
Full text of "Ten Myths About Israel By Ilan Pappe (2017)"

Full text of "Ten Myths About Israel By Ilan Pappe (2017)"

“Ilan Pappe is Israel's 
bravest, most principled, 
eae | most incisive historian” 


llan Pappe 

First published by Verso 2017 
© Ilan Pappe 2017 

All rights reserved 

The moral rights of the author have been asserted 13579108642 


UK: 6 Meard Street, London W1F OEG 
US: 20 Jay Street, Suite 1010, Brooklyn, NY 11201 

Verso is the imprint of New Left Books ISBN-13: 978-1-78663-019-3 

ISBN-13: 978-1-78663-021-6 (US EBK) ISBN-13: 978-1-78663-020-9 (UK EBK) 
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this 
book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in- 
Publication Data Names: Pappe, Ilan, author. 

Title: Ten myths about Israel / Ilan Pappe. 

Description: Brooklyn, NY : Verso Books, [2017] | Includes bibliographical 
references and index. 

Identifiers: LCCN 2016044832 | ISBN 9781786630193 

Subjects: LCSH: Palestine—History. | 

Palestinian Arabs—Israel—History. | 

Arab-Israeli conflict. | Israel—Politics and government. 

Classification: LCC DS125 .P2985 2017| DDC 956.94—dc23 

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1. Palestine Was an Empty Land 

2. The Jews Were a People Without a Land 
3. Zionism Is Judaism 

4. Zionism Is Not Colonialism 

. The Palestinians Voluntarily Left Their Homeland 
in 1948 

6. The June 1967 War Was a War of “No Choice” 


7. Israel Is the Only Democracy in the Middle East 
8. The Oslo Mythologies 
9. The ¢ 

3aza Mythologies 


10. The Two-States Solution Is the Only W 

jay Forward 

Conclusion: The Settler Colonial State of Israel in 
the Twenty-First Century 




p77, Palestinian territory de facto 
annexed by settlements and wall 

fi} Area remaining for Palestinian state 

Dad — San Kilometres 
/~ The Separation Barrier 10 20 30 40miles 


History lies at the core of every conflict. A true and unbiased 
understanding of the past offers the possibility of peace. 
The distortion or manipulation of history, in contrast, will 
only sow disaster. As the example of the Israel-Palestine 
conflict shows, historical disinformation, even of the most 
recent past, can do tremendous harm. This willful 
misunderstanding of history can promote oppression and 
protect a regime of colonization and occupation. It is not 
Surprising, therefore, that policies of disinformation and 
distortion continue to the present and play an important 
part in perpetuating the conflict, leaving very little hope for 
the future. 

Constructed fallacies about the past and the present in 
Israel and Palestine hinder us from understanding the 
origins of the conflict. Meanwhile, the constant manipulation 
of the relevant facts works against the interests of all those 
victimized by the ongoing bloodshed and violence. What is 
to be done? 

The Zionist historical account of how the disputed land 
became the state of Israel is based on a cluster of myths 
that subtly cast doubt on the Palestinians’ moral right to the 
land. Often, the Western mainstream media and political 
elites accept this set of myths as a given truth, as well as 
the justification for Israeli actions across the last sixty or so 
years. More often than not, the tacit acceptance of these 
myths serves as an explanation for Western governments’ 
disinclination to interfere in any meaningful way in a conflict 
that has been going on since the nation’s foundation. 

This book challenges these myths, which appear in the 
public domain as indisputable truths. These statements are, 
to my eyes, distortions and fabrications that can—and must 
—be refuted through a closer examination of the historical 
record. The common thread that runs through this book is 
the juxtaposition of popular assumption and_ historical 
reality. By placing each myth side by side with the truth, 
each chapter exposes the weaknesses of the received 
wisdom through an examination of the latest historical 

The book covers ten foundational myths, or clusters of 
myths, which are common and recognizable to anyone 
engaged in one way or another with the Israel-Palestine 
question. The myths and the counter arguments follow a 
chronological order. 

The first chapter charts Palestine on the eve of the arrival 
of Zionism in the late nineteenth century. The myth is the 
depiction of Palestine as an empty, arid, almost desert-like 
land that was cultivated by the arriving Zionists. The 
counter- argument reveals a thriving pre-existing society 
undergoing accelerated processes of modernization and 

The myth of Palestine being a land without people has its 
correlate in the famous myth of the people without a land, 

the subject of Chapter 2. Were the Jews indeed the original 
inhabitants of Palestine who deserved to be supported in 
every way possible in their “return” to their “homeland”? 
The myth insists that the Jews who arrived in 1882 were the 
descendants of the Jews expelled by the Romans around 70 
cE. The counterargument questions this genealogical 
connection. Quite a hefty scholarly effort has shown that the 
Jews of Roman Palestine remained on the land and were first 
converted to Christianity and then to Islam. Who these Jews 
were is still an open question—maybe the Khazars who 
converted to Judaism in the ninth century; or maybe the 
mixture of races across a millennium precludes any answer 
to such a question. More importantly, | argue in this chapter 
that in the pre-Zionist period the connection between the 
Jewish communities in the world and Palestine was religious 
and spiritual, not political. Associating the return of the Jews 
with statehood, before the emergence of Zionism, was a 
Christian project until the sixteenth century, and thereafter 
a specifically Protestant one (in particular an Anglican one). 

Chapter 3 closely examines the myth that equates 
Zionism with Judaism (so that anti-Zionism can only be 
depicted as anti-Semitism). | try to refute this equation 
through an historical assessment of Jewish attitudes to 
Zionism and an analysis of the Zionist manipulation of 
Judaism for colonial and, later, strategic reasons. 

The fourth chapter engages with the claim that there is 
no connection between colonialism and Zionism. The myth 
is that Zionism is a liberal national liberation movement 
while the counterargument frames it as a colonialist, indeed 
a settler colonial, project similar to those seen in South 
Africa, the Americas, and Australia. The significance of this 
refutation is that it reflects how we think about the 
Palestinian resistance to Zionism and later to Israel. If Israel 
is just a democracy defending itself, then Palestinian bodies 
such as the PLO are purely terrorist outfits. However, if their 

struggle is against a colonialist project then they are an 
anticolonialist movement, and their international image will 
be very different from the one Israel and its supporters try 
to impose on world public opinion. 

Chapter 5 revisits the well-known mythologies of 1948, 
and in particular aims to remind readers why the claim of 
voluntary Palestinian flight has been successfully debunked 
by professional historiography. Other myths associated with 
the 1948 events are also discussed in this chapter. 

The final historical chapter questions whether the 1967 
war was forced on Israel and was therefore a “no choice” 
war. | claim that this was part of Israel’s desire to complete 
the takeover of Palestine that had almost been completed in 
the 1948 war. The planning for the occupation of the West 
Bank and the Gaza Strip began in 1948, and did not cease 
until the historical opportunity offered by aé_ reckless 
Egyptian decision in June 1967. | further argue that the 
Israeli policies immediately after the occupation prove that 
Israel anticipated the war rather than accidently staggered 
into it. 

The seventh chapter brings us into the present. Is Israel a 
democratic state, | ask, or is it a non-democratic entity? | 
make the case for the latter by examining the status of the 
Palestinians inside Israel and in the occupied territories (who 
together make up almost half of the population ruled by 

Chapter 8 deals with the Oslo process. After nearly a 
quarter of a century since the signing of the accord, we 
have a good perspective on the fallacies connected to the 
process and can ask whether it was a peace accord that 
failed, or a successful Israeli ploy to deepen the occupation. 

A similar perspective can be now applied to the Gaza 
Strip and the still widely accepted myth that the misery of 
the people there is due to the terrorist nature of the Hamas. 
In the ninth chapter | choose to differ, and present another 

interpretation of what has happened in Gaza since the turn 
of the last century. 

Finally, in the tenth chapter | challenge the myth that the 
two-states solution is the only way forward. We have been 
blessed with excellent activist and scholarly works critiquing 
this formula and offering alternative solutions. They 
constitute a formidable challenge to this last myth. 

The book also includes a timeline as an appendix, which 
will help readers to further contextualize the arguments. 

My hope is that, whether the reader is a newcomer to the 
field, or a veteran student of it, the book will be a useful 
tool. It is directed primarily to anyone who finds themselves 
in a discussion on the evergreen topic of the Israel-Palestine 
question. This is not a balanced book; it is yet another 
attempt to redress the balance of power on behalf of the 
colonized, occupied, and oppressed Palestinians in the land 
of Israel and Palestine. It would be a real bonus if advocates 
of Zionism or loyal Supporters of Israel were also willing to 
engage with the arguments herein. After all, the book is 
written by an Israeli Jew who cares about his own society as 
much as he does about the Palestinian one. Refuting 
mythologies that sustain injustice should be of benefit to 
everyone living in the country or wishing to live there. It 
forms a basis on which all its inhabitants might enjoy the 
great achievements that only one privileged group currently 
has access to. 

Moreover, the book will hopefully prove a useful tool for 
activists who recognize that knowledge about Palestine is as 
necessary as commitment to the cause. It is not a substitute 
for the incredible work done by many scholars over the 
years, whose contributions have made a book like this 
possible; but it is an entry point into that world of 

Students and scholars may tap into this book if they have 
cured themselves of the greatest malaise of the academic 

world in our time: the idea that commitment undermines 
excellence in scholarly research. The best undergraduate 
and postgraduate students | have had the pleasure to teach 
and supervise were the committed ones. This book is just 
one modest invitation to future scholars to leave their ivory 
towers and reconnect with the societies on whose behalf 
they conduct their research—whether they write about 
global warming, poverty, or Palestine, they should proudly 
wear their commitment on their academic sleeves. And if 
their universities are still not ready for this, they should be 
Savvy enough to play the game of “unbiased, objective 
academic research” on these contentious issues, while fully 
recognizing its false pretense. 

For the general public this book presents a simple version 
of a topic that can often seem to be extremely complicated 
(as indeed some of its aspects are); but it is one that can be 
easily explained and related to from the’ universal 
perspective of justice and human rights. 

Finally, my hope is that this book will clarify some of the 
deep misunderstandings at the heart of the Israel-Palestine 
problem, in the past and in the present. As long as these 
distortions and inherited assumptions are not questioned, 
they will continue to provide an immunity shield for the 
present inhuman regime in the land of Palestine. By 
examining these assumptions in light of the latest research, 
we can see how far they are from the historical truth and 
why setting the historical record straight might have an 
impact on the chances for peace and reconciliation in Israel 
and Palestine. 




: Palestine Was an Empty 


The geopolitical space today called Israel or Palestine has 
been a recognized country since Roman times. Its status 
and conditions in the distant past are topics for heated 
debate between those who believe that sources such as the 
Bible have no historical value and those who regard the holy 
book as a historical account. The significance of the 
country’s pre-Roman history will be treated in this book in 
the next few chapters. However, it seems there is a wide 
consensus among scholars that it was the Romans who 
granted the land the name “Palestina,” which predated all 
the other similar references to the land as Palestine. During 
the period of Roman, and later Byzantine, rule, it was an 
imperial province, and its fate depended very much on the 
fortunes of Rome and later Constantinople. 

From the mid-seventh century onwards, Palestine’s 
history was closely linked to the Arab and Muslim worlds 
(with a short interval in the medieval period when it was 
ceded to the Crusaders). Various Muslim empires and 

dynasties from the north, east and south of the country 
aspired to control it, since it was home to the second-holiest 
place in the Muslim religion after Mecca and Medina. It also 
had other attractions of course, due to its fertility and 
strategic location. The cultural richness of some of these 
past rulers can still be seen in parts of Israel and Palestine, 
although local archaeology gives precedence to Roman and 
Jewish heritages and hence the legacy of the Mamelukes 
and the Seljuk, those fertile and thriving medieval Islamic 
dynasties, has not yet been excavated. 

Even more relevant to an understanding of contemporary 
Israel and Palestine is the Ottoman period, commencing 
with their occupation of the land in 1517. The Ottomans 
remained there for 400 years and their legacy is still felt 
today in several respects. The legal system of Israel, the 
religious court records (the svji/), the land registry (the 
tapu), and a few architectural gems all testify to the 
significance of the Ottomans’ presence. When the Ottomans 
arrived, they found a society that was mostly Sunni Muslim 
and rural, but with small urban elites who spoke Arabic. Less 
than 5 percent of the population was Jewish and probably 10 
to 15 percent were Christian. As Yonatan Mendel comments: 

The exact percentage of Jews prior to the rise of Zionism is unknown. 
However, it probably ranged from 2 to 5 percent. According to Ottoman 
records, a total population of 462,465 resided in 1878 in what is today 
Israel/Palestine. Of this number, 403,795 (87 percent) were Muslim, 
43,659 (10 percent) were Christians and 15,011 (3 percent) were Jewish.+ 

The Jewish communities around the world regarded 
Palestine at that time as the holy land of the Bible. 
Pilgrimage in Judaism does not have the same role as it 
does in Christianity and Islam, but nonetheless, some Jews 
did see it as a duty and in small numbers visited the country 
as pilgrims. As one of the chapters in the book will show, 
before the emergence of Zionism it was mainly Christians 

who wished, for ecclesiastical reasons, to settle Jews in 
Palestine more permanently. 

You would not know this was Palestine in the 400 years of 
Ottoman rule from looking at the official website of the 
Israeli foreign ministry relating to the history of Palestine 
since the sixteenth century: 

Following the Ottoman Conquest in 1517, the Land was divided into four 
districts, attached administratively to the province of Damascus and ruled 
from Istanbul. At the outset of the Ottoman era, some 1,000 Jewish 
families lived in the country, mainly in Jerusalem, Nablus (Schechem), 
Hebron, Gaza, Safed (Tzfat) and the villages of the Galilee. The 
community was composed of descendants of Jews who had always lived in 
the Land as well as immigrants from North Africa and Europe. 

Orderly government, until the death (1566) of Sultan Suleiman the 
magnificent, brought improvements and stimulated Jewish immigration. 
Some newcomers settled in Jerusalem, but the majority went to Safed 
where, by the mid-16th century, the Jewish population had risen to about 
10,000, and the town had become a thriving textile center.? 

Sixteenth-century Palestine, it appears, was mainly Jewish, 
and the commercial lifeblood of the region was 
concentrated in the Jewish communities in these towns. 
What happened next? According to the foreign ministry 

With the gradual decline in the quality of Ottoman rule, the country 
suffered widespread neglect. By the end of the 18th century, much of the 
Land was owned by absentee landlords and leased to impoverished 
tenant farmers, and taxation was as crippling as it was capricious. The 
great forests of the Galilee and the Carmel mountain range were denuded 
of trees; swamp and desert encroached on agricultural land. 

In this story, by 1800 Palestine had become a desert, where 
farmers who did not belong there somehow cultivated 
parched land that was not theirs. The same land appeared 
to be an island, with a significant Jewish population, ruled 
from the outside by the Ottomans and suffering from 
intensive imperial projects that robbed the soil of its fertility. 
Every passing year the land became more. barren, 
deforestation increased, and farmland turned to desert. 

Promoted through an official state website this fabricated 
picture is unprecedented. 

It is a bitter irony that in composing this narrative the 
authors did not rely on Israeli scholarship. Most Israeli 
scholars would be quite hesitant about accepting the 
validity of these statements or sponsoring such a narrative. 
Quite a few of them, such as David Grossman (the 
demographer not the famous author), Amnon Cohen, and 
Yehoushua Ben-Arieh, have indeed successfully challenged 
it. Their research shows that, over the centuries, Palestine, 
rather than being a desert, was a thriving Arab society— 
mostly Muslim, predominantly rural, but with vibrant urban 

Despite this contestation of the narrative, however, it is 
still propagated through the Israeli educational curriculum, 
as well as in the media, informed by scholars of a lesser 
prominence but with greater influence on the education 
system.? Outside of Israel, in particular in the United States, 
the assumption that the promised land was empty, 
desolate, and barren before the arrival of Zionism is still 
alive and kicking, and is therefore worth attending to. 

We need to examine the facts. The opposing historical 
narrative reveals a different story in which Palestine during 
the Ottoman period was a society like all the other Arab 
societies around it. It did not differ from the Eastern 
Mediterranean countries as a whole. Rather than encircled 
and isolated, the Palestinian people were readily exposed to 
interactions with other cultures, as part of the wider 
Ottoman empire. Secondly, being open to change and 
modernization, Palestine began to develop as a nation long 
before the arrival of the Zionist movement. In the hands of 
energetic local rulers such as Daher al-Umar (1690-1775), 
the towns of Haifa, Shefamr, Tiberias, and Acre were 
renovated and re-energized. The coastal network of ports 
and towns boomed through its trade connections with 

Europe, while the inner plains traded inland with nearby 
regions. The very opposite of a desert, Palestine was a 
flourishing part of Bilad al-Sham (the land of the north), or 
the Levant of its time. At the same time, a rich agricultural 
industry, small towns and historical cities served a 
population of half a million people on the eve of the Zionist 

At the end of the nineteenth century this was a sizeable 
population, of which, as mentioned above, only a small 
percentage were Jewish. It is notable that this cohort were 
at the time resistant to the ideas promoted by the Zionist 
movement. Most Palestinians lived in the countryside in 
villages, which numbered almost 1,000. Meanwhile, a 
thriving urban elite made their home along the coast, on the 
inner plains and in the mountains. 

We now have a much better understanding of how the 
people who lived there defined themselves on the eve of the 
Zionist colonization of the country. As elsewhere in the 
Middle East and beyond, Palestinian society was introduced 
to the powerful defining concept of the nineteenth and 
twentieth centuries: the nation. There were local and 
external dynamics that prompted this new mode of self- 
reference, as happened elsewhere in the world. Nationalist 
ideas were imported into the Middle East in part by 
American missionaries, who arrived in the early nineteenth 
century both with the wish to proselytize but also with a 
desire to spread novel notions of self-determination. As 
Americans they felt they represented not only Christianity 
but also the newest independent state on the global map. 
The educated elite in Palestine joined others in the Arab 
world in digesting these ideas and formulating an authentic 
national doctrine, which led them to demand more 
autonomy within, and eventually independence from, the 
Ottoman Empire. 

In the mid to late nineteenth century the Ottoman 
intellectual and political elite adopted romantic nationalist 
ideas that equated Ottomanism with Turkishness. This trend 
contributed to the alienation of the non-Turkish subjects of 
Istanbul, most of them Arabs, from the Ottoman Empire. The 
nationalization process in Turkey itself was accompanied by 
secularization trends in the second half of the nineteenth 
century which diminished the importance of Istanbul as a 
religious authority and focus. 

In the Arab world, secularization was also part of the 
process of nationalization. Not surprisingly, it was mainly 
minorities, such as the Christians, that embraced warmly 
the idea of a secular national identity based on a shared 
territory, language, history, and culture. In Palestine, 
Christians who engaged with nationalism found eager allies 
among the Muslim elite, leading to a mushrooming of 
Muslim-Christian societies all over Palestine towards the end 
of World War I. In the Arab world, Jews joined these kind of 
alliances between activists from different religions. The 
Same would have happened in Palestine had not Zionism 
demanded total loyalty from the veteran Jewish community 

A thorough and comprehensive study of how Palestinian 
nationalism arose before the arrival of Zionism can be found 
in the works of Palestinian historians such as Muhammad 
Muslih and Rashid Khalidi.> They show clearly that both elite 
and non-elite sections of Palestinian society were involved in 
developing a national movement and sentiment before 
1882. Khalidi in particular shows how patriotic feelings, local 
loyalties, Arabism, religious sentiments, and higher levels of 
education and literacy were the main constituents of the 
new nationalism, and how it was only later that resistance 
to Zionism played an additional crucial role in defining 
Palestinian nationalism. 

Khalidi, among others, demonstrates how modernization, 
the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, and the greedy 
European quest for territories in the Middle East contributed 
to the solidification of Palestinian nationalism before 
Zionism made its mark in Palestine with the British promise 
of a Jewish homeland in 1917. One of the clearest 
manifestations of this new self-definition was the reference 
in the country to Palestine as geographical and cultural 
entity, and later as a political one. Despite there not being a 
Palestinian state, the cultural location of Palestine was very 
clear. There was a unifying sense of belonging. At the very 
beginning of the twentieth century, the newspaper Filastin 
reflected the way the people named their country.® 
Palestinians spoke their own dialect, had their own customs 
and rituals, and appeared on the maps of the world as living 
in a country called Palestine. 

During the nineteenth century, Palestine, like its 
neighboring regions, became more clearly defined as a 
geopolitical unit in the wake of administrative reforms 
initiated from Istanbul, the capital of the Ottoman Empire. 
As a consequence, the local Palestinian elite began to seek 
independence within a united Syria, or even a united Arab 
state (a bit like the United States of America). This pan- 
Arabist national drive was called in Arabic gawmiyya, and 
was popular in Palestine and the rest of the Arab world. 

Following the famous, or rather infamous, Sykes-Picot 
Agreement, signed in 1916 between Britain and France, the 
two colonial powers divided the area into new nation states. 
As the area was divided, a new sentiment developed: a 
more local variant of nationalism, named in Arabic 
wataniyya. As a result, Palestine began to see itself as an 
independent Arab state. Without the appearance of Zionism 
on its doorstep, Palestine would probably have gone the 
Same way as Lebanon, Jordan, or Syria and embraced a 
process of modernization and growth.’ This had, in fact, 

already started by 1916, as a result of Ottoman polices in 
the late nineteenth century. In 1872, when the Istanbul 
government founded the Sanjak (administrative province) of 
Jerusalem, they created a cohesive geopolitical space in 
Palestine. For a brief moment, the powers in Istanbul even 
toyed with the possibility of adding to the Sanjak, 
encompassing much of Palestine as we know it today, as 
well as the sub-provinces of Nablus and Acre. Had they done 
this, the Ottomans would have created a geographical unit, 
as happened in Egypt, in which a particular nationalism 
might have arisen even earlier.® 

However, even with its administrative division into north 
(ruled by Beirut) and south (ruled by Jerusalem), this shift 
raised Palestine as a whole above its previous peripheral 
status, when it had been divided into small regional sub- 
provinces. In 1918, with the onset of British rule, the north 
and the south divisions became one unit. In a similar way 
and in the same year the British established the basis for 
modern Iraq when they fused the three Ottoman provinces 
of Mosul, Baghdad, and Basra into one modern nation state. 
In Palestine, unlike in Iraq, familial connections and 
geographical boundaries (the River Litani in the north, the 
River Jordan in the east, the Mediterranean in the west) 
worked together to weld the three sub-provinces of South 
Beirut, Nablus, and Jerusalem into one social and cultural 
unit. This geopolitical space had its own major dialect and 
its own customs, folklore, and traditions.9 

By 1918, Palestine was therefore more united than in the 
Ottoman period, but there were to be further changes. While 
waiting for final international approval of Palestine’s status 
in 1923, the British government renegotiated the borders of 
the land, creating a better-defined geographical space for 
the national movements to struggle over, and a clearer 
sense of belonging for the people living in it. It was now 
clear what Palestine was; what was not clear was who it 

belonged to: the native Palestinians or the new Jewish 
settlers? The final irony of this administrative regime was 
that the reshaping of the borders helped the Zionist 
movement to conceptualize geographically “Eretz Israel,” 
the Land of Israel where only Jews had the right to the land 
and its resources. 

Thus, Palestine was not an empty land. It was part of a 
rich and fertile eastern Mediterranean world that in the 
nineteenth century underwent processes of modernization 
and nationalization. It was not a desert waiting to come into 
bloom; it was a pastoral country on the verge of entering 
the twentieth century as a modern society, with all the 
benefits and ills of such a transformation. Its colonization by 
the Zionist movement turned this process into a disaster for 
the majority of the native people living there. 

Chapter 2 

The Jews Were a 
People Without a Land 

The claim in the previous chapter, that Palestine was a land 
without people, goes hand in hand with the claim that the 
Jews were a people without a land. 

But were the Jewish settlers a people? Recent scholarship 
has repeated doubts expressed many years ago about this 
as well. The common theme of this critical point of view is 
best summarized in Shlomo Sand’s The Invention of the 
Jewish People.t Sand shows that the Christian world, in its 
own interest and at a given moment in modern history, 
Supported the idea of the Jews as a nation that must one 
day return to the holy land. In this account, this return 
would be part of the divine scheme for the end of time, 
along with the resurrection of the dead and the second 
coming of the Messiah. 

The theological and_ religious upheavals of the 
Reformation from the sixteenth century onwards produced a 
clear association, especially among Protestants, between 
the notion of the end of the millennium and the conversion 

of the Jews and their return to Palestine. Thomas Brightman, 
a sixteenth-century English clergyman, represented these 
notions when he wrote, “Shall they return to Jerusalem 
again? There is nothing more certain: the prophets do 
everywhere confirm it and beat about it.”* Brightman was 
not only hoping for a divine promise to be fulfilled; he also, 
like so many after him, wished the Jews either to convert to 
Christianity or to leave Europe all together. A hundred years 
later, Henry Oldenburg, a German theologian and natural 
philosopher, wrote: “If the occasion present itself amid 
changes to which human affairs are liable, [the Jews] may 
even raise their empire anew, and ... God may elect them a 
second time.”> Charles-Joseph of Lign, an Austro-Hungarian 
field marshal, stated in the second half of the eighteenth 
| believe that the Jew is not able to assimilate, and that he will constantly 
constitute a nation within a nation, wherever he may be. The simplest 
thing to do would in my opinion be returning to them their homeland, 
from which they were driven.* As is quite apparent from this last text, 

there was an obvious link between these formative ideas of Zionism and a 
more longstanding anti-Semitism. 

Francois-René de Chateaubriand, the famous French 
writer and politician, wrote around the same time that the 
Jews were “the legitimate masters of Judea.” He influenced 
Napoleon Bonaparte, who hoped to elicit the help of the 
Jewish community in Palestine, as well as other inhabitants 
of the land, in his attempt to occupy the Middle East at the 
beginning of the nineteenth century. He promised them a 
“return to Palestine” and the creation of a state.° Zionism, 
aS we can see, was therefore a Christian project of 
colonization before it became a Jewish one. 

The ominous signs of how these seemingly religious and 
mythical beliefs might turn into a real program of 
colonization and dispossession appeared in Victorian Britain 
as early as the 1820s. A powerful theological and imperial 

movement emerged that would put the return of the Jews to 
Palestine at the heart of a strategic plan to take over 
Palestine and turn it into a Christian entity. In the nineteenth 
century, this sentiment became ever more popular in Britain 
and affected the official imperial policy: “The soil of 
Palestine ... only awaits for the return of her banished 
children, and the application of industry, commensurate 
with agricultural capabilities, to burst once more _ into 
universal luxuriance, and be all that she ever was in the 
days of Solomon.”© Thus wrote the Scottish peer and 
military commander John Lindsay. This sentiment was 
echoed by David Hartley, an English philosopher, who 
wrote: “It is probable that the Jews will be reinitiated in 

The process was not wholly successful before it received 
the support of the United States. Here, too, there was a 
history of endorsing the idea of a Jewish nation having the 
right to return to Palestine and build a Zion. At the same 
time as Protestants in Europe articulated these views, they 
appeared in a similar form across the Atlantic. The American 
president, John Adams (1735-1826), stated: “I really wish 
the Jews again in Judea as an independent nation.”® A 
simple history of ideas leads directly from the preaching 
fathers of this movement to those with the power to change 
the fate of Palestine. Foremost among them was Lord 
Shaftesbury (1801-85), a leading British politician and 
reformer, who campaigned actively for a Jewish homeland in 
Palestine. His arguments for a greater British presence in 
Palestine were both religious and strategic.” 

As | will presently show, this dangerous blend of religious 
fervor and reformist zeal would lead from Shaftesbury’s 
efforts in the middle of the nineteenth century to the Balfour 
Declaration in 1917. Shaftesbury realized that it would not 
be enough to support the return of the Jews, and they would 
have to be actively assisted by Britain in their initial 

colonization. Such an alliance should start, he asserted, by 
providing material help to the Jews to travel to Ottoman 
Palestine. He convinced the Anglican bishopric center and 
cathedral in Jerusalem to provide the early funding for this 
project. This would probably not have happened at all had 
Shaftesbury not succeeded in recruiting his father in law, 
Britain’s foreign minister and later prime minister, Lord 
Palmerston, to the cause. In his diary for August 1, 1838, 
Shaftesbury wrote: 

Dined with Palmerston. After dinner left alone with him. Propounded my 
schemes, which seems to strike his fancy. He asked questions and readily 
promised to consider it [the program to help the Jews to return to 
Palestine and take it over]. How singular is the order of Providence. 
Singular, if estimated by man’s ways. Palmerston had already been 
chosen by God to be an instrument of good to His ancient people, to do 
homage to their inheritance, and to recognize their rights without 
believing their destiny. It seems he will yet do more. Though the motive 
be kind, it is not sound. | am forced to argue politically, financially, 
commercially. He weeps not, like his Master, over Jerusalem, nor prays 
that now, at last, she may put on her beautiful garments. +° 

As a first step, Shaftesbury persuaded Palmerston to 
appoint his fellow restorationist (a believer in the restoration 
of Palestine to the Jews) William Young as the first British 
vice-consul in Jerusalem. He subsequently wrote in his diary: 
“What a wonderful event it is! The ancient City of the people 
of God is about to resume a place among the nations; and 
England is the first of the gentile kingdoms that ceases to 
‘tread her down.’”!! A year later, in 1839, Shaftesbury wrote 
a thirty-page article for The London Quarterly Review, 
entitled “State and Restauration (sic) of the Jews,” in which 
he predicted a new era for God’s chosen people. He insisted 

the Jews must be encouraged to return in yet greater numbers and 
become once more the husbandman of Judea and Galilee ... though 
admittedly a_ stiff-necked, dark hearted people, and sunk in moral 
degradation, obduracy, and ignorance of the Gospel, [they are] not only 
worthy of salvation but also vital to Christianity’s hope of salvation.?2 

Shaftesbury’s gentle lobbying of Palmerston proved 
successful. For political reasons, more than for religious 
ones, Palmerston too became an advocate for Jewish 
restoration. Among other factors that came into play in his 
deliberations was the “view that the Jews could be useful in 
buttressing the collapsing Ottoman Empire, thus helping to 
accomplish the key object of British foreign policy in the 

Palmerston wrote to the British ambassador in Istanbul 
on August 11, 1840, concerning the mutual benefit to both 
the Ottomans and Britain of allowing Jews to return to 
Palestine. Ironically, the restoration of the Jews was seen as 
an important means of maintaining the status quo, and of 
avoiding the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire. 
Palmerston wrote: 

There exists at the present time among the Jews dispersed over Europe, a 
strong notion that the time is approaching when their nation is to return to 
Palestine ... It would be of manifest importance to the Sultan to encourage 
the Jews to return and to settle in Palestine because the wealth which 
they would bring with them would increase the resources of the Sultan’s 
dominions; and the Jewish people, if returning under the sanction and 
protection and at the invitation of the Sultan, would be a check upon any 
future evil designs of Mohamet Ali or his successor ... | have to instruct 
Your Excellency strongly to recommend [the Turkish government] to hold 
out every just encouragement to the Jews of Europe to return to 

Mohamet Ali, more popularly Known as Muhammad Ali, was 
the governor of Egypt who ceded from the Ottoman Empire 
in the first half of the nineteenth century. When Palmerston 
wrote this letter to his ambassador in Istanbul, it was after a 
decade in which the Egyptian ruler had nearly toppled the 
sultan himself. The idea that Jewish wealth exported to 
Palestine would strengthen the Ottoman Empire from 
potential internal and external enemies underlines how 
Zionism was associated with anti-Semitism, British 
imperialism, and theology. 

A few days after Lord Palmerston sent his letter, a lead 
article in The Times called for a plan “to plant the Jewish 
people in the land of their fathers,” claiming this was under 
“serious political consideration” and commending the efforts 
of Shaftesbury as the author of the plan, which, it argued, 
was “practical and statesmanlike.”'> Lady Palmerston also 
Supported her husband's stance. She wrote to a friend: “We 
have on our side the fanatical and religious elements, and 
you know what a following they have in this country. They 
are absolutely determined that Jerusalem and the whole of 
Palestine shall be reserved for the Jews to return to; this is 
their only longing to restore the Jews.”!© Thus the Earl of 
Shaftesbury was described as: “The leading proponent of 
Christian Zionism in the nineteenth century and the first 
politician of stature to attempt to prepare the way for Jews 
to establish a homeland in Palestine.” +7 

This moment of British establishment enthusiasm for the 
idea of restoration should properly be described as proto- 
Zionism. While we _ should be careful about reading 
contemporary ideology into this nineteenth-century 
phenomenon, it nevertheless had all the ingredients that 
would turn these ideas into the future justification for 
erasing and denying the basic rights of the indigenous 
Palestinian population. There were of course churches and 
clergymen who did identify with the local Palestinians. 
Notable among them was George Francis Popham Blyth, a 
Church of England cleric who, along with some high church 
Anglican colleagues, developed strong sympathies for the 
Palestinians’ aspirations and rights. In 1887 Blyth founded 
St. George College, which is today probably still one of the 
best high schools in East Jerusalem (attended by the 
children of the local elite, who would play a crucial role in 
Palestinian politics in the first half of the twentieth century). 
The power, however, was with those who supported the 
Jewish cause, later to become the Zionist cause. 

The first British consulate in Jerusalem opened in 1838. 
Its brief included informally encouraging Jews to come to 
Palestine, promising to protect them, and in some cases 
attempting to convert them to Christianity. The most well- 
known of the early consuls was James Finn (1806-72), 
whose character and direct approach made it impossible to 
conceal the implications of this brief from the _ local 
Palestinians. He wrote openly, and was probably the first to 
do so, about the connection between returning the Jews to 
Palestine and the possible displacement of the Palestinians 
as a result.t® This connection would be at the heart of the 
Zionist settler colonial project in the following century. 

Finn was stationed in Jerusalem between 1845 and 1863. 
He has been lauded by later Israeli historians for helping 
Jews to settle in their ancestral land, and his memoirs have 
been translated into Hebrew. He is not the only historical 
figure to have appeared in one nation’s pantheon and in the 
rogues’ gallery of another. Finn detested Islam as a whole 
and the notables of Jerusalem in particular. He never 
learned to speak Arabic and communicated via an 
interpreter, which did nothing to smooth his relationship 
with the local Palestinian population. 

Finn was helped by the inauguration of the Anglican 
bishopric in Jerusalem in 1841, headed by Michael Solomon 
Alexander (a convert from Judaism), and by the inauguration 
of Christ Church, the first Anglican church, near Jaffa Gate, 
Jerusalem, in 1843. Although these _ institutions later 
developed a strong affinity with the Palestinian right of self- 
determination, at the time they supported Finn’s proto- 
Zionist aspirations. Finn worked more eagerly than any 
other European to establish a permanent Western presence 
in Jerusalem, organizing the purchase of lands and real 
estate for missionaries, commercial interests, and 
government bodies. 

An important link connecting these early, mainly British, 
Christian Zionist buds with Zionism was the German Temple 
Pietist movement (later known as the Templers), active in 
Palestine from the 1860s to the outbreak of World War |. The 
Pietist movement grew out of the Lutheran movement in 
Germany that spread all over the world, including to North 
America (where its influence on the early settler colonialism 
is felt to this very day). Its interest in Palestine evolved 
around the 1860s. Two German clergymen, Christoph 
Hoffman and Georg David Hardegg, founded the Temple 
Society in 1861. They had strong connections to the Pietist 
movement in Wurttemberg, Germany, but developed their 
own ideas on how best to push forward their version of 
Christianity. For them, the rebuilding of a Jewish temple in 
Jerusalem was an essential step in the divine scheme for 
redemption and absolution. More importantly, they were 
convinced that if they themselves settled in Palestine they 
would precipitate the second coming of the Messiah.?2 While 
not everyone in the respective churches and _ national 
organizations welcomed their particular way of translating 
Pietism into settler colonialism in Palestine, senior members 
of the Royal Prussian court and several Anglican theologians 
in Britain enthusiastically supported their dogma. 

As the Temple movement grew in prominence, it came to 
be persecuted by most of the established church in 
Germany. But they moved their ideas on to a more practical 
stage and settled in Palestine—fighting with each other 
along the way, as well as adding new members. They 
founded their first colony on Mount Carmel in Haifa in 1866 
and expanded into other parts of the country. The warming 
of the relationship between Kaiser Wilhelm II and the sultan 
at the very end of the nineteenth century further enhanced 
their settlement project. The Templers remained in Palestine 
under the British Mandate until 1948, when they were 
kicked out by the new Jewish state. 

The Templers’ colonies and methods of settlement were 
emulated by the early Zionists. While the German historian 
Alexander Scholch described the Templers’ colonization 
efforts as “The Quiet Crusade,” the early Zionist colonies 
established from 1882 onwards were anything but quiet.2° 
By the time the Templers settled in Palestine, Zionism had 
already become a notable political movement in Europe. 
Zionism was, in a nutshell, a movement asserting that the 
problems of the Jews of Europe would be solved by 
colonizing Palestine and creating a Jewish state there. These 
ideas germinated in the 1860s in several places in Europe, 
inspired by the Enlightenment, the 1848 “Spring of 
Nations,” and later on by _ socialism. Zionism was 
transformed from an intellectual and cultural exercise into a 
political project through the visions of Theodor Herzl, in 
response to a= particularly vile wave of anti-Jewish 
persecution in Russia in the late 1870s and early 1880s, and 
to the rise of anti-Semitic nationalism in the west of Europe 
(where the infamous Dreyfus trial revealed how deeply 
rooted anti-Semitism was in French and German society). 

Through Herzl’s efforts and those of like-minded Jewish 
leaders, Zionism became an_ internationally recognized 
movement. Independently at first, a group of Eastern 
European Jews developed similar notions about the solution 
for the Jewish question in Europe, and they did not wait for 
international recognition. They began to settle in Palestine 
in 1882, after preparing the ground by working in 
communes in their home countries. In the Zionist jargon 
they are called the First Aliyah—the first wave of Zionist 
immigration lasting to 1904. The second wave (1905-14) 
was' different, since it mainly’ included frustrated 
communists and socialists who now saw Zionism not only as 
a solution for the Jewish problem but also as spearheading 
communism and socialism through collective settlement in 
Palestine. In both waves, however, the majority preferred to 

settle in Palestinian towns, with only a smaller number 
attempting to cultivate land they bought from Palestinians 
and absentee Arab landowners, at first relying on Jewish 
industrialists in Europe to sustain them, before seeking a 
more independent economic existence. 

While the Zionist connection with Germany proved 
insignificant at the end of the day, the one with Britain 
became crucial. Indeed, the Zionist movement needed 
strong backing because the people of Palestine began to 
realize that this particular form of immigration did not bode 
well for their future in the country. Local leaders felt it would 
have a very negative effect on their society. One such figure 
was the mufti of Jerusalem, Tahir al-Hussayni II, who linked 
Jewish immigration into Jerusalem with a European 
challenge to the city’s Muslim sanctity. Some of his elders 
had already noted that it was James Finn’s idea to connect 
the arrival of the Jews with the restoration of Crusader glory. 
No wonder, then, that the mufti led the opposition to this 
immigration, with a special emphasis on the need to refrain 
from selling land to such projects. He recognized that 
possession of land vindicated claims of ownership, whereas 
immigration without settlement could be conceived as 
transient pilgrimage.? 

