
Vladimir Tikhonov - Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages

Vladimir Tikhonov - Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages

Academic staff
Korean Studies
Vladimir Tikhonov

Vladimir Tikhonov
Professor - Korea-studies

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Born 1973 in Leningrad (now St.-Petersburg), USSR (Russia)
1989-94 – Korean Studies, Leningrad (St.-Petersburg) State University; MA in Korean History, July 1994
1994 – 1996 - Doctoral candidate in Moscow State University (Institute of Asian and African Studies, International Centre for Korean Studies); PhD in Korean History, December 1996. Thesis title: The History of Kaya Proto-States (Original title: Istoriya kayaskih protogosudarstv: Russian).
February 1997 – February 2000 - Lecturer in KyungHee University (Seoul, South Korea), on fixed-term contract basis.
March 2000 – current - Associate Professor/Full Professor (from September 2006) with Institute for East European and Oriental Studies (from 2005 reorganized into Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages), Faculty of Humanities, University of Oslo (Korean history/language, East Asian Studies)
Teaching and tutoring
EAST4510: Approaches to East Asian Culture and History
EAST4530: Topics in East Asian Culture and History
EAST4520: Topics in East Asian Societies and Politics
EAST4504: East Asia - Great Traditions
EXFAC03-EAST - Exfac for Øst-Asiastudier
KOR1502: Korea – Philosophy and Religion
KOR4504: Korea – History, Society, Politics
KOR1504: Korea: History, Society, Politics

Co-responsible (fagansvarlig) for the MA programme East asian culture and history.

Teaching notes for all the courses are accessible on fronter.uio.no for the students and employees of the University of Oslo.
Special fields

Has the experience in research-based teaching on:
Korean History (especially the history of Korean Buddhism and Korean Nationalism)
Contemporary Korean Society and Politics
Modernity and Nationalism in East Asia
Labour Movements in Modern and Contemporary East Asia
Nationalism and History Writing in Modern and Contemporary East Asia
Korean Language (text reading, Chinese characters)

Ongoing and planned research projects

"Militarism and Religions in Northeast, South and Southeast Asia, late 19th and 20th century" project leader (together with Torkel Brekke, IKOS, HF, UiO). Specially responsible for the personal subproject "Buddhism and Military Violence in Colonial and Early Post-Colonial Korea, 1920s-1950s": http://www.hf.uio.no/ikos/forskning/forskningsprosjekter/vladimir/militarism/index.html
Revolution Goes East: Russia and East Asian Revolutions, 1870s to 1917 (pdf)
Violent Religion (pdf)
Internationalism in East Asia (pdf)

Korean Communist Movement of the 1920s-30s in the International Context (plan to publish a monograph in 2019)
Critical Biography of Sin Ch'aeho (1880-1936) (Korean, together with Prof. Yun Haedong, to be published by Hangyoreh Publishers in 2018)
Critical Biography of Han Yongun (1879-1944) (English and Korean, to be published by Dolbegae Publishers in 2020)Tags: East Asia, Korea, Korean, Buddhism


Scientific articles and bookchapters

Main Recent Monographs (2008-2016):

