
왕 후이-Wikipedia Wang Hui

왕 후이-Wikipedia


출처 : 무료 백과 사전 "Wikipedia (Wikipedia)"
2016 년 로사 룩셈부르크 재단 회의에서
탄생1959년 10월 10일 (63세) 중화 인민공화국 장쑤성 양저우시
중화 인민 공화국의 국기
출신 학교Yangzhou Normal University (학사)
Nanjing University (석사)
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (PhD)
연구기관문학연구소 , 중국사회과학원 (1988 - 2002)
칭화대학교 (2002 - )
연구분야루쉰 학, 현대사상
주요 개념모더니티 영어판 )
템플릿 보기

汪暉(우키, 완 후이 [1] , 늑대 소리 : Wāng Huī , 간체 :汪晖1959년 10월 10일 -)는 중화인민공화국 의 사상가 [1] . 청화대학 교수 [1] . 중국 신좌파 중국어판 ) 의 한사람 [2[3] [4] .

연신연구자로 출발한 후 1989년 64 천안문 사건 후 개혁개방 기에 국내외 현대 사상 소개와 ' 현대 중국의 사상 상황과 모더니티 문제 중국어판 ) ' 등의 논문 를 발표하고 현대 중국을 둘러싼 언론계 에서 중요한 역할을 담당한다 [5] [4] .

인물 편집 ]

1959년, 강소성 양주시 에서 태어난 [4] . 문혁 수속기인 1977년 현지 양주사범학원 의 중국문학계에 입학 [4] . 1981년, 난징대학 의 석사과정에 진학 [4] . 1984년, 석사 학위 취득, 베이징 의 중국 사회과학원 대학원 에 진학하여唐弢중국어판 ) 에 사사 [4] . 1988년, 박사논문 '절망에의 반항'( 반항여망 )으로 박사 학위 취득 [4] .

1988년부터 중국 사회과학원 문학연구소에 근무 [4] . 2002년부터 청화대학 중문계로 초대되어 옮겨진다 [4] . 청화대학의 인문계 제학과는 1950년대 정부에 의한 대학 재편( 중국 고등원 교원계 조정 중국어판 ) )에서 일단 단절되어 있어 당시 재흥이 진행되고 있었다 [4] .

언론가로서는, 1989년의 64천안문 사건을 경계로, 연구 대상을 魯新에서 중국 사상사 나 현대 중국으로 확대한다 [4] [6] . 1994년, 한국 의 잡지에 게재한 논문 『현대 중국의 사상 상황과 모더니티의 문제 중국어판 )』에 의해 국내외에서 주목받는 [4] . 또 언론 잡지 의 편집자 로서, 1991년에 국내 최초의 비정부계 잡지 「학인」의 창간에 종사해, 1996년부터 대기업 언론 잡지 「독서(영어판)」의 편집에도 종사 하고 있다 [ 4 [7] . 경제학자의  철군 과 함께삼농문제 '를 국내에 환기시킨 것으로도 알려져 있다 언론 통제 에 의해 국내에서 미발행의 논문도 있다 [4] .

객원 교수 · 객원 연구원 으로서 하버드 대학 , 홍콩 중문 대학 , 워싱턴 대학 , 베를린 고등 연구소 중국어판 ) , 콜롬비아 대학 , 하이델베르크 대학 , 볼로냐 대학 등에 초빙되고 있다 [4] .

마이클 하트 , 슬라보이 지제크 , 프레드릭 제임슨 등 다른 현대 사상가와 교류가 있다 [6] .

일본과의 관계 편집 ]

1989년 64천안문 사건 후 마루야마 승이 『계간중국연구  에서 汪暉의 연구를 평가했다 『학인』 창간 때는 이토 토라마루쿠보타 닌 일본인의 협력이 있었다 [8] . 1991년에 처음으로 방일해, 미조구치 유조 의 지우를 얻었다 [8] . 2005년부터 2006년에는 도쿄대학대학원 종합문화연구과의 객원 교수로서 방일했다 .

