
Ignoring science, environmental protection and international law – G7 endorses Japan’s Fukushima water discharge plans - Greenpeace International

Ignoring science, environmental protection and international law – G7 endorses Japan’s Fukushima water discharge plans - Greenpeace International

Ignoring science, environmental protection and international law – G7 endorses Japan’s Fukushima water discharge plans

Greenpeace International
16 April 2023 • 3 min read • 6 Comments

Legacy of Fukushima disaster shows nuclear energy is no solution to energy and climate crisis.

Sapporo, Japan – The nations of the G7 have chosen politics over science and the protection of the marine environment with their decision today to support the Japanese government’s plans to discharge Fukushima radioactive waste water into the Pacific Ocean.

The 1.3 million cubic meters/tons of radioactive waste water at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, currently in tanks, is scheduled to be discharged into the Pacific Ocean this year. Nations in the Asia Pacific region, led by the Pacific Island Forum, have strongly voiced their opposition to the plans.[1] Some of the world’s leading oceanographic institutes and marine scientists have criticised the weakness of the scientific justification applied by TEPCO, the owner of the nuclear plant, warned against using the Pacific Ocean as a dumping ground for radioactive contaminated water, and called for alternatives to discharge to be applied.[2]

“The Japanese government is desperate for international endorsement for its Pacific Ocean radioactive water dump plans. It has failed to protect its own citizens, including the vulnerable fishing communities of Fukushima, as well as nations across the wider Asia Pacific region. The aftermath of the nuclear disaster at Fukushima is still strongly felt, and the Japanese government has failed to fully investigate the effects of discharging multiple radionuclides on marine life. The government is obligated under international law to conduct a comprehensive environmental impact assessment, including the impact of transboundary marine pollution, but has failed to do so. Its plans are a violation of the UN Convention Law of the Sea.

The marine environment is under extreme pressure from climate change, overfishing and resource extraction. Yet, the G7 thinks it’s acceptable to endorse plans to deliberately dump nuclear waste into the ocean. Politics inside the G7 at Sapporo just trumped science, environmental protection, and international law,”
said Shaun Burnie, Senior Nuclear Specialist at Greenpeace East Asia.

Greenpeace East Asia analysis has detailed the failures of liquid waste processing technology at the Fukushima Daiichi plant and the environmental threats posed by the releases.[3] There is no prospect of an end to the nuclear crisis at the plant as current decommissioning plans are not feasible. Furthermore, the report finds the nuclear fuel debris in the reactors cannot be completely removed and will continue to contaminate the ground water over many decades.[4] Claims that the discharges will take 30 years is inaccurate as in reality, it will continue into the next century. Viable alternatives to discharge, specifically long term storage and processing, have been ignored by the Japanese government.[3]

The Japanese government’s attempt to normalise the Fukushima nuclear disaster is directly linked to its overall energy policy objective of increasing the operation of nuclear reactors again after the 2011 disaster. 

54 reactors were available in 2011 compared to only ten reactors in 2022, generating 7.9% of the nation’s electricity in FY21 compared to 29% in 2010.[5]

 Meanwhile, five of the other six G7 governments led by France, the US and the UK are also aggressively promoting nuclear power development.

“The idea that the nuclear industry is capable of delivering a safe and sustainable energy future is delusional and a dangerous distraction from the only viable energy solution to the climate emergency which is 100% renewable energy. The global growth of low cost renewable energy has been phenomenal – but it has to be much faster and at an even greater scale if carbon emissions are to be reduced by 2030. Approval for nuclear waste dumping and nuclear energy expansion sound like the 1970’s but we have no time for such distractions. We are in a race to save the climate in the 21st century, and only renewables can deliver this,” said Shaun Burnie.


