
Lee, Heejin (이희진) Professor of Global IT Management

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Professor's Information

Lee, Heejin (이희진)

Professor of Global IT Management
Ph.D. Information Systems, London School of Economics and Political Science, 1997
IT in Developing Countries, International Standard Setting and E-commerce

 82-2-2123-3288 · Room : 606

Professor Heejin Lee obtained his PhD in the Department of Information Systems at London School of Economics. He has an interdisciplinary background with sociology (MA, Seoul National University) and management (BA, SNU). Before joining GSIS, he worked in the University of Melbourne, Australia and Brunel University, UK. His research interest includes international standardization (with focus on China and ASEAN), IT/IS for development (ICT4D) and Australian studies.

He is the director of Centre for Australian Studies (CAS) at Yonsei.and a board member of Korea-Australia Foundation. CAS hosts the Korea-Australia Research Network (KARN; http://www.karn.or.kr/). He is also He is an awardee of the Endeavour Executive Award 2013 of the Australian Government, and a Visiting Academic at the School of School of Historical and Philosophical Studies, the University of Melbourne (September to December 2013). He was the President of the Korea Association of International Development Cooperation (2017-2018),

He has many publications in international journals including Research Policy, International Journal of Information Management and Technological Forecasting and Social Change. He is also an editorial board member of International Journal of Services and Standards and International Journal of Standardization Research.
Ph.D. Information Systems, London School of Economics and Political Science, 1997
MA, Department of Sociology, Seoul National University, 1989
BA, Business Administration, Seoul National University, 1986
Research and Academic Employment
1997 BT Research Fellow, University of Salford
1998 - 2002 Lecturer, Brunel University
2002 - 2004 Lecturer, University of Melbourne
2004 - 2007 Senior Lecturer, University of Melbourne
Professional Services
Guest Editor for Special Issues
Jonathan Liebenau, Yu Jiang and Heejin Lee. East Asia’s Digital Economy: Governance, Standards and Social Change. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Volume 139, February 2019.
Lee, H., Kwak, J. and Seo, D. The Rise of Asia in Global Standardization: A Threat, Opportunity or Something Else? A special issue for Telecommunications Policy. November 2014. 38(10).
Lee, H. and Whitley, E. (Eds). 2002. Time and Information Technology. A special issue of the journal The Information Society. 18(4).
Lee, H., Sawyer, S. and Choudrie, J. (Eds.) 2003. Broadband Internet and Electronic Commerce. A special issue of Journal of Information Technology. 18(4).
Chang, S., Lee, H. and Kim, J. (Eds.) 2005. Online Games: Social and Technical Issues. A special issue of The International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication. 1(1)
Editorial Board
International Journal of Standardization Research (http://www.igi-global.com/journal/international-journal-standardization-research-ijsr/145878)
International Journal of Services and Standards (http://www.inderscience.com/jhome.php?jcode=ijss)
Courses and Current Research Area
ICT and Development
Digital Business and Standardization
Global IT Management
Information Systems and Information Society (UIC)
Standards and Standardization
IT/IS in Developing Countries (ICT4D)
Time, Space and IT
PhD Supervision
Dr. Hanah Zoo, completed in February 2017. “Standardization and Innovation in Developing Countries: A case of national standard-setting committees in Vietnam”. Research Fellow, Center for International Studies, Graduate School of International Studies, Yonsei University. https://sites.google.com/site/hanahzoo/
Dr. Donghyu Kim, completed in August 2017. “A study of standards and innovation: a case of the internet of things (IoT) with focus on China”. Lecturer, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow. https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/business/staff/dong-hyukim/