무라타니 행인과 도 교류가 있다 [6] [8] . 첫 대면은, 1995년 캘리포니아 대학 어바인교 에서 열린 잭 데리다 도 동석한 회의였다 [8] [9] . 汪暉는 그 때의 手谷의 발표의 중국어 번역을 『학인』에 실고 있다 [8] . 1999년 베이징에서 열린 「일중·지의 공동체」에서는 공개 대담이 이루어졌다 [8] . 2022년, 무라타니가 버글루엔상을 수상했을 때도 전형위원에게도 이름을 올리고 있다.

사상 편집 ]

저작 (일본어 번역) 편집 ]

그 외, 이와나미 서점 이나 청도사의 잡지·논문집에 일본어 번역이 있다 [10] .

각주 편집 ]

  1. ↑ c 현대 외국인 명록 2016 『汪暉』 - 코트뱅크
  2. ^ 우노기요「중국에 있어서의 「신좌파」의 사색과 영위――왕의 『근대』성찰과 『신자유주의』 비판 ―― 2006년
  3. ^ 하리 히로키 저, 나카무라 타츠오
  4. j k  사상 공간으로서의 현대 중국”에서, 무라타 유지로 해설
  5. ^ Tetsuya Inoguchi, "중국 사상사 입문", Jingcao Study Room, 2012. ISBN 978-4326102150 . 페이지 203f.
  6. ↑ d 『세계사 속 동아시아: 대만・조선・일본』에서 마루카와 테츠시 해설
  7. ↑ b 동아시아 출판인 회의 편 「동아시아인 문서 100」미스즈 서방 , 2011년. 60ff 페이지.
  8. g 무라타니 행인 외 『 무라타니 행인 발언집 대화편』독서인 , 2020년. 521f 페이지.
  9. 데리다, 자크; Becker-Leckrone, Megan (1995). “Kojin Karatani의 "Nationalism and Ecriture" 입문: Megan Becker-Leckrone의 토론 요약" (영어). 표면 5 . 도이 : 10.7202/1064989ar . ISSN  1188-2492 .
  10. ↑ 국립국회도서관 온라인 검색결과


Wang Hui (intellectual)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wang Hui
Wang Hui
Wang Hui at the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation in 2016
Born10 October 1959 (age 63)
YangzhouJiangsu, China
EducationYangzhou Normal University (BA)
Nanjing University (MA)
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (PhD)
Era20th-/21st-century philosophy

Wang Hui (Chinese汪晖pinyinWāng HuīYangzhou, 10 October 1959) is a professor in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Tsinghua UniversityBeijing. His researches focus on contemporary Chinese literature and intellectual history. He was the executive editor (with Huang Ping) of the influential magazine Dushu (读书, Reading) from May 1996 to July 2007.[1] The US magazine Foreign Policy named him as one of the top 100 public intellectuals in the world in May 2008.[2] Wang Hui has been Visiting Professor at Harvard, Edinburgh, Bologna (Italy), Stanford, UCLA, Berkeley, and the University of Washington, among others. In March 2010, he appeared as the keynote speaker at the annual meeting for the Association for Asian Studies.[3]


Wang Hui was born in YangzhouJiangsu, in 10 October 1959.[4] After finishing high school in Yangzhou, Wang Hui worked for two years as a factory worker before entering college.[5] He completed his undergraduate studies at Yangzhou University (then Yangzhou Normal College), and then graduate studies at Nanjing University and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, where he received his Ph.D. in 1988.

Wang Hui was a participant in the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests. He was investigated about his involvement, but nothing significant or serious was found. He was later sent to accumulate experience in ShangluoShaanxi, for one year.[6] He has been called the leader of the New Left, although Wang Hui has refused this label:

Actually, people like myself have always been reluctant to accept this label, pinned on us by our adversaries. Partly, this is because we have no wish to be associated with the Cultural Revolution or, for that matter, with what might be called the 'Old Left' of the reform-era CCP. But it is also because the term New Left is a Western one, with a very distinct set of connotations – generational and political – in Europe and America. Our historical context is Chinese, not Western, and it is doubtful whether a category imported so explicitly from the West could be helpful in today's China.[7]


Professor Wang has authored dozens of books, articles, and public statements on the scholarly and socio-political issues of the day. A representative portion of his work has been translated into English and other languages.

