
Yeonmi Park, a North Korean Dissident, Defects to the American Right - The New York Times

Yeonmi Park, a North Korean Dissident, Defects to the American Right - The New York Times

“I think so many people in America think that somehow America is immune to tyranny,” Yeonmi Park told a Queens crowd recently.Credit...Jeenah Moon for The New York Times

A North Korean Dissident Defects to the American Right

Yeonmi Park’s account of the horrors of North Korea made her a human rights celebrity. Her new claims that America is on the same path have made her a right-wing media star.


By Charles Homans
June 22, 2023

“The first thing my mom taught me as a young girl living in North Korea was don’t even whisper, because birds and mice could hear me,” Yeonmi Park told the audience that had come to hear her speak in Queens.

“This is what dictators do: they plant a spike everywhere, a distrust between people, a distrust between family, even. The teachers tell their children,” she went on, “‘If your parents say one wrong thing, come to tell the teacher.’”

It was a story that Ms. Park has told often, on television sets and conference stages and in a best-selling memoir, over the decade she has spent as one of the world’s most famous defectors from the Kim family’s isolated totalitarian state.

But in recent years, she has added a new postscript.

“And now,” she told the crowd in Long Island City last weekend, “I see the same thing in America.”

Conservative pundits and politicians have long warned that liberal economics and cultural politics would set the United States on the road to leftist authoritarianism. But until two years ago, they had never had an ally quite like Ms. Park. A refugee from the world’s most infamous surviving Stalinist state, Ms. Park, 29, claims to back up those worst fears with firsthand experience: comparing calls to dismantle racism in math instruction, for instance, with lessons she received as a child in North Korean schools.

Describing her own recent experience as an undergraduate at Columbia University, Ms. Park told the Fox News host Mark Levin in an interview last month that the school’s pedagogy “is exactly what the North Korean regime used to brainwash people.” Left-wing indoctrination in American educational institutions, she said, “is, I think, the biggest threat that our nation, and our civilization is facing.”

She now denounces Hillary Clinton, with whom she once shared a conference stage, as an “absolute faker and liar,” and rails against transgender-oriented marketing campaigns: “Political correctness has erased women,” she wrote recently on Facebook.

ImageMs. Park has lived most of her adult life in the glare of media scrutiny. Years after fleeing North Korea at age 13, she appeared in a popular TV show in South Korea and then wrote a memoir, “In Order to Live.”Credit...William Campbell/Corbis, via Getty Images

Underscoring it all is the warning that these complaints add up to something vastly more sinister than the sum of their Fox News chyrons. “I think so many people in America think that somehow America is immune to tyranny, and somehow a dictatorship begins like North Korea,” she said at the Queens event, hosted by the conservative organization Turning Point USA. “It didn’t begin there. It began with amazing promises of equity. They promised a socialist paradise to us.”

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“And with that promise,” she added, “they took everything, one by one, from us.” The crowd gave her two standing ovations.

Ms. Park’s transformation from celebrity defector to loud critic of liberal identity politics is extraordinarily rare. Very few of the tens of thousands of people who have fled North Korea wade into domestic politics in the countries where they have taken refuge.

But in an American political climate that rewards hyperbole and alarm, Ms. Park, who became a U.S. citizen in 2021, has found a lucrative niche.

Her second book, “While Time Remains,” a self-described “warning for Americans” published in February, has already outpaced the hardcover sales of her best-selling 2015 memoir. She is a regular guest on popular right-leaning TV networks and podcasts, and speaker at conservative universities and think tanks.

This spring, she became a contributor to Turning Point USA, appearing at its conferences alongside figures like Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and James O’Keefe, the right-wing activist recently ousted from Project Veritas.

Her recent trajectory has drawn winces from some past allies and supporters, who worry about the toll that her dive into the American culture wars may take on her effectiveness as a human rights advocate. And some observers of her career, noting her history of reinvention and questions raised about the accuracy of her account, have lifted an eyebrow at her latest act.

“She’s an amazing entertainer,” said Jay Song, a professor of Korean studies at the Asia Institute of the University of Melbourne in Australia, who studies the experiences of North Korean defectors. “She’s very smart. She’s always picking up on keywords.”

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A Celebrity Defector

In a recent interview, Ms. Park, who now lives in New York, described her own politics as less strident than they often appear in her media appearances. “I support gay marriage, I’m very socially liberal,” she said. “I never thought I was a conservative.” Asked whether she identifies as such now, she said no.

She likened the initial idea for her second book to Alexis de Tocqueville. “He comes from France to America — to American democracy,” she said. “So, like, what if a North Korean sees America and analyzes America?”

Ms. Park has lived most of her adult life in the glare of media scrutiny, in one form or another. Five years after escaping North Korea with her mother in 2007, at age 13, she was cast on “Now On My Way to Meet You,” a popular variety show on South Korean television starring young women who had defected.

Ms. Park in 2015. In South Korea, she was on a popular variety show starring young women who were defectors.Credit...Andrew Toth/Getty Images

The program, which premiered in 2011, made North Koreans newly visible in South Korean popular culture. Ms. Park was one of its biggest stars, an effervescent personality who described her North Korean family as relatively affluent and was nicknamed “the Paris Hilton of North Korea.”

“I think a lot of South Koreans learned a lot from that show,” said Jean H. Lee, a journalist who reported from both North and South Korea for The Associated Press. “But it also created the celebrity defector culture.”

In 2014, Ms. Park was invited to speak at the One Young World conference in Dublin, where she revealed a far darker story of her life in North Korea and of her escape.

Amid sobs, she said her mother had been raped by the human trafficker who brought them across the border into China, and described a flight on foot across the Gobi Desert into Mongolia. Later, she would say that she herself had been sold as a teenager to a Chinese husband. She had to work in an adult online chat room, she said, before she and her mother escaped from China.

A video of her short speech — a horrific story delivered by a slight 21-year-old woman, wearing a traditional hanbok dress and trembling with emotion — went viral, making Ms. Park an international humanitarian celebrity. Within months she had a book deal with Penguin Random House for a memoir written with Maryanne Vollers, Hillary Clinton’s ghostwriter.

There were some noted inconsistencies among the stories Ms. Park had told to her South Korean audience and the ones she now told. Mary Ann Jolley, an Australian journalist, published a detailed account of conflicting and implausible details, from the government atrocities she described to the geographical details of her escape, her father’s death in China and her experience in detention in Mongolia.

Ms. Park has faced criticism over inconsistencies in her accounts of her life story. She blames language difficulties and the effects of trauma for some of the discrepancies. Credit...Jeenah Moon for The New York Times

Ms. Park has disputed some of Ms. Jolley’s criticisms but acknowledged others. Some were a result of language difficulties, she said, or the effects of trauma. She said others stemmed from liberties producers took with her identity on the show in South Korea.

“It was not a documentary,” she said. “It was an entertainment show.”

Ms. Park also said she resisted for years publicly divulging her full experience in China because of the stigma attached to it in conservative South Korea. “If I say I was a slave for two years as a kid, there’s no respected family that would take me as their daughter,” she said.

North Korea experts are quick to point out that Ms. Park’s inconsistencies, while prominent, were not wholly unique. Ms. Song, who has interviewed numerous North Korean defectors, noted that the country’s refugees are often unreliable narrators of their own experiences. Inside the country, she said, many learned to say whatever they needed to say to survive — “whatever works for them to find a safe haven,” she said.

But Ms. Lee said that the early questions surrounding Ms. Park’s account of her escape, as well as her history of self-promotion, limited her impact in North Korea policy circles.

“It’s a shame, because she has important things to say about what life is like in North Korea,” she said. “But I think it’s been clouded by a desire for attention or a platform.”
Disenchanted With the Gala Circuit

When she wrote her first book, Ms. Park and her publisher were mindful of the skepticism Ms. Jolley’s article generated, she said. Both she and Ms. Vollers have said they corroborated as much of the story as possible with interviews with family members and fellow defectors.

“In Order to Live” has sold more than 130,000 copies in hardcover and paperback combined, according to Circana BookScan. Ms. Park was showered with media attention, and she fielded invitations to private retreats hosted by Jeff Bezos and took selfies with Scarlett Johansson. She attended the Met Gala with Joe Gebbia, an Airbnb founder, and shared a speaking stage (at an event in partnership with The New York Times) with Mrs. Clinton, who looked her in the eye after her speech and “promised she would do everything in her power to help the women of North Korea,” Ms. Park later wrote. (Nick Merrill, a spokesman for Mrs. Clinton, said neither Mrs. Clinton nor her staff who were present at the time recalled Mrs. Clinton saying that.)

Ms. Park onstage at the Turning Point USA event in Long Island City. She says the group pays her $6,600 a month for appearances.Credit...Jeenah Moon for The New York Times

In her new book, however, Ms. Park writes about being disenchanted by her brush with elites. They were more interested in emotional gratification than in action, she came to believe.

She began studying at Columbia University in 2016 and majored in human rights, in hopes of becoming a professional advocate. But some people who encountered her at the time recalled that she seemed to struggle with the transition from celebrity dissident to more policy-focused activism.

She tried to lend her star power to a group called Freedom for North Korea, which raised money for a sister organization in South Korea that rescued North Korean refugees from China — her personal passion. But Jin Park, a former human rights activist who worked with her in the group at the time, said Ms. Park was unsuccessful in the role and soon moved on.

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“We thought that she could be a good fund-raiser because of her connections and networks,” he said. “I think she tried, but getting people’s money is not as easy as it sounds.” (Ms. Park says she quickly learned she was too busy for the role at the time.)

Peter Rosenblum, a professor of human rights law who taught Ms. Park in her senior seminar, recalled being unimpressed by her as a student. But he said he was sympathetic to her situation, as someone who seemed to be trapped by the persona that she had been cast in at a very young age.

“In the human rights world, you spend a career studying how people deploy victims’ stories, and the degrading effect of having to be a professional victim,” Mr. Rosenblum said. “I saw her very much as that person: the celebrity victim who was going to get her degree but hadn’t had the time and space to become a real student.”

By the end of her time at Columbia, Ms. Park says, she was disengaged from school and barely there, commuting to her classes from Chicago, where she was living with her then-husband — an American trading firm executive whom she has since divorced — and young son.

And at Columbia, she now says, she was quickly put off by a campus culture she describes as obsessed with safe spaces and pronouns.

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“My classmates were almost like giant adult babies,” she said.

In her book, she writes that she was criticized for her enjoyment of Jane Austen novels and Western classical music. She describes the First Amendment as “a law Columbia teaches its students to hate” — though she does not mention that she studied at Columbia with Lee Bollinger, the university president and a prominent First Amendment scholar known for his expansive view of freedom of speech and for defending conservative and far-right speakers’ prerogative to appear on campus. Ms. Park declined to comment on the contents of the class. Columbia declined to comment.

Shortly after graduating in 2020, Ms. Park was assaulted and robbed of her wallet while out walking with her son in Chicago. As she used her cellphone to record her assailant, a Black woman, she said another woman shouted at her for doing so and called her a racist. (The assailant was later arrested and pleaded guilty to unlawful restraint, according to court records.)

The incident, she wrote, was a turning point in her own politics, “a sign of how far advanced the woke disease really was in America by that point, and how inhumane it was making otherwise normal people.” She began to seek out allies who felt similarly.

After reading a book by Jordan Peterson, the Canadian psychologist and popular conservative media personality, she sought out his daughter, Mikhaila, a podcaster and social-media lifestyle influencer, who invited her on her podcast. Hearing that Mr. Peterson was a collector of Soviet art, Ms. Park sent him a North Korean postcard she had saved.

Mr. Peterson invited her on his podcast, where she described her experience at Columbia. The interview led to a flurry of conservative media attention and, shortly thereafter, a $500,000 book deal with Threshold Editions, Simon & Schuster’s conservative imprint. Mr. Peterson wrote the book’s foreword.

‘It’s a Free Society’

Ms. Park maintains that her recent outspokenness has cost, not made, her money. The advance for “While Time Remains,” while significant, was well short of the $1.1 million she received for her previous book. Invitations for well-paying corporate speaking events that used to make up much of her income have slowed to a trickle, she said.

Ms. Park is also a regular on conservative podcasts and at events. Credit...Jeenah Moon for The New York Times

She now earns $6,600 a month from Turning Point USA, she said, and maintains a busy itinerary of talks before other conservative audiences who are more eager to hear her warnings about “cancel culture” and “woke” identity politics. After a recent talk in Brookfield, Wis., a suburb of Milwaukee, a local school board member, Sam Hughes, posted on Facebook about the power of Ms. Park’s presentation.

“The North Korean regime created schools not to teach children how to think, but what to believe,” Mr. Hughes wrote, warning about the dangers “groupthink and collectivism.” Considering his district’s equity programs, “North Korea’s example should come to mind,” he wrote.

Jihyun Park, a North Korean defector and a Conservative Party politician in Britain, who knows Ms. Park, said that Ms. Park’s trajectory rang true to her. North Koreans have particularly important insights into the perils of taking Western liberal democracy for granted, she said.

“The U.K. teaches me English and their culture, I’ve taught them freedom and democracy,” she said. In the United States, “Yeonmi also does this,” she said.

Ms. Song is more skeptical. She described Ms. Park as a perceptive reader, and reflector, of cultural and political expectations. “Her story in South Korea was a mirror of what South Korea was back then,” Ms. Song said. “Now,” she said, “it’s a mirror of the contemporary U.S. politics, U.S. society.”

Ms. Park, for her part, suggested that her latest turn might not be her last.

“I might write a completely different book in five years,” she said. “I might say everything that I wrote in the second book was dumb. But that’s O.K.”

She laughed. “It’s a free society,” she said.

Charles Homans covers politics for The Times and the Times Magazine. More about Charles Homans
A version of this article appears in print on June 23, 2023, Section A, Page 1 of the New York edition with the headline: North Korean Defector Finds Audience on Right. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe
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Sara commented June 22
June 22
For one, many of the stories Ms. Park has told seem obviously made up.

For another, as someone whose in-laws are from the Eastern European disapora, I feel very confident in saying that many people who grew up in totalitarian states are absolutely and completely unequipped to understand what makes liberal democracies and open societies so strong.

If you listen to them over time, you start to understand that their complaints about America - usually framed as identifying creeping communism - are instead the exact opinions around conservative social norms, distrust of any free press, belief that every action is secretly government controlled, distrust about even their neighbors or any who disagree with them being somehow plants of a government supremacy, etc. - that they learned to grow up with in totalitarian regimes.

10 Replies869 RecommendShareFlag
JohnD commented June 22
Brooklyn, NY
June 22
Amazing that Ms. Park’s accusations of what the left is trying to do is exactly what the right wants to do. I suspect that a reason for her ready embrace of the right’s ‘anti-wokeness’ has to do with (a) maintaining a celebrity status and (b) money.

6 Replies796 RecommendShareFlag
Robert commented June 22
June 22
She is correct--but it is the Republicans who are pushing us towards a North Korean style government.  It was Trump who praised Kim Jung Un, asked for the US constitution be suspended so that he could be returned to power, and Trump, Republican Senators, and Republican Representatives who tried to overthrow a democratically elected government.

3 Replies676 RecommendShareFlag
Elias commented June 22
June 22
It's bewildering to see someone who has just recently moved to the US wade into its culture wars and deep political divisions.

I just cannot imagine myself moving to Germany and within a few years wading into its cultural/political faultlines.

All I see is someone motivated by greed, seeking fame and riding any political movement to sell books and stay in the limelight.

11 Replies625 RecommendShareFlag
John Davis commented June 22
John Davis
Austin TX
June 22
Wow. Nice to be able to attend Columbia as a poor refugee. Must have been a liberal who financed that. Now, she has realized that entertainment, America’s business, is her route to fortune and, it seems, fame. But I find it odd that she claims to NOT be conservative, while conflating the excesses of dictators with liberals in America.

It all smells so much like the greedy irresponsibilities of Limbaugh, Carlson, tele-evangelists, Ann Coulter and Clarence Thomas. She’ll make a fortune off her misfortune, not caring about the damage her show will cause in this land that allows her such freedom.

4 Replies500 RecommendShareFlag
Liberty Apples commented June 22
Liberty Apples
Cambridge MA
June 22
`Ms. Park, who became a U.S. citizen in 2021, has found a lucrative niche.'


2 Replies420 RecommendShareFlag
TRS commented June 22
June 22
I'm still a puzzled as to why people are more worried about pronouns than insurrections and government coups, which could have led to a dictatorship in our country. She never mentioned January 6th, not once in the article.

4 Replies412 RecommendShareFlag
Jeff commented June 22
June 22
Ms. Park has embraced that great American pass time, becoming a grifter. She reminds me a bit of Ayn Rand. That's a cautionary tale that Yeonmi Park might want to heed.

4 Replies327 RecommendShareFlag
KoAm commented June 22
June 22
She got a PhD in capitalism and image making since defecting. She’s mastered it so I give her kudos for that. 
People in South Korea stopped buying her crocodile tears and exaggerated stories a long time ago. Now she’s found a rapt audience in the American right. She’s working the system like a good student.

2 Replies300 RecommendShareFlag
Davey commented June 22
June 22
I mean, Park is entitled to her opinion. But I'd advise her to watch out for Ayn Rand Syndrome. When Rand left her oppressive Communist Russia, she became just as ideologically poisoned by the right wing's supposed freedom doctrine. I hate to break it to you Ms. Park, but the right wing in this country isn't really devoted to anything but the freedom to bamboozle the working class and enrich itself. It utilizes soaring ideology to hide their true cause: class warfare and militarism.

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Kevin commented June 22
June 22
Sounds like she has set herself up with a winning brand and a good gig. Too bad that the actual history of authoritarian communism contradicts her entire point of view. The first sector of society that authoritarian communists eliminate are the democratic socialists. People like Stalin and the leaders of North Korea are much more comfortable with fascism than social democracy. It's the democracy part that scares them. She certainly has a right to use the horrors she has experienced to monetize her brand as part of the fox/GOP attempt to make us think more about the threat of WOKE! education than the real problems we face. She ought not to be begrudged any money she can make in that sphere. It's just kind of sad she is choosing to ally with the folks who want to undo american democracy.

2 Replies222 RecommendShareFlag
Erland commented June 22
Oslo, Norway
June 22
As a European I fear the opposite, that the US will take the path of Hungary, Turkey, India etc. It seems there is a 40 % chance in the next ellection.

3 Replies194 RecommendShareFlag
Concerned commented June 22
Providence Ri
June 22
Interesting that Conservatives are stating that speaking about racial injustice and inclusivity are somehow telling you what to think and believe. I see it as giving you information that you can then agree with or not. Not sure how it is indoctrination to allow children to learn what happened in the past and how certain groups have historically been treated.

7 Replies184 RecommendShareFlag
Jimbo commented June 22
New Hampshire
June 22
Why, may I ask, does this very young, self-contradicting, confused, opportunistic, and (evidently) publicity hungry individual even merit the additional publicity that a splashy, NYT feature article is going to give her?  Nothing in this article suggests to me that she possesses the intellectual chops or critical acumen to warrant this kind of attention.

2 Replies175 RecommendShareFlag
Nelson commented June 22
June 22
So, the right wing’s media sources lie and right wing mobs violently attack the nation’s capital to overturn a presidential election—yet the threat is from the left. That’s some strange reasoning.

5 Replies162 RecommendShareFlag
Keith M. commented June 22
Keith M.
Berkeley, CA
June 22
I do hope that Ms. Park’s views continue to evolve, because it seems so obvious that there is one party that wants a free, open, diverse, and fair society, while the other would much rather be isolationist, homogeneous, elect a dictator, and have backwards laws from the 1700s.

Which vision sounds like North Korea to you?

145 RecommendShareFlag
Eddie Creachman commented 9 hours ago
Eddie Creachman
9h ago
Ms Park is certainly correct about the possibility of america turning to tyranny. She's just pointing at the wrong party.

3 Replies142 RecommendShareFlag
magicisnotreal commented June 22
June 22
Does she notice that it is the "right" that is taking America there?

2 Replies139 RecommendShareFlag
Kevinlarson commented June 22
Ottawa Canada
June 22
The absolute irony of the Republicans who are actively trying to undermine democracy and install an authoritarian government using this woman to criticize liberals as authoritarian.

3 Replies126 RecommendShareFlag
cheeky commented June 22
San Jose
June 22
I feel like I’m taking crazy pills when people refer to Democratic policies as fascist or authoritarian- under no definition is that accurate.

2 Replies124 RecommendShareFlag
Steve commented June 22
June 22
Ms. Park is absolutely correct about America's slippery slope to authoritarianism, but of course is preposterously incorrect about the cause.

Compare and contrast with this story "Report Cites More Than 350 Anti-L.G.B.T.Q. Incidents Over 11 Months". Also note the GOP's action of censuring Adam Schiff and support of George Santos. 

Fighting for fair treatment and protection of all people regardless of race, gender or sexuality is not fascism; fighting to exempt rich white men from the rule of law is. Only one group of people are trying reinstate trump as Leader Of The Free World despite his many, MANY wantonly treasonous and illegally self-serving acts over the last 6 years, and it's not liberals.

2 Replies118 RecommendShareFlag
Mo in Orlando commented June 22
Mo in Orlando
Mo in Orlando
June 22
Upon reaching America, Ms. Park first tried the ideological "left," and then the "right." She soon found the latter offered infinitely greater grifting potential given its huge population of angry, gullible people.

2 Replies115 RecommendShareFlag
SRocket commented June 22
Sunny South Florida 🌞
June 22
“Ms. Park, who became a U.S. citizen in 2021, has found a lucrative niche.” Yep. She’s getting paid handsomely.