Doyoung Eom. Standardization and disruptive technologies in healthcare. She won the 1st best paper award at the 2017 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference (http://news.itu.int/yonsei-university-e-health-research-claims-1st-prize-kaleidoscope-2017/). And she is a recipient of the Global Ph.D. Fellowship awarded by the National Research Foundation and the Ministry of Education of Korea.
Kim Lee-soo. Sustainable tourism for development.
Academic Publications
[Standards and Standardization]
1. Mi-jin Kim, Heejin Lee* and Jooyoung Kwan (2020). The changing patterns of China’s international standardization in ICT under techno-nationalism: A reflection through 5G standardization. International Journal of Information Management. October Volume 54:102145.
2. 곽주영, 이희진. (2019). 중국 표준화 체계 및 전략. ICT 표준화 추진체계 분석서: 국가별 표준화전략 편. 한국정보통신기술협회 (TTA).
3. H. Lee*, J. Liebenau and V. Fomin. (2019). ‘Breaks of gauge’ in Australian railway history: the significance of standardisation in national infrastructures. International Journal of Services and Standards, 13(1/2): 46-58.
4. Doyoung Eom, Heejin Lee and Dong-hyu Kim. (2019). New Rules for Standards-Setting and New Roles of Standardization Bodies in the Era of IoT, First Prize. Future challenges in standardization: Winning papers from IEC-IEEE-KATS Academic Challenge 2018. pp. 9~18.  IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) Academy & Capacity Building. https://basecamp.iec.ch/download/briefing-paper-future-challenges-in-standardization/
5. “4차산업혁명과 표준화: 사례 모음”, 이희진, 주한나, 최동근 편저. 2019. 박영사.
6. 이희진. 표준의 관점에서 본 5G 생태계 표준은 정해졌다. 이제부턴 속도다 비즈니스 생태계 조성에 올인하라”, DBR, June 2019 Issue 2, No. 275, pp. 54-63.
7. Liebenau, J., Yu, J. and Heejin Lee. (2019). Introduction: Special issue on digital economy in East Asia. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 139, February 2019, Pages 73-74. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2018.12.005
8. Yongwoon Shim, Heejin Lee* and Vladislav Fomin. (2019). What benefits couldn't ‘Joyn’ enjoy?: The changing role of standards in the competition in mobile instant messengers in Korea. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 139, February 2019, Pages 125-134. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2018.09.007
9. Doyoung Eom and Heejin Lee. (2018). A holistic approach to exploring the divided standards landscape in e-health research. IEEE Communications Standards Magazine. December. 10.1109/MCOMSTD.2018.1800007
10. Doyoung Eom, Heejin Lee and Dong-hyu Kim. (2018). New Rules for Standards-Setting and New Roles of Standardization Bodies in the Era of IoT, 2018 IEC-IEEE-KATS Academic Challenge. First Prize.
11. Timothy Dwyer, Jonathon Hutchinson, Heejin Lee, Yongwoon Shim. (2018). Comparing Digital Media Industries in South Korea and Australia: The Case of Netflix Take-Up. International Journal of Communication. 12(2018), 4553–4572.
12. 엄도영, 이희진, 주한나. (2018). 의료정보 프라이버시 염려에 대한 근거이론적 연구 : 전자건강기록 (EHR) 시스템을 중심으로. 디지털융복합연구. 16(1): 217-229.
13. 이희진, 배미정 (2018). 24시간 근로 가능해진 디지털 시대 시간 규율 대신 신뢰 시스템 구축하라. DBR, July 2018 Issue 2, No. 253 pp. 36-43.
14. D. Kim, H. Lee* and J. Kwak. Standards as a driving force that shapes a technological trajectory in the converging world of the Internet and things: An investigation of the M2M/IoT patent network. Research Policy. 2017. 46: 1234-1254.  
15. 곽주영, 이희진. 표준화 관점에서 본 중국의 일대일로 전략: 고속철도 기술의 사례. 「한국공공관리학보」 제31권제3호(2017.9): 345~364.
16. Hanah Zoo, Henk J. de Vries, Heejin Lee*. Interplay of innovation and standardization: Exploring the relevance in developing countries. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. 2017. 118(May): 334-348.
17. Dong-hyu Kim and Heejin Lee*. Effects of user experience on user resistance to change to the voice user interface of an in vehicle infotainment system: Implications for platform and standards competition. International Journal of Information Management. 2016. 36(4): 653-667 (August)
