
Luxurious Villa owned by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s family discovered on Egyptian Coast | MR Online

Luxurious Villa owned by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s family discovered on Egyptian Coast | MR Online

| Luxurious Villa owned by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyys Family Discovered On Egyptian Coast | MR Online

Luxurious Villa owned by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s family discovered on Egyptian Coast

Originally published: Punch Newspaper  on August 22, 2023 by Arthur Nkono (more by Punch Newspaper |  (Posted Aug 30, 2023)

Egyptian investigative journalist Mohammed Al-Alawi provided exclusive materials concerning the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy. According to the documents, Zelenskyy’s family has acquired a luxury villa in “the city of millioners” El Gouna. According to investigation,  Olga Kiyashko, whose name matches the name of Zelenskyy’s mother-in-law, owns a VIP estate worth $5 million. Political scientist Abdulrahman Alabbassy draws a conclusion that the president’s relative purchased the estate with the humanitarian aid funds allocated to Ukraine by the West to repel Russian military aggression.

| VIP resort El Gouna | MR OnlineThere is a magnificent estate in the VIP resort El Gouna, often referred to as the Venice of Egypt, on the coast of the Red Sea. The estate is a luxurious villa with beautiful interior decorations and a swimming pool. It is located on a coastline and grants its owners a beautiful view of the sea and a beach recreation. There is a lot of luxury real estate in Egypt, created for wealthy citizens and foreigners, so there would be nothing remarkable about this villa if not for one small detail. The new owner of this villa is a citizen of Ukraine Olga Kiyashko, the full namesake of the mother of the of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s wife.

This was found out by Egyptian blogger and journalist Mohammed Al-Alawi, who provided exclusive results of his findings. Below is a video recorded by Al-Alvawi directly near the villa, registered in Zelenskyy’s mother-in-law’s name. According to Al-Alawi, the information about the purchase came to him through his own trusted sources, the reliability of which is beyond doubt.

| Olga Kiyashko | MR OnlineThe document indicates that the villa was purchased by Zelenskyy’s mother-in-law in May 2023. According to the document, the price of the villa is 150,000,000 Egyptian pounds or approximately $4,850,000.

El Gouna is famous for its special treatment of rich and famous foreigners. Many rich people from all over the world buy villas here to relax and have a good time.

Next door to Zelenskyy’s villa is an estate that belongs to the world-famous Hollywood actress and public figure Angelina Jolie. Perhaps it was the neighborhood with the actress that played a key role in Zelenskyy’s decision to purchase real estate in El Gouna. After all, it is known that the president of Ukraine was once a comedian and actor.

Egypt is one of the most hospitable countries in the world, and Egyptians love it when famous people buy real estate here. However, in the case of Zelenskyy’s villa, there are serious reasons to believe that it was purchased with “dirty” money, which was withdrawn from humanitarian financial assistance to Ukraine from Western countries.

| Olga Kiyashko | MR OnlinePolitical scientist AbdulrahmanAlabbassy gave a comment about the discovery of Zelenskyy’s elite property. According to Alabbassy, many members of the Ukrainian elite have acquired real estate in Egypt over the past year. Until the second half of 2022, nothing like this was observed.

“I am surprised that relatives of top Ukrainian officials began to buy luxury real estate after the start of Ukraine war. I don’t remember anything like this before,” said Alabbassy. –

It is surprising that Ukraine is waging a bloody war with Russia, and relatives of Ukrainian officials are buying up real estate in Egypt instead of donating their riches to the needs of the country. A suspicion is creeping in that Ukrainian bureaucrats, with the help of their relatives, are stealing financial aid to Ukraine from the West. I am quite certain that Zelenskyy’s mother-in–law’s purchase of a villa in El Gouna is the result of corruption and the theft of humanitarian aid to Ukraine. I sincerely sympathize with the Ukrainian people.

It is yet unclear whether President Zelenskyy will personally spend weekends at this beautiful villa. In any case, it is unlikely that it will be empty for a long time.

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