Thus, in many ways, the strategic imperial impulse of 
Britain to use the Jewish return to Palestine as a means of 
deepening London’s involvement in the “Holy Land” 
coincided with the emergence of new cultural and 
intellectual visions of Zionism in Europe. For both Christians 
and Jews, therefore, the colonization of Palestine was seen 
as an act of return and redemption. The coincidence of the 
two impulses produced a powerful alliance that turned the 
anti-Semitic and millenarian idea of transferring the Jews 
from Europe to Palestine into a real project of settlement at 
the expense of the native people of Palestine. This alliance 
became public knowledge with the proclamation of the 

Balfour Declaration on November 2, 1917—a letter from the 
British foreign secretary to the leaders of the Anglo-Jewish 
community in effect promising them full support for the 
creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. 

Thanks to the accessibility and efficient structure of the 
British archives, today we are blessed with many excellent 
scholarly works exploring the background to the declaration. 
Still among the best of them is an essay from 1970 by 
Mayer Verte, of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.22 He 
showed in particular how British officials asserted wrongly 
that Jewish members in the Bolshevik movement had similar 
aspirations to the Zionists, and that therefore a pro-Zionist 
declaration would pave the way for good relations with the 
new political power in Russia. More to the point was the 
assumption of these policy makers that such a gesture 
would be welcomed by the American Jews, whom the British 
suspected of having a great influence in Washington. There 
was also a mixture of millenarianism and Islamophobia: 
David Lloyd George, the prime minister at the time and a 
devout Christian, favored the return of the Jews on a 
religious basis, and strategically both he and his colleagues 
preferred a Jewish colony to a Muslim one, as they saw the 
Palestinians, in the Holy Land. 

More recently we have had access to an even more 
comprehensive analysis, written in 1939, but lost for many 
years before it reappeared in 2013. This is the work of the 
British journalist, J. M. N Jeffries, Palestine: The Reality, 
which runs to more than 700 pages explaining what lay 
behind the Balfour Declaration.2> It reveals, through Jeffries’ 
personal connections and his access to a wide range of no- 
longer-extant documents, precisely who in the _ British 
admiralty, army and government was working for the 
declaration and why. It appears that the pro-Zionist 
Christians in his story were far more enthusiastic than the 

Zionists themselves about the idea of British sponsorship of 
the colonization process in Palestine. 

The bottom line of all the research hitherto conducted on 
the declaration is that the various decision makers in Britain 
saw the idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine as coinciding 
with British strategic interests in the area. Once Britain had 
occupied Palestine, this alliance allowed the Jews to build 
the infrastructure for a Jewish state under British auspices, 
while protected by His Majesty’s Government’s bayonets. 

But Palestine was not easily taken. The British campaign 
against the Turks lasted almost the whole of 1917. It began 
well, with the British forces storming through the Sinai 
Peninsula, but they were then held up by an attritional 
trench war in the lines between the Gaza Strip and Bir Saba. 
Once this stalemate was broken, it became easier—in fact, 
Jerusalem surrendered without a fight. The ensuing military 
occupation brought all three discrete processes—the 
emergence of Zionism, Protestant millenarianism, and 
British imperialism—to Palestinian shores as a powerful 
fusion of ideologies that destroyed the country and its 
people over the next thirty years. 

There are those who would like to question whether the 
Jews who settled in Palestine as Zionists in the aftermath of 
1918 were really the descendants of the Jews who had been 
exiled by Rome 2,000 years ago. It began with popular 
doubts cast by Arthur Koestler (1905-83), who wrote The 
Thirteenth Tribe (1976) in which he advanced the theory 
that the Jewish settlers were descended from the Khazars, a 
Turkish nation of the Caucasus that converted to Judaism in 
the eighth century and was later forced to move 
westward.2* Israeli scientists have ever since tried to prove 
that there is a genetic connection between the Jews of 
Roman Palestine and those of present-day Israel. 
Nevertheless, the debate continues today. 

More serious analysis came from biblical scholars who 
were not influenced by Zionism, such as Keith Whitelam, 
Thomas Thompson, and the (Israeli scholar, Israel 
Finkelstein, all of whom reject the Bible as a factual account 
of any significance.2? Whitelam and Thompson also doubt 
the existence of anything like a nation in biblical times and, 
like others, criticize what they call the “invention of modern 
Israel” as the work of pro-Zionist Christian theologians. The 
latest and most updated deconstruction of this idea came in 
Shlomo Sand’s two books, The Invention of the Jewish 
People and The Invention of the Land of Israel.2©° | respect 
and appreciate this scholarly effort. Politically, however, | 
think it is less significant than the assumption that denies 
the existence of the Palestinians (although it is the 
complement of that assumption). People are entitled to 
invent themselves, as so many national movements have 
done in their moment of inception. But the problem 
becomes acute if the genesis narrative leads to political 
projects such as genocide, ethnic cleansing, and oppression. 

In the particular case of the claims of nineteenth-century 
Zionism, it is not the historical accuracy of those claims that 
matters. What matters is not whether the present Jews in 
Israel are the authentic descendants of those who lived in 
the Roman era, but rather the state of Israel’s insistence 
that it represents all the Jews in the world and that 
everything it does is for their sake and on their behalf. Until 
1967, this claim was very helpful for the state of Israel. Jews 
around the world, in particular in the United States, became 
its main supporters whenever its policies were questioned. 
In many respects, this is still the case in the United States 
today. However, even there, as well as in other Jewish 
communities, this clear association is nowadays challenged. 

Zionism, aS we Shall see in the next chapter, was 
Originally a minority opinion among Jews. In making the 
argument that the Jews were a nation belonging to Palestine 

and therefore should be helped to return to it, they had to 
rely on British officials and, later, military power. Jews and 
the world at large did not seem to be convinced that the 
Jews were a people without a land. Shaftesbury, Finn, 
Balfour, and Lloyd George liked the idea because it helped 
Britain gain a foothold in Palestine. This became immaterial 
after the British took Palestine by force and then had to 
decide from a new starting point whether the land was 
Jewish or Palestinian—a question it could never properly 
answer, and therefore had to leave to others to resolve after 
thirty years of frustrating rule. 

Chapter 3 
Zionism Is Judaism 

In order to examine properly the assumption that Zionism is 
the same as Judaism, one has to begin with the historical 
context in which it was born. Since its inception in the mid- 
nineteenth century, Zionism was only one, inessential, 
expression of Jewish cultural life. It was born out of two 
impulses among Jewish communities in Central and Eastern 
Europe. The first was a search for safety within a society 
that refused to integrate Jews as equals and_ that 
occasionally persecuted them, either through legislation or 
through riots organized or encouraged by the powers that 
be as a diversion from economic crises or _ political 
upheavals. The second impulse was a wish to emulate other 
new national movements mushrooming in Europe at the 
time, during what historians called the European Spring of 
Nations. Those Jews who sought to transform Judaism from a 
religion into a nation were not unique among the many 
ethnic and religious groups within the two crumbling 
empires—the Austro-Hungarian and the Ottoman—who 
wished to redefine themselves as nations. 

The roots of modern-day Zionism can be found already in 
the eighteenth century in what was called the Jewish 
enlightenment movement. This was a group of writers, 
poets, and rabbis who revived the Hebrew language and 
pushed the boundaries of traditional and religious Jewish 
education into the more universal study of science, 
literature, and philosophy. Across Central and Eastern 
Europe, Hebrew newspapers and journals began to 
proliferate. Out of this group there emerged a_ few 
individuals, Known in Zionist historiography as_ the 
“Harbingers of Zionism,” who showed greater nationalist 
tendencies and associated the revival of Hebrew with 
nationalism in their writings. They put forward two new 
ideas: the redefinition of Judaism as a national movement 
and the need to colonize Palestine in order to return the 
Jews to the ancient homeland from which they had been 
expelled by the Romans in 70 ce. They advocated for “the 
return” by way of what they defined as “agricultural 
colonies” (in many parts of Europe Jews were not allowed to 
own or cultivate land, hence the fascination with starting 
anew as a nation of farmers, not just as free citizens). 

These ideas became more popular after a brutal wave of 
pogroms in Russia in 1881, which transformed them into a 
political program propagated by a movement called “The 
Lovers of Zion,” who dispatched a few hundred enthusiastic 
young Jews to build the first new colonies in Palestine in 
1882. This first phase in the history of Zionism culminates 
with the works and actions of Theodor Herzl. Born in Pest in 
the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1860, but resident for most 
of his life in Vienna, Herzl began his career as a playwright 
interested in the status and problems of the modern Jew in 
his society, asserting at first that full assimilation into local 
society was the key to this predicament. In the 1890s he 
became a journalist and, according to his own version of his 
life, it was at this time that he realized how potent anti- 

Semitism was. He concluded that there was no hope for 
assimilation and opted instead for the foundation of a Jewish 
state in Palestine as the best solution to what he defined as 
the “Jewish Problem.” 

As these early Zionist ideas were aired among Jewish 
communities in countries such as Germany and the United 
States, prominent rabbis and leading figures in those 
communities rejected the new approach. Religious leaders 
dismissed Zionism as a form of secularization and 
modernization, while secular Jews feared that the new ideas 
would raise questions about the Jews’ loyalty to their own 
nation-states and would thus increase anti-Semitism. Both 
groups had different ideas about how to cope with the 
modern-day persecution of the Jews in Europe. Some 
believed that the further entrenchment of Jewish religion 
and tradition was the answer (as Islamic fundamentalists 
would do at the same time, when faced with European 
modernization), while others advocated for _ further 
assimilation into non-Jewish life. 

When Zionist ideas appeared in Europe and the United 
States between the 1840s and the 1880s, most Jews 
practiced Judaism in two different ways. One involved 
entrenchment: living within’ very tight _ religious 
communities, shunning new ideas such as nationalism, and 
indeed regarding modernization as such as an unwelcome 
threat to their way of life. The other way involved living a 
secular life, which differed from that of the non-Jewish 
communities in only very minimal ways—celebrating certain 
holidays, frequenting the synagogue on Fridays, and 
probably not eating in public during the fast of the day of 
atonement (Yom Kippur). Gershom Scholem, who was one 
such Jew, recalled in his memoirs Berlin to Jerusalem how, 
aS a member of a young Jewish group in Germany, he used 
to dine with his friends in the same restaurant in Berlin 
during Yom Kippur; on their arrival, the proprietor would 

inform them that “the special room for the _ fasting 
gentlemen in the restaurant was ready.”! Individuals and 
communities found themselves between these two poles of 
secularization on the one hand and Orthodox life on the 
other. But let us look more closely at the positions they 
adopted towards Zionism in the second half of the 
nineteenth century. 

Jewish secularism is a slightly bizarre concept of course, 
as is Christian secularism or Islamic secularism. Secular 
Jews as described above were people with various degrees 
of connection to religion (very much as a secular Christian in 
Britain celebrates Easter and Christmas, sends his children 
to Church of England schools, or attends Sunday mass 
occasionally or frequently). In the latter half of the 
nineteenth century, this modern form of practicing Judaism 
became a powerful movement known as the Reform 
movement, which looked for ways of adapting religion to 
modern life without succumbing to its anachronistic aspects. 
It was particularly popular in Germany and the United 

When the Reformists first encountered Zionism, they 
vehemently rejected the idea of redefining Judaism as 
nationalism and the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. 
However, their anti-Zionist stance shifted after the creation 
of the state of Israel in 1948. In the second half of the 
twentieth century, the majority among them created a new 
Reform movement in the United States, which became one 
of the strongest Jewish organizations in the country 
(although not until 1999 did the new movement officially 
vow allegiance to Israel and Zionism). However, a large 
number of Jews left the new movement and set up the 
American Council of Judaism (ACJ), which reminded the 
world in 1993 that Zionism was still a minority view among 
Jews, and which remained loyal to the old Reformist notions 
about Zionism.? 

Before that schism, the Reform movement in_ both 
Germany and the United States had provided a strong and 
unanimous case against Zionism. In Germany, they publicly 
rejected the idea of a Jewish nation and_ proclaimed 
themselves “Germans of the Mosaic faith.” One of the 
German Reformists’ early acts was to remove from their 
prayer rituals any references to a return to “Eretz Israel” or 
the rebuilding of a state there. Similarly, already in 1869, 
American Reformists stated in one of their first conventions 

that the messianic aim of Israel [i.e. the Jewish people] is not the 
restoration of a Jewish state under a descendant of David, involving a 
second separation from the nations of earth, but the union of the children 
of God in the confession of the unity of God, so as to realize the unity of 
all rational creatures, and their call to moral sanctification. 

In 1885, another Reformist conference stated: “We consider 
ourselves no longer a nation, but a religious community, and 
we therefore expect neither a return to Palestine, nor a 
sacrificial worship under the sons of Aaron, nor the 
restoration of any laws concerning the Jewish state.” 

One famous leader in this respect was Rabbi Kaufman 
Kohler, who repudiated the idea “that Judea is the home of 
the Jew—an idea which ‘unhomes’ [s/c] the Jew all over the 
wide earth.” Another leader of the movement at the end of 
the nineteenth century, Isaac Mayer Wise, often ridiculed 
Zionist leaders such as Herzl, comparing them to charlatan 
alchemists claiming to contribute to science. In Vienna, the 
city of Herzl, Adolf Jellinek argued that Zionism would 
endanger the position of Jews in Europe and claimed that 
most of them objected to the idea. “We are at home in 
Europe,” he declared. 

Apart from the Reformers, liberal Jews at that time 
rejected the claim that Zionism provided the only solution 
for anti-Semitism. As Walter Lacquer shows us in his book, 
The History of Zionism, liberal Jews regarded Zionism as a 
fanciful movement that provided no answer to the problems 

of the Jews in Europe. They argued for what they called a 
“regeneration” of the Jews, involving a display of total 
loyalty to their homelands and a willingness to be fully 
assimilated into them as citizens.2 They hoped that a more 
liberal world might solve the problems of persecution and 
anti-Semitism. History showed that liberalism had saved 
those Jews who moved to, or lived in, the UK and the USA. 
Those who believed it could happen in the rest of Europe 
were proven wrong. But even today, with hindsight, many 
liberal Jews do not see Zionism as the right answer then or 

Socialists and Orthodox Jews began to voice their 
criticisms of Zionism only in the 1890s, when Zionism 
became a more recognized political force very late in the 
decade, thanks to the diligent work of Herzl. Herzl 
understood contemporary politics and wrote utopian stories, 
political tracts, and newspaper reports summarizing the 
idea that it was in Europe’s interest to help build a modern 
Jewish state in Palestine. World leaders were not impressed; 
neither were the Ottomans, as the rulers of Palestine. 
Herzl’s greatest achievement was bringing all the activists 
together at one conference in 1897, and from there building 
up two basic organizations—a world congress promoting the 
ideas of Zionism globally, and local Zionist outfits on the 
ground expanding the Jewish colonization of Palestine. 

Thus, with the crystallization of Zionist ideas, the 
criticism of Jews opposed to Zionism also became clearer. 
Apart from the Reform movement, criticism came from the 
left, lay leaders of the various communities, and from 
Orthodox Jews. In 1897, the same year as the first Zionist 
conference was convened in Basel, a_ socialist Jewish 
movement was born in Russia: the Bund. It was both a 
political movement and a Jewish trade union. Bund 
members believed that a socialist, even a _ Bolshevik, 
revolution would be a far better solution to the problems of 

Jews in Europe than Zionism. They regarded the latter as a 
form of escapism. More importantly, when Nazism and 
Fascism were on the rise in Europe, Bundists felt that 
Zionism contributed to this brand of anti-Semitism by 
questioning the loyalty of Jews to their homelands. Even 
after the Holocaust, Bundists were convinced that Jews 
should seek a place in societies that cherish human and civil 
rights, and did not see a Jewish nation state as a panacea. 
This strong anti-Zionist conviction, however, slowly subsided 
from around the mid-1950s, and the remnants of this once- 
powerful movement eventually decided to support the state 
of Israel publicly (they even had a branch in the Jewish 

The reaction of the Bund did not trouble Herzl as much as 
did the lukewarm response of the Jewish political and 
economic elites in places such as Britain and France. They 
Saw Herzl either as a charlatan whose ideas were far 
removed from reality, or worse aS someone who could 
undermine Jewish life in their own societies where, as in 
Britain, they had made immense progress in terms of 
emancipation and integration. The Victorian Jews were 
disturbed by his call for Jewish sovereignty in a foreign land 
with an equal status to other sovereign states in the world. 
For the more established sections of Central and Western 
European Jewry, Zionism was a provocative vision that 
called into question the loyalty of English, German, and 
French Jews to their own home nations. Thanks to their lack 
of support for Herzl, the Zionist movement failed to become 
a powerful actor before World War |. Only after Herzl’s death 
in 1904 did other leaders of the movement—in particular 
Chaim Weizmann, who immigrated to Britain in the year 
Herzl died and became aé_ leading scientist there, 
contributing to the British war effort in World War I—build a 
strong alliance with London that served Zionism well, as will 
be described later in this chapter.° 

The third critique on Zionism in its early days came from 
the ultra-Orthodox Jewish establishment. To this day, many 
ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities vehemently oppose 
Zionism, although they are much smaller than they were in 
the late nineteenth century and some of them moved to 
Israel and are now part of its political system. Nonetheless, 
as in the past, they constitute yet another non-Zionist way 
of being Jewish. When Zionism made its first appearance in 
Europe, many traditional rabbis in fact forbade their 
followers from having anything to do with Zionist activists. 
They viewed Zionism as meddling with God’s will to retain 
the Jews in exile until the coming of the Messiah. They 
totally rejected the idea that Jews should do all they can to 
end the “Exile.” Instead, they had to wait for God’s word on 
this and in the meantime practice the traditional way of life. 
While individuals were allowed to visit and study in Palestine 
as pilgrims, this was not to be interpreted as permission for 
a mass movement. The great Hasidic German Rabbi of 
Dzikover summed up this approach bitterly when he said 
that Zionism asks him to replace centuries of Jewish wisdom 
and law for a rag, soil, and a song (i.e. a flag, a land, and an 

Not all the leading rabbis opposed Zionism however. 
There was a small group of quite famous authoritative 
figures, such as the rabbis al-Qalay, Gutmacher, and 
Qalisher, who endorsed the Zionist program. They were a 
Small minority but in hindsight they were an important 
group as they laid the foundation for the national religious 
wing of Zionism. Their religious acrobatics were quite 
impressive. In Israeli historiography they are called the 
“Fathers of the Religious Zionism.” Religious Zionism is a 
very important movement in contemporary Israel, as the 
ideological home of the messianic settler movement, Gush 
Emunim, which colonized the West Bank and the Gaza Strip 
from 1967 onwards. These rabbis not only called on Jews to 

leave Europe but also asserted that it was a religious duty, 
not just a nationalist one, for Jews to colonize Palestine 
through the cultivation of its land (not surprisingly the 
natives of the land do not feature in their writings). They 
claimed that such an act would not be meddling with God’s 
will; on the contrary, it would fulfill the prophecies of the 
Prophets and advance the full redemption of the Jewish 
people and the coming of the Messiah.’ 

Most of the leading lights in Orthodox Judaism rejected 
this plan and interpretation. They had another axe to grind 
with Zionism. The new movement not only wished to 
colonize Palestine; it also hoped to secularize the Jewish 
people, to invent the “new Jew” in antithesis to the religious 
Orthodox Jews of Europe. This culminated in the image of a 
new European Jew who could no longer live in Europe, 
because of its anti-Semitism, but had to live as a European 
outside the continent. Thus, like many movements during 
this period, Zionism redefined itself in national terms—but it 
was radically different because it chose a new land for this 
conversion. The Orthodox Jew was ridiculed by the Zionists 
and was viewed as someone who could only be redeemed 
through hard work in Palestine. This transformation is 
beautifully described in Herzl’s futuristic utopian novel, 
Altnueland, which tells the story of a German _ tourist 
expedition arriving in the Jewish state long after it had been 
established.® Before arriving in Palestine, one of the tourists 
had run into a young Orthodox Jewish beggar—he comes 
across him again in Palestine, now secular, educated, and 
extremely rich and content. 

The role of the Bible within Jewish life offered one further 
clear difference between Judaism and Zionism. In the pre- 
Zionist Jewish world, the Bible was not taught as a singular 
text that carried any political or even national connotation in 
the various Jewish educational centers in either Europe or 
the Arab world. The leading rabbis treated the political 

history contained in the Bible, and the idea of Jewish 
sovereignty over the land of Israel, as marginal topics in 
their spiritual world of learning. They were much more 
concerned, as indeed Judaism in general was, with the holy 
writings focusing on the relationship between believers, and 
in particular on their relations with God. 

From “The Lovers of Zion” in 1882 to the Zionist leaders 
on the eve of World War |, who appealed to Britain to 
Support the Jewish claim for Palestine, reference to the Bible 
was quite common. In pursuit of their own interests, Zionist 
leaders fundamentally challenged the traditional biblical 
interpretations. The Lovers of Zion, for instance, read the 
Bible as the story of a Jewish nation born on the land of 
Palestine aS an oppressed people under the yoke of a 
Canaanite regime. The latter exiled the Jewish people to 
Egypt, until they returned to the land and liberated it under 
Joshua’s leadership. The traditional interpretation, in 
contrast, focuses on Abraham and his family as a group of 
people discovering a monotheistic god rather than a nation 
and a homeland. Most readers will be familiar with this 
conventional narrative of the Abrahamites discovering God 
and through trials and tribulations finding themselves in 
Egypt?—hardly a story of an oppressed nation engaged in a 
liberation struggle. However, the latter was the preferred 
Zionist interpretation, which still holds water in Israel today. 

One of the most intriguing uses of the Bible in Zionism is 
that practiced by the socialist wing of the movement. The 
fusion of socialism with Zionism began in earnest after 
Herzl’s death in 1904, as the various socialist factions 
became the leading parties in the World Zionist movement 
and on the ground in Palestine. For the socialists, as one of 
them said, the Bible provided “the myth for our right over 
the land.”?° It was in the Bible that they read stories about 
Hebrew farmers, shepherds, kings, and wars, which they 
appropriated as describing the ancient golden era of their 

nation’s birth. Returning to the land meant coming back to 
become farmers, shepherds, and kings. Thus, they found 
themselves faced with a challenging paradox, for they 
wanted both to secularize Jewish life and to use the Bible as 
a justification for colonizing Palestine. In other words, 
though they did not believe in God, He had nonetheless 
promised them Palestine. 

For many Zionist leaders, the reference in the Bible to 
the land of Palestine was just a means to their ends, and not 
the essence of Zionism. This was clear in particular in texts 
written by Theodor Herzl. In a famous article in The /ewish 
Chronicle (July 10, 1896) he based the Jewish demand for 
Palestine on the Bible, but expressed his wish that the future 
Jewish state be run according to the European political and 
moral philosophies of his time. Herzl was probably more 
secular than the group of leaders who replaced him. This 
prophet of the movement seriously considered alternatives 
to Palestine, such as Uganda, as the promised land of Zion. 
He also looked at other destinations in the north and south 
of America and in Azerbaijan.4! With Herzl’s death in 1904, 
and the rise of hiS successors, Zionism homed in on 
Palestine and the Bible became even more of an asset than 
before as proof of a divine Jewish right to the land. 

The new post-1904 fixation on Palestine as the only 
territory in which Zionism could be implemented was 
reinforced by the growing power of Christian Zionism in 
Britain and in Europe. Theologians who studied the Bible 
and evangelical archeologists who excavated “the Holy 
Land” welcomed the settlement of Jews as confirming their 
religious belief that the “Jewish return” would herald the 
unfolding of the divine promise for the end of time. The 
return of the Jews was the precursor of the return of the 
Messiah and the resurrection of the dead. The Zionist 
project of colonizing Palestine was well served by this 
esoteric religious belief.1? However, behind these religious 

visions lay classical anti-Semitic sentiments. For pushing 
Jewish communities in the direction of Palestine was not 
only a religious imperative; it also helped in the creation of a 
Europe without Jews. It therefore represented a double gain: 
getting rid of the Jews in Europe, and at the same time 
fulfilling the divine scheme in which the Second Coming was 
to be precipitated by the return of the Jews to Palestine (and 
their subsequent conversion to Christianity or their roasting 
in Hell should they refuse). 

From that moment onwards, the Bible became both the 
justification and the route map for the Zionist colonization of 
Palestine. Historically, the Bible served Zionism well from its 
inception until the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. It 
played an important role in the dominant Israeli narrative— 
for both domestic and external purposes—claiming that 
Israel is the same land as was promised by God to Abraham 
in the Bible. “Israel” in this narrative existed until 70 ce, 
when the Romans demolished it and exiled its people. The 
religious Commemoration of that date, when the second 
Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed, was a day of mourning. 
In Israel it has become a national day of mourning on which 
all leisure-industry businesses, including restaurants, are 
required to close from the evening before. 

The principal scholarly and secular proof for this 
narrative has been provided in recent years with the help of 
what is called biblical archeology (in itself an oxymoronic 
concept, since the Bible is a great literary work, written by 
many peoples in different periods, and hardly a historical 
text!3). After 70 ce, according to the narrative, the land was 
more or less empty until the Zionist return. However, 
leading Zionists knew that appealing to the authority of the 
Bible would not be enough. Colonizing the already inhabited 
Palestine would require a systematic policy of settlement, 
dispossession, and even ethnic cleansing. To this end, 
portraying the dispossession of Palestine as the fulfillment 

of a divine Christian scheme was priceless when it came to 
galvanizing global Christian support behind Zionism. 

As we have seen, once all other territorial options were 
ruled out and Zionism focused on the reclamation of 
Palestine, the leaders who took over from the early pioneers 
began to inject socialist, and even Marxist, ideology into the 
growing secular movement. The aim now was to establish 
(with the help of God) a secular, socialist, colonialist Jewish 
project in the Holy Land. As the colonized natives quickly 
learned, ultimately their fate was sealed regardless of 
whether the settlers brought with them the Bible, the 
writings of Marx, or the tracts of the [European 
Enlightenment. All that mattered was whether, or how, you 
were included in the settlers’ vision of the future. It is telling 
therefore that in the obsessive records kept by the early 
Zionist leaders and settlers, the natives featured as an 
obstacle, an alien and an enemy, regardless of who they 
were or of their own aspirations. /4 

The first anti-Arab entries in those records were written 
while the settlers were still being hosted by the Palestinians 
on the way to the old colonies, or in the towns. Their 
complaints stemmed from their formative experiences, 
searching for work and a means of subsistence. This 
predicament seemed to affect them universally, whether 
they went to the old colonies or whether they tried their luck 
in the towns. Wherever they were, in order to survive they 
had to work shoulder to shoulder with Palestinian farmers or 
workers. Through such intimate contact even the most 
ignorant and defiant settlers realized that Palestine was 
totally an Arab country in its human landscape. 

David Ben-Gurion, the leader of the Jewish community 
during the Mandatory period and Israel's first prime 
minister, described the Palestinian workers and farmers as 
beit mihush (“an infested hotbed of pain”). Other settlers 
talked about the Palestinians as strangers and aliens. “The 

people here are stranger to us than the Russian or Polish 
peasant,” wrote one of them, adding, “We have nothing in 
common with the majority of the people living here.”+> They 
were surprised to find people in Palestine at all, having been 
told the land was empty. “I was disgusted to find out that in 
Hadera [an early Zionist colony built in 1882] part of the 
houses were occupied by Arabs,” reported one settler, while 
another reported back to Poland that he was appalled to see 
many Arab men, women, and children crossing through 
Rishon LeZion (another colony from 1882).1+°® 

Since the country was not empty, and you had to 
overcome the presence of the natives, it was good to have 
God on your side—even if you were an atheist. Both David 
Ben-Gurion and his close friend and colleague Yitzhak Ben- 
Zvi (who along with Ben-Gurion led the Zionist socialist 
factions in Palestine and later became the second president 
of Israel) used the biblical promise as the main justification 
for the colonization of Palestine. This remained the case for 
the ideologues who succeeded them in the Labor party into 
the mid-1970s, and up to the very shallow secular Bible-ism 
of the Likud party and its offshoots of recent years. 

The interpretation of the Bible as the divine justification 
for Zionism helped the socialists to reconcile their 
adherence to the universal values of solidarity and equality 
with the colonization project of dispossession. Indeed, since 
colonization was the main goal of Zionism, one has to ask 
what kind of socialism this was. After all, in the collective 
memory of many, the golden period of Zionism is associated 
with the collectivist, egalitarian life embodied in the 
establishment of the Kibbutz. This form of life lasted long 
after Israel was founded and it attracted young people from 
all over the world who came to volunteer and experience 
communism in its purest form. Very few of them realized, or 
could have known, that most of the Kibbutzim were built on 
destroyed Palestinian villages, whose populations had been 

expelled in 1948. In justification, the Zionists claimed that 
these villages were old Jewish places mentioned in the Bible, 
and hence that their appropriation was not an occupation 
but a liberation. A special committee of “biblical 
archeologists” would enter a deserted village and determine 
what its name was in biblical times. Energetic officials of the 
Jewish National Fund would then establish the settlement 
with its newly recovered name.!’ A similar method was used 
after 1967 by the then minister of labor, Yigal Alon, a 
secular socialist Jew, for building a new town near Hebron, 
since it “belonged” to the Jewish people, according to the 

Some critical Israeli scholars, most notable among them 
Gershon Shafir and Zeev Sternhell (as the well as the 
American scholar Zachary Lockman), have explained how 
the colonial appropriation of land tainted the supposed 
golden era of socialist Zionism. As these historians show, 
socialism within Zionism, as a praxis and way of life, was 
always a conditional and limited version of the universal 
ideology. The universal values and aspirations that 
characterized the various ideological movements of the 
Western left were very early on nationalized or Zionized in 
Palestine. No wonder then that socialism lost its 
attractiveness for the next generation of settlers.!® 

Yet religion remained an important aspect of the process 
even after the land had been taken from the Palestinians. In 
its name you could invoke and assert an ancient moral right 
to Palestine that challenged every other external claim to 
the land in those dying days of imperialism. This right also 
Superseded the moral claims of the native population. One 
of the most socialist and secular colonialist projects of the 
twentieth century demanded exclusivity in the name of a 
pure divine promise. The reliance on the sacred text proved 
highly profitable for the Zionist settlers and extremely costly 
to the local population. The late and brilliant Michael Prior’s 

last book, The Bible and Colonialism, showed how the same 
kinds of projects were pursued around the globe in ways 
that have much in common with the colonization § of 

After Israel occupied the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in 
1967, the Bible continued to be used to similar ends. | have 
already mentioned Yigal Alon, who used the Bible to justify 
building a Jewish town, Qiryat Arba, on land expropriated 
from the people of Hebron, the nearby Palestinian town. 
Qiryat Arba quickly became a hotbed for people who took 
the Bible even more seriously as a guide to action. They 
selectively chose those biblical chapters and phrases that in 
their eyes justified the dispossession of the Palestinians. As 
the years of the occupation continued, so too did the regime 
of brutality against the dispossessed. This process of 
drawing political legitimization from a sacred text can lead 
to fanaticism with dangerous consequences. The Bible, for 
instance, has references to genocide: the Amalekites were 
killed to the last by Joshua. Today there are those, thankfully 
for now only a fanatical minority, who refer not only to the 
Palestinians as Amalekites but also to those who are not 
Jewish enough in their eyes.2° 

Similar references to genocide in the name of God 
appear in the Jewish Haggadah for Pesach (Passover). The 
main tale, of the Passover Seder—where God sends Moses 
and the Israelites to a land inhabited by others, to possess it 
as they see fit—is of course not an imperative issue for the 
vast majority of Jews. It is a literary text, not a manual for 
war. However, it can be exploited by the new stream of 
Jewish messianic thinking, as was the case with the 
assassination of Yitzhak Rabin in 1995 and, in the summer 
of 2015, the burning to death first of a teenager in one 
incident, and then of two parents and their baby in another. 
Israel’s new minister of justice, Ayelet Shaked, entertained 
similar ideas, so far only for Palestinians who have died in 

their attempts to resist Israel: their whole family, she said, 
Should “follow their sons, nothing would be more just. They 
Should go, as should the physical homes in which they 
raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be 
raised there.”2! For the time being, this is just a warning for 
the future. Since 1882, as we have seen, the Bible has been 
used as a justification for dispossession. However, in the 
early years of the state of Israel, 1948-67, reference to the 
Bible subsided and was only employed on the right-wing 
margins of the Zionist movement to justify their depiction of 
the Palestinians as subhuman and as the eternal enemies of 
the Jewish people. After the occupation of the West Bank 
and the Gaza Strip in 1967, these messianic and 
fundamentalist Jews, growing up in the Religious National 
Party, MAFDAL, seized the opportunity to transform their 
hallucinations into real action on the ground. They settled 
everywhere in the newly occupied territories, with or 
without the consent of the government. They created 
islands of Jewish life within Palestinian territory, and began 
to behave as if they owned all of it. 

The most militant factions of Gush Emunim, the post- 
1967 settlement movement, took advantage of the very 
particular circumstances created by the Israeli rule over the 
West Bank and the Gaza Strip to go wild in their license to 
dispossess and abuse in the name of the sacred texts. 
Israeli law did not apply in the occupied territories, which 
were ruled by military emergency regulations. However, this 
military legal regime did not apply to the settlers, who were 
in many ways immune from sanction in both legal systems. 
Their settling by force in the middle of Palestinian 
neighborhoods in Hebron and Jerusalem, uprooting of 
Palestinian olive trees, and setting fire to Palestinian fields 
were all justified as part of the divine duty to settle in “Eretz 

But the settlers’ violent interpretation of the biblical 
message was not confined to the occupied territories. They 
began to push into the heart of the mixed Arab-Jewish towns 
in Israel, such as Acre, Jaffa and Ramleh, in order to disturb 
the delicate modus vivendi that had prevailed there for 
years. The movement of settlers into these sensitive spots 
inside the pre-1967 Israeli border had the potential of 
undermining, in the name of the Bible, the already strained 
relations between the Jewish state and its Palestinian 

The final reason offered for the Zionist reclamation of the 
Holy Land, as determined by the Bible, was the need of Jews 
around the world to find a safe haven, especially after the 
Holocaust. However, even if this was true, it might have 
been possible to find a solution that was not restricted to 
the biblical map and that did not dispossess the 
Palestinians. This position was voiced by a quite a few well- 
known personalities, such as Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson 
Mandela. These commentators tried to suggest that the 
Palestinians should be asked to provide a safe haven for 
persecuted Jews alongside the native population, not in 
place of it. But the Zionist movement regarded such 
proposals as heresy. 

The difference between settling alongside the native 
people and simply displacing them was recognized by 
Mahatma Gandhi when he was asked by the Jewish 
philosopher, Martin Buber, to lend his support to the Zionist 
project. In 1938, Buber had been asked by Ben-Gurion to 
put pressure on several well-known moral figures to show 
their public support for Zionism. They felt that approval from 
Gandhi, as the leader of a nonviolent national struggle 
against imperialism, would be especially useful, and were 
prepared to leverage his respect for Buber in order to get it. 
Gandhi’s major statement on Palestine and the Jewish 
question appeared in his widely circulated editorial in the 

Harijan of November 11, 1938, in the middle of a major 
rebellion by the native Palestinians against the British 
government’s pro-Zionist policies. Gandhi began his piece 
by saying that all his sympathies lay with the Jews, who as a 
people had been subjected to inhuman treatment and 
persecution for centuries. But, he added, 

My sympathy does not blind me to the requirements of justice. The cry for 
the national home for the Jews does not make much appeal to me. The 
sanction for it is sought in the Bible and in the tenacity with which the 
Jews have hankered after their return to Palestine. Why should they not, 
like other peoples of the earth, make that country their home where they 
are born and where they earn their livelinood?22 

Gandhi thus questioned the very foundational logic of 
political Zionism, rejecting the idea of a Jewish state in the 
promised land by pointing out that the “Palestine of the 
Biblical conception is not a geographical tract.” Thus, 
Gandhi disapproved of the Zionist project for both political 
and religious reasons. The endorsement of that project by 
the British government only alienated Gandhi even further. 
He had no doubts about who Palestine belonged to: 

Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to 
the English or France to the French. It is wrong and inhuman to impose the 
Jews on the Arabs ... Surely it would be a crime against humanity to 
reduce the proud Arabs so that Palestine can be restored to the Jews 
partly or wholly as their national home.?? 

Gandhi’s response to the Palestine question contains 
different layers of meaning, ranging from an ethical position 
to political realism. What is interesting is that, while firmly 
believing in the inseparability of religion and politics, he 
consistently and vehemently rejected the cultural and 
religious nationalism of Zionism. A religious justification for 
claiming a nation state did not appeal to him in any 
substantial sense. Buber responded to this article by trying 
to justify Zionism, but Gandhi had apparently had enough 
and the correspondence petered out. 

Indeed, the space the Zionist movement demanded for 
itself was not determined by the need to rescue persecuted 
Jews, but by the wish to take as much of Palestine as 
possible with as few inhabitants as was practical. Sober and 
secular Jewish scholars attempted to remain “scientific” in 
translating a hazy promise from an ancient past into a 
present fact. The project had been started already by the 
chief historian of the Jewish community in Mandatory 
Palestine, Ben-Zion Dinaburg (Dinur), and was continued 
intensively after the creation of the state in 1948. Its end 
product is represented by the quotation from the website of 
the Israeli foreign ministry reproduced in Chapter 1. Dinur’s 
task in the 1930s, like that of his successors ever since, was 
to prove scientifically that there had been a Jewish presence 
in Palestine ever since Roman times. 

Not that anyone doubted it. Despite the historical 
evidence that the Jews who lived in eighteenth-century 
Palestine rejected the notion of a Jewish state, as did the 
Orthodox Jews in the late nineteenth century, this was 
rejected out of hand in the twentieth century. Dinur and his 
colleagues used the statistic that Jews made up no more 
than 2 percent of the population of eighteenth-century 
Palestine to prove the validity of the biblical promise and of 
the modern Zionist demand for Palestine.2* This narrative 
has become the standard, accepted history. One of Britain’s 
most distinguished professors of history, Sir Martin Gilbert, 
produced many years ago the Atlas of the Arab-l/sraeli 
Conflict, published across several editions by Cambridge 
University Press.2°? The Atlas begins the history of the 
conflict in biblical times, taking it for granted that the 
territory was a Jewish kingdom to which the Jews returned 
after 2,000 years of exile. Its opening maps tell the whole 
Story: the first is of biblical Palestine; the second of Palestine 
under the Romans; the third of Palestine during the time of 
the crusaders; and the fourth, of Palestine in 1882. Thus, 

nothing of importance happened between the medieval era 
and the arrival of the first Zionists. Only when foreigners are 
in Palestine—Romans, Crusaders, Zionists—is it worth 

Israeli educational textbooks now carry the same 
message of the right to the land based on a biblical promise. 
According to a letter sent by the education ministry in 2014 
to all schools in Israel: “the Bible provides the cultural 
infrastructure of the state of Israel, in it our right to the land 
is anchored.”2© Bible studies are now a crucial and 
expanded component of the curriculum—with a particular 
focus on the Bible as recording an ancient history that 
justifies the claim to the land. The biblical stories and the 
national lessons that can be learned from them are fused 
together with the study of the Holocaust and of the creation 
of the state of Israel in 1948. There is a direct line from this 
2014 letter back to the evidence given by David Ben-Gurion 
in 1937 to the Royal Peel Commission (the British inquiry set 
up to try to find a solution to the emerging conflict). In the 
public discussions on the future of Palestine, Ben-Gurion 
waved a copy of the Bible at the members of the 
committee, shouting: “This is our Qushan [the Ottoman land 
registry proof], our right to Palestine does not come from 
the Mandate Charter, the Bible is our Mandate Charter.”2/ 

Historically, of course, it makes no sense to teach the 
Bible, what happened to the Jews of Europe, and the 1948 
war as one historical chapter. But ideologically the three 
items are linked together and indoctrinated as the basic 
justification for the Jewish state in our time. This discussion 
of the role of the Bible in modern-day Israel leads us to our 
next question: is Zionism a colonialist movement? 