  • Republic of Korea Inc (Original Title: Chusik Hoesa Taehan Min'guk); Seoul, Hangyoreh Publishers, 2016, 263 p.
  • Modern Korea and Its Others: Perceptions of the Neighbouring Countries and Korean Modernity. London: Routledge, 2015, 218 p.
  • The Era of Servility (Original Title: Pigul ŭi sidae); Seoul, Hangyoreh Publishers, 2014, 376 p.
  • Buddhism and Violence: Militarism and Buddhism in Modern Asia, edited together with Torkel Brekke. NY: Routledge, 2012, 264 p.
  • There is no state for you (Original Title: Tangsin ŭl wihan kukka nŭn ŏpta); Seoul, Hangyoreh Publishers, 2012, 310 p.
  • [Koreanized] Buddha who killed the [original] Buddha (Original title: Putta rŭl chugin Puch'ŏ); Seoul, Inmul kwa sasang Publishers, 2011, 288 p.
  • The History of Korea Vols. 1-2: from Primitive Times to the 1990s (Original title: История Кореи, Том 1: с древнейших времен по 1990-e годы Istoriya Korei, Tom 1: s drevneishikh vremen po 1990-e gody), together with Kang Man’gil. Moscow, Natalis Publishers, 2011. Vol. 1: 533 p.; Vol. 2: 498 p.
  • [Korea's] Ancient History Upside-Down (Original title: Kǒkkuro pon kodaesa), Seoul, Hangyoreh Publishers, 2010, 304 p.
  • Social Darwinism and Nationalism in Korea: the Beginnings (1880s-1910s). 'Survival' as an Ideology of Korean Modernity, Leiden: Brill, 2010, 255 p.
  • Contemporary South Korean Capitalism: its Workings and Challenges (together with Yonhyok Choe, Rainer Dormels, Kevin Gray, Robert Hassink, Gabriel Jonsson, Antti Leppänen and Annette Son Ek; edited by Vladimir Tikhonov), Oslo, Unipub, 2010, 204 p.
  • Making a Vigirous Male: Exploring the History of Korea’s Ideal Masculinity (Original title: Ssikssikhan namja mandŭlgi: Han’guk ŭi isangjŏk namsŏngsŏng ŭi yŏksa rŭl p’ahech’ida: Korean), Seoul, P’urŭn yŏksa Publishers, 2009, 236 p.
  • To the Left, and Further to the Left (Original title: Oencchok ŭro, tǒ oencchok ǔro: Korean), Seoul, Hangyoreh Publishers, 2009, 321 p.
  • Overcoming the [paradigms] of "taming" and "group-ism" - narrating the 100 years of modern Korea (Original title: Kiltǔrigi wa p'yǒnkarǔgi rǔl nǒmǒ: Han'guk kǔndae 100nyǒn ǔl marhanda. Co-authored with Huh Donghyun), Seoul, P’urŭn yŏksa Publishers, 2009, 360 p.
  • Selected Writings of Han Yongun: From Social Darwinism to "Socialism with a Buddhist Face" (together with Owen Miller), Folkestone (UK), Global Oriental, 2008, 263 p.
  • Pak Noja's Ten Thousand Feelings Diary (Original title: Pak Noja ǔi Mangam ilgi), Seoul, Inmul kwa sasang Publishers, 2008, 367 p.
Recent (2008-2016) academic articles:
  • 2016:
  • (co-authred with Kang Inch’ŏl) 한국 종교의 보수성을 어떻게 볼까 - 개신교를 중심으로 Han'guk Chonggyo ŭi posusŏng ŭl ŏttŏk'e polkka - Kaesin'gyo rŭl chungsim ŭro (How Should We View the Korean Religious Conservatism - with Focus on Protestantism) - Ch'angjak kwa pip'ŏng (창작과 비평), Vol. 44, Issue 1, 2016, pp. 398-424 (Korean).
  • “A Russian Radical and East Asia in the Early Twentieth Century: Sudzilovsky, China, and Japan.” Cross-Currents E-Journal Vol. 18 (2016), pp. 51-76 (English).
  • “An Chunggŭn in the Korean and Regional Historical Memory: Guest Editor’s Introduction” - Acta Koreana, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2016, pp. 133-137 (English).
  • “An Chunggŭn and Beyond: Individual Terror in the Korean National Movement as Seen from Russia/Soviet Union, 1909 to the Early 1930s” - Acta Koreana, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2016, pp. 189-215 (English).
  • “Social Darwinism as History and Reality: “Competition” and “The Weak” in Early Twentieth-Century Korea” – Critical Asian Studies, Vol. 48, Issue 3, 2016, pp. 315-337 (English).
  • “Korea in the Russian and Soviet Imagination, 1850s–1945: Between Orientalism and Revolutionary Solidarity” – Journal of Korean Studies, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2016, pp. 385-422 (English).
  • “Contemporary Buddhism and Education” – The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Buddhism. Ed. Michael Jerryson, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016, pp. 518-532 (English).
  • “Review essay: Todd A. Henry, Assimilating Seoul: Japanese Rule and the Politics of Public Space in Colonial Korea, 1910–1945. University of California Press, 2014” – Monumenta Nipponica, Vol. 71, No. 1, 2016, pp. 222-227 (English).