1 Reply106 RecommendShareFlag
boobeh commented 9 hours ago
tucson, az
9h ago
It's apparent that Ms. Park did not hear the twice indicted former president gleefully share his joy about the love letters he wrote to and received from Kim. What a romance.  One really cruel dictator having the wannabe in thrall to him.  Lovely.

1 Reply105 RecommendShareFlag
Long-Term Observer commented June 22
Long-Term Observer
June 22
I am more concerned that trump and his proud boys and oath keepers will impose an authoritarian state on us.

2 Replies94 RecommendShareFlag
lleit commented June 22
Portland, OR
June 22
Isn't it "The Right" that is censoring thoughts and ideas, people and books? The Woke Right is forcing their ideologies on everyone, even traveling to school districts outside of where they live just to foment chaos and censure.

1 Reply90 RecommendShareFlag
Fulkerson commented 12 hours ago
New York City
12h ago
Really?  I thought “conservatives” loved North Korea since Trump is in love with Kim.

4 Replies88 RecommendShareFlag
Jeff commented June 22
June 22
The irony here is that Ms. Park seems to have no problem supporting the Republican party, which is out to turn the US into a right wing christian nationalist authoritarian state. There is zero evidence that the Democrats are doing anything like that at all. Ms. Park does not seem trust worthy as she spews out falsehoods and lies, her comment about Colombia teaching students to hate the First Amendment is a good example of that.  Ms. Park seems to me to be what a lot of right wing pundits are these days, grifters.

86 RecommendShareFlag
History Guy commented June 22
History Guy
June 22
I will say her comment about Columbia classmates being "like giant adult babies" resonated and I have no doubt she was criticized for liking Jane Austen and classical music. 

Among certain segments of our society one has to almost apologize for enjoying Western cultural accomplishment, whether art, literature, or music.

It's pretty astonishing. And really, really sad.

10 Replies84 RecommendShareFlag
Naples commented June 22
Los Angeles
June 22
North Korea is "left-wing" authoritarianism? 

News to me. 

I don't understand this fear refugees from states like Ms. Park's, or Cuba, or Venezuela—the fear they have of democracy.

2 Replies80 RecommendShareFlag
Joe Dewan commented 9 hours ago
Joe Dewan
Los Angeles
9h ago
I have reservations about Yeonmi Park's story. While I acknowledge that she may have genuinely experienced hardships, I believe she has discovered a profitable niche by aligning herself with so-called conservatives in this country. This trend is disheartening, as it seems that anyone seeking freedom should easily recognize the autocratic tendencies exhibited by conservatives in this country.

78 RecommendShareFlag
Jayne commented 9 hours ago
9h ago
Sounds like she's cut from the same cloth as Ann Coulter and Tucker Carlson--say crazy things, take the money and run.

76 RecommendShareFlag
Lucas Herrera commented June 22
Lucas Herrera
Dallas TX
June 22
I find it difficult to understand her strong support of the right-wing of American politics when people like Ron DeSantis are actively censoring harmless children’s books. This heavy censorship seems more consistent with North Korean censorship than with the freedom of the press freedom in the United States.

2 Replies73 RecommendShareFlag
James commented June 22
June 22
The leader of the American Right talks about the love letters he shared with Kim Jong Un.

72 RecommendShareFlag
Uncommon Good Sense commented June 22
Uncommon Good Sense
Norfolk, VA
June 22
People who escape one kind of authoritarian oppression often seem to gravitate toward authoritarianism from the other side once they are "free."

71 RecommendShareFlag
Armandol commented 12 hours ago
12h ago
Yeonmi Park's opinion is just what it is: an opinion. But it would be interesting to know why her view is so important and strongly supported by the American right-wing and, finally, why she thinks that fascism is much better that a democracy.

2 Replies70 RecommendShareFlag
Patrick commented June 22
Littleton, CO
June 22
The classic right-wing talking point vis-a-vis any programs that use public funds to actually help people in a material way (i.e. healthcare, childcare, etc.), are called 'socialism' and the right-wing pundits love to conflate this with what happened under the old Soviet Union, Maoist China or Castro's Cuba. 

Oh, they say, THIS is what socialism is! 

They really want the average American to have a visceral adverse reaction to stuff like Medicare for all Americans, Medicare for the elderly, childcare subsidies because we don't ever want to go the way of the Soviets. We have, in fact, been carefully coached by corporate owned media (indirectly) and right-wing media (directly) to 'hate' socialism and be scared of even the word.

However, we do need to publicly fund things like old-age pensions, medical care for the elderly, K-12, state colleges and universities, and this is actually a socialist approach, but within the context of a broader free market.

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Jonathan commented June 22
Pacific Northwest
June 22
There's one huge difference between her experience in NK and what's happening in the US: In NK, it was the government and rulers imposing the thought police, backed up by threat of violence or death. The people making the promises of a utopian paradise? They were a revolutionary force that overthrew the government, and replaced it with their own totalitarian regime. In the US, it's cultural zeitgeist. You may be "canceled" for saying something the mob doesn't want to hear, but you're not going to be thrown in prison (because of the first amendment). Also, seems to me there are plenty of job opportunities in this country for "canceled" folks, courtesy of the right. The liberals in this country actually believe in democracy.

She mentions her experience at Columbia U as left wing indoctrination. Columbia was, last time I checked, a private institution - they can teach what they want. She can choose to reject it - and go on the lecture circuit "warning" everyone. Because the US is a free country.

4 Replies69 RecommendShareFlag
Eric Navickas commented June 22
Eric Navickas
Ashland OR
June 22
This whole story is unsurprising.
The US consistently embraces these figures who condemn state enemies without an objective materialist critique of their narratives.
The goal of the US empire has never been objectivity when it comes to nonaligned countries, any narrative that reinforce the agenda are given credibility through press attention and platform.

4 Replies66 RecommendShareFlag
Ron Johnson commented June 22
Ron Johnson
Hermosa Beach
June 22
Lol- apparently she didn’t see the right wing fanatics storm the Capitol attempting an authoritarian coup, and doesn’t read the voluminous studies documenting that the main threat to American democracy is right wing militia groups and right wing fanatics. Good for her though pulling a Tucker Carlson to make the big bucks! No doubt Murdoch and the Koch bros pay her handsomely to parrot the party line.

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Tyto Alba commented June 22
Tyto Alba
A tree
June 22
Funny. The advice to not say the wrong thing because the dictator may be listening sounds a lot more like DeSantis’s and the rest of the right’s efforts to control teaching of topics they don’t like.

2 Replies66 RecommendShareFlag
WeHadAllBetterPayAttentionNow commented June 22
June 22
I see the same things being done in American too, and they are being done by right wing media and politicians, in partnership with Russia, Iran and North Korea.

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Johnny Xerox commented June 22
Johnny Xerox
Los Angeles
June 22
Yeonmi Park is a truth teller.  
She is the canary in the coal mine.

1 Reply62 RecommendShareFlag
Mr. Garry commented June 22
Mr. Garry
Eugene, Oregon
June 22
Ms. Park grew up in a terrifying police nation state where any criticism, any criticism of their “fearless leader” would mean a quick arrest or even worse. Her experience with a ruthless dictator aligns with George Orwell’s “1984.” Ms. Park, what political party’s leaders call for mass arrests and imprisonment of their political opponents? At what national political party convention did speakers lead chants: “Lock her up! Lock her up!”? What presidential administration has had numerous members plead guilty to felonies for lying under oath to Congress, for obstruction of justice and tampering with witnesses? What political leaders whipped up their followers for weeks and months about bogus election fraud claims? What political leader to invade the US Capitol and attempt to violent overturn the US election results? The danger in the US today is fascism and that threat is from extreme MAGA Republicans, including the two Florida men.

4 Replies62 RecommendShareFlag
Chris commented June 22
June 22
Banning books and dictating what can be taught in schools (American Right) seems much more dangerous than progressing into a more understanding society that respects all people (American Left). I also disagree with the notion that women in America are being cancelled. How many women today are getting college degrees and holding positions power vs those in the previous decades?

1 Reply62 RecommendShareFlag
Ken commented 9 hours ago
9h ago
I think we need to give Ms. Park a bit of a break.  Regardless of any possible inconsistencies in her story, she has had some horrific experiences.  We don't have to agree with her assessment of US political issues to agree that she has a right to express her views - without being labeled as some kind of spy or traitor (suggestions which seem to be pretty common from the NYT's hyper-politized readership).

2 Replies62 RecommendShareFlag
MJB commented June 22
June 22
@Johnny Xerox 

Except for that truth-telling part though.

The article points out the contradictions and convenient ellipses - like claiming Columbia teaches students to hate the First Amendment, despite studying with a famously rigorous defender of First Amendment rights, especially for conservative speakers - that Park uses to maintain her persona.

I feel like this is the new conservative definition of "truth." It's thematic: If the basic idea is sound, the actual details and facts should be made to fit it or disregarded; because truth isn't a matter of accuracy, it's a matter of fitting the Big Right Idea.

61 RecommendShareFlag
Pam Shira Fleetman commented June 22
Pam Shira Fleetman
Pam Shira Fleetman
Jerusalem, formerly Boston area
June 22
Ms. Park claims that, at Columbia, she was criticized for her enjoyment of Jane Austen novels and Western classical music.

I can imagine a couple of students on the fringe saying that, but I doubt those opinions are widespread among the student population. I think Ms. Park is, at best, exaggerating.

FWIW, my son is a fairly recent graduate of Princeton. Like me, he's leftist and loves classical music. Nobody ever lambasted him for his musical or literary tastes

2 Replies60 RecommendShareFlag
RW commented 9 hours ago
Dutchess County, NY
9h ago
Just wow. The mental gymnastics that allow her to conflate expanding equality with a march towards Authoritarianism while not seeing that Authoritarianism is an outgrowth of people like Trump and the Republican party agenda that wants control over the government so that they can entrench their religious,  social and economic racism on the country is just astounding.

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Prashanth commented 11 hours ago
New York
11h ago
I didn't make it into Columbia. But I would have appreciated it more than she did.

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JeffM commented 9 hours ago
San Francisco
9h ago
My wife's mother fled 1970s Russia as a result of religious persecution.  She has repeatedly said in recent years that she sees the same themes and approach taken by the authorities in the USSR here now being taken by the Left and the Democratic party.  Although she was always a liberal due to her personal history, she has since struggled to stay a Dem.  She despises the "progressives."  We should be listening these warnings from people who have lived under these regimes.  It's not hyperbole.  It's a warning from those who know.  We must stand up the illiberal extremists on the left just as much as we do those on the right, and we must stop the racial demagoguery of the Kendi and his acolytes.  Most of all, we must reclaim our institutions of higher learning from group think and anti-liberal dogma that has taken over on their campuses.

3 Replies59 RecommendShareFlag
Damian Wayne commented 9 hours ago
Damian Wayne
Hamden, CT
9h ago
I feel pity for this woman. It’s clear that the mentality in North Korea to say whatever one needs to say to survive still rings true. The fact that she wants to argue that the United States is about to become a leftist authoritarian state like North Korea… 

Are we just going to ignore the blatant cult of personality that is the American Right and it’s obsession with Donald Trump. I can agree with her that America can slip into an authoritarian state rather quickly. Sinclair Lewis wrote an amazing novel warning Americans how quickly we can fall into Authoritarianism. But for right now, the US should be more concerned with an increasingly militant and authoritarian right wing in our politics rather then the left.

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Shonun commented June 22
Portland OR
June 22
>>>[Yeonmi Park] “This is what dictators do: they plant a spike everywhere, a distrust between people, a distrust between family, even...."  <<<

>>>Conservative pundits and politicians have long warned that liberal economics and cultural politics would set the United States on the road to leftist authoritarianism. <<<

Just three paragraphs later, following Park's pronouncement, is a perfect example of how that spike is being planted in this country by the far right.  There has been ample evidence of the growth of right-wing authoritarianism in this country, not left-wing, along with an effort to project that authoritarianism onto the left when in fact it is the right that seeks to dominate, to control by force and lies, even to suspend or remove by amendment portions of the Constitution that it finds inconvenient.  The left has made no such moves.

As we are seeing in the recent examples of ultra wealthy conservatives manipulating the Supreme Court, among other shadow machinations, there has been an effort by them, ever since the New Deal, to quash as much government regulation as possible in order to return to completely unbridled predatory capitalism and the robber baronism of 100 years ago, at the expense, health, safety, and economic well-being of tens of millions of working Americans. This is the dictatorship that they seek, and they're funneling millions into conservative media, promoting such views as Park espouses, to achieve that goal.

1 Reply58 RecommendShareFlag
Mark Buckley commented 12 hours ago
Mark Buckley
Boston, MA
12h ago
"Political correctness", a euphemism for censorship, was invented by Bill O'Reilly in the early 90s as a catch-all complaint for everything he disliked, the rhetorical triumph of theft over hard analytical labor. The worst censorship of our lifetimes, however, was Fox's patriotism police, who shouted down all opposition to 2003's phony war. Prior to that, it was Joe McCarthy, Roy Cohn, and the John Birchers, precursor to the Federalist Society. The right accuses others of its own sin.

56 RecommendShareFlag
Donald Seekins commented 9 hours ago
Donald Seekins
Donald Seekins
Waipahu HI
9h ago
Yeonmi Park is seeing things through her own eyes, after having endured terrible suffering in her home country. It shouldn't surprise readers of The New York Times that her views don't 100% fit in with those of the comfortably "progressive" people she has criticized. 

She said Hillary Clinton is "an absolute faker and liar." There is a kernel of truth in those words.

6 Replies56 RecommendShareFlag
Karen Lee commented June 22
Karen Lee
Washington, DC area
June 22
Unbelievable that anyone thinks this is true of Democrats rather than right wing zealots:

“This is what dictators do: they plant a spike everywhere, a distrust between people, a distrust between family, even. The teachers tell their children,” she went on, “‘If your parents say one wrong thing, come to tell the teacher.’”

This is just what Donald Trump has done ever since he descended his gold-tone escalator to rail against Mexicans. And what Ron DeSantis and other Republican elected officials and right wing media do every day.

All of them constantly demonize people who don’t share their cynical and divisive views.

1 Reply55 RecommendShareFlag
Andrew commented June 22
June 22
She appeared alongside MTG. Nothing she said before, during or after matters.

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Mikael commented June 22
San Francisco
June 22
These are not just right-wing concerns. There are many of us who are solidly on the left who share them as well.

2 Replies53 RecommendShareFlag
Gimme A Break commented 9 hours ago
Gimme A Break
9h ago
To me the problem is not so much that “so many people in America think that somehow America is immune to tyranny” as Yeonmi Park said, but that so many Americans, many of them educated, believe that tyranny is perfectly acceptable if it is imposed by the “righteous” side, which of course is theirs.

53 RecommendShareFlag
Martha commented June 22
June 22
How interesting that this article seems to imply that this women is somehow flawed and going in the wrong direction because she doesn’t go along with the left’s agenda. I think that very fact means that we should listen to her because she may be right. She is allowed to say whatever she wants about politics here in America.

3 Replies52 RecommendShareFlag
marysia commented 12 hours ago
12h ago
Consciously or not, she undermines democracy. Dissidents like her are worth more to Kim Jong-Un than many well trained agents.

2 Replies51 RecommendShareFlag
Rob commented 12 hours ago
12h ago
If what she said were true, she couldn't say it.

2 Replies51 RecommendShareFlag
PJ commented June 22
June 22
Ms. Park was brought up under one of the most extreme authoritarian regimes in the world. It happened to be Communist, so she is understandably biased in the opposite direction.  Had she been brought up under a fascist dictatorship, she would likely be leaning leftward.

Some of her comments could equally be applied to the American right, like the one about censoring reading material. Authoritarians suppresses ideas with which they don't agree, exactly what is happening in Florida and other places.  Comparing it to editing earlier books to change wording that doesn't conform to modern day sensibilities, as she did, is a false equivalence.

1 Reply50 RecommendShareFlag
KGW commented 12 hours ago
12h ago
“I might write a completely different book in five years,” she said. “I might say everything that I wrote in the second book was dumb. But that’s O.K.”
That should have been written at the beginning of the article to put it in the proper perspective.

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AspenSki commented 9 hours ago
New York
9h ago
I find it interesting all the people attacking her. I am definitely liberal-minded, but the point she’s making of how “woke” people tend to shut down others’ thoughts/opinions is exactly what the commenters of this article are doing to her. She’s not attacking “liberals”, but is equating “woke” culture to totalitarianism tendencies, which I don’t fully agree with but can see parallels. 

She has a unique perspective and has earned the right to be listened to. All of a sudden she doesn’t toe the line and now she must be a liar or doing so for other reasons. Maybe take a moment to listen to what she has to say.

5 Replies50 RecommendShareFlag
Deborah commented June 22
June 22
I’ve seen this type of behavior in the past, since at least the 1960s, when I was a kid. Her experience as someone born into an oppressive regime and seeing our way of life through her own world view is nothing new.

It’s the easiest thing in the world to do, to come here and to try to differentiate yourself from those who have been shunted to the margins in order to fit in with the side that wields political, social and financial power. She’s taking a few personal incidents here and there, a snapshot along the continuum of the history of our country, to taint and invalidate the experiences of generations of Americans going back to inception of the USA. And, no, I’m not anti-immigrant. I am anti-oversimplifying history, anti-misinformation and anti-invalidating the experiences of people who have lived in a place for hundreds of years.

People fighting racism and inequity did not create the environment, laws and policies that have led to said inequities. She’s capitalizing on her status as a newcomer to judge people whose families have been marginalized and mistreated for generations. She’s asking the wrong questions, making the wrong assumptions and judging the wrong intentions.

It’s sad to see how she is allowing the right to use her for their nefarious political purposes. Or is she capitalizing on them to live “the American Dream?”

49 RecommendShareFlag
Seriphussr commented June 22
United States Of The Socialist Republic
June 22
I’m confused. Ms Parks is describing the behaviors of the right-wing. How are they able to twist this into a left-wing problem?

The projection is astounding. One more legacy of Trump.

48 RecommendShareFlag
Lyla commented 12 hours ago
12h ago
I'm a Korean American woman who is fairly good at reading people, and Yeonmi Park, for some reason I couldn't explain, has always rubbed me the wrong way.

My grandparents were North Korean and so I feel especially sympathetic to escapees, but with her, I just felt a general unease and doubt that I couldn't explain. Well, it turns out it's because she's a grifter.

1 Reply47 RecommendShareFlag
Designertrip commented June 22
St Paul, MN
June 22
Yeonmi Park's position (if one can call it that, morphing as it has) is hypocritical and opportunistic. She doesn't even see how she's being manipulated by right wing ideologues – or sees it and rides it to the bank, a very Fox News move.

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MPH commented June 22
New Rochelle NY
June 22
Ironically the danger of tyranny in the US lies with the right, Donald Trump and people like Mark Levin who support him nonetheless

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Joe commented 12 hours ago
12h ago
Why is this story newsworthy? It may be of interest to cultural warriors, but it has zero interest for me.

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JerryH commented 12 hours ago
Houston TX
12h ago
It's a shame that Yeonmi Park swallows the Conservative canard that regulation and taxation lead to Socialism.  She has seen the extremes of North Korean distortions of reality and takes the Republicans' projection of their own evil values onto others and face value, and is swept up in the made-up fear.

For surviving and escaping from North Korea, I give her full respect.   For her analytic acumen, I give her none.  Just sympathy and prayers

2 Replies45 RecommendShareFlag
Perez commented June 22
Ny, Ny
June 22
My fellow Democrats take note: there are myriad personalities in Spanish-language media voicing similar beliefs & traumatic political experiences from Venezuela, Cuba & Nicaragua. And many more arrive through the border every day.

You can denigrate this lady’s story all you want, but the reality is that this is a very effective tactic by Republicans. 

Many Latino and Asian American voters who understand how autocracy forms and perpetuates are now becoming afraid of the Democratic Party due to “cancellations”, intolerance to free speech and other forms of censorship.

Democrats should fine-tune their response, for denigrating and cancelling/censoring will only affirm their beliefs, and we will continue to lose immigrant voters to the Republicans.

2 Replies44 RecommendShareFlag
JB commented June 22
June 22
If Ms. Parks truly understood American politics, she would know that the Republican Party is headed towards the autocracy she fears, and that the Democrats have become a bulwark against those excesses.

But what Ms. Park does appear to understand, is that her opinion is a "bankable" asset to the Republican party.  In this way she becomes yet another attraction in the GOP's Potemkin Village under construction.

Dinesh D'Souza is likely already at work featuring Ms. Parks in another one of his fabulist film scripts.

44 RecommendShareFlag
Son Of Liberty commented June 22
Son Of Liberty
June 22
Americans reading this should remember that Yeonmi Park has endured a great deal in her life and the trauma of living in a totalitarian society that has a cult leader has made her more susceptible in America to joining another cult with a totalitarian leader who justifies violence and taking top secret military and nuclear documents that jeopardize national security but that he believes is justified, because he can benefit personally from.

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Sara commented June 22
New York
June 22
The whole tone of the article rather makes her point. Accept an invitation to speak to a conservative event and this is the treatment you'll receive. Your point of view isn't a point of view based on experience and an outsider's view; it's an "act."

Having taken jobs to support yourself in an entirely new country is a "history of self-promotion." If you speak well and are an attractive women, you must have "a desire for attention." If you are interested in politics sufficient to do a degree in the area, you must have a "desire for a platform” - meant pejoratively! It's couldn't be that it's perfectly authentic and okay for a woman to find her voice and speak on issues about which they and their family and friends have personal experience.

In other words, fail to toe the agreed-upon leftist line and this is the kind of reporting coverage you can expect. And that makes her point - the left thought police are everywhere now.

4 Replies44 RecommendShareFlag
Steve commented June 22
June 22
Mr. Solzhenitsyn, in exile from the USSR, criticized the United States for its overreliance on laws over morals. He got booed off the stage. We're still dealing decades later with the fallout of how right he was.

