
Kyung Hee Ha - Zainichi Koreans abroad are having extremely... | Facebook

(6) Kyung Hee Ha - Zainichi Koreans abroad are having extremely... | Facebook

Zainichi Koreans abroad are having extremely difficult time to "return" to Japan because Japanese government has declared non-Japanese nationals be banned from 70+ countries, and Korea happens to be one of them. EXCEPT THAT Zainichi Koreans are special permanent residents of Japan who can legally return to Japan even with the new regulation. Not all airlines know about this exception, and because Japanese government did not care to share the information on their website, 1 Zainichi person was stuck in Milan, Italy! Thanks to the Human Rights Association of Korean Residents in Japan, s/he can now board her/his flight.

신형 코로나 바이러스 감염 관련 정보

신형 코로나 바이러스 감염에 관한 정보 목록

01 : 민사상의 법률 문제등기·공탁 온라인 신청 
외국인의 재류신청·생활지원 Application for residence and Daily life support for foreign nationals출입국 재류 관계 온라인 신청해외에서 입국국유재산관계형사 시설·입국자 수용소 등 면회 관계기타



All reactions:
Tommy Lee Woon, Susan Menadue-Chun and 58 others
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Kihun Shin
Oh wow I didn't know that! I do みなしnow so 来年の3月まで帰国せんとやべーな
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Kyung Hee Ha
みなし person can leave Japan for up to 2 years. http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/.../zairyuu/minashisainyukoku.html
みなし再入国許可(入管法第26条の2) | 出入国在留管理庁
みなし再入国許可(入管法第26条の2) | 出入国在留管理庁
みなし再入国許可(入管法第26条の2) | 出入国在留管理庁
Kihun Shin
Kyung Hee Ha あーそうだっけ?毎年日本行ってるからな〜
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Kyung Hee Ha
Kihun Shin まあもし万が一来年来れなくても大丈夫なはずやけど、来て、6年の再入国許可取った方が安心かも!
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Kihun Shin
Kyung Hee Ha だね。入館行くの面倒くせーからな~。うちは品川じゃなく千葉の入館だぜい。
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Kyung Hee Ha
Kihun Shin 千葉やったらそこまで混んでないから良さそう〜〜
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Kihun Shin
Kyung Hee Ha あーそうかもね。うちのお父さん千葉に引っ越してから、オレ入館行ってないからねー。この最近ずっとみなしやし。八街行くついでに行くかな。
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Vivian Shaw
Thanks so much for sharing this.
Kyung Hee Ha
This was what we were afraid of....
Linda Hasunuma
This is enraging.
Kyung Hee Ha
J gov doesn't care... They don't even allow permanent residents to be on the chartered flights to return to Japan. It's strictly JAPANESE NATIONALS only...
Kyung Hee Ha
Please share the information with those in the same situation!
Susan Menadue-Chun
I am so glad they changed the clause on SPRs. But I have a family member with a critical medical emergency in Australia and can't leave. PR is obviously useless here. After this is over I hope someone wants to petition the government with me???
Kyung Hee Ha
That is so awful... I will do the petition!!
Susan Menadue-Chun
Kyung Hee Ha maybe I should call MOJ? Hang on.... my friend is a consultant at the MO J... I’ll ask
Kyung Hee Ha
I’m also super worried about my students who are unable to re-enter Japan...
Julie Fischer
That is so scary and infuriating. Thank you for the info Kyung Hee.
Kyung Hee Ha
Truly... I hope you are staying safe in California ❤
Kadae Kayo Lim
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Kyung Hee Ha
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Kadae Kayo Lim
Kyung Hee Ha 大切な情報をありがとう!
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Kaori Yamamoto
うちも永住者の日本に戻ることができないという問題が でも無事に戻りました。
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Susan Menadue-Chun
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Kaori Yamamoto
Susan Menadue-Chun 4/1には出ていたようです。
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Kaori Yamamoto
See more
外務省 海外安全ホームページ
外務省 海外安全ホームページ
外務省 海外安全ホームページ
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Susan Menadue-Chun
Kaori Yamamoto4月2日までに入国した人はセーフだったようです。どちらにしても私は帰国したくても(オーストラリアに重病人の家族が居る)再入国が出来ない。永住権のある者は他の国では国民と同じ扱い・・・
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Kaori Yamamoto
Susan Menadue-Chun 彼ば4/4に日本に戻ってきました。
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Kaori Yamamoto
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Kyung Hee Ha
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Amie Kim
Just to make sure I understand... Zainichi people, Korean people.. even if they were born and raised in Japan, they are not Japanese citizens... so if they aren't currently in Japan, they are banned from going back there until further notice because of covid?
Kyung Hee Ha
Amie Kim correct it is because Japanese nationality law applies principle of bloodline. You must have at least one parent for you to have Japanese nationality at birth.
Kyung Hee Ha
They are not banned because even they are foreigners they are also special permanent residents of Japan, but most people don’t know about this... and they just classify us as “foreigners” and don’t let us board planes... now Japanese government added a line on their website that the regulation excludes special permanent residents. Phew!
Susan Menadue-Chun
Kyung Hee Ha I bet there will still be problems because overseas airlines won't understand the difference! But if my husband and I were caught overseas, this now means that he can re-enter Japan but I can't....... I would really like to make this into a big issue but at the moment I don't have the energy.


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