번역: 백승종
<후쿠시마 재해의 찌꺼기는 핵발전소가 에너지와 기후 위기에 대한 해결책이 아님을 증명한다>
오늘 일본 삿포로에서 G7 국가들은 후쿠시마 방사성 폐수를 태평양으로 방출하려는 일본 정부의 계획을 지지하기로 해, 과학과 해양환경의 보호가 아니라 정치 우선을 선택했다.
현재 탱크에 보관 중인 후쿠시마 제1원전의 방사성 폐수는 130만 톤인데, 올해 안으로 태평양으로 방출할 예정이다. “태평양 섬 포럼(Pacific Island Forum)”에 속한 아시아 태평양 지역의 여러 나라는 이러한 계획에 강력하게 반대한다.[1: 이하 각주는 생략함-백승종] 세계 굴지의 해양학 연구소와 해양과학자들도 핵발전소를 경영하는 도쿄전력이 적용한 과학적 정당성의 허점을 비판하고, 태평양을 방사능 오염수 투기장으로 사용하지 말라고 경고하면서 폐수의 배출에 관한 대안을 촉구했다.[2]
“일본 정부는 방사능 폐수를 태평양으로 방출하는 자국의 계획을 국제사회가 지지하기를 간절히 바라고 있다. 일본은 후쿠시마의 취약한 어업 공동체를 보호하는 데 실패하였고, 자국민을 비롯하여 아시아 태평양 지역의 국가들을 보호하는 데도 실패했다. 후쿠시마 핵발전소 사고의 악영향은 여전히 뚜렷이 감지되지만, 일본 정부는 방사성 핵의 배출이 해양 생물에 미치는 영향을 충분히 조사하지 않았다. 일본 정부는 국제법상 자국의 경계를 벗어난 해양오염 등에 관하여 종합적인 환경영향평가를 실시해야 할 의무가 있으나 이를 이행하지 않았다. 이번의 폐수 방출 계획은 유엔 해양협약을 위반한 것이다.
해양환경은 기후 변화, 수산물 남획 및 수중 자원 개발로 인해 극심한 위협에 처하였다. 그러나 G7은 정치적 목적 아래 바다에 핵폐기물을 투척하려는 일본의 계획을 승인할 수 있다는 것이다. 삿포로에서 벌어진 G7의 정치적 야합은 과학, 환경 보호 및 국제법을 무시했다.” 그린피스의 동아시아 수석 핵 전문가인 숀 버니(Shaun Burnie)는 그렇게 말했다.
그린피스 동아시아 당국은 후쿠시마 다이이치 공장의 액체 폐기물 처리 기술이 실패한 것으로 보고, 폐수의 배출로 인해 일어날 환경 위협에 대해서도 자세히 설명했다.[3] 현재 일본이 세운 핵발전소 해체 계획은 실현 불가능하므로, 후쿠시마 핵발전소가 초래하는 위기가 끝날 전망은 없다. 또, 이른바 원자로에 남아있는 핵연료의 잔해는 완전히 제거될 수도 없고, 결과적으로 앞으로 수십 년 동안 계속해서 지하수를 오염시키고 말 것이 명확하다.[4] 그리고 30년이 지나면 문제가 해결될 것이라는 주장은 이 문제가 다음 세기까지도 계속될 것이므로 정확한 설명이 되지 못한다. 폐수를 방류하는 대신에 실행이 가능한 대안을 마련하는 것, 특히 폐수의 장기 저장과 처리에 대한 요구를 일본 정부는 무시하고 말았다.[3]
일본 정부가 후쿠시마 핵발전소 사고를 극복하려는 시도는, 2011년에 일어난 후쿠시마 사고 이후 핵발전소의 가동률을 다시 높이겠다는 일본 정부의 에너지 정책 목표와 궤를 같이 한다. 2011년에 일본은 54개의 원자로를 가동할 수 있었으나, 사고 후 2022년에는 겨우 10개의 원자로만 가동할 수 있었다. 2010년에는 핵 발전량이 전력 총생산의 29%였으나, FY21(2020년 9월부터 2021년 8월까지)에는 겨우 7.9%에 그쳤다.[5] 그밖에도 G7 가운데서는 프랑스와 ​​미국 및 영국 등 5개 국가가 핵발전의 증가를 적극적으로 꾀하고 있다.
“핵발전이 안전하고 지속 가능한 에너지를 미래에도 제공할 수 있다는 생각은 망상이며, 실행 가능한 오직 한 가지 에너지 해법은 100% 재생 에너지이다. 그런데 기후 비상사태를 틈타 핵발전이라는 카드로 이를 와해시키려고 한다. 비용도 적게 드는 재생 에너지는 세계적으로 놀라운 성장세를 보이지만, 2030년까지 탄소 배출량을 줄이려면 지금보다 훨씬 더 빠르고 더 큰 규모로 성장해야 할 것이다. 핵폐기물의 투기를 허용하고 핵발전의 확장을 승인하는 조치는 1970년대식으로 보이며, 우리는 그런 일로 주의를 산만하게 할 시간이 없다. 우리는 21세기에 기후를 구하려는 힘겨운 경주를 하고 있으며, 오직 재생 에너지만이 이런 목표를 달성할 수 있게 한다.” 숀 버니의 주장은 그러하다. (끝)
전거: 2023년 5월 30일 15시 검색.