18. Doyoung Eom, H. Lee* Dukgeun Ahn. An analysis of the multiplicity of an international standard: the case of ISO pallet sizes. International Journal of Services and Standards. 2016. 11(3): 275-299.
19. 엄도영, 김동휴, 이희진*. 파괴적 기술 분야에 대한 표준화 전략 연구: 전문가 델파이 조사를 중심으로. 기술혁신학회지. 2016. 제19권 3호:  483~510.
20. Yongwoon Shim, Daeho Kim and Heejin Lee. The decline of BMTV: socio-technical factors that influence the failure of mobile TV in Korea. International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication. 2016. 6 (2/3/4): 295-316.
21. Dong-Hyu Kim, Heejin Lee* and Jooyoung Kwak. Comparison of WiBro and TD–LTE deployment networks: implications for standards competition. International Journal of Services and Standards. 2016. 11(4): 318-388.
22. Zoo, H., Lee, H.* and Kwak, J. ICT Standards Cooperation among China-Japan-Korea: ‘In the Same Bed with Different Dreams’.  International Journal of Standardization Research. 13(1): 1-18.
23. 곽주영, 이희진, 아영. 표준필수특허제도의 비교분석 및 기술추격 정책에 대한 함의: 미 - 중 표준필수특허 소송을 중심으로. 동서연구. (2015). 제 27권 4호: 5-27.
24. 허준, 이희진*. 미래 융합산업 표준 전략: 전기 자동차 충전 표준과 스마트그리드 통신 표준 충돌 사례. 기술혁신연구. (2015). 제23권 제 3호: 137-167.
25. 엄도영, 김동휴, 이희진*. EU의 표준화 정책과 FTA에 대한 함의: 한-EU FTA와 한-미 FTA의 비교분석을 중심으로. 동서연구. (2015). 제27권 3호: 101-129.
26. Lee, H.*, Harindranath, G., Oh, S. and Kim, D. Provision of Mobile Banking Services from an Actor-Network Perspective: Implications for Convergence and Standardization. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, January 2015. Volume 90, Part B: 551-561.
27. Ernst, D., Kwak, J. and Lee. Standards, Innovation, and Latecomer Economic Development: Conceptual Issues and Policy Challenges. Telecommunications Policy. 2014. 38(10): 853-862.
16. Ping, W., Kwak, J. and Lee, H*. The Latecomer Strategy for Global ICT Standardization: Indigenous Innovation and its Dilemma. Telecommunications Policy. 2014. 38(10): 933-943.
28. V. Fomin, H. Zoo and H. Lee*. Understanding technology development process at the early standardization stage: The case of Cognitive Radio. International Journal of IT Standards & Standardization Research. (2014) 12(2): 1-20.
29. Kim, D., Lee, H*., Kwak, J. and Seo, D. China’s Information Security Standardization: Analysis from the Perspective of WTO Principles. Telecommunications Policy, 2014. 38(7): 592-600.
30. 주한나, 이희진*. 무역원조를 통한 개발도상국 대상 표준 협력: EU 및 미국의 사례와 한국에 주는 함의. 국가정책연구. (2014). 제28권 제3호: 27-52.
31. 김동휴, 이희진*, 곽주영. 한국 FTA와 중국 FTA의 TBT 장 비교분석: 한중 FTA TBT 협상에 주는 함의. 국제지역연구 (2013) 제16권 제4호: 125-150.
32. 정병기, 이희진. 동서독의 표준화 체계와 표준 통일 과정: 남북한 표준 협력에 대한 함의. 한국정치연구 (2013) 제22집 제1호: 215-236.
33. Hanah Zoo, Heejin Lee*, Jooyoung Kwak and Yongyoung Kim. Data Protection and Privacy over the Internet: Towards Development of an International Standard. 디지털정책연구 (2013). 제11권 제4호: 57-69.
34. 김동휴, 이희진*, 곽주영. 한국 FTA와 중국 FTA의 TBT 장 비교분석: 한중 FTA TBT 협상에 주는 함의. 국제지역연구 (2013) 제16권 제4호: 125-150.
35. 정병기, 이희진. 동서독의 표준화 체계와 표준 통일 과정: 남북한 표준 협력에 대한 함의. 한국정치연구 (2013) 제22집 제1호: 215-236.
36. Hanah Zoo, Heejin Lee*, Jooyoung Kwak and Yongyoung Kim. Data Protection and Privacy over the Inernet: Towards Development of an International Standard. 디지털정책연구 (2013). 제11권 제4호: 57-69.
37. 김동휴, 이희진*, 이희상. 표준특허 남용 규제체계에 대한 연구: 한중 FTA를 통한 보완 방안을 중심으로. 동서연구 (2013) 제 25권 2호: 65-96.
38. 정도범, 곽주영, 이희진. 독자적 기술 표준의 성공 사례 연구: 애플의 아이폰에 관한 전략적 측면을 중심으로. 지식경영연구. (2013). 제 14권 3호: 33-50.
39. J. Kwak, H. Lee* and D. Chung. The Evolution of Alliance Structure in China’s Mobile Telecommunication Industry and Implications for International Standardization. Telecommunications Policy (2012). 36: 966-976.
40. 이희진, 곽주영. 기술표준화, 기술확산과 기술국가주의: 산자이 (山寨) 휴대폰의 성장 사례를 중심으로. POSRI경영경제연구. (2012). 12(2): 260-285.
41. H. Lee and Joon (Chris) Huh. Korea’s Strategies for ICT Standards Internationalisation: A Comparison with China’s. International Journal of IT Standards & Standardization Research. (2012) 10(2): 1-13.
42. J. Kwak, H. Lee* and V. Fomin. Government coordination of conflicting interests in standardisation: case studies of indigenous ICT standards in China and South Korea. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management (2011). 23(7): 789–805.

