
Economist on the Future of China and What the West Misunderstands | Aman...


1 day ago
Interesting that the problem of an excess of industrial jobs not matching the surplus of college graduates in China is the opposite of that in the US where there seems to be a surplus of jobs requiring college education and not enough graduates to fill them



1 reply
18 hours ago
She is telling the truth that some people do not comprehend completely.



2 replies
1 day ago
It’s not that each doesn’t see the other’s prospective..it’s that one wants to “win” china just isn’t backing down because they have more power and the USA doesn’t like that.



2 replies
1 day ago (edited)
Keyu Jin is trying to give a different perspective of China development and its challenges.  However, most US and western thinkers are of the opinion Xi and Chinese leaders are headed down the wrong path and potentially fall off the cliff.  If this is so, then the US and western thinkers should let China be and not block its progress down the supposed "Clift".  The most probably reason for such western noises is that China is probably showing comparatively better successes in the last 40 years and is likely to surpass the West with its "different development model".   Instead of facing the reality and learn /adopt changes themselves, it chose to derail China to stay ahead.  What a loss opportunity as it would have been better to cooperate and work together to solve common human threats such as climate change and pandemic.  Just accept we are different and there are many  models for success. To each its own so long as humanity as a whole make progress would be a better ideal to strive for.



8 replies
21 hours ago
If democracy is so good, why dont we apply it in geopolitical level. Why should a country like Indonesia have less say than the US  in making the rules and norms.



2 replies
1 day ago
"Different take on similar issues" - right, do you mean an autocracy as opposed to a democracy?
China remains an awful country to live in as a free citizen. The fact that this expert is unable to speak plainly and tell the truth tells us all we need to know.



12 replies
23 minutes ago
I am a fan of Keyu Jin. She is a very intelligent and respectful person, who seeks the truth and stands for righteousness.


1 day ago
China wants to have a greater say in the global norms and order. The West characterizes this as "aggressive" because it's jealous and paranoid, and because it may undermine the West's global dominance ("rules-based international order").

But we need to remember that the West has been aggressive for decades, waging wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc., sanctioning countries that do not comply with US foreign policy, overthrowing foreign governments, even democratic ones! China does not do any of these things. China is not aggressive compared to the West.



13 hours ago
Thank you for a great interview.  It is interesting and informative.



9 hours ago
I teach Chinese language with humor and cute pictures.
Learn Chinese to get firsthand information about China. Life is all about perspective. The sinking of the Titanic was a miracle to the lobsters in the ship's kitchen.
Chinese characters still retain their pictographic origins. Knowing what the characters look like originally can help understand the meanings and remember them vividly. 
I’ve spent about 100,000 hours studying English humor and Western culture, and many years studying Chinese culture and jokes. My native language is Chinese.



1 day ago
Great interview from an economist with rich knowledge of both E & West🙏👍



3 replies
20 hours ago
As an ethnic Chinese not born in China nor educated in the US, I clearly understand where Jin is coming from.  Let's say....  genetically and culturally, Chinese tend to be pragmatic and not very rarely ideologically driven.  USA tends to to be have messiah tendency whereas China is 'mind my own business and stick to business'.



12 replies
2 days ago
The biggest problem with authoritarian governments is that the longer they are in power the more out of touch they become with the realities of their country.  This happens because the penalties for telling leadership information they don’t want to hear become continually more severe.  This leads to the leaders feeling too confident in bad ideas and everyone running around trying to make it seem like the bad ideas are working.  We saw this in a big way with Mao and we are seeing it again with Ji.  The current trend in China is to become more authoritarian and rigid. The government has shown a massive disconnect from the needs of the Chinese people.  The question is, how much worse will it get before there is a reckoning that will lead to some sort of change?   Then once there is a change will it be for the better or worse?



15 replies
22 hours ago
She's a tad nervous and she was rushing her thoughts ... and maybe a tad too apologetic about the path that China's leadership is taking.
She didn't explain that China's youth also live in nuclear housholds where parents typically look after the grandkids and the young adults look after parents. As the last of China's baby-boomers are now approaching retirement, they'll need to be back-filled ... that's where these university grads will go in the next 2-5 years. She could have also mentioned Xi's plan to deploy graduates to the countryside to help develop and grow rural village economies. There are 10's of thousands of young Chinese training to become social workers as I type. China is just now developing support agencies to assist the boomers as they approach their senior years and when care is necessary.
Overall, I was disappointed in her presentation ... Eric Li would have articulated better responses to the reporter's questions.