Chapter 4 
Zionism Is Not Colonialism 

The land of Palestine was not empty when the first Zionist 
settlers arrived there in 1882. This fact was known to the 
Zionist leaders even before the first Jewish settlers arrived. 
A delegation sent to Palestine by the early Zionist 
organizations reported back to their colleagues: “the bride is 
beautiful but married to another man.”! Nevertheless, when 
they first arrived, the early settlers were surprised to 
encounter the locals whom they regarded as invaders and 
strangers. In their view, the native Palestinians had usurped 
their homeland. They were told by their leaders that the 
locals were not natives, that they had no rights to the land. 
Instead they were a problem that had to, and could, be 

This conundrum was not unique: Zionism was a settler 
colonial movement, similar to the movements of Europeans 
who had colonized the two Americas, South Africa, Australia, 
and New Zealand. Settler colonialism differs from classical 
colonialism in three respects. The first is that settler 
colonies rely only initially and temporarily on the empire for 

their survival. In fact, in many cases, as in Palestine and 
South Africa, the settlers do not belong to the same nation 
as the imperial power that initially supports them. More 
often than not they ceded from the empire, redefining 
themselves as a new nation, sometimes through a liberation 
struggle against the very empire that supported them (as 
happened during the American Revolution for instance). The 
second difference is that settler colonialism is motivated by 
a desire to take over land in a foreign country, while 
classical colonialism covets the natural resources in its new 
geographical possessions. The third difference concerns the 
way they treat the new destination of settlement. Unlike 
conventional colonial projects conducted in the service of an 
empire or a mother country, settler colonialists were 
refugees of a kind seeking not just a home, but a homeland. 
The problem was that the new “homelands” were already 
inhabited by other people. In response, the settler 
communities argued that the new land was theirs by divine 
or moral right, even if, in cases other than Zionism, they did 
not claim to have lived there thousands of years ago. In 
many cases, the accepted method for overcoming such 
obstacles was the genocide of the indigenous locals. 

One of the leading scholars on settler colonialism, Patrick 
Wolfe, argues that settler colonial projects were motivated 
by what he calls “the logic of elimination.” This meant that 
the settlers developed the necessary moral justifications 
and practical means to remove the natives. As Wolfe 
indicates, at times this logic entailed actual genocide, at 
other times, ethnic cleansing or an oppressive regime that 
denied the natives any rights.2 | would add that there was 
another logic permeating the logic of elimination: the logic 
of dehumanization. As a victim yourself of persecution in 
Europe, you needed first to dehumanize a whole native 
nation or society, before being willing to do the same, or 
worse, to fellow humans. 

As a result of these twin logics, whole nations and 
civilizations were wiped out by the settler colonialist 
movement in the Americas. Native Americans, south and 
north, were massacred, converted by force to Christianity, 
and finally confined to reservations. A similar fate awaited 
the aboriginals in Australia and to a lesser extent the Maoris 
in New Zealand. In South Africa, such processes ended with 
the imposition of the apartheid system upon the local 
people, while a more complex system was imposed on the 
Algerians for about a century. 

Zionism is therefore not sui generis but an example of a 
wider process. This is important not just for how we 
understand the machinations of the colonial project, but 
also for our interpretation of the Palestinian resistance to it. 
If one asserts that Palestine was a land without people 
waiting for the people without a land, then the Palestinians 
are robbed of any argument for protecting themselves. All 
their efforts to hold onto their land become baseless violent 
acts against the rightful owners. As such, it is difficult to 
separate the discussion of Zionism as colonialism from the 
question of the Palestinians as a colonized native people. 
The two are linked together in the same analysis. 

The official Israeli narrative or foundational mythology 
refuses to allow the Palestinians even a modicum of moral 
right to resist the Jewish colonization of their homeland that 
began in 1882. From the very beginning, Palestinian 
resistance was depicted as motivated by hate for Jews. It 
was accused of promoting a protean anti-Semitic campaign 
of terror that began when the first settlers arrived and 
continued until the creation of the state of Israel. The diaries 
of the early Zionists tell a different story. They are full of 
anecdotes revealing how the settlers were well received by 
the Palestinians, who offered them shelter and in many 
cases taught them how to cultivate the land.* Only when it 
became clear that the settlers had not come to live 

alongside the native population, but in place of it, did the 
Palestinian resistance begin. And when that resistance 
started, it quickly took the form of every’ other 
anticolonialist struggle. 

The idea that impoverished Jews were entitled to a safe 
haven was not objected to by the Palestinians and those 
Supporting them. However, this was not reciprocated by the 
Zionist leaders. While Palestinians offered shelter and 
employment to the early settlers, and did not object to 
working should to shoulder with them under whatever 
ownership, the Zionist ideologues were very clear about the 
need both to push the Palestinians out of the country’s labor 
market and to sanction those settlers who were still 
employing Palestinians or who worked alongside them. This 
was the idea of avoda aravit, (Hebrew Labor), which meant 
mainly the need to bring an end to avoda aravit, (Arab 
Labor). Gershon Shafir, in his seminal work on the Second 
Aliyah, the second wave of Zionist immigration (1904-14), 
explains well how this ideology developed and was 
practiced.° The leader of that wave, David Ben-Gurion (who 
became the leader of the community and then prime 
minister of Israel), constantly referred to Arab labor as an 
illness for which the only cure was Jewish labor. In his and 
other settlers’ letters, Hebrew workers are characterized as 
the healthy blood that will immunize the nation from 
rottenness and death. Ben-Gurion also remarked that 
employing “Arabs” reminded him of the old Jewish story of a 
stupid man who resuscitated a dead lion that then devoured 

The initial positive Palestinian reaction confused some of 
the settlers themselves throughout the period of British rule 
(1918-48). The colonialist impulse was to ignore the native 
population and create gated communities. However, life 
offered different opportunities. There is extensive evidence 
of coexistence and cooperation between the newly arrived 

Jews and the native population almost everywhere. Jewish 
settlers, particularly in the urban centers, could not survive 
without engaging, at least economically, with the 
Palestinians. Despite numerous attempts by the Zionist 
leadership to disrupt these interactions, hundreds of joint 
businesses were formed throughout those years, alongside 
trade-union cooperation and agricultural collaboration. But 
without political support from above this could not open the 
way for a different reality in Palestine.’ 

At the same time, the Palestinian political leaders grew 
more hostile to such joint initiatives as the Zionist 
movement became more aggressive. The slow realization 
among the Palestinian political, social, and cultural elite that 
Zionism was a colonialist project strengthened the common 
national identity in opposition to the settlers. And eventually 
there was also Palestinian pressure from above to cease the 
cooperation and _ interaction. The Palestinian political 
movement took time to emerge, developing out of a small 
group, the Muslim-Christian society, in several Palestinian 
towns. The guiding principles of the society were primarily 
modern and secular, added to the twofold concerns of the 
Arab world at large: a pan-Arab overview wedded to a local 
patriotism that became ever stronger following World War Il. 

The first eruption of pan-Arab nationalism had occurred 
in the second half of the nineteenth century. It brought with 
it the hope of transforming the Ottoman world into an 
independent Arab republic, a bit like the United States of 
America, or an Arab-Ottoman empire, like the Austro- 
Hungarian one. When it transpired that this impulse could 
not withstand the imperial interests of Britain and France, 
who wished to divide the Ottoman Middle East between 
themselves, a more local version of nationalism developed, 
adapting itself to the map created by the Ottoman 
administrative boundaries and the division of the area by 
the colonial powers. As mentioned in Chapter 1, the first 

Arab nationalist impulse is called gawmiyya, the later local 
version, Wataniyya. The Palestinian community played a role 
in both. Its intellectuals were engaged with, and were 
members of, the various organizations and movements 
seeking Arab unity, independence, and self-determination. 
At the same time, even before Britain defined, with the help 
of other European powers, the geopolitical space called 
Palestine, there was a particular Palestinian existence 
manifested in the customs of people, their Arabic dialect, 
and shared history. 

When the Zionists arrived in Palestine in the late 
nineteenth century, the two impulses were still at work 
among the Palestinian community. Many of its intellectuals 
and activists were dreaming of a united Arab republic. 
Others were taken with the idea of a Greater Syria—willing 
for Damascus to be the center of a new state with Palestine 
a part of it. When the British arrived and the international 
community, through the League of Nations, began 
discussing the future of Palestine, prominent Palestinians 
produced a journal called Southern Syria, and even 
considered establishing a party under this name.® In 1919, 
when US president Woodrow Wilson sent an inquiry, the 
King-Crane Commission, to discern the wishes of the 
Palestinians, the committee discovered that the majority 
wanted the territory to be independent. 

Whether they were pan-Arabists, or local patriots, or 
wanted to be part of Greater Syria, the Palestinians were 
united in their wish not to be part of a Jewish state. Their 
leaders objected to any political solution that would hand 
any part of the small country to the settler community. As 
they clearly declared in their negotiations with the British at 
the end of the 1920s, they were willing to share with those 
who had already arrived, but could accept no more.’ The 
collective voice of the Palestinians was crystallized in the 
executive body of the Palestinian National Conference that 

met every year for a decade, starting in 1919. This body 
represented the Palestinians in their negotiations with both 
the British government and the Zionist movement. 
However, before that happened, the British tried to advance 
an agreement of equality between the parties. In 1928, the 
Palestinian leadership, notwithstanding the wishes of the 
overall majority of their people, consented to allow the 
Jewish settlers equal representation in the future bodies of 
the state. The Zionist leadership was in favor of the idea 
only for as long as it suspected the Palestinians would reject 
it. Shared representation stood against everything Zionism 
was supposed to be. So, when the proposal was accepted by 
the Palestinian party, it was rejected by the Zionists. This 
led to the riots of 1929, which included the massacre of Jews 
in Hebron and a much higher death toll among the 
Palestinian community./9 But there were also other reasons 
for the wave of violence, the most serious since the 
beginning of the Mandate. It was triggered by the 
dispossession of Palestinian tenants from land owned by 
absentee landlords and local notables, which had been 
bought by the Jewish National Fund. The tenants had lived 
for centuries on the land but they were now forced into 
slums in the towns. In one such slum, northeast of Haifa, the 
exiled Syrian preacher, 1zz ad-Din al-Qassam, recruited his 
first followers for an Islamic holy war against the British and 
the Zionist movement in the early 1930s. His legacy was 
ensured when his name was adopted by the military wing of 
the Hamas movement. 

After 1930, the Palestinian leadership was 
institutionalized in the form of the Arab Higher Committee, a 
body that represented all the political parties and 
movements in the Palestinian community. Until 1937 it 
continued to attempt a compromise with the British 
government, but by then both the Zionists and the 
imperialists had ceased to care what the Palestinian point of 

view was, and went on unilaterally to determine the future 
of the territory. By this time the Palestinian national 
movement regarded Zionism as a colonialist project that 
had to be defeated. Yet even in 1947, when Britain decided 
to refer the question to the United Nations, the Palestinians 
suggested, with other Arab states, a unitary state in 
Palestine to replace the Mandate. The UN deliberated the 
fate of Palestine for seven months and had to decide 
between two options: the one suggested by the Palestinians 
of a unitary state that would absorb the existing Jewish 
settlers but would not allow any further Zionist colonization; 
the other suggesting a partition of the land into an Arab 
state and Jewish state. The UN preferred the latter option, 
and hence the message to Palestinians was: you cannot 
Share your life on the land with the settlers—all you can 
hope for is to salvage half of it and concede the other half to 
the settlers. 

Thus one can depict Zionism as a_ settler colonial 
movement and the Palestinian national movement as an 
anticolonialist one. In this context, we can understand the 
behavior and policies of the leader of the community, Hajj 
Amin al-Husayni, before and during World War Il in a 
different light than the narrative normally served up as 
historical fact. AS many readers will know, one of the 
common allegations propagated endlessly by the Israelis is 
that the Palestinian leader was a Nazi sympathizer. The 
mufti of Jerusalem was not an angel. At a very early age he 
was chosen by the notables of Palestine, and by the British, 
to hold the most important religious position in the 
community. The position, which al-Husayni held throughout 
the Mandatory period (1922-48), brought him political 
power and a high social standing. He attempted to lead the 
community in the face of the Zionist colonization, and when 
in the 1930s people such as |Izz ad-Din al-Qassam pushed 
for an armed struggle he was able to steer the majority 

away from this violent option. Nevertheless, when he 
endorsed the idea of strikes, demonstrations, and other 
ways of trying to change British policy, he became the 
empire’s enemy, and had to escape from Jerusalem in 
1938.1! In the circumstances he was forced into the arms of 
his enemy’s enemy, in this case Italy and Germany. While in 
political asylum in Germany for two years, he came under 
the influence of Nazi doctrine and confused the distinction 
between Judaism and Zionism. His willingness to serve as a 
radio commentator for the Nazis and to help recruit Muslims 
in the Balkans to the German war effort no doubt stains his 
career. But he did not act any differently from the Zionist 
leaders in the 1930s, who themselves sought an alliance 
with the Nazis against the British Empire, or from all the 
other anticolonialist movements who wanted rid of the 
Empire by way of alliances with its principal enemies. 

When the war ended in 1945, the Mufti returned to his 
senses and tried to organize the Palestinians on the eve of 
the Nakbah, but he was already powerless, and the world he 
belonged to, that of the Arab Ottoman urban notables, was 
gone. If he deserves criticism, it is not for his errors 
concerning Zionism. It is for his lack of sympathy with the 
plight of the peasants in Palestine, and _ for his 
disagreements with other notables, which weakened the 
anticolonialist movement. Nothing he did justifies his entry 
in the American-Zionist project The Encyclopedia of the 
Holocaust being the second longest after Hitler’s.+2 
Ultimately, neither his mistakes nor his achievements had 
much impact on the course of Palestinian history. He was 
absolved of being treated as a war criminal by the allies, 
and allowed to return to Egypt, but not Palestine, at the end 
of the war. 

With all his faults, before he escaped from Palestine in 
1938, and to a certain extent after that in exile, he led an 
anticolonialist liberation movement. The fact that he was 

Mufti—one who also believed that religion should be 
recruited in the struggle against a colonialist movement that 
coveted his homeland and threatened his people’s existence 
—is not relevant. Anticolonialist movements such as the FLN 
in Algeria had a strong connection to Islam, as did many 
liberation movements in the Arab world struggling for 
independence from Italy, Britain, and France after World War 
ll. Nor was the Mufti’s commitment to violence, or that of 
other leaders such as al-Qassam (killed by the British in 
1935 and buried near Haifa), unique in the history of 
anticolonialist struggles. The liberation movements in South 
America and Southeast Asia were not pacifist organizations, 
and they put their faith in the armed struggle as much as in 
the political process. Had the Mufti been able to return to 
Palestine he would have realized not only that Zionism was 
a successful settler colonial project, but more importantly 
that it was on the eve of its most crucial existential project. 

By 1945, Zionism had attracted more than half a million 
settlers to a country whose population was about 2 million. 
Some came with the permission of the Mandatory 
government, some without. The local native population was 
not consulted, nor was its objection to the project of turning 
Palestine into a Jewish state taken into account. The settlers 
managed to build a state within a state—constructing all the 
necessary infrastructure—but they failed in two respects. 
They managed to buy up only 7 percent of the land, which 
would not suffice for a future state. They were also still a 
minority—one third in a country in which they wanted to be 
the exclusive nation. 

As with all earlier settler colonial movements, the answer 
to these problems was the twin logic of annihilation and 
dehumanization. The settlers’ only way of expanding their 
hold on the land beyond the 7 percent, and of ensuring an 
exclusive demographic majority, was to remove the natives 
from their homeland. Zionism is thus a settler colonial 

project, and one that has not yet been completed. Palestine 
is not entirely Jewish demographically, and although Israel 
controls all of it politically by various means, the state of 
Israel is still colonizing—building new colonies in the Galilee, 
the Negev, and the West Bank for the sake of increasing the 
number of Jews there—dispossessing Palestinians, and 
denying the right of the natives to their homeland. 


: The Palestinians 

Left Their Homeland in 

There are two questions relating to this assumption and 
both will be examined here. First: was there was a will to 
expel the Palestinians? Second: on the eve of the 1948 war, 
were the Palestinians called upon to voluntarily leave their 
homes, as the Zionist mythology has it? 

The centrality of the transfer idea in Zionist thought was 
analyzed, to my mind very convincingly, in Nur Masalha’s 
book, Expulsion of the Palestinians. Here | will just add 
some quotations to emphasize the point that the Zionist 
leadership and ideologues could not envision a successful 
implementation of their project without getting rid of the 
native population, either through agreement or by force. 
More recently, after years of denial, Zionist historians such 
as Anita Shapira have accepted that their heroes, the 
leaders of the Zionist movement, seriously contemplated 

transferring the Palestinians. However, they hang on 
desperately to the fact there was a confusion between 
“compulsory” and “voluntary” transfer? It is true that in 
public meetings all the Zionist leaders and ideologues talked 
about transfer by agreement. But even those speeches 
reveal a bitter truth: there is no such a thing as voluntary 
transfer. It is semantics not practice. 

Berl Katznelson was probably one of the most important 
Zionist ideologues in the 1930s. He was known as the moral 
conscience of the movement. His support for transfer was 
unequivocal. At the twentieth Zionist conference, convened 
Shortly after the British made their first significant proposal 
for peace, he strongly voiced his support for the idea. He 
told the attendees, 

My conscience is completely clear. A distant neighbor is better than a 
close enemy. They will not lose by their transfer and we certainly will not. 
In the final analysis this is a political reform of benefit to both sides. For a 
long time | have been convinced that this is the best solution ... and this 
must happen one of these days.? 

When he heard that the British government was considering 
the possibility of moving the Palestinians within Palestine, 
he was greatly disappointed: “The transfer to ‘inside of 
Palestine’ would mean the area of Shechem (Nablus). | 
believe that their future lies in Syria and Iraq.” 

In those days, leaders like Katznelson hoped that the 
British would convince, or induce, the local population to 
leave. In an infamous letter from Ben-Gurion to his son 
Amos in October 1937, he already understood that it might 
be necessary to do it by force.° Publicly, that same year, 
Ben-Gurion supported Katznelson, saying, 

The compulsory transfer of the Arabs from the valleys of the proposed 
Jewish state could give us something we never had, even when we stood 
on our own during the days of the first and second Temples ... We are 
given an opportunity which we never dared to dream of in our wildest 
imaginings. This is more than a state, government and sovereignty—this 
is national consolidation in a free homeland.°® 

In a similarly clear way he told the Zionist assembly in 1937, 
“In many parts of the country it will not be possible to settle 
without transferring the Arab fellahin,” which he hoped 
would be done by the British.’ But, with or without the 
British, Ben-Gurion articulated clearly the place of expulsion 
in the future of the Zionist project in Palestine when he 
wrote that same year, “With compulsory transfer we would 
have a vast area for settlement ... | Support compulsory 
transfer. | don’t see anything immoral in it.”® 

In 2008, an Israeli journalist, reviewing these statements 
from the past, concluded that they were still acceptable to 
many Israelis seventy years later. Indeed, since 1937, the 
expulsion of the Palestinians has been part of the Zionist 
DNA of the modern Jewish state.? However, the process was 
not straightforward. Ben-Gurion and the other leaders were 
cautious about what to do should it prove impossible to 
convince the Palestinians to leave. Beyond that they were 
not inclined to articulate any policy. All Ben-Gurion was 
willing to say was that he did not object to forceful transfer 
but he did not deem it necessary at that historical juncture. 

This ambivalence was brought to Katznelson’s attention. 
At a public meeting in 1942, he was asked about it by some 
leftist Zionist leaders who thought that Ben-Gurion had 
renounced the idea of transfer of the Palestinians. He 
replied, “To the extent that | know Zionist ideology, this 
[transfer] is part of the realization of Zionism, the perception 
of this Zionism is the transfer of the people from country to 
country—a transfer by agreement.”!° In public, Ben-Gurion, 
the leader of the movement, and other ideologues such as 
Katznelson, were all in favor of what they called voluntary 
transfer. Ben-Gurion said, “The transfer of the Arabs is 
easier than any other transfer since there are Arab states in 
the area”; he added that it would be an improvement for the 
Palestinians to be transferred (he did not explain why). He 

suggested transferring them to Syria. He also kept talking 
about voluntary transfer.!+ 

This was not, however, an honest position, nor was it a 
possible one. In fact, colleagues of these leaders and 
ideologues could not see how a transfer could be anything 
but compulsory. At a closed meeting of the Jewish Agency 
Executive in June 1938 devoted to transfer, it seems the 
assembled members, including Ben-Gurion, Katznelson, 
Sharett, and Ussishkin, were all in favor of compulsory 
transfer. Katznelson tried to explain what he meant by 
compulsory: “What is meant by compulsory transfer? Is it 
transfer against the wishes of the Arab State? Against such 
wishes no force in the world could implement such a 
transfer.”"!2. He explained that compulsory meant 
overcoming the resistance of the Palestinians themselves: 

If you have to make a transfer agreement with each Arab village and 
every individual Arab, you will never resolve the problem. We are 
continually carrying out transfers of individual Arabs, but the question will 
be the transfer of large numbers of Arabs with the agreement of the Arab 

This was the trick. The talk was of voluntary transfer, and 
the strategy was incremental until the opportunity emerged 
for a massive transfer in 1948. Even if you accept Benny 
Morris’s thesis in his book, The Birth of the Palestinian 
Refugee Problem, that the transfer was in_ practice 
incremental and not massive, after a certain number has 
been reached, however incrementally, the result is still a 
massive ethnic cleansing—of which more will be said later. 
From the minutes of the June 1938 meeting we learn that 
the language of voluntary transfer actually meant 
compulsory. Ben-Gurion stated that carrying out a 
compulsory transfer, especially if the British did it, “would 
be the greatest achievement in the history of the Jewish 
settlement in Palestine.” He added, “I favor compulsory 
transfer; | see nothing unethical in it.” Menachem Ussishkin, 

a prominent leader and ideologue, added that “it was most 
ethical to transfer Arabs out of Palestine and resettle them 
in better conditions.” He hinted that this was probably the 
logic behind the Balfour Declaration. Moreover, no time was 
wasted in beginning a discussion about numbers and the 
means of achieving them. These matters would be finalized 
only in 1948, but the foundations were laid at this 1938 
meeting. A very small minority of those attending objected 
to compulsory transfer. Syria was the preferred destination 
and the hope was to be able to move at least 100,000 
Palestinians in the first wave. 1/4 

The discussion about transfer was put on a hold during 
World War II as the community focused on increasing the 
number of Jewish immigrants and the establishment of the 
future state. The conversation was reignited when it became 
clear that Britain was about to leave Palestine. The British 
decision was announced in February 1947, which is when 
we see an intensification of the discussion on forced 
transfer. In my book The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, | 
examine the way these discussions from 1947 evolved into 
a master plan for the massive expulsion of the Palestinians 
in March 1948 (Plan D), to which | will return later in this 
chapter. The official Israeli line, however, has not changed 
for years: the Palestinians became refugees because their 
leaders, and the leaders of the Arab world, told them to 
leave Palestine before the Arab armies invaded and kicked 
out the Jews, after which they could then return. But there 
was no such call—it is a myth invented by the Israeli foreign 
ministry. The position of the Israeli foreign office on the very 
Short-lived UN attempt to bring peace in the immediate 
aftermath of the 1948 war was that the refugees ran away. 
However, that particular peace process (which lasted for a 
few months in the first half of 1949) was so brief that Israel 
was not asked to provide any evidence for this claim, and 

for many years the refugee problem was expunged from the 
international agenda. 

The need to provide proof emerged in the early 1960s, as 
we have learned recently thanks to the diligent work of Shay 
Hazkani, a freelance reporter working for Haaretz.!> 
According to his research, during the early days of the 
Kennedy administration in Washington, the US government 
began to exert pressure on Israel to allow the return of the 
1948 refugees to Israel. The official US position since 1948 
had been to support the Palestinian right of return. In fact, 
already in 1949, the Americans had exerted pressure on 
Israel to repatriate the refugees and imposed sanctions on 
the Jewish state for its refusal to comply. However, this was 
a short-term pressure, and as the Cold War intensified the 
Americans lost interest in the problem until John F. Kennedy 
came to power (he was also the last US president to refuse 
to provide Israel with vast military aid; after his 
assassination the faucet was fully open—a state of affairs 
that led Oliver Stone to allude to an Israeli connection to the 
president’s murder in his film /FkK). 

One of the first acts of the Kennedy administration on 
this front was to take an active part in a UN General 
Assembly discussion on the topic in the summer of 1961. 
Prime Minister Ben-Gurion panicked. He was convinced that, 
with American blessing, the UN might force Israel to 
repatriate the refugees. He wanted Israeli academics to 
conduct research that would prove that the Palestinians left 
voluntarily, and to this end approached the Shiloah Institute, 
the leading center for Middle Eastern studies in Israeli 
academia at the time. A junior researcher, Ronni Gabai, was 
entrusted with the task. With his permit to access classified 
documents, he reached the conclusion that expulsions, fear, 
and intimidation were the major causes of the Palestinian 
exodus. What he did not find was any evidence for a call 
from the Arab leadership for the Palestinians to leave so as 

to make way for the invading armies. However, there is a 
conundrum here. The conclusion just mentioned appeared 
in Gabai’s doctorate on the topic and is recalled by him as 
the one he sent to the foreign ministry.1© And yet in his 
research in the archives Hazkani found a letter from Gabai 
to the foreign ministry summarizing his research and citing 
the Arab call to leave as the main cause for the exodus. 

Hazkani interviewed Gabai, who even today is adamant 
that he did not write this letter, and that it did not reflect 
the research he had undertaken. Someone, we still do not 
know who, sent a different summary of the research. In any 
case, Ben-Gurion was not happy. He felt the summary—he 
did not read the whole research—was not poignant enough. 
He asked for a researcher he knew, Uri Lubrani, later one of 
Mossad’s experts on Iran, to undertake a second study. 
Lubrani passed the bucket to Moshe Maoz, today one of 
Israel’s leading orientalists. Maoz delivered the goods, and 
in September 1962 Ben-Gurion had what he_ himself 
described as our White Paper that proves beyond doubt that 
the Palestinians fled because they were told to do so. Moaz 
later went on to do a PhD in Oxford under the late Albert 
Hourani (on a non-related topic), but said in an interview 
that his research was affected less by the documents he had 
seen and more by the political assignment he received.’ 

The documents Gabai examined in early 1961 were 
declassified in the late 1980s, and several historians, among 
them Benny Morris and myself, saw for the first time clear 
evidence for what pushed the Palestinians out of Palestine. 
Although Morris and | have not agreed on how premeditated 
and planned the expulsion was, we concurred that there 
was no call from Arab and Palestinian leaders for people to 
leave. Our research, since described as the work of the “new 
historians,” reaffirmed Gabai’s conclusion that the 
Palestinians lost their homes and homeland mainly through 
expulsion, intimidation, and fear.+® 

Morris asserted that the onset of the fighting between 
Israel and the Arab armies that entered the country on the 
day the British Mandate ended, May 15, 1948, was the main 
reason for what he called the “Birth of the Palestinian 
refugee problem.” | have argued that it was not the war 
itself, since half of those who became refugees—hundreds 
of thousands of Palestinians—had been expelled before it 
had even commenced. Moreover, | claimed that the war was 
initiated by Israel in order to secure the _ historical 
opportunity to expel the Palestinians.!9 

The idea that the Palestinians left voluntarily is not the 
only false assumption associated with the 1948 war. There 
are three others that are often aired to explain away the 
events of that year. The first is that the Palestinians are to 
be blamed for what happened to them since they rejected 
the UN partition plan of November 1947. This allegation 
ignores the colonialist nature of the Zionist movement. 
What is clear is that the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians 
can in no way be justified as a “punishment” for their 
rejecting a UN peace plan that was devised without any 
consultation with the Palestinians themselves. 

The two other assumptions associated with 1948 are that 
Israel was a David fighting an Arab Goliath, and that after 
the war Israel extended the hand of peace but the 
Palestinians and the wider Arab world rejected the gesture. 
Research on the first assumption has proved that the 
Palestinians had no military power whatsoever, and that the 
Arab states sent only a relatively small contingent of troops 
—smaller compared to the Jewish forces, and far less well 
equipped or trained. Moreover, these troops were sent into 
Palestine not as a reaction to the declaration of the founding 
of the state of Israel, but in response to Zionist operations 
that had already begun in February 1948, and in particular 
in the wake of the well-publicized massacre in the village of 
Der Yassin near Jerusalem in April 1948.29 

As for the third myth that the Israeli state extended a 
hand of peace in the aftermath of the conflict, the 
documents show the opposite. In fact, an intransigent Israeli 
leadership clearly refused to enter into negotiations over 
the future of post-Mandatory Palestine or consider the return 
of the people who had been expelled or had fled. While Arab 
governments and Palestinian leaders were willing to 
participate in a new and more reasonable UN peace 
initiative, the Israeli leadership turned a blind eye when in 
September 1948 Jewish terrorists assassinated the UN 
peace mediator, Count Bernadotte. They further rejected 
any new proposals for peace adopted by the body that 
replaced Bernadotte, the Palestine Conciliation Commission 
(PCC), as new negotiations commenced at the end of 1948. 
As a result, the same UN General Assembly that had voted 
by a two-thirds majority for the partition plan in November 
1947, voted with no objections for a new peace plan in 
December 1948. This was Resolution 194, adopted on 
December 11. It had three recommendations: renegotiation 
of the partition of Palestine in a way that would better fit the 
demographic realties on the ground; the full and 
unconditional return of all refugees; and_ the 
internationalization of Jerusalem.2! 

The Israeli intransigence would continue. As the historian 
Avi Shlaim has shown in his book The /ron Wall, contrary to 
the myth that the Palestinians never missed an opportunity 
to refuse peace, it was Israel that constantly rejected the 
offers that were on the table.22 It began with the rejection of 
a peace offer and fresh ideas for the refugee issue put 
forward by the Syrian ruler Husni al-Zaim in 1949, and 
continued with Ben-Gurion’s undermining of initial peace 
feelers sent out by Gamal Abdel Nasser in the early 1950s. 
Better known is the way Israel refused to show any flexibility 
in its negotiations with King Hussein in 1972 (mediated by 
Henry Kissinger over the West Bank), and its refusal to heed 

President Sadat of Egypt’s warning in 1971 that if they 
would not negotiate bilaterally over the Sinai he would be 
forced to go to war over it—which he did two years later, 
inflicting a traumatic blow to Israel’s sense of security and 

All these myths surrounding 1948 fuse together in the 
image of a Jewish state fighting against all odds, offering 
succor to the Palestinians, encouraging them to stay and 
proposing peace, only to learn that there “is no partner” on 
the other side. The best way to counter this image is to 
redescribe, patiently and systematically, the events that 
took place in Palestine between 1946 and 1949. 

In 1946, the British government in London thought it 
could hold onto Palestine for some time to come. It began 
moving forces out of Egypt into the territory as the Egyptian 
national liberation struggle intensified that year. However, a 
harsh winter at the year’s end, rising tensions among the 
Zionist paramilitary groups who had begun to take action 
against the British forces, and, most importantly, the 
decision to leave India, brought about a dramatic shift in the 
British policy towards Palestine. In February 1947, Britain 
decided to leave the region. The two communities—settlers 
and natives—reacted very differently to the news. The 
Palestinian community and its leaders assumed that the 
process was to be similar to that in the neighboring Arab 
countries. The Mandatory administration would gradually 
transfer power to the local population, which would 
democratically decide the nature of the future state. The 
Zionists, however, were far better prepared for what came 
next. Immediately after London’s decision to withdraw, the 
Zionist leadership prepared’ itself on two _ fronts: 
diplomatically and militarily, making preparations for a 
future confrontation. 

At the outset the main focus was on diplomacy. This took 
the form of finding ways to defeat the well-argued 

Palestinian claim for a democratic decision about the future 
of the country. One particular way of doing this was by 
associating the Holocaust and the fate of Jews around the 
world with that of the settler Jewish community in Palestine. 
Thus the Zionist diplomats strove to persuade the 
international community that the question of who replaced 
Britain as the sovereign power in Palestine was associated 
with the fate of all the Jews in the world. Even more 
poignantly, this policy was associated with the need to 
compensate the Jewish people for their suffering during the 

The result was the UN Partition Resolution of November 
29, 1947. The document was prepared by a special 
committee, UNSCOP, made up of representatives who had 
little prior knowledge, if any, of the Palestine question. The 
idea that division of the territory was the best solution came 
from the Zionist movement itself. The committee members 
in fact obtained little feedback from the Palestinians 
themselves. The Arab Higher Committee, the political 
representative body of the Palestinians and the Arab 
League, decided to boycott UNSCOP. It was already clear 
that the right of the Palestinians to their homeland would 
not be respected in the same way it had been for the Iraqis 
and the Egyptians. In the immediate aftermath of World War 
|, the League of Nations had recognized the right of all the 
nations in the Middle East to self-determination. The 
decision in 1947 to exclude the Palestinians (likewise with 
the decision to the exclude the Kurdish nation) was a grave 
mistake that is one of the main causes of the ongoing 
conflict in the region. 

The Zionists suggested that 80 percent of Palestine 
should be a Jewish state, while the rest could either become 
an independent Arab Palestinian state or be annexed and 
handed to the Kingdom of Jordan. Jordan itself was 
ambivalent towards the UN efforts as a result: on the one 

hand, they were being offered a possible extension of their 
arid kingdom into parts of fertile Palestine; on the other 
hand, they did not wish to be seen as betraying the 
Palestinian cause. The dilemma became even more acute 
when the Jewish leadership offered the Hashemites in Jordan 
an agreement to this effect. In a way, at the end of the 1948 
war, Palestine was more or less divided in such a manner 
between the Zionist movement and Jordan.?? 

Nevertheless, there was no absolute Zionist control over 
UNSCOP. The committee, which deliberated on the solution 
between February and November 1947, revised the Zionists’ 
plans. It expanded the area allocated to the Palestinians and 
insisted that there would be two independent states. They 
implicitly hoped that the two states would form an economic 
union and a joint immigration policy, and that each 
community would have the option to vote in the other state, 
should they wish to do so. As the declassified documents 
reveal, the Zionist leadership accepted the new map and 
the terms offered by the UN because they knew about the 
rejection of the plan by the other side. They also knew that 
the final division of territory would be determined by action 
on the ground rather than negotiations in a committee 
room.2* The most important result was the international 
legitimization of the Jewish state, including the borders of 
the future state. In retrospect we can appreciate that from 
the perspective of the Zionist leadership in 1948, they had 
adopted the correct approach when it came to setting out 
the state without fixing the borders. 

This leadership was not idle between the partition plan 
and the end of the Mandate in May 1948. They had to be 
active. In the Arab world the pressure on governments to 
use force against the new Jewish state was growing. In the 
meantime, on the ground in Palestine, local paramilitary 
groups began to stage attacks, mainly on _ Jewish 
transportation and isolated colonies, trying to pre-empt the 

implementation of an international decision to turn their 
homeland into a Jewish state. These moments of resistance 
were quite limited and petered out in the weeks after the 
UN partition was announced. At the same time, the Zionist 
leadership was acting on three discrete fronts. The first 
involved preparing itself for the possibility of a military 
invasion by the Arab countries. This did happen and we now 
know that the Jewish military benefited from the Arab 
forces’ lack of real preparation, purpose, and coordination. 
The Arab political elites were still quite reluctant to interfere 
in Palestine. There was a tacit agreement with Jordan that it 
would take over parts of Palestine, later to become the West 
Bank, in return for a limited participation in the war effort. 
This proved a crucial factor in the balance of power. The 
Jordanian army was the best-trained army in the Arab world. 

On the diplomatic front, the months of February and 
March 1948 were a particularly tense time for the Zionist 
movement. The United States, through its envoys on the 
ground, realized that the UN partition plan of November 
1947 was flawed. Instead of bringing calm and hope to the 
country, the plan itself had been the main reason for the 
recent eruption of violence. There were already reports of 
Palestinians being forced out of their homes and of killings 
on both sides. Both sides attacked each other’s public 
transport, and skirmishes on the lines dividing Arab and 
Jewish neighborhoods in the mixed towns continued for few 
days. The US president, Harry Truman, agreed to rethink the 
idea of partition and suggested a new plan. Through his 
ambassador to the UN he _ proposed an_ international 
trusteeship over the whole of Palestine for five years, so as 
to give more time to the search for a solution. 

This move was abruptly halted by vested interests. It was 
the first time the Jewish lobby in the United States was used 
to change the position of the American administration. 
AIPAC did not exist yet, but the method was already in place 

to connect the domestic political scene in America with the 
interests of Zionism, and later of Israel, in Palestine. In any 
case, it worked, and the US administration returned to its 
support of the partition plan. Interestingly, the USSR was 
even more loyal to the Zionist position and had no second 
thoughts at all. With the help of members of the Palestine 
Communist Party (PCP) they facilitated the supply of arms 
from Czechoslovakia to the Jewish forces before and after 
May 1948. Readers today may raise an eyebrow at this, but 
the PCP’s support for the Zionist cause was possible for two 
reasons. First the Soviet Union believed the new Jewish state 
would be socialist and anti-British (and therefore more 
inclined towards the Eastern Bloc in the emerging Cold War). 
Secondly, the PCP believed that national liberation was a 
necessary phase on the way to their more complete social 
revolution, and they recognized both the Palestinians and 
the Zionists as national movements (this is why the party 
still today supports the two-states solution).2° 

While struggling to secure international approval, the 
Zionist leadership was busy preparing its community for 
war, imposing compulsory recruitment and_ taxation, 
intensifying military preparations, and escalating arms 
purchases. They were also quite efficient at gathering 
intelligence that exposed the lack of preparation in the rest 
of the Arab world. Working on two fronts—military and 
diplomatic—did not affect the Zionist strategy towards the 
most important issue troubling the movement’s leaders: 
how to create a state that was both democratic and Jewish 
located on however much of Palestine they might succeed in 
getting their hands on? Or, put a different way: what to do 
with the Palestinian population in the future Jewish state? 

