
Come and See | WAR FILM | FULL MOVIE Mosfilm

Come and See | WAR FILM | FULL MOVIE

522K subscribers




5,094,793 views  Premiered May 7, 2022  #WW2 #FullMoviesWithEngSubs #WarMovie
1943, the Great Patriotic War, territory of Belarus. The 16-year-old boy Flera, having dug out a carbine among scraps of barbed wire, rusty machine-gun belts and shot-through helmets, goes into the forest to join the ranks of the partisans.

This film, like no other, shows the tragedy of a child on a battlefield. At the beginning of the picture Flera is just a teenager. But In the end, having gone through horror and fear, child becomes an adult, frighteningly adult - his face is distorted by senile wrinkles, and there is no room for love in his soul...

IMDb rating: 8,4

Year of production: 1985

Director: Klimov Elem
Writers: Alexander Adamovich, Elem Klimov
Composer: Yanchenko Oleg
Operator: Rodionov Alexey
Production designer: Petrov Victor
Cast: Laucevičius Lubomiras, Berda Alexander, Kravchenko Alexey, Mironova Olga, Bagdonas Vladas, Lumiste Juri, Lorenz Victor, Rabetsky Kazimir, Tilicheev Evgeny, Vasiliev Victor, Domrachev Vasily

#WarMovie #PartisanWar #WW2 #ComeAndSee #FullMoviesWithEngSubs

522K subscribers

4 months ago
A film that makes me feel the way a war movie should.  No sense of happiness of triumph, just loss and regret



29 replies

1 month ago
Sound in this movie is dead silence or chaos, no in between. It exemplifies true horrors of war. No heroic music, no fanfares, just human suffering laid in front of you.



1 reply

2 months ago
Without question the greatest performance by a child actor ever. No one else comes close



15 replies

3 months ago (edited)
films like these needs to exist, its a reminder for some people who seem to forget history pretty quickly



23 replies

2 months ago
I was born in Russia in 1968 and grew up listening to my grandparents' stories about the war. In 1985, we went to the cinema with college friends in Moscow to watch this film. I left there horrified. And to think that my grandfather was this boy's age at the time.



15 replies

1 year ago
This is a true horror film. No Jumpscares, no scary monster. Real people



79 replies

2 months ago
I just noticed like halfway through that the channel didn’t even put ads on the movie. Right on guys



7 replies

3 months ago
When i was a soviet kid in early 80's i asked my grandparents and grandparents of my friends about war. What they saw, some heroic stories. and my friends asked same. But we usually heard just couple of words. Grandfathers frowned and went away to smoke or something and grandmothers sometimes even started crying. Some scars never stopped bleeding.



1 reply

1 year ago
Those child actors truly did an outstanding performance! 
The boy became a professional actor later, but for the girl it was her only movie she was ever in.



23 replies

2 years ago
This is how a movie about WW should be made. 
Its not about heroes who defeat evil, not a saint who fight for justice. Unlike any other war movie nowadays which glorified wars, this movie depict the cruelty of them as it is.



16 replies

2 months ago
The scene of Glasha chasing after Flyora to find his family, only for her to turn around and catch a quick glimpse of the corpses behind the house will forever be etched into my brain. It took almost no words for that scene, and it is incredibly powerful.



16 replies

4 months ago
Whenever I’m having a bad day or am just outright feeling depressed about something. I watch movies and documentaries about war and genocide like these to remind myself that somewhere out there, past or present, other people experienced far worse than whatever it is I’m going through



5 replies

11 months ago
I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone look as traumatized and broken as the kid near the end of the film, truly amazing acting



25 replies

1 year ago (edited)
I have never felt more privileged to be an American born in the 2000s. I will never complain again.



214 replies

2 months ago



4 replies

4 months ago
I’ve been meaning to watch this film for 20 years. Almost purchased it from Criterion. Heard it was one of the greatest war films ever made. Watched many hundreds of films but never got around to it. Then I find it on You Tube and finally watch it and it turns out to be as incredible a film experience as I had read it was. And what an ending. It’s no wonder that Elem never made another film as he felt he had said everything in this one. A masterpiece. Thank you Mosfilm for making it available to everyone to see.