17 hours ago
well said by that wisdom Chinese lady.



1 day ago
Player knows player. Was born in a communist country and I can recognize PR from a mile away. Not saying she was wrong about everything, or explicitly lying, but she was incredibly well prepared, very well trained at dodging and dancing, and was very clearly delivering party lines without giving offense rather then giving a genuine interview



14 replies
2 days ago
Common sense information from a Harvard grad, thanks for that.  The sea of people can also sink the ecosystem, esp marine life, and cook up more viruses like SARS and Covid.  These two superpowers will hopefully evolve to eventually trust each other.



1 reply
1 day ago
Ken Yujin has one foot in China and the other in the US. She has some good economical observations but either lacks the ability to sense the oppression that is smothering the people or she chooses not to say anything relating to lack of freedom and the brutal nature of the CCP.



9 replies
9 hours ago
I always thought Keyu Jin is a daughter I never have.  She is the new face of modern China. In Keyu China can go forward to a bright future. Every Chinese is proud of her.



2 replies
20 hours ago
8:06 "one of the values of US a sort moral compass is that Liberties Free Press democracy" lmoa
Free Julian Assange .....



9 hours ago
China is only interested in controlling more of Asia, especially SE Asia. They have no interest in global domination. To the extent that the USA hinders their ambitions in Asia, China sees the USA as a threat. The situation is pretty similar to that with the USSR, which also merely wanted to safeguard itself by creating a "buffer zone." Though, China's buffer zone would include Taiwan, all of Korea, and Japan. The USA is only threatened indirectly: if the democracies in those countries fall, the USA's influence in the region would decrease.


1 reply
1 day ago
Great questions, superb answers!


23 hours ago (edited)
Americans and the west needs to understand this point: The Chinese people as a race did not originate naturally. The Han Chinese is an amalgamation of various tribes formed through the long history of war.  The Han Chinese as a race was nearly wiped out at a point in time. With exception of a very small minority , war is hardly on the minds of the Chinese people. Even today China is a very diverse country with many other tribes such as the Dai, Bai etc. There are also still more than 100 million living in poverty, so China needs the economic growth. A billion mouths to feed is no joke. When one is hungry and struggling to survive, you think there is time to think about freedom & the right to vote?



1 reply
2 days ago (edited)
When Jin points out that the Chinese government  can react quickly to a given situation what we need to ask is will it act to protect the interest of the people or will it act to protect itself against the people who are losing their jobs and their life savings to corruption and bad decisions of the government. I wonder how much Jin has bought into the information bubble within China and how much of the dire issues China faces she is aware of.



8 replies
1 day ago



20 hours ago
I am sure the delay in getting the full Bible narrative was due to distance and some middlemen passing messages so hearing things through the grapevine sometimes takes time and also will have entanglement.


1 day ago
The massive consolidation of power and the cult of personality of Xi is complicating relations. It doesn't help that Xi has surrounded himself with Yes men and not technocrats that are willing to disagree with Xi.



3 replies
13 hours ago
A rising star... she is amazing


2 hours ago
But China has been a "rising nation" for decades. What is the benchmark to have arrived?



1 day ago
A good government makes the conditions of the people better and better, not just better and better for the party, for the billionaires or for world dominance.  Practical?  What does practical mean?  Making life better for all is a model for a good social contract for governments an their people.  If China wants to be practical, it should facilitate a committee at the UN where leaders can discuss practical ways to feed more people, help more unemployed people eat, and give their kids a top notch education.  It should make learning a very high priority and enlist professors to engage students in research project, statistics, and practical experiences doing medicine if they are interested in extending lives and in healing the sick.  Feed everyone; facilitate safe shelter for everyone; educate everyone; heal the sick;  give everyone preventive medical care;  help the old to feel safe and offer care to them as needed.  The needs are great.  It's not that things are impossible.  It's more that those with all the power, money and influence do not want to do what is best for everyone.



1 reply
1 day ago
You know what is permanent? The communist party's need for totalitarian power and the fundamental problem that represents for a society and economy. The zero covid policy was a disaster and it showed how even in that totalitarian govt. the people can rise up and demand change. But Ji will learn from that and tighten his grip.