Now Ms. Park is pointing out, with the clarity that only an outsider can bring to bear, the ugliness of our identity politics. I hope we can be brave enough to listen.

3 Replies43 RecommendShareFlag
Wayne commented June 22
June 22
Sad that she is letting herself be used by the right, who will never accept her and are only using her for their own nefarious ends.

43 RecommendShareFlag
Joe Rockbotttom commented 12 hours ago
Joe Rockbotttom
12h ago
Kinda strange…her criticisms of the supposed left are exactly what the right wing is doing in the US right now.  Working hard to install a,p right wing authoritarian regime.  Supporting a person who wants to be a dictator and bring “retribution” to his enemies, refusing to teach school children real-world skills and instead indoctrinating them in right wing delusional dogma and especially denying real history.

I guess the right wing is just so used to lying that they can’t help themselves.

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Maggie Wood commented June 22
Maggie Wood
June 22
Well, for starters, it's highly dubious that widespread "liberal indoctrination " is going on in higher education. Most academics I know are focused on teaching facts and the critical thinking skills to draw inferences from those facts. Most of us realize that even if we did want to tell our students what to think, our odds of success would be poor.  It's a massively improbable stretch to see any analogy between Joe Biden and Kim Jong Un. I would conclude that a more likely explanation of this lady's message is that spreading right-wing propaganda is highly lucrative. She has found a very comfortable niche -- providing that she never grows a conscience. 
Side note. In theory, I guess it's true that Kim's regime is "Stalinist," and thus, "leftist." In practice, Kim is no different from any other fascist dictator. The time has long passed to think there's any difference between "communist" and "fascist" authoritarians.

7 Replies43 RecommendShareFlag
Dave commented June 22
Rockville, MD
June 22
Like Donald Trump, this lady is savvy enough to know a ready and willing audience when they sees one. The irony of claiming authoritarianism because people want to respect transgender people but not the desire to overthrow the government when the election doesn't go your way. And our national fools eat it up.

42 RecommendShareFlag
boston doctor commented June 22
boston doctor
a logical world
June 22
Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.  it is clear that wokeism is indeed dangerous and groupthink is stifling.

6 Replies42 RecommendShareFlag
JGTC commented June 22
June 22
I appreciate what Park may have been through but her analysis along with the encouragement of the right is classic upside down town.

42 RecommendShareFlag
TheProf commented 9 hours ago
9h ago
Why is the opinion of this child so important? She clearly has had a difficult time in life, growing up in North Korea and then defecting to the West. Her perspectives, while valuable, should be taken as given, from a complex, troubled person who can hardly claim to have wide experience of life or of societies.

This seems a bit like the rabid anti-communists who defected from Cuba to Florida. While one can understand their point of view, one can also understand the extent to which it is distorted by their personal experiences.

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Carol M commented June 22
Carol M
Los Angeles
June 22
She’s got it backwards. It’s the Republican Party that’s removing books from library shelves, denying students factual lessons in history. They’re taking a page from repressive regimes.

41 RecommendShareFlag
Steve Waugh commented 12 hours ago
Steve Waugh
Pacific NW
12h ago
There must be some cognitive dissonance on her part to have grown up in North Korea and to not see parallels between that and the current GOP but, instead, to compare that propaganda to discussions about advances in tolerance for all. 

Either that, or she's a North Korean plant. Perhaps part of her mission, if she is one, is to help destabilize the environment prior to 2024 and to identify other North Korean defectors for her government to target.

6 Replies41 RecommendShareFlag
KaneSugar commented June 22
Mdl Georgia
June 22
You can see this in people from former East Germany.  Most of the recent upwelling of right-wing dogma in Germany originates from there.

39 RecommendShareFlag
Mr.Little commented June 22
June 22
The right is every bit as apt to censor free speech as the “woke left.”  Fox News or Breitbart will never, EVER give fair hearing to any opinion that questions the going conservative viewpoint, but NPR and the New York Times have regular conservative commentators.  

Cancel culture has definitely gone too far on the woke left; to cast someone out of polite society for saying “she” instead of “they” is really absurd.  And yes, it’s dangerous.  To refuse to read Oliver Twist because it might trigger memories of childhood trauma is sad.  To dismiss great European composers for their association with white domination is stupid.

The objections to academia having a liberal bias are specious.  Academia questions everything.  It is the rigid orthodoxies of the far right that are threatened by open examination- is it really true that trickle down economics benefits the poor?  Is it really true that tax cuts for the wealthy spur investment and economic growth, creating jobs? Is climate change really a hoax?  Was Donald Trump really defrauded out of winning the last election?  It is the right that does not want such questions probed too deeply.

To be sure, science has rigid doctrines of its own; you can be canceled by the academic community for questioning whether consciousness survives physical death and many other things.  But that is because of a prevailing worldview, not because of political oppression.

The problem of suppression of truth is largely on the right.

2 Replies39 RecommendShareFlag
Some Guy commented June 22
Some Guy
June 22
Sort of ironic that people who unabashedly supported a wannabe dictator would flock towards someone who is warning against dictatorship. I guess at the end of the day,  Republicans are entirely comfortable with an authoritarians just as long as it’s their views that are promoted by such regimes.

38 RecommendShareFlag
Michael commented June 22
In Real America
June 22
“My classmates were almost like giant adult babies".
American universities are indeed incubators for pampered, overly protected, "young adults" whose childish mindset belies their physical age.  And it seems they are being prepared by those universities to enter the blue bubble, not the global real world. 
They are going to be eaten alive....and they are the future of America. 
Thank you for speaking out, Ms. Park.  
I think the left calls this "bravely speaking truth to power"

4 Replies38 RecommendShareFlag
Notmycupoftea commented June 22
June 22
She is still practicing what she was taught when she was growing up in NK.  Tell them what they want to hear in order to survive.  Her livelihood now depends on what she believes her audience wants to hear. She admitted that what she believes now may not be what she will believe in 5 years.  It all depends on where the wind blows.

38 RecommendShareFlag
lars commented 12 hours ago
12h ago
"I think so many people in America think that somehow America is immune to tyranny, and somehow a dictatorship begins like North Korea..."

No need to look to North Korea. A dictatorship typically involves an event like that seen at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

38 RecommendShareFlag
Larryann commented 9 hours ago
Rancho Mirage
9h ago
All these arguments about the dangers of wokeism. ALL of the progress, rights and benefits we have are due to people being woke. What is dangerous is accepting what was as what is.

38 RecommendShareFlag
Paul commented June 22
Reading MA
June 22
@Sara I've come to a similar conclusion as you. Many people I've known who grew up in totalitarian states seem overly fearful, paranoid, cynical, and somewhat incapable of trusting institutions and those outside their immediate tribe. It's tragic - but understandable - that someone would end up scarred by such horrendous formative years. I suppose there's no easy solution to this one. 
Of interest to me is that Ms. Park and the American right-wing are finding each other useful, even though their life experiences are vastly different. They are strange bedfellows, rather like a marriage of convenience in which "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

37 RecommendShareFlag
Leo commented June 22
June 22
Somebody needs to explain to her that there is no greater threat to democracy than trying to overturn a free and fair election using unsubstantiated claims of election fraud (and even worse methods). But, it seems like she is assimilating well in America and doing what many people here do nowadays: presenting a false narrative for personal gain.

37 RecommendShareFlag
GP commented June 22
June 22
I'm confused as to the road that led this woman to champion the neo-fascist right who supported Trump's attempt to overthrow the 2016 election, a purely authoritarian effort.
Describing Columbia as a university that teaches students to hate the First Amendment just doesn't have a path to comprehension in my brain.
Glibly ending the article with "It's a free society" flies in the face of supporting right wing efforts to ban books, diminish female bodily autonomy and champion diversity.
To me, even though she protests such, it smells like a pivot for the money.

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BB commented 9 hours ago
9h ago
She may be right about America falling into authoritarianism and this could certainly lead to an end for our republic. She, however, seems very confused about which political party is leading us toward the death of democracy. But heck - for 75,000 dollars a year many people will say anything - and she has already survived the regime of a dictator once. Sad that she would wish that upon our land as well.

36 RecommendShareFlag
Andrew Pritzker commented June 22
Andrew Pritzker
Kansas City, MO
June 22
We should congratulate Park’s enormous ideological jump from North Korea to the GOP.  It’s not everyone who can travel three inches.

35 RecommendShareFlag
Thomas commented June 22
June 22
The impression that I get from this article is that Ms. Park is a political entertainer rather than a source of deep political enlightenment, especially pertaining to issues in democratic countries.  She's found her political cash cow, and she's going to milk it until it loses its financial incentive before changing her political views to generate the next cash cow with the platform she's built.  We are all self-promoters, but the people who do so at harm to our democracy, while thinking they are advancing democracy, are the worst self-promoters.

35 RecommendShareFlag
miller commented June 22
June 22
If you want to make it in America, one sure way is to adopt as much crazy as you can from the Right and then broadcast it until someone takes you on and gives you a stage. And money. Easy peasy.

35 RecommendShareFlag
Dear Prudence, commented June 22
Dear Prudence,
Dear Prudence,
June 22

A fair deal of ink in the press has been devoted to these same mindset’s skewing Latin and Central American immigrants to the right…

Their experience of government is shaped by authoritarianism and religiosity.

Financial circumstances may have changed, outlooks may not have, if you will.

34 RecommendShareFlag
Perez commented June 22
Ny, Ny
June 22

That is exactly the beauty of America and its attractiveness to us immigrants:

That as soon as we become a naturalized citizen we are “Americans”, and have all the rights and benefits of those “born American”. Including the right to speak our mind openly and honestly.

Respect that. She’s an American with every right to speak as she pleases within the law. Please stop your diminishment of immigrants who are behaving as Americans. We have that right under the Constitution.

33 RecommendShareFlag
Justice Matters commented June 22
Justice Matters
June 22
From my times as a grad student at Hunter College in NYC, I agree with Ms. Park.

The right wing are quite willing to die for God and guns.

What hill will the Left be willing to die on?  Pronouns?  

"Adult babies" describe my fellow students perfectly.

33 RecommendShareFlag
Metaverse commented June 22
Here & There
June 22
"Ms. Park’s transformation from celebrity defector to loud critic of liberal identity politics is extraordinarily rare" Actually it's not. As 
 a Chinese expat, I see that it's rampant in the Chinese overseas community (and among elites in China). A mix of right wing propaganda (by way of Falun Gong's The Epoch Times through social media), and a naive admiration of capitalism. And based on where they (we) grew up, left equals to socialism (which is bad, right?)

4 Replies33 RecommendShareFlag
Old Ben commented 12 hours ago
Old Ben
Chester County PA
12h ago
”liberal economics and cultural politics would set the United States on the road to leftist authoritarianism." Huh?

And how exactly does that fit with Trump's attempts to overturn the election and impose himself despite being the loser? That is authoritarianism. January 6th was not a left-wing effort.

33 RecommendShareFlag
Gimme A Break commented 9 hours ago
Gimme A Break
9h ago
Having experienced myself life in a communist country, although far less traumatic than N Korea, I recognize both what Yeonmi Park has lived though there as well as well as the authoritarian, illiberal threat that the US currently experiences. I’m not surprised that most Americans can’t understand - these are things you can’t relate to when you were lucky to be born in a (so far, at least) free country. It is outrageous to see comments calling her “grifter” because of her political views, while well-fed Americans who supposedly abhorre slavery couldn’t care less about the slavery they know exists in N Korea. Even more so when today Americans are in the process of learning to think twice and bite their tongue before something ideologically wrong.

3 Replies33 RecommendShareFlag
Elaine Creagh commented June 22
Elaine Creagh
New York
June 22
I feel Miss Park doesn’t know her left from her right. It is the right that seeks to take away citizens’ rights of free speech, instill fear of government and encourage us all to stay locked up in our homes with guns to protect ourselves from the boogie man.

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BullMoose commented June 22
June 22
Except that universal healthcare, pre-k, subsidized childcare, paid leave, efficient public transportation, modern infrastructure, retirement benefits and tuition-free higher education & trade schools are not the hallmarks of authoritarian regimes that people want to escape from. 

The US’s obsession with the military, pledges of allegiance, scholastic patriotism, death penalties  and draconian laws restricting privacy is more aligned with North Korea than it thinks.

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Mark M commented June 22
Mark M
June 22
Park's story is fascinating and, yes, I believe her. But this article is sooooo typical, as when the NYT essentially disagrees with someone's viewpoint, their first job is to question "the accuracy of her account". I expected it and I continued reading, there it was, of course.

3 Replies31 RecommendShareFlag
Sandeep commented June 22
June 22
So what does she think of the love letters between Trump and Kim? She must be speaking out against all the book bans in Florida.

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Richard commented 9 hours ago
9h ago
So am I to believe that if the US implements universal health care, legalizes abortion and provides legal protections for marginalized groups (i.e. the woke agenda), we’ll turn into North Korea?

31 RecommendShareFlag
mancuroc commented June 22
rochester ny
June 22
I don't know Ms. Park's inner feelings, but she's right in seeing America falling towards dictatorship.  But the American right is shameless in latching on to her as a defender of democratic values.  It uses her and people like her as a fig leaf to hide that by far the major internal threat to American democracy comes from its own side as it embraces authoritarianism - or, to call it what it increasingly resembles, fascism.

16:30 EDT, 06/22

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MS commented 9 hours ago
9h ago
"noted that the country’s refugees are often unreliable narrators of their own experiences. Inside the country, she said, many learned to say whatever they needed to say to survive — “whatever works for them to find a safe haven,” she said."

That says it all. My family came from a Communist country where this is unfortunately a common trait among some.

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pendragn52 commented June 22
South Florida
June 22
America may be on the way to becoming North Korea but she’s very confused as to which side is driving us there.

1 Reply29 RecommendShareFlag
bruce christianson commented June 22
bruce christianson
state college, pa
June 22
Quite obviously, she has discovered that there is an abundance of money to be made pandering to whatever dangerous silliness is engulfing the extremes of the republican party at the moment.

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Mac commented 9 hours ago
New York
9h ago
Seizing an opportunity to lie in order to make money is the revealing characteristic of the authoritarian state. Because conservatives cannot seem to wrap their brains around the need for policy proposals there is nothing left for them to do but make money through misdirection and obfuscation. Another case of there's money to made here with this lie.

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DP commented 12 hours ago
12h ago
Wow! What weird topsy-turvy, upside down perspective. "Wokeness", which allows for a diversity of ideas, orientations, freedoms, openness, etc is viewed by someone who came from a totalitarian opposite of all those things as the path to creating the antithesis of what it stands for. Make it make sense. 

The biggest impact of a narcissistic egoic personality is his/her prowess at crazy making.

1 Reply28 RecommendShareFlag
Astrochimp commented 11 hours ago
11h ago
The interesting part of this story to me is as Ms. Park as a professional victim. There, I think, is the story of a serious malaise of US society: shouting "I'm a victim!" causes people to give you money, so it's a lucrative career, but it also distorts human rights and the ideal that people should treat each other with respect.

Park is correct that the US has a serious problem with "woke" culture.

2 Replies28 RecommendShareFlag
Steve Singer commented June 22
Steve Singer
Steve Singer
June 22
America is on the same “path” as North Korea?

Under Trump? Perhaps.  But now?  I don’t think so.

Trump is arguably the worst president in American history because, among other outrageous things, he betrayed his presidential oath-of-office by seeking to promote himself into a non-existent public office — “president for life”.  He had to disable the most salient feature of American civilization: the ordinary peaceful transition of political power between two competing political parties. In its pkace, he thought to establish a hereditary dynasty; succeeded by his biological children, beginning with his eldest son, Donald Trump Jr; like Kim-Il-Sung did with Kim-Jong-Il. 

But Trump failed to overthrow the US Constitution in the Jan 6 Insurrection, a legal document which rules in the place of an absolute monarch. It expressly prohibits such a huge unilateral political change in American political and legal structures. 

Trump now inhabits a political void; politically and legally embattled and disgraced. His strange anti-American idea will die with him.

She doesn’t understand us too well, evidently; as you’d expect with any North Korean refugee.

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AJ Garcia commented June 22
AJ Garcia
June 22
Unfortunately, it is not uncommon in South Korea for defectors to fall under the influence of religious cults or other extremist groups on the right.
These organizations often take advantage of their unfamiliarity with right wing authoritarianism (especially in the context of South Korean history) as well as their lack of familial and personal connections to anyone outside NK, their desire to belong to the new society they find themselves in, a society that can be very alienating to newcomers.

Add to this the fact that Ms. Park left NK when she was only 13-years old. Her memories of the dictatorship are those of a child, removed from any historical context, felt on the emotional level rather than the conceptual one. What she went through, she had no way of processing it while it happened. That part only came later, after she started telling her story, and the more she told it, the more attention she got in the telling and re-telling. All too often, people who have lived through an extraordinary event may find themselves embellishing their own story or refining it to meet the expectations of their audience. 
And sadly not all of them do so out of innocent motives.

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T commented June 22
June 22
I am reminded of Sinclair Lewis' "It Can't Happen Here".    A dystopian story of American descent into a left-wing dictatorship.

We can debate whether or not Ms. Park's warnings are prescient; but I find it discouraging when people rigidly assert that left wing progressivism in the United States could never morph into dictatorship.  It is not only the far right that should be watched.

4 Replies27 RecommendShareFlag
Randy commented June 22
June 22
My family fled the Soviet Union in 1929.  Even though I am now a third generation Canadian, I maintain a massive distrust and loathing of socialism that has gripped so much of my country and the USA.  The left have zero interest in complex discussions and nuanced solutions.  They only care about simple progressive positions, and drowning out dissenting voices.  

It is stunning to read that in Canada, we see more and more infringements upon free speech by our Prime Minister and his left wing liberal party.  His massive billion dollar subsidies of Main Stream Media, have ensured that only the left wing master narrative is allowed to be broadcast.  

If we do not allow for a wide range of public voices - for true Socratic Principles - we are doomed for a declining socialist state - both in Canada and the USA.  Sadly the writer can not appreciate this, and finds it acceptable to mock those who value free speech and who have lived under Socialist and Communist regimes.

3 Replies27 RecommendShareFlag
Fred commented June 22
June 22
I don't think anyone on the left in the U.S. is promising a "socialist paradise." The goals seem more limited - like allowing marginalized people to become mainstream in society.

That's the really tricky part b/c there is a large segment of White America that sees mainstreaming formerly marginalized people as somehow taking away their own rights. How to get whites to see that improving the lives of the formerly marginalized improves life for everyone?

3 Replies27 RecommendShareFlag
Even More Disgusted commented June 22
Even More Disgusted
United States Of America 2.1
June 22
There’s a lot of money to be made pandering to right-wing.

One has to wonder though, how the young women views Trump, the de facto leader of the GOP, worshipping of Kim Jung Un.

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Hugh G commented June 22
Hugh G
June 22
She is apparently a good marketer.  

If you lean to the right, there is only one outlet to go air your grievances, Fox and you have a willing audience that will believe anything you pedal that portends doom and gloom for the liberals.   So it is an easy to implement strategy to get rich quick.   If she was running around on CNN or MSNBC her message would be diluted and she would  more than likely be challenged on some facts.

In reality the people trying to censor the press, control thought and challenge free market businesses are mostly Republican.  As well they lead the march towards political  corruption, another basic underpinning of communism.  
 As we all know in any communist country, some people are more equal than others, and they are all politicians.

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L commented 10 hours ago
Southern Gothic
10h ago
I haven’t been at Columbia in 15 years, but was there off and on doing 3 graduate degrees starting in the early ‘90s. Yes, in certain quarters, there are people who take it upon themselves to police others militantly, scanning conversation for any sign of regressive thinking, with the effect of alienation rather than the education that they are trying to impose. Once I gave in to the temptation to mess with one of them and really set her off, but for the most part, I left them alone to find their way, since polarization has not been good for us as a culture. They were absolutely never in the majority, as far as I could tell. Most people found them to be a tedious zealots. I don’t like them, myself, although I find them preferable to the extreme right. I am under the impression, reading this article, that this celebrity defector has tapped into a line of fear thought in the United States and is amplifying it into a platform, either disingenuously or unwittingly, via a failure to contextualize her complaints. Her former humanitarian law professor doesn’t seem terribly enamored of her capacity for a nuanced thought. In any case, it is the Trump thumpers who pose the totalitarian threat she fears. But they seem to be paying the lecture fees and she’s dancing with the one that brought her.

1 Reply27 RecommendShareFlag
Mark McIntyre commented June 22
Mark McIntyre
Mark McIntyre
Los Angeles
June 22
Ms. Park is taken-in if she believes liberalism puts us on the same path as Kim Jong-Un's N. Korea. She should look closer at authoritarian Ron DeSantis in Florida, who wants to take his repressive, white nationalist Florida model to the White House. 

She should also ask herself which political party is making it harder to vote, degrading women's rights and marginalizing anyone who doesn't conform to their religious doctrines.

1 Reply26 RecommendShareFlag
Shane commented June 22
June 22
@Eric Navickas "Objective materialist critique" is shorthand for Marxist dialectical analysis and there's a good reason it's not used in the US - because it's Communist agitprop. 

America is not an "empire" and the DPRK is not "non-aligned," rather is is a cheerleader and enabler of Russian and Chinese aggression and has itself never renounced the use of force to attain reunification with South Korea. The language employed in the comment above is shocking and is an exact copy of that long used by Communist and authoritarian states directed towards defectors and citizens forced to flee Communist tyranny, including that of Cuba and the former Soviet Union.