10 replies

2 years ago
These are all practical effects.  No special effects.  No CG.
All real.  All practical - including the bullets and explosions.
A brutal story about true events.  I certainly would NOT forget this movie.



59 replies

1 year ago
The worst part about this movie is that it isn't fiction. The murders, r@pes and other atrocities actually happened. This is just a pov of what it was like to live through it.



6 replies

1 month ago
“To love….to bear children” is a quote I’ll always remember. What a masterpiece of a film. Gut-wrenching.



5 replies

2 months ago
Everyone spoke like it was gruesome, but I am overawed by the poetry and artistry. For a film that is so distinctive visually, I was really struck by the masterful use of sound. Pure art.



4 replies

1 year ago (edited)
That intro. There’s something so haunting about just two kids digging up a battlefield, innocently playing with the guns and helmets the dead soldiers left behind. Incredible film



38 replies

1 year ago (edited)
This movie really puts into perspective how little time has passed since WW2. A lot of the people who acted in this movie probably experienced the war. The weapons, German/Soviet uniforms and equipment are definitely almost all original which gives an authentic feel. Such a powerful movie, it looks like a modern production thanks to the cinematography.



21 replies

4 months ago
When the Screams turns into a Silence in the raging fire is such a hellish scene



1 reply

4 months ago
Incredible performances across the board but the kid playing Flor just absolutely astonished me. He singlehandedly elevated the medium for child actors everywhere. There's scenes in this film I will truly never forget



1 reply

1 year ago (edited)
When I first saw this several years ago I found it so confronting I had to give up, two years later I watched through to the end. My father was in Serbia during WW2 and most of his family were killed or died of hunger. My mother, a non-Serb, said my dad was traumatised and had nightmares about the war for the remainder of his life (he died in late 2008). Watching this gave me the smallest look into what my dad and millions, upon millions of others lived through. I don't know how my father and all those others who survived had the strength and luck to survive the nightmare of war, I am not certain I could have. I hope we and our children never, ever have to live through such events again.



42 replies

4 weeks ago
Perhaps the first time I truly and completely forgot that I'm watching a movie; the immersion is unbelievable.



1 reply

5 months ago
This film is humanity's required reading.  Absolutely powerful.  This will stay with me for the rest of my life.



1 reply

2 years ago (edited)
I am speechless. A more powerful film has never been made. And the actor who played the boy was the best I've ever, ever seen. He aged right before our eyes as parts of him were devoured by relentless waves of the naked, unvarnished horror that destroys humans even if they survive, and destroys humanity just the same.



39 replies

8 months ago
I have never seen a young man age so quickly as in this film. He's a kid in the beginning, playing on a beach. By the end, he looks closer to 40 and is doing what he needs to survive. I wish more people knew about this masterpiece of a film. The surrealness makes it more real in a way. True magic. I wish films like this didn't have to be made but "Come and See" is truly like nothing I've ever seen before.



19 replies

1 month ago



5 replies

4 months ago
Best acting I’ve ever seen in a kid. Me and my dad were left speechless by the end.



2 replies

1 year ago
"Come and See" is the greatest anti-war film ever made. It's a true masterpiece. Everyone should see it at least once in order to comprehend what war is, and does.



83 replies

1 year ago
The scary thing about this film is that it's real,gritty,and horrifying. It depicts how far the human brain can go into destroying its own conscience. This is what war does to the mind. Never forget that



14 replies

4 months ago (edited)
A masterpiece by all means. 
A delight of cinematography.



1 reply

3 months ago
Я взрослый мужчина и не могу смотреть этот фильм без слёз.



1 year ago
51:15 the sense of dread was nearly unbearable when flora first returns home. you know something is terribly wrong and the buildup to the realization that they were all behind the house, dead, the entire time, with the constant presence of the flies was something else



25 replies

5 months ago
Никто не забыт -ничто не забыто ! Слава героям. Друзья нужно помнить историю , чтобы не повторять ошибок.



9 replies

2 weeks ago
I've never felt such intense emotions while watching a film. I finished it 15 minutes ago and my head is still spinning.  This is actual art. My god.