7 replies
2 days ago
Should have asked about provocative & illegal South China Sea policy.  Also Taiwan "reunification by force" policy.  US is allied with Japan, Australia, NZ,Vietnam, S Korea,  India, NATO, Philippines & many more because this  South China Sea policy cannot be made the law of the seas.



7 replies
1 day ago
"The tolerance of state"..., other cultures, she's basically restating the CCP's ""Democracy" and "Communism with Chinese Characteristics". Pol Pot had a similar saying. "Xi Jinping thought" and no jobs. No, everything is not "going according to plan", as Putin would say.



1 reply
1 hour ago
几年前看到网络上有人骂她是公知,莫名其妙的! 她对中国的贡献值多少钱?!


1 day ago
China's economy is doing very poorly, and yet it's expected to vastly outperform all the G7 economies this year and next. According to the IMF in April 2023, China's GDP growth will be 5.2 and 4.5 percent in 2023 and 2024, respectively. The USA will have the highest among the G7 with 1.6 and 1.1 percent, respectively. So I'll take China's poor performance over the G7's, thank you very much. 😁



1 day ago
Thank you for the enlightenment



14 hours ago
1:08 "A thief believes everybody steals."


2 days ago (edited)
It’s a very strange world we live in. We sit in our houses surrounded by Chinese manufactured appliances and drive Chinese manufacturied cars while we criticise the country they came from…..mmmmm……seems a bit odd here. There also seems a misconception regarding chinas current technological standards and standard of living in some western countries, there seems to be a belief that they are still the same country as seen in 1930 Cold War films.



4 replies
9 hours ago
Blinken's flying straight to London after visiting Beijing to crap on China.


11 hours ago
As an Australian I want a pivot towards India and other democracies shall be the new normal,. with communist countries being a much lower future trading partner.



1 reply
16 hours ago
Things people should know about Keyu Jin:
-She is not 'world renowned', but she is an associate professor at London School of Economics, so of some repute.
-She is the daughter of Jin Liqun, former Vice Minister of Finance of the PRC, a man who has life-long career in the Chinese state. Currently the chairman of the Asian Infrastructure Development Bank, a relatively new bank set up by the PRC.

Her thesis can best be summed up with a Snoop Dogg quote: "Lodi Dodi, we likes The Party, we don't cause trouble, we don't bother nobody". But people would be best advised to pay attention to what China does, not what it says.



8 replies
1 day ago
One last thing- in the west we r not taught real history so we don’t know that China was the largest economy for 17 centuries & invented things like paper the compass gunpowder tea silk wheelbarrow cast iron - they industrialised centuries b4 the Europeans 

The culture of the east is far more advanced & wise - they have a lot to teach us but America is a bumbling toddler w too much privilege arrogance & weapons we only know war & conflict it’s in our DNA 

study how China’s Govt/economics really works cuz they r far more democratic than we r as a plutocracy



1 reply
2 days ago
Such an impressive interview!!



2 days ago
When you give up freedom for security you end up with neither.



5 replies
1 day ago
This lady is certainly “having a moment” with all of a sudden a flurry of press appearances over the past few weeks, isn’t she? 

Can you say “exercising soft power”? 

Well played, Beijing… well played.  I must say, excellent touch to assign a very attractive lady as well.  because you have many of us males watching too…!



1 reply
1 day ago
Very good interview!



11 hours ago
If us installed two radars in Taiwan, why can not China install radars in Cuba¿



1 day ago
"Chinese technology is more suitable for developing countries than American or European". Is she referring to the mass surviellance systems and backdoor communications systems exported to authoritarian dictatorships?



3 replies
1 day ago (edited)
Recently a young Chinese stand up comedian was punished by ccp for telling a single joke about the Chinese military. I wonder how much this guest considered carefully her every word?



2 replies
2 days ago
I have not simply begun writing.
I have co-authored yogic teachings which have been passed around the world. I; have been doing this a long time.
The change is here and it brings with it death. Pollution is a big deal.



1 day ago
A different take she states. A Communist country vs a  Democratic country, 2 very different takes indeed.