[Australian Studies]
43. H. Lee*, J. Liebenau and V. Fomin. (2019). ‘Breaks of gauge’ in Australian railway history: the significance of standardisation in national infrastructures. International Journal of Services and Standards, 13(1/2): 46-58.
44. 남솔아, 이희진, 이희정. Understanding the significance of cognitive and affective image in attracting tourists: Focusing on the case of the destination marketing of Australia. 관광연구저널. 2016. 30(10): 43-57.
45. Lee, H*. and Jung, Y. Australian Studies in Korea: Its Poverty and Future Direction,  The Otemon Journal of Australian Studies, (2013). 39: 75-84.
34. 문경희, 이희진. 호주 노동당 정부의 중견국 외교에 대한 고찰: 배경 및 시기별 특성과 성과에 영향을 미치는 요인을 중심으로. 21세기 정치학회보. (2012). 22(2): 195-224.

[ICT4D and ODA]
46. 김준엽, 이희진* (2018). UN 지속가능개발목표(SDGs)와 표준의 기여와 역할. 국제개발협력연구. 10(3): 3-19.
47. Minjin Kim, Hanah Zoo, Heejin Lee, Juhee Kang (2018). Mobile financial services, financial inclusion, and development: A systematic review of academic literature. Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. 2018;e12044. https://doi.org/10.1002/isd2.12044.
48. 이수연, 이희진, 권구순. (2019). 청소년 해외봉사단 활동이 봉사단원 개인역량에 미치는 효과에 대한 연구: WFK IT봉사단과 일반 대학생 간 비교를 중심으로. 청소년연구. 30(1): 39-65.
49. 이수연, 이희진, 윤정원, 권구순. 월드프렌즈 IT봉사단의 성과평가 연구: 개별 봉사단원의 특성과 역량, 인성, 인적 네트워크부문 성과지표를 중심으로. 「정보화정책」 제24권 제2호, 2017년 여름호: 68~86.
50. 주한나, 손혁상, 이희진. 한국의 국제개발 연구 동향과 과제: 1956-2015 학술 논문 분석. 국제지역연구. 2016. 20(4): 3-34.
51. H. Chun, E. Munyi and H. Lee*. South Korea as an emerging donor: Challenges and changes on its entering OECD/DAC. Journal of International Development. (2010). 22(6): 788-802.
52. S. Jang, H. Lee* and K. Ko. Becoming a Fast Learner in Offshore Software Outsourcing: The Case of Vietnam’s FPT Software. International Area Review. (2010). 13(1):183-203.
53. M. Nair, P. Goon, R. Muda, G. Han and H. Lee. Affinity of rural society to the information economy: An exploratory analysis from Malaysia. Economic Bulletin. (2009). 10: 101-133. (ISSN 0128 9675)
54. K. Ko, H. Lee* and S. Jang. The Internet dilemma and control policy: political and economic implications of the Internet in North Korea. The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis. (2009). 21(3): 279-295.
55. Y. Song, H. Lee* and S. Kurnia. Social capital in information and communications technology research: Past, present, and future. Communications of the Association for Information Systems. (2009) Vol. 25: 23 http://aisel.aisnet.org/cais/vol25/iss1/23/
56. S. Kim, H. Kim and H. Lee*. An institutional analysis of an E-government system for anti-corruption: The case of OPEN. Government Information Quarterly. (2009). 26: 42-50.
57. H. Lee, S. Jang, K. Ko and Richard Heeks. Analysing South Korea's ICT for Development Aid Programme. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. (2008). 35.
58. LEE, H. and HWANG, J. - IT Development in North Korea: Changes and Challenges. Information Technologies and International Development 2(1): 75-87. 2004.
59. 고경민, 이희진*. 한국 공적개발원조(ODA)의 문제점과 혁신방향: 적극적 평화론의 관점에서. 국가전략. 14권 4호. 2008. 61-89.
60. 고경민, 이희진*, 장승권. 북한의 IT 딜레마와 이중전략: 북한의 IT 딜레마와 이중전략. 정보화정책. 14권 4호. 2007 겨울. 139-158.
61. 이희진, 장승권, 고경민. 정보통신기술은 개발도상국 발전을 가져올까? 한국의 ICT4D 프로그램 수립을 위한 고찰. 국제지역연구. 16권 4호 2007 겨울. 113-141.

[Time/space and IT including smart working]
62. 김용영, 오상조, 이희진, 차경진. 스마트워크 사용자의 업무/비업무간 경계 관리 전략에 관한 연구. 지식경영연구. (2015). 제16권 4호: 133-155.
63. 오상조, 김용영, 이희진. 스마트워크: 희미해진 업무/비업무 경계 그리고 그 결과. 디지털정책연구 (2013). 제11권 제1호: 191-198.
64. H. Lee and S. Sawyer. Conceptualizing time, space, and computing for work and organizing. Time & Society. (2010). 19(3): 293–317.
65. H. Lee* and J. Lee. Time to change, time for change: Time as a catalyst for organizational change. Time & Society. (2008). 17(2/3): 363-384.

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