom, justice, and compassion along with kindness. I imagine His Holiness would say the same of his religion as well.

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