
Was Oppenheimer right? Peace Education Network

Was Oppenheimer right?

Peace Education Network
 Jul 10, 2023
Meet the atomic scientists in this lesson from Scientists for Global Responsibility. Download from http://bit.ly/teach-peace-TES
In this lesson from Scientists for Global Responsibility, learners explore Physics and Citizenship.

Bohr, Chadwick, Oppenheimer, Szilard, Fermi, Meitner, Einstein.
What did the people who made possible the first atomic bomb want to happen? Scientists in the first half of the 20th Century were making strides in theory and experimentation to understand atoms:
How are atoms structured? What forces hold atoms together? Can the atom be split? And what happens if we do?
By the 1940s, the answers were a matter of life and death. In this lesson, learners will study the scientists, what they discovered, and what they wanted to happen with the atom bomb and what they did for peace.
Covers the development of the model of the atom (common content with chemistry)
The Atomic Scientists is a lesson from Teach Peace secondary, a pack of 50 lessons from the Peace Education Network.
Music is Evolution from Bensounds.com
Clips of modern classrooms from Pexels.com with black and white footage from One World or None, a film made by atomic scientists in the USA is free of copyright.

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