The various deliberations on this question ended on 
March 10, 1948, when the high command produced the 
infamous Plan Dalet, Plan D, which gave an indication of the 
fate of the Palestinians who lived in the areas to be occupied 

by the Jewish forces. The debates were led by the leader of 
the Jewish community, David Ben-Gurion, who was 
determined to secure demographic exclusivity for the Jews 
in any future state. This was an obsession that not only 
informed his actions before 1948, but also long after the 
creation of the state of Israel. As we shall see, this led him 
in 1948 to orchestrate the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, and 
in 1967 to oppose the occupation of the West Bank. 

In the days after the Partition Resolution was adopted, 
Ben-Gurion told his colleagues in the leadership that a 
Jewish state in which Jews made up only 60 percent was not 
viable. However, he did not reveal what percentage of 
Palestinians would make the future state unviable. The 
message he conveyed to his generals, and through them to 
the troops on the ground, was nonetheless clear: the fewer 
Palestinians in a Jewish state the better. This is why, as 
Palestinian scholars such as Nur Masalha and Ahmad Sa’di 
have proved, he also tried to get rid of the Palestinians who 
were left within the Jewish state after the war (“the Arab 

Something else happened in the period between 
November 29, 1947 (when the UN Resolution was adopted) 
and May 15, 1948 (when the British Mandate ended) that 
helped the Zionist movement to better prepare for the days 
ahead. As the end of the Mandate approached, the British 
forces withdrew into the port of Haifa. Any territory they left, 
the military forces of the Jewish community took over, 
clearing out the local population even before the end of the 
Mandate. The process began in February 1948 with a few 
villages, and culminated in April with the cleansing of Haifa, 
Jaffa, Safad, Beisan, Acre, and Western Jerusalem. These last 
stages had already been systematically planned under the 
master plan, Plan D, prepared alongside the high command 
of the Haganah, the main military wing of the Jewish 
community. The plan included the following clear reference 

to the methods to be employed in the process of cleansing 
the population: 

Destruction of villages (setting fire to, blowing up, and planting mines in 
the debris), especially those population centers which are difficult to 
control continuously ... 

Mounting search and control operations according to the following 
guidelines: encirclement of the village and conducting a search inside it. 
In the event of resistance, the armed force must be destroyed and the 
population must be expelled outside the borders of the state.?’ 

How could the small Israeli army engage in large-scale 
ethnic cleansing operations while, from May 15, also being 
confronted with regular forces from the Arab world? First of 
all, it is noteworthy that the urban population (apart from 
three towns: Lydd, Ramleh, and Bir Saba) had already been 
cleansed before the Arab armies arrived. Second, the rural 
Palestinian area was already under Israeli control, and the 
confrontations with the Arab armies occurred on borders of 
these rural areas not inside them. In one case where the 
Jordanians could have helped the Palestinians, in Lydd and 
Ramleh, the British commander of the Jordanian army, Sir 
John Glubb, decided to withdraw his forces and avoided 
confrontation with the Israeli army.2® Finally, the Arab 
military effort was woefully ineffective and short lived. After 
some success in the first three weeks, its presence in 
Palestine was a shambolic story of defeat and hasty 
withdrawal. After a short lull towards the end of 1948, the 
Israeli ethnic cleansing thus continued unabated. 

From our present vantage point, there is no escape from 
defining the Israeli actions in the Palestinian countryside as 
a war crime. Indeed, as a crime against humanity. If one 
ignores this hard fact one will never understand what lies 
behind Israel’s attitude towards Palestine and_ the 
Palestinians as a political system and a society. The crime 
committed by the leadership of the Zionist movement, 
which became the government of Israel, was that of ethnic 
cleansing. This is not mere rhetoric but an indictment with 

far-reaching political, legal, and moral implications. The 
definition of the crime was clarified in the aftermath of the 
1990s civil war in the Balkans: ethnic cleansing is any action 
by one ethnic group meant to drive out another ethnic 
group with the purpose of transforming a mixed ethnic 
region into a pure one. Such an action amounts to ethnic 
cleansing regardless of the means employed to obtain it— 
from persuasion and threats to expulsions and mass killings. 

Moreover, the act itself determines the definition; as 
such, certain policies have been regarded as_ ethnic 
cleansing by the international community, even when a 
master plan for their execution was not discovered or 
exposed. Consequently, the victims of ethnic cleansing 
include both people who have left their homes out of fear 
and those expelled forcefully as part on an ongoing 
operation. The relevant definitions and references can be 
found on the websites of the US State Department and the 
United Nations.22 These are the principal definitions that 
guide the international court in The Hague when it is tasked 
with judging those responsible for planning and executing 
such operations. 

A study of the writings and thoughts of the early Zionist 
leaders shows that by 1948 this crime was inevitable. The 
goal of Zionism had not changed: it was dedicated to taking 
over as much of Mandatory Palestine as possible and 
removing most of the Palestinian villages and urban 
neighborhoods from the space carved out for the future 
Jewish state. The execution was even more systematic and 
comprehensive than anticipated in the plan. In a matter of 
seven months, 531 villages were destroyed and eleven 
urban neighborhoods emptied. The mass expulsion was 
accompanied by massacres, rape, and the imprisonment of 
males over the age of ten in labor camps for periods of over 
a year.20 

The political implication is that Israel is exclusively 
culpable for the creation of the Palestinian refugee problem, 
for which it bears the legal as well as moral responsibility. 
The legal implication is that even if there is a statute of 
limitations, after such a long period, for those who 
committed a deed understood as a crime against humanity, 
the deed itself is still a crime for which nobody was ever 
brought to justice. The moral implication is that the Jewish 
state was born out of sin—like many other states, of course 
—but the sin, or the crime, has never been admitted. Worse, 
among certain circles in Israel it is acknowledged, but in the 
same breath fully justified both in hindsight and as a future 
policy against the Palestinians, wherever they are. The 
crime is still committed today. 

All these implications were totally ignored by the Israeli 
political elite. Instead a very different lesson has been 
learned from the events of 1948: that one can, as a state, 
expel half of a country’s population and destroy half its 
villages with impunity. The consequences of such a lesson, 
immediately after 1948 and beyond, were inevitable—the 
continuation of the ethnic cleansing policy by other means. 
There have been well-known landmarks in this process: the 
expulsion of more villagers between 1948 and 1956 from 
Israel proper; the forced transfer of 300,000 Palestinians 
from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip during the 1967 war; 
and a very measured, but constant, cleansing of 
Palestinians from the Greater Jerusalem area, calculated as 
more than 250,000 by the year 2000.32 

After 1948, the policy of ethnic cleansing took many 
forms. In various parts of the occupied territories and inside 
Israel, the policy of expulsion was replaced by a prohibition 
on people leaving their villages or neighborhoods. 
Restricting Palestinians to where they lived served the same 
purpose as expelling them. When they are besieged in 
enclaves—such as areas A, B and C under the Oslo Accord in 

the West Bank, or in villages and neighborhoods in 
Jerusalem that are declared part of the West Bank, or in the 
Gaza Ghetto—they are not counted demographically in 
either official or informal censuses, which is what matters to 
the Israeli policy makers more than anything else. 

As long as the full implications of Israel’s past and 
present ethnic cleansing policies are not recognized and 
tackled by the international community, there will be no 
solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Ignoring the issue 
of the Palestinian refugees will repeatedly undermine any 
attempt to reconcile the two conflicting parties. This is why 
it is So important to recognize the 1948 events as an ethnic 
cleansing operation, so as to ensure that a political solution 
will not evade the root of the conflict; namely, the expulsion 
of the Palestinians. Such evasions in the past are the main 
reason for the collapse of all previous peace accords. 

If the legal lessons are not learned, there will always 
remain retributive impulses and revengeful emotions on the 
Palestinian side. The legal recognition of the 1948 Nakbah 
as an act of ethnic cleansing would pave the way for some 
form of restitutive justice. This would be the same as the 
process that has taken place recently in South Africa. The 
acknowledgement of past evils is not done in order to bring 
criminals to justice, but rather to bring the crime itself to 
public attention and trial. The final ruling there will not be 
retributive—there will be no  punishment—but rather 
restitutive: the victims will be compensated. The most 
reasonable compensation for the particular case of the 
Palestinian refugees was stated clearly already in December 
1948 by the UN General Assembly in its Resolution 194: the 
unconditional return of the refugees and their families to 
their homeland (and homes where possible). Without some 
such restitution, the state of Israel will continue to exist as a 
hostile enclave at the heart of the Arab world, the last 
reminder of a colonialist past that complicates Israel’s 

relationship not only with the Palestinians, but with the Arab 
world as a whole. 

It is important to note, however, that there are Jews in 
Israel who have absorbed all these lessons. Not all Jews are 
indifferent to or ignorant about the Nakbah. Those who are 
not are currently a small minority, but one which makes its 
presence felt, demonstrating that at least some Jewish 
citizens are not deaf to the cries, pain, and devastation of 
those killed, raped, or wounded throughout 1948. They have 
heard of the thousands of Palestinian citizens arrested and 
imprisoned in the 1950s, and they acknowledge the Kafr 
Qasim massacre in 1956, when citizens of the state were 
murdered by the army just because they were Palestinians. 
They know about the war crimes committed throughout the 
1967 war and the callous bombing of the refugee camps in 
1982. They have not forgotten the physical abuse meted out 
to Palestinian youth in the occupied territories in the 1980s 
and afterwards. These Israeli Jews are not deaf and can still 
today hear the voices of the military officers ordering the 
execution of innocent people and the laughter of the 
soldiers standing by and watching. 

They are also not blind. They have seen the remains of 
the 531 destroyed villages and the ruined neighborhoods. 
They see what every Israeli can see, but for the most part 
chooses not to: the remnants of villages under the houses of 
the Kibbutzim and beneath the pine trees of the JNF (Jewish 
National Fund) forests. They have not forgotten what 
happened even when the rest of their society has. Perhaps 
because of that they understand fully the connection 
between the 1948 ethnic cleansing and the events that 
followed up to the present. They recognize the link between 
the heroes of Israel’s war of independence and those who 
commanded the cruel suppression of the two Intifadas. They 
never mistook Yitzhak Rabin or Ariel Sharon for peace 
heroes. They also refuse to ignore the obvious connection 

between the building of the wall and the wider policy of 
ethnic cleansing. The expulsions of 1948 and_ the 
imprisonment of people within walls today are the inevitable 
consequences of the same racist ethnic ideology. Nor can 
they fail to recognize the link between the inhumanity 
inflicted on Gaza since 2006 and these past policies and 
practices. Such inhumanity is not born in a vacuum; it has a 
history and an ideological infrastructure that justifies it. 

Since the Palestinian political leadership has neglected 
this aspect of the conflict, it is Palestinian civil society that is 
leading the effort to relocate the 1948 events at the center 
of the national agenda. Inside and outside Israel, Palestinian 
NGOs such as BADIL, ADRID, and Al-Awda, are coordinating 
their struggle to preserve the memory of 1948 and explain 
why it is crucial to engage with the events of that year for 
the sake of the future. 

Chapter 6 

The June 1967 War Was 
a War of “No Choice” 

In June 1982, following Israel’s assault on Lebanon, there 
was much debate concerning the official announcement that 
the nation had “no choice” but to follow the violent course 
of action it had taken. At that time, the Israeli public was 
divided between those who deemed the campaign 
necessary and justified and those who doubted its moral 
validity. In making their points both sides used the 1967 war 
aS a benchmark, identifying the earlier conflict as an 
unimpeachable example of a war of “no choice.” This is a 

According to this accepted narrative, the 1967 war forced 
Israel to occupy the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and keep 
it in custody until the Arab world, or the Palestinians, were 
willing to make peace with the Jewish state. Consequently 
another myth emerges—which | will discuss in a separate 
chapter—namely that the Palestinian leaders’ are 
intransigent and that therefore peace is impossible. This 
argument thus generates the impression that the Israeli rule 

is temporary: the territories have to remain in custody 
pending a more “reasonable” Palestinian position. 

In order to re-evaluate the 1967 war we first need to go 
back to the war of 1948. The Israeli political and military 
elite regarded the latter as a missed opportunity: a historical 
moment in which Israel could, and should, have occupied 
the whole of historical Palestine from the River Jordan to the 
Mediterranean Sea. The only reason they did not do so was 
because of an agreement they had with neighboring Jordan. 
This collusion was negotiated during the last days of the 
British Mandate, and when finalized it limited the military 
participation of the Jordanian army in the general Arab war 
effort in 1948. In return, Jordan was allowed to annex areas 
of Palestine that became the West Bank. David Ben-Gurion, 
who kept the pre-1948 agreement intact, called the decision 
to allow Jordan to take the West Bank bechiya ledorot— 
which literally means that future generations would lament 
the decision. A more metaphorical translation might choose 
to translate it as “a fatal historical mistake.” 

Ever since 1948, important sections of the Jewish 
cultural, military, and political elites had been looking for an 
Opportunity to rectify this mistake. From the mid-1960s 
onwards, they carefully planned how to create a greater 
Israel that would include the West Bank.? There were 
several historical junctures in which they almost executed 
the plan only to draw back at the very last moment. The 
most famous are 1958 and 1960, when David Ben-Gurion 
aborted the execution of the plan due to fears of 
international reaction in the first instance and_ for 
demographic reasons in the second (calculating that Israel 
could not incorporate such a large number of Palestinians). 
The best opportunity came with the 1967 war. Later in this 
chapter | will explore the origins of that war, arguing that 
whatever the historical narrative of its causes, one has to 
look closely at Jordan’s role in it. Was it, for example, 

necessary to occupy and retain the West Bank in order to 
maintain the relatively good relationship Israel had had with 
Jordan since 1948? If the answer is no, as | think it is, then 
the question arises as to why Israel pursued this policy, and 
what it tells us about the likelihood of Israel ever giving up 
the West Bank in the future. Even if, as the official Israeli 
mythology has it, the West Bank was occupied in retaliation 
for the Jordanian aggression of June 5, 1967, the question 
remains as to why Israel remained in the West Bank after 
the threat had dissipated. After all, there are plenty of 
examples of aggressive military actions that did not end 
with a territorial expansion of the state of Israel. As | will 
attempt to show in this chapter, incorporating the West 
Bank and the Gaza Strip within Israel had been the plan 
since 1948, even if it was only implemented in 1967. 

Was the 1967 war inevitable? We can begin our answer 
in 1958—described in the scholarly literature on the modern 
Middle East as the revolutionary year. In that year, the 
progressive, radical ideas that brought the Egyptian Free 
Officers to power in Cairo began to make an impact all over 
the Arab world. This trend was supported by the Soviet 
Union and almost inevitably challenged by the United 
States. This “playing out” of the Cold War in the Middle East 
opened up opportunities for those in Israel looking for a 
pretext to correct the “fatal historical mistake” of 1948. It 
was driven by a= powerful lobby within the Israeli 
government and army, led by the war heroes of 1948, 
Moshe Dayan and Yigal Alon. When a consensus developed 
in the West that the “radicalism” emerging in Egypt might 
engulf other countries, including Jordan, the lobby 
recommended that Prime Minister Ben-Gurion approach 
NATO to promote the idea of a pre-emptive Israeli takeover 
of the West Bank.* 

This scenario became even more plausible after Iraq fell 
into the hands of progressive, even radical, officers. On July 

14, 1958, a group of Iragi officers staged a military coup 
that brought down the Hashemite dynasty. The Hashemites 
had been put in power by the British in 1921 to keep Iraq 
within the Western sphere of influence. Economic recession, 
nationalism, and strong connections to Egypt and the USSR 
triggered a protest movement that brought the officers to 
power. It was led by a group calling itself the Free Officers, 
headed by Abd al-Karim Qasim, which, emulating the group 
that had overthrown the monarchy in Egypt six years 
earlier, replaced the monarchy with the republic of Iraq. 

At the time, it was also feared in the West that Lebanon 
could be the next region be taken over by revolutionary 
forces. NATO decided to preempt this scenario by 
dispatching its own forces (US Marines to Lebanon and 
British Special Forces to Jordan). There was no need, and no 
wish, to involve Israel in this developing cold war in the Arab 
world.? When the Israeli idea of “saving” at least the West 
Bank was voiced, it was firmly rejected by Washington. It 
seems, however, that Ben-Gurion was quite happy to be 
warned off at this stage. He had no wish to undermine the 
demographic achievement of 1948—he did not want to 
change the balance between Jews and Arabs in a new 
“greater” Israel by incorporating the Palestinians living in 
the West Bank.® In his diary he reported that he had 
explained to his ministers that occupying the West Bank 
would constitute a grave demographic danger: “I told them 
about the danger of incorporating one million Arabs into a 
state that has a population of one and three quarter 
million.”’ For the same reason he pre-empted another 
attempt by the more hawkish lobby to exploit a new crisis 
two years later in 1960. As long as Ben-Gurion was in 
power, the lobby, so brilliantly described in Tom Segev’s 
book 1967, would not have its way. However, by 1960, it 
had become much more difficult to restrain the lobby. In 
fact, in that year, all the ingredients that would later mark 

the crisis of 1967 were in place and carried the same threat 
of erupting into a war. But war was averted, or at least 

In 1960, the first significant actor on the scene was the 
Egyptian president, Gamal Abdul Nasser, who conducted a 
dangerous policy of brinkmanship, as he would six years 
later. Nasser heightened the war rhetoric against Israel, 
threatening to move troops into the demilitarized Sinai 
Peninsula and to block the passage of ships into the 
southern city of Eilat. His motives for doing so were the 
same in 1960 as they were in 1967. He feared that Israel 
would attack Syria, which between 1958 and 1962 was ina 
formal union with Egypt called the United Arab Republic. 
Ever since Israel and Syria had concluded an armistice 
agreement in the summer of 1949, there had been quite a 
few issues unresolved. Among them were pieces of land, 
called “no-man’s land” by the UN, which both sides coveted. 
Every now and then, Israel encouraged members of the 
Kibbutzim and settlements adjacent to these lands to go 
and cultivate them, knowing full well that this would trigger 
a Syrian response from the Golan Heights above them. This 
is exactly what happened in 1960, and a predictable cycle of 
escalating tit for tat then followed: the Israeli air force were 
employed to gain some real battle experience and show 
their Supremacy over the Russian jets employed by the 
Syrian air force. Dogfights ensued, artillery was exchanged, 
complaints were submitted to the armistice committee, and 
an uneasy lull reigned until violence erupted once more.® 

A second source of friction between Israel and Syria 
concerned the Israeli construction of a national water carrier 
(this is the official Israeli name in English for a huge project 
that includes viaducts, pipelines, and canals) between the 
estuaries of the River Jordan and the south of the state. 
Work on the project began in 1953 and included siphoning 
off some of the water resources that were desperately 

needed both in Syria and in Lebanon. In response, the 
Syrian leaders succeeded in convincing their Egyptian allies 
in the UAR that Israel might launch an all-out military 
Campaign against Syria in order to secure the strategic 
Golan Heights, and the sources of the River Jordan. 

Nasser had another motive for tipping the precarious 
balance in and around historical Palestine. He wanted to 
break the diplomatic stasis of the period and challenge the 
global indifference to the Palestine question. As Avi Shlaim 
showed in his book The /ron Wall, Nasser had some hope of 
finding a way out of the deadlock when he negotiated with 
Moshe Sharett, Israel’s dovish foreign minister and, for a 
short while in the mid-1950s, its prime minister.? However, 
Nasser understood that power lay in the hands of Ben- 
Gurion, and once the latter returned to the prime minister’s 
office in 1955, there was little hope of advancing peace 
between the two states. 

While these negotiations took place, the two sides 
discussed the possibility of an Egyptian land passage in the 
Negev in return for ending the standoff. This was an early 
tentative idea on the agenda that was not developed 
further, and we have no way of knowing whether it would 
have led to a bilateral peace treaty. What we do know is that 
there was little chance of any bilateral peace agreement 
between Israel and Egypt as long as Ben-Gurion was Israel’s 
prime minister. Even out of power, Ben-Gurion used his 
connections with the army to convince its commanders to 
launch several provocative military operations against the 
Egyptian forces in the Gaza Strip while these negotiations 
were taking place. The pretext for these operations was the 
infiltrations of Palestinian refugees from the Gaza Strip into 
Israel, which gradually became more militarized and 
eventually constituted a real guerilla warfare against the 
Jewish state. Israel reacted by destroying Egyptian bases 
and killing Egyptian troops.?° 

The peace efforts died for all intents and purposes once 
Ben-Gurion returned to power and joined Britain and France 
in a military alliance aimed at bringing down Nasser in 
1956. No wonder that, four years later, when contemplating 
a war against Israel, Nasser deemed his maneuvers a pre- 
emptive move to save his regime from a possible Anglo- 
French-lsraeli attack. Thus, in 1960, when the tension on the 
Israeli-Syrian border grew and there was no progress 
whatsoever on the diplomatic front, Nasser probed a new 
strategy, referred to earlier as “brinkmanship.” The purpose 
of this exercise was to constantly test the boundaries of 
possibility. In this case, to examine how far military 
preparations and threats can change the political reality, 
without actually going to war. The success of such 
brinkmanship depends not only on the person who initiates 
it but also on the unforeseeable responses of those against 
whom the policy is directed. And that is where it can go 
terribly wrong, as it did in 1967. 

Nasser implemented this strategy for the first time in 
1960, and repeated it in a similar way in 1967. He sent 
forces into the Sinai Peninsula—which was supposed to be a 
demilitarized zone according to the agreement that ended 
the 1956 war. The Israeli government and the UN acted very 
sensibly in 1960 in the face of this threat. The UN secretary- 
general, Dag Hammarskjold, took a firm position demanding 
the immediate withdrawal of the Egyptian forces. The Israeli 
government called up its reserves but sent a clear message 
it would not start a war.!! 

On the eve of 1967 war, all these factors played a role in 
the outbreak of violence. Two personalities, however, were 
no longer’ involved: David Ben-Gurion and _ Dag 
Hammarskjold. Ben-Gurion had left the political scene in 
1963. Ironically, it was only after his departure that the 
Greater Israel lobby was able to plan its next step. Until 
then, Ben-Gurion’s demographic obsession had prevented 

the takeover of the West Bank, but also produced the by 
now familiar military rule Israel had imposed on different 
Palestinian groups. The abolition of this regime in 1966 
allowed a ready-made apparatus to control both the West 
Bank and the Gaza Strip even before the June 1967 war 
erupted. The military rule Israel had imposed on the 
Palestinian minority in 1948 was based on British Mandatory 
emergency regulations that treated the civilian population 
as a potential alien group, hence robbing it of its basic 
human and civil rights. Military governors were installed 
across the Palestinian areas with executive, judicial, and 
legislative authority. This was a quite a well-oiled machinery 
by 1966, including hundreds of employees who would serve 
as the nucleus for a similar regime when it was imposed on 
the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. 

Thus, the military rule that was abolished in 1966 was 
imposed in 1967 on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip; and 
all was in place for an invasion. Since 1963 a group of Israeli 
experts from the army, civil service, and academia had 
planned for the transition, putting together a detailed 
manual for how to run a Palestinian territory according to 
emergency regulations, should the opportunity rise.!? This 
gave absolute power to the army in every sphere of life. The 
opportunity for moving this apparatus from one Palestinian 
group (the Palestinian minority in Israel) to another (the 
Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip) came in 
1967, when Nasser was encouraged in his brinkmanship by 
the Soviet leadership, who believed strongly that an Israeli 
attack on Syria was imminent in the last days of 1966.!3 In 
the summer of that year, a new group of officers and 
ideologues had staged a military coup and taken over the 
Syrian state (known as the new “Ba’ath”). One of the first 
acts of the new regime was to deal more firmly with the 
Israeli plans to exploit the waters of the River Jordan and its 
estuaries. They began building their own national carrier 

and diverted the river for their own needs. The Israeli army 
bombed the new project, which led to frequent and 
gradually more intensified dogfights between the two air 
forces. The new regime in Syria also looked favorably on the 
newly formed Palestinian national liberation movement. This 
in turn encouraged Fatah to stage a guerrilla war against 
Israel in the Golan Heights, using Lebanon as a launching 
pad for attacks. This only added to the tension between the 
two states. 

It seems that until April 1967 Nasser still hoped that his 
histrionics would be enough to force a change in the status 
quo, without recourse to war. He signed a defense alliance 
with Syria in November 1966, declaring his intention to 
come to the latter’s aid should Israel attack. Yet the 
deterioration on the Israeli-Syrian border hit a new low in 
April 1967. Israel staged a military attack on Syrian forces in 
the Golan Heights that was intended, according the then 
general chief of staff of the Israeli army, Yitzhak Rabin, “to 
humiliate Syria.”!* By this stage it seemed as if Israel was 
doing all it could to push the Arab world into war. It was only 
then that Nasser felt compelled to repeat his gambit of 1960 
—dispatching troops into the Sinai Peninsula and closing the 
Tiran straights, a narrow passage that connected the Gulf of 
Aqaba with the Red Sea and hence could stop, or hinder, 
maritime traffic into Israel’s most southern port, Eilat. As in 
1960, Nasser waited to see how the UN would react. Back in 
1960, Dag Hammarskjold was not impressed and had not 
withdrawn the UN troops who had been stationed there 
since 1956. The new secretary-general, U Thant, was less 
assertive and withdrew the UN forces when the Egyptian 
troops entered the Peninsula. This had the effect of 
escalating the tension further. 

However, the most important factor in the rush to war 
was the absence of any authoritative challenge to the 
warmongering within the Israeli leadership at the time. This 

might have offered some form of internal friction delaying 
the hawks’ pursuit of conflict, allowing the international 
community to look for a peaceful resolution. A diplomatic 
effort led by the United States was still in its early stages 
when Israel launched its attack on all its Arab neighbors on 
June 5, 1967. There was no intention in the Israeli cabinet of 
providing the necessary time to the peace brokers. This was 
a golden opportunity not to be missed. 

In crucial Israeli cabinet meetings before the war, Abba 
Eban naively asked the chiefs of staff and his colleagues 
what the difference was between the 1960 crisis and the 
1967 situation, as he thought the latter could have been 
resolved in the same way.!° It “is a matter of honor and 
deterrence” was the reply. Eban replied that losing young 
soldiers only for the sake of honor and deterrence was too 
high a human price to be paid. | suspect that other things 
were said to him that have not been recorded in the 
minutes, probably about his need to understand that this 
was a historical opportunity to correct the “fatal historical 
mistake” of not occupying the West Bank in 1948. 

The war began early in the morning of June 5 with an 
Israeli attack on the Egyptian air force, which nearly 
destroyed it. This was followed the same day with similar 
assaults on the air forces of Syria, Jordan, and Iraq. Israeli 
forces also invaded the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula 
and in the next few days reached the Suez Canal, occupying 
the whole of the peninsula. The attack on the Jordanian air 
force triggered the Jordanian capture of a small UN zone 
between the two parts of Jerusalem. Within three days, after 
fierce fighting, the Israeli army had captured East Jerusalem 
(on June 7), and two days later they drove the Jordanian 
army out of the West Bank. 

On June 7, the Israeli government was still uncertain 
about opening a new front against the Syrians on the Golan 
Heights, but the remarkable successes on the other front 

convinced the politicians to allow the army to occupy the 
Golan Heights. By June 11, Israel had become a mini- 
empire, controlling the Golan Heights, the West Bank, the 
Gaza Strip, and the Sinai Peninsula. In this chapter | will 
focus on the Israeli decision to occupy the West Bank. 

On the eve of the war, Jordan had entered into a military 
alliance with Egypt and Syria according to which, the 
moment Israel attacked Egypt, Jordan was obliged to enter 
the war. Notwithstanding this commitment, King Hussein 
sent clear messages to Israel that if war began he would 
have to do something, but that it would be short and would 
not entail a real war (this was very similar to his 
grandfather’s position in 1948). In practice, the Jordanian 
involvement was more than symbolic. It included a heavy 
bombardment of West Jerusalem and the eastern suburbs of 
Tel Aviv. However, it is important to note what Jordan was 
reacting to: its air force had been totally destroyed by Israel 
a couple of hours earlier, at noon on June 5. King Hussein 
thus felt obliged to react more forcefully than he probably 

The problem was that the army was not under his 
control, but was commanded by an Egyptian general. The 
common narrative of these events is based on Hussein’s 
own memoirs and those of Dean Rusk, the American 
Secretary of State at the time. According to this narrative, 
Israel sent a conciliatory message to Hussein urging him to 
stay out of the war (even though it had destroyed the 
Jordanian air force). On the first day Israel was still willing 
not to go too far in its assault on Jordan, but the latter’s 
reaction to the destruction of its air force led Israel into a 
much wider operation on the second day. Hussein actually 
wrote in his memoirs that he hoped all the time someone 
would stop the madness as he could not disobey the 
Egyptians nor risk a war. On the second day he urged the 

Israelis to calm down and only then, according to this 
narrative, did Israel proceed to a larger operation.!®© 

There are two problems with this narrative. How can one 
reconcile the assault on the Jordanian air force with the 
sending of a reconciliatory message? More importantly, 
even if Israel was still hesitant about its policy towards 
Jordan on the first day, it is clear even from this narrative 
that by the second day it did not wish to give Jordan any 
respite. As Norman Finkelstein has rightly noted, if you 
wanted to destroy what was left of the Jordanian army and 
retain your relationship with the one Arab country most 
loyal to Israel, a short operation in the West Bank, without 
occupying it, would have sufficed.!’ The Israeli historian 
Moshe Shemesh has examined the Jordanian sources and 
concluded that, after Israel attacked the Palestinian village 
of Samua in November 1966, in an attempt to defeat the 
Palestinian guerrillas, the Jordanian high command was 
persuaded that Israel intended to occupy the West Bank by 
force.1® They were not wrong. 

This did not happen as feared in 1966, but a year later. 
The whole of Israeli society was galvanized around the 
messianic project of “liberating” the holy places of Judaism, 
with Jerusalem as the jewel in the new crown of Greater 
Israel. Left- and right-wing Zionists, and Israel’s supporters 
in the West, were also caught up in, and mesmerized by, 
this euphoric hysteria. In addition, there was no intention of 
leaving the West Bank and the Gaza Strip immediately after 
their occupation; in fact there was no desire to leave them 
at all. This should stand as further proof of Israeli 
responsibility for the final deterioration of the May 1967 
crisis into a full-blown war. 

How important this historical juncture was for Israel can 
be seen from the way the government withstood the strong 
international pressure to withdraw from all the territories 
occupied in 1967, as demanded in the famous UN Security 

Council Resolution 242 very shortly after the war ended. As 
readers probably know, a Security Council resolution is more 
binding than a resolution by the General Assembly. And this 
was one of the few Security Council resolutions criticizing 
Israel that was not vetoed by the United States. 

We now have access to the minutes of a meeting of the 
Israeli government in the immediate days after the 
occupation. This was the thirteenth government of Israel 
and its composition is very relevant to the argument | am 
making here. It was a unity government of a kind not seen 
before, or after, in Israel. Every shade of the Zionist and 
Jewish political spectrum was represented. Apart from the 
Communist Party, every other party had a representative in 
the government, from left to right and center. Socialist 
parties such as Mapam, right-wing parties like Menachem 
Begin’s Herut, the liberals, and the religious parties were all 
included. The sense you get from reading the minutes is 
that the ministers knew they represented a wide consensus 
in their own society. This conviction was further energized 
by the euphoric atmosphere that engulfed Israel after the 
triumphant blitzkrieg that lasted only six days. Against this 
background, we can better understand the decisions these 
ministers took in the immediate aftermath of the war. 

Moreover, many of these politicians had been waiting 
since 1948 for this moment. | would go even further and say 
that the takeover of the West Bank in particular, with its 
ancient biblical sites, was a Zionist aim even before 1948 
and it fitted the logic of the Zionist project as a whole. This 
logic can be summarized as the wish to take over as much 
of Palestine as possible with as few Palestinians as possible. 
The consensus, the euphoria, and the historical context 
explain why none of the subsequent Israeli governments 
have ever deviated from the decisions these ministers took. 

The first decision they made was that Israel could not 
exist without the West Bank. Direct and indirect methods of 

controlling the region were offered by the minister of 
agriculture, Yigal Alon, when he distinguished between 
areas where Jewish settlements could be built and areas 
that were densely populated by Palestinians, which should 
be ruled indirectly.42 Alon changed his mind within a few 
years about the method of indirect rule. At first he hoped 
that the Jordanians would be tempted to help Israel rule 
parts of the West Bank (probably, although this was never 
spelled out, by maintaining Jordanian citizenships and laws 
in the “Arab areas” of the West Bank). However, a lukewarm 
Jordanian response to this plan tilted him towards 
Palestinian self-rule in those areas as the best way forward. 

The second decision was that the inhabitants of the West 
Bank and Gaza Strip would not be incorporated into the 
state of Israel as citizens. This did not include the 
Palestinians living in what Israel regarded at the time as the 
new “Greater Jerusalem” area. The definition of that area, 
and who in it was entitled to Israeli citizenship, changed 
whenever this space grew in size. The greater the Greater 
Jerusalem became, the larger the number of Palestinians in 
it. Today there are 200,000 Palestinians within what is 
defined as the Greater Jerusalem area. To ensure that not all 
of them are counted as Israeli citizens, quite a few of their 
neighborhoods were declared to be West Bank villages.2° It 
was clear to the government that denying citizenship on the 
one hand, and not allowing independence on the other, 
condemned the inhabitants of the West Bank and the Gaza 
Strip to life without basic civil and human rights. 

The next question therefore was how long the Israeli 
army would occupy the Palestinian areas. It seems that for 
most ministers the answer was, and still is: for a very long 
time. For instance, Moshe Dayan, the minister of defense, 
on one occasion threw into the air a period of fifty years.2! 
We are now in the fiftieth year of the occupation. 

The third decision was associated with the peace 
process. As mentioned earlier, the international community 
expected Israel to return the territories it had occupied in 
exchange for peace. The Israeli government was willing to 
negotiate with Egypt over the future of the Sinai Peninsula 
and with Syria over the Golan Heights, but not over the 
West Bank and the Gaza Strip. In one brief press conference 
in 1967, the prime minister at the time, Levy Eshkol, said as 
much.22 But soon his colleagues understood that public 
declarations of this kind were unhelpful, to put it mildly. 
Therefore, this strategic position was never explicitly 
acknowledged again in the public domain. What we do have 
is clear statements from a few individuals, most prominent 
among them Dan Bavli, who were part of the senior team of 
officials charged with strategizing the policy towards the 
West Bank and the Gaza Strip. In retrospect, Bavli reports 
that the unwillingness to negotiate, especially over the West 
Bank, underlined the Israeli policy at the time (and | would 
add: and ever since).2? Bavli described this policy as an 
“addition to belligerence and short sightedness” that 
replaced any search for a solution: “The various Israeli 
governments talked a lot about peace but did very little to 
achieve it.”24* What the Israelis invented there and then is 
what Noam Chomsky has called a “complete farce.”2° They 
understood that talking about peace does not mean they 
cannot establish on the ground irreversible facts that will 
defeat the very idea of peace. 

Readers may ask, and rightly so, whether there was no 
peace camp or liberal Zionist position at the time that 
genuinely sought peace. Indeed there was, and perhaps 
there still is one today. However, from the very beginning it 
was marginal and had the support of only a small section of 
the electorate. Decisions are made in Israel by a core group 
of politicians, generals, and strategists who lay down policy, 
regardless of public debates. Moreover, the only way to 

judge, in hindsight at least, what the Israeli strategy might 
be is not through the discourse of the state’s policy makers 
but through their actions on the ground. For example, the 
policy declarations of the 1967 unity government might 
have differed from those of the Labor governments that 
ruled Israel until 1977, and from those voiced by the Likud 
governments that have ruled Israel intermittently up until 
today (with the exception of a few years in which the now 
extinct Kadima party led the Sharon and Olmert 
governments in the first decade of the twenty-first century). 
The actions of each regime, however, have been the same, 
remaining loyal to the three strategic decisions that became 
the catechism of Zionist dogma in post-1967 Israel. 

The most crucial action on the ground was the 
construction of Jewish settlements in the West Bank and the 
Gaza Strip, along with the commitment to their expansion. 
The government located these settlements at first in less 
densely populated Palestinian areas in the West Bank (since 
1968) and Gaza (since 1969). However, as is so chillingly 
described in the brilliant book by Idith Zertal and Akiva 
Eldar, The Lords of the Land, the ministers and planners 
succumbed to pressure from the messianic settler 
movement, Gush Emunim, and also settled Jews at the heart 
of the Palestinian neighborhoods.?° 

Another way of judging what the real Israeli intentions 
have been since 1967 is to look at these policies from the 
point of view of the Palestinian victims. After the occupation, 
the new ruler confined the Palestinians of the West Bank 
and Gaza Strip in an impossible limbo: they were neither 
refugees nor citizens—they were, and still are, citizenless 
inhabitants. They were inmates, and in many respects still 
are, of a huge prison in which they have no civil and human 
rights and no impact on their future. The world tolerates this 
situation because Israel claims—and the claim was never 
challenged until recently—that the situation is temporary 

and will continue only until there is a proper Palestinian 
partner for peace. Not surprisingly, such a partner has not 
been found. At the time of writing, Israel is still incarcerating 
a third generation of Palestinians by various means and 
methods, and depicting these mega-prisons as temporary 
realities that will change once peace comes to Israel and 

What can the Palestinians do? The Israeli message is very 
clear: If they comply with the expropriations of land, the 
severe restrictions on movement, the harsh bureaucracy of 
occupation, then they may reap a few benefits. These may 
be the right to work in Israel, to claim some autonomy, and, 
since 1993, even the right to call some of these autonomous 
regions a state. However, if they choose the path of 
resistance, as they have done occasionally, they will feel the 
full might of the Israeli army. The Palestinian activist Mazin 
Qumsiyeh has counted fourteen such uprisings that have 
attempted to escape this mega-prison—all were met with a 
brutal, and in the case of Gaza, even genocidal, response.?/ 

Thus we can see that the takeover of the West Bank and 
the Gaza Strip represents a completion of the job that began 
in 1948. Back then, the Zionist movement took over 80 
percent of the Palestine—in 1967 they completed the 
takeover. The demographic fear that haunted Ben-Gurion—a 
greater Israel with no Jewish majority—was_ cynically 
resolved by incarcerating the population of the occupied 
territories in a non-citizenship prison. This is not just a 
historical description; in many ways it is still the reality in 




: Israel Is the Only 

Democracy in the Middle 

In the eyes of many Israelis and their supporters worldwide 
—even those who might criticize some of its policies—Israel 
is, at the end of the day, a benign democratic state, seeking 
peace with its neighbors, and guaranteeing equality to all its 
citizens. Those who do criticize Israel assume that if 
anything went wrong in this democracy then it was due to 
the 1967 war. In this view, the war corrupted an honest and 
hardworking society by offering easy money in the occupied 
territories, allowing messianic groups to enter Israeli 
politics, and above all else turning Israel into an occupying 
and oppressive entity in the new territories. 

The myth that a democratic Israel ran into trouble in 
1967 but still remained a democracy is propagated even by 
some notable Palestinian and pro-Palestinian scholars—but 
it has no historical foundation. Before 1967, Israel definitely 
could not have been depicted as a democracy. As we have 

seen in previous chapters, the state subjected one-fifth of 
its citizenship to military rule based on draconian British 
Mandatory emergency regulations that denied the 
Palestinians any basic human or civil rights. Local military 
governors were the absolute rulers of the lives of these 
citizens: they could devise special laws for them, destroy 
their houses and livelihoods, and send them to fail 
whenever they felt like it. Only in the late 1950s did a strong 
Jewish opposition to these abuses emerge, which eventually 
eased the pressure on the Palestinian citizens. 

