
[4K 60FPS Colorized] 1931 Seoul , Korea (1931 서울/京城) - 영상 복원

7 months ago
Isabella Bird (1831-1904) "Hangul was despised and wan’t as a written language"
"In the villages, as distinguished from the hamlets, on the Han there are schools, but they are not open to the public. Families club together and engage a teacher, but the pupils are only of the scholarly class, and only Chinese learning in Wenli is taught, this being the stepping-stone to official position, the object of the ambition of every Korean. En-itiim(Hangeul) is despised, and is not used as a written language by the educated class. "

*Isabella Lucy Bird = a nineteenth-century British explorer, writer, photographer, and naturalist.


화병 pride
화병 pride
7 months ago
Tax sytem of Joseon Kingdom  (✕ K-pop drama)
1) 黄口簽丁(황구첨정) --- Even babies had to pay tax
2) 白骨徴布(백골징포) --- Even dead people had to pay tax
3) 隣徴(인징)--- When a person escaped, his neighbor had to pay tax instead of him.
So farmers had abandoned their fields and escaped (even had no right of ownership)


1 year ago
“Royal Road a Sea of Mud”March 5, 1904, Jack London

The Korean has finer features, but the vital lack in his face is strength. He is soft and effeminate when compared with the strong breeds, and whatever strength has been his in the past has been worked out of him by centuries of corrupt government. He is certainly the most inefficient of human creatures, lacking all initiative and achievement, the only thing in which he shines is the carrying of burdens on his back. As a draught animal and packhorse he is a success.

The first weeks of a white traveler on Korean soil are anything but pleasant. If he be a man of sensitive organization he will spend most of his time under the compelling sway of two alternating desires. The first is to kill Koreans, the second is to commit suicide. Personally, I prefer the first.


11 months ago
Even the Korean president doesn’t know their own history and is obsessed with anti-Japan lol
Moon Jae-in and his supporters are enjoying anti-Japan party in front of the independent gate.
 No doubt, stupid country.
(Japan defeated Qing and gave independence to Korea in 1895. So Korea celebrated it and built the gate. Korea stopped sending sex slaves to Qing. 
In addition, the calligraphy of "独立門"(independent gate) was written by Lee Wan-Yong (promoted the annexation with Japan later).


9 months ago
The psychopath, Moon Jae-in...His father was a chief officer of agricultural section during the annexation, Upps!!
during the brutal invasion by Japan according to plastic surgery K-poop lol


4 months ago
I have no idea what is your intention is. However, if you are desire to justifying colonization time, I dont think you are successful... I personally  like Japan and knows many good Japanese people and I also personally dislike Korea's corrupted government at the end of Chosen period. However, as my personal dislike and preferences about Japan does not make colonization time any favorable, saying others wrong does not make your mistake acceptable....

7 months ago
Isabella Bird "No schools in Joseon. 99% of Koreans couldn’t read or write under Joseon Kingdom/Empire"

There are no native schools for girls, and though women of the upper classes learn to read the native script, the number of Korean women who can read is estimated at two in a thousand. It appears that a philosophy largely imported from China, superstitions regarding daemons, the education of men, illiteracy, a minimum of legal rights, and inexorable custom have combined to give woman as low a status in civilized Korea as in any of the barbarous countries in the world. Yet there is no doubt that the Korean woman, in addition to being a born intrigante^ exercises a certain direct influence, especially as mother and mother-in-law, and in the arrangement of marriages.

Bird, Isabella L. (Isabella Lucy), 1831-1904. Korea and her neighbors; a narrative of travel, with an account of the recent vicissitudes and present position of the country (Kindle position No.5442-5446). New York, Chicago [etc.] F.H. Revell Co..


Bang Ki-moon
Bang Ki-moon
8 months ago
I like how Korea's anti-Japan propaganda and this film don't match at all 🤣


화병 pride
화병 pride
7 months ago
Tax sytem of Joseon Kingdom  (✕ K-pop drama)
1) 黄口簽丁(황구첨정) --- Even babies had to pay tax
2) 白骨徴布(백골징포) --- Even dead people had to pay tax
3) 隣徴(인징)--- When a person escaped, his neighbor had to pay tax instead of him.
So farmers had abandoned their fields and escaped (even had no right of ownership)

Bang Ki-moon
Bang Ki-moon
7 months ago
 @화병 pride  Korean farmers abandoned rice fields (ofc no ownership) because of tyranny and those heavy taxes under Joseon kingdom before the annexation.
Those Korean farmers were called 火田民.

1 year ago
Inconvenient film for Korea


4 months ago (edited)
Regardless wealth, age, social position and power, They are all bunch of people whom struggling to survive during the most intensive and rapid time of history ever..... And bad luck for them was.....they were on losing side so there will be more bad news than good ones....

Sharon Kelvin
Sharon Kelvin
9 months ago
Hi i have a research publication on korean history and culture as i have much interest in Asian culture and history especially that of South Korea. Please can i use your videos please?
I will be sure to add your channel link as reference for the presentation.

Awesome video representation by the way ✌🏼❤

Coral R
Coral R
1 year ago
Great work! What's the song playing in the background?


9 months ago (edited)
한복에 갓, 한복에 중절모의 조합이 혼재 되어 있던 시절이네요. 기모노 입은 여성들이 활보하고 일본어로 쓰여진 간판들이 있는 거리 모습들이 마음 아프네요. 귀한 영상 감사합니다.


JSK Archive

José Manuel De la Torre
José Manuel De la Torre
11 months ago (edited)
Respect Japan!

8 months ago
British politician "S.Korea should accept her hidden sex slavery, Lai Dai Han before playing victims."


1 year ago
조선의 리즈시절


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