Wang Hui’s monographs include, in Chinese:

  • From An Asian Perspective: The Narrations of Chinese History (《亞洲視野:中國歷史的敘述》, 2010);
  • For Alternative Voices (《別求新聲》, 2009);
  • Depoliticized Politics (《去政治化的政治》, 2008);
  • The Rise of Modern Chinese Thought (four volumes), (《現代中國思想的興起》, 2004–2009); and
  • Rekindling Frozen Fire: The Paradox of Modernity (《死火重溫》, 2000).

His books, translated into English, include:

  • The Rise of Modern Chinese Thought (four volumes), in press;[8]
  • The End of Revolution: China and the Limits of Modernity (Verso, 2010);
  • China’s New Order: Society, Politics, and Economy in Transition, translated by Ted Huters and Rebecca Karl (Harvard University Press, 2003);
  • Shisō kūkan toshite no gendai chūgoku (Modern China as a Space for Thinking), translated by Murata Yujiro, Sunayama Yukio, and Onodera Shiro (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2006);
  • A New Asian Imagination (in Korean; Seoul: Creation and Criticism Press, 2003); and
  • The Politics of Imagining Asia, translated by Theodore Huters, (Harvard University Press, 2011);
  • China's Twentieth Century: Revolution, Retreat and the Road to Equality, edited by Saul Thomas, numerous translators, (First published by Verso, 2016).


Cheung Kong Dushu Prize[edit]

Wang Hui was involved in the controversy following the results of the Cheung Kong Dushu Prize (长江读书奖) in 2000. The prize was set up by Sir Ka-shing Li, which awards one million RMB in total to be shared by the winners. The 3 recipients of the prize in 2000 were Wang Hui, who served as the coordinator of the academic selection committee of the prize, Fei Xiaotong, the Honorary Chairman of the committee, and Qian Liqun, another committee member. Wang Hui was then the editor-in-chief of Dushu magazine, which was the administrative body of the prize.[9][10]

Allegations of plagiarism[edit]

Wang Binbin, a professor of literature from Nanjing University, accused Wang Hui of plagiarism, citing what he deemed to be improper use of footnote protocols and incorrectly cited passages in Wang’s doctoral dissertation on Lu Xun 《反抗绝望》 (Against Despair).[11] Wang Binbin's accusation was first published on an academic journal,[12] and reappeared on Southern Weekly on March 25, 2010.[13] Professor Wang Binbin further suggested that Wang Hui, in his The Rise of Modern Chinese Thought, may have used R. G. Collingwood's canonical book, The Idea of History, with or without proper citations.[14]

Apart from Wang Binbin's findings, an analysis of Wang Hui's weak use of footnotes by Xiang Yihua, a researcher with the Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences, revealed other sections incorporating sources without citation.[15] He also published a review of Wang Hui's essay 《“赛先生”在中国的命运》 (English translation: "The Fate of 'Mr. Science' in China"[16]), questioning the originality of his research.[17]

Online commentators found some paragraphs in Against Despair to be copied verbatim from other sources. Authors such as M. B. Khrapchenko and F. C. Copleston were used without acknowledgment to either the original works or their translations.[18][19][20]

Some scholars are concerned over the plagiarism accusations. Prof. Lin Yu-sheng (Emeritus, University of Wisconsin-Madison) says that some of the plagiarism charges are sustained, which is concurred by Prof. Yu Ying-shih.[21] An open letter signed by more than 60 scholars called for the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Tsinghua University to investigate the plagiarism case.[22]

Some international scholars and weblog authors have come to Wang's defense, noting that this is mostly a case of sloppy citation practice, not actual plagiarism. A letter signed by 96 scholars, addressed to the authority of Tsinghua University, endorsing Wang Hui's scholarly integrity was made public on 9 July.[23] Most of the passages highlighted by Wang Binbin did actually have citations to the original works, asking readers to "consult" those works.[24][25] It is argued that there is no attempt by Wang Hui to hide the sources of the sections in question, even if the citations were, at times, nonstandard.[24]