For the Palestinians who lived in pre-war Israel and those 
who lived in the post-1967 West Bank and the Gaza Strip, 
this regime allowed even the lowest-ranking soldier in the 
IDF to rule, and ruin, their lives. They were helpless if such a 
solider, or his unit or commander, decided to demolish their 
homes, or hold them for hours at a checkpoint, or 
incarcerate them without trial. There was nothing they could 
do.! At every moment from 1948 until today, there had 
been some group of Palestinians undergoing such an 
experience. The first group to suffer under such a yoke was 
the Palestinian minority inside Israel. It began in the first 
two years of statehood when they were pushed _ into 
ghettoes, such as the Haifa Palestinian community living on 
the Carmel mountain, or expelled from the towns they had 
inhabited for decades, as such as Safad. In the case of 
Isdud, the whole population was expelled to the Gaza Strip. 
In the countryside, the situation was even worse. The 
various Kibbutz movements coveted Palestinian villages on 
fertile land. This included the socialist Kibbutzim, Hashomer 
Ha-Zair, which was allegedly committed to binational 
solidarity. Long after the fighting of 1948 had subsided, 
villagers in Ghabsiyyeh, lIqrit, Birim, Qaidta, Zaytun, and 
many others, were tricked into leaving their homes for a 
period of two weeks, the army claiming it needed their lands 

for training, only to find out on their return that their villages 
had been wiped out or handed to someone else.? 

This state of military terror is exemplified by the Kafr 
Qasim massacre of October 1956, when, on the eve of the 
Sinai operation, forty-nine Palestinian citizens were killed by 
the Israeli army. The authorities alleged that they were late 
returning home from work in the fields when a curfew had 
been imposed on the village. This was not the real reason, 
however. Later proofs show that Israel had_ seriously 
considered the expulsion of Palestinians from the whole area 
called the Wadi Ara and the Triangle in which the village sat. 
These two areas—the first a valley connecting Afula in the 
east and Hadera on the Mediterranean coast; the second 
expanding the eastern hinterland of Jerusalem—were 
annexed to Israel under the terms of the 1949 armistice 
agreement with Jordan. As we have seen, additional territory 
was always welcomed by Israel, but an increase in the 
Palestinian population was not. Thus, at every juncture, 
when the state of Israel expanded, it looked for ways of 
restricting the Palestinian population in the recently 
annexed areas. 

Operation “Hafarfert” (mole) was the codename of a set 
of proposals for the expulsion of Palestinians when a new 
war broke out with the Arab world. Many scholars today now 
think that the 1956 massacre was a practice run to see if 
the people in the area could be intimidated to leave. The 
perpetrators of the massacre were brought to trial thanks to 
the diligence and tenacity of two members of the Knesset: 
Tawfiq Tubi from the Communist Party and Latif Dori of the 
Left Zionist party Mapam. However, the commanders 
responsible for the area, and the unit itself that committed 
the crime, were let off very lightly, receiving merely small 
fines.* This was further proof that the army was allowed to 
get away with murder in the occupied territories. 

Systematic cruelty does not only show its face in a major 
event like a massacre. The worst atrocities can also be 
found in the regime’s daily, mundane presence. Palestinians 
in Israel still do not talk much about that pre-1967 period, 
and the documents of that time do not reveal the full 
picture. Surprisingly, it is in poetry that we find an indication 
of what it was like to live under military rule. Natan 
Alterman was one of the most famous and important poets 
of his generation. He had a weekly column, called “The 
Seventh Column,” in which he commented on events he had 
read or heard about. Sometimes he would omit details 
about the date or even the location of the event, but would 
give the reader just enough information to understand what 
he was referring to. He often expressed his attacks in poetic 

The news appeared briefly for two days, and disappeared. 

And no one seem to care, and no one seems to know. 

In the far away village of Um al-Fahem, 

Children—should | say citizens of the state—played in the mud 

And one of them seemed suspicious to one of our brave soldiers who 
shouted at him: Stop! 

An order is an order 

An order is an order, but the foolish boy did not stand, 

He ran away 

So our brave soldier shot, no wonder 

And hit and killed the boy. 

And no one talked about it.° 

On one occasion he wrote a poem about two Palestinian 
citizens who were shot in Wadi Ara. In another instance, he 
told the story of a very ill Palestinian woman who was 
expelled with her two children, aged three and six, with no 
explanation, and sent across the River Jordan. When she 
tried to return, she and her children were arrested and put 
into a Nazareth jail. Alterman hoped that his poem about 
the mother would move hearts and minds, or at least elicit 
some official response. However, he wrote a week later: 

And this writer assumed wrongly 
That either the story would be denied or explained 
But nothing, not a word.® 

There is further evidence that Israel was not a democracy 
prior to 1967. The state pursued a_ shoot-to-kill policy 
towards refugees trying to retrieve their land, crops, and 
husbandry, and staged a colonial war to topple Nasser’s 
regime in Egypt. Its security forces were also trigger-happy, 
killing more than fifty Palestinian citizens during the period 

The litmus test of any democracy is the level of tolerance 
it is willing to extend towards the minorities living in it. In 
this respect, Israel falls far short of being a true democracy. 
For example, after the new territorial gains several laws 
were passed ensuring a superior position for the majority: 
the laws governing citizenship, the laws concerning land 
ownership, and most important of all, the law of return. The 
latter grants automatic citizenship to every Jew in the world, 
wherever he or she was born. This law in particular is a 
flagrantly undemocratic one, for it was accompanied by a 
total rejection of the Palestinian right of return—recognized 
internationally by the UN General Assembly Resolution 194 
of 1948. This rejection refuses to allow the Palestinian 
citizens of Israel to unite with their immediate families or 
with those who were expelled in 1948. Denying people the 
right of return to their homeland, and at the same time 
offering this right to others who have no connection to the 
land, is a model of undemocratic practice. 

Added to this was a further layering of denial of the 
rights of the Palestinian people. Almost every discrimination 
against the Palestinian citizens of Israel is justified by the 
fact that they do not serve in the army.’ The association 
between democratic rights and military duties is better 
understood if we revisit the formative years in which Israeli 
policy makers were trying to make up their minds about how 

to treat one-fifth of the population. Their assumption was 
that Palestinian citizens did not want to join the army 
anyway, and that assumed refusal, in turn, justified the 
discriminatory policy against them. This was put to the test 
in 1954 when the Israeli ministry of defense decided to call 
up those Palestinian citizens eligible for conscription to 
serve in the army. The secret service assured the 
government that there would be a widespread rejection of 
the call-up. To their great surprise, all those summoned 
went to the recruiting office, with the blessing of the 
Communist Party, the biggest and most important political 
force in the community at the time. The secret service later 
explained that the main reason was the teenagers’ boredom 
with life in the countryside and their desire for some action 
and adventure.® 

Notwithstanding this episode, the ministry of defense 
continued to peddle a narrative that depicted the Palestinian 
community as unwilling to serve in the military. Inevitably, 
in time, the Palestinians did indeed turn against the Israeli 
army, who had become their perpetual oppressors, but the 
government’s exploitation of this as a pretext for 
discrimination casts huge doubt on the state’s pretense to 
being a democracy. If you are a Palestinian citizen and you 
did not serve in the army your rights to government 
assistance as a worker, student, parent, or as part of a 
couple, are severely restricted. This affects housing in 
particular, as well as employment—where 70 percent of all 
Israeli industry is considered to be security-sensitive and 
therefore closed to these citizens as a place to find work.? 

The underlying assumption of the ministry of defense 
was not only that Palestinians do not wish to serve but that 
they are potentially an enemy within who cannot be trusted. 
The problem with this argument is that in all the major wars 
between Israel and the Arab world the Palestinian minority 
did not behave as expected. They did not form a fifth 

column or rise up against the regime. This, however, did not 
help them: to this day they are seen as a “demographic” 
problem that has to be solved. The only consolation is that 
still today most Israeli politicians do not believe that the 
way to solve “the problem” is by the transfer or expulsion of 
the Palestinians (at least not in peacetime). 

The claim to being a democracy is also questionable 
when one examines the budgetary policy surrounding the 
land question. Since 1948, Palestinian local councils and 
municipalities have received far less funding than their 
Jewish counterparts. The shortage of land, coupled with the 
scarcity of employment opportunities, creates an abnormal 
socioeconomic reality. For example, the most affluent 
Palestinian community, the village of Me’ilya in the upper 
Galilee, is still worse off than the poorest Jewish 
development town in the Negev. In 2011, the /erusalem Post 
reported that “average Jewish income was 40% to 60% 
higher than average Arab income between the years 1997 
to 2009.”1° 

Today more than 90 percent of the land is owned by the 
Jewish National Fund (JNF). Landowners are not allowed to 
engage in transactions with non-Jewish citizens and public 
land is prioritized for the use of national projects, which 
means that new Jewish settlements are being built while 
there are hardly any new Palestinian settlements. Thus, the 
biggest Palestinian city, Nazareth, despite the tripling of its 
population since 1948, has not expanded one square 
kilometer, whereas the development town built above it, 
Upper Nazareth, has tripled in size, on land expropriated 
from Palestinian landowners.+! 

Further examples of this policy can be found in 
Palestinian villages throughout Galilee, revealing the same 
story: how they have been downsized by 40 percent, 
sometimes even 60 percent, since 1948, and how new 
Jewish settlements have been built on expropriated land. 

Elsewhere this has_ initiated full-blown attempts at 
“Judaization.” After 1967, the Israeli government became 
concerned about the lack of Jews living in the north and 
south of the state and so planned to increase the population 
in those areas. Such a demographic change necessitated 
the confiscation of Palestinian land for the building of Jewish 

Worse was the exclusion of Palestinian citizens from 
these settlements. This blunt violation of a citizen’s right to 
live wherever he or she wishes continues today, and all 
efforts by human rights NGOs in Israel to challenge this 
apartheid have so far ended in total failure. The Supreme 
Court in Israel has only been able to question the legality of 
this policy in a few individual cases, but not in principle. 
Imagine if in the UK or the United States, Jewish citizens, or 
Catholics for that matter, were barred by law from living in 
certain villages, neighborhoods, or maybe whole towns? 
How can such a situation be reconciled with the notion of 

Thus, given its attitude towards two Palestinian groups— 
the refugees and the community in Israel—the Jewish state 
cannot, by any stretch of the imagination, be assumed to be 
a democracy. But the most obvious challenge to that 
assumption is the ruthless Israeli attitude towards a third 
Palestinian group: those who have lived under its direct and 
indirect rule since 1967, in East Jerusalem, the West Bank, 
and the Gaza Strip. From the legal infrastructure put in place 
at the outset of the war, through the unquestioned absolute 
power of the military inside the West Bank and outside the 
Gaza Strip, to the humiliation of millions of Palestinians as a 
daily routine, the “only democracy” in the Middle East 
behaves as a dictatorship of the worst kind. 

The main Israeli response, diplomatic and academic, to 
the latter accusation is that all these measures are 
temporary—they will change if the Palestinians, wherever 

they are, behave “better.” But if one researches, not to 
mention lives in, the occupied territories, one will 
understand how ridiculous these arguments are. Israeli 
policy makers, as we have seen, are determined to keep the 
occupation alive for as long as the Jewish state remains 
intact. It is part of what the Israeli political system regards 
as the status quo, which is always better than any change. 
Israel will control most of Palestine and, since it will always 
include a substantial Palestinian population, this can only be 
done by non-democratic means. 

In addition, despite all the evidence to the contrary, the 
Israeli state claims that the occupation is an enlightened 
one. The myth here is that Israel came with good intentions 
to conduct a benevolent occupation but was forced to take a 
tougher attitude because of the Palestinian violence. In 
1967 the government treated the West Bank and the Gaza 
Strip as natural part of “Eretz Israel,” the land of Israel, and 
this attitude has continued ever since. When you look at the 
debate between the right-and left-wing parties in Israel on 
this issue, their disagreements have been about how to 
achieve this goal, not about its validity. 

Among the wider public, however, there was a genuine 
debate between what one might call the “redeemers” and 
the “custodians.” The “redeemers” believed Israel had 
recovered the ancient heart of its homeland and could not 
survive in the future without it. In contrast, the “custodians” 
argued that the territories should be exchanged for peace 
with Jordan, in the case of the West Bank, and Egypt in the 
case of the Gaza Strip. However, this public debate had 
little impact on the way the principal policy makers were 
figuring out how to rule the occupied territories. The worst 
part of this supposed “enlightened occupation” has been 
the government’s methods for managing the territories. At 
first the area was divided into “Arab” and potential “Jewish” 
spaces. Those areas densely populated with Palestinians 

became autonomous, run by local collaborators under a 
military rule. This regime was only replaced with a civil 
administration in 1981. The other areas, the “Jewish” 
Spaces, were colonized with Jewish settlements and military 
bases. This policy was intended to leave the population both 
in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in disconnected 
enclaves with neither green spaces nor any possibility for 
urban expansion. 

Things only got worse when, very soon after the 
occupation, Gush Emunim started settling in the West Bank 
and the Gaza Strip, claiming to be following a biblical map 
of colonization rather than the governmental one. As they 
penetrated the densely populated Palestinian areas, the 
space left for the locals was shrunk even further. 

What every colonization project primarily needs is land— 
in the occupied territories this was achieved only through 
the massive expropriation of land, deporting people from 
where they had lived for generations, and confining them in 
enclaves with difficult habitats. When you fly over the West 
Bank, you can see clearly the cartographic results of this 
policy: belts of settlements that divide the land and carve 
the Palestinian communities into small, isolated, and 
disconnected communities. The Judaization belts separate 
villages from villages, villages from towns, and sometime 
bisect a single village. This is what scholars call a geography 
of disaster, not least since these policies turned out to be an 
ecological disaster as well: drying up water sources and 
ruining some of the most beautiful parts of the Palestinian 
landscape. Moreover, the settlements became hotbeds in 
which Jewish extremism grew uncontrollably—the principal 
victims of which were the Palestinians. Thus, the settlement 
at Efrat has ruined the world heritage site of the Wallajah 
valley near Bethlehem, and the village of Jafneh near 
Ramallah, which was famous for its fresh water canals, lost 

its identity as a tourist attraction. These are just two small 
examples out of hundreds of similar cases. 

House demolition is not a new phenomenon in Palestine. 
As with many of the more barbaric methods of collective 
punishment used by Israel since 1948, it was first conceived 
and exercised by the British Mandatory government during 
the Great Arab Revolt of 1936-39. This was the first 
Palestinian uprising against the pro-Zionist policy of the 
British Mandate, and it took the British army three years to 
quell it. In the process, they demolished around 2,000 
houses during the various collective punishments meted out 
to the local population.!? Israel demolished houses from 
almost the first day of its military occupation of the West 
Bank and the Gaza Strip. The army blew up hundreds of 
homes every year in response to various acts undertaken by 
individual family members.!* From minor violations of 
military rule to participation in violent acts against the 
occupation, the Israelis were quick to send in_ their 
bulldozers to wipe out not only a physical building but also a 
focus of life and existence. In the greater Jerusalem area (as 
inside Israel) demolition was also a punishment for the 
unlicensed extension of an existing house or the failure to 
pay bills. 

Another form of collective punishment that has recently 
returned to the Israeli repertoire is that of blocking up 
houses. Imagine that all the doors and windows in your 
house are blocked by cement, mortar, and stones, so you 
can’t get back in or retrieve anything you failed to take out 
in time. | have looked hard in my history books to find 
another example, but found no evidence of such a callous 
measure being practiced elsewhere. 

Finally, under the “enlightened occupation,” settlers have 
been allowed to form vigilante gangs to harass people and 
destroy their property. These gangs have changed their 
approach over the years. During the 1980s, they used 

actual terror—from wounding Palestinian leaders (one of 
them lost his legs in such an attack), to contemplating 
blowing up the mosques on Haram al-Sharif in Jerusalem. In 
this century, they have engaged in the daily harassment of 
Palestinians: uprooting their trees, destroying their yields, 
and shooting randomly at their homes and vehicles. Since 
2000, there have been at least 100 such attacks reported 
per month in some areas such as Hebron, where the 500 
settlers, with the silent collaboration of the Israeli army, 
harassed the locals living nearby in an even more brutal 

From the very beginning of the occupation then, the 
Palestinians were given two options: accept the reality of 
permanent incarceration in a mega-prison for a very long 
time, or risk the might of the strongest army in the Middle 
East. When the Palestinians did resist—as they did in 1987, 
2000, 2006, 2012, 2014, and 2016—they were targeted as 
soldiers and units of a conventional army. Thus, villages and 
towns were bombed as if they were military bases and the 
unarmed civilian population was shot at as if it was an army 
on the battlefield. Today we know too much about life under 
occupation, before and after Oslo, to take seriously the 
claim that non-resistance will ensure less oppression. The 
arrests without trial, as experienced by so many over the 
years; the demolition of thousands of houses; the killing and 
wounding of the innocent; the drainage of water wells— 
these are all testimony to one of the harshest contemporary 
regimes of our times. Amnesty International annually 
documents in a very comprehensive way the nature of the 
occupation. The following is from their 2015 report: 

In the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, Israeli forces committed 
unlawful killings of Palestinian civilians, including children, and detained 
thousands of Palestinians who protested against or otherwise opposed 
Israel’s continuing military occupation, holding hundreds in administrative 
detention. Torture and other ill-treatment remained rife and were 
committed with impunity. The authorities continued to promote illegal 

settlements in the West Bank, and severely restricted Palestinians’ 
freedom of movement, further tightening restrictions amid an escalation 
of violence from October, which included attacks on Israeli civilians by 
Palestinians and apparent extrajudicial executions by Israeli forces. Israeli 
settlers in the West Bank attacked Palestinians and their property with 
virtual impunity. The Gaza Strip remained under an Israeli military 
blockade that imposed collective punishment on its inhabitants. The 
authorities continued to demolish Palestinian homes in the West Bank and 
inside Israel, particularly in Bedouin villages in the Negev/Nagab region, 
forcibly evicting their residents.+® 

Let’s take this in stages. Firstly, assassinations—what 
Amnesty’s report calls “unlawful killings”: about 15,000 
Palestinians have been killed “unlawfully” by Israel since 
1967. Among them were 2,000 children.’ Another feature 
of the “enlightened occupation” is imprisonment without 
trial. Every fifth Palestinian in the West Bank and the Gaza 
Strip has undergone such an experience.!® It is interesting 
to compare this Israeli practice with similar American 
policies in the past and the present, as critics of the Boycott, 
Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement claim that US 
practices are far worse. In fact, the worst American example 
was the imprisonment without trail of 100,000 Japanese 
citizens during World War Il, with 30,000 later detained 
under the so-called “war on terror.” Neither of these 
numbers comes even close to the number of Palestinians 
who have experienced such a process: including the very 
young, the old, as well as the long-term incarcerated.!? 
Arrest without trial is a traumatic experience. Not knowing 
the charges against you, having no contact with a lawyer 
and hardly any contact with your family are only some of 
the concerns that will affect you as a prisoner. More brutally, 
many of these arrests are used as means to pressure people 
into collaboration. Spreading rumors or shaming people for 
their alleged or real sexual orientation are also frequently 
used as methods for leveraging complicity. 

As for torture, the reliable website Middle East Monitor 
published a harrowing article describing the 200 methods 

used by the Israelis to torture Palestinians. The list is based 
on a UN report and a report from the Israeli human rights 
Organization B’Tselem.22 Among other methods it includes 
beatings, chaining prisoners to doors or chairs for hours, 
pouring cold and hot water on them, pulling fingers apart, 
and twisting testicles. 

What we must challenge here, therefore, is not only 
Israel’s claim to be maintaining an enlightened occupation 
but also its pretense to being a democracy. Such behavior 
towards millions of people under its rule gives the lie to 
such political chicanery. However, although large sections of 
civil societies throughout the world deny Israel its pretense 
to democracy, their political elites, for a variety of reasons, 
still treat it as a member of the exclusive club of democratic 
states. In many ways, the popularity of the BDS movement 
reflects the frustrations of those societies with their 
governments’ policies towards Israel. 

For most Israelis these counterarguments are irrelevant 
at best and malicious at worst. The Israeli state clings to the 
view that it is a benevolent occupier. The argument for 
“enlightened occupation” proposes that, according to the 
average Jewish citizen in Israel, the Palestinians are much 
better off under occupation and they have no reason in the 
world to resist it, let alone by force. If you are a non-critical 
supporter of Israel abroad, you accept these assumptions as 

There are, however, sections of Israeli society that do 
recognize the validity of some of the claims made here. In 
the 1990s, with various degrees of conviction, a significant 
number of Jewish academics, journalists, and artists voiced 
their doubts about the definition of Israel as a democracy. It 
takes some courage to challenge the foundational myths of 
one’s own society and state. This is why quite a few of them 
later retreated from this brave position and returned to 
toeing the general line. Nevertheless, for a while during the 

last decade of the last century, they produced works that 
challenged the assumption of a democratic Israel. They 
portrayed Israel as belonging to a different community: that 
of the non-democratic nations. One of them, the geographer 
Oren Yiftachel from Ben-Gurion University, depicted Israel as 
an ethnocracy, a regime governing a mixed ethnic state 
with a legal and formal preference for one ethnic group over 
all the others.2! Others went further, labeling Israel an 
apartheid state or a settler colonial state.22 In short, 
whatever description these critical scholars offered, 
“democracy” was not among them. 

Chapter 8 
The Oslo Mythologies 

On September 13, 1993, Israel and the PLO signed a 
declaration of principles, known as the Oslo Accord, on the 
White House lawn under the auspices of President Bill 
Clinton. The PLO leader, Yasser Arafat, the Israeli prime 
minister, Yitzhak Rabin, and the Israeli foreign minister, 
Shimon Peres, would later receive a Nobel Peace prize for 
this Accord. It ended a long period of negotiations that had 
begun in 1992. Until that year, Israel had refused to 
negotiate directly with the PLO over the fate of the West 
Bank and the Gaza Strip, or about the Palestinian question 
in general. Successive Israeli governments preferred 
negotiating with Jordan, but since the mid-1980s they had 
allowed PLO representatives to join the Jordanian 

There were several reasons for the change in the Israeli 
position that enabled direct negotiations with the PLO. The 
first was the victory of the Labor party in the 1992 elections 
(for the first time since 1977) and the formation of a 
government that was more interested in a political solution 
than the previous Likud-led administrations. The new 

government understood that the attempts to negotiate 
directly with the local Palestinian leadership about 
autonomy were stalled because every Palestinian decision 
was referred back to the PLO headquarters in Tunis; thus, a 
direct line was more useful. 

The second reason concerned Israeli apprehensions 
arising from the Madrid peace _ initiative—an American 
enterprise to bring Israel, the Palestinians, and the rest of 
the Arab world together to agree on a solution in the 
aftermath of the first Gulf War. President George Bush Sr. 
and his secretary of state, William Baker, fathered this 
initiative in 1991. Both politicians asserted that Israel was 
an obstacle to peace and pressured the Israeli government 
to agree to a halt in settlement building so as to give the 
two-states solution a chance. Israeli-American relations at 
the time were at an unprecedented low. The new Israeli 
administration also initiated direct contact with the PLO 
themselves. The Madrid conference of 1991 and the peace 
efforts conducted under its auspices were probably the first 
genuine American effort to find a solution for the West Bank 
and the Gaza Strip based on Israeli withdrawal. The Israeli 
political elite wanted to thwart the move by nipping it in the 
bud. They preferred to initiate their own peace proposal and 
convince the Palestinians to accept it. Yasser Arafat was also 
unhappy with the Madrid initiative since in his eyes the local 
Palestinian leadership in the occupied territories, headed by 
the Gazan leader, Haidar Abdel-Shafi, and Faysal al-Husseini 
from Jerusalem, threatened his leadership and popularity by 
taking the lead in the negotiations. 

Thus the PLO in Tunis and the Israeli foreign office in 
Jerusalem began behind-the-scenes negotiations while the 
Madrid peace effort continued. They found a_ willing 
mediator in Fafo, a Norwegian peace institute based in Oslo. 
The two teams eventually met in the open in August 1993 
and with American involvement finalized the Declaration of 

Principles (DOP). The DOP was hailed as the end of the 
conflict when it was signed, with a lot of histrionics on the 
White House lawn in September 1993. 

There are two myths associated with the Oslo process. 
The first is that it was a genuine peace process; the second 
that Yasser Arafat intentionally undermined it by instigating 
the Second Intifada as a terrorist operation against Israel. 

The first myth was born out the desire of both sides in 
1992 to reach a solution. However, when this failed, it 
quickly became a game of who to blame. Israeli hardliners 
pointed the finger at the Palestinian leadership. A more 
nuanced, liberal Zionist version of this assumption laid the 
blame on Yasser Arafat but also on the Israeli right, in 
particular Benjamin Netanyahu, for the impasse after the 
PLO leader’s death in 2004. In either scenario, the peace 
process is considered a real one, albeit a failure. However, 
the truth is more complex. The terms of the agreement were 
impossible to fulfill. The claim that Arafat refused to respect 
the Palestinian pledges made in the 1993 Accord does not 
bear scrutiny. He could not enforce pledges that were 
impossible to keep. For example, the Palestinian authorities 
were called upon to act as Israel’s security subcontractor 
inside the occupied territories and ensure that there would 
be no resistance activity. More implicitly, Arafat was 
expected to accept the Israeli interpretation of the final 
settlement emerging from the Accord without debate. The 
Israelis presented this fait accompli to the PLO leader in the 
summer of 2000 at the Camp David summit, where the 
Palestinian leader was negotiating the final agreement with 
the Israeli prime minister, Enud Barak, and the US President, 
Bill Clinton. 

Barak demanded a demilitarized Palestinian state, with a 
capital in a village near Jerusalem, Abu Dis, and without 
parts of the West Bank such as the Jordan Valley, the big 
Jewish settlement blocs, and areas in Greater Jerusalem. The 

future state would not have an independent economic and 
foreign policy and would be autonomous only in certain 
domestic aspects (Such as running the educational system, 
tax collection, municipalities, policing, and maintaining the 
infrastructures on the ground). The formalization of this 
arrangement was to signify the end of the conflict and 
terminate any Palestinian demands in the future (Such as 
the right of return for the 1948 Palestinian refugees). 

The peace process was a busted flush from the outset. To 
understand the failure of Oslo, one has to widen the analysis 
and relate the events to two principles that remained 
unanswered throughout the Accord. The first was the 
primacy of geographical or territorial partition as the 
exclusive foundation of peace; the second the denial of the 
Palestinian refugees’ right of return and its exclusion from 
the negotiating table. 

The proposition that the physical partition of the land 
was the best solution for the conflict appeared for the first 
time in 1937 as part of the British Royal Commission, the 
Peel Report. At that time the Zionist movement suggested 
that Jordan—Transjordan in those days—should annex the 
“Arab parts of Palestine,” but the idea was rejected by the 
Palestinians.’ It was later re-adopted as the best way 
forward in the UN Partition Resolution of November 1947. 
The UN appointed a special commission of inquiry (UNSCOP) 
to try to find a solution. The members of the committee 
came from countries that had very little interest in or 
knowledge about Palestine. The Palestinian representative 
body, the Arab Higher Committee, and the Arab League, 
boycotted UNSCOP and refused to cooperate with it. This 
left a vacuum that was filled by the Zionist diplomats and 
leadership, who fed UNSCOP with their ideas for a solution. 
They suggested the creation of a Jewish state over 80 
percent of Palestine; the Commission reduced it to 56 
percent.? Egypt and Jordan were willing to legitimize the 

Israelis’ takeover of Palestine in 1948 in return for bilateral 
agreements with them (which were eventually signed in 
1979 with Egypt and in 1994 with Jordan). 

The idea of partition then reappeared under different 
names and references in the efforts led by the Americans 
after 1967. It was implicit in the new discourse that 
emerged: that of “territories for peace,” which every peace 
negotiator treated as a _ sanctified formula—the more 
territory Israel withdrew from the more peace it would get. 
Now the territory that Israel could withdraw from was within 
the 20 percent it had not taken over in 1948. In essence 
then, the idea was to build peace on the basis of partitioning 
the remaining 20 percent between Israel and whomever it 
would legitimize as a partner for peace (the Jordanians until 
the late 1980s, and the Palestinians ever since). 

Unsurprisingly, therefore, this became the cornerstone of 
the logic that informed the opening discussions in Oslo. It 
was easily forgotten, however, that historically every time 
partition had been offered, it was followed by more 
bloodshed and failed to produce the desired peace. Indeed, 
the Palestinian leaders at no point ever demanded partition. 
It was always a Zionist and, later, an Israeli idea. In addition, 
the proportion of territory demanded by the Israelis grew as 
their power increased. Thus, as the idea of partition gained 
growing global support, it increasingly appeared to the 
Palestinians as an offensive strategy by other means. It was 
due only to the lack of alternatives that the Palestinian 
parties accepted this set of circumstances as a lesser evil 
within the terms of negotiation. In the early 1970s, Fatah 
acknowledged partition as a necessary means on the way to 
full liberation, but not as a final settlement by itself.? 

So, in truth, without the application of extreme pressure, 
there is no reason in the world why a native population 
would ever volunteer to partition its homeland with a settler 
population. And therefore we should acknowledge that the 

Oslo process was not a fair and equal pursuit of peace, but a 
compromise agreed to by a defeated, colonized people. As a 
result, the Palestinians were forced to seek solutions that 
went against their interests and endangered their very 

The same argument can be made about the debates 
concerning the “two-states solution” that was offered in 
Oslo. This offer should be seen for what it is: partition under 
a different wording. Even in this scenario, although the 
terms of the debate appear different, Israel would not only 
decide how much territory it was going to concede but also 
what would happen in the territory it left behind. While the 
promise of statehood initially proved persuasive to the world 
and to some Palestinians, it soon came to sound hollow. 
Nonetheless, these two intertwined notions of territorial 
withdrawal and statehood were successfully packaged as 
parts of a peace deal in Oslo in 1993. Yet within weeks of 
the joint signature on the White House lawn, the writing was 
on the wall. By the end of September, the Accord’s vague 
principles had already been translated into a new 
geopolitical reality on the ground under the terms of what 
was Called the Oslo Il (or Taba*) agreement. This included 
not just partitioning the West Bank and the Gaza Strip 
between “Jewish” and “Palestinian” zones, but partitioning 
further all the Palestinian areas into small cantons or 
Bantustans. The peace cartography of 1995 amounted to a 
bisected series of Palestinian zones that resembled, in the 
words of quite a few commentators, a Swiss cheese.° 

Once this program became clear, the decline of the 
negotiations was swift. Before the final summit meeting in 
the summer of 2000, Palestinian activists, academics, and 
politicians had realized that the process they supported did 
not involve an actual Israeli military withdrawal from the 
occupied territories, nor did it promise the creation of a real 
state. The charade was revealed and progress ground to a 

halt. The ensuing sense of despair contributed to the 
outburst of the second Palestinian uprising in the autumn of 

The Oslo peace process did not fail simply due to its 
adherence to the principle of partition. In the original Accord 
there was an Israeli promise that the three issues that 
trouble the Palestinians most—the fate of Jerusalem, the 
refugees, and the Jewish colonies—would be negotiated 
when the interim period of five years came to a successful 
end. Within this interim period, the Palestinians had to prove 
they could serve” effectively as Israel’s security 
subcontractors, preventing any guerrilla or terror attacks 
against the Jewish state, its army, settlers, and citizens. 
Contrary to the promise made in the Oslo DOP, when the 
five years of the first stage were over, the second stage, in 
which the more substantial issues for the Palestinians were 
meant to be discussed, did not commence. The Netanyahu 
government claimed that it was unable to initiate this 
second phase because of Palestinian “misbehavior” (which 
included “incitement in schools” and weak condemnations 
of terror attacks against soldiers, settlers, and citizens). In 
truth, however, the process was stalled mainly by the 
assassination of the Israeli prime minister, Yitzhak Rabin, in 
November 1995. The murder was followed by the victory of 
the Likud party, headed by Netanyahu, in the 1996 national 
elections. The new prime minister’s overt objection to the 
Accord put the brake on the process. Even when the 
Americans forced him to restart negotiations, progress was 
extremely slow until the return to power of the Labor party, 
under Ehud Barak, in 1999. Barak was determined to 
complete the process with a final peace agreement, an 
impulse fully supported by the Clinton administration. 

Israel’s final offer, delivered during discussions at Camp 
David in the summer of 2000, proposed a small Palestinian 
state, with a capital in Abu Dis, but without significant 

dismantling of any settlements and no hope for return of the 
refugees. After the Palestinians rejected the offer, there was 
an informal attempt by the deputy Israeli foreign minister, 
Yossi Beilin, to offer a more reasonable deal. On the issue of 
refugees he now agreed to their return to a future 
Palestinian state and symbolic repatriation to Israel. But 
these informal terms were never ratified by the state. 
(Thanks to the leaking of key documents, known as the 
Palestine papers, we now have a better insight into the 
nature of the negotiations, and readers who wish to 
examine other aspects of the negotiations between 2001 
and 2007 are advised to consult this accessible source.°®) 
And yet, as negotiations collapsed, it was the Palestinian 
leadership, rather than the Israeli politicians, who were 
accused of being intransigent, leading to the collapse of 
Oslo. This does a disservice to those involved and to how 
seriously the prospects of partition were taken. 

The exclusion of the Palestinian right of return from the 
agenda is the second reason why the Oslo Accord was 
irrelevant aS a peace process. While the partition principle 
reduced “Palestine” to the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, 
the exclusion of the refugee issue, and of that of the 
Palestinian minority inside Israel, shrank the “Palestinian 
people” demographically to less than half of the Palestinian 
nation. This lack of attention to the refugee question was 
not new. Ever since the beginning of the peace efforts in 
post-Mandatory Palestine, the refugees have been exposed 
to a campaign of repression and negligence. Ever since the 
first peace conference on post-1948 Palestine, the Lausanne 
meeting of April 1949, the refugee problem has been 
excluded from the peace agenda and disassociated from the 
concept of “The Palestine Conflict.” Israel participated in 
that conference only because it was a precondition for its 
acceptance as a full member of the UN,’ who also 
demanded that Israel sign a protocol, called the May 

Protocol, committing itself to the terms of Resolution 194, 
which included an unconditional call for the Palestinian 
refugees to return to their homes or to be_ given 
compensation. A day after it was signed in May 1949, Israel 
was admitted to the UN and immediately retracted its 
commitment to the protocol. 

In the wake of the June 1967 war, the world at large 
accepted the Israeli claim that the conflict in Palestine 
began with that war and was essentially a struggle over the 
future of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Several Arab 
regimes also accepted this notion, abandoning the refugee 
problem as an issue. However, the refugee camps soon 
became sites of intensive political, social, and cultural 
activity. It was there, for example, that the Palestinian 
liberation movement was reborn. Only the UN continued to 
mention in several of its resolutions the obligation of the 
international community to ensure the full and unconditional 
repatriation of the Palestinian refugees—the commitment 
first made in Resolution 194 in 1948. Still today the UN 
includes a body named “the committee for the inalienable 
rights of the Palestinian refugees,” but it has had little effect 
on the peace process. 

The Oslo Accord was no different. In this document, the 
refugee issue was buried in a subclause, almost invisible in 
the mass of words. The Palestinian partners to the Accord 
contributed to this obfuscation, probably out of negligence 
rather than intentionally, but the result was the same. The 
refugee problem—the heart of the Palestine conflict, a 
reality acknowledged by all Palestinians, wherever they are, 
and by anyone sympathizing with the Palestinian cause— 
was marginalized in the Oslo documents. Instead, the issue 
was handed to a short-lived multilateral group who were 
asked to focus on the 1967 refugees, the Palestinians who 
were expelled or left after the June war. The Oslo Accord in 
fact substituted for an embryonic attempt, born out of the 

1991 Madrid peace process, to form a multilateral group 
that would discuss the refugee issue on the basis of UN 
General Assembly Resolution 194. The group was led by the 
Canadians, who regarded the right of return as a myth, 
throughout 1994, and then it petered out. In any case, 
without any official announcement, the group stopped 
meeting and the fate of even the 1967 refugees (more than 
300,000 of them) was abandoned.® 

The implementation of the Accord after 1993 only made 
things worse. The rules of the agreement required the 
abandonment by the Palestinian leadership of the right of 
return. Thus only five years after the cantonization of “the 
Palestinian entity” and its transformation into a Bantustan, 
the Palestinian leadership was given permission to express 
its wish to deal with the refugee problem as part of the 
negotiations over the permanent settlement of the Palestine 
question. Nevertheless, the Israeli state was able to define 
the terms of discussion and so chose to _ distinguish 
between, on the one hand, the introduction of the “refugee 
problem” as a legitimate Palestinian grievance, and, on the 
other, the demand for the “right of return,” which it was 
able to describe as a Palestinian provocation. 

In the last ditch attempt to save the agreement at the 
Camp David summit in 2000, the refugee issue did not fare 
any better. In January 2000, the Barak government 
presented a paper, endorsed by the American negotiators, 
defining the parameters of the negotiations. This was an 
Israeli diktat, and until the summit was convened in the 
summer, the Palestinians failed to produce a 
counterproposal. The final “negotiations” were in essence a 
combined Israeli and American effort to get the Palestinians 
to accept the paper, which included, among other things, an 
absolute and categorical rejection of the Palestinian right of 
return. It left open for discussion the number of refugees 
that might be allowed to return to the territories controlled 

by the Palestinian Authority, although all involved 
understood that these crammed areas were unable to 
absorb more people, while there was plenty of space for 
repatriating refugees in the rest of Israel and Palestine. This 
part of the discussion was a meaningless gesture, 
introduced simply to silence any criticism without offering a 
real solution. 

The peace process of the 1990s was thus no such thing. 
The insistence on partition and the exclusion of the refugee 
issue from the agenda rendered the Oslo process at best a 
military redeployment and a rearrangement of Israeli control 
in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. At worst, it 
inaugurated a new system of control that made life for the 
Palestinians in the occupied territories far worse than it was 

After 1995, the impact of the Oslo Accord as a factor that 
ruined Palestinian society, rather than bringing peace, 
became painfully clear. Following Rabin’s assassination and 
the election of Netanyahu in 1996, the Accord became a 
discourse of peace that had no relevance to the reality on 
the ground. During the period of the talks—between 1996 
and 1999—more settlements were built, and more collective 
punishments were inflicted on the Palestinians. Even if you 
believed in the two-states solution in 1999, a tour of either 
the West Bank or the Gaza Strip would have convinced you 
of the words of the Israeli scholar, Meron Benvenisti, who 
wrote that Israel had created irreversible facts on the 
ground: the two-states solution was killed by Israel.? Since 
the Oslo process was not a genuine peace process, the 
Palestinians’ participation in it, and their reluctance to 
continue it, was not a sign of their alleged intransigence and 
violent political culture, but a natural response to a 
diplomatic charade that solidified and deepened Israeli 
control over the occupied territories. 