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J Howard commented June 22
J Howard
Suburban Chicago
June 22
While her story is compelling, experience doesn’t equate to expertise. My grandfather may have fought in Europe during WWII but always claimed he was far from a military strategist or historian. His story was his story and didn’t lead him to lucrative speaking engagements…

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Uji10jo commented June 22
June 22
Interesting. Cuban defectors in Florida are also for Trump/ Republicans. Not for Democrats.

2 Replies26 RecommendShareFlag
Eric commented June 22
June 22
She sees an opportunity and she’s taking it. I doubt she’s a true believer. The far right has far more in common with totalitarian communist regimes like NK than the far left does.

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Robert commented June 22
June 22
Obviously, it was not the left that, for instance, tried to subvert democracy a couple of years ago. Certainly, her claims about her time at Columbia (where there are now more Brett Kavanaughs than lefty activists) and in the class of Lee Bollinger (one of the most prominent free speech advocates in the nation) don't ring true. The trauma she experienced was horrific. That said, is her present behavior simply opportunism? Does she like how the right has restored her celebrity status? Has her sad background made her unable to be a critical thinker, or otherwise impaired her judgment? How much has she embellished her story? To what degree did she embellish her story because doing so added to her fame?

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Patricia commented 12 hours ago
12h ago
I think Ms. Park is a survivor who has found another avenue to flourish. Her monthly paycheck from Turning Point, not to mention her book and speaking engagements, depend on her supporting a pretty standard rightwing ideology. The fact that she's saying that this political turn may not be her last indicates that she's flexible. 

It's a business. It's hard to take her seriously.

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Nydia commented June 22
June 22
@JohnD  Agree. My first impression after reading the article is that her talking points map so directly onto that of the right  - we hear this type of projection this ALL the time - that it’s obvious they have become her new minders. Celebrity and money indeed.

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Rock commented June 22
June 22
Yeonmi Park’s story and warnings resonate with me. As I contemplate the article several examples com to mind:

HR1, the proposed House Bill in 2021 would have made it a felony to ask non-English speakers if they were citizens when they presented for voter registration.

New York City declared it illegal to speak the term “illegal alien.”

A few years ago the mayor of Houston tried to mandate that religious ministers submit copies of their sermons to her before they preached them at their houses of worship.

During Covid -19 California mandated that churches close while bars were allowed to remain open.

A vandal desecrated a Catholic Church in Washington State and received a slap on the wrist in the form of 3 years probation as his sentence.

The FBI, without a warrant, raided the home of a man, his wife and their seven children with bulletproof vests and automatic weapons. Why? He had pushed a man away who was in his son’s face badgering him while they were peacefully and  lawfully protesting at an abortion facility without impeding access to it.

All of the above examples involve government overreach into the lives of law abiding citizens and law enforcement selectively being overbearing with some while being shockingly lenient with others. It wasn’t that long ago that the above examples would have been unthinkable in the United States. Ms. Park has much to teach us. We would be wise to learn from her experiences so that they don’t become our own.

5 Replies25 RecommendShareFlag
Leah commented June 22
Los Angeles
June 22
“My classmates were almost like giant adult babies,” she said.

That’s the part I believe. The right is far worse and a lot more dangerous, but the left has its share of authoritarian leaning tendencies. The extremes on both sides feed each other. Best to root them out all together. I’d like for the center to hold.

1 Reply25 RecommendShareFlag
Michael Boshears commented June 22
Michael Boshears
June 22
This is a woman who is easily swayed by the flavor of the month.  Her premise that liberalism leads to an autocracy is ludicrous, but is a highly lucrative platform upon which to stand right now, which is why she has pursued it.  The fact that she stated she might “ change her mind” completely in a few years is telling.  I have zero tolerance for this kind of thing.

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David Roseman commented 12 hours ago
David Roseman
12h ago
I'm thinking she's a North Korean intelligence plant whose mission is to sow discord within the United States by promoting the most cancerous elements of our society (the far Right) against the most stabilizing elements (Centrist Americans) who desire a fair and equitable society for the good of all its citizens.

1 Reply25 RecommendShareFlag
AllenGab commented 9 hours ago
9h ago
When people want to talk about wages being stagnant for 50 years, or the incredible cost of medical care, or the unreachable secondary education costs, or income inequality, or our hateful society, then I will listen.  Wokeness, compared to these subjects , seems like a frivolous conversation.

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Grover B commented June 22
Grover B
June 22
Wait, what?  Does she get that the American right is trying to emulate North Korea?

4 Replies24 RecommendShareFlag
Shadlow Bancroft commented June 22
Shadlow Bancroft
June 22
It should be noted that just because she’s from a country with a repressive regime doesn’t mean she‘s an expert on how countries turn authoritarian. After all, she’s now being paid to tell authoritarians what they want to hear, not in North Korea but in America now.

2 Replies24 RecommendShareFlag
Cheryl Ostrow commented June 22
Cheryl Ostrow
June 22
She knows what censorship l/moderation does to people.   I’m a Dem that agrees with her - I see it.

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Paul Baker commented June 22
Paul Baker
New Jersey
June 22
There are clear threats to our liberties and the survival of our republic from the fascist informed far right, currently best represented by Trump and DeSantis, etc. However, the Progressive left, especially at the extremes, has been more influenced by a Marxist view of the world then they are willing to acknowledge and also represent a challenge to freedom of thought and expression, the essential ingredient of liberty. Their designs towards what they claim to be greater equality tend towards a demand of greater equality of outcomes rather than opportunities, thereby requiring far more centralized control of behavior and resources. Ms. Park may be a bit of a grifter as this article implies, or at least an economic opportunist, but she does, inadvertently or not, raise some important questions of the implications of far left thought on individual liberties, questions the left has yet to either acknowledge or address.

2 Replies24 RecommendShareFlag
Jack commented June 22
June 22
She's tapping into the right wing media money and fame machine. Plain and simple.

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J. Park commented 12 hours ago
J. Park
12h ago
It is disturbing that so comments here see her equating of US and North Korea as “correct.” It is one thing to make a hyperbolic statement comparing some experience of oppression in the US to NK or some other absurdly murderous society, it is something other to bypass the hyperbole altogether. Yeonmi Park is clearly not delusional, so could only be opportunistic. So be it. It’s clear that the right wing that is using her is also seeing her hyperbolic claims as useful exaggerations. But for the people who actually say they agree to her ridiculously generalized comparison, on what factual basis are you agreeing?

2 Replies24 RecommendShareFlag
Heedless commented 12 hours ago
12h ago
The Times once thought Ms. Park was trustworthy enough to have her headline a symposium that they sponsored.  Hillary Clinton was the other headliner.

Nothing about her account of her escape from North Korea has changed, but suddenly they have found 100 reasons to consider her doubt her word.   A cynical person might suspect that the Times’s opinion of Ms. Park’s trustworthiness is entirely determined by whether she is politically useful or not.  And even more cynical person might wonder why the entire article is dedicated to questioning Ms. Park’s credibility and detailing her links to the right wing and none of it is dedicated to refuting her claims about intellectual close mindedness at Columbia. 

FIRE ranks Columbia as having the worst climate for free speech among elite universities.  Perhaps Ms. Park has a point, right wing or not.

1 Reply24 RecommendShareFlag
Chad commented 12 hours ago
the West
12h ago
Ms. Park has an interesting perspective.  I appreciate her candor on issues she finds troubling in our current cultural landscape.  Though I may not agree with everything she says, she provides value to the national conversation.  

I love living in a country where we don’t all have to think the same - I hope we can keep it that way.

5 Replies24 RecommendShareFlag
Full Name (Required) commented June 22
Full Name (Required)
Full Name (Required)
Location (Required)
June 22
As a centrist “liberal” on nearly every policy issue and someone who at this time cannot even consider voting for most Republicans, her analysis of this culture of safe spaces, pronouns, and special pleading to be treated as if emotions and real life are roadblocks to correct living, as well as the turn to extreme politics of what the far left consists, her voice rings true right now. America is in such a dangerous places of extremes and I feel like a man without a political party and know I’m not even close to being alone. That the Times continues to use “woke” in quotes as part of their style, shows how they still cannot accept or embrace what is an actual philosophy, because the term is embraced by many of the left considered woke. It’s not a controversial term and it means something. Read John McWhorter’s book Woke Racism for a view of how these issues can infantilize everyone who participates. I can see her point of the mind control that is being enforced by threat of career-ending isolation and exclusion from the loudest voices. Not enough people are coming back to normal. I worry about it, because free speech is hardly free when you can’t say something that offends the ideas of a fellow citizens - personally offending them is different and wrong, but if their ideas are offended, grow up and create a discourse. She is right about a lot of adult children, it goes for all generations who have lost their ability to think independently.

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Rapscallion commented June 22
June 22
@Rock None of your "speech code" claims are true.  Like not even close to true.

California's Covid policies were based on gathering size and space constraints, so no, the rule wasn't "Bars stay open, churches must close."

Assuming you're talking about routine vandalism like spray paint, what on earth do you think an appropriate punishment would be?  Or do you just want churches to be treated specially?

I assume you've also made up the one about the FBI and the poor little pro-life activists harassing strangers on the street, but it's impossible to tell since you've been so vague in your description.

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John Zotto commented June 22
John Zotto
Ischia, Italia
June 22
She is not alone.  Many people in Miami who have escaped repressive regimes see the Democratic party as a threat to democracy.

5 Replies23 RecommendShareFlag
Sean commented June 22
June 22
Growing up in North Korea would certainly provide someone with a perspective that would be interesting to listen to and consider.  It does not provide a special perspective on the political trajectory described here.  North Korea did not end up a dictatorship through a gradual decline of liberal freedoms.  I could just as easily make the case that growing up in a rigid society like North Korea is a hindrance to a nuanced appreciation for politics in the west.  
In general the views she espouses seem to be just a regurgitation of the supposed connection between social democracy and communism.  Heaven forbid the Democrats are leading us to a European style social democracy!

4 Replies23 RecommendShareFlag
HLM commented 12 hours ago
12h ago
You know how many times I've been personally chided about pronouns or even asked them? Maybe twice? Ever. You know how many times I've had my rights as a woman or non-religious person restricted in this country? Depends which state I'm in and whether I'm carrying a pregancy... and it's only going to get worse with the affirmative action ruling to come which also helped women advance. Ain't the liberals holding me down. Not one bit!

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Dick Cox commented 9 hours ago
Dick Cox
9h ago
Just because people have escaped from some horrible dictatorship doesn’t make them good people or give them any particular insight into politics or anything else. More likely that their experiences have damaged their thinking and judgment. Good for her to get out of NK, but there is no reason to give this person any kind of serious hearing or attention.

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James Palacino commented 9 hours ago
James Palacino
9h ago
She left N Korea sixteen years ago, when she was only 13 and has now lived outside N Korea for longer than in. In America she is welcome to her opinions on the state of politics in her adopted country and free to choose which political party (or none) to support. However, I have some serious doubts about how confidently we should take her comparisons between an authoritarian / Marxist state and another nation where she has been granted / earned access to top-tier education and is free to publish a screed purporting to equate the two.

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AEN commented June 22
June 22
I don't know what kind of world Ms. Park wants here in the United States. She seems very concerned with a sort of liberal fascism, but not very aware of a type of backlash fascism she is supporting on the right. Women are losing their rights in the US, and it has nothing to do with leftist authoritarianism. We are losing access to read what we wish, and to not have one religion inform our freedoms. Does she not recognize the "fear of the other" in the language she uses? How so? Stoking these fears and having people turn on one another is just the sort of thing she escaped from. I truly do not understand. However, I am very sure the far right will welcome her with open arms and use her to further weaken our democracy. Perhaps being patrolled and controlled is a hard habit to break.

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SixplusFour commented June 22
June 22
She seems like a scam artist who has found a niche like Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh did not believe half the things he said.  For example, he basically admitted this when he said "I am not a journalist. I am not even a political pundit. I am an entertainer."

Limbaugh simply found a gullible, but lucrative, audience and cashed in by telling them what they wanted to hear. Ditto for Fox and this woman. [Discovery in the voting machine trial showed beyond any doubt this is true of Fox.]

22 RecommendShareFlag
Paul commented June 22
June 22
@Kevin - your point on authoritarian communists is well taken. The communist revolutions in Russia and China, and the regimes of failing countries like Venezuela are very often portrayed as coming from the left, except the truth is they don't come from the left or, necessarily, from the right, but from the totalitarian impulses present in all societies. And at least in this moment in the U.S, this impulse is strongly concentrated on the right, in spite of what Ms Park has to say about it.

22 RecommendShareFlag
fact or friction commented 9 hours ago
fact or friction
fact or friction
9h ago
Not surprising to see Republicans embrace someone like this who, best case, is a narcissistic liar, and, worst case, is a foreign operative. Reminds me of Republicans' fawning embrace of Maria Butina (who was revealed to be a Russian spy).

22 RecommendShareFlag
The Dr. is In commented 9 hours ago
The Dr. is In
9h ago
Lady, the US is indeed as vulnerable to tyranny. It’s just that it’s likely to come from the right/christofascists instead of the left/progressives. So, pick your poison, but be warned that the former groups tends to focus on race “othering,” and you don’t look like those “very fine people” who marched with those tiki torches in Charleston a few years ago!!

1 Reply22 RecommendShareFlag
KR commented 5 hours ago
5h ago
The irony, projection and sheer hypocrisy of the right knows no bounds.  Does Ms. Park not realize that she is allying herself with the MAGA Trump party?  The one where right wing politicians are not allowed to have any opinions based in fact and if they do not do things like support the censure of Adam Schiff, they will be primaried by Trump and his slate of Trump endorsed candidates?

The ultra left may be overly preoccupied with political correctness but the right is even more preoccupied with obeying Trump in all things.  If political correctness has erased women, Trump has erased any semblance of the respect for the constitution and the rule of law from the Republican party.

The insane ultra left Ms. Park is railing against makes up a small minority of the democratic party.  The MAGA Trumpers make up a vast majority of the Republican party.  I know which side is more dangerous to our democracy and our way of life.

If Ms. Park likens herself to Tocqueville coming from a foreign country to see and analyze American democracy, she better hope Trump and Republicans do not ever gain all the levers of power in our government again or there will be no democracy for her to see.

22 RecommendShareFlag
Peter Cane commented 5 hours ago
Peter Cane
5h ago
"North Koreans have particularly important insights into the perils of taking Western liberal democracy for granted, she said"

I can't imagine what North Koreans could have to say that would be relevant, North Korea has never been a democracy, so no one, ever, living or dead has any experience of what it means to live in a Democratic country.  As she admitted she did what she had to survive in North Korea, and well, she's doing the same here.

22 RecommendShareFlag
ABC123 commented June 22
June 22
I have watched and listened to many interviews of and talks by Yeonmi Park.  She is an amazing person.  Watch and listen to her.  She has much wisdom to share.

(Ignore those commenting here having only read this article and having never watched/listened to her directly).

1 Reply21 RecommendShareFlag
L commented June 22
June 22

Totally agree with you. But also agree with her that the policing of language on the left does echo what happened in the Cultural Revolution and continues to happen in North Korea.

21 RecommendShareFlag
ELB commented June 22
June 22
Exactly my observations also. The only difference is that I lived in a communist East European county and have witnessed totalitarian rule and dogma first hand. Not surprisingly to  me a lot of my former East European compadres keep voting and supporting the GOP. Many of them also vote in elections in their former countries and a chunk of them support Neo-natzi parties there also. Many of the Cubans that run away in the 1980-1990's also support the GOP and my guess is that its just because they are attracted to primitive dogma and policies.

10 Replies21 RecommendShareFlag
jbunz commented 12 hours ago
12h ago
fearmongering and addiction to attention, fame, and money...

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Rebecca commented June 22
June 22
Ms. Parks appears to be an excellent opportunist.  She fits right in with the cultural melee, and it seems her instincts for media presence put her exactly where she wants to be. Kudos, Ms. Parks. Welcome to our democracy.

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Eric commented 9 hours ago
9h ago
I grew up in China and immigrated to US when I was 12.  I witnessed the atrocities of the cultural revolution and the leftist authoritarianism first hand. As intellectuals, my parents suffered greatly from the cultural revolution.  What Ms Park has described happening in the US is exactly the fear I have.  

We as a country is definitely lurching toward the beginning of the leftist authoritarianism.  That’s happening at every echelon of our society from elementary schools to colleges to public and private enterprises, from pedagogy to government policies to corporate governance.

Take DEI as an example.  It’s a variant of what China has required its companies (state and private) to institute in their governnace.  CCP is strengthening its the role of its internal Party organizations by inserting communist party organization a seat in companies’ management ranks and their board.   This is how they police thoughts, behaviors and outcome.  Anything that veers outside of its ideology will be sanctioned/punished.

My family and I came here to escape the leftist dictatorship.  Equity and DEI is all its forms an existential threat to our liberal democracy.  We must stop it now while we have a chance.

2 Replies21 RecommendShareFlag
Paul Smith commented 9 hours ago
Paul Smith
Austin, Texas
9h ago
Oh, please! It's the conservatives and not the liberals in the US who are trying to create an autocracy.

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Try New Ideas commented June 22
Try New Ideas
June 22
She’s not incorrect.

2 Replies20 RecommendShareFlag
ecclect-obsvr commented June 22
New Jersey
June 22
She is cashing on the Right Wing Bus. Money is the motivation for most right wing media types.

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PD commented June 22
NYC visitor
June 22
She is ridiculous; and does not understand America, our history, the constitution or what freedom is about. And she comes from a deeply socially traumatized nation. Progressives are about pushing forward and conservatives are about holding on to tradition; they both have extremes and educational organizations should be pushing forward. Ironically the hard right is looking to the GOP authoritarians like DT and RD that are breaking down the checks and balances. America is a progressive nation in the world by its nature and democracy is progressive. The Radical Right is using her to Prank their perceived adversaries; and our authoritarian foreign adversaries are smirking at our Statue of Liberty.

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Ghost Of Elvis commented June 22
Ghost Of Elvis
June 22
Is t it interesting how anyone who dares speak the truth is labeled “right-wing” in an attempt to “cancel” them?

This also happened within the last year to another foreign pen individual, an Obama-Clinton-Biden voter who dared to restore free speech to Twitter.

7 Replies20 RecommendShareFlag
BaadDonkey commented June 22
San diego
June 22
I’ve ceased to be surprised by immigrants from dictatorships, or former dictatorships, that swing to the right.  Maybe it’s psychological, but they seem not to understand the threat of right wing ‘cancellation’.  I attended Columbia decades ago and my professors were as varied and sharp a group of educators as you’re likely to find anywhere on the planet.  The only measuring stick was hard work.

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Offda commented June 22
June 22
This is kind of the classic immigrant story no? Leaves terrible circumstances at home, comes to America, identifies an opportunity, and builds a financial life around it. She just chose rightwing grifting as opposed to convenience stores, motels, etc. ad infinitum. Let's be clear, rightwing grifting is most definitely a thing.

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Martin Alexander commented June 22
Martin Alexander
Oakland, CA
June 22
I assume she is popular (though I have never heard of her and don't normally follow right wing media) because she is speaking to some truth about the current state of left wing debate and discussion.

While the rest of what right wing pundits latch onto or promote is backwards and harmful for the majority of Americans(in my opinion) there is an idealogical, religious-eque movement occurring with leftist politics.  

Debate is censored and many reasonable views are branded as blasphemous when it comes to race or gender.

When a group decides that dissent of their views is automatically assumed that the dissenter is evil, that is dangerous.

& my stating this is no way validates right wing world view or opinions. Yet currently both in the media and in person, if someone dissents from many left wing causes and thinks we could do things a better way, they are assumed to be supporting an evil conservative agenda. Left wing absolutism has been growing for the last 5-10 years.

America has developed an unhealthy political environment.

19 RecommendShareFlag
Sean commented June 22
June 22
Growing up in North Korea would certainly provide someone with a perspective that would be interesting to listen to and consider.  It does not provide a special perspective on the political trajectory described here.  North Korea did not end up a dictatorship through a gradual decline of liberal freedoms.  I could just as easily make the case that growing up in a rigid society like North Korea is a hindrance to a nuanced appreciation for politics in the west.  
In general the views she espouses seem to be just a regurgitation of the supposed connection between social democracy and communism.  Heaven forbid the Democrats are leading us to a European style social democracy!

4 Replies23 RecommendShareFlag
HLM commented 12 hours ago
12h ago
You know how many times I've been personally chided about pronouns or even asked them? Maybe twice? Ever. You know how many times I've had my rights as a woman or non-religious person restricted in this country? Depends which state I'm in and whether I'm carrying a pregancy... and it's only going to get worse with the affirmative action ruling to come which also helped women advance. Ain't the liberals holding me down. Not one bit!

23 RecommendShareFlag
Dick Cox commented 9 hours ago
Dick Cox
9h ago
Just because people have escaped from some horrible dictatorship doesn’t make them good people or give them any particular insight into politics or anything else. More likely that their experiences have damaged their thinking and judgment. Good for her to get out of NK, but there is no reason to give this person any kind of serious hearing or attention.

23 RecommendShareFlag
James Palacino commented 9 hours ago
James Palacino
9h ago
She left N Korea sixteen years ago, when she was only 13 and has now lived outside N Korea for longer than in. In America she is welcome to her opinions on the state of politics in her adopted country and free to choose which political party (or none) to support. However, I have some serious doubts about how confidently we should take her comparisons between an authoritarian / Marxist state and another nation where she has been granted / earned access to top-tier education and is free to publish a screed purporting to equate the two.

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AEN commented June 22
June 22
I don't know what kind of world Ms. Park wants here in the United States. She seems very concerned with a sort of liberal fascism, but not very aware of a type of backlash fascism she is supporting on the right. Women are losing their rights in the US, and it has nothing to do with leftist authoritarianism. We are losing access to read what we wish, and to not have one religion inform our freedoms. Does she not recognize the "fear of the other" in the language she uses? How so? Stoking these fears and having people turn on one another is just the sort of thing she escaped from. I truly do not understand. However, I am very sure the far right will welcome her with open arms and use her to further weaken our democracy. Perhaps being patrolled and controlled is a hard habit to break.