[1] Pacific Islands Forum, Japan must work with the Pacific to find a solution to the Fukushima water release issue – otherwise we face disaster”, 4 January 2023

[2] The 100 U.S. based institutions of the National Association of Marine Laboratories (NAML) which includes SCRIPPS and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, 12 December 2022 “Many of the radionuclides contained in the accumulated waste cooling water have half-lives ranging from decades to centuries, and their deleterious effects range from DNA damage and cellular stress to elevated cancer risks in people who eat affected marine organisms, such as clams, oysters, crabs, lobster, shrimp, and fish. We urge the Government of Japan to stop pursuing their planned and precedent-setting release of the radioactively contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean and to work with the broader scientific community to pursue other approaches that protect ocean life; human health; and those communities who depend on ecologically, economically, and culturally valuable marine resources.”

[3] Greenpeace East Asia “Stemming the tide 2020 : The reality of the Fukushima radioactive water crisis report” 2020

[4] Sato Satoshi, “Decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station”, March 2021

[5] World Nuclear Industry Status Report – 2022


Mitsuhisa Kawase, Senior Communications Officer, Greenpeace Japan: mitsuhisa.kawase@greenpeace.org – +81 (0)70-3195-4165

June 5/6 2023. Update https://www.aa.com.tr/en/asia-pacific/amid-opposition-japan-takes-1st-step-to-release-nuclear-waste-into-ocean/2916489 Kris 😢 Yyc

Kris 14 June 2023
Does anyone ever think about countries Navy ships, cruise ships as well as merchant vessels and the waste, sewage and debris that they dump into our oceans on a regular basis ? Add some nuclear waste water and our oceans turn into death soup. What's wrong with these people that this is agreed to be the only viable solution? We can fly to the moon , explore Mars and send telescopes to the outer reaches of our universe but we don't see a need to protect and save the most treasured planet in our solar system ? What in God's name are we doing ? But don't worry because mother nature is going to show us a thing or two. It won't be long before she retaliates. And what a force to be reckoned with ! She will wipe the slate clean and start over as she has done in the past. How dare we think we have power and control over this magnificent planet. If we don't Crack her open like a egg with all of the nuclear underground testing first she will come out of this man made issues. How much nuclear waste can you store in a mountain and bury in the sea before there is no place else to put it ? With the pole reversal well on its way the earth regrettably is going to show mankind that its not nice to fool mother nature. Get ready, prepare ? This is truly not possible when she flexes her muscles. Although it it may seem harsh its the only way to protect herself against human beings ignorance. What a complete waste of knowledge that could of saved us from ourselves. The fat lady is singing folks. Damage done. Maybe this time if we are allowed to be here we will have learned how to use some common sense and appreciate what we have here. Living underground is a seriously lame idea. Do they really think that's a safe bet? When she starts a Rockin& a Rollin it will be to the core. How sad we refuse to keep her safe. We get what we deserve. I'm so grateful that I was able to live, love and enjoy this spectacular one of a kind place. What a blessing it's been to be here. Hang on for one hell of a ride you wish you could get off of.

Tears ran down my face as I read that the G7 had approved Japan's dumping radioactive waste into the Pacific Ocean without regard to how this will damage the environment & the life's of so many of the world's population negatively. 
The oceans & seas are our life blood & when you continue to further use it as a dumping ground, you hurt the entire planet & our population.Politics be damned!

LINDA BROWN 25 May 2023
Thank you for the information. It makes me wonder why you think the answer is 100% renewable energy since it is expensive and unreliable. Some environmentalists believe a blend of many sources of energy is the answer, including nuclear power, such as Michael Shellenberger in this TEDtalk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-yALPEpV4w 

I tend to agree with his stance, 
but I agree with you that nuclear waste should be stored and never disposed into the ocean!

Joanne 25 May 2023
Steffi Lemke, Germany's Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection, made the remarks when attending a press conference after the two-day G7 Ministers' Meeting on Climate, Energy and Environment, which was also attended by Japanese Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Yasutoshi Nishimura. 

At the press conference jointly held by Japan, Germany, and Italy, Nishimura said that the steady decommissioning progress including the release of treated water into the ocean "will be welcomed," Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun reported. 

The Japanese government in January announced its controversial plan to release radioactive wastewater from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in the country's northeast into the Pacific Ocean will start to be carried out "in the spring or summer." 

"I respect the efforts made by TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company, operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant) and the Japanese government after the nuclear accident, but we cannot welcome the release of the treated water," Lemke was quoted by the newspaper as saying.

Petra 26 April 2023
Can you do anything?

Japan Damages Ocean 22 April 2023

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