  • 2015:
  • “Chapter 11: Discourses of Race and Racism in Modern Korea, 1890s-1945” - Race and Racism in Modern East Asia: Interactions, Nationalism, Gender and Lineage.
  • Eds. Rotem Kowner and Walter Demel, Leiden: Brill, 2015, pp. 299-343 (English).
  • “Chapter 8: China and Chinese in Colonial Korea: Discourses on China and Chinese in 1920s - Early 1930s Prose Literature and Journalism” - Colonialisation: A Comparative Study of India and Korea. Eds. V. Raghavan and R. Mahalakshmi, New Delhi: Academic Foundation, 2015, pp. 169-201 (English).
  • “The Images of Russia and Russians in Colonial-Era Korean Literature: The 1930s” – positions Vol. 23, Issue 2, 2015, pp. 287-316 (English)
  • “Militarized Masculinity with Buddhist Characteristics - Buddhist Chaplains and their Role in the South Korean Army” - Review of Korean Studies, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2015, pp. 7-35 (English).
  • “Review essay: Danielle Chubb, Contentious Activism and Inter-Korean Relations. New York: Columbia University Press, 2014” - Asian Studies Review, Vol. 39, No. 3, 2015, pp. 532-534 (English).
  • 최서해의 소설: ‘경계’의 체험과 ‘피아’(彼我)의 이분법 (Ch'oe Sŏhae ŭi Sosŏl: ‘Kyŏnggye' ŭi Ch'ehŏm kwa 'P'ia' ŭi Ibunpŏp (The Novels of Ch'oe Sŏhae: Experiences of the "Boundaries" and the Dichotomy of "Us" and "Them") - Chungguk Kwanhaeng Webzine (중국관행 웹진), Vol. 61, September 2015, 12 pp. (Korean):

  • 2014:
  • ”박근혜 스타일”: 사회적 파시즘과 정치제도적 자유민주주의 "Pak Kŭnhye Style": sahoejŏk p'asijŭm kwa chŏngch'i chedojŏk chayu minjujuŭi (”Pak Geun Hye Style”: Societal Fascism and Liberal Democracy as a Political System) – Kyŏngje wa Sahoe (경제와 사회), No. 101, 2014, pp. 12-27 (Korean).
  • 신(新) 공안정국과 정교(政敎)갈등의 이유와 전망 Sin Kong'an chŏngguk Kwa Chŏnggyo kaltŭng ŭi iyu wa chŏnmang (The New Arrival of the Political Witchhunts and the Reasons and Perspectives for the Conflicts between the [Organized] Religion and Politics [in South Korea]) – Kidokkyo Sasang (기독교 사상), No. 1, January 2014, pp. 28-31 (Korean)
  • 김남주, 남민전, 그리고 그의 사상 Kim Namju, Namminjŏn, kŭrigo kŭ ŭi sasang (Kim Namju, Front for the National Liberation of South Korea and its Ideology) – Silch’ŏn Munhak (실천문학), No. 113, Spring 2014, pp. 153-166 (Korean)
  • "米歐回覽實記", 동아시아적 근대의 한 원천 "Migu hoeram silgi", Tong'asiajŏk kŭndae ŭi han wŏnch'ŏn ("Bei-Ō kairan jikki", a Source of East Asian Modernity) – Boon, No. 2, Spring 2014, pp. 157-163 (Korean).
  • “Фронт национального освобождения Южной Кореи. Революционеры-подпольщики в Южной Корее 1970-х гг.” (Front for the National Liberation of South Korea: Underground Revolutionaries in the 1970s’ South Korea) - Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Russia and South Korea: Mutual Interest". Krasnodar, October 24-25, 2014 Papabellum: Krasnodar, 2014, pp. 41-51 (Russian) A reworked and enlarged version of the same article was also published in: Вестник Центра Корейского Языка и Культуры (Proceedings of the Centre for Korean Language and Culture), St-Petersburg State University, Vol. 16, 2014, pp. 175-195 (Russian).
  • “Review essay: Empire of the Dharma: Korean and Japanese Buddhism, 1877-1912. By Kim Hwansoo. Harvard: Harvard University Press, 2012” - Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, Vol. 74, No.1, 2014, pp. 184-192 (English)
  • “Review essay: Henk Blezer/Mark Teeuwen (eds.), Buddhism and Nativism: Framing Identity Discourse in Buddhist Environments. Leiden: Brill, 2013” - Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2014, pp. 237-240 (English)
  • “Chinese and Korean religious traditions” - Gregory M. Reichberg and Henrik Syse eds., Religion, War, and Ethics: A Sourcebook of Textual Traditions. Cambridge University Press 2014, pp. 597-631 (English).
  • (co-authored with Hye Gyung Lee): « The Confucian Background of Modern “Heroes” in the Writings of Sin Ch’aeho—In Comparison with Those of Liang Qichao» - Acta Koreana, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2014, pp. 339-374 (English)
  • “The 1905–7 Russian Revolution Seen from Korea: Korean Periodicals Debate Revolutionary Russia” - Horizons: Seoul Journal of Humanities, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2014, pp. 175-193 (English)

