
The Korean War Ridgway, Matthew B.

The Korean War (A Da Capo paperback): Ridgway, Matthew B.: 9780306802676: Amazon.com: Books

Matthew B. Ridgway
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The Korean War (A Da Capo paperback) Paperback – March 22, 1986
by Matthew B. Ridgway (Author)
4.6 out of 5 stars 32 ratings

In December 1950 General Matthew B. Ridgway replaced General Walton Walker as commander of the Eighth Army, and in April 1951 he succeeded Douglas MacArthur as supreme commander of the United Nations forces in Korea and supreme commander of the United States Far East Command.

 In this spirited book, General Ridgway describes how he took a dispirited army and rebuilt it in a few short months, leading it into battle against the Chinese and North Korean forces, forcing them back over the 38th parallel and ”victory.” 

It is a book that takes a close look at MacArthur, his failings and brilliance, and a hard look at the idea of limited war. Infused with a humane leader's appreciation for the ordinary fighting soldier, Ridgway's history also teaches important lessons about Vietnam and any future conflict. Above all, he emphasizes: We should not involve ourselves in escalating warfare without a specific and attainable goal.

Edmund P. Leigh
5.0 out of 5 stars General Ridgeway's Great History of Korean War
Reviewed in the United States on July 10, 2013
General Mathew Ridgway writes a well written and notable work of history on the Korean War from 1950 - 1953. He was there at the highest levels and knew the big picture and the details of this terrible conflict. He was the general who replaced General Douglas MacAuthor after President Truman fired him for insubordiation. The Korean War cost 3M lives and was a brutal conflict. A turning point in the contaiment policy to prevent communism from taking over the world. It was a surrugate proxy war between Communist International forces and the United States, Republic of Korea (ROK) and United Nation forces. The communist forces of North Korea were later supported by Mao Tse Tung's Red Army after it appeared that North Korea might be forced out after the Inchon amphibious assault in Sept of 1950 which turned the tide against the Communists in the first year of the conflict.

Excellent maps and photographs are provided showing how the conflict moved from North to South to the Pusan enclave, the Inchon amphibious assault which threw the North Korea forces back to the introducing of massive forces under Mao Tse Tung which threw the Americans back past the 38 th parrallel.

Probably the most important aspect of this book is to show the impact of General Douglas MacAuthor's bold plan of an amphibious landing behind the North Koreans to shatter them. His vision and persuasion of the American Joint Chiefs of Staff that Korea could be saved from communist agressive was a brilliant performance of turning what everyone thought was a losing cause to where it showed the way to change a debacle into a great victory. Practically everyone believed that South Korea could not be saved and that it was a lost cause. However Gen. MacAuthur saw it differently and by a forceful and charismatic persuasion convinced other high level generals and admirals that the situation could be reversed. He had a plan which was doable if only he could convince others at his level it was a viable course of action. 

From all appearances the Inchon amphibious assault that he proposed looked impossible due to vastly changing tides at the attack point which limited water access to Inchon for only a few hours each day. In a brillant debate style he countered to the critics of the plan that if they thought the landing would be impossible then so would the enemy and therefore they would be caught by surprise by the assault. It worked. It is doubtful whether anyone else could have sold the bold and risky assault plan to such a skeptical military leadership. 

Because of General MacAuthur's speaking ability, brilliance in answering to the nay sayers, tenacity and resolve today South Korea is the home of 50 M allies of freedom loving people today.

A great example of how one inspired man with a plan and the ability to convince others can have a great impact on world history. After MacAuthur got fired by President Truman, General Mathew Ridgeway took over command and by aggressive action and determined leadership shifted the momentum away from the Chinese communist forces and forced them back above the 38th parallel.

A wonderful history book for your collection.........one of the best.

