On 9th March, which is the next day of International Women’s Day, a chancellor of the University of Kassel in Hessen in Germany (Kassel Uni.) secretly removed the Statue of Peace ‘Nujin’ without any communication or notice.

This removal is based on constant pressure from the Japanese government. The student union in the Kassel Uni. established the Statue of Peace ‘Nujin’ on 8th July 2022 with official permission from the university. The student union passed the <Resolution of Permanent Establishment of the Statue of Peace ‘Nujin’>, and the university also acknowledges this permanent contract.

3 days after its establishment, a Japanese consul general in Frankfurt met a chancellor of Kassel Uni. and asked to take down the Statue of Peace ‘Nujin’ while insisting ‘This Statue of Peace ‘Nujin’ may lead to negative perception against Japan as well as jeopardize Kassel’s peace.” At that moment, the university delivered the Japanese consul general’s message to the student union. However, they suffered from continuous visits from the Japanese consul general along with vicious emails from the history denialist and citizens.

The university violates the students’ rights written in a document about using the garden in front of the student union for free. In addition, the university changes the words to “The Statue of Peace ‘Nujin’ was originally permitted to establish for 100 days during Kassel Documenta Exhibition. The new student union no longer wants to maintain this statue.” With this response, the student union at Kassel Uni. released their official statement on 13th March that “We cannot believe the act of the university.”

The Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan (Korean Council) strongly denounces the Japanese government who gives pressure to remove the Statue of Peace ‘Nujin’ and wishes to make powerful solidarity with worldwide citizens to reestablish the Statue of Peace ‘Nujin’.

<Return the Kassel Statue of Peace ‘Nujin’!>
Support us recover the ‘Nujin’!

Action 1. Send a complaint email
At least once a day (many times if possible), send complaint emails to the university until they suggest a negotiation! :

Email receiver:

PositionNameE-mail Adress
ChancellorProf. Dr Ute Clemensekretariat-praesidentin@uni-kassel.de
Vice – ChancellorProf. Dr Sonja Buckel,
Prof. Dr Michael Wachendorf,
Prof. Dr René Matzdorf
Administrative Chancellor (Kanzler)Dr. Oliver Frommsekretariat-kanzler@uni-kassel.de
Contacts of Kassel Uni. executive

1) Copy & Paste example text (or you can write yourself)
2) Fill the blank with the name of each person & Fill your name

Dear ____________ and the members of presidium of University of Kassel,

I heard about the news and read on the university’s website that the Statue of Peace installed at the University was removed. How can you forcefully and secretly remove student-owned art without informing the student council? This is an act of retraumatizing for servivors of the “comfort women” system!

The university’s website only says that the statue “was professionally removed” and announced that it was “carefully protected” in storage. What does this mean? Does “professionally moved” and “carefully protected” equate to kidnapping and detention by the University of Kassel? If it does not, please put it back into the original place and make a public apology!

( Your full Name )

Action 2. Sign on the Petition
Let’s show our movement that numerous people want the Statue of Peace ‘Nujin’ back! Please spread this link to others:
✍(ENG) https://www.openpetition.de/petition/online/save-the-statue-of-peace-nujin-in-kassel
✍(DE) https://www.openpetition.de/petition/online/kaseldaehag-pyeonghwaui-sonyeosang-nujin-doechajgiseomyeong-undong
✍(KOR) https://www.openpetition.de/petition/online/kaseldaehag-pyeonghwaui-sonyeosang-nujin-doechajgiseomyeong-undong

*How to join the petition*
1) Go to the link above and finish the process.
2) After finishing the process on the website, access the email address and complete the final confirmation!

[Statement from the Korean Council] (KOR)
[Official statement from the student union of Kassel uni.] (DE)