  • 2013:
  • 식민지시대 한국문학 속의 러시아와 러시아인의 이미지: 1930년대를 중심으로 Singminji Han'guk Munhak sok ŭi Rŏsia wa Rŏsiain ŭi Imiji: 1930nyŏndae rŭl chungsim ŭro (The Image of Russia and Russians in Colonial-Era Korean Literature, with a Focus on the 1930s). – Ki Kyehyŏng et. al (eds.), 역사 속의 한국과 러시아 Yŏksa sok ŭi Han'guk kwa Rŏsiya (Korea and Russia in History). Seoul: Sŏnin 2013, pp. 191-225 (Korean).
  • “바람직한 미래 한국의 상? Paramjikhan Mirae Han'guk ŭi Sang? (A Desirable Image of Future Korea?)” - Naeil ŭl yŏnŭn yŏksa (내일을 여는 역사), Vol. 50, March 2013, pp. 71-79 (Korean)
  • “계봉우와 미하일朴의 한국학: 근현대사 서술을 중심으로 해서 Kye Pong'u wa Mihail Pak ŭi Han'gukhak: Kŭnhyŏndaesa sŏsul ŭl chungsim ŭro haesŏ (Korean Studies by Kye Pong’u and Mikhail Pak: Focused on their Descriptions of Korea’s Modern History)” – Han’gukhak Yŏn’gu (한국학 연구), Vol. 29, March 2013, pp. 129-155 (Korean). The same article was included into the collective monograph: Inha Taehakkyo Han’gukhak Yŏn’guso (ed.), 러시아의 한국학과 북우 계봉우 Rŏsia ŭi Han’gukhak kwa Pug’u Kye Pong’u (Russia’s Korean Studies and Pug’u Kye Pong’u). Seoul: Somyŏng Publishers, 2013, pp. 68-95 (Korean)
  • “1990년대 이후 러시아에서의 한국전쟁에 대한 시각들 1990nyŏndae ihu Rŏsia esŏ ŭi Han'guk chŏnjaeng e taehan sigak tŭl (The Views on Korean War in post-1990s' Russia)” – Asia Journal (아시아 저널; 5.18기념재단 발간), Vol. 7, Summer 2013, pp. 143-161 (Korean)
  • “만해 한용운의 불교적 근대 문명관 Manhae Han Yongun ŭi Pulgyojŏk kŭndae munmyŏnggwan (Manhae Han Yongun's Buddhist View of Modern Civilization)” -- Manhaehak Yeongu (만해학 연구; 만해학술원 발간), No. 8, Autumn 2013, pp. 9-33 (Korean)
  • “South Korea’s Christian Military Chaplaincy in the Korean War - religion as ideology?” - The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, Vol 11, Issue 18. No 1, May 6, 2013: http://www.japanfocus.org/-Vladimir-Tikhonov/3935 (English)
  • “Review essay: Vladyki Staroi Korei (Rulers of Old Korea). By Tatiana Simbirtseva. Moscow: Russian State University of Humanities Press, 2012” - Acta Koreana, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2013, pp. 273-276 (English).

