
Making Peace Visible on Apple Podcasts

Making Peace Visible on Apple Podcasts:

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28 episodes

In the news media, war gets more headlines than peace, conflict more airtime than reconciliation. And in our polarized world, reporting on conflict in a way that frames conflicts as us vs. them, good vs. evil often serves to dig us in deeper. On Making Peace Visible, we speak with journalists and peacebuilders who help us understand the human side of conflicts and peace efforts around the world. From international negotiations in Colombia to gang violence disruptors in Chicago, to women advocating for their rights in the midst of the Syrian civil war, these are the storytellers who are changing the narrative.

Making Peace Visible is a project of War Stories Peace Stories (www.warstoriespeacestories.org), and hosted by Boston-based documentary filmmaker Jamil Simon.

Making Peace VisibleWar Stories Peace StoriesNews
5.0 • 3 Ratings

Listen on Apple Podcasts

JUN 13, 2023Peace messaging: Fighting crisis fatigue with hope

Peace messaging: Fighting crisis fatigue with hope
Guest Beth Hallowell, Director of Research and Analytics at the American Friends Service Committee, shares research-based insights about how peacebuilders can be more effective when communicating to the public and the media. PLAY
25 min
MAY 30, 2023Storytelling with equal-opportunity empathy

Storytelling with equal-opportunity empathy
Guest Trey Kay is host of Us & Them, an award-winning narrative podcast about America’s culture wars, in partnership with West Virginia Public Broadcasting. PLAY
34 min
MAY 16, 2023How news media shortchanges nonviolent resistance

How news media shortchanges nonviolent resistance
Political scientist Maria Stephan widens the lens on nonviolent resistance, and offers tips for how journalists could apply that lens to tell more complete and captivating stories. PLAY
32 min
MAY 3, 2023Against the tide: tech for social cohesion

Against the tide: tech for social cohesion
Shamil Idriss, CEO of Search for Common Ground, says it’s crucial for the peacebuilding field to understand and harness digital technology. PLAY
29 min
APR 19, 2023Iraq 20 years later – what was the media’s role?

Iraq 20 years later – what was the media’s role?
Guest Babak Bahador is a scholar who studies the relationship between peace, conflict, and the media – kind of like the academic version of this podcast. PLAY
33 min
APR 4, 2023REPLAY: Building peace on a walk through the Middle East

Building peace on a walk through the Middle East
Peacebuilding isn't always about complex negotiations in halls of power. In this episode, we explore a walking path in The Middle East where trust and connection is arising out of the curiosity of travelers, and a grassroots tourism industry that's lifting fortunes in economically neglected areas. PLAY
34 min
Show 10 More Episodes© warstoriespeacestories.org

Customer Reviews
5.0 out of 5
3 Ratings

Local Community Builder, 06/16/2023
Making Peace Visible

Jamil Simon brings some of the world’s leading voices in peace building to these important discussions and sheds light on this desperately needed area of focus that will hopefully continue to gain traction around the globe.more

_SNS, 06/08/2023
Covers under-reported issues

This podcast is an interesting perspective on issues related to conflict that are underreported in the media, and gives voice to stories that would otherwise go unheard. Great work!

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