This then leads on to the second myth concerning the 
Oslo process: that Arafat’s intransigence ensured the failure 
of the Camp David Summit in 2000. Two questions have to 
be answered here. Firstly, what happened in the summer of 
2000 at Camp David—who was responsible for the summit’s 
failure? Secondly, who was responsible for the violence of 
the Second Intifada? The two questions will help us engage 
directly with the common assumption that Arafat was a 
warmonger who came to Camp David to destroy the peace 
process and returned to Palestine with a determination to 
start a new Intifada. 

Before we answer these questions, we should remember 
the reality in the occupied territories on the day Arafat left 
for Camp David. My main argument here is that Arafat came 
to Camp David to change that reality while the Israelis and 
the Americans arrived there determined to maintain it. The 
Oslo process had transformed the occupied territories into a 
geography of disaster, which meant that the Palestinians’ 
quality of life was far worse after the Accord that it was 
before. Already in 1994, Rabin’s government forced Arafat 
to accept its interpretation of how the Accord would be 
implemented on the ground. The West Bank was divided to 
the infamous areas A, B, and C. Area C was directly 
controlled by Israel and constituted half of the West Bank. 
The movement between, and inside, these areas became 
nearly impossible, and the West Bank was cut off from the 
Gaza Strip. The Strip was also divided between Palestinians 
and Jewish settlers, who took over most of the water 
resources and lived in gated communities cordoned off with 
barbered wire. Thus the end result of this supposed peace 
process was a deterioration in the quality of Palestinian 

This was Arafat’s reality in the summer of 2000 when he 
arrived at Camp David. He was being asked to sign off as a 
final settlement the irreversible facts on the ground that had 

turned the idea of a two-states solution into an arrangement 
that at best would allow the Palestinians two small 
Bantustans and at worst would allow Israel to annex more 
territory. The agreement would also force him to give up any 
future Palestinian demands or propose a way of alleviating 
some of the daily hardships most Palestinians suffered from. 

We have an authentic and reliable report of what 
happened at Camp David from the State Department’s 
Hussein Agha and Robert Malley.!° Their detailed account 
appeared in the New York Review of Books and begins by 
dismissing the Israeli claim that Arafat ruined the summit. 
The article makes the point that Arafat’s main problem was 
that, in the years since Oslo, life for the Palestinians in the 
occupied territories had only got worse. Quite reasonably, 
according to these two American officials, he suggested that 
instead of rushing within two weeks “to end the conflict for 
once and for all,” Israel should agree to certain measures 
that might restore the Palestinians’ faith in the usefulness 
and benefits of the peace process. The period of two weeks, 
incidentally, was not an Israeli demand, but a foolish time 
frame insisted upon by Bill Clinton, who was considering his 
own legacy. 

There were two major proposals that Arafat signaled as 
potential areas of discussion, which, if accepted, might 
improve the reality on the ground. The first was to de- 
escalate the intensive colonization of the West Bank that 
had increased after Oslo. The second was to put an end to 
the daily brutalization of normal Palestinian life, manifested 
in severe restrictions of movement, frequent collective 
punishments, arrests without’ trial, and constant 
humiliations at the checkpoints. All these practices occurred 
in every area where there was a contact between the Israeli 
army or civil administration (the body running the 
territories) and the local population. 

According to the testimony of the American officials, 
Barak refused to change Israel’s policy towards the Jewish 
colonies or the daily abuse of the Palestinians. He took a 
tough position that left Arafat with no choice. Whatever 
Barak proposed as a final settlement did not mean much if 
he could not promise immediate changes in the reality on 
the ground. Predictably, Arafat was blamed by Israel and its 
allies for being a warmonger who, immediately after 
returning from Camp David, encouraged the Second 
Intifada. The myth here is that the Second Intifada was a 
terrorist attack sponsored and perhaps even planned by 
Yasser Arafat. The truth is, it was a mass demonstration of 
dissatisfaction at the betrayals of Oslo, compounded by the 
provocative actions of Ariel Sharon. In September 2000, 
Sharon ignited an explosion of protest when, as the leader 
of the opposition, he toured Haram al-Sharif, the Temple 
Mount, with a massive security and media presence. 

The initial Palestinian anger was expressed in non-violent 
demonstrations that were crushed with brutal force by 
Israel. This callous repression led to a more desperate 
response—the suicide bombers who appeared as the last 
resort in the face of the strongest military power in the 
region. There is telling evidence from Israeli newspaper 
correspondents of how their reports on the early stages of 
the Intifada—as a non-violent movement crushed by the 
Israeli army—were shelved by their editors so as to fit the 
narrative of the government. One of them was a deputy 
editor of Yeidot Ahronoth, the main daily in the state, who 
wrote a book about the misinformation produced by the 
Israeli media in the early days of the Second Intifada. 
Israeli propagandists claimed the Palestinians’ behavior only 
confirmed the famous saying of the veteran Israeli Super- 
diplomat, Abba Eban, that the Palestinians do not miss an 
opportunity to miss an opportunity for peace. 

We have a better understanding today of what triggered 
the furious Israeli reaction. In their book Boomerang, two 
senior Israeli journalists, Ofer Shelah and Raviv Drucker, 
interview the Israeli general chief of staff and strategists in 
the ministry of defense, providing us with inside knowledge 
on the way these officials were thinking about the issue.!2 
Their conclusion was that in the summer of 2000 the Israeli 
army was frustrated after its humiliating defeat at the hands 
of Hezbollah in Lebanon. There was a fear that this defeat 
made the army look weak, and so a show of force was 
needed. A reassertion of their dominance within the 
occupied territories was just the kind of display of sheer 
power the “invincible” Israeli army needed. It was ordered 
to respond with all its might, and so it did. When Israel 
retaliated against a terror attack on a hotel in the sea resort 
of Netanya in April 2002 (in which thirty people were killed), 
it was the first time the military had used airplanes to bomb 
the dense Palestinian towns and refugee camps in the West 
Bank. Instead of hunting down the individuals who had 
carried out the attacks, the most lethal heavy weapons were 
brought to bear on innocent people. 

Another common reference in the blame game Israel and 
the United States played after the failure at Camp David 
was that of reminding public opinion that there was a 
chronic problem with Palestinian leaders, who at the 
moment of truth would expose their warmongering ways. 
The claim that “there is no one to talk to on the Palestinian 
side” resurfaced in that period as a common analysis from 
pundits and commentators in Israel, Europe, and the United 
States. Such allegations were particularly cynical. The Israeli 
government and army had tried by force to impose its own 
version of Oslo—one that was meant to perpetuate the 
occupation forever but with Palestinian consent—and even 
an enfeebled Arafat could not accept it. He and so many 
other leaders who could have led their people to 

reconciliation were targeted by the Israelis, and most of 
them, including probably Arafat himself, were assassinated. 
The targeted killing of Palestinian leaders, including 
moderate ones, was not a new phenomenon in the conflict. 
Israel began this policy in 1972 with the assassination of 
Ghassan Kanafani, a poet and writer who also could have 
led his people to reconciliation. The fact that he was 
targeted, as a secular and leftist activist, is symbolic of the 
role Israel played in killing those Palestinians it later 
“regretted” not being there as partners for peace. 

In May 2001, President George Bush Jr. appointed 
Senator Robert Mitchell as a special envoy to the Middle 
East. Mitchell produced a report about the causes of the 
Second Intifada, deciding, “We have no basis on which to 
conclude that there was a deliberate plan by the PA to 
initiate a campaign of violence at the first opportunity; or to 
conclude that there was a deliberate plan by the 
[Government of Israel] to respond with lethal force.”!3 On 
the other hand, he blamed Ariel Sharon for provoking unrest 
by visiting and violating the sacredness of the al-Aqsa 
mosque and the holy places of Islam. 

In short, even the disempowered Arafat realized that the 
Israeli interpretation of Oslo in 2000 meant the end of any 
hope for normal Palestinian life and doomed the Palestinians 
to more suffering in the future. This scenario was not only 
morally wrong in his eyes, but would also, as he was well 
aware, strengthen the hand of those who regarded the 
armed struggle against Israel as the only way to liberate 
Palestine. At any given moment, Israel could have stopped 
the Second Intifada, but the army needed a show of 
“success”; only when this was achieved through the 
barbaric operation of “Defensive Shield” in 2002 and the 
building of the infamous “apartheid wall” did they succeed 
temporarily in quelling the uprising. 

Chapter 9 
The Gaza Mythologies 

The issue of Palestine is closely associated in international 
public opinion with the Gaza Strip. Ever since the first Israeli 
assault on the Strip in 2006, and up to the recent 2014 
bombardment of the 1.8 million Palestinians living there, 
this part of the region epitomized the Palestine question for 
the world at large. | will present in this chapter three myths 
which mislead public opinion about the causes of the 
Ongoing violence in Gaza, and which explain’ the 
helplessness felt by anyone wishing to end the misery of the 
people crammed into one of the world’s most densely 
populated pieces of land. 

The first myth refers to one of the main actors on the 
ground in the Strip: the Hamas movement. Its name is the 
Arabic acronym for “Islamic Resistance Movement,” and the 
word hamas also literally means “enthusiasm.” It grew out 
of a local branch of the Islamic fundamentalist movement, 
the Muslim Brotherhood, in Egypt in the second half of the 
1980s. It began as a charity and educational organization 
but was transformed into a political movement during the 
First Intifada in 1987. The following year it published a 

charter asserting that only the dogmas of political Islam had 
a chance of liberating Palestine. How these dogmas were to 
be implemented or what they really mean was never fully 
explained or demonstrated. From its inception up to the 
present, Hamas has been involved in an existential struggle 
against the West, Israel, the Palestinian Authority (PA), and 

When Hamas surfaced in the late 1980s, its main rival in 
the Gaza Strip was the Fatah movement, the main 
organization within, and founder of, the PLO. It lost some 
Support among the Palestinian people when it negotiated 
the Oslo Accord and founded the Palestinian Authority 
(hence the chair of the PLO is also the president of the PA 
and the head of Fatah). Fatah is a secular national 
movement, with strong left-wing elements, inspired by the 
Third World liberation ideologies of the 1950s and 1960s 
and in essence still committed to the creation in Palestine of 
a democratic and secular state for all. Strategically, 
however, Fatah has been committed to the two-states 
solution since the 1970s. Hamas, for its part, is willing to 
allow Israel to withdraw fully from all the occupied 
territories, with a ten-year armistice to follow before it will 
discuss any future solution. 

Hamas challenged Fatah’s pro-Oslo policy, its lack of 
attention to social and economic welfare, and its basic 
failure to end the occupation. The challenge became more 
significant when, in the mid-2000s, Hamas decided to run as 
a political party in municipal and national elections. 
Hamas’s popularity in both the West Bank and the Gaza 
Strip had grown thanks to the prominent role it played in the 
Second Intifada in 2000, in which its members were willing 
to become human bombs, or at least to take a more active 
role in resisting the occupation (one should point out that 
during that Intifada young members of Fatah also showed 
the same resilience and commitment, and Marwan 

Barghouti, one of their iconic leaders, is still in jail in Israel 
for his role in the uprising). 

Yasser Arafat’s death in November 2004 created a 
political vacuum in the leadership, and the Palestinian 
Authority, in accordance with its own constitution, had to 
conduct presidential elections. Hamas boycotted these 
elections, claiming that they would be too closely associated 
with the Oslo process and less so with democracy. It did, 
however, participate that same year, 2005, in municipal 
elections, in which it did very well, taking control of over 
one-third of the municipalities in the occupied territories. It 
did even better in the elections in 2006 to the parliament— 
the legislative assembly of the PA as it is called. It won a 
comfortable majority in the assembly and therefore had the 
right to form the government—which it did for a short while, 
before clashing with both Fatah and Israel. In the ensuing 
struggle, it was ousted from official political power in the 
West Bank, but took over the Gaza Strip. Hamas’s 
unwillingness to accept the Oslo Accord, its refusal to 
recognize Israel, and its commitment to armed struggle 
form the background to the first myth | examine here. 
Hamas is branded as a terrorist organization, both in the 
media and in legislation. | will claim that it is a liberation 
movement, and a legitimate one at that. 

The second myth | examine concerns the Israeli decision 
that created the vacuum in the Gaza Strip which enabled 
Hamas not only to win the elections in 2006 but also to oust 
Fatah by force in the same year. This was the 2005 
unilateral Israeli withdrawal from the Strip after nearly forty 
years of occupation. The second myth is that this 
withdrawal was a gesture of peace or reconciliation, which 
was reciprocated by hostility and violence. It is crucial to 
debate, as | do in this chapter, the origins of the Israeli 
decision and to look closely at the impact it has had on Gaza 
ever since. In fact, | claim that the decision was part of a 

strategy intended to strengthen Israel’s hold over the West 
Bank and to turn the Gaza Strip into a mega-prison that 
could be guarded and monitored from the outside. Israel not 
only withdrew its army and secret service from the Strip but 
also pulled out, in a very painful process, the thousands of 
Jewish settlers the government had sent there since 1969. 
So, | will claim that viewing this decision as a peaceful 
gesture is a myth. It was more a strategic deployment of 
forces that enabled Israel to respond harshly to the Hamas 
victory, with disastrous consequences for the population of 

And indeed, the third and last myth | will look at is 
Israel’s claim that its actions since 2006 have been part of a 
self-defensive war against terror. | will venture to call it, as | 
have done elsewhere, an incremental genocide of the 
people of Gaza. 

Hamas Is a Terrorist Organization 

The victory of Hamas in the 2006 general elections 
triggered a wave of Islamophobic reaction in Israel. From 
this moment on, the demonization of the Palestinians as 
abhorred “Arabs” was enhanced with the new label of 
“fanatical Muslims.” The language of hate was accompanied 
by new aggressive anti-Palestinian policies that aggravated 
the situation in the occupied territories beyond its already 
dismal and atrocious state. 

There have been other outbreaks of Islamophobia in 
Israel in the past. The first was in the late 1980s, when a 
very small number of Palestinian workers—forty people out 
of a community of 150,000—were involved in stabbing 
incidents against their Jewish employers and passersby. In 
the aftermath of the attacks Israeli academics, journalists, 
and politicians related the stabbing to Islam—religion and 
culture alike—without any reference to the occupation or 

the slavish labor market that developed on its margins.! A 
far more severe wave of Islamophobia broke out during the 
Second Intifada in October 2000. Since the militarized 
uprising was mainly carried out by Islamic groups— 
especially suicide bombers—it was easier for the Israeli 
political elite and media to demonize “Islam” in the eyes of 
many Israelis.2 A third wave began in 2006, in the wake of 
Hamas’s victory in the elections to the Palestinian 
parliament. The same characteristics of the previous two 
waves were apparent in this one as well. The most salient 
feature is the reductionist view of everything Muslim as 
being associated with violence, terror, and inhumanity. 

As | have shown in my book, The /dea of Israel,? between 
1948 and 1982 Palestinians were demonized by 
comparisons with the Nazis.* The same_ process of 
“Nazifying” the Palestinians is now applied to Islam in 
general, and to activists in its name in particular. This has 
continued for as long as Hamas and its sister organization, 
Islamic Jihad, have engaged in military, guerrilla, and terror 
activity. In effect, the rhetoric of extremism wiped out the 
rich history of political Islam in Palestine, as well as the 
wide-ranging social and cultural activities that Hamas has 
undertaken ever since its inception. 

A more neutral analysis shows how far-fetched the 
demonized image of Hamas as a group of ruthless and 
insane fanatics is.? Like other movements within political 
Islam, the movement reflected a complex local reaction to 
the harsh realities of occupation, and a response to the 
disorientated paths offered by secular and_ socialist 
Palestinian forces in the past. Those with a more engaged 
analysis of this situation were well prepared for the Hamas 
triumph in the 2006 elections, unlike the Israeli, American, 
and European governments. It is ironic that it was the 
pundits and orientalists, not to mention Israeli politicians 
and chiefs of intelligence, who were taken by surprise by the 

election results more than anyone else. What particularly 
dumbfounded the great experts on Islam in Israel was the 
democratic nature of the victory. In their collective reading, 
fanatical Muslims were meant to be neither democratic nor 
popular. These same _ experts displayed a_ similar 
misunderstanding of the past. Ever since the rise of political 
Islam in Iran and in the Arab world, the community of 
experts in Israel had behaved as if the impossible was 
unfolding in front of their eyes. 

Misunderstandings, and therefore false predictions, have 
characterized the Israeli assessment of the Palestinians for a 
long time, especially with regard to the political Islamic 
forces within Palestine. In 1976, the first Rabin government 
allowed municipal elections to take place in the West Bank 
and the Gaza Strip. They calculated, wrongly, that the old 
cadre of pro-Jordanian politicians would be elected in the 
West Bank and the pro-Egyptian ones in the Strip. The 
electorate voted overwhelmingly for PLO candidates.® This 
surprised the Israelis, but it should not have. After all, the 
expansion of the PLO’s power and popularity ran parallel to 
a concerted effort by Israel to curb, if not altogether 
eliminate, the secular and socialist movements within 
Palestinian society, whether in the refugee camps or inside 
the occupied territories. Indeed, Hamas became a 
Significant player on the ground in part thanks to the Israeli 
policy of encouraging the construction of an _ Islamic 
educational infrastructure in Gaza as a counterbalance to 
the grip of the secular Fatah movement on the local 

In 2009, Avner Cohen, who served in the Gaza Strip 
around the time Hamas began to gain power in the late 
1980s, and was responsible for religious affairs in the 
occupied territories, told the Wal/ Street Journal, “the 
Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation.”’ Cohen 
explains how Israel helped the charity al-Mujama al-lIslamiya 

(the “Islamic Society”), founded by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin in 
1979, to become a powerful political movement, out of 
which the Hamas movement emerged in 1987. Sheikh 
Yassin, a crippled, semi-blind Islamic cleric, founded Hamas 
and was its spiritual leader until his assassination in 2004. 
He was originally approached by Israel with an offer of help 
and the promise of a license to expand. The Israelis hoped 
that, through his charity and educational work, this 
charismatic leader would counterbalance the power of the 
secular Fatah in the Gaza Strip and beyond. It is noteworthy 
that in the late 1970s Israel, like the United States and 
Britain, saw secular national movements (whose absence 
today they lament) as the worst enemy of the West. 

In his book 7o Know the Hamas, the Israeli journalist 
Shlomi Eldar tells a similar story about the strong links 
between Yassin and Israel.® With Israel’s blessing and 
Support, the “Society” opened a university in 1979, an 
independent school system, and a network of clubs and 
mosques. In 2014, the Washington Post drew its own very 
similar conclusions about the close relationship between 
Israel and the “Society” until its transformation into Hamas 
in 1988.2 In 1993, Hamas became the main opposition to 
the Oslo Accord. While there was still Support for Oslo, it 
Saw a drop in its popularity; however, as Israel began to 
renege on almost all the pledges it had made during the 
negotiations, support for Hamas once again received a 
boost. Particularly important was Israel’s settlement policy 
and its excessive use of force against the civilian population 
in the territories. 

But Hamas’s popularity among the Palestinians did not 
depend solely on the success or failure of the Oslo Accord. It 
also captured the hearts and minds of many Muslims (who 
make up the majority in the occupied territories) due the 
failure of secular modernity to find solutions to the daily 
hardships of life under occupation. As with other political 

Islamic groups around the Arab world, the failure of secular 
movements to provide employment, welfare, and economic 
security drove many people back into religion, which offered 
solace as well as established charity and _ solidarity 
networks. In the Middle East as a whole, as in the world at 
large, modernization and secularization benefited the few 
but left many unhappy, poor, and bitter. Religion seemed a 
panacea—and at times even a political option. 

Hamas struggled hard to win a large share of public 
support while Arafat was still alive, but his death in 2004 
created a vacuum that it was not immediately able to fill. 
Arafat’s successor, Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) did not 
enjoy the same legitimacy and respect as his predecessor. 
The fact that Arafat was delegitimized by Israel and the 
West, while Abu Mazen was accepted by them as Palestinian 
president, reduced his popularity among the younger 
generation, in the de-developed rural areas, and in the 
impoverished refugee camps. The new Israeli methods of 
oppression introduced during the Second _Intifada— 
particularly the building of the wall, the roadblocks, and the 
targeted assassinations—further diminished the support for 
the Palestinian Authority and increased the popularity and 
prestige of Hamas. It would be fair to conclude, then, that 
successive Israeli governments did all they could to leave 
the Palestinians with no option but to trust, and vote for, the 
one group prepared to resist an occupation described by the 
renowned American author Michael Chabon as “the most 
grievous injustice | have seen in my life.”+° 

The only explanation for the rise of Hamas offered by 
most Israeli “experts” on Palestinian affairs, inside and 
outside the establishment, involved appealing to Samuel 
Huntington’s neoconservative model of the “clash of 
civilizations” as a way of understanding how history works. 
Huntington divided the world into two cultures, rational and 
irrational, which inevitably came into conflict. By voting for 

Hamas the Palestinians were supposedly = proving 
themselves to be on the “irrational” side of history—an 
inevitable position given their religion and culture. Benjamin 
Netanyahu put it in even cruder terms when he talked about 
the cultural and moral abyss that separates the two 

The obvious failure of the Palestinian groups and 
individuals who had come to prominence on the promise of 
negotiations with Israel clearly made it seem as if there 
were very few alternatives. In this situation the apparent 
success of the Islamic militant groups in driving the Israelis 
out of the Gaza Strip offered some hope. However, there is 
more to it than this. Hamas is now deeply embedded in 
Palestinian society thanks to its genuine attempts to 
alleviate the suffering of ordinary people by providing 
schooling, medicine, and welfare. No less important, 
Hamas’s position on the 1948 refugees’ right of return, 
unlike the PA’s stance, was clear and unambiguous. Hamas 
openly endorsed this right, while the PA sent out ambiguous 
messages, including a speech by Abu Mazen in which he 
rescinded his own right to return to his hometown of Safad. 

The Israeli Disengagement Was an Act of Peace 

The Gaza Strip amounts to slightly more than 2 percent of 
the landmass of Palestine. This small detail is never 
mentioned whenever the Strip is in the news, nor was it 
mentioned in the Western media coverage of the dramatic 
events in Gaza in the summer of 2014. Indeed, it is such a 
Small part of the country that it has never existed as a 
separate region in the past. Before the Zionization of 
Palestine in 1948, Gaza’s history was not unique or different 
from the rest of Palestine, and it had always been connected 
administratively and politically to the rest of the country. As 
one of Palestine’s principal land and sea gates to the world, 

it tended to develop a more flexible and cosmopolitan way 
of life, not dissimilar to other gateway societies in the 
Eastern Mediterranean in the modern era. Its location on the 
coast and on the Via Maris from Egypt up to Lebanon 
brought with it prosperity and stability—until this was 
disrupted and nearly destroyed by the ethnic cleansing of 
Palestine in 1948. 

The Strip was created in the last days of the 1948 war. It 
was a zone into which the Israeli forces pushed hundreds of 
thousands of Palestinians from the city of Jaffa and its 
southern regions down into the town of Bir-Saba (Beersheba 
of today). Others were expelled to the zone from towns such 
as Majdal (Ashkelon) as late as 1950, in the final phases of 
the ethnic cleansing. Thus, a small pastoral part of Palestine 
became the biggest refugee camp on earth. It still like this 
today. Between 1948 and 1967, this huge refugee camp was 
delineated and severely restricted by the respective Israeli 
and Egyptian policies. Both states disallowed any movement 
out of the Strip, and as a result, living conditions became 
ever harsher as the number of inhabitants doubled. On the 
eve of the Israeli occupation in 1967, the catastrophic 
nature of this enforced demographic transformation was 
evident. Within two decades this once pastoral coastal part 
of southern Palestine became one of the world’s most 
densely inhabited areas, without the economic and 
occupational infrastructure to support it. 

During the first twenty years of occupation, Israel did 
allow some movement outside the area, which was 
cordoned off with a fence. Tens of thousands of Palestinians 
were permitted to join the Israeli labor market as unskilled 
and underpaid workers. The price Israel demanded for this 
was total surrender. When this was not complied with, the 
free movement for laborers was withdrawn. In the lead up to 
the Oslo Accord in 1993, Israel attempted to fashion the 
Strip aS an enclave, which the peace camp hoped would 

become either autonomous or a part of Egypt. Meanwhile 
the nationalist, right-wing camp wished to include it in the 
“Eretz Israel” they dreamed of establishing in place of 

The Oslo agreement enabled the Israelis to reaffirm the 
Strip’s status as a separate geopolitical entity—not just 
outside of Palestine as a whole, but also apart from the West 
Bank. Ostensibly, both were under Palestinian Authority 
control, but any human movement between them depended 
on Israel’s good will. This was a rare feature in the 
circumstances, and one that almost disappeared when 
Netanyahu came to power in 1996. At the same time, Israel 
controlled, as it still does today, the water and electricity 
infrastructure. Since 1993 it has used this control to ensure 
the well-being of the Jewish settler community on the one 
hand, and to blackmail the Palestinian population into 
submission on the other. Over the last fifty years, the people 
of the Strip have thus had to choose between being 
internees, hostages, or prisoners in an impossible human 

It is in this historical context that we should view the 
violent clashes between Israel and Hamas since 2006. In 
light of that context, we must reject the description of Israeli 
actions as part of the “war against terror,” or as a “war of 
self-defense.” Nor should we accept the depiction of Hamas 
as an extension of al-Qaeda, as part of the Islamic State 
network, or aS a mere pawn in a seditious Iranian plot to 
control the region. If there is an ugly side to Hamas’s 
presence in Gaza, it lies in the group’s early actions against 
other Palestinian factions in the years 2005 to 2007. The 
main clash was with Fatah in the Gaza Strip, and both sides 
contributed to the friction that eventually erupted into an 
open civil war. The clash erupted after Hamas won the 
legislative elections in 2006 and formed the government, 
which included a Hamas minister responsible for the 

security forces. In an attempt to weaken Hamas, President 
Abbas transferred that responsibility to the head of the 
Palestinian secret service—a Fatah member. Hamas 
responded by setting up its own security forces in the Strip. 

In December 2006, a violent confrontation in the Rafah 
crossing between the Presidential Guard and the Hamas 
security forces triggered a confrontation that would last until 
the summer of 2007. The Presidential Guard was a Fatah 
military unit, 3,000 strong, consisting mostly of troops loyal 
to Abbas. It had been trained by American advisers in Egypt 
and Jordan (Washington had allocated almost 60 million 
dollars to its maintenance). The incident was triggered by 
Israel’s refusal to allow the Hamas prime minister, Ismail 
Haniyeh, to enter the Strip—he was carrying cash donations 
from the Arab world, reported to be tens of millions of 
dollars. The Hamas forces then stormed the border control, 
manned by the Presidential Guard, and fighting broke out.!2 

The situation deteriorated quickly thereafter. Haniyeh’s 
car was attacked after he crossed into the Strip. Hamas 
blamed Fatah for the attacks. Clashes broke out in the Strip 
and in the West Bank as well. In the same month, the 
Palestinian Authority decided to remove the Hamas-led 
government and replace it with an emergency cabinet. This 
sparked the most serious clashes between the two sides, 
which lasted until the end of May 2007, leaving dozens of 
dead and many wounded (it is estimated that 120 people 
died). The conflict only ended when the government of 
Palestine was split into two: one in Ramallah and one in 

While both sides were responsible for the carnage, there 
was also (as we have learned from the Palestine papers, 
leaked to Al Jazeera in 2007) an external factor that pitted 
Fatah against Hamas. The idea of preempting a possible 
Hamas stronghold in the Gaza Strip, once the Israelis 
withdrew, was suggested to Fatah as early as 2004 by the 

British intelligence agency MI6, who drew up a security plan 
that was meant to “encourage and enable the Palestinian 
Authority to fully meet its security obligations ... by 
degrading the capabilities of the rejectionists (which later on 
the document names as the Hamas).”!* The British prime 
minister at the time, Tony Blair, had taken a special interest 
in the Palestine question, hoping to have an impact that 
would vindicate, or absolve, his disastrous adventure in Iraq. 
The Guardian summarized his involvement as that of 
encouraging Fatah to crack down on Hamas.!° Similar 
advice was given to Fatah by Israel and the United States, in 
a bid to keep Hamas from taking over the Gaza Strip. 
However, things got scrappy and the preemptive plan 
backfired in multiple ways. 

This was in part a struggle between politicians who were 
democratically elected and those who still found it hard to 
accept the verdict of the public. But that was hardly the 
whole story. What unfolded in Gaza was a battle between 
the United States’ and Israel’s local proxies—mainly Fatah 
and PA members, most of whom became _ proxies 
unintentionally, but nonetheless danced to Israel’s tune— 
and those who opposed them. The way Hamas acted 
against other factions was later reciprocated by the action 
the PA took against them in the West Bank. One would find 
it very hard to condone or cheer either action. Nevertheless, 
one can fully understand why secular Palestinians would 
oppose the creation of a theocracy, and, as in many other 
parts of the Middle East, the struggle over the role of 
religion and tradition in society will also continue in 
Palestine. However, for the time being, Hamas enjoys the 
Support, and in many ways the admiration, of many secular 
Palestinians for the vigor of its struggle against Israel. 
Indeed, that struggle is the real issue. According to the 
official narrative, Hamas is a terrorist organization engaging 
in vicious acts perpetrated against a peaceful Israel that has 

withdrawn from the Gaza Strip. But did Israel withdraw for 
the sake of peace? The answer is a resounding no. 

To get a better understanding of the issue we need to go 
back to April 18, 2004, the day after the Hamas leader 
Abdul Aziz al-Rantissi was assassinated. On that day, Yuval 
Steinitz, chairman of the foreign affairs and defense 
committee in the Knesset and a close aide to Benjamin 
Netanyahu, was interviewed on Israeli radio. Before 
becoming a politician, he had taught Western philosophy at 
the University of Haifa. Steinitz claimed that his worldview 
had been shaped by Descartes, but it seems that as a 
politician he was more influenced by romantic nationalists 
such as Gobineau and Fichte, who stressed purity of race as 
a precondition for national excellence.!® The translation of 
these European notions of racial superiority into the Israeli 
context became evident as soon as the interviewer asked 
him about the government’s plans for the remaining 
Palestinian leaders. Interviewer and interviewee giggled as 
they agreed that the policy should involve the assassination 
or expulsion of the entire current leadership, that is all the 
members of the Palestinian Authority—about 40,000 people. 
“lam so happy,” Steinitz said, “that the Americans have 
finally come to their senses and are fully supporting our 
policies.”!” On the same day, Benny Morris of Ben-Gurion 
University repeated his support for the ethnic cleansing of 
the Palestinians, claiming that this was the best way of 
solving the conflict.+® 

Opinions that used to be considered at best marginal, at 
worst lunatic, were now at the heart of the Israeli Jewish 
consensus, disseminated by establishment academics on 
prime-time television as the one and only truth. Israel in 
2004 was a paranoid society, determined to bring the 
conflict to an end by force and destruction, whatever the 
cost to its society or its potential victims. Often this elite 
was supported only by the US administration and the 

Western political elites, while the rest of the world’s more 
conscientious observers watched helpless and bewildered. 
Israel was like a plane flying on autopilot; the course was 
preplanned, the speed predetermined. The destination was 
the creation of a Greater Israel, which would include half the 
West Bank and a small part of the Gaza Strip (thus 
amounting to almost 90 percent of historical Palestine). A 
Greater Israel without a Palestinian presence, with high 
walls separating it from the indigenous population, who 
were to be crammed into two huge prison camps in Gaza 
and what was left of the West Bank. In this vision, the 
Palestinians in Israel could either join the millions of 
refugees languishing in the camps, or submit to an 
apartheid system of discrimination and abuse. 

That same year, 2004, the Americans supervised what 
they called the “Road Map” to peace. This was a ludicrous 
idea initially put forward in the summer of 2002 by President 
Bush, and even more far-fetched than the Oslo Accord. The 
idea was that the Palestinians would be offered an economic 
recovery plan, and a reduction in the Israeli military 
presence in parts of the occupied territories, for about three 
years. After that another summit would, somehow, bring the 
conflict to an end for once and for all. 

In many parts of the Western world, the media took the 
Road Map and the Israeli vision of a Greater Israel (including 
autonomous Palestinian enclaves) to be one and the same— 
presenting both as offering the only safe route to peace and 
Stability. The mission of making this vision a reality was 
entrusted to “the Quartet” (aka the Middle East Quartet, or 
occasionally the Madrid Quartet), set up in 2002 to allow the 
UN, the United States, Russia, and the EU to work together 
towards peace in Israel-Palestine. Essentially a coordinating 
body consisting of the foreign ministers of all four members, 
the Quartet became more active in 2007 when it appointed 
Tony Blair as its special envoy to the Middle East. Blair hired 

the whole new wing of the legendary American Colony hotel 
in Jerusalem as his headquarters. This, like Blair’s salary, 
was an expensive operation that produced nothing. 

The Quartet’s spokespersons employed a discourse of 
peace that included references to a full Israeli withdrawal, 
the end of Jewish settlements, and a two-states solution. 
This inspired hope among some observers who still believed 
that this course made sense. However, on the ground, the 
Road Map, like the Oslo Accord, allowed Israel to continue to 
implement its unilateral plan of creating the Greater Israel. 
The difference was that, this time, it was Ariel Sharon who 
was the architect, a far more focused and determined 
politician than Rabin, Peres, or Netanyahu. He had one 
Surprising gambit that very few predicted: offering to evict 
the Israeli settlements from the Gaza Strip. Sharon threw 
this proposal into the air in 2003, and then pressured his 
colleagues to adopt it, which they did within a year and half. 
In 2005, the army was sent in to evict the reluctant settlers 
by force. What lay behind this decision? 

Successive Israeli governments had been very clear 
about the future of the West Bank, while not so sure about 
what should happen with the Gaza Strip.!9 The strategy for 
the West Bank was to ensure it remained under Israeli rule, 
direct or indirect. Most governments since 1967, including 
Sharon’s, hoped that this rule would be organized as part of 
a “peace process.” The West Bank could become a state in 
this vision—if it remained a Bantustan. This was the old idea 
of Yigal Alon and Moshe Dayan from 1967; areas densely 
populated by Palestinians should be controlled from the 
outside. But things were different when it came to the Gaza 
Strip. Sharon had agreed with the original decision of the 
early governments, most of them Labor, to send settlers 
into the heart of the Gaza Strip, just as he supported the 
building of settlements in the Sinai Peninsula, which were 
evicted to the last under the bilateral peace agreement with 

Egypt. In the twenty-first century, he came to accept the 
pragmatic views of leading members of both the Likud and 
Labor parties on the possibility of leaving Gaza for the sake 
of keeping the West Bank.2° 

Prior to the Oslo process, the presence of Jewish settlers 
in the Strip did not complicate things, but once the new idea 
of a Palestinian Authority emerged, they became a liability 
to Israel rather than an asset. As a result, many Israeli 
policy makers, even those who did not immediately take to 
the idea of eviction, were looking for ways of pushing the 
Strip out of their minds and hearts. This became clear when, 
after the Accord was signed, the Strip was encircled with a 
barbed-wire fence and the movement of Gazan workers into 
Israel and the West Bank was_ severely restricted. 
Strategically, in the new setup, it was easier to control Gaza 
from the outside, but this was not entirely possible while the 
settler community remained inside. 

One solution was to divide the Strip into a Jewish area, 
with direct access to Israel, and a Palestinian area. This 
worked well until the outbreak of the Second Intifada. The 
road connecting the settlements’ sprawl, the Gush Qatif 
block as it was called, was an easy target for the uprising. 
The vulnerability of the settlers was exposed in full. During 
this conflict the Israeli army tactics included massive 
bombardments and destruction of rebellious Palestinian 
pockets, which in April 2002 led to the massacre of innocent 
Palestinians in the Jenin refugee camp. These tactics were 
not easily implemented in the dense Gaza Strip due to the 
presence of the Jewish settlers. It was not surprising, then, 
that a year after the most brutal military assault on the 
West Bank, operation “Defensive Shield,” Sharon 
contemplated the removal of the Gaza settlers so as to 
facilitate a retaliation policy. In 2004, however, unable to 
force his political will on the Strip, he called instead for a 
series of assassinations of Hamas leaders. Sharon hoped to 

influence the future with the assassinations of the two chief 
leaders, Abdul al-Rantisi and Sheikh Ahmed Yassin (killed on 
March 17, 2004). Even a sober source such as Haaretz 
assumed that after these assassinations, Hamas would lose 
its power base in the Gaza Strip and be reduced to an 
ineffective presence in Damascus, where, if need be, Israel 
would attack it too. The newspaper also was impressed by 
the US support for the assassinations (although both the 
paper and the Americans would be much less supportive of 
the policy later on).2! 

These killings took place before Hamas won the 2006 
elections and took over the Gaza Strip. In other words, the 
Israeli policy did not undermine Hamas; on the contrary, it 
enhanced its popularity and power. Sharon wanted the 
Palestinian Authority to take control of Gaza and treat it like 
Area A in the West Bank; but this outcome did not 
materialize. So Sharon had to deal with Gaza in one of two 
ways: either clear out the settlers so that he could retaliate 
against Hamas without the risk of hurting Israeli citizens; or 
depart altogether from the region in order to refocus his 
efforts on annexing the West Bank, or parts of it. In order to 
ensure that the second alternative was _ understood 
internationally, Sharon orchestrated a charade that 
everybody fell for. As he began to make noises about 
evicting the settlers from the Strip, Gush Emunim compared 
the action to the Holocaust and staged a real show for the 
television when they were physically evicted from their 
homes. It seemed as if there were a civil war in Israel 
between those who supported the settlers and those on the 
left, including formidable foes of Sharon in the past, who 
supported his plan for a peace initiative.?2 

Inside Israel this move weakened, and in some cases 
entirely wiped out, dissenting voices. Sharon proposed that 
with the withdrawal from Gaza and the ascendance of 
Hamas therein, there was no point in pushing forward grand 

ideas such as the Oslo Accord. He suggested, and his 
successor after his terminal illness in 2007, Ehud Olmert, 
agreed, that the status quo be maintained for the time 
being. There was a need to contain Hamas in Gaza, but 
there was no rush to find a solution to the West Bank. 
Olmert called this policy unilateralism: since there were be 
no significant negotiations in the near future with the 
Palestinians, Israel should unilaterally decide which parts of 
the West Bank it wanted to annex, and which parts could be 
run autonomously by the Palestinian Authority. There was a 
sense among Israeli policy makers that, if not in public 
declarations, then at least as a reality on the ground, this 
course of action would be acceptable to both the Quartet 
and the PA. Until now, it had seemed to work. 

With no strong international pressure and a feeble PA as 
a neighbor, most Israelis did not feel the strategy towards 
the West Bank to be an issue of great interest. As the 
election campaigns since 2005 have shown, Jewish society 
has preferred to debate socioeconomic issues, the role of 
religion in society, and the war against Hamas and 
Hezbollah. The main opposition party, the Labor Party, has 
more or less shared the vision of the coalition government, 
hence it has been both inside and outside government since 
2005. When it came to the West Bank, or the solution to the 
Palestine question, Israeli Jewish society appeared to have 
reached a consensus. What cemented that sense of 
consensus was the eviction of the Gaza settlers by Sharon’s 
right-wing administration. For those who considered 
themselves to the left of the Likud, Sharon’s move was a 
peace gesture, and a brave confrontation with the settlers. 
He became a hero of the left as well of the center and 
moderate right, like de Gaulle taking the pied noir out of 
Algeria for the sake of peace. The Palestinian reaction in the 
Gaza Strip and criticism from the PA of Israeli policies ever 

Since were seen as a proof of the absence of any sound or 
reliable Palestinian partner for peace. 