22 RecommendShareFlag
SixplusFour commented June 22
June 22
She seems like a scam artist who has found a niche like Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh did not believe half the things he said.  For example, he basically admitted this when he said "I am not a journalist. I am not even a political pundit. I am an entertainer."

Limbaugh simply found a gullible, but lucrative, audience and cashed in by telling them what they wanted to hear. Ditto for Fox and this woman. [Discovery in the voting machine trial showed beyond any doubt this is true of Fox.]

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Paul commented June 22
June 22
@Kevin - your point on authoritarian communists is well taken. The communist revolutions in Russia and China, and the regimes of failing countries like Venezuela are very often portrayed as coming from the left, except the truth is they don't come from the left or, necessarily, from the right, but from the totalitarian impulses present in all societies. And at least in this moment in the U.S, this impulse is strongly concentrated on the right, in spite of what Ms Park has to say about it.

22 RecommendShareFlag
fact or friction commented 9 hours ago
fact or friction
fact or friction
9h ago
Not surprising to see Republicans embrace someone like this who, best case, is a narcissistic liar, and, worst case, is a foreign operative. Reminds me of Republicans' fawning embrace of Maria Butina (who was revealed to be a Russian spy).

22 RecommendShareFlag
The Dr. is In commented 9 hours ago
The Dr. is In
9h ago
Lady, the US is indeed as vulnerable to tyranny. It’s just that it’s likely to come from the right/christofascists instead of the left/progressives. So, pick your poison, but be warned that the former groups tends to focus on race “othering,” and you don’t look like those “very fine people” who marched with those tiki torches in Charleston a few years ago!!

1 Reply22 RecommendShareFlag
KR commented 5 hours ago
5h ago
The irony, projection and sheer hypocrisy of the right knows no bounds.  Does Ms. Park not realize that she is allying herself with the MAGA Trump party?  The one where right wing politicians are not allowed to have any opinions based in fact and if they do not do things like support the censure of Adam Schiff, they will be primaried by Trump and his slate of Trump endorsed candidates?

The ultra left may be overly preoccupied with political correctness but the right is even more preoccupied with obeying Trump in all things.  If political correctness has erased women, Trump has erased any semblance of the respect for the constitution and the rule of law from the Republican party.

The insane ultra left Ms. Park is railing against makes up a small minority of the democratic party.  The MAGA Trumpers make up a vast majority of the Republican party.  I know which side is more dangerous to our democracy and our way of life.

If Ms. Park likens herself to Tocqueville coming from a foreign country to see and analyze American democracy, she better hope Trump and Republicans do not ever gain all the levers of power in our government again or there will be no democracy for her to see.

22 RecommendShareFlag
Peter Cane commented 5 hours ago
Peter Cane
5h ago
"North Koreans have particularly important insights into the perils of taking Western liberal democracy for granted, she said"

I can't imagine what North Koreans could have to say that would be relevant, North Korea has never been a democracy, so no one, ever, living or dead has any experience of what it means to live in a Democratic country.  As she admitted she did what she had to survive in North Korea, and well, she's doing the same here.

22 RecommendShareFlag
ABC123 commented June 22
June 22
I have watched and listened to many interviews of and talks by Yeonmi Park.  She is an amazing person.  Watch and listen to her.  She has much wisdom to share.

(Ignore those commenting here having only read this article and having never watched/listened to her directly).

1 Reply21 RecommendShareFlag
L commented June 22
June 22

Totally agree with you. But also agree with her that the policing of language on the left does echo what happened in the Cultural Revolution and continues to happen in North Korea.

21 RecommendShareFlag
ELB commented June 22
June 22
Exactly my observations also. The only difference is that I lived in a communist East European county and have witnessed totalitarian rule and dogma first hand. Not surprisingly to  me a lot of my former East European compadres keep voting and supporting the GOP. Many of them also vote in elections in their former countries and a chunk of them support Neo-natzi parties there also. Many of the Cubans that run away in the 1980-1990's also support the GOP and my guess is that its just because they are attracted to primitive dogma and policies.

10 Replies21 RecommendShareFlag
jbunz commented 12 hours ago
12h ago
fearmongering and addiction to attention, fame, and money...

21 RecommendShareFlag
Rebecca commented June 22
June 22
Ms. Parks appears to be an excellent opportunist.  She fits right in with the cultural melee, and it seems her instincts for media presence put her exactly where she wants to be. Kudos, Ms. Parks. Welcome to our democracy.

21 RecommendShareFlag
Eric commented 9 hours ago
9h ago
I grew up in China and immigrated to US when I was 12.  I witnessed the atrocities of the cultural revolution and the leftist authoritarianism first hand. As intellectuals, my parents suffered greatly from the cultural revolution.  What Ms Park has described happening in the US is exactly the fear I have.  

We as a country is definitely lurching toward the beginning of the leftist authoritarianism.  That’s happening at every echelon of our society from elementary schools to colleges to public and private enterprises, from pedagogy to government policies to corporate governance.

Take DEI as an example.  It’s a variant of what China has required its companies (state and private) to institute in their governnace.  CCP is strengthening its the role of its internal Party organizations by inserting communist party organization a seat in companies’ management ranks and their board.   This is how they police thoughts, behaviors and outcome.  Anything that veers outside of its ideology will be sanctioned/punished.

My family and I came here to escape the leftist dictatorship.  Equity and DEI is all its forms an existential threat to our liberal democracy.  We must stop it now while we have a chance.

2 Replies21 RecommendShareFlag
Paul Smith commented 9 hours ago
Paul Smith
Austin, Texas
9h ago
Oh, please! It's the conservatives and not the liberals in the US who are trying to create an autocracy.

21 RecommendShareFlag
Try New Ideas commented June 22
Try New Ideas
June 22
She’s not incorrect.

2 Replies20 RecommendShareFlag
ecclect-obsvr commented June 22
New Jersey
June 22
She is cashing on the Right Wing Bus. Money is the motivation for most right wing media types.

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PD commented June 22
NYC visitor
June 22
She is ridiculous; and does not understand America, our history, the constitution or what freedom is about. And she comes from a deeply socially traumatized nation. Progressives are about pushing forward and conservatives are about holding on to tradition; they both have extremes and educational organizations should be pushing forward. Ironically the hard right is looking to the GOP authoritarians like DT and RD that are breaking down the checks and balances. America is a progressive nation in the world by its nature and democracy is progressive. The Radical Right is using her to Prank their perceived adversaries; and our authoritarian foreign adversaries are smirking at our Statue of Liberty.

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Ghost Of Elvis commented June 22
Ghost Of Elvis
June 22
Is t it interesting how anyone who dares speak the truth is labeled “right-wing” in an attempt to “cancel” them?

This also happened within the last year to another foreign pen individual, an Obama-Clinton-Biden voter who dared to restore free speech to Twitter.

7 Replies20 RecommendShareFlag
BaadDonkey commented June 22
San diego
June 22
I’ve ceased to be surprised by immigrants from dictatorships, or former dictatorships, that swing to the right.  Maybe it’s psychological, but they seem not to understand the threat of right wing ‘cancellation’.  I attended Columbia decades ago and my professors were as varied and sharp a group of educators as you’re likely to find anywhere on the planet.  The only measuring stick was hard work.

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Offda commented June 22
June 22
This is kind of the classic immigrant story no? Leaves terrible circumstances at home, comes to America, identifies an opportunity, and builds a financial life around it. She just chose rightwing grifting as opposed to convenience stores, motels, etc. ad infinitum. Let's be clear, rightwing grifting is most definitely a thing.

19 RecommendShareFlag
Martin Alexander commented June 22
Martin Alexander
Oakland, CA
June 22
I assume she is popular (though I have never heard of her and don't normally follow right wing media) because she is speaking to some truth about the current state of left wing debate and discussion.

While the rest of what right wing pundits latch onto or promote is backwards and harmful for the majority of Americans(in my opinion) there is an idealogical, religious-eque movement occurring with leftist politics.  

Debate is censored and many reasonable views are branded as blasphemous when it comes to race or gender.

When a group decides that dissent of their views is automatically assumed that the dissenter is evil, that is dangerous.

& my stating this is no way validates right wing world view or opinions. Yet currently both in the media and in person, if someone dissents from many left wing causes and thinks we could do things a better way, they are assumed to be supporting an evil conservative agenda. Left wing absolutism has been growing for the last 5-10 years.

America has developed an unhealthy political environment.

19 RecommendShareFlag
Aqua commented June 22
June 22
As a Jew who grew up in the Soviet Union during the Brezhnev era, I faced constant virulent anti-Semitism there. The arguments that Russian anti-Semites put forward in trying to limit the admission of Jews to colleges and universities in the USSR are exactly the same as the “equity” arguments that the American leftists are advancing here In advocating racial preferences in education and employment.

19 RecommendShareFlag
Gel commented June 22
June 22
It's interesting that the left focuses on details of her story that may or not be true, when what we know is true beyond all doubt, is that she defected from the most repressive society on the face of the earth, a country of 24 million slaves ruled by the most brutal dictator of our lifetimes. 

At what point are we nitpicking? Perhaps her warnings about the left's obsession with socialism should be listened to, although with or without her testimony I'm not too concerned on that score. It's very clear from the free market and the plurality of how people vote in general, that the independent middle, which now outnumbers both the right and the left, has zero interest in socialism, and ineffective DEI pipe dreams have only led to more devision, which is why those departments are being scaled back coast to coat. 

Equality of outcome is a fantasy; it may work in some government somewhere, but not here on earth. We've tried it, and turns out its one of the fastest roads to corruption and suffering society has ever produced. It's true we are far too divided right now, and the loudest screeching voices are from the paranoid left, but once upon a time the pendulum swung too far right, so I would expect in the near future we'll see it settle in the middle somewhere, where common sense lives.

2 Replies19 RecommendShareFlag
WJG commented June 22
June 22
The big flaw in the brand that she is presenting is that the attempts to make the US an authoritarian state with extreme restrictions on personal freedom and discourse come from the right, not the left.
Book banning as government policy, far right Republicans in Texas, Florida and other deep red states.
Government-mandated restrictions on free speech in educational institutions, once again far right red states as exemplified by Florida and Texas.
Government interference in personal health choices, ditto.
The list really goes on and on.
On the other hand, she has clearly worked out where the money comes from for creating a media brand, so congratulations on the successful integration into the money-cures-all-things school of public discourse.

1 Reply19 RecommendShareFlag
tell me it aint so commented 12 hours ago
tell me it aint so
12h ago
To not see what is going on here right in front of our faces. From the Trump round table where all his cabinet members paid homage to how great Trump is. To today's book banning and of course Jan6th as out and out aspects of tyranny, to means she is about the straight up grift.

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SixplusFour commented June 22
June 22
I observe that it is primarily the right that is engaging in actual censorship within the meaning of the 1st Amendment (e.g., book banning, using the power of the state to punish corporations for speaking on certain topics, etc.) meaning actions by the government.

Take colleges, for example. By far the biggest transgressors against academic freedom and speech are conservative Christian colleges [e.g., Liberty "University", Bob Jones "University", etc.].  But as private institutions that is their right. But a state university lacks that ability.

19 RecommendShareFlag
marie commented 9 hours ago
new jersey
9h ago
whether she is a grifter or not, there is a problem with teachers not informing parents of a child's desire to change sexes, or pronouns.
It's creating a rift in families, and not at all the job of  teacher,
The teacher does have a responsibility if they sees abuse they are required to report such abuse to the proper authorities, which would be fine if needed to protect a child who truly was in an abusive situation due to their sexual or gender choice.
But instead what some teachers and schools are promoting is students who are thinking about the issues keeping their thoughts only between themselves and the teacher/school with no daylight exposure from an outside party, which is 
scary as the teacher may or may not have an agenda of their own.

2 Replies19 RecommendShareFlag
myles commented June 22
June 22
so, a government with no oversight at the top is the answer, give me a break. the only lesson i take from this story is that people will say anything for money.

18 RecommendShareFlag
big D commented June 22
big D
June 22
Is anyone surprised that the elite media would stoke a campaign of invective against her? Totally predictable.

2 Replies18 RecommendShareFlag
Shadlow Bancroft commented June 22
Shadlow Bancroft
June 22
I don’t see how this woman is any different than someone like Candace Owens.

18 RecommendShareFlag
Eric commented June 22
June 22
It feels like this article is going out of it's way to avoid mentioning her appearances on Joe Rogan's podcast. This is a big gateway to her appearances on more mainstream right wing outlets.

2 Replies18 RecommendShareFlag
Charles commented June 22
San Diego, CA
June 22
She's exactly right. Spoiled activists smear and attack anyone who doesn't support insane gender dogma. Riley Gaines for example. It's not just right-wingers but left wing feminists and female athletes who are speaking out against the madness which is being imposed by the government, corporations and their stenographers in the media.

4 Replies18 RecommendShareFlag
Thomas commented June 22
June 22
@Sara Your second paragraph is spot on, but when you say in the first paragraph that "people who grew up in totalitarian states are absolutely and completely unequipped to understand what makes liberal democracies and open societies so strong..."  I have to disagree because history is filled with people who did just that, Frederick Douglass, a slave born in the United States who won his own freedom, is a perfect example.  Nonetheless, who Ms. Park chooses to ally herself with in preserving democracy, and her ability to play political chameleon, at the drop of a hat depending on which country she's in, raises eyebrows.

10 Replies18 RecommendShareFlag
Moby commented June 22
Detroit, MI
June 22
Sounds like a Mar a Lago visit is in her future.

18 RecommendShareFlag
Dumbstruck commented June 22
June 22
seriously! You struggled incoherently to align your politics with her story! She is a professional victim who has maximized her capital on one end of the political spectrum and now finds it financially necessary to sell it to the other side. She was robbed by a person who was arrested and jailed yet she found "Woke" being the factor in that incident.
I think she has become exactly what she was trying to escape from psychologically in North Korea.

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Steven commented June 22
Tucson, AZ
June 22
i think the discussion is not about whether a left-wing progressivist dictatorship is possible--anything is possible--but whether is is imminent, or even likely.

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ESK commented June 22
June 22
Ms. Park and her right wing supporters are very skilled in the art of projection. I cannot imagine that they actually believe their own nonsense.

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dagwood commented June 22
June 22
@History Guy Columbia University invented the Core. The common set of the great books, the great works of art, mostly of Western European/Greek/Roman origin. This is the course of study every Columbia College undergraduate must undertake before being allowed to select a major at the end of Sophomore year. Yes, Jane Austen and classical music are still revered at Columbia. I think Ms. Park doth protest too much. Perhaps to sell more merch or collect the 6k a month from Turning Point USA. Signed, a Columbia Alum.

18 RecommendShareFlag
Gregory commented June 22
Houston, TX
June 22
@Martha But it's OK with you that she's espousing the right's agenda?

18 RecommendShareFlag
Dave commented 12 hours ago
12h ago
The way this article is written and the nature of many of the comments make me want to de-register as a Democrat. Did she break the law? Did she say she supports Trump? No.

This article seems like character assassination more than news. She's a political refugee and it happens to be that the conservative media want to hear what she has to say. So what. Stop being nasty to her just because she has an opinion. Otherwise, you're no better than those on the far right that you love to hate.

5 Replies18 RecommendShareFlag
W Corsaro commented 12 hours ago
W Corsaro
12h ago
I read Tocqueville, Tocqueville was a friend of mine. Ms. Park you are no Tocqueville.

18 RecommendShareFlag
MV commented 10 hours ago
Arlington VA
10h ago
I respect her for what she went through in (and escaping) North Korea, and don't begrudge her the money she has earned.  And I'm sure Columbia University can be annoyingly woke.   But she's either distressingly naive or horribly craven and cynical to equate proliferation of alternative pronouns on a college campus with a society where even the mice are listening in; it's frankly pretty offensive to the people still suffering under the Kim regime in North Korea.   She's now taking the side of people who are working to prevent the wrong people from voting and other democratic norms, and are at a minimum tolerating a man who fomented a coup.

1 Reply18 RecommendShareFlag
Alex commented June 22
June 22
She's doing it for attention, that's it.

17 RecommendShareFlag
Patrick Sharas commented June 22
Patrick Sharas
Pompano Beach, FL
June 22
This is so bizarre to me. Trump had such a cozy relationship with the North Korean leader Kim Jung Eun, bragging about all the fawning letters he received. The Republicans and other far-right figures in the US revere dictators like Putin and Orban. If anything, they're the ones most likely to emulate North Korea and the crushing of political dissidents. How could any rational person think the progressive left in America are a danger? It's laughable.

17 RecommendShareFlag
Stony Hill commented June 22
Stony Hill
June 22
A opportunist. It appears she only writes for the moment, what is necessary to get publicity and make money. Her comments at the end of the article seen to imply she does not really firmly believe what she wrote. She ends it with a laugh and the comment “It’s a free society”, but it the article seems to question the freedoms and attempts to improve freedoms in the college community. Seems they are to liberal.

The question is why? She is working in a very conservative environment. Turning Point USA . I guess she is working hard to meet their expectations. Has to make money some how without getting her hands dirty working a 40 hour a week job.

17 RecommendShareFlag
WJG commented June 22
June 22
Public discourse doesn't drive development of an authoritarian state, government action does.
And the push for government banning of free expression and thought comes exclusively from the right.
This push for authoritarian government comes from the far-right snowflakes whose positions and beliefs do not stand up to open public criticism, so they need to institute enforcement of their views by government-mandated thought police.
She has identified the right problem, but definitely has  the wrong explanation.

17 RecommendShareFlag
Patrick Henry commented June 22
Patrick Henry
North Carolina
June 22
Far from cancelled, American women have never been stronger. 
The claim that cancel culture has erased women is counterfactual. 
American women are getting objectively stronger. 
Females in this nation have taken a firm lead in college degrees.
American women will run this country in two generations. 
Ms. Park has more to learn.

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Fran commented June 22
The Northeast
June 22
Oppression is oppression, whether by right wing or left wing extremism.  Sadly, that seems to be a truth lost on Ms. Park.

17 RecommendShareFlag
Ted Theodore Logan commented 9 hours ago
Ted Theodore Logan
Music City, USA
9h ago
I've got to hand it to Yeonmi. She figured out who the easiest rubes in America are, and now she's parting them from their hard earned money telling them exactly what they want to hear.

If I didn't have morals and integrity, I would have done the same years ago. Stupid conscience.

1 Reply17 RecommendShareFlag
Boston commented 9 hours ago
9h ago
an all around opportunist!

17 RecommendShareFlag
DAN commented 9 hours ago
9h ago
Every single time I read one of these articles about the newest right wing star, it has always been someone that found a pay day and hooked their wagon to any and every group that would continue filling their bank accounts. I see little difference between her and George Santos.

17 RecommendShareFlag
JtheJ commented 6 hours ago
Washington State
6h ago
If the US becomes a full-scale fascist state, it'll be under the likes of Trump.  This woman would do well to read about how the right-wingers embrace every antidemocratic position.

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John Probably commented June 22
John Probably
Colorado Springs, CO
June 22
The most divisive president in the history of the United States was Donald Trump. Completely tore my family apart. Before and after his presidency: unrecognizable as the same family. I am sure mine is not the only.

16 RecommendShareFlag
Just a Thought commented 10 hours ago
Just a Thought
Frederick, MD
10h ago
...how does someone from a monolithic monoculture like North Korea understand American multiculturalism? 

She seems incredibly ill-equipped as well as ignorant of the historical issues.

No wonder the right-wing loves her.

16 RecommendShareFlag
Will commented June 22
June 22
For Ms. Park’s forecasts to be correct, you have to entertain the possibility that liberal toleration of others (Mill) can ultimately become its opposite, wherein people who mean well in their desire to help, enfranchise and care for others via state policy are really just fortifying their own privileged positions and power. This is the current Republican shtick, of course, and though it’s a point worth unpacking further, it’s hard to buy Ms. Park’s enthusiastic embrace of it for anything other than material reasons. Which makes her just another American conservative.

2 Replies16 RecommendShareFlag
Thorina Rose commented June 22
Thorina Rose
Thorina Rose
San Francisco
June 22
Sure tyranny could happen here, but from my observations the crackdown on freedom is coming from the conservative wing.

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Rich commented June 22
Austin, Tex.
June 22
The biggest problem with America is the demonization of anyone with a message.

- Someone warns about America becoming N. Korea - demonize her livelihood and the people who agree wit her message.

- Someone warns about right wings groups advocating violence - demonize their politics and whoever they voted for.

I watched a video of Carl Sagan warning Congress about global warming in 1985...imagine the ridicule he would have faced in today's world. Yet, everything he said has come true: our planet is warming, humans are dying, the ice caps are melting.

Maybe..MAYBE...we take people's background and opinions seriously rather then mock them.

1 Reply16 RecommendShareFlag
Emma commented 10 hours ago
Monterey Bay Area
10h ago
Anyone who claims that the political coalition in lock step behind Donald Trump is the last bulwark against authoritarianism needs their head examined.

