
Charles Park - What does she mean? Sandra Fahy Christine Ahn

(3) Charles Park - What does she mean? Sandra Fahy Christine Ahn

Charles Park
20 December 2019 ·

What does she mean? Sandra Fahy Christine Ahn


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Sandra Fahy She means: NK has no interest in peace. Will avoid irony going forward.

Charles Park Does the US?

Sandra Fahy Charles Park - please read my published work. I am no war monger.

Charles Park But why Women Cross DMZ?

Sandra Fahy Have you careful read their website? Answer should be apparent after you do.

Charles Park Ok. What specifically troubles you about Women Cross DMZ?

I agree, North Korea is addicted to war as well, in a different way. For example, the whole personality cult is created out of the Great General Suryongnim.

But to me, the Women Cross DMZ expresses a truism: End the Korean War first before (or simultaneously) before expecting any progress on human rights and denuclearization...

Wouldn't a new peace regime create the basis for a denuclearize North Korea? Or force them to reform?

Charles Park And do you think the US wants to end the Korean War?

Sandra Fahy I have read the bill. I cannot speak for “America” - but it is not the armistice that is keeping North Koreans in horrendous rights abuses. And now I recall we have had these exchanges before. Please read my work. I’m not up for bespoke education via Facebook.

Charles Park It's the Armistice that keeps the two Koreas apart and the US firmly in the middle, literally...

Charles Park In the US, they successfully use the propaganda about the liberal ivory tower elites to dismiss facts and sound analysis. Alas, that's in part how we will lose against the Chinese.

Leonid Petrov Preparing for Christmas the North Korean way. Nothing unusual.

Charles Park Kim Jong Un is going to dress up as Santa Claus.

Christine Ahn Thanks Charles Park for always challenging those with a limited view. I appreciate your dogged persistence. Not sure why anyone would oppose women peacemakers who have a holistic view of the conflict and want to help bring an end to 70 years of war and division, but I guess that says a lot.

Christine Ahn I’m happy to debate Ms. Fahey in person anytime. I just can’t do this facebook thing — too taxing and I need to prioritize my work and family.

Charles Park You two do Facebook but do not. Ok.

Christine Ahn Dude, I’m managing a global team, leading strategy including engaging with all govts, raising all the money, AND raising a child! I have my priorities!!!

Charles Park No worries. I did not expect a fistfight. Anyway, you do good work.

Charles Park I was just surprised by the narrowness of view (only NK is addicted to war). Granted, NK is probably addicted to war, it's not the only country in the conflict addicted to war. (Hint: US).

I was also curious by the targeted attack on Women Cross DMZ and wondered why. I can only assume that that the organization is seen as naive in believing NK is interested in peace, without facts. And again, without saying that the US is also not interested in peace.

Sandra Fahy has declined to elucidate.

Sandra Fahy Declined to elucidate here, did so via 400 page book. See bookstore.

Christine Ahn They’ve been asking for a peace treaty forever...

Charles Park Since the early 1970s, on the heels of US-PRC rapprochement. NK even sent a letter to the US Congress to no avail.

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