Apart from brave journalists such as Gideon Levy and 
Amira Hass at Haaretz, a few members of the small left 
Zionist party Meretz, and some anti-Zionist groups, Jewish 
society in Israel became effectively silent, giving 
governments since 2005 carte blanche to pursue any policy 
towards the Palestinians they deem fit. This was why, in the 
2011 protest movement that galvanized half a million 
Israelis (out of a population of 7 million) against the 
governments’ policies, the occupation and its horrors were 
not mentioned as part of the agenda. This absence of any 
public discourse or criticism had already allowed Sharon in 
his last year in power, 2005, to authorize more killings of 
unarmed Palestinians and, by way of curfews and long 
periods of closure, to starve the society under occupation. 
And when the Palestinians in the occupied territories 
occasionally rebelled, the government now had a license to 
react with even greater force and determination. 

Previous American governments had supported Israeli 
policies regardless of how they affected, or were perceived 
by, the Palestinians. This support, however, used to require 
negotiation and some give and take. Even after the 
outbreak of the Second Intifada in October 2000, some in 
Washington tried to distance the United States from Israel’s 
response to the uprising. For a while, Americans seemed 
uneasy about the fact that several Palestinians a day were 
being killed, and that a large number of the victims were 
children. There was also some discomfort about Israel’s use 
of collective punishments, house demolitions, and arrests 
without trial. But they got used to all this, and when the 
Israeli Jewish consensus sanctioned the assault on the West 
Bank in April 2002—an unprecedented episode of cruelty in 
the vicious history of the occupation—the US administration 
objected only to the unilateral acts of annexation and 

settlement that were expressly forbidden in the EU- 
American-sponsored Road Map. 

In 2004, Sharon asked for US and UK support for the 
colonialization in the West Bank in return for withdrawal 
from the Gaza Strip, and he got it. His plan, which passed in 
Israel for a consensual peace plan, was at first rejected by 
the Americans as unproductive (the rest of the world 
condemned it in stronger terms). The Israelis, however, 
hoped that the similarities between the American and 
British conduct in Iraq and Israel’s policies in Palestine 
would lead the United States to change its position, and 
they were right. It is noteworthy that, until the very last 
moment, Washington hesitated before giving Sharon the 
green light for the withdrawal from Gaza. On April 13, 2004, 
a bizarre scene unfolded on the tarmac of Ben-Gurion 
airport. The prime minister’s jet remained stationary for a 
few hours after its scheduled departure. Inside, Sharon had 
refused to allow it to take off for Washington until he got US 
approval for his new _ so-called disengagement plan. 
President Bush supported the disengagement per se. What 
his advisors found hard to digest was the letter Sharon had 
asked Bush to sign as part of the US endorsement. It 
included an American promise not to pressure Israel in the 
future about progress in the peace process, and to exclude 
the right of return from any future negotiations. Sharon 
convinced Bush’s aides that he would not be able to unite 
the Israeli public behind his disengagement program 
without American support.?? 

In the past, it had usually taken a while for US officials to 
submit to Israeli politicians’ need for a consensus. This time, 
it took only three hours. We now know that there was 
another reason for Sharon’s sense of urgency: he knew that 
he was being investigated by the police on serious charges 
of corruption, and he needed to persuade the Israeli public 
to trust him in the face of a pending court case. “The wider 

the investigation, the wider the disengagement,” said the 
left-wing member of Knesset Yossi Sarid, referring to the 
linkage between Sharon’s troubles in court and his 
commitment to the withdrawal.2* It ought to have taken the 
US administration much longer than it did to reach a 
decision. In essence, Sharon was asking President Bush to 
forgo almost every commitment the Americans had made 
over Palestine. The plan offered an Israeli withdrawal from 
Gaza and the closure of the handful of settlements there, as 
well as several others in the West Bank, in return for the 
annexation of the majority of the West Bank settlements to 
Israel. The Americans also knew all too well how another 
crucial piece fitted into this puzzle. For Sharon, the 
annexation of those parts of the West Bank he coveted 
could only be executed with the completion of the wall Israel 
had begun building in 2003, bisecting the Palestinian parts 
of the West Bank. He had not anticipated the international 
objection—the wall became the most iconic symbol of the 
occupation, to the extent that the international court of 
justice ruled that it constituted a human rights violation. 
Time will tell whether or not this was a meaningful 

As Sharon waited in his jet, Washington gave its support 
to a scheme that left most of the West Bank in Israeli hands 
and all of the refugees in exile—and gave its tacit 
agreement to the wall. Sharon chose the ideal US president 
as a potential ally for his new plans. President George W. 
Bush was heavily influenced by Christian Zionists, and 
maybe even shared their view that the presence of the Jews 
in the Holy Land was part of the fulfilment of a doomsday 
scenario that might inaugurate the Second Coming of 
Christ. Bush’s more secular neocon advisers had been 
impressed by the war against Hamas, which accompanied 
Israel’s promises of eviction and peace. The seemingly 
successful Israeli operations—mostly the targeted 

assassinations in 2004—were a proof by proxy that 
America’s own “war against terror” was bound to triumph. 
In truth, Israel’s “Success” was a cynical distortion of the 
facts on the ground. The relative decline in Palestinian 
guerrilla and terror activity was achieved by curfews and 
closures and by confining more than 2 million people in their 
homes without work or food for protracted periods of time. 
Even neoconservatives should have been able to grasp that 
this was not going to provide a long-term solution to the 
hostility and violence provoked by an occupying power, 
whether in Iraq or Palestine. 

Sharon’s plan was approved by Bush’s spin doctors, who 
were able to present it as another step towards peace and 
use it as a distraction from the growing debacle in Iraq. It 
was probably also acceptable to more even-handed 
advisers, who were so desperate to see some progress that 
they persuaded themselves that the plan offered a chance 
for peace and a better future. These people long ago forgot 
how to distinguish between the mesmerizing power of 
language and the reality it purports to describe. As long as 
the plan contained the magic term “withdrawal,” it was seen 
as essentially a good thing even by some usually cool- 
headed journalists in the United States, by the leaders of 
the Israeli Labor party (bent on joining Sharon’s government 
in the name of the sacred consensus), and by the newly 
elected leader of the Israeli left party, Meretz, Yossi Beilin.° 

By the end of 2004, Sharon knew he had no reason to 
fear outside pressure. The governments of Europe and the 
United States were unwilling or unable to stop the 
occupation and prevent the further destruction of the 
Palestinians. Those Israelis who were willing to take part in 
anti-occupation movements were outnumbered = and 
demoralized in the face of the new consensus. It is not 
Surprising that, around that time, civil societies in Europe 
and in the United States woke up to the possibility of playing 

a major role in the conflict and were galvanized around the 
idea of the Boycott, Divestments and Sanctions movement. 
Quite a few organizations, unions, and individuals were 
committed to a new public effort, vowing to do all they 
could to make the Israelis understand that policies such as 
Sharon’s came at a price. 

Since then, from the academic boycott to economic 
sanctions, every possible means has been attempted in the 
West. The message at home was also clear: their 
governments were no less responsible than Israel for the 
past, present, and future catastrophes of the Palestinian 
people. The BDS movement demanded a new policy to 
counter Sharon’s unilateral strategy, not only for moral or 
historical reasons, but also for the sake of the West’s 
security and even survival. As the violence since the events 
of September 11, 2001 has so painfully shown, the Palestine 
conflict undermined the multicultural fabric of Western 
society, as it pushed the United States and the Muslim world 
further and further apart and into a nightmarish 
relationship. Putting pressure on Israel seemed a small price 
to pay for the sake of global peace, regional stability, and 
reconciliation in Palestine. 

Thus, the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza was not part of a 
peace plan. According to the official narrative it was a 
gesture of peace that the ungrateful Palestinians responded 
to first by electing Hamas, and then by launching missiles 
into Israel. Ergo, there was no point or wisdom in any further 
withdrawal from any occupied Palestinian territory. All Israel 
could do was defend itself. Moreover, the “trauma” that 
“nearly led to a civil war” was meant to persuade Israeli 
society that it is not an episode worth repeating. 

Was the War on Gaza a War of Self-Defense? 

Although | have coauthored a book (with Noam Chomsky) 
under the title The War on Gaza, | am not sure that “war” is 
the right term to describe what happened in the various 
Israeli assaults on the Strip, beginning in 2006. In fact, after 
the onset of Operation Cast Lead in 2009, | have opted to 
call the Israeli policy an incremental genocide. | hesitated 
before using this highly charged term, and yet cannot find 
another to accurately describe what happened. Since the 
responses | received, among others from some leading 
human rights activists, indicated that a certain unease 
accompanies such usage of the term, | was inclined to 
rethink it for a while, but came back to employing it recently 
with an even stronger conviction: it is the only appropriate 
way of describing what the Israeli army has been doing in 
the Gaza Strip since 2006. 

On December 28, 2006, the Israeli Numan rights 
organization B’Tselem published its annual report on the 
atrocities in the occupied territories. In that year Israeli 
forces killed 660 citizens, more than triple that of the 
previous year when around 200 Palestinians were killed. 
According to B’Tselem, in 2006, 141 children were among 
the dead. Most of the casualties were from the Gaza Strip, 
where the Israeli forces demolished almost 300 houses and 
crushed entire families. This means that since 2000, almost 
4,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces, half of 
them children; more than 20,000 were wounded.2/ 

B'Tselem is a conservative organization, and the numbers 
of the dead and injured may be higher. However, the issue 
is not just about the escalating intentional killing, it is about 
the strategy behind such acts. Throughout the last decade, 
Israeli policy makers faced two very different realities in the 
West Bank and the Gaza Strip. In the former, they were 
closer than ever to completing the construction of their 
eastern border. The internal ideological debate was over, 
and the master plan for annexing half of the West Bank was 

being implemented at an escalating pace. The last phase 
was delayed due to the promises made by Israel, under the 
terms of the Road Map, not to build any new settlements. 
But the policy makers quickly found two ways of 
circumventing this alleged prohibition. First they redefined a 
third of the West Bank as part of Greater Jerusalem, which 
allowed them to build towns and community centers within 
this new annexed area. Secondly, they expanded old 
settlements to such proportions that there was no need to 
build new ones. 

Overall, the settlements, the army bases, the roads, and 
the wall put Israel into a position to officially annex almost 
half of the West Bank whenever it deemed it necessary. 
Within these territories there were a considerable number of 
Palestinians, against whom the Israeli authorities would 
continue to implement slow and creeping transfer policies. 
This was too boring a subject for the Western media to 
bother with, and too elusive for human rights organizations 
to make a general point about them. There was no rush as 
far as the Israelis were concerned—they had the upper 
hand: the daily abuse and dehumanization exercised by the 
dual mechanism of the army and the bureaucracy was as 
effective as ever in contributing to the dispossession 

Sharon’s strategic thinking was accepted by everyone 
who joined his last government, as well has his successor 
Ehud Olmert. Sharon even left the Likud and founded a 
centrist party, Kadima, that reflected this consensus on the 
policy towards the occupied territories.2® On the other hand, 
neither Sharon nor anyone who followed him could offer a 
clear Israeli strategy vis-a-vis the Gaza Strip. In the eyes of 
the Israelis, the Strip is a very different geopolitical entity to 
that of the West Bank. It remains in the hands of Hamas, 
while the Palestinian Authority seems to run the fragmented 
West Bank with Israeli and American blessing. There is no 

chunk of land in the Strip that Israel covets and there is no 
hinterland, like Jordan, into which it can expel the 
Palestinians. Ethnic cleansing as the means to a solution is 
ineffective here. 

The earliest strategy adopted in the Strip was the 
ghettoization of the Palestinians, but this was not working. 
The besieged community expressed its will to life by firing 
primitive missiles into Israel. The next attack on this 
community was often even more horrific and barbaric. On 
September 12, 2005, Israeli forces left the Gaza Strip. 
Simultaneously, the Israeli army invaded the town of Tul- 
Karim, made arrests on a massive scale, especially activists 
of the Islamic Jihad, an ally of Hamas, and killed a few of its 
people. The organization launched nine missiles that killed 
no one. Israel responded with Operation “First Rain.”29 It is 
worth dwelling for a moment on the nature of that 
operation. Inspired by punitive measures adopted first by 
colonialist powers, then by dictatorships, against rebellious 
imprisoned or banished communities, “First Rain” began 
with supersonic jets flying over Gaza to terrorize the entire 
population. This was followed by the heavy bombardment of 
vast areas from sea, sky, and land. The logic, the Israeli 
army spokespersons explained, was to build up a pressure 
that would weaken the community’s support for the rocket 
launchers.2° As was to be expected, not least by the Israelis, 
the operation only increased the support for the fighters and 
gave extra impetus to their next attempt. The real purpose 
of that particular operation was experimental. The Israeli 
generals wanted to know how such operations might be 
received at home, in the region generally, and in the wider 
world. When the international condemnation proved to be 
very limited and short-lived, they were satisfied with the 

Since “First Rain” all Subsequent operations have 
followed a similar pattern. The difference has been in their 

escalation: more firepower, more causalities, and more 
collateral damage, and, as expected, more Qassam missiles 
in response. Another dimension was added after 2006 when 
the Israelis employed the more sinister means of imposing a 
tight siege on the people of the Strip through boycott and 
blockade. The capturing of the IDF soldier, Gilad Shalit, in 
June 2006 did not change the balance of power between 
Hamas and Israel, but it nonetheless provided an 
opportunity for the Israelis to escalate even further their 
tactical and allegedly punitive missions. After all, there was 
no strategic clarity over what to do beyond continuing with 
the endless cycle of punitive actions. 

The Israelis also continued to give absurd, indeed 
sinister, names to their operations. “First Rain” was 
succeeded by “Summer Rains,” the name given to the 
punitive operations that began in June 2006. “Summer 
Rains” brought a novel component: a land invasion into 
parts of the Gaza Strip. This enabled the army to kill citizens 
even more effectively and to present this as a consequence 
of heavy fighting within dense populated areas; that is, as 
an inevitable result of the circumstances rather than of 
Israeli policy. With the end of the summer came operation 
“Autumn Clouds,” which was even more efficient: on 
November 1, 2006, seventy civilians were killed in less than 
forty-eight hours. By the end of that month, almost 200 had 
been killed, half of them children and women. Some of this 
activity ran in parallel to the Israeli attacks on Lebanon, 
making it easier to complete these operations without much 
external attention, let alone criticism. 

From “First Rain” to “Autumn Clouds” one can see 
escalation in every area. Firstly, there was’ the 
disappearance of the distinction between “civilian” and 
“non-civilian” targets: the senseless killing had turned the 
population at large into the main target of the operation. 
Secondly, there was the escalation in the employment of 

every possible killing machine the Israeli army possesses. 
Thirdly, there was the conspicuous rise in the number of 
casualties. Finally, and most importantly, the operations 
gradually crystallized into a strategy, indicating the way 
Israel intends to solve the problem of the Gaza Strip in the 
future: through a measured genocidal policy. The people of 
the Strip, however, continued to resist. This led to further 
genocidal Israeli operations, but still today a failure to 
reoccupy the region. 

In 2008, the “Summer” and the “Autumn” operations 
were succeeded by operation “Hot Winter.” As anticipated, 
the new round of attacks caused even more civilian deaths, 
more than 100 in the Gaza Strip, which was bombarded 
once more from air, sea, and land, and also invaded. This 
time at least, it seemed for a moment that the international 
community was paying attention. The EU and the UN 
condemned Israel for its “disproportionate use of force,” and 
accused it of violating international law; the American 
criticism was “balanced.” However, it was enough to lead to 
a ceasefire, one of many, that would occasionally be 
violated by another Israeli attack.24 Hamas was willing to 
prolong the ceasefire, and authorized the strategy in 
religious terms, calling it tahadiah—meaning a lull in Arabic, 
and ideologically a very long period of peace. It also 
succeeded in convincing most factions to stop launching 
rockets into Israel. Mark Regev, the Israeli government 
spokesperson, admitted as much himself.22 

The success of the ceasefire might have been assured 
had there been a genuine easing of the Israeli siege. 
Practically this meant increasing the amount of goods 
allowed into the Strip and easing the movement of people in 
and out. Yet Israel did not comply with its promises in this 
regard. Israeli officials were very candid when they told their 
US counterparts that the plan was to keep the Gaza 
economy “on the brink of collapse.”22 There was a direct 

correlation between the intensity of the siege and the 
intensity of the rocket launches into Israel, as the 
accompanying diagram prepared by the Carter Peace 
Center illustrates so well. 

Import of Goods into Gaza-Rockets and Mortars Fired from Gaza 

16,000 Mecca Gaza take- Israeli attack: Ceasefire: Israeli attack: 00 
agreement: over: February 29th = June 19th November 4th 
@ February 8th June 15th | 
14,0004 ! 800 
| | 
312,000, Aa | fe ae 
Hn ? ‘ry | 
\a cy a 
S ee ! ! 600 © 
~ 10,000 1 | | is 
5 1 | | = 
Ry i ! 500 9 
\ a 
2 8,000 | | & 
wu 1! | Hn 
° 1! 400 oO 
o 1 | rtd 
= 1 | af 
£ 6,000 | ! E 
xs | 
8 * e ! 300 
& 4,000 * ye | 
| '» e 6 | «L200 
1 y\ r | 
‘\ @-0e-@ ‘ : ’ 
2,000 | er ‘e-e! ee? Vi 100 
: ‘ 
| = | tO 

Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov 
07. OF OF O07 O07 07 08 08 08 O08 08 08 
== -@- =~ Total imports —@— Rockets/mortars fired 

Source: The Carter Center, “Gaza Timeline Analysis: Movement and Fatalities”, 

Israel broke the ceasefire on November 4, 2008, on the 
pretext that it had exposed a tunnel excavated by Hamas— 
planned, so they claimed, for another abduction operation. 
Hamas had been building tunnels out of the Gaza ghetto in 
order to bring in food, move people out, and indeed as part 
of its resistance strategy. Using a tunnel as a pretext for 
violating the ceasefire would be akin to a Hamas decision to 
violate it because Israel has military bases near the border. 

Hamas officials claimed that tunnel in question had been 
built for defensive reasons. They never shied away from 
boasting about a different function in other cases, so this 
might be true. The Irish Palestine solidarity group Sadaka 
published a very detailed report compiling evidence 
showing that Israeli officers knew there was no danger 
whatsoever from the tunnel. The government just needed a 
pretext for yet another attempt to destroy Hamas.2* 

Hamas responded to the Israeli assault with a barrage of 
missiles that injured no one and killed no one. Israel stopped 
its attack for a short period, demanding that Hamas agree 
to a ceasefire under its conditions. Hamas’s refusal led to 
the infamous “Cast Lead” operation at the end of 2008 (the 
code names were now changed to even more ominous 
ones). The preliminary bombardment this time was 
unprecedented—it reminded many of the carpet bombing of 
Iraq in 2003. The main target was the civilian infrastructure; 
nothing was spared—hospitals, schools, mosques— 
everything was hit and destroyed. Hamas responded by 
launching missiles into Israeli towns not targeted before, 
such as Beersheba and Ashdod. There were a few civilian 
casualties, but most of the Israelis killed, thirteen in total, 
were soldiers killed by friendly fire. In sharp contrast, 1,500 
Palestinians lost their lives in the operation.?° 

A new cynical dimension was now added: international 
and Arab donors promised aid running into the billions to 
rebuild what Israel would only destroy again in the future. 
Even the worst disaster can be profitable. 

The next round came in 2012 with two operations: 
“Returning Echo,” which was smaller in comparison to the 
previous attacks, and the more significant “Pillar of 
Defense” in July 2012, which brought an end to the social 
protest movement of that summer, with its potential to 
bring down the government for the failure of its economic 
and social policies. There is nothing like a war in the south 

to convince young Israelis to stop protesting and go out and 
defend the homeland. It had worked before, and it worked 
this time as well. 

In 2012, Hamas reached Tel Aviv for the first time—with 
missiles that caused litthe damage and no casualties. 
Meanwhile, with the familiar imbalance, 200 Palestinians 
were killed, including tens of children. This was not a bad 
year for Israel. The exhausted EU and US governments did 
not even condemn the 2012 attacks; in fact they repeatedly 
invoked “Israel’s right to defend itself.” No wonder that two 
years later the Israelis understood that they could go even 
further. Operation “Protective Edge,” in the summer of 
2014, had been in the planning for two years; the abduction 
and killing of three settlers in the West Bank provided the 
pretext for its execution, during which 2,200 Palestinians 
were killed. Israel itself was paralyzed for a while, as 
Hamas’s rockets even reached Ben-Gurion airport. 

For the first time, the Israeli army fought face to face 
with the Palestinian guerrillas in the Strip, and lost sixty-six 
soldiers in the process. In this battle between desperate 
Palestinians, their backs to their wall, enraged by a long and 
cruel siege, and the Israeli army, the former had the upper 
hand. The situation was like that of a police force entering a 
maximum security prison it had controlled mainly from 
outside, only to be faced with the desperation and resilience 
of prisoners who have been systematically starved and 
strangulated. It is frightening to think what Israel’s 
operational conclusions will be after this clash with brave 
Hamas fighters. 

The war in Syria and the resulting refugee crisis did not 
leave much space for international action or interest in 
Gaza. However, it seems everything is poised for yet 
another round of attacks against the people of the Strip. The 
UN has predicted that, at the current rate of destruction, by 
2020 the Strip will have become uninhabitable. This will be 

brought about not only by military force but also by what 
the UN calls “de-development”—a _ process whereby 
development is reversed: 

Three Israeli military operations in the past six years, in addition to eight 
years of economic blockade, have ravaged the already debilitated 
infrastructure of Gaza, shattered its productive base, left no time for 
meaningful reconstruction or economic recovery and impoverished the 
Palestinian population in Gaza, rendering their economic wellbeing worse 
than the level of two decades previous.7° 

This death sentence has become even more likely since the 
military coup in Egypt. The new regime there has now 
closed the only opening Gaza had outside of Israel. Since 
2010, civil society organizations have sent flotillas to show 
solidarity and break the siege. One of them was viciously 
attacked by Israeli commandoes, who killed nine of the 
passengers on board the Mavi Marmara and arrested the 
others. Other flotillas were treated better. However, the 
2020 prospect is still there, and it seems that to prevent this 
infliction of a slow death the people of Gaza will need more 
than peaceful flotillas to persuade the Israelis to relent. 



Chapter 10 

The Two-States Solution 
Is the Only Way Forward 

This familiar myth is usually delivered in an affirmative voice 
claiming that there is a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian 
conflict, and that it is waiting for us just around the corner. 
However, the reality of the current colonization of vast parts 
of the West Bank by Israel renders any two-states solution 
an improbable vision. At best, the most one can hope for is 
a Palestinian Bantustan. But such a political arrangement 
would create a state with no proper sovereignty, divided 
into several cantons, with no means of protecting or 
sustaining itself independently of Israel. Any expectation of 
a more independent entity, should there be a miraculous 
change of mind on Israel’s part, does not turn the two-states 
solution into a final act in the conflict. It is unthinkable that 
a national struggle for liberation, now almost 150 years old, 
might end with conditional autonomous rule over just 20 
percent of the homeland. Moreover, no diplomatic accord or 
document could ever define who is and who is not part of 
the agreement. For example, it would be impossible to 

declare those who live in the West Bank Palestinians, but 
not those in the Gaza Strip. This would be the current 
situation, because both the Gaza Strip and many parts of 
Jerusalem seem to be excluded from negotiations and are 
not included in the envisaged state. 

The two-states solution, as noted earlier, is an Israeli 
invention that was meant to square a circle. It responds to 
the question of how to keep the West Bank under Israeli 
control without incorporating the population that lives there. 
Thus it was suggested that part of the West Bank would be 
autonomous, a quasi-state. In return, the Palestinians would 
have to give up all their hopes for return, for equal rights for 
Palestinians in Israel, for the fate of Jerusalem, and for 
leading a normal life as human beings in their homeland. 

Any criticism of this myth is often branded as anti- 
Semitism. However, in many ways the opposite is true: 
there is a connection between the new anti-Semitism and 
the myth itself. The two-states solution is based on the idea 
that a Jewish state is the best solution for the Jewish 
problem; that is, Jews should live in Palestine rather than 
anywhere else. This notion is also close to the hearts of anti- 
Semites. The two-states solution, indirectly one should say, 
is based on the assumption that Israel and Judaism are the 
same. Thus, Israel insists that what it does, it does in the 
name of Judaism, and when its actions are rejected by 
people around the world the criticism is not only directed 
toward Israel but also towards Judaism. The leader of the UK 
Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, attracted of a lot of criticism 
when he explained, to my mind correctly, that blaming 
Judaism for Netanyahu’s policies is like blaming Islam for the 
actions of the Islamic State. This is a valid comparison, even 
if it rattled some people’s sensitivities. + 

The two-states solution is like a corpse taken out in the 
morgue every now and then, dressed up nicely, and 
presented as a living thing. When it has been proven once 

more that there is no life left in it, it is returned to the 
morgue. In the future, the only thing that might change is 
the United Nations admitting Palestine as a full member. At 
the same time, we might also see the completion of the 
Israeli takeover of Area C (more than 50 percent of the West 
Bank). The tension between the two—the symbolic act in 
the UN Security Council and the reality on the ground—may 
be too much for the international community to bear. The 
best scenario imaginable might be that such circumstances 
force everyone to go back to the drawing board and rethink 
a solution to the conflict from first principles. 

The charade will end soon, peacefully or violently, but 
either way painfully. It seems that nothing is going to stop 
Israel now from completing its colonization of the West Bank 
and continuing its siege on Gaza. This might be achieved 
with international blessing, but there are quite enough 
politicians in Israel who seem willing to proceed without that 
blessing. In either case, Israel will need to use brutal force 
to implement its vision of a “solution”: annexing half of the 
West Bank, ghettoizing the other half as well as the Gaza 
Strip, and imposing an apartheid regime of a sort on its own 
Palestinian citizens. Such a_ situation will render any 
discourse on the two-states solution irrelevant and obsolete. 

In ancient times, the dead were buried with their beloved 
artifacts and belongings. This coming funeral will probably 
follow a similar ritual. The most important item to go six feet 
under is the dictionary of illusion and deception with its 
famous entries such as “the peace process,” “the only 
democracy in the Middle East,” “a peace-loving nation,” 
“parity and reciprocity,” and “a humane solution to the 
refugee problem.” A replacement dictionary has been in the 
making for many years, redefining Zionism as colonialism, 
Israel aS an apartheid state, and the Nakbah as ethnic 
cleansing. It will be much easier to put it into common use 
once the two-states solution has been pronounced dead. 

The maps of the dead solution will also be lying next to 
the body. The cartography that reduced Palestine to a tenth 
of its historical self, and which was presented as a map of 
peace, will hopefully be gone forever. There is no need to 
prepare an alternative map. Since 1967, the geography of 
the conflict has never changed in reality, even while it was 
constantly transformed in the discourse of liberal Zionist 
politicians, journalists, and academics. Palestine was always 
the land between the river and the sea. It still is. Its 
changing fortunes are characterized not by geography but 
by demography. The settler movement that arrived there in 
the late nineteenth century now accounts for half the 
population and controls the other half through a matrix of 
racist ideology and apartheid policies. Peace is not a matter 
of demographic change, nor a redrawing of maps: it is the 
elimination of these ideologies and policies. Who knows, it 
may be easier now than ever to do this. 

The funeral will expose the fallacy of the Israeli mass 
protest movement of 2012, while at the same time 
highlighting its positive potential. For seven weeks in that 
summer, middle-class Israeli Jews protested in huge 
numbers against their government’s social and economic 
policies. In order to ensure as big a protest as possible, its 
leaders and coordinators did not dare mention occupation, 
colonization, or apartheid. The source of every evil, they 
claimed, was the brutal capitalist policies of the 
government. On a certain level, they had a point. These 
policies prevented the master race of Israel from enjoying 
fully and equally the fruits of Palestine’s rape and 
dispossession. However, a fairer division of the spoils will 
not ensure a normal life for either Jews or Palestinians; only 
an end to the looting and pillaging will. And yet the 
demonstrators also expressed their skepticism and distrust 
concerning what their media and politicians tell them about 
the socioeconomic reality; this may open the way for a 

better understanding of the lies they have been fed about 
the “conflict” and their “national security” over so many 

The funeral should energize us all to follow the same 
distribution of labor as before. As urgently as ever, 
Palestinians need to solve the issue of representation. And 
the progressive Jewish forces in the world need to be more 
intensively recruited to the BDS and solidarity campaigns. In 
Palestine itself, the time has come to move the discourse of 
the one-state solution into political action, and maybe to 
adopt the new dictionary. Since the dispossession is 
everywhere, the repossession and reconciliation will have to 
occur everywhere. If the relationship between Jews and 
Palestinians is to be reframed on a just and democratic 
basis, then we can accept neither the old, buried map of the 
two-states solution nor its logic of partition. This also means 
that the sacred distinction between Jewish settlements in 
Israel (before 1967) and those in the West Bank (after 1967) 
Should be consigned to the grave as well. The distinction 
should instead be made between those Jews who are willing 
to discuss a reformulation of the relationship, a change of 
regime, and equal status, and those who are not, regardless 
of where they live now. 

There are some surprising phenomena in this respect if 
one studies the human and political fabric of contemporary 
Israel-Palestine: the willingness to enter into dialogue is 
sometimes more evident beyond the green line than inside 
it. The dialogues within about a change of regime, the 
question of representation, and the BDS campaign are all 
part and parcel of the same effort to bring justice and peace 
to Palestine. Once the two-states solution is buried, one 
major obstacle to a just peace in Israel and Palestine will 
have been removed. 


The Settler Colonial 
State of Israel in the 
Twenty-First Century 

In 2017, the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the 
Gaza Strip will have lasted for fifty years. After such a long 
period, the term “occupation” becomes somewhat 
redundant and irrelevant. Two generations of Palestinians 
have already lived under this regime. Although they 
themselves will still call it occupation, what they are living 
through is rooted in something else much harder to defeat 
or change—colonization. The term colonization, as | noted in 
the opening chapters, is not easily applied to the present—it 
is more often than not associated with past events. This is 
why, with the help of recent and exciting research, scholars 
writing on Israel are more frequently using another term: 
settler colonialism. 

Colonialism can be described as the movement of 
Europeans to different parts of the world, creating new 
“white” nations where indigenous people had once had their 

own kingdoms. These nations could only be created if the 
settlers employed two logics: the logic of elimination— 
getting rid by all means possible of the indigenous people, 
including by genocide; and the logic of dehumanization— 
regarding the non-Europeans as inferior and thus as not 
deserving the same rights as the settlers. In South Africa 
these twin logics led to the creation of the Apartheid 
system, founded officially in 1948, the same year that the 
Zionist movement translated the same logics into an ethnic 
cleansing operation in Palestine. 

As this book attempts to show, from a settler colonial 
perspective events such as the occupation of the West Bank 
and the Gaza _ Strip, the Oslo Process, and_ the 
disengagement from Gaza in 2005 are all part of the same 
Israeli strategy of taking as much of Palestine as possible 
with as few Palestinians in it as possible. The means of 
achieving this goal have changed over time, and it remains 
uncompleted. However, it is the main fuel that feeds the fire 
of the conflict. 

In this manner, the horrific connection between the logics 
of dehumanization and elimination, so apparent in the 
spread of European settler colonialism throughout the world, 
first found its way into the authoritarian states of the Middle 
East. It was ruthlessly manifest, among a multitude of other 
examples, in the destruction of the Kurds by Saddam 
Hussein as well as in the punitive actions carried out by the 
Assad regime in 2012. It was then also employed by groups 
Opposing that regime: the worst example being the 
genocidal policies of the Islamic State. 

This barbarization of human relations in the Middle East 
can only be stopped by the people of the region themselves. 
However, they should be aided by the outside world. 
Together the region should return to its not so distant past, 
when the guiding principle was “live and let live.” No serious 
discussion about ending human rights abuses in the region 

as a whole can bypass a conversation about the 100 years 
of human rights abuses in Palestine. The two are intimately 
connected. The exceptionalism enjoyed by Israel, and 
before that by the Zionist movement, makes a mockery of 
any Western critique of human rights abuses in the Arab 
world. Any discussion of the abuse of the Palestinians’ 
human rights needs to include an understanding of the 
inevitable outcome of settler colonial projects such as 
Zionism. The Jewish settlers are now an organic and integral 
part of the land. They cannot, and will not, be removed. 
They should be part of the future, but not on the basis of the 
constant oppression and _ dispossession of the_ local 

We have wasted years talking about the two-states 
solution as if it had any relevance to the issue described 
above. But we needed that time to persuade both Israeli 
Jews and the world at large that when you found a state— 
even one with a thriving culture, a successful high-tech 
industry, and a _ powerful military—on the basis of 
dispossessing another people, your moral legitimacy will 
always be questioned. Confining the question of legitimacy 
only to the territories Israel occupied in 1967 will never 
resolve the issue at the heart of the problem. Of course it 
will help if Israel withdraws from the West Bank, but there is 
a possibility that it will just monitor the region in the same 
way it has policed the Gaza Strip since 2006. This will not 
hasten an end to the conflict, it will just transform it into a 
conflict of a different kind. 

There are deep layers of history that will need to be 
addressed if a genuine attempt is to be made at a 
resolution. After World War Il, Zionism was allowed to 
become a colonialist project at a time when colonialism was 
being rejected by the civilized world because the creation of 
a Jewish state offered Europe, and West Germany in 
particular, an easy way out of the worst excesses of anti- 

Semitism ever seen. Israel was the first to declare its 
recognition of “a new Germany”—in return it received a lot 
of money, but also, far more importantly, a carte blanche to 
turn the whole of Palestine into Israel. Zionism offered itself 
as the solution to anti-Semitism, but became the main 
reason for its continued presence. The “deal” also failed to 
uproot the racism and xenophobia that still lies at the heart 
of Europe, and which produced Nazism on the continent and 
a brutal colonialism outside of it. That racism and 
xenophobia is now turned against Muslims and Islam; since 
it is intimately connected to the Israel-Palestinian question, 
it could be reduced once a genuine answer to that question 
is found. 

We all deserve a better ending to the story of the 
Holocaust. This could involve a= strong multicultural 
Germany showing the way to the rest of Europe; an 
American society dealing bravely with the racial crimes of 
its past that still resonate today; an Arab world that 
expunges its barbarism and inhumanity ... 

Nothing like that could happen if we continue to fall into 
the trap of treating mythologies as truths. Palestine was not 
empty and the Jewish people had homelands; Palestine was 
colonized, not “redeemed”; and _ its people were 
dispossessed in 1948, rather than leaving voluntarily. 
Colonized people, even under the UN Charter, have the right 
to struggle for their liberation, even with an army, and the 
successful ending to such a struggle lies in the creation of a 
democratic state that includes all of its inhabitants. A 
discussion of the future, liberated from the ten myths about 
Israel, will hopefully not only help to bring peace to Israel 
and Palestine, but will also help Europe reach a proper 
closure on the horrors of World War II and the dark era of 









Waves of Russian pogroms lasting until 1884. The Zionist movement 
appears in Europe. 

First Aliyah (1882-1904). The foundation of Rishon LeZion, Zichron 
Yaacov, and Rosh Pina in Palestine. 

The First Zionist Congress in Basel. The establishment of the World 
Zionist Congress. 

The Second Zionist Congress. 

The Third Zionist Congress. 

The Jewish National Fund (JNF) founded. 
The Second Aliyah (1904-14). 

The Palestine Office is established (in 1929 it became the Jewish 

Degania, the first Kibbutz (Kvutzat Degania), is founded. The building 
of Tel Aviv. The Hashomer founded. 

The Hussein-McMahon correspondence. 
The Sykes-Picot agreement. 

The Balfour Declaration. Britain occupies Palestine and governs it 










through a military administration (until 1920). 

The Haganah is founded. The Histadrut is founded. The San Remo 
Conference grants Britain the Mandate over Palestine. 

Britain recognizes Transjordan as a separate political entity and Amir 
Abdullah as its ruler. The US Congress endorses the Balfour 

The British Mandate over Palestine and Transjordan is authorized first 
by the League of Nations, then at the Treaty of Lausanne. 

The Irgun splits from the Haganah. 
Arab Revolt breaks out and would last until 1939. 
The Peel Royal Commission. 

“Lehi” (Stern gang) splits from the Irgun. The Village Files Project 

The Anglo-American Commission of Inquiry. 

Britain announces the end of the Mandate and transfers the question 
of Palestine to the UN. The UN forms a special committee, UNSCOP, 
which recommends partition. This is approved by the United Nations’ 
General Assembly (Resolution 181). 

The ethnic cleansing of Palestine: British Mandate ends, the State of 
Israel declared and recognized by the United States and the USSR. 
Israel at war with troops entering Palestine from neighboring Arab 
countries while completing the expulsion of half of Palestine’s 
population, demolishing half of its villages, and emptying and 
destroying eleven of its twelve towns. 

UNGA Resolution 194 (calling for the return of the Palestinian 
refugees). Armistice agreements between Israel, Egypt, Jordan, 
Lebanon, and Egypt. Military rule is imposed on the remaining 
Palestinian citizens inside Israel, which will remain in place until 1966. 

The immigration of Jews from Arab countries begins. 

Israel joins Britain and France in a war against Egypt’s Nasser, 
occupying the Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip. The Kafr Qasim 

Wadi Salib riots (Mizrahi riots in Haifa protesting discrimination). 
The end of the Ben-Gurion era. 

The Six-Day War: Israel occupies the Sinai and the Gaza Strip, the 
Golan Heights, East Jerusalem, and the West Bank. UNSC Resolution 
242 calls on Israel to withdraw from all occupied territories. Israeli 
settlement project in the West Bank and Gaza begins. 

















The October War: Israel occupies part of Egypt proper and retains 
control of the Golan Heights after a bloody conflict that took the state 
by surprise. 

UN Security Council Resolution 338 reaffirms the rights of the 
Palestinians to self-determination and national independence. 

The Land Day Protests of the Palestinians in Israel against the 
Judaization of the Galilee. 

The Likud under Menachem Begin wins the national elections after 
thirty years of Labor rule. President Anwar Sadat of Egypt visits 
Jerusalem and begins bilateral talks with Israel. 

Peace treaty signed between Israel and Egypt. PLO attack on Tel Aviv 
reciprocated by Operation “Litani”—Israel occupies part of southern 

Annexation of the Golan Heights to Israel. 

Sinai returned to Egypt. Operation “Peace for the Galilee” in which 
Israel invades Lebanon in an attempt to destroy the PLO. 

The First Palestinian Intifada. 

Collapse of the USSR and mass migration of Jews and non-Jews from 
across the Eastern Bloc to Israel. 

First Gulf War. US convenes international conference on Palestine in 

Labor returns to power and Yitzhak Rabin becomes prime minister for 
the second time. 