Republication and censorship of CAS articles[edit]

On October 25, 2017, the director and the editors of the journal Critical Asian Studies issued a statement[26] in regard to the republication and censorship of two articles from the journal without either the authors' or the publisher's permission. The two articles are Claudia Pozzana and Alessandro Russo's "China's New Order and Past Disorders: A Dialogue Starting from Wang Hui's Analysis" (2006),[27] and their "Continuity/Discontinuity: China's Place in the Contemporary World" (2011).[28] According to the statement, the 2006 article was censored and republished in a Chinese journal edited by Wang Hui himself in 2015,[29] and the 2011 article was republished in 2014, unauthorized. In the censored republications, passages concerning Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 were deleted.

See also[edit]


  1. ^ China Reading Weekly, July 10, 2007
  2. ^ "Foreign Policy: Top 100 Intellectuals". Archived from the original on 2010-01-25. Retrieved 2017-03-12.
  3. ^ Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting program, 2010, p. 11
  4. ^ Wang, Hui (2012). "重影" [Overshadowing] (PDF)Jintian (98): 39–50. Retrieved 2022-10-081979年10月10日,也就是我20岁生日那天,我们在仪征农场劳动。 [On October 10, 1979, my 20th birthday, we worked at Yizheng Farm.]
  5. ^ IAS-Fudan双周学人研究人员介绍.
  6. ^ 马国川:《汪晖:渐行渐远的思想者》。《经济观察报》,2007年8月6日,p.42。
  7. ^ One China, Many Paths, edited by Chaohua Wang, page 62
  8. ^ Die Zeit, No. 25, June 10, 2009, pg. 36
  9. ^ Zhou, Yongming (2006). Historicizing online politics: telegraphy, the Internet, and political participation in China. Stanford University Press. p. 166. ISBN 978-0-8047-5128-5.
  10. ^ Gao, Mobo Changfan (2004). "The rise of neo-nationalism and the New Left". In Leong H. Liew and Shaoguang Wang (Ed.), Nationalism, democracy and national integration in China, pp. 48-49. Routledge.
  11. ^ Sharma, Yojana (2010-04-25). "CHINA: Universities fail to tackle plagiarism"University World News. Retrieved 2010-05-26.
  12. ^ 王彬彬. 汪晖《反抗绝望——鲁迅及其文学世界》的学风问题. 文艺研究. 2010年第3期.
  13. ^ 王彬彬:《汪晖〈反抗绝望〉的学风问题》。《南方周末》,2010年3月25日,文化。
  14. ^ 王彬彬:《读汪晖〈现代中国思想的兴起〉献疑——仅限于第十二章第四节》。《南方周末》,2010年4月28日,文化。
  15. ^ 项义华:《规范的缺失与自我的迷失——也谈汪晖〈反抗绝望〉的学风问题》。《南方周末》,2010年4月7日,文化。
  16. ^ Wang, Hui (1995). "The Fate of 'Mr. Science' in China: The Concept of Science and Its Application in Modern Chinese Thought". Positions3 (1): 1–68. doi:10.1215/10679847-3-1-1.
  17. ^ 项义华 (2010). "从"格致"到"科学",谁的考证?——汪晖论著涉嫌抄袭个案分析"科学文化评论 Science and Culture Review7 (4): 98–109.
  18. ^ 南方周末编辑部:《网友调查〈反抗绝望〉》。《南方周末》,2010年4月7日,文化。
  19. ^ Wan, Lixin (2010-04-21). "Real culprit in scandal over plagiarism is our publish-or-perish mantra"Shanghai Daily.
  20. ^ Excerpts from Wangiarism Archived 2012-03-12 at the Wayback Machine, see 《“汪袭网”关于汪晖“抄袭”例证选》,《羊城晚报》, 2010年9月5日, B2.
  21. ^ 张传文:林毓生论汪晖事件:清华大学应负起政治与道德责任。《南方都市报》,2010年6月6日,南方评论·访谈。
  22. ^ 《就汪晖涉嫌剽窃问题给中国社科院和清华大学的公开信》,《中国青年报》,2010年07月07日。
  23. ^ 80位国际知名学者发公开信支持汪晖否认剽窃。凤凰网,2010年7月9日。
  24. Jump up to:a b 钟彪:评《汪晖〈反抗绝望——鲁迅及其文学世界〉的学风问题》。当代文化研究网
  25. ^ "Noted 'New Left' public intellectual Wang Hui accused of plagiarism". 2010-03-25.
  26. ^ "Director and editors' note on censorship". Critical Asian Studies49 (4): 479–480. 2017. doi:10.1080/14672715.2017.1381465S2CID 218545532.
  27. ^ Pozzana, Claudia; Russo, Alessandro (2006). "China's new order and past disorders: A Dialogue Starting from Wang Hui's analysis". Critical Asian Studies38 (3): 329–351. doi:10.1080/14672710600871521S2CID 145408101.
  28. ^ Pozzana, Claudia; Russo, Alessandro (2011). "Continuity/Discontinuity: China's Place in the Contemporary World". Critical Asian Studies43 (2): 261–284. doi:10.1080/14672715.2011.570571S2CID 147300543.
  29. ^ 鲍夏兰,鲁索,张勇 译:〈中国的新秩序与过去的无序——从汪晖的分析开始的对话〉,《区域》(2015年总第4辑),ISBN 9787509776889