2 replies
2 days ago
Goals. Aromatherapy. Chemical synthetic trends. Artificial Intelligence. Mind Control and Warfare.
Economics and Capitalism.



10 hours ago
To think that Western style democracy should be practised by all countries are simple-minded.  One suit does not fit all.



1 reply
1 day ago
The US needs to understand China, and the Chinese people, Chinese beliefs and attitudes.  But we're always looking for the bogeyman, and politicians are always looking for a foreign scapegoat.  Yes, their treatment of the Uighurs is bad.  Yes, the way they suppressed and essentially captured Hong Kong is bad.  And then there's Taiwan, the spy balloons, etc...  Change takes time, though, and the tolerance of the Chinese for government action, particularly during a crisis like a global pandemic, can be a strength.  I mean, how many American lives were needlessly lost during the pandemic because of COVID deniers being amplified by right wing media?  I would like to believe that the US people can come together during a moment of crisis, like we did on 9-11 and for about a month afterward, before the politicians started agitating divisions again.  It would be nice if we could pull off a period of national unity long enough to get something important done.  If the Chinese have this strength and we don't, it bodes well for them and not so well for us.  And while we need to see them as a rival, an adversary, a competitor, I don't believe they are or will become an enemy, particularly if we can learn to control our own rhetoric and emotions.



1 reply
2 days ago
Amanpour had great credibility at one time, however she has been paid off, and burned bridges so badly it's an embarrassment that she even has any platform anymore, she remains a huge personal disappointment to me as she has such potential for truth  in the past, and no hope for the future. 🕊️



3 replies
7 hours ago
Has Jin been paying attention to what is going on in China?  ...industrial areas emptying out as companies flee to more favorable countries,  tofu dreg construction falling apart,  people's bank balances simply disappearing  and they have no recourse, people forced to continue making payments on apartments that will never be built, agricultural police harassing and robbing  farmers,  the average age of farmers getting old to the point where  they may not have the labor to feed the country in years ahead.  China may have made some impressive looking progress in the past few decades, but they took a lot of shortcuts and allowed a lot of corruption to get there.  Now the bill is coming due, and it will be huge.  They have massive challenges ahead and they would be better off being humble and making friends than being belligerent and rattling sabers with the other major powers.


3 replies
2 days ago
She does have family root with very high up Chinese officials.



2 replies
13 hours ago
I wish this guy lives in china to see the real situation over there... Those diverse opinions she talking about are being thrown to jail.



1 day ago
Idk what to make of this. How do we parse what is said given what is known about how the CCP treats their citizens who says things about China that are not allowed?



19 hours ago
In coming 10 years young population growth will be the main issue for China.
China should not underestimate this issue like Japan south Korea.


1 reply
16 hours ago
Democracy means everyone has his or her right to choose the form of government best suited to each country enviroment be practical



2 days ago
This lady can kick rocks



1 reply
2 days ago (edited)
reset that’s why china sent armored vehicles to russia Blinken ok with it?



2 days ago
“China doesn’t want to export its economic model.” A model that is at home with Concentration Camps.” Thank You China.



9 replies
20 hours ago
If she is a mouthpiece of CCP, will London School of Economics hire her as a professor?



1 day ago
She reminds me of "Squealer" from Orwell's "Animal Farm". She can make you think black is white.



9 hours ago
18:32 The interviewer was only reading those questions out from a screen with no sign of interest to listen what the interviewee has to say.. TYPICAL....



1 reply
1 day ago
You need to have on the program Robert Spalding  he has written 
a book called Stealth War …….   Read it and get educated on China.



20 hours ago
The Chinese Govt didn't do anything. Cause there isn't one. It's a hybrid western mix eastern jumble up mixture of parlimen that debates stuff and the Church and Businesses finds way around the rules and work together to do magic through the help of Academia on religious studies. So it's very complicated. Anyway now Al caught up in the real World and even Wall Street got caught in this whole thing. How to export MahJong? Actually it's already exported way before this.


16 hours ago
Look at how she never criticizes CCP.

Every Chinese is an agent of the CCP living overseas.

She is giving all the CCP talking points including the China is not interested in being aggressive, that is the core of CCP subterfuge.



2 replies
2 days ago
What? Harvard PHD? Oh dear …



1 reply
5 hours ago
smart lady!!



2 days ago
united states living in denial

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