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4.0 out of 5 stars being able both with men and Machines (kept in good condition & ready for battle)
Reviewed in the United States on November 19, 2014
Slow starting the read...but once I got into the book I found this man to have a wide range of both Military & Political wisdom as it relates to wars going forward including, but not limited to the War in Korea....forget the "Police Action" put forth by the Truman Administration. As with many other people both Generals and below in Rank as well as a few civilian writers he gives some considerable thought at to the Military Stance (Readiness for unexpected war, being able both with men and Machines (kept in good condition & ready for battle); he reminds us of how many times we are not ready for war. Up until Korea we had our oceans for potential enemies to cross to "get at our industry & heartland" but that is no longer the case with so many countries building missiles with atomic warheads that can reach our shores not to mention Cyber-War which we are going through RIGHT NOW!!! Unfortunately, I believe he is much to worshipful of "Dugout" Douglas MacArthur as if he were the one Brilliant mind in both WW-II and in Korea.....many brilliant minds most people have never heard of except for Admiral of the Pacific Navy during WW-II and the men under him. Also, O P Smith whose brilliance is second to none in that he disobeyed somewhat MacArthurs orders to "run to the Yalu river giving no thought to keeping Battalions close enough to each other to give supporting fire and protection. I have read F R Fehrenbach and others regarding the Korean War in general but also the "First Marine Division" 5 volume collection of Marine operations in Korea which was extremely illuminating......the Marines man times from the very beginning of the war were pulled from place to place to plug holes left by the Army troops that were not well led or equipped early in the war....a RECOMMENDED READ
Shive 1969
5.0 out of 5 stars A must read for every Korean War history follower.
Reviewed in the United States on March 4, 2017
Very Excellent coverage of the general who saved the day in the Korean War when we were pushed far south when the Communist Chinese entered the war. In depth coverage of MacArthur's personality and actions, plus a very good look at how a commanding officer should relate to the men under him that he is responsible for.
2 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent book.
Reviewed in the United States on March 27, 2014
I learned about General Ridgway's work in Korea before I got there. HIs turn around from losing to winning saved many lives of those like me who followed. I served in the Pusan area and never got shot at. All the fighting was around the parallel. His assessment of General MacArthur is fair all around as is his report on President Truman. I recommend this for any person interested in the Korean War.
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california garden lady
5.0 out of 5 stars Know the past, deal with the present/future
Reviewed in the United States on May 30, 2018
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Learned of Ridgeway from Victor Davis Hansen book Savior Generals. Everyone should learn about the Korean war--Ridgeway is a really good writer. Fortunately, he was a great General.
George W. Strother
5.0 out of 5 stars Our nation was most fortunate to have men such as these to lead our ...
Reviewed in the United States on October 29, 2014
General Ridgway provides an important history of the United States during its ascendance to Free World leadership in the
mid 20th century. His discussion of the decisions made and who made the decisions , while being an active participant, is a
monumental contribution.
He dedicated the work to General George C. Marshall. Our nation was most fortunate to have men such as these to lead
our military.
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4.0 out of 5 stars From the horse's mouth
Reviewed in the United States on December 10, 2013
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Ridgeway's writing gives an accurate account of the Korean conflict without hyperbole. Even as the book was published two years after MacArthur's death, Ridgeway maintains a very respectful account of MacArthur's 'genius'. This is not a page turner, but it does provide a first hand look at the challenges of this war. It is curious after what was learned in this conflict why the US pursued more of the same in Vietnam.
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lifetime learner
5.0 out of 5 stars a good experience
Reviewed in Canada on March 26, 2016
4.0 out of 5 stars 司令官トップの回顧録
Reviewed in Japan on June 8, 2016


저자는 맥아더 장군의 후임으로 한국 전쟁의 지휘와 처리에 맞았다. 진지한 인품이 문장에 엿볼하고 군인으로도 세심한주의를 게을리하지 않는 능력이 곳곳에 읽을 수있다. 이 책은 지휘관으로서 회고록이기 때문에, 전쟁을 부감 한 점, 전쟁 전체의 흐름은 알지만, 전투 세부 사항 박력면에서 조금 부족 때문에 별 하나 감소. 그러나 맥아더 장군의 해임 부분과 한국군이 대부분 군의 몸을 내지 않고 중국군에 닿으면 즉시 귀중한 장비도 무기도 집어 던지고 리모델링하는 것을 몇번이나 투덜 대고있다. 

그러면서 한국 대통령 이승만은 미국이 무기를 자신에게 돌리지 않으면 嘘八百 고자질 캠페인을 편다 때문에 썩어있는 곳 등 재미있다. 

필요한 것은 꾸준한 훈련인데, 뭐든지 정치가 しゃしゃり出하고 떠드는 곳은 옛날부터 것 같다. 중국군과의 휴전 회담 등 불성실 한 상대에게 죽도록 피곤 하겠지만, 훌륭한 군인의 인내에 경의를 표합니다.

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5.0 out of 5 stars 朝鮮戦争の実態は意外と欧米の常識なのかも
Reviewed in Japan on September 9, 2016
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5.0 out of 5 stars 気に入りました
Reviewed in Japan on September 3, 2016
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