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Arthur Lavin commented 9 hours ago
Arthur Lavin
9h ago
Yeoni Park, a heroic survivor of the actual tortured tyranny of North Korea tragically concocts parallels to efforts in America to end racism.  The difference can be highlighted by one number- 7.
In my city of Cleveland, Ohio, a baby deemed to have color is 7 times more likely to die by their first birthday than a baby deemed to be white.
The effort underway that Park construes as like the first steps taken in North Korea to seek equality is all about ending the death sentence that comes with the concept of color in America.  
It is hard to see how helping every baby in America enjoy the same chance of living to be 1 year old is anything but a good thing to do.   
Just consider that overall America has moved from 1 in 4 babies towards 1 in 500 babies dying in their first year in the last century.  Does anyone seriously regret this work and outcome?  Does anyone really think transforming parenthood away from dreading common infant death is a first step towards tyranny, towards being like North Korea.
The case Park puts forward is worse than silly, it supports the terrible strain of America that likes to consider acts of cruelty as OK.   
Accepting that babies of color are 7 times more likely to die by age 1 is simply and act of cruelty.   Working to end this cruelty is essential to any sort of real humanity, not any step towards tyranny.
Ms. Park needs to learn that condemning newborns to needless early death is far more like life back in her original homeland.

1 Reply16 RecommendShareFlag
DukeOrel commented 5 hours ago
5h ago
She learned the game and the grift. Follow the money to her motivation and soul.

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Hal commented June 22
June 22
She needs to consider the North Korean “love letters” Trump cherishes. Does she think Trump is left wing?  I question her critical thinking skills.

15 RecommendShareFlag
Richard DeBacher commented June 22
Richard DeBacher
Richard DeBacher
Surprise, AZ
June 22
Ms. Park is a fast learner when it comes to economics and building wealth.  Just say and write what MAGA Republicans want to hear and you’ll become a wealthy rockstar in that world. She admits, she may be singing an entirely different tune in a few years — whatever the market wants to hear.  She’s learned far less about the threats to democracy posed by her far-right friends.  Like many Cuban immigrants, the experience of life under a brutal dictatorship has distorted her political perceptions.

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E commented June 22
June 22
@Rock - But you're fine with the government making medical decisions for people and making it harder for them to vote?

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me commented June 22
June 22
@L Gee, policing of language on left, vs. policing of language on the right [DeSantis] - how about we stop both of them, and just let language be free?

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blowdart commented June 22
Incline Village, NV
June 22
Perhaps she speaks to right wing groups because left wing groups won't invite or listen to her?  It's remarkable to me that the article frames her as either naive or disingenuous and that so many comments focus on whataboutism rather than any possible valuable insights she might have.  I've always considered myself progressive, but I've been alarmed at the left's tendency to disregard and vilify anyone who raises serious concerns about DEI policies, the consequences of replacing sex with gender in law and policy, media censorship etc... I think factions of both the Dems and Reps are exhibiting frightening authoritarian tendencies, especially with the looming threat of the power of AI in the hands of authoritarians.

5 Replies15 RecommendShareFlag
Stierhofstetten commented 9 hours ago
9h ago
Here knowledge of Korean history is lacking as is her understanding of US political culture.  By aligning herself with the extreme wing of the GOP, she has become a tool of white supremacism.  

I suspect 10 years from now she will regret the foolish path her life taken.

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SKP commented 9 hours ago
9h ago
Hey. If she doesn't love it here, she can leave it. People have been touting the impending doom of America since we declared our independence. Nobody has been right yet. It always fascinates me how people from around the world feel they can opine about the goings on of American politics and criticize how we function here when they come from places that will only ever be as stable as the US in their absolute wildest dreams.

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Larry C commented 10 hours ago
Larry C
10h ago
It appears that Ms. Park is an opportunist using her history and our conservative media to blaze her trail to fame and fortune.  Sadly, she is following the money and is being used by the far right propagandists to cast aspersions at the liberals.

15 RecommendShareFlag
Constant Comment commented 10 hours ago
Constant Comment
10h ago
“It’s a free society.” That kicker just undid her entire argument about American liberalism being oppressive.

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Professor commented 5 hours ago
Albany NY
5h ago
I’m not surprised to see my liberal friends in a tizzy about this profile. It doesn’t sync with their talking points. 
I’ve been teaching at a university for 15 years. The intolerance of the left is shameful and hurtful to the graduates we’re sending out into the world. 
PS: I’m a registered Democrat who loathes Trump.

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Dear Prudence, commented June 22
Dear Prudence,
Dear Prudence,
June 22
“I never thought I was a conservative.” Asked whether she identifies as such now, she said no.”

If Park doesn’t identify as a “conservative”, why is she marketing herself as one?

And “Ms. Park, for her part, suggested that her latest turn might not be her last.

“I might write a completely different book in five years,” she said. “I might say everything that I wrote in the second book was dumb. But that’s O.K.”

As Ms. Song opines, Park is pandering to an audience. Initially S. Koreans and now right-wing Republicans.

She may find out sooner, rather than later, that it’s “O.K.” to veer wildly to the right if that’s where she plans to stay…

Because there is no coming back from painting yourself into the corner that she has.

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Buffalo Fred commented June 22
Buffalo Fred
Western NY
June 22
Seems like the conservative media pays a lot more than liberal counterparts, so alter your message to bring home the bacon.

Well done Ms. Park...you're a capitalist.

I'm glad she's a learner, as 5 years from now, she'll either be eaten by her own in that conservosphere or realize that our conservative entities are just transactional when she has nothing more to offer.

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Paul commented June 22
Sherman Oaks
June 22
Because of and maybe due to the intense partisan divide, as well as a lack of common sense, I find her to be an opportunist that is on the wrong side of the liberal media. This means that her stories are overly scrutinized and her motivations are questioned. I agree with a lot of her observations about college students being big babies these days, however I don’t think that she is an expert that I have to listen to, she’s just another voice in the political wilderness. Why are we talking about her?

1 Reply14 RecommendShareFlag
Joe commented June 22
June 22
I think it’s hard for people from authoritarian regimes to understand that the First Amendment doesn’t say there aren’t winners and losers in the battle of ideas.

The First Amendment instead guarantees that the government won’t pick the winners and losers of those battles. 

To be fair to this North Korean, though, the American Right also doesn’t understand the First Amendment.

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paulyyams commented June 22
June 22
IF you want to be rich just get yourself famous in America. Once you get the hang of being famous, you won't ever forget it and you can sell that to the end of your life. Doesn't matter if you have anything in particular to offer, just that you are famous. That is worth millions in so many cases. Trump is exhibit A.

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Anna commented 9 hours ago
Bend OR
9h ago
I am so confused....N Korea is more like MAGA than any liberal agenda?!?

1 Reply14 RecommendShareFlag
Cam Lochhead commented June 22
Cam Lochhead
Langley, BC, Canada
June 22
Totalitarianism is totalitarianism no matter which side of the political spectrum it is on.

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Sean commented June 22
June 22
“Left-wing indoctrination in American educational institutions, she said, “is, I think, the biggest threat that our nation, and our civilization is facing.”

 not climate change?  not AI?  ….
It seems to me that people on the right seem to think that the traditional problems that have been around forever are still the biggest issue facing civilization.  And I don’t mean to minimize many important issues, however there are new challenges that will change everything.  Anyone who can’t see that is in for a rude awakening.

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Leif Johnson commented 9 hours ago
Leif Johnson
Asheville, NC
9h ago
Grifters are difficult to identify in the present; but retrospectively, when a pattern of changing life stories and ideologies aligns with cash payouts, it all seems painfully obvious.

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Dustin Arand commented June 22
Dustin Arand
St. Louis
June 22
It’s very common for people to go from one extreme to the other, but not all that enlightening.

The left’s influence on the culture may be too extreme sometimes, but it doesn’t use the power of the state to coerce ideological and behavioral conformity. That’s what the right is doing, by banning books and inserting itself between people and their doctors.

And it’s the right, not the left, that’s attacking elections. Citizens United (unlimited corporate spending), Shelby County (gutting the Voting Rights Act), and Rucho (gerrymandering) were all authored by conservative judges. 

Democracy won’t be safe as long as Republicans and their hand picked judges hold power.

1 Reply13 RecommendShareFlag
Robert commented June 22
Out West
June 22
Beyond noting that some Americans need to get out more before they start shouting that Harvard is just like Pyongyang, Ms. Song is hardly the first example of somebody who escaped from a communist dictatorship and figured out that there was gold in them right-wing hills. 

I mean, Ayn Rand, Madame Chiang, the endless series of “Reader’s Digest,” articles I read as a kid, there’s a zillion of them. 

It’d have been nice if she’d found something useful to do after she got out of Columbia with a degree and a few hundred thou in the bank, but I guess that was too much like work. She’s likely to be a shill for this group or that group pretty much forever, until she evaporates into running a real estate company or something.

And for pete’s sake, how do you hang around with the shabby likes of O’Keefe and Levin without throwing a paperweight?

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NolaMel commented June 22
New Orleans
June 22
Don’t think I’ll be internalizing the thoughts of someone with limited experiences and knowledge of America. This one is just riding the wave to get money the same as all the other fakers at Fox. Pity. So much has been done to help her and likely by people who leaned liberal. Also, wish I could just drop into another country and get treated to an education at a premier university.

4 Replies13 RecommendShareFlag
Ed Tantamount commented June 22
Ed Tantamount
Ed Tantamount
La Canada Flintridge, CA
June 22
I would say this:  Let the media put more attention to those out there with rational ideas and opinions.   There is a plethora of time spent illuminating the ideology of people of her ilk than elevating the contrary opinion.

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Bryan commented June 22
Kalamazoo, MI
June 22
@Steve With all due respect to Mr. Solzhenitsyn, he deserved to be booed off the stage if he presumed to put his definition of morality above our rule of law.

How WRONG he was! Ours is not a perfect system, but far be it from him, you, me or anyone else to try to turn Constitutional government into a moral crusade. 

And the rule of law today isn't being corrupted by "identity politics", unless you are referring to the denial-based white identity politics of Trumpers. 

We should care enough and know enough about our own Constitution and legal history to solve our problems, rather than relying on some wanna-be celebrity from N. Korea.

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John Neumann commented June 22
John Neumann
June 22
I think Ms. Park is a good example of why people who have been deeply traumatized may not be the best choice to comment on matters closely related (or they think are closely related- policies favored by democrats and the left have little to do with North Korea) to the things that traumatized them. They usually cannot weigh the various attributes objectively. For this reason, I am also against victims of crimes having a significant say in sentencing, for example.

1 Reply13 RecommendShareFlag
Ken commented June 22
June 22

Exactly. I can somewhat understand some of the discomfort and pushback as regards wokeness, inclusivity, sensitivity, pick the pejorative.  But it’s not the left that’s banning books and rolling back individuals’ freedoms.

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Scott commented June 22
June 22
Ms. Song:  "It's a free society!"

Also Ms. Song: "People cannot marry each other unless the gender configuration is of my choosing".

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John Neumann commented June 22
John Neumann
June 22
@History Guy I associate with a wide variety of "left" people, including some on what you might call the extreme left, and never had to apologize for appreciating Western culture. I suspect this "segment of our society", like the "woke left" is a very small number, overblown by commentators. In any case, they have an insignificant effect on most adults' lives. If you feel cowed by these people, you should work on strengthening your ability to have an intellectual argument, and not take criticism so personally.

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Karen commented June 22
San Diego
June 22
@Jonathan --  Yeonmi has an important story to tell.  
I read her first book.  It is heartbreaking.  But then in subsequent speeches, she tells very different stories, so it's hard to know what is true.

It is so disappointing that she has been co-opted by the far right.  America is a Capitalist country which is moderated by social programs (NOT socialism!!!).  Most of us depend on those programs.  I hope that in time she will see the light and free herself from the grip of the far far-right.

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Will commented June 22
Rochester NY
June 22
It seems not out of the question that this woman is cozying up to the American far right on orders from Trump's pen pall, Kim.

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Ghost Dansing commented June 22
Ghost Dansing
Ghost Dansing
New York
June 22
I view Yeonmi Park with a good deal of skepticism. It does not escape me information warfare campaigns by our adversaries have favored the ascendance of extreme right-wing politics in the Western nations they have targeted. 

It is not beyond comprehension that assets/operatives introduced by various means are used  to live in, target, and agitate within the nations of the West, sometimes from the realms of academia, or authoritatively published media.

If North Korea ever was, it is no longer the product of extreme Leftist ideology. It's autocracy is a dynastic system of consecutive Supreme Leaders that persecutes any threat to the regime's existence. It's political structure is medieval, and its objectives are absolute control and domination of its populace by any means necessary to that end; certainly not their social welfare.

The Black Markets upon which the Regime depends, while possibly unpopular to say, is a system of predatory capitalism enriching an economically elite class that in turn supports the Regime.

It is not surprising that the most recent manifestation of extreme-right-wing tendencies in the United States, Donald Trump, was enamored by the North Korean dictator, Kim Jung Un. Kim is in many ways where the extreme right is headed, up to including their adoration of strong-man politics.

It should be surprising that a North Korean dissident finds fellow travelers in the camps of the "American Right", here in the United States in this historic timeline.

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Brian Whistler commented June 22
Brian Whistler
Forestville CA
June 22
Yes, so the problem is evidently entirely due to the repressive nature of “woke culture”. Because obviously, the right would never tell people how to think, Would never restrict a student’s freedom to learn  their (complete) history, warts and all, would never censor or cancel anyone, would never ban a book, never punish a business for their political positions, and would never legislate against women’s rights, gay rights or those of trans people. And of course it goes without saying the right would never lie about the results a free and fair election, and would never mount an insurrection in order overturn that election. 

Yeah, I’m certain Parks is playing for the right team in her efforts to warn American about the rise of authoritarianism in America. Heed that warning folks before it’s too late!

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Lee S commented June 22
Lee S
June 22
@History Guy. Hmmm, my colleagues, friends and associates whether from the highly ranked academy I attended, the university where I taught and conducted research, the Democratic circles in which I volunteer or the three book clubs in which I participate do NONE of these things. Many of us have season tickets to the symphony, reread the classics, and so on. A few in my circle used to be Republicans, none of them are now because they know that’s where the threats to democracy are being launched. I don’t know any well educated Democrats who are engaged in tearing down the historical record or banning books from libraries or telling Disney what characters they can have. It’s Republicans who are engaged in such activities.

10 Replies13 RecommendShareFlag
notmtfullname commented 10 hours ago
10h ago
Most of the comments here are disappointing. People on the left...Instead of constantly defending the party you worship so much, give an honest due diligence look on how it's behaving. Really try to look past your biases and your hatred. No the right isn't a meadow of paradise, its got a lot of work to do.  But the "right" or having another side to blame for everything  shouldn't blind you from the faulty ways in which the left operates. If you really care for democracy defend people's right to speak on all matters. Right now that is NOT happening. Right now many women are silenced on all matters based on sex based rights. Otherwise, you're acting exactly the way the left needs you to. We have very heated issues that are no longer "left" or "right."  Once you get past that you'll see how both sides support the problems that stand between us all.

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hst commented 9 hours ago
9h ago
If Ms. Park is so concerned about the so-called tyranny of left-wing values, she should put her money where her mouth is and move to Texas or Florida. It’s hypocritical to criticize progressive America while living in one of its finest capitals and taking advantage of everything our wonderful, progressive city has to offer.

2 Replies13 RecommendShareFlag
shadowlark commented June 22
san josé
June 22
@Eric Navickas   A curious choice of terminology. It is also not surprising that an "objective materialist" or Marxism-related standard would not be commonly applied to a defector from a communist nightmare state here in the West. Should we remain neutral toward tyranny elsewhere, finding (real) fault only with our own institutions and politics, in the interest of Objectivity? Perhaps you can name a world nation, imperial or not, that was/is motivated primarily by objectivity.

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John Davis commented June 22
John Davis
Austin TX
June 22
You appear to be exactly the franchise she seeks!
Gender, like guns, wasn't a big deal before right-wingers decided they'd been cheated by those who paved the roads to their little narrow-minded towns. Now, you can't seem to focus on any of our real problems. Infrastructure? Education? Business-driven government corruption? Religion as business? Land of opportunity?
Any of this upset you like gender does?

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Max Cooper commented June 22
Max Cooper
June 22
Ms. Park is no Alexis de Tocqueville.

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Jim commented June 22
June 22
She’s already extremely American: this country is all about casually shrugged off contradictions and paradoxes of self-identity and intentions.

1 Reply12 RecommendShareFlag
Jon Coppola commented June 22
Jon Coppola
Bronx, NY
June 22
This article’s cynical and sarcastic approach to her story confirms what Ms. Park is talking about; because she is a North Korean dissident who opposes the agenda of the extreme left she is deemed suspicious, and questionable and is personally ostracized. This is the opposite of the principle of freedom of speech and expression.

4 Replies12 RecommendShareFlag
Upstate DR commented 9 hours ago
Upstate DR
9h ago
Someone learned that the best grift is right-wing propaganda. Because as a scholar, she know that indoctrination is historically deeply rooted in right-wing/conspiratorial thinking with a strong man as a leader. (Hate to be be honest but the Dems don’t even have a “strong man” character!)

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Wendy commented 9 hours ago
New Orleans
9h ago
I find Park's opinions somewhat truthful. . .I, too, do not like what Progressives have done to the Democratic Party. Their intolerance is growing quite tiresome.

But Park should not overlook Mr. DeSantis's or Trump's love of authority, N. Korea style either.  DeSantis has not met a ban that he doesn't like. 

Both parties have been overwhelmed by intolerance and extremism.  I tend to think that the American experiment is over, and Park is part of the problem.

1 Reply12 RecommendShareFlag
MattJustus commented 10 hours ago
10h ago
Is there any adversary the right won't cozy up to?

This is like Maria Butina claiming Biden is like Putin.

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Sister Mary Jane commented 10 hours ago
Sister Mary Jane
Sister Mary Jane
Portland Oregon
10h ago
“My classmates were almost like giant adult babies,” she said.
     I agree with her about young adults, particularly females, today. They cite ridiculous things as traumatic when they haven’t a clue what trauma is.

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Katherine Smith commented 10 hours ago
Katherine Smith
Frederick Md
10h ago
Are we absolutely sure this 29 year old isn't an agent of the North Korean government?

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Allison commented 9 hours ago
9h ago
“Tell them what they want to hear” is her life motto. She’s just getting paid this time.

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Somebody commented 9 hours ago
9h ago
She is just another opportunist using the right as they use her, in turn.

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DurhamGuy commented 9 hours ago
Durham, NC
9h ago
It's not surprising that a North Korean might gravitate toward authoritarianism.

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Bucketomeat commented 6 hours ago
The Zone
6h ago
Frankly, she’s the textbook definition of the useful sort Lenin coined a term for.

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Zachary commented June 22
June 22
The far left won’t listen to her warnings and certainly won’t heed her advice. You see leftism, not mainstream labor, women’s rights movements, and generally reasonable folks, will never entertain anything but it’s own orthodoxy and/or moves further into that I intellectual abyss. 

Reality has become a distraction from unrelenting and unblinking March into insanity and dogma.

It’s sad to see how cowardly much of the authentically liberal population has vowed to these monsters, but that’s precisely what’s happening again.

It’s all so reminiscent of the opening scene of Cabaret.

3 Replies11 RecommendShareFlag
Houston commented June 22
June 22
A North Korean Dissident Defects to the American Right???

How does this square with the Kim-Trump bromance?

as usual the so called "RIGHT" has it wrong on multiple foundations, particularly ethics.

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Bryan commented June 22
Kalamazoo, MI
June 22
We're on the same path, but from the opposite direction!

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Shane commented June 22
St. Louis
June 22
She’s not defecting if she’s going to a group that thinks and acts just like the North Korean Dictator.

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Ernest Mc commented June 22
Ernest Mc
Middlebury, VT
June 22
The Right wants complete control of Ms. Parks’s medical care and seeks government intrusion into free speech. (See Ron DeSantis’s Florida.) Many on the Right also want to overturn free and fair elections while perpetuating the Big Election Lie. Not sure why she’s cozying up to these people, who are using the tyrannical playbook, but I have a hunch that “lucrative niche” has much to do with it.

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Vacitizen123 commented June 22
June 22
@Randy and I suppose you think these laws being passed down here stripping women and mini of their own bodily control are “socialism”? How about the laws protecting the “right” of religious groups to impose their minority views on the majority? It’s not the left that is getting out of control- and taking control-down here.

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Jim R commented June 22
Jim R
June 22
Hopefully she will agree to appear on programs or in venues other than right-wing ones to engage in a true conversation, rather than a partisan love-fest.  It would be interesting to hear her tell us how she got to this point and identify activities of  liberals that she sees as a harbinger of a creeping dictatorship.

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JO25 commented June 22
Salt Lake City, Utah
June 22
How can this be squared with Trump's and the right-wingers' "love" letters and obvious approval of Kim's regime and tactics?

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Carlos commented June 22
June 22
@JohnD Opportunism, pure and simple. There isn't any depth to her words, nor tangible evidence, just high level and inflammatory enough to rile folks up.

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Misterbianco commented 12 hours ago
12h ago
Over my lifespan dating back to WW2, the conservative right has consistently stoked suspicion, fear, loathing and distrust against people they labeled as “Left”—those who didn’t look, speak, think, vote or worship like they did. We were conditioned to distrust people of virtually every color or national origin: Jews, intellectuals, gays, socialists and of course the commies. Yet history shows that most wars, insurrections and other mayhem grew out of staunch right-wing fascism similar to what’s now brewing in the US. While this woman is correct in her assessment of current day America, she needs to reevaluate her perception of the cause. Perhaps a few hours of Fox News would provide some clarity.

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b fagan commented June 22
b fagan
June 22
"Ms. Park’s transformation from celebrity defector to loud critic of liberal identity politics is extraordinarily rare. Very few of the tens of thousands of people who have fled North Korea wade into domestic politics in the countries where they have taken refuge.

But in an American political climate that rewards hyperbole and alarm, Ms. Park, who became a U.S. citizen in 2021, has found a lucrative niche."

A party that currently still has, as the front-runner, a man who deliberately attempted to steal an election by preventing the peaceful turnover of power needs all the parrots it can get, willing to make their own wild claims of The Deadly Liberal Threat.