  • 2012:
  • “근대 한국의 인종 및 인종주의 담론: 1890-1910년대Kŭndae Han'guk ŭi injong mit injongchuŭi tamnon: 1890-1910 nyŏndae (Race and Racism Discourses in Modern Korea: the 1890s-1910s)”, - Yi Kyŏnggu, Hŏ Su, Rune Svarverud, Joachim Kurtz et. al., Kaenyŏm ŭi Pŏnyŏk kwa Ch'angjo (개념의 번역과 창조 The Translation and Creation of the Concepts). Seoul, Dolbegae Publishers, 2012, pp. 38-68 (Korean)
  • “Transcending Boundaries, Embracing Others: Nationalism and Transnationalism in Modern and Contemporary Korea” - The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, Vol 10, Issue 7. No 3, February 13, 2012: http://japanfocus.org/-Vladimir-Tikhonov/3691 (English)
  • “The Controversies on Fascism in Colonial Korea in the early 1930s” – Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 46, Issue 4, 2012, pp. 975-1006 (English).
  • “The Race and Racism Discourses in Modern Korea, 1890s-1910s” – Korean Studies, Vol. 36, 2012, pp. 31-58 (English)
  • “Doing Korean History Research Outside of Korea: An Advantage of Looking from Outside?” – The Review of Korean Studies, Vol. 15, No. 1, June 2012, pp. 141-164 (English).
  • “Buddhism, Pacifism and Conscientious Objection: Focusing on the American Buddhist Experience” - International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture, Vol. 19, September 2012, pp. 39-61 (English)
  • “Hyŏn Sang'yun, 1914, Tokyo: Early Taisho Japan through the Eyes of a Korean Student” - Istoriya i Kul'tura Traditsionnoi Yaponii (History and Culture of Traditional Japan), Vol. 5, St.Petersburg: Hyperion, 2012, pp. 151-164 (English).
  • “Review essay: Establishing a Pluralist Society in Medieval Korea, 918–1170: History, Ideology and Identity in the Koryo Dynasty. By Remco E. Breuker. Leiden: Brill, 2010” – Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 71, No. 02, 2012, pp. 557-559 (English).
  • “Review essay: Khronologiya Stran Vostochnoi i Tsental'noi Azii (Chronology of the Countries of East and Central Asia). By Lev Rafailovich Kontsevich. Moscow: Vostochnaya Literatura, 2010”, - Seoul Journal of Korean Studies, Vol. 25, No.1, 2012, pp. 169-171 (English).
  • “Review essay: Monuments, Memory and Identity: Constructing the Colonial Past in South Korea. By Guy Podoler. Bern: Peter Lang, 2011” - Acta Koreana, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2012, pp. 425-429 (English).

  • 2011:
  • “신채호의 “을지문덕”과 “수군 제일위인 이순신”: “外競”을 통한 “우리 민족” 만들기 Sin Ch'aeho ŭi "Ŭlchi Mundŏk" kwa "Sugun Cheil Wiin Yi Sunsin" - "oegyŏng" ŭl t'onghan "uri minjok" mandŭlgi (Sin Ch'aeho's Novels "Ŭlchi Mundŏk" and "The Greatest Admiral, Yi Sunsin": making "our nation" through "competition against Others")”, - 이순신연구논총 Yi Sunsin Yŏn’gu Nonch’ong (Journal of Yi Sunsin Studies), Vol. 15, No. 1/2, 2011, pp. 37-67 (Korean)
  • “인간 해방의 비전, 만해 한용운의 진보적 불교 문명관In'gan haebang ŭi pijŏn, Manhae Han Yongun ŭi chinbojŏk Pulgyo munmyŏnggwan (The vision of human liberation: Manhae Han Yongun's progressive view of Buddhist civilization)”, - Kim Hŏn ed., Munmyŏng an ŭro (문명 안으로 Into the Civilization). Seoul, Hangilsa Publishers, 2011, pp. 275-296 (Korean)
  • “괴물과 천사 사이에 Koemul kwa ch'ŏnsa sai e ([Russia’s Image in Korea:] Between a monster and an angel)”, - Vladimir Tikhonov (Pak Noja) ed., Rŏssiya nŭn uri ege muŏsin'ga? (러시아는 우리에게 무엇인가 What is Russia to us). Seoul, Sininmunsa Publishers, 2011, pp. 93-151 (Korean)
  • “Levende redskap i Det Konfutsianske Menneskelighetens Rike? Slaver i Chosŏn-dynastiets Korea” (Living tools in the realm of the Confucian humanness? Slaves in Chosŏn Dynasty’s Korea). – Saphinaz-Amal Naguib & Bjarne Rogan, eds., Materiell Kultur og Kulturens Materialitet (Material Culture and Culture’s Materiality). Oslo: Novus, 2011, pp. 147-165 (Norwegian).
  • “Manhae Han Yongun's Attempt at Producing an All-Inclusive Modern Buddhist Compendium - Pulgyo Taejǒn”, – Christoph Anderl, ed., Zen Rhetoric and Doctrine in China, Korea, and Japan. Leiden: Brill, 2011, pp. 399-417 (English).
  • “The Korean Images of Tibet and Sirhak Scholars: the Plurality of Truths? In Relation to the Issue of the Epistemological Shift in Eighteenth-Century Korea” – Transcultural Studies (Heidelberg University), Vol. 2, 2011, pp. 51-65 (http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/ojs/index.php/transcultural/article/view/9128/3102 ) (English)
  • “China’s Image in Korea in the 1890s–1900s - Focusing on Daily Newspapers” - Horizons: Seoul Journal of Humanities, Vol. 2, No. 2, December 2011, pp. 181-203 (English)
  • “Buddhism, Pacifism and Conscientious Objectors: Focusing on the American Buddhist Experience” - Mirae segye wa Pulgyo: Sangwŏl Wŏn'gak Taejosa T'ansin 100chunyŏn (미래 세계와 불교: 상월 원각 대조사 탄신 100주년The Future World and Buddhism: The 100th Birth Anniversary of the Great Patriarch Sangwŏl Wŏn'gak). Seoul: Taehan Pulgyo Ch’ŏnt’aejong Ch’ulp’anbu, 2011, pp. 362-398 (English).

