
Open Doors Australia


In North Korea, if a Christian is discovered, their entire family can be sent to a labour camp where many don’t survive. Church life is impossible, and famine is sweeping the nation.

A secret believer said, “In winter, everything is frozen, and there’s nothing to eat. Our people are suffering from severe starvation and hunger.”

When you buy a survival pack with the Gifts Of Hope Christmas range, you can provide food, medicine and clothing to North Korean believers who are trying to follow Jesus, no matter the cost.

Visit our website and give a meaningful gift now: https://bit.ly/3l42PgX

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  • Damian Cann Thank you Open Door I’ve been looking for a way to support our brethren in Nth Korea
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  • Nelva Cameron Supported today.
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  • Kate Stanton How do you give it to them?
  • Joanna Goodall How on earth do you get these provisions into North Korea as its closed to outsiders and if you do go in you are constantly under surveillance??
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  • David Roberts Hmmmm..... not condoning the North Koreans... everyone should be free to believe in any God/Gods they wish.
    (Thor is my favourite).
    But..... why don’t they pray to their God to do something?
    What happened to the power of prayer?
    (Strange how many people here revert to praying.
    Hasn’t seemed to work so far)?
    Does your God listen to and respond praying or not?
  • Lito Amador Thank you Open Doors! We are a supporter of Open Doors in the beginning of our ministry for few years, when Jesus open His heart to His less fortunate people to us.
    Be Blessed ♥️
  • Michele Ethel How do they get it?
  • Cherri Rivers What is in a survival pack?
    • Pauline Beasley Cherri Rivers food medicine and clothing according to website
    • Wayne King Useless things like a bible.... you know, things that make the giver feel better about themselves but not actually do anything for the victim!
    • Natasha Diaz Wayne King what have you done to support people in North Korea lately Wayne... not a very gracious statement for a ministry that truely does so much.
    • Wayne King Wow, so aggressive Natasha! Take a chill pill petal. I am merely stating the obvious. Glad you agree.
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  • Howard Hogan If they are living in labour camps in North Korea, how does Open Doors actually get survival packs to them, or in fact, get them into the country for starters?
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  • Tracey Hazeldine Costanzo How do you arrange for these to be distributed in this country and wouldn't it be an easy way for the security forces there to find the Christians if they did let you distribute to certain houses?
  • Lisa Gitsham And what the rest of the year they starve stop using paganism to push your agenda just all year round ask and you shall recieve from God
  • Moira Ellis There are ways for Open Doors ministry to get material to them it’s challenging but they do succeed
  • Sam Rajendran People still do not comprehend, our Labor plus Greens Parties stand for socialism plus communism. They are the parties that promote people to live on Govt handouts so that their votes are assured. Liberal/National Parties believe in small government, support private enterprise and small businesses, plus religious freedom. That is the difference.
  • John R Roulston You could only get anything to these brave people by prayer and Gods miracle,working grace 🙏🙏🙏🙏
  • Andrew Terrence Why don't you simply pray to your god? Oh, that's right, prayer is the use of undignified begging to persuade the non existent to do the impossible.
  • Philip Coker Thank you I feel so dismayed by the persecution of Christian's its hard to complehend in these Countries
  • Jan Harkness Maybe the imaginary friend in the sky is complete hocus pocus and they should just get on with living in this world rather than speculating about the next one.
  • Julie Hundley Yes I will , send it to me in a few days. I haven’t got credit
  • Joanne David As far as I know there is no way any organisation could possibly get beyond their borders. Even if they had been managing to smuggle the packages in, they would have been caught by now through this Facebook advertisings.
  • Gloria Delahunty I contribute anyway because I totally trust Open Doors and know how they look after those who are persecuted. God bless them and the saints in Korea 🙏❤️🙏❤️ You are providing food, medicine and clothing according to the write up.
  • Anita Debo Does it really get to them??
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  • Maria Innes Let's pray for our brothers and sisters in their time of need and desperation.
    • Gary Roberts Maria Innes it’s been proven that prayer is useless and common sense tells you that too.
    • Maria Innes Then You DO NOT KNOW GOD.!
      Prayers intercede where Men can not understand. THIS IS WHERE FAITH COMES IN.
      Miracles happen because of prayers.
    • Wayne King What! How offensive of you to think that these people need prayer.... completely useless.
    • Gary Roberts Maria Innes haaa!!!how can you know something that does not exist .
      Prayers do nothing, you’re praying to nothing...
      Think of the mothers who pray for their dying child...and the child dies anyway, where is this God of yours then???See more
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  • Bettina Schafer We must pray for these poor people also deprived of God's truth and so their eternal salvation is at risk too. Question?? How are these gifts able to penetrate and enter the country and given if government so corrupt and evil towards it's own. They won't accept gifts??
  • Laraine Van Dyk How are the packs distributed in such a dangerous place and by whom ?
  • Cath Lyons Stop buying from KMart and Target - there is a road between Nth Korea and China where manufacturers transport goods.
  • Andrea N Steve Holmberg Stuff gets in the same way as drugs get into our country... there are ways.
  • Michael Cabs turn to God and be blessed. sounds like a hole only God can restore. He offers love and grace and the healing of lands when we turn to Him. Feel so sorry for all us that get trapped under godless leaders.
  • Charlie Durden If Democrats get their way in USA, the CCP will get more say there too. China funded the US election in a big way and want outcomes for its expenditure to get puppet Biden at the helm
  • Brenda Van Bovene Kingsburgh Our God will supply...As he did in the time of Moses. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
  • Brian Comley There is something good in all countries then.
  • Simon Morgan It's a pity there is no god. If there was of course we wouldn't have communism, socialism or Marxism.

    He'd remove the hideous gene.
  • Valerie Bergan How can you get packs to them when they are being watched and persecuted?
  • Diana Abruzzi Never ask how open doors does it or you will be putting them who deliver the packages in grave danger.
  • Steve ODell And how do you propose to get this loot across one of the most militarised borders in the world! LOL!
  • Paul Graham How does such aid get into North Korea?
  • Anthony Watkin And just how does this hope pack get to the needy in such a restricted country?
  • Pete Van Loon So God's not looking after these believers ? Sounds a bit ...y'know...
  • Celeste J Hendricks How many packs will you get in and how??
  • Chris Ottaway Really? And how do you get it safely into the country?!?
  • Teresa Cairns How about looking at the thief? One of my favourite people in the bible. For some reason he recognised Jesus as perfect, the King and able to save him. Amazing!! Another of my favourites is the blind man (who could perceive amazingly!!)
  • Rodney Green Will they get it? Communists will never tell.

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