External links[edit]



  • [국내도서] 단기 20세기 - 중국 혁명과 정치의 논리 
  • 왕후이 (지은이), 송인재 (옮긴이) | 글항아리 | 2021년 7월
  • 48,000원 → 43,200 (10%할인), 마일리지 2,400원 (5% 적립)
  •  (2) | 세일즈포인트 : 251


  • [국내도서] 죽은 불 다시 살아나 - 현대성에 저항하는 현대성 
  • 왕후이 (지은이), 김택규 (옮긴이) | 삼인 | 2005년 3월
  • 29,000원 → 26,100 (10%할인), 마일리지 1,450원 (5% 적립)
  •  (1) | 세일즈포인트 : 226

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  • 이 책은 몇 번을 반복해서 읽어도 좋다. 개인적으로 이 책만큼 왕후이의 매력을 잘 보여주는 책도 없는 것 같다. 그의 번역된 책을 거의 다 사읽었지만 이 책보다 감동적인 책은 없는 것 같다. 왕후이에 대한 연재글은 이 책을 시작으로 할 예정이다.





Contemporary Chinese Thought and the Question of Modernity

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"Contemporary Chinese Thought and the Question of Modernity" (Chinese: 当代中国的思想状况与现代性问题) is an influential article of around 35,000 characters in length by Chinese intellectual historian and literary scholar Wang Hui, written in 1994 and published in left-wing literature journal Tianya (天涯) in 1997.[1] An English translation by Rebecca E. Karl appeared in a volume of Social Text titled "Intellectual Politics in Post-Tiananmen China" (1998).

The article became the subject of intense debate and attention both for its methodology—an unusually socio-historical approach to intellectual history—and its expressed politics, which are critical of capitalist modernity.[1] According to academic Yue Gang, it is "a cornerstone in the transformation of contemporary Chinese thought" and "has become a benchmark for the New Left."[2]

See also[edit]


  1. Jump up to:a b Yongle, Zhang (January–February 2008). "No Forbidden Zone in Reading?: Dushu and the Chinese Intelligentsia"New Left Review. New Left Review. II (49): 5–26.
  2. ^ Yue Gang. "Wang Hui." Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture. Ed. Edward L. Davis. London: Routledge, 2005.

External links[edit]

  • Wang Hui. "Dangdai Zhongguo de Sixiang Zhuangkuang yu Xiandaixing Wenti" ["Contemporary Chinese Thought and the Question of Modernity"]. Tianya 5 (1997).
  • Wang Hui, tr. Rebecca E. Karl. "Contemporary Chinese Thought and the Question of Modernity." Social Text 55: Intellectual Politics in Post-Tiananmen China (1998): pp. 9–44.



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