  • 2010:
  • “Ham Sŏkhŏn and Korean Nationalism”, - Cahiers D'études Coréennes, Vol. 8, 2010, pp. 475-487 (English)
  • “One Religion, Different Readings: (Mis)interpretations of Korean Buddhism in Colonial Korea, Late 1920s - Early 1930s”, - Journal of Korean Religions, Vol. 1, Issues 1-2, 2010, pp. 158-185 (English)
  • “Review essay: Buddhist Warfare by Michael K. Jerryson, Mark Juergensmeyer (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010” – H-Net Reviews, June 2010 . (English).
  • “The Japanese Missionaries and their Impact on Korean Buddhist Developments (1876-1910)”, - Park Y. Jin (ed.), Makers of Modern Korean Buddhism, NY: SUNY Press, 2010, pp. 245-275 (English) – revised version of the previously published article, “The Japanese Missionaries and Their Impact on Korean Buddhist Developments (1876-1910)”. International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture, Vol. 4, 2004, pp. 7-49 (English).
  • “1900년대 초반 신채호의 ‘민족’, ‘국수’ 개념의 계보와 지역적 맥락 1900 nyǒndae ch'oban Sin Ch'aeho ǔi ‘minjok’, ‘kuksu’ kaenyǒm ǒi kyebo wa chiyǒkchǒk maengnak (The genealogy and regional context of the concepts of "ethnic nation" and "national essence" [developed by] Sin Ch'aeho in the beginning of the twentieth century)”, - Lim Hyǒngt’aek, Vladmir Tikhonov, Ko Misuk et. al., Chǒnt'ong - kǔndae ga mandǔrǒ naen tto hana ǔi kwǒllyǒk (전통 – 근대가 만들어낸 또 하나의 권력 Tradition - one more power invented by modernity), Seoul: Inmul kwa sasang, 2010, pp. 74-124 (Korean).

  • “’문명개화’ 선망과 대일 적대심 사이에서: 신채호의 일본관 'Munmyǒng kaehwa' sǒnmang kwa taeil chǒktaesim sai esǒ: Sin Ch'aeho ǔi Ilbon'gwan (Sin Ch'aeho's Views on Japan: Between the Longing for 'Civilization and Progress' and Anti-Japanese Animosity)”, - 일본비평 Ilbon Pip’yǒng (Japan Review), Vol. 3, 2010, pp. 20-36 (Korean).
  • “1900년대 초반 신채호 ‘민족’ 개념의 계보와 동아시아적 맥락 1900nyǒndae ch'oban Sin Ch'aeho 'minjok' kaenyǒm ǔi kyebo wa Tongasiajǒk maengnak (The Genealogy and East Asian Context of the "Nation" Concept as Developed by Sin Ch'aeho in the Early 1900s)”, - 순천향 인문과학논총 Sunch’ǒnhyang Inmun Kwahak Nonch’ong (Soonchunhyang Journal of Humanities), Vol. 25, 2010, pp. 107-138 (Korean)