The PLO and Israel sign the Oslo Declaration of Principles in the White 

The Palestinian National Authority is formed and Yasser Arafat, the PLO 
chairman, arrives in the occupied territories to become president of the 
PNA. Israel and Jordan sign peace treaty. 

Oslo II signed (interim agreement for Palestinian control of parts of the 
West Bank and Gaza Strip). Yitzhak Rabin is assassinated. 

Likud returns to power and the first Benjamin Netanyahu government 
is formed. 

Labor’s Ehud Barak elected as prime minister. 
Israel withdraws from southern Lebanon. The Second Intifada erupts. 

Ariel Sharon, head of the Likud, elected as prime minister. Later forms 
his own party (Kadima) and wins the 2005 elections. 

The West Bank Wall project is approved; implementation begins in 










Sharon re-elected. Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement is 
launched. Israel evacuates from Gaza settlements and military bases. 

Hamas wins the elections for the second Palestinian Legislative Council 
(PLC). Israel, the Middle East Quartet (United States, Russia, United 
Nations, and European Union), several Western states, and the Arab 
states impose sanctions on the Palestinian Authority, suspending all 
foreign aid. The siege on Gaza begins. Second Lebanon War and Israeli 
assault on the Gaza Strip. 

Ehud Olmert elected as prime minister (in February 2016 Olmert began 
a nineteen-month prison sentence for bribery and obstruction of 

Gaza War—Operation “Cast Lead.” The UN and human rights 
organizations count more than 1,400 Palestinian deaths, of which 926 
were unarmed civilians. Three Israeli civilians were killed and six 

Second Netanyahu Government. 
Social protest across Israel (The Tent Movement). 

Operation “Pillar of Cloud.” Four Israeli civilians and two soldiers were 
killed in Palestinian rocket attacks. According to the UN, 174 
Palestinians in total died, 107 of them civilians. 

Third Netanyahu Government. 

Operation “Protective Edge.” According to the main estimates, 
between 2,125 and 2,310 Gazans were killed (1,492 civilians, including 
551 children and 299 women), and between 10,626 and 10,895 were 
wounded (including 3,374 children, of whom over 1,000 were left 
permanently disabled). Sixty-six Israeli soldiers, five Israeli civilians 
(including one child), and one Thai civilian were killed, and 469 IDF 
soldiers and 261 Israeli civilians were injured. Israel destroyed about 
17,000 homes, and partially destroyed 30,000. 

Fourth Netanyahu Government. 

| would like to thank my friend Marcelo Svirsky for compiling 
this timeline. 


1 Palestine Was an Empty Land 

. Jonathan Mendel, The Creation of Israeli Arabic: Political and Security 
Considerations in the Making of Arabic Language Studies in Israel, London: 
Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, p. 188. 

From the official website of the ministry of foreign affairs at mfa.gov.il. 

A good example of this is the current curriculum for high schools on the 
Ottoman History of Jerusalem, available at cms.education.gov.il. 

For a focused study of such trade connections see Beshara Doumani, 
Rediscovering Palestine: Merchants and Peasants in Jabal Nablus, 1700- 
1900, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995. 

Rashid Khalidi, Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National 
Consciousness, New York: Columbia University Press, 2010, and Muhammad 
Muslih, The Origins of Palestinian Nationalism, \|nstitute for Palestine Studies, 

For more on the paper and its role in the national movement see Khalidi, 
Palestinian Identity. 

. The alternative possible modernization of Palestine is discussed brilliantly in 
the collection of articles by Salim Tamari, The Mountain Against the Sea: 
Essays on Palestinian Society and Culture, Berkeley: University of California 
Press, 2008. 

See Butrus Abu-Manneh, “The Rise of the Sanjaq of Jerusalem in the 
Nineteenth Century,” in Ilan Pappe (ed.), The Israel/Palestine Question, 
London and New York: Routledge, 2007, pp. 40-50. 





For a more detailed analysis see Ilan Pappe, A History of Modern Palestine: 
One Land, Two Peoples, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp. 

2 The Jews Were a People Without a Land 

Shlomo Sand, The Invention of the Jewish People, London and New York: 
Verso, 2010. 

. Thomas Brightman, The Revelation of St. John Illustrated with an Analysis 

and Scholions [sic], 4th edn, London, 1644, p. 544. 

From a letter he wrote to Spinoza on December 4, 1665, quoted in Franz 
Kobler, The Vision Was There: The History of the British Movement for the 
Restoration of the Jews to Palestine, London: Birt Am Publications, 1956, pp. 

Hagai Baruch, Le Sionisme Politique: Precurseurs et Militants: Le Prince De 
Linge, Paris: Beresnik, 1920, p. 20. 

Suja R. Sawafta, “Mapping the Middle East: From Bonaparte’s Egypt to 
Chateaubriand’s Palestine,” PhD thesis submitted to the University of North 
Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2013. 

. A. W. C. Crawford, Lord Lindsay, Letters on Egypt, Edom and the Holy Land, 

Vol. 2, London, 1847, p. 71. 

Quoted in Anthony Julius, Trials of the Diaspora: A History of Anti-Semitism 
in England, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, p. 432. 

“Jews in America: President John Adams Embraces a Jewish Homeland” 
(1819), at jewishvirtuallibrary.org. 

Donald Lewis, The Origins of Christian Zionism: Lord Shaftesbury and 
Evangelical Support for a Jewish Homeland, Cambridge: Cambridge 
University Press, 2014, p. 380. 

Anthony Ashley, Earl of Shaftesbury, Diary entries as quoted by Edwin 
Hodder, The Life and Work of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, London, 1886, 
Vol. 1, pp. 310-11; see also Geoffrey B. A. M. Finlayson, The Seventh Earl of 
Shaftesbury, London: Eyre Methuen, 1981, p. 114; The National Register 
Archives, London, Shaftesbury (Broadlands) MSS, SHA/PD/2, August 1, 1840. 

Quoted in Gertrude Himmelfarb, The People of the Book: Philosemitism in 
England, From Cromwell to Churchill, New York: Encounter Books, 2011, p. 

The London Quarterly Review, Vol. 64, pp. 104-5. 



The Times of London, August 17, 1840. 

Quoted in Geoffrey Lewis, Balfour and Weizmann: The Zionist, The Zealot 
and the Emergence of Israel, London: Continuum books, 2009, p. 19. 
Deborah J. Schmidle, “Anthony Ashley-Cooper, Seventh Earl of Shaftsbury,” 
in Hugh D. Hindman (ed.), The World of Child Labour: An Historical and 
Regional Survey, London and New York: M. E. Sharpe, 2009, p. 569. 









| have developed this idea in Ilan Pappe, The Rise and Fall of a Palestinian 
Dynasty: The Husaynis, 1700-1948, London: Saqi Books, 2010, pp. 84, 117. 

Helmut Glenk, From Desert Sands to Golden Oranges: The History of the 
German Templers Settlement of Sarona in Palestine, Toronto: Trafford, 2005, 
is one of the few works in English. Most of the works on the Templars are in 
either German or Hebrew. 

Alexander Scholch, Palestine in Transformation, 1856-1882: Studies in 
Social, Economic, and Political Development, Washington: Institute of 
Palestine Studies, 2006. 

Pappe, The Rise and Fall of a Palestinian Dynasty, p. 115. 

Verte’s 1970 article was republished as “The Balfour Declaration and Its 
Makers” in N. Rose (ed.), From Palmerston to Balfour: Collected Essays of 
Mayer Verte, London: Frank Cass, 1992, pp. 1-38. 

J. M. N Jeffries, Palestine: The Reality, Washington: Institute of Palestine 
Studies, 2013. 

The book has been reprinted as Arthur Koestler, The Khazar Empire and its 
Heritage, New York: Random House, 1999. 

Keith Whitelam, in The Invention of Ancient Israel, London and New York: 
Routledge, 1999, and Thomas L. Thompson, in The Mythical Past: Biblical 
Archaeology and the Myth of Israel, London: Basic Books, 1999, created the 
Copenhagen School of biblical minimalism that pursues the main arguments 
and research on this issue. 

Shlomo Sand, The Invention of the Jewish People, and The Invention of the 
Land of Israel: From Holy Land to Homeland, London and New York: Verso, 

3 Zionism Is Judaism 

Gershom Scholem, From Berlin to Jerusalem: Youth Memoirs, Jerusalem: Am 
Oved, 1982, p. 34 (Hebrew). 

. The following quotes from the Reformists are taken from an assessment of 

their position, critical and pro-Zionist but nonetheless very informative, 
which includes the documents in full. See Ami Isserof, “Opposition of Reform 
Judaism to Zionism: A History,” August 12, 2005, at zionism-israel.com. 
Walter Lacquer, The History of Zionism, New York: Tauris Park Paperback, 
2003, pp. 338-98. 

. The most recent work on the movement is Yoav Peled, Class and Ethnicity in 

the Pale: The Political Economy of Jewish Workers’ Nationalism in Late 
Imperial Russia, London: St. Martin’s Press, 1989. 

M. W. Weisgal and J. Carmichael (eds.), Chaim Weizmann: A Biography by 
Several Hands, New York: Oxford University Press, 1963. 

Elie Kedourie, Nationalism, Oxford: Blackwell, 1993, p. 70. 

Shlomo Avineri, The Making of Modern Zionism: Intellectual Origins of the 
Jewish State, New York: Basic Books, 1981, pp. 187-209. 

You can now download the book for free at jewishvirtuallibrary.org. 







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See Eliezer Shweid, Homeland and the Promised Land, Tel Aviv: Am Oved, 
1979, p. 218 (Hebrew). 

Micha Yosef Berdichevsky, “On Both Sides,” quoted in Asaf Sagiv, “The 
Fathers of Zionism and the Myth of the Birth of the Nation,” Techelt, 5 
(1998), p. 93 (Hebrew). 

A good discussion on these options can be found in Adam Rovner, /n the 
Shadow of Zion: Promised Lands Before Israel, New York: NYU Press, 2014. 

An excellent summary of this point with adequate references can be found 
in Stephen Sizer’s article “The Road to Balfour: The History of Christian 
Zionism,” at balfourproject.org. 

Ingrid Hjelm and Thomas Thompson (eds.), History, Archaeology and the 
Bible, Forty Years after “Historicity,” London and New York: Routledge, 2016. 

Ilan Pappe, “Shtetl Colonialism: First and Last Impressions of Indigeneity by 
Colonised Colonisers,” Settler Colonial Studies, 2:1 (2012), pp. 39-58. 

Moshe Bellinson, “Rebelling Against Reality,” in The Book of the Second 
Aliya, Tel Aviv: Am Oved, 1947 (Hebrew), p. 48. This book is the largest 
published collection of Second Aliya diary entries, letters and articles. 

Yona Hurewitz, “From Kibush Ha-Avoda to Settlement,” in The Book of the 
Second Aliya, p. 210. 

llan Pappe, “The Bible in the Service of Zionism, 
History, Archaeology and the Bible, pp. 205-18. 

For a discussion of these works and the early introduction of the colonialist 
paradigm to the research on Zionism see Uri Ram, “The Colonisation 
Perspective in Israeli Sociology,” in Ilan Pappe (ed.), The Israel/Palestine 
Question, London and New York: Routledge, 1999, pp. 53-77. 

Michael Prior, The Bible and Colonialism: A Moral Critique, London: 
Bloomsbury 1997. 

These themes are discussed at length in an excellent book that alas exists 
only in Hebrew: Sefi Rachlevski, The Messiah’s Donkey, Tel Aviv: Yeditot 
Achronot, 1998. 

This appeared on her official Facebook page on July 1, 2014, and was widely 
quoted in the Israeli press. 

Quoted in Jonathan K. Crane, “Faltering Dialogue? Religious Rhetoric of 
Mohandas Ghandi and Martin Buber,” Anaskati Darshan, 3:1 (2007), pp. 34- 
52. See also A. K. Ramakrishnan, “Mahatma Ghandi Rejected Zionism,” The 
Wisdom Fund, August 15, 2001, at twf.org. 

Quoted in Avner Falk, “Buber and Ghandi,” Ghandi Marg, 7th year, October 
1963, p. 2. There are several websites such as the Ghandi Archives that also 
have the full dialogue. 

Ben-Zion Dinaburg’s The People of Israel in their Land: From the Beginning 
of Israel to the Babylonian Exile was published in Hebrew in 1936 and a 
second volume, /srae/ in Exile, in 1946. 

Martin Gilbert, The Atlas of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Oxford: Oxford 
University Press, 1993. 

The letter appears on the official website, dated November 29, 2014. 


in Hjelm and Thompson, 



i Be 

Tom Segev, One Palestine, Complete, London: Abacus, 2001, p. 401. 

4 Zionism Is Not Colonialism 

Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, Original Sins: Reflections on the History of Zionism 
and Israel, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 1992, p. 74. 

Patrick Wolfe, “Settler Colonialism and the Logic of Elimination of the 
Native,” Journal of Genocide Research, 8:4 (2006), pp. 387-409. 


See Pappe, “Shtetl Colonialism.” 

For a discussion of these works and the early introduction of the colonialist 
paradigm into the research on Zionism, see Ram, “The Colonisation 
Perspective in Israeli Sociology.” 

Natan Hofshi, “A Pact with the Land,” in The Book of the Second Aliya, p. 

| have examined these relationships in detail in A History of Modern 
Palestine, pp. 108-16. 

Khalidi, Palestinian Identity, p. 239. 

See Pappe, A History of Modern Palestine, pp. 109-16. 

See Ilan Pappe, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, Oxford: Oneworld, 2006, 
pp. 29-39. 

See Pappe, The Rise and Fall of a Palestinian Dynasty, pp. 283-7. 

For an in-depth analysis see Ilan Pappe, The /dea of Israel: A History of 
Power and Knowledge, London and New York: Verso, 2010, pp. 153-78. 

5 The Palestinians Voluntarily Left Their Homeland in 1948 


Nur Masalha, Expulsion of the Palestinians: The Concept of “Transfer” in 
Zionist Political Thought, 1882-1948, Washington: Institute for Palestine 
Studies, 1992. 

See Anita Shapira, Land and Power, New York: Oxford University Press, 
1992, pp. 285-6. 

Quoted in David Ben-Gurion, The Roads of Our State, Am Oved: Tel Aviv, 
1938, pp. 179-180 (Hebrew). 


See the letter in in translation at palestineremembered.com. 

. Yosef Gorny, The Arab Question and the Jewish Problem, Am Oved: Tel Aviv, 

1985, p. 433 (Hebrew). 

Benny Morris, Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 
1881-1999, New York: Random House, 2001, p. 142. 

Masalha, Expulsion of the Palestinians, p. 117. 

See report ty Eric Bender in Maariv, March 31, 2008. 

Berl Katznelson, Writings, Tel Aviv: Davar, 1947, Vol. 5, p. 112. 
















Central Zionist Archives, Minutes of the Jewish Agency Executive, May 7, 
1944, pp. 17-19. 

Central Zionist Archives, Minutes of the Jewish Agency Executive, June 12, 
1938, pp. 31-2. 



Shay Hazkani, “Catastrophic Thinking: Did Ben-Gurion Try to Re-write 
History?,” Haaretz, May 16, 2013. 



The first person to refute these calls was the Irish journalist Erskine Childs 
in The Spectator, May 12, 1961. 

llan Pappe, “Why were they Expelled?: The History, Historiography and 
Relevance of the Refugee Problem,” in Ghada Karmi and Eugene Cortan 
(eds.), The Palestinian Exodus, 1948-1988, London: Ithaca 1999, pp. 37-63. 

See Pappe, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. 

Avi Shlaim, The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World, London: Penguin, 2014. 

Avi Shlaim, Collusion Across the Jordan: King Abdullah, the Zionist 
Movement and the Partition of Palestine, New York: Columbia University 
Press, 1988. 

This was quite convincingly proved by Simha Flapan in The Birth of Israel: 
Myths and Realities, New York: Pantheon, 1988. 

New and more profound material on this twist has now been exposed in a 
recent book by Irene Gendzier, Dying to Forget: Oil, Power, Palestine, and 
the Foundations of US Policy in the Middle East, New York: Columbia 
University Press, 2015. 

Ahmad Sa’di, “The Incorporation of the Palestinian Minority by the Israeli 
State, 1948-1970: On the Nature, Transformation and Constraints of 
Collaboration,” Socia/ Text, 21:2 (2003), pp. 75-94. 

Walid Khalidi, “Plan Dalet: Master Plan for the Conquest of Palestine,” 
Journal of Palestine Studies, 18:1 (1988), pp. 4-33. 

Benny Morris, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, 
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, p. 426. 

US State Department, Special Report on Ethnic Cleansing, May 10, 1999. 

| detailed this in The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. 

6 The June 1967 War Was a War of “No Choice” 

Not everyone agrees with this. See Avi Shlaim, /srae/ and Palestine: 
Reprisals, Revisions, Refutations, New York and London: Verso, 2010. 
Shlaim, Collusion Across the Jordan. 













For more on this lobby and its work, see Tom Segev’s 1967: Israel and the 
War That Transformed the Middle East, New York: Holt and Company, 2008, 
and Ilan Pappe, “The Junior Partner: Israel’s Role in the 1958 Crisis,” in Roger 
Louis and Roger Owen (eds.), A Revolutionary Year: The Middle East in 1958, 
London and New York: I. B. Tauris 2002, pp. 245-74. 

Pappe, “The Junior Partner.” 



Ben-Gurion Archive, Ben-Gurion Dairy, August 19, 1958. 

For a very honest version of these events see David Shaham, /srae/: The 
First Forty Years, Tel Aviv: Am Oved 1991, pp. 239-47 (Hebrew). 

See Shalim, The Iron Wall, pp. 95-142. 

Pappe, “The Junior Partner,” pp. 251-2. 

Ami Gluska, The Israeli Military and the Origins of the 1967 War: 
Government, Armed Forces and Defence Policy, 1963-1967, London and 
New York: Routledge 2007, pp. 121-2. 

| have discussed this in detail in Ilan Pappe, “Revisiting 1967: The False 
Paradigm of Peace, Partition and Parity,” Settler Colonial Studies, 3:3-4 
(2013), pp. 341-51. 

In his typical way Norman Finkelstein takes the official narrative of Israel as 
presented by one of its best articulators, Abba Eban, and demolishes it. See 
his Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict, London and New York: 
Verso, 2003, pp. 135-45. 

From an interview given by Rabin on May 12, 1967 to the UPI news service 
in which he threatened in addition to topple the Syrian regime. See Jeremy 
Bowen, Six Days: How the 1967 War Shaped the Middle East, London: Simon 
and Schuster UK, 2004, pp. 32-3. 


See Avi Shlaim, “Walking the Tight Rope,” in Avi Shlaim and Wm. Roger 
Louis (eds.), The 1967 Arab-Israeli War: Origins and Consequences, 
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012, p. 114. 

Finkelstein, /mage and Reality, pp. 125-35. 

Moshe Shemesh, Arab Politics, Palestinian Nationalism and the Six Day War, 
Brighton: Sussex Academic Press, 2008, p. 117. 

Israel State Archives, minutes of government meetings, June 11 and 18, 

Valerie Zink, “A Quiet Transfer: The Judaization of Jerusalem,” Contemporary 
Arab Affairs, 2:1 (2009), pp. 122-33. 

Israel State Archives, minutes of government meeting, June 26, 1967. 
Haaretz, June 23, 1967. 

Dan Bavli, Dreams and Missed Opportunities, 1967-1973, Jerusalem: 
Carmel 2002 (Hebrew). 

Ibid, p. 16. 

Noam Chomsky “Chomsky: Why the Israel-Palestine ‘Negotiation’ are a 
Complete Farce,” Alternet.org, September 2, 2013. 



sal al 


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i Be 





Idith Zertal and Akiva Eldar, The Lords of the Land: The War Over Israel’s 
Settlements in the Occupied Territories, 1967-2007, New York: Nation Books, 

Mazin Qumsiyeh, Popular Resistance in Palestine: A History of Hope and 
Empowerment, London: Pluto Press, 2011. 

7 Israel Is the Only Democracy in the Middle East 

A detailed description of this life can be found in Ilan Pappe, The Forgotten 
Palestinians: A History of the Palestinians in Israel, New Haven and London: 
Yale University Press, 2013, pp. 46-93. 

Morris, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, p. 471. 

See Pappe, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, pp. 181-7. 

Shira Robinson, “Local Struggle, National Struggle: Palestinian Responses to 
the Kafr Qasim Massacre and its Aftermath, 1956-66,” /nternational Journal 
of Middle East Studies, 35 (2003), pp. 393-416. 

Natan Alterman, “A Matter of No Importance,” Davar, September 7, 1951. 
Natan Alterman, “Two Security Measures,” The Seventh Column, Vol. 1, p. 
291 (Hebrew). 

| have listed these in The Forgotten Palestinians. 

See Pappe, The Forgotten Palestinians, p. 65. 

See the report by Adalah, “An Anti-Human Rights Year for the Israeli 
Supreme Court,” December 10, 2015, at adalah.org. 

The Jerusalem Post, November 24, 2011. 

See Ilan Pappe, “In Upper Nazareth: Judaisation,” London Review of Books, 
September 10, 2009. 

See Amnon Sella, “Custodians and Redeemers: Israel’s Leaders’ Perceptions 
of Peace, 1967-1979,” Middle East Studies, 22:2 (1986), pp. 236-51. 

Motti Golani, Palestine Between Politics and Terror, 1945-1947, Brandeis: 
Brandeis University Press, 2013, p. 201. 

Horrific detailed descriptions of almost every such demolition can be found 
on the website of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, at 

See the report of the Israeli NGO Yesh Din, “Law Enforcement on Israeli 
Civilians in the West Bank,” at yesh-din.org. 

See “Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territories,” at amnesty.org. 

The fatalities count is more accurate from 1987 onwards, but there are 
reliable sources for the period as a whole. See the reports of fatalities by 
B’Tselem and visit their statistics page at btselem.org. Other sources include 
IMEMC and UN OCHA reports. 

One of the more thorough reports on the numbers of prisoners can be found 
in Mohammad Ma’ri, “Israeli Forces Arrested 800,000 Palestinians since 
1967,” The Saudi Gazette, December 12, 2012. 








See the document in the Harry Truman Library, “The War Relocation 
Authority and the Incarceration of the Japanese-Americans in the Second 
World War,” at trumanlibrary.org. 

See “Torture in _ Israeli Prisons,” October 29, 2014, at 

Oren Yiftachel and As’ad Ghanem, “Towards a Theory of Ethnocratic 
Regimes: Learning from the Judaisation of Israel/Palestine,” in E. Kaufman 
(ed.), Rethinking Ethnicity, Majority Groups and Dominant Minorities, London 
and New York: Routledge, 2004, pp. 179-97. 

See Uri Davis, Apartheid Israel: Possibilities for the Struggle from Within, 
London: Zed Books, 2004. 

8 The Oslo Mythologies 

Masalha, Expulsion of the Palestinians, p. 107. 

Walid Khalidi, “Revisiting the UNGA Partition Resolution,” Journal of Palestine 
Studies, 27:1 (1997), pp. 5-21. 

The best account of the developments leading to the Oslo Accord is Hilde 
Henriksen Waage, “Postscript to Oslo: The Mystery of Norway’s Missing 
Files,” Journal of Palestine Studies, 38:1 (2008), pp. 54-65. 

See “1993 Oslo Interim Agreement,” at israelipalestinian.procon.org. 

See lan Black, “How the Oslo Accord Robbed the Palestinians,” Guardian, 
February 4, 2013. 

See “Meeting Minutes: Taba Summit—Plenary Session,” at 

llan Pappe, The Making of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1948-1951, London and 
New York: I.B. Tauris, 1992, pp. 203-43. 

Robert Bowker, Palestinian Refugees: Mythology, Identity and the Search for 
Peace, Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2003, p. 157. 

Meron Benvenisti, West Bank Data Project: A Survey of Israel’s Politics, 
Jerusalem: AEI Press, 1984. 

Robert Malley and Hussein Agha, “Camp David: The Tragedy of Errors,” New 
York Review of Books, August 9, 2001. 

Daniel Dor, The Suppression of Guilt: The Israeli Media and the 
Reoccupation of the West Bank, London: Pluto Press, 2005. 

Raviv Drucker and Ofer Shelah, Boomerang, Jerusalem: Keter, 2005 

For the full text see “Sharm El-Sheikh Fact-Finding Committee Report: 
‘Mitchell Report’,” April 30, 2001, at eeas.europa.eu. 

9 The Gaza Mythologies 


ia al iad 



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llan Pappe, “The Loner Desparado: Oppression, Nationalism and Islam in 
Occupied Palestine,” in Marco Demchiles (ed.), A Struggle to Define a Nation 
(forthcoming with Gorgias Press). 

Pappe, The Idea of Israel, pp. 27-47. 

Ibid, pp. 153-78. 

A refreshing view on Hamas can be found in Sara Roy, Hamas and Civil 
Society in Gaza: Engaging the Islamist Social Sector, Princeton: Princeton 
University Press, 2011. 

. Yehuda Lukacs, /srael, Jordan, and the Peace Process, Albany: Syracuse 

University Press, 1999, p. 141. 

Quoted in Andrew Higgins, “How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas,” Wal/ 
Street Journal, January 24, 2009. 

Shlomi Eldar, Jo Know the Hamas, Tel Aviv: Keter, 2012 (Hebrew). 

Ishaan Tharoor, “How Israel Helped to Create Hamas,” Washington Post, July 
30, 2014. 

Chabon in an interview with Haaretz, April 25, 2016. 

For a good analysis of how Netanyahu employs the “clash of civilizations” 
by a university student, see Joshua R. Fattal, “Israel vs. Hamas: A Clash of 
Civilizations?,” The World Post, August 22, 2014, at huffingtonpost.com. 
“Hamas Accuses Fatah over Attack,” Al Jazeera, December 15, 2006. 

Ibrahim Razzaqg, “Reporter’s Family was Caught in the Gunfire,” Boston 
Globe, May 17, 2007—one of many eyewitness accounts of those difficult 

“Palestine Papers: UK’s MI6 ‘tried to weaken Hamas,’” BBC News, January 
25, 2011, at bbc.co.uk. 

lan Black, “Palestine Papers Reveal MI6 Drew up Plan for Crackdown on 
Hamas,” Guardian, January 25, 2011. 

A taste of his views can be found in Yuval Steinitz, “How Palestinian Hate 
Prevents Peace,” New York Times, October 15, 2013. 

Reshet Bet, Israel Broadcast, April 18, 2004. 

Benny Morris, Channel One, April 18, 2004, and see Joel Beinin, “No More 
Tears: Benny Morris and the Road Back from Liberal Zionism,” MERIP, 230 
(Spring 2004). 

Pappe, “Revisiting 1967.” 

Ari Shavit, “PM Aide: Gaza Plan Aims to Freeze the Peace Process,” Haaretz, 
October 6, 2004. 

Haaretz, April 17, 2004. 

Pappe, “Revisiting 1967.” 

For an excellent analysis written on the day itself, see Ali Abunimah, “Why 
All the Fuss About the Bush-Sharon Meeting,” Electronic Intifada, April 14, 

Quoted in Yediot Ahronoth, April 22, 2014. 

See “Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied 
Palestinian Territory,” on the IC) website, icj-cij.org. 







oe 5 


At first, in March 2004, Beilin was against the disengagement, but from July 
2004 he openly supported it (Channel One interview, July 4, 2004). 

See the fatalities statistics on B’Iselem’s website, btselem.org. 

Leslie Susser, “The Rise and Fall of the Kadima Party,” /erusalem Post, 
August 8, 2012. 

John Dugard, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of the 
Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories Occupied by Israel since 1967, 
UN Commission on Human Rights, Geneva, March 3, 2005. 

See the analysis by Roni Sofer in Ma’ariv, September 27, 2005. 

Anne Penketh, “US and Arab States Clash at the UN Security Council,” 
Independent, March 3, 2008. 

David Morrison, “The Israel-Hamas Ceasefire,” Sadaka, 2nd edition, March 
2010, at web.archive.org. 

“WikiLeaks: Israel Aimed to Keep Gaza Economy on the Brink of Collapse,” 
Reuters, January 5, 2011. 

Morrison, “The Israel-Hamas Ceasefire.” 

See the B’Tselem report “Fatalities during Operation Cast Lead,” at 

“Gaza Could Become Uninhabitable in Less Than Five Years Due to Ongoing 


‘De-development’,” UN News Centre, September 1, 2015, at un.org. 

10 The Two-States Solution Is the Only Way Forward 

Daniel Clinton, “Jeremy Corbyn Appears to Compare Supporters of Israel 
with ISIS at Release of Anti-Semitism Report,” /erusa/em Post, June 30, 2016. 
On the dictionary see Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappe, On Palestine, London: 
Penguin, 2016. 


1967 (Segev), 71, 161n3 

Abbas, Mahmoud (Abu Mazen), 116-17, 119 
Abdel-Shafi, Haidar, 98 

Abu Dis, 99, 102 

Acre, 6, 9, 37, 62 

Adams, John, 13 

al-Husayni, Hajj Amin, 47 

al-Husseini, Faysal, 98 

al-Mujama al-Islamiya (Islamic Society), 115-16 
al-Qassam, Izz ad-Din, 46-7, 48 

al-Rantisi, Abul Aziz, 121, 124 

Alexander, Michael Solomon, 16 

Ali, Mohamet (Muhammad), 15 

Aliyahs, First and Second, 18 

Alon, Yigal, 34, 35, 70, 78, 123 

Alterman, Natan, 87 

Altnueland (Herzl), 30 

American Council of Judaism (ACJ), 26 
Americans, see United States 

Amnesty International, 94-5 

Apartheid (South Africa), 42, 146 

Arab Higher Committee, 46, 58, 100 

Arab League, 58, 100 

Arafat, Yasser, 97, 98-9, 106-7, 109, 112, 116-17 

Area A, 125 

Area C, 106, 142 

Atlas of the Arab-Israeli Conflict (Gilbert), 39 
Austro-Hungarian Empire, 23, 44 

Balfour Declaration, 13, 19-20, 53 

Barak, Ehud, 99, 102, 107 

Bavli, Dan, 79 

Begin, Menachem, 78 

Beilin, Yossi, 102, 129 

Beirut, 9 

Ben-Gurion, David, 33, 34, 37, 40, 43-4, 51-2, 53, 55, 61-2, 69, 70-1, 72-3 
Ben-Gurion airport, 127, 136 

Benvenisiti, Meron, 105 

Berlin to Jerusalem (Scholem), 25 

The Bible and Colonialism (Prior), 35 

The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem (Morris), 53 
Blair, Tony, 120, 123 

Blyth, George Francis Popham, 16 

Bonaparte, Napoleon, 12 

Boomerang (Shelah and Drucker), 108 

Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, 95-6, 129, 144 
Brightman, Thomas, 11 

Britain, 8, 12, 13-14, 18-20, 28, 44-5, 53-4, 58 
B’Tselem, 95, 130-1 

Buber, Martin, 37 

Bundists, 27-8 

Bush, George H. W., 98 

Bush, George W., 109, 122, 127-9 

Camp David Summit (2000), 99, 102, 105, 106-8 
Carmel Mountain, 5, 17, 86 
Carter Peace Center, 134 
Chabon, Michael, 117 
Chateaubriand, Francois-René, 12 
Chomsky, Noam, 79, 130, 166n2 
Christian Zionism, 15, 17, 31, 128 
Church of England, 16, 25 
Clinton, Bill, 97, 99 

Cohen, Amnon, 5 

Cohen, Avner, 115 

Corbyn, Jeremy, 142 

Crusaders, 3, 19, 39 

Damascus, 4, 45, 124 
Dayan, Moshe, 70, 79, 123 
Dinur, Ben-Zion, 39 
Dzikover, Rabbi of, 29 

Eban, Abba, 75, 108, 162n13 

Egypt, 15, 30, 57, 58, 70-3, 75-6, 88, 100, 137 
Eilat, 71, 75 

England, see Britain 

Eretz Israel, 9, 26, 37, 92, 119 

Expulsion of the Palestinians (Masalha), 50 

Fafo, 98 

Fatah movement, 74, 101, 112-13, 119-21 
Filastin (newspaper), 8 

Finkelstein, Israel, 21 

Finkelstein, Norman, 77, 162n13 

Finn, James, 16, 19 

France, 8, 44, 72 

Free Officers, 70 

Gabai, Ronni, 55-6 

Galilee, 5, 90 

Gandhi, Mahatma, 37-8 

Gaza Strip, xii, 20, 29, 35-6, 64, 72, 75-81, 91-3, 105-6, 111-37, 147 
Germany, 17-18, 24-6, 47, 147 

Golan Heights, 71-2, 74, 76 

Great Arab Revolt, 93 

Gulf War (1991), 98 

Gush Emunim, 29, 36, 80, 92, 125 

Gush Qatif block, 124 

Haaretz (newspaper), 54, 124, 126 
Haifa, 17, 62, 86 

Hamas, 46, 111-17, 119-21, 124-26, 134-36 
Hammarskjold, Dag, 73, 75 
Haniyeh, Ismail, 120 

Haram al-Sharif, 94, 108 

Harbingers of Zionism, 24 

Hartley, David, 13 

Hashemite dynasty, 59, 70 

Hebron, 34, 35, 46, 94 

Herzl, Theodor, 18, 24, 26-8, 30, 31 
Hezbollah, 108, 126 

The History of Zionism (Lacquer), 27 
Holocaust, 28, 37, 39, 58, 147 
Hussein bin Talal, King, 57, 76 

The Idea of Israel (Pappe), 114 
Intifada, 66 
First, 111 
Second, 98, 106-10, 112, 114, 117 
The Invention of the Jewish People (Sand), 11, 21 

The Invention of the Land of Israel (Sand), 21 

Iran, 115, 119 

The Iron Wall (Shlaim), 57 

Islamic Jihad, 114, 132 

Islamic State, 146 

Israel Defense Force (IDF), 74, 86, 94, 108, 124, 132-3, 136 
Istanbul, 7, 8, 9 

Jaffa, 16, 37, 62, 118 

Jeffries, J. M. N., 20 

Jenin, 124 

Jerusalem, 5, 9, 15-17, 18, 57, 65, 75-6, 77, 93, 98-9, 141-2 
Greater, 64, 79, 131 

Jewish National Fund (JNF), 34, 46, 66, 90 

Jordan, 59-60, 63, 69-70, 75-8, 97, 100, 132 
River, 69, 72, 74 

Judea, 13, 14, 26 

Kadima, 80, 131 

Kafr Qasim Massacre, 66, 86 
Katznelson, Berl, 50-2 
Khalidi, Rashid, 7-8 

Khazar Empire, x, 20 
King-Crane Commission, 45 
Knesset, 87, 121, 128 
Koestler, Arthur, 20 

Labor Party (Israel), 34, 97, 102, 126, 129 
Lacquer, Walter, 27 

Lausanne Conference (1949), 103 

League of Nations, 45, 59 

Lebanon, 68, 70, 74, 108, 133 

Ligne, Charles-Joseph of 

Likud Party, 34, 80, 97, 102, 124 

Lindsay, John, 12 

The Lords of the Land (Zertal and Eldar), 80 
Lovers of Zion, 24, 30 

Madrid Conference (1991), 98 
MAFDAL (Religious National Party), 36 
Majdal, 118 

Maoz, Moshe, 55 

Mapam, 78, 87 

Masalha, Nur, 50, 62 

Mavi Marmara, 137 

Mediterranean Sea, 69 

Meretz, 126, 129 

MI6, 120 

Middle East Quartet (Madrid Quartet), 123, 125 
Mitchell, Robert, 109 

Morris, Benny, 53, 55, 122 

Muslih, Muhammad, 7 

Muslim Brotherhood, 111 

Nablus, 9, 51 

Nakbah (1948), 47, 65-6, 143 

Nasser, Gamal Abdul, 51, 71-5, 88 

Nazareth, 90 

Netanyahu, Benjamin, 99, 102, 105, 117, 119, 142 

Oldenburg, Henry, 12 

Olmert, Ehud, 80, 125, 131 

Oslo Il (Taba) Agreement, 101 

Oslo Accord, 65, 97-110 

Ottoman Empire, 4-9, 14-15, 27, 44-5 

Mandatory, 17, 33, 39-40, 46-7, 56-60, 62, 73, 93 
Roman, x, 3, 21, 39 
Palestine Communist Party (PCP), 61 
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), xi, 97-9, 112, 115 
Palestine: The Reality (Jeffries), 20 
Palestinian Authority (PA), 105, 112, 117, 119, 120, 122, 124-5, 132 
Palmerston, Lord, 13-15 
Peel Commission, 40, 100 
Plan Dalet (Plan D), 54, 61, 62 
Presidential Guard, 120 
Protestants, xi, 11, 20 

Qiryat Arba, 35 

Rabin, Yitzhak, 36, 66, 74, 97, 102, 115 
Rafah, 120 
Ramallah, 120 
Ramleh, 37, 63 
Reformists, 25-6 
Religious Zionism, 29 
Road Map to peace, 122, 123, 127, 131 
Russia, 19, 27 
Pogroms in, 18, 24 

Sadaka, 135 

Sa’di, Ahmad, 62 
Sand, Shlomo, 11, 21 
Sanjak, 9 

Sarid, Yossi, 128 
Scholch, Alexander, 17 

Scholem, Gershom, 25 

Segev, Tom, 71 

Shalit, Gilad, 133 

Shafir, Gershon, 34, 43 

Shaftesbury, Lord, 13-15 

Sharon, Ariel, 68, 80, 108, 109, 123-9, 131 
Sharett, Moshe, 52, 72 

Shefamr, 6 

Shiloah Institute, 55 

Shlaim, Avi, 57, 72 

Sinai Peninsula, 20, 57, 71, 73, 75, 79, 123 
Six-Day War (1967 war), 64, 68-81, 103 
Soviet Union, 61, 70, 74 

Steinitz, Yuval, 121-2 

Sykes-Picot Agreement, 8 

Syria, 8, 45, 51, 52-3, 71-6, 136 

Tel Aviv, 76, 136 

Temple Mount, see Haram al-Sharif 

Templers (German Temple Pietist movement), 17-18 
The Thirteenth Tribe (Koestler), 20 

Thompson, Thomas, 21 

Tiberias, 6 

The Times (London newspaper), 15 

To Know the Hamas (Eldar), 116 

Tul-Karim, 132 

Turkey, 7 

United Nations, 46, 54, 56, 68, 60, 73, 75, 103-4, 134, 136 
Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP), 58, 59, 100 
Security Council, 77, 142 
United States, 7, 13, 19, 25-6, 42, 54, 60, 70, 76, 95, 98, 100, 102, 105-7, 121- 
2, 126-8, 134 
Ussishkin, Manachem, 52, 53 
Verte, Mayer, 19 
Via Maris, 118 

West Bank, vii, xi, 29, 57, 60, 64, 65, 69, 70-1, 75-8, 92, 94-5, 106, 107, 108, 
123-8, 131-2, 141-4 

Whitelam, Keith, 21 

Wolfe, Patrick, 42 

World War I, 7, 28, 59 

World War Il, 47, 53, 95, 148 

World Zionist movement, 31 

Yassin, Sheikh Ahmed, 115-16, 124 
Yiftachel, Oren, 96 

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