It helps them keep their mind off of reality. And she's making celebrity appearances, so yay to the right-wing media industry for giving a defector a job.

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Butch commented June 22
June 22
Grifters come in many forms and guises. She’s the newest among the MAGA/Q crowd.

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Kevin C commented June 22
Kevin C
June 22
Conservatism has become the art of saying the exact opposite of what is true, and then requiring people to pretend to believe it in order to be in the club.

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Andrew commented June 22
New York
June 22
Her book is worth reading. It’s very moving and provides a valuable insight to the power of the human spirit.

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Dave commented June 22
Oakland, CA
June 22
Barely a Dem anymore, but never to be Republican here. 

Neither side is blameless, and I think the Right is a more immediate threat, but  what the likes of Solzhenitzen or Shostakovich would think of "political correctness"? 

Well, I guess we'd never know because they'd be afraid to say. 

It seems almost daily I see people's careers threatened or destroyed by allegations or a self-deprecating slip of the tongue, and see accusations of "hate" or "phobias" simply from someone expressing an opinion. The press on both sides pushing narratives and agendas rather than facts. 

There's enough blame to go around. The Right builds its case on lies, the Left on hypocrisy, but it doesn't matter because all that counts is which politicians' pockets the billionaires are lining.

3 Replies11 RecommendShareFlag
Thalia commented 9 hours ago
New York
9h ago
What a condescending article—how hard is it to believe that immigrants, refugees, and trauma survivors can form their own perspectives based on their experiences and may be speaking genuinely about what they believe without being "grifters" seeking money and celebrity?

How do we learn and grow as human beings? Is it by being told that we must be lying when we speak about our experiences and the conclusions we have formed from them? Or is it being listened to with empathy and engaged with as a full human being with a past and traumas that shape our perceptions and views?

Empathy over ideology.

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Lyla commented 12 hours ago
12h ago
@Jeff it will never stop being tragic and darkly funny that Ayn Rand, at the end of her life, lived off Social Security after a lifetime of calling it "immoral."

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Stuart commented 10 hours ago
10h ago
She's not totally wrong.  Progressive ideas can go too far sometimes.

But compared to the violent overturning of elections and suspending the Constitution, I'll settle for a little excess wokeness.

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Armadillo commented 10 hours ago
10h ago
“She’s an amazing entertainer,”   -- This is what she is.  Not a thinker.  Not a leader.  She discovered having right wing views would pay far better than being a lefty. 

She has watch the Republican party disrespect people of all colors and creeds, take women's rights away, ban books and interfere with teachers and institutions of learning and somehow thinks the Left are the repressive ones???

Reminder young lady; the USA has the worst rate of gun violence of any "civilized" nation and only one party works to maintain that horrid stat.  The Republicans.

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Lars H commented 9 hours ago
Lars H
9h ago
Give her credit, she knows how to monetize ideology like Hannity, Levin, Carlson etc. There will be a continuous stream of these types in the future as there is so much money to be made. Follow the money!

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Earthent commented 10 hours ago
10h ago
Just another grifter in the mode of Candace Owens. Follow the money.

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rob commented 10 hours ago
10h ago
The woke culture surely can indulge in excesses. Some are silly, some problematic. However, I wonder how much Ms. Park understands about the complexity and depth of the race issue in her new home country. 

I wish there had been safe spaces in my high school, where I was subjected to racial slurs every single day. Was I too sensitive? A baby? No, I was hurt and enraged. There was no one I could talk to in school about it. Many of my tormentors were white, many were African American. Yes, I got tough, but there was a price to pay for it. Ms. Park needs to listen to the experience of more Americans before she offers her advice to us.

1 Reply11 RecommendShareFlag
supereks commented 10 hours ago
10h ago
I grew up, in part, in a communist country.

She is delusional. And if she is not delusional and is doing this on purpose with a specific goal in mind, then one has to ask who she is working for. And by this I mean that she might be a North Korean agent.

She reminds me of Ayn Rand. Though there is no proof of this, the detrimental effect of Rand on American society with a similarly delusional story makes me suspect that she was also a Soviet agent.

The delusions and lies spread by this woman and Rand both seem designed to cause maximum damage to the American society. Trump likely had a similar role.

At least that is the game I would play if I was a spy master of a country that would like to destroy America.

So now the right wing in America took the bait with this one.

She may not be the last one sent over to cause harm.

Just ask yourself, why are citizens of friendly countries never the ones who spread such lies here in the US and try to go as high as possible to cause maximum possible damage? Why are these always individuals from countries that want America gone?

Well, that's why.

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itsmildeyes commented 9 hours ago
9h ago
How do we know she actually defected? It sounds to me like she works for North Korea. I wouldn’t take her at face value.

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David commented 9 hours ago
9h ago
Of course there may be some exaggeration and opportunism in what she says.

But I have to say that I hear milder versions of these observations from non-native-born American citizens all the time. And I'm amazed that so many people on the more liberal side of our divide don't seem to hear it or can't believe that people from other places in the world wouldn't automatically join them.

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The Littlest Who commented 6 hours ago
The Littlest Who
6h ago
And yet she chooses the United States. If we are clearly in danger to becoming something North Korea, why come here?  Maybe Russia were suit better. 

The same question I have for others that flee  from repressive countries and turn toward the right.

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Lucas Herrera commented 6 hours ago
Lucas Herrera
Dallas TX
6h ago
I find it difficult to understand her strong support of the right-wing of American politics when people like Ron DeSantis are actively censoring harmless children’s books. This heavy censorship seems more consistent with North Korean censorship than with the freedom of the press freedom in the United States.

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Expat commented 6 hours ago
6h ago
It's the right, not the left, that would prefer to see an authoritarian form of government imposed on the US, and they are working hard to acheive that end. When's the last time the GOP introduced legislation that would enhance or expand citizens' civil or human rights? Which party favors surveillance and imprisonment? An expanded military? Closed borders?

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Ockham9 commented 5 hours ago
Norman, OK
5h ago
As Ms. Song observed of defectors, “many learned to say whatever they needed to say to survive.” Ms. Park seems like a quick learner, adept at finding the message that will generate the most attention and money.

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Hah! commented June 22
June 22
I hope she sees a psychologist.  I feel for her because of the trauma she experienced.  Eventually, she should stick to her convictions and stop trying to use people.  Otherwise, you end up like Trump.

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Chris commented June 22
June 22
There is a market for defector stories in the South Korean press that incentivizes defectors to exaggerate and in many cases lie about what is happening in North Korea. These stories are then picked up uncritically by Western news outlets.

She honed her skills as a con artist in that environment and is moving into the big leagues: right wing media.

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Gel commented June 22
June 22
@Concerned it is telling you what to believe, when the never ending subtext is that marginalized groups are the moral high ground by virtue of simply existing, and that any successful group (white, male, Asian, or Jewish depending on what liberal pundit you listen to), needs to "do better"

Inclusivity without personal responsibility is where common sense goes to die. It's only the left calling everything a disease because no one is responsible for bad choices. But look at high school peer groups today and you will see mixed races and genders, far more than even 20 years ago; the kids know what they're doing, they don't need artificial guilt tripping or praising based on their color.

This is why independents now outnumber both political parties. It's time to stop collectivism and start seeing each other as individuals worthy of dignity and opportunity, that's how we make progress.

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Gel commented June 22
June 22
@Elias Germany is far more advanced than we are socially. They understand far better than we do that judging someone by skin color, for good OR bad, is moving backward.

The US isn't as liberal as it thinks it is, we have a tiny screechy minority so open minded they have holes in their heads, and unless we clean house electorally democrats will go on a losing streak like we've never imagined. The GOP needs to expunge itself of the MAGA element if it wants a future. Decocrats have to do the same with wingnut progressives. Both far left and far right preach nonstop hate. That's a nonstarter and the independent middle knows it.

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Travelers commented June 22
Western NC
June 22
Growing up in the 1940s and 1950s I remember it was the working-class immigrants who supported Unions and were mostly Democrats. Since the 1960s when Cuba, so close to our shores, became a dictatorship and the educated classes fled from said dictatorship, the GOP has had ripe pickings among many of the newest immigrants who have fled from left & right dictatorships, using the language of fear to tarnish moderate and left Democrats equating them with Communism and socialism. The Dems have lost the working class and most immigrants because they believe the lies and hyperbole of the GOP dog whistles. I'm not really surprised that someone as intelligent as Ms. Park doesn't know which end is up, her life as been one of extremes.

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Richard commented June 22
College Park, MD
June 22
There is nothing new about political conservatism among refugees from communist countries. Ayn Rand and Cuban-Americans in Florida are obvious examples. There is no reason to doubt the sincerity of Yeonmi Park's political views. She must have been appalled by the materialist claims to "human rights" (to things like free housing, college, and abortions) that she heard from her Columbia classmates. The evolution of her thinking would have made a more interesting article than this hit piece that portrays her complexity as duplicity and her popularity as opportunism.

10 RecommendShareFlag
Pearl Pangan commented June 22
Pearl Pangan
June 22
@NolaMel Ms. Park has been in the United States for about a decade. So, honest question: is there a time frame in which immigrants/naturalized citizens gain credibility for their American experiences and knowledge? Is 10 years not long enough?  

It seems that Ms. Park has traveled (and currently traveling) across the country whether it be through her past missionary work or her current position. Ironically, it seems that she has seen more of the United States than the average native born. 

While I do not agree with her politics, I do not feel she (or any other immigrant/naturalized citizen) should be dismissed and considered as a perpetual outsider.

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Sherry commented 10 hours ago
10h ago
Wow. The right just squeezed women's rights out of the Constitution a la Kim Jung Un and she thinks she has common cause with them?

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Kevin C commented June 22
Kevin C
June 22
Conservatism has become the art of saying the exact opposite of what is true, and then requiring people to pretend to believe it in order to be in the club.

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Andrew commented June 22
New York
June 22
Her book is worth reading. It’s very moving and provides a valuable insight to the power of the human spirit.

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Dave commented June 22
Oakland, CA
June 22
Barely a Dem anymore, but never to be Republican here. 

Neither side is blameless, and I think the Right is a more immediate threat, but  what the likes of Solzhenitzen or Shostakovich would think of "political correctness"? 

Well, I guess we'd never know because they'd be afraid to say. 

It seems almost daily I see people's careers threatened or destroyed by allegations or a self-deprecating slip of the tongue, and see accusations of "hate" or "phobias" simply from someone expressing an opinion. The press on both sides pushing narratives and agendas rather than facts. 

There's enough blame to go around. The Right builds its case on lies, the Left on hypocrisy, but it doesn't matter because all that counts is which politicians' pockets the billionaires are lining.

3 Replies11 RecommendShareFlag
Thalia commented 9 hours ago
New York
9h ago
What a condescending article—how hard is it to believe that immigrants, refugees, and trauma survivors can form their own perspectives based on their experiences and may be speaking genuinely about what they believe without being "grifters" seeking money and celebrity?

How do we learn and grow as human beings? Is it by being told that we must be lying when we speak about our experiences and the conclusions we have formed from them? Or is it being listened to with empathy and engaged with as a full human being with a past and traumas that shape our perceptions and views?

Empathy over ideology.

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Lyla commented 12 hours ago
12h ago
@Jeff it will never stop being tragic and darkly funny that Ayn Rand, at the end of her life, lived off Social Security after a lifetime of calling it "immoral."

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Stuart commented 10 hours ago
10h ago
She's not totally wrong.  Progressive ideas can go too far sometimes.

But compared to the violent overturning of elections and suspending the Constitution, I'll settle for a little excess wokeness.

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Armadillo commented 10 hours ago
10h ago
“She’s an amazing entertainer,”   -- This is what she is.  Not a thinker.  Not a leader.  She discovered having right wing views would pay far better than being a lefty. 

She has watch the Republican party disrespect people of all colors and creeds, take women's rights away, ban books and interfere with teachers and institutions of learning and somehow thinks the Left are the repressive ones???

Reminder young lady; the USA has the worst rate of gun violence of any "civilized" nation and only one party works to maintain that horrid stat.  The Republicans.

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Lars H commented 9 hours ago
Lars H
9h ago
Give her credit, she knows how to monetize ideology like Hannity, Levin, Carlson etc. There will be a continuous stream of these types in the future as there is so much money to be made. Follow the money!

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Earthent commented 10 hours ago
10h ago
Just another grifter in the mode of Candace Owens. Follow the money.

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rob commented 10 hours ago
10h ago
The woke culture surely can indulge in excesses. Some are silly, some problematic. However, I wonder how much Ms. Park understands about the complexity and depth of the race issue in her new home country. 

I wish there had been safe spaces in my high school, where I was subjected to racial slurs every single day. Was I too sensitive? A baby? No, I was hurt and enraged. There was no one I could talk to in school about it. Many of my tormentors were white, many were African American. Yes, I got tough, but there was a price to pay for it. Ms. Park needs to listen to the experience of more Americans before she offers her advice to us.

1 Reply11 RecommendShareFlag
supereks commented 10 hours ago
10h ago
I grew up, in part, in a communist country.

She is delusional. And if she is not delusional and is doing this on purpose with a specific goal in mind, then one has to ask who she is working for. And by this I mean that she might be a North Korean agent.

She reminds me of Ayn Rand. Though there is no proof of this, the detrimental effect of Rand on American society with a similarly delusional story makes me suspect that she was also a Soviet agent.

The delusions and lies spread by this woman and Rand both seem designed to cause maximum damage to the American society. Trump likely had a similar role.

At least that is the game I would play if I was a spy master of a country that would like to destroy America.

So now the right wing in America took the bait with this one.

She may not be the last one sent over to cause harm.

Just ask yourself, why are citizens of friendly countries never the ones who spread such lies here in the US and try to go as high as possible to cause maximum possible damage? Why are these always individuals from countries that want America gone?

Well, that's why.

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itsmildeyes commented 9 hours ago
9h ago
How do we know she actually defected? It sounds to me like she works for North Korea. I wouldn’t take her at face value.

4 Replies11 RecommendShareFlag
David commented 9 hours ago
9h ago
Of course there may be some exaggeration and opportunism in what she says.

But I have to say that I hear milder versions of these observations from non-native-born American citizens all the time. And I'm amazed that so many people on the more liberal side of our divide don't seem to hear it or can't believe that people from other places in the world wouldn't automatically join them.

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The Littlest Who commented 6 hours ago
The Littlest Who
6h ago
And yet she chooses the United States. If we are clearly in danger to becoming something North Korea, why come here?  Maybe Russia were suit better. 

The same question I have for others that flee  from repressive countries and turn toward the right.

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Lucas Herrera commented 6 hours ago
Lucas Herrera
Dallas TX
6h ago
I find it difficult to understand her strong support of the right-wing of American politics when people like Ron DeSantis are actively censoring harmless children’s books. This heavy censorship seems more consistent with North Korean censorship than with the freedom of the press freedom in the United States.

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Expat commented 6 hours ago
6h ago
It's the right, not the left, that would prefer to see an authoritarian form of government imposed on the US, and they are working hard to acheive that end. When's the last time the GOP introduced legislation that would enhance or expand citizens' civil or human rights? Which party favors surveillance and imprisonment? An expanded military? Closed borders?

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Ockham9 commented 5 hours ago
Norman, OK
5h ago
As Ms. Song observed of defectors, “many learned to say whatever they needed to say to survive.” Ms. Park seems like a quick learner, adept at finding the message that will generate the most attention and money.

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Hah! commented June 22
June 22
I hope she sees a psychologist.  I feel for her because of the trauma she experienced.  Eventually, she should stick to her convictions and stop trying to use people.  Otherwise, you end up like Trump.

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Chris commented June 22
June 22
There is a market for defector stories in the South Korean press that incentivizes defectors to exaggerate and in many cases lie about what is happening in North Korea. These stories are then picked up uncritically by Western news outlets.

She honed her skills as a con artist in that environment and is moving into the big leagues: right wing media.

10 RecommendShareFlag
Gel commented June 22
June 22
@Concerned it is telling you what to believe, when the never ending subtext is that marginalized groups are the moral high ground by virtue of simply existing, and that any successful group (white, male, Asian, or Jewish depending on what liberal pundit you listen to), needs to "do better"

Inclusivity without personal responsibility is where common sense goes to die. It's only the left calling everything a disease because no one is responsible for bad choices. But look at high school peer groups today and you will see mixed races and genders, far more than even 20 years ago; the kids know what they're doing, they don't need artificial guilt tripping or praising based on their color.

This is why independents now outnumber both political parties. It's time to stop collectivism and start seeing each other as individuals worthy of dignity and opportunity, that's how we make progress.

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Gel commented June 22
June 22
@Elias Germany is far more advanced than we are socially. They understand far better than we do that judging someone by skin color, for good OR bad, is moving backward.

The US isn't as liberal as it thinks it is, we have a tiny screechy minority so open minded they have holes in their heads, and unless we clean house electorally democrats will go on a losing streak like we've never imagined. The GOP needs to expunge itself of the MAGA element if it wants a future. Decocrats have to do the same with wingnut progressives. Both far left and far right preach nonstop hate. That's a nonstarter and the independent middle knows it.

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Travelers commented June 22
Western NC
June 22
Growing up in the 1940s and 1950s I remember it was the working-class immigrants who supported Unions and were mostly Democrats. Since the 1960s when Cuba, so close to our shores, became a dictatorship and the educated classes fled from said dictatorship, the GOP has had ripe pickings among many of the newest immigrants who have fled from left & right dictatorships, using the language of fear to tarnish moderate and left Democrats equating them with Communism and socialism. The Dems have lost the working class and most immigrants because they believe the lies and hyperbole of the GOP dog whistles. I'm not really surprised that someone as intelligent as Ms. Park doesn't know which end is up, her life as been one of extremes.

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Richard commented June 22
College Park, MD
June 22
There is nothing new about political conservatism among refugees from communist countries. Ayn Rand and Cuban-Americans in Florida are obvious examples. There is no reason to doubt the sincerity of Yeonmi Park's political views. She must have been appalled by the materialist claims to "human rights" (to things like free housing, college, and abortions) that she heard from her Columbia classmates. The evolution of her thinking would have made a more interesting article than this hit piece that portrays her complexity as duplicity and her popularity as opportunism.

10 RecommendShareFlag
Pearl Pangan commented June 22
Pearl Pangan
June 22
@NolaMel Ms. Park has been in the United States for about a decade. So, honest question: is there a time frame in which immigrants/naturalized citizens gain credibility for their American experiences and knowledge? Is 10 years not long enough?  

It seems that Ms. Park has traveled (and currently traveling) across the country whether it be through her past missionary work or her current position. Ironically, it seems that she has seen more of the United States than the average native born. 

While I do not agree with her politics, I do not feel she (or any other immigrant/naturalized citizen) should be dismissed and considered as a perpetual outsider.

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Sherry commented 10 hours ago
10h ago
Wow. The right just squeezed women's rights out of the Constitution a la Kim Jung Un and she thinks she has common cause with them?

10 RecommendShareFlag
Pearl Pangan commented June 22
Pearl Pangan
June 22
@Perez right on... and I said a similar thing in response to another post! In addition, once those immigrants have naturalized, they gain the right to vote. With that, they are entitled to political opinion and activity within the law just as you stated. 

I take umbrage at the comments who diminish Ms. Park as being "new," and therefore has no space to speak what she has observed or has experienced. Apparently, an incident in Chicago was her impetus to go down this right-wing path. While I do not agree with her politics or opinions, I can completely understand why the Chicago incident would push her towards the right.

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spughie commented June 22
June 22

No new taxes is not a nuanced position. It is foolish dogma posing as a strong principled political position.

The right gave up nuance and complexity with Newt Gingrich’s contract on (apologies with) America.

Same with these endless stupid debt ceiling emergencies that somehow never happen when a Republican is president.

10 RecommendShareFlag
RC commented June 22
New York
June 22
I feel people who leave oppressive regimes to come to the US find the openness and general acceptance to be foreign and uncomfortable. They had not experienced it in their lives so the ones with a podium or bullhorn push back.

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Mr. Dadier commented June 22
Mr. Dadier
Granada Hills, CA
June 22
you all should actually listen to her, not what others have to say about her.  break out of the woke bubble...if you dare

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Stu Freeman commented 10 hours ago
Stu Freeman
Stu Freeman
Brooklyn NY
10h ago
Someone might want to remind Ms. Park that it was Donald Trump who was exchanging love letters with Kim Jong On.

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Observer commented June 22
June 22
Nearly all “Republicans” in currently in power, and the people who support them, are anything but.

What they are is masterful psychological projectionists, just as far right manipulators always have been:  They project onto (ie, imagine that) people and groups of people the very thoughts, feelings, desires, motivations and goals of which they themselves are guilty.

Want to know what they are doing or planning and why?  Just look to what they accuse others of doing or wanting to do, and why.

10 RecommendShareFlag
Dewane Van Leuven commented 10 hours ago
Dewane Van Leuven
Milpitas, CA
10h ago
It’s like that old joke: who is a conservative? A liberal who has been mugged.

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John commented 12 hours ago
12h ago
In the photo caption, Ms Park explains why we should be afraid of what's happening to the Republican Party in this time: “I think so many people in America think that somehow America is immune to tyranny,”  Exactly.

10 RecommendShareFlag
Lily Ng commented 12 hours ago
Lily Ng
Los Angeles
12h ago
So, what about the far right conservatives? What does Ms. Park say about DeSantis in Florida? There is nothing free about the conservative hurricane currently destroying Florida.

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Cynical commented 9 hours ago
Knoxville, TN
9h ago
But Kim-Jong Un is friends with Mr. Trump.