  • 2009:
  • “Militarism and Anti-militarism in South Korea: “Militarized Masculinity” and the Conscientious Objector Movement” (revised version), - "The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, Vol. 12-1-09, March 16, 2009": http://www.japanfocus.org/VladimirTikhonov-MilitarismandAntimilitarisminSouthKoreaMilitarizedMasculinityandtheConscientiousObjectorMovement_ (English)
  • “Review essay: Izbrannaya bibliographiya literatury po Koree na russkom i zapadnoevropeiskih yazykah (Selected Bibliography of Literature on Korea in Russian and Western European Languages) by L.R.Kontsevich, Moscow: Pervoe Marta, 2008”, - Review of Korean Studies, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 183-187 (English).
  • “Obituary: In Memoriam: Professor Mikhail Nikolaevich Pak (June 21, 1918 - April 16, 2009) “, - Acta Koreana, Vol. 12, No. 1, June 2009, pp. 239-242 (English).
  • K'waenama, ch'ǒnjae, yǒngung k'iugi (Bringing up a gallant young man, genius, and hero)”, - Vladimir Tikhonov, Kim Hyuncheol, Ko Misuk et. al., Ip'al ch'ǒngch'un kkottti nǔn ǒttǒk'e ch'ǒngsonyǒn i toeǒnna? (How the "blossoming 16 years olds" became "adolescents"?), Seoul: Inmul kwa sasang, 2009, pp. 112-166 (Korean).
  • 2008:
  • “Burzhuaznaya revolyutsiya sverkhu? Reformy 1894-1895 gg. v Koree” (A bourgeois revolution from above? The 1894-1895 reforms in Korea). Koreya: Istoriya i sovremennost'. K devyanostoletiyu so dnya rozhdeniya professora Mikhaila Nikolaevicha Paka. Sbornik Statei (Korea: History and Modernity. Celebrating the 90th anniversary of Prof. Mikhail Nikolaevich Pak. Festschrift). Seoul, Namo Communications, 2008, pp. 117-131.
  • “Kankoku to teikokushugi“ (Korea and Imperialism), - Gendai no riron (Modern Theory), Vol. 14, 2008, pp. 149-164 (Japanese).
  • “Knowledge is Strength – Social Darwinism in Pre-colonial Education in Korea (1895–1910)”, - Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung, Vol. 32, 2008, pp. 219-243 (English)
  • “Review Essay: Religions of Korea in Practice”(Review of: RELIGIONS OF KOREA IN PRACTICE Edited by Robert E. Buswell, Jr. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007), - Religious Studies Review, Vol. 34, No. 3, 2008, pp. 153-159 (English).
  • “"Fight Fire with Fire" - Sin Ch'aeho (1880-1936) and his Anti-colonial Social Darwinist Nationalism -”, - Sogang Inmun Nonch'ong (Sogang Humanities Journal), Vol. 24, 2008, pp. 105-127 (English).
  • “Chasan An Hwak ege issǒsǒ ǔi minjok, mudo, yǒksa” (Nation, "Warrior's Way" and History in the Scholarship of Chasan An Hwak (1886-1946)), - Yǒlsang Kojǒn Yǒn'gu (Yǒlsang Journal of Classical Studies), Vol. 27, 2008, pp. 41-72 (Korean).
  • “K'waenama, ch'ǒnjae, yǒngung k'iugi: 1910-1930 nyǒndae Chosǒn esǒ ǔi adong, ch'ǒngsonyǒn hunyuk tamnon ǔi chǒn'gae” (Upbringing an Energetic Young Man, Genius, and Hero - Children and Youth Education Discourse in Korea in the 1910s-1930s), -Han'guk Minjok Undongsa Yǒn'gu (Research on the History of Korean National Movement), Vol. 56, 2008, pp. 6-57 (Korean).
  • “Lenin, panchayujuǔijǒk minjujuǔi hyǒngmyǒng ǔi hǔngmang” (Lenin - Rise and Fall of an Anti-Liberal Democratic Revolution), - Lenin kwa mirae hyeongmyeong [Lenin and the Future Revolution] , Seoul, Greenbee Publishers, 2008, pp. 103-145 (Korean).
  • “Ham Sǒkhǒn: Kunsajuǔi, kukkajuǔi rǔl kǔkpokhae naganǔn kil” (Ham Sokhon: The Way towards Overcoming Militarism and Statism), - Kukche Koryǒhak (International Journal of Korean Studies), Vol. 12, 2008, pp. 257-275 (Korean).

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