1 Reply10 RecommendShareFlag
jin commented 9 hours ago
9h ago
This is why we Koreans are hesitant about reunification. Let's say the Kim family collapsed and South Koreans agreed to accept North Koreans into their country. North Koreans have never had experience as democratic citizens, so they can easily be manipulated or persuaded into  supporting a right-wing or populist party that would condemn the failed Kim dynasty that had held them down for so long. Prop up someone like this lady to rally the base and viola! You have a huge voter base of undereducated people who will turn out in huge numbers. Before North Koreans start guerrilla  war fare on the Kim dynasty and reclaim the country, so show some spine and political savvy, I, as a South Korean, do not support reunification with the North.

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KM commented 9 hours ago
9h ago
Schools teach not what to think, but what to believe.  That’s Florida, Texas, most of the south and half the midwest.

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T commented 10 hours ago
10h ago
"Ms. Park, for her part, suggested that her latest turn might not be her last.

“I might write a completely different book in five years,” she said. “I might say everything that I wrote in the second book was dumb. But that’s O.K.”

She laughed. “It’s a free society,” she said."

----She is an opportunist by her own words.  Why are we even listening to her and those like her like the former president.  Let's stop giving these people a platform.  Their only belief is in money and power.  Let's move on from them, please, for the sake of our country and the world.

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Queen Grift commented 10 hours ago
Queen Grift
10h ago
Yeonmi Park is queen of the human rights grift. The things she says are demonstrably absurd and are designed to draw on naive heartstrings across the political spectrum.

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Dylan commented 9 hours ago
Honolulu, HI
9h ago
Opps, our hero has opposing views. Time to slander her message and her character.

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Bill commented 9 hours ago
North Carolina
9h ago
She sounds as if she is auditioning for some of Leonard Leo’s $1.6 trillion. People who grew up in an authoritarian society often have difficulty in conceiving of a gruels democratic society and envision life in a soft authoritarian society which magically avoids the mistakes made in the society they left behind.

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Mark Dawson commented 6 hours ago
Mark Dawson
6h ago
Maybe we should consider her warnings about the trends she sees in our own country rather than dismiss them as being merely fodder for the right-wing.

1 Reply10 RecommendShareFlag
That Girl USA commented 6 hours ago
That Girl USA
6h ago
It makes me angry she is using America to better herself and putting us down at the same time. 
If she dislikes America so much why doesn’t she go back to North Korea and try her truthfulness? 
She has used America. 
Her smirk in the photo says it all.

10 RecommendShareFlag
L commented 6 hours ago
6h ago
I’m a liberal and have met Yeonmi and am a fan of her as a person and her first book. 

While I find it ironic that she escaped from North Korea only to embrace a party that has tried to push the same kind of leader worship as North Korea — and that has embraced a leader who tried to subvert democracy and attempted to become a dictator himself like  Kim Kong Un — I do agree with her that parts of the left wing look a lot like the right wing and like North Korea. 

The whole movement to police language is super similar to what right wing people do when they try to censor books. Barack Obama said it best when he said that if you sit back and police people’s words, it’s not the same as fighting injustice. The left wing fixation on language can be overblown and doesn’t help us win over people who should be more naturally aligned with us, like Yeonmi.

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michelisa commented June 22
June 22
In an American climate that rewards hyperbole and alarm, the article says, Ms Park found fertile ground. Really? What about Kendi, D'Angelis, and the very progressive left that ring a three alarm-fire bell every time they speak?

9 RecommendShareFlag
Andrew commented June 22
Colorado Springs, CO
June 22
Hmmm. In order to get to North Korea, we'd have to jump clean over western Europe (pick a state - include Turkey and Hungary), eastern Europe, Russia, and even China. Heck, I'd even toss in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Afghanistan, maybe? The Taliban seems about as horrid as North Korea in a mirror-image sort of way. I'm not real big on the left wing political correctness thought control bit, but the right wing religious thought control bit bugs me, too, and I think we're a heck of a lot closer to that outcome.

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Henry K. commented June 22
Henry K.
June 22
I grew up in a communist country, albeit less severe than North Korea, and I second what Ms. park is saying. I see a lot of parallels between the communist way of dealing with speech and what is happening in America today.

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Paul Bertorelli commented June 22
Paul Bertorelli
June 22
Stunning. Just stunning.

She should review what legislation Ron DeSantis and the state legislature really passed in Florida. It's exactly what she claims to be fearful of.

She share one thing with DeSantis: An almost allergic reaction to the liberal orthodoxy in higher education. I get that. But that doesn't signal authoritarianism in government. The right wing is uber skilled at projecting on others what they are doing themselves.

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Robert commented June 22
June 22
@James No public schools are part of the foundation of the US and its history. We need only look at the excellent work done in American Nations and the discussion of the values of New England and other areas and how with expansion to the west towns had a school. Public education is a net investment in the people and future. The Charter school program on the other hand is part of a program partly developed by Buchanan and the Koch network, documented, to rupture another part of the Commons to benefit the few and damage the country.

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Chris commented June 22
June 22
Ms. Park's description of academic life at Columbia is wildly inaccurate.  Far from teaching anyone to "hate" the first amendment, Columbia says up front that the university's values are based on it.  See the link below to President Bollinger's 2018 convocation address, which includes one of the most vigorous defenses of free speech and open academic inquiry that I have ever heard.  And Columbia's required "core" curriculum, although it has expanded to include non-western sources, continues to focus on literary and philosophical texts from the western tradition.  What is she talking about?   


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Pat commented June 22
June 22
@Steve I have seen the letters by gays. Also, The Independent newspaper wrote an article on it.  How the LGBs are not happy with the TQs -- and see the large backlash wave (as measured by the polls) is potentially harming their new freedoms because of the TQs going too far against mainstream culture. 

This includes having biological men compete in girls sports and have access to locker rooms where girls are changing.   This includes children's books targeting gay sex themes including masturbation and desiring sex operations.  (ex. Gender Queer, the Bluest Eye, George).  This includes forcing children to address their sex and pronouns when most should be happy its and flip flop as they wish until their hormones kick in.

9 RecommendShareFlag
EB commented June 22
San Diego, CA
June 22

And the trouble with all the rhetoric is it sets one group against another while, meanwhile the rich- poor divide only grows. As does the military budget. More and more people can't afford housing,  healthcare, food, gas. The social wars serve to divert.

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James S commented June 22
James S
June 22
@boston doctor Not really, but okay, if that's what you want to believe.

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Carl commented June 22
Portland, OR
June 22
She seems completely oblivious to the fact that here in the US she can say the things she would be would be thrown in prison for in her home country. 

America, where everyone is free to say that we’re a dictatorship.

2 Replies9 RecommendShareFlag
Henry commented June 22
June 22
She likely exaggerated her claims in order to gain celebrity.

1 Reply9 RecommendShareFlag
Michelle commented June 22
June 22
As a transitioned woman, I also find the neon-haired, pronoun-shrieking, extremely online sorts she found at Columbia to be distasteful, not to mention unrepresentative of ordinary trans folk.  Oddly enough, that didn't drive me into the arms of right-wing authoritarianism, but rather cemented my values of liberalism.

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Dumbstruck commented June 22
June 22
"The Left have zero interest in complex discussions or nuanced issues." Then you went straight to a talking point about your freedom being taken away. So explain the freedom being taken away and how it will bring dictatorship to Canada?

9 RecommendShareFlag
Dan commented 10 hours ago
10h ago
“I might write a completely different book in five years,” she said. “I might say everything that I wrote in the second book was dumb. But that’s O.K.”

She laughed. “It’s a free society,” she said.

At least Ms. Park is honest enough to admit that her current opinions about what's wrong with America could be a pile of manure and subject to a future rewrite. Welcome to America, Ms. Park.

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Jonathan commented June 22
June 22
Of course liberals will ignore warnings from Trump and Tucker about censorship, but when a North Korean defector says it, that should stop liberals dead in their tracks and force themselves to take a good look in the mirror and ask themselves, "What are we becoming?"

But instead they start trashing this brave woman and try to undermine her message and her story. How is this different from how the Chinese actively silence Uyghurs from Xinjiang who have escaped and are speaking out?

Yes, the Republicans are terrible and evil, spare me your "whataboutisms". But the Democrats are hardly any better, and if a party completely refuses to look inward and accept that they aren't perfect either, and that they are actively pushing to silence some people, then this country is in a lot of trouble

2 Replies9 RecommendShareFlag
muslit commented 10 hours ago
10h ago
“I think so many people in America think that somehow America is immune to tyranny, and somehow a dictatorship begins like North Korea"
Ms. Park must be speaking about Maga Republicans.

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Zorro commented June 22
June 22
There’s more than a few chapters  of her book “The Girl with Seven Names” available on the Kindle version at Amazon for free read. There’s nothing really there there. The first chapters of the book tell a story of a little girl growing up. And the WAY the story is told would make anybody look good.  I guess she’s simply doing at this point in her life what most of us would do if we had the opportunity. My conclusion is she’ll make Trump a prize possession. And if she didn’t or doesn’t someone else will.

1 Reply9 RecommendShareFlag
Ann Lowell commented June 22
Ann Lowell
Oakland, CA
June 22
@Sara Thank you! I have read both of Yeonmi’s books over the past few months. I would love to have the opportunity to hear her speak in person. Both of her books are excellent. This article and most of the reader comments are exhibit A of the arrogance that characterizes what the Democratic Party has morphed into since the so called progressive wing has gotten the microphone. There are so many immigrants that have made it to the United States after escaping horrible totalitarian regimes around the world. When they are alarmed about what they see going in here now it behooves all of us to listen to them.

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Jude Clementson commented June 22
Jude Clementson
June 22
manchurian candidate, now that was an interesting book....

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Vince commented 12 hours ago
12h ago
I don't know that she isn't a plant and this all a plan from the N. Korean government.  Let the right have her.  Hard pass.

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Valentin A commented June 22
Valentin A
Houston, TX
June 22
As a defector from East European communism I understand why Ms. Park waves in her views of USA. The communist regimes imposed on us views that  were in stark contrast: either 100% good (communism) or 100% wrong (Americans). Liberalism and political correctness brainwashing  is dictatorial (what about Mr. Trump's effort to overturn the constitution, Ms. Park?) because it is liberalism mixed with a very heavy dose of indoctrination of some people. I had the same extreme reaction when I encountered racism, antisemitism, and xenofobia all in one in a place I lived and worked.  Democracy is not ideal and is never pure but it survives its ups and downs. Ms. Park was extremely young and ambitious so she wasn't prepared for what was coming her way.  I hope she learns to love American democracy with all the ugly blemishes that exist exactly because it is real democracy. As to inconsistencies,  it is normal when people are dealing with vicious oppression, because  people who play unbending  heroes against such regimes end very quickly dead or broken one or another way (one way is to break a dear family member). She should have not been made a poster girl at her age.

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Walter Thorne commented June 22
Walter Thorne
June 22
I’ve see her interviews on Fox and I don’t understand her logic…

I have a  wealthy colleague  from 1970 Easter Europe and he sees any political movement to the left as a huge risk to American  Democracy.

Frankly a totalitarian leader could arrive from any location. Trump and his followers look plenty dangerous to me.

I hope Miss Park can broaden her perspective on American Political history.

9 RecommendShareFlag
dpeder02 commented 12 hours ago
12h ago
@cheeky  that’s because the right wing republicans engage in projection. It is just one of their many mantras

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Anonymous Prof commented June 22
Anonymous Prof
June 22
@Maggie Wood It is NOT highly dubious, it is indisputable fact. I am a professor (at a university I won't describe, to preserve my anonymity) and I was forced out of my previous job at a large, public, R1 university by authoritarian left-wing harassment of anyone who dissented from - or simply didn't agree loudly enough with - the radical doctrine on racial/social justice. For the record, I'm a registered Democrat. As a faculty member, if you don't agree you are bullied out. As a student, I can't see how you would fail to be indoctrinated.

9 RecommendShareFlag
LibAgainstNarcisissm commented 12 hours ago
Los Angeles
12h ago
@Maggie Wood you need to read centrist  publications like Quillete to understand what is really going on. As a traditional liberal with a professor husband and a daughter at UC Berkeley, I assure you your view is naive. Open minded inquiry on campus has been replaced by indoctrination of militant far left dogma.  Students who think for themselves and dare to speak out are often shunned by their peers. The narcissist identitarians victim mentality that seeks to blame everything on racism ir the “patriarchy” is all pervasive. If you disagree even a little, it is considered hate speech. Hundreds of professors have been fired nationwide  for simply teacing facts of history if those facts “trigger” a Woke snowflake student - and for other reasons that were unheard of 20 years ago. Far more qualified professors are passed over for minority hires whose qualifications are questionable,   It’s an epidemic nightmare. Racial bean counting has replaced quality and truth. You have no idea…

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Eric C commented 12 hours ago
Eric C
12h ago
Smart fear tactics from the right.  That is to get a refugee from a complete totalitarian country, and pay them exorbitantly to publicly say their home country looks a lot like the left.  Smart tactics from right wing Faux news!  Now their base will be even more fearful, less rational  and less open minded when discussions and debates come up!

9 RecommendShareFlag
I Gadfly commented 10 hours ago
I Gadfly
I Gadfly
New York City
10h ago
“…in an American political climate that rewards hyperbole and alarm, Ms. Park, who became a U.S. citizen in 2021, has found a lucrative niche.”

This lucrative niche is nothing more than a means to get rich with ludicrous comments.

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David commented 9 hours ago
Seoul, Korea
9h ago
It is common wisdom in South Korea to take North Korean defector's words with a "grain" of salt. After all, we South Koreans had our own share of dictators and demagogues, enough to such a degree that a simplistic demonization of a regime, be it North Korea, South Korea, or US, sounds suspicious, to say the least. Ms. Park's speech has that monotonous unilateral propagandist impetus that can shock the unsuspecting citizens, and that probably makes her a tool of political motives.

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Jim commented 9 hours ago
Bayonne, NJ
9h ago
How do we know that she’s not a DPRK mole? Pretty much everyone who she has come into contact with has disputed her story. What she said about the Mongolian soldiers was a flat out lie. From what I understand she is very controversial in the ROK. If you look at her social media she comes across as quite odd. Seems like most activists in Korea have distanced themselves from her. My father went to Columbia on the GI Bill. He was also a Marine during the Korean War. I do not trust her.

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michel commented 10 hours ago
boiling springs
10h ago
She is a brave woman and has a lot of courage.
However, it seems that the path she has taken is what makes her the most money in the shortest period of time. She saw this opening in US ( a North Korean woman who has seen the worst depredations of communism now warning of liberalism - conservatives would lap it up). 
Why am I not surprised. 
As a south Asian born in a family of modest means, the objective of being successful and getting rich (these are considered the same thing) is absolutely drummed into you from the get go. I’m sure Ms. Park, even in North Korea, was no stranger to the wealth of the West. 
Does she really believe what she is saying? I doubt it but it is working for her. She is in a country where she likely always wanted to be, enjoying the freedoms and comforts of a liberal democracy and a capitalistic system.  So she took the first opportunity to fame and a good life. 
The rest of the story wrote itself.

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Dan commented 10 hours ago
10h ago
As to her life story, let’s see the proof.

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Mark commented 9 hours ago
9h ago
Thanks to The Times for introducing me to Yeonmi Park. She shines the light on many unpleasant truths of American liberalism.  I think we are much more Orwellian than we care to admit.

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New Yorker commented 9 hours ago
New Yorker
9h ago
I wouldn't be so fast to assume that the news you don't like is fake. The reality is that private property, free markets, and liberty used to be left wing values too. In 2023, the right is champions those ideals much more vocally

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New Yorker commented 9 hours ago
New Yorker
9h ago
Respectfully, it happens because the utopian fantasy of collectivization is actually totalitarian. The Cubans saw the same thing. Chinese entrepreneurs clamor to build business here for the same reason

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Coryn Haut commented 6 hours ago
Coryn Haut
6h ago
Every time I hear these hyperbolic claims about the indoctrination of our young people in all our allegedly left-leaning educational institutions, I wonder, if this is true, why doesn't the market bear tons and tons of right-leaning institutions of higher learning? Why are there no such institutions with the exception of Liberty University, a sad joke of a place run (and attended) by *not* the best and brightest? These are rhetorical questions. The right-wingers *have* to ask themselves: why have we not been able to come up with equivalent institutions of higher learning that promote our agenda, as we believe the left-wing has done? We all know the answer. There's actually not a big conspiracy, institutions of higher learning in America are not operating under some homogeneous agenda, people don't go to college and emerge as a bunch of homosexual communists. These fevered dreams of the right wing!!! For god's sake.

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left coast finch commented 6 hours ago
left coast finch
6h ago
“I might write a completely different book in five years…I might say everything that I wrote in the second book was dumb. But that’s O.K.”

“She laughed. ‘It’s a free society,’”

Newly minted American grifter and Trumpy to the core. I’d take a poor Hispanic family instead who just comes here for a better life, like most of our ancestors did, any day.

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Betty commented 5 hours ago
San Diego
5h ago
Park deserves praise for examining American culture then sharing her insights. Immigrants often attain a perspective that natives lack.
Aside from surly, defensive comments from true blue believers, and an abundance of ad hominem attacks, her critics here have shone very little light on her perspective.

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Keeping It Real commented June 22
Keeping It Real
June 22
Just because you may not agree or her message doesn’t sit well with you, there’s no reason to produce a soft hit piece on her.   She does have a unique and valuable point of view.  Weak soup in getting her “professor” to say she was less than stellar from his perspective.  Does he have no integrity?  Don’t let your biases blind you.   She may be right.

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Ryan commented June 22
Denver, CO
June 22
In what world is three generations of authoritarian rule not a hereditary monarchy? That is, by definition, a right wing governing structure. I realize most authoritarian regimes are largely post-political animals built to reinforce individual power, but let’s just call North Korea what it is: a modern patriarchal kingdom. This is the same egregious grifty gaslighting that litters the rest of American conservatism.

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Mountain Thoughts commented June 22
Mountain Thoughts
June 22
@History Guy Actually, the Republicans have been on an aggressive campaign to defund the arts wherever possible and win points with their constituency by bragging about never reading a book. This is understandable as every high achievement in literature, music, painting, architecture , film, sculpture, not to mention every significant advance in every branch of science is the work of liberals. Republicans are not on the cultural map. Fact.

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Meg L commented June 22
Meg L
Durham, NC
June 22
Simple. Taking up these viewpoints take her to the money. There are journalists and others, disappointed with their lot, who’ve made similar right wing turns to arrive at a pay day.

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Phones commented June 22
Western NY
June 22
Any honest analysis of the Cold War understands that the hard liners need each other. Each needs the other to show how bad the other side needs.

Our hard liners have fallen for it.

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Mark commented June 22
New England
June 22
After reading this I wondered if "politainment" was a word. Turns out it is a word being used, just not in the dictionary, yet.

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Karen Lee commented June 22
Karen Lee
Washington, DC area
June 22
@Mr.Little, agreed that ‘to cast someone out of polite society for saying “she” instead of “they” is really absurd’.  And the first time that happens, I’m sure we’ll hear about it!

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Clyde Benke commented June 22
Clyde Benke
San Francisco
June 22
The American left has taken all of the features of Marxism and relabeled them with different names to mislead the people about their real aims. Since every single Marxist revolutions for the last 120 years has been a complete disaster the makes even Nazis look good.

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Geo commented June 22
June 22
I see nothing controversial about her assertions. The insidious philosophy of dogmatic sanctimonious political intolerance is now well entrenched in the USA. Too many arrogant people trying to tell other people how to lead their lives.

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PN commented 12 hours ago
New York
12h ago
A North Korean defector who is this in touch with the nuances of all that polarizes in America sounds a bit like George Santos redux, with a better sense of how to cover one's tracks.

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Anon commented June 22
June 22
Reading Ms. Park’s book, and other similar ones, I was struck at the time by the question of how they could possibly assimilate into greater society. How could those who were raised only to mistrust and fight their fellow humans for survival, how would they even be able to comprehend a world where that is not always the case? 

I think, at least when it comes to Park, I have my answer.

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TBone commented June 22
Central New York
June 22
@Nelson There are threats on both sides that require squashing. Fueled by the media, the resultant conflict and division is exactly what the elitist class requires to remain in power.

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rjs7777 commented 10 hours ago
10h ago
There is a reason why Cubans migrate to Miami.  It’s kind of a “you had to be there” type thing.  All this language about the “greater good?”  The Cubans (and Venezuelans, Chinese, Russians)  have heard it all before.  And much more.  They witnessed the sacrifice that is central to collectivism.

Many Americans are innocent to these “greater hood” phrases and their true meaning in practice, which is the wielding of unlimited dictatorial power.  They always deny it.  Yet that is what is directly implied.

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JK commented 10 hours ago
10h ago
“I might write a completely different book in five years,” she said. “I might say everything that I wrote in the second book was dumb. But that’s O.K.”
She laughed. “It’s a free society,” she said.

No, that is NOT O.K.
And, that's not how free society works.
What you say and do have consequences.

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Wise12 commented 10 hours ago
10h ago
She comes to my country and tells us how to run it? We were born here she flew here.

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Will. commented 10 hours ago
10h ago
She’s figured out how to make cash here in America!

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SC commented 9 hours ago
Philly Suburbs
9h ago
She seems confused. It’s the right that will take us into the abyss. She’s just using the media and sympathies for her experiences to gain attention (and money, of course)!

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MikeinSonoma commented 10 hours ago
10h ago
It sounds like her problem was being on the wrong side of fascism, the idea of fascism isn’t a problem for her. 

People that don’t respect our Constitution should not be allowed to become citizens. It’s bad enough that we have Fascist citizens that don’t respect it.

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Caroline commented 9 hours ago
New York, NY
9h ago
Defectors often have a strange relationship to reality. Stalin‘s daughter defected, then switched allegiances and flitted from bloc to bloc and project to project. She died very low on money. After their experiences, defectors have to live down a lot of trauma.

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