1 reply

1 year ago
My grandparents survived this by taking refuge in the woods in the Vitebsk Gate. People forget that the holocaust was not just Jews but millions of citizens who stood in the way of the German advance.



6 replies

1 year ago (edited)
In filmschool we watched this film in the theater. We were 12 students when the film started.
3 students where left (me included) when the film ended and the lights came back on, the rest of the class could not stomach it.

This is THE most depressing movie ever made! A masterpiece.



84 replies

2 months ago
It's just crazy how the director shocks you all along. In the last scene the director makes you feel like you want them burn, become inhuman yourself, then it stops you with the machine gun scene. A movie never made me feel so angry and ashamed, it makes you feel that every human can become a beast and being human is an active choice



3 replies

3 weeks ago
Ce n'est pas juste un film de guerre mais un film sur la folie. Un pur chef d'oeuvre.



2 years ago
Hats off to the lead boy actor, the director, the writer, and all the artists that created this MASTERPIECE. This is the most realistic and gripping film I've watched since "The Battle of Algiers." I wish I could say more to express my awe and appreciation for this film.



16 replies

1 year ago
The cinematography of this film is absolutely phenomenal. Not many things truly unsettle me, but when the camera stays focused on one of the kid’s faces, I can see the emotion and terror and insanity building inside them. I can’t even watch this in the dark without getting freaked out because the way the camera focuses on their faces makes them look almost inhumane. It just gives this feeling that I can’t explain. All I can think to explain it as is a deep feeling of dread. I have no idea how they were able to portray their feelings so well by just staring into the camera. 

And the part when they return to his mother’s home and he tried to act normal and the girl knew everyone was already dead. The sound of the flies and the obvious reality that he is clearly losing his mind while she has already lost hers.. I almost wanted to skip that scene because it felt so real but I couldn’t. 

These kids are probably the greatest actors I have ever seen. This movie is absolutely incredible and more terrifying than any horror movie out there.



7 replies

5 months ago
i heard this was the greatest anti-war film ever made. but after watching i sort of feel it is the only real actual anti war film i have ever seen.



3 replies

13 days ago
Thank you for this film! 1940s were a living hell for people . This film made me think a lot about humanity



1 year ago
This kid did such a phenomenal job…he was a pitch perfect audience proxy in this film. That look of pure realization and terror afloat in a sea of insanity and ignorance. His face is a perfect cinematic representation for the horrors of war and the savagery of men who have lost their humanity.



6 replies

7 months ago
The way Florya disappears into the crowd at the end is so hauntingly and beautifully sad to me. Just another in a crowd of boys and young men equally torn apart by the horrors of war. Each of them with an equally horrifying story to tell.



3 replies

6 months ago
Diesen Film vergisst man nie!
Das ist unmöglich.
Er hat eine Intensität wie ein Faustschlag in der Magengrube.
Ein Meisterwerk der den wahren Schrecken des Krieges zeigt.



4 replies

3 months ago
Unfortunately, it is far too rare to see the grimmest/most important realities of war portrayed on film, but "Come and See" succeeds and becomes an eternal accomplishment of true art.



11 months ago
While I appreciate that so many people enjoy this as a film, it really is more than that. It’s more than a cinephile talking point. It’s more than “the best horror movie ever” or “the most disturbing depressing movie ever”. This film was a statement. A reminder of real history. This was Klimov’s way of de-romanticizing / caricaturing Nazis, as the tradition had been in Hollywood. 27 million people died in the USSR during the war, compared to 400,000 US soldiers in both the Atlantic and Pacific theaters combined. The sheer terror of Nazi occupation in the East is something no one in the west can really understand. The stats are clear on the treatment of prisoners and citizens between the two halves of Nazi occupied Europe - the Nazis sought to eradicate the Slavic peoples - Vernichtungskreig, a war of annihilation. The Dirlewanger Brigade was just one group that unleashed this kind of obscene genocide on the people in the East.



67 replies

1 year ago
One interesting thing about this movie is this was the last film the filmmaker ever made. Reason he gave for it is he felt like this was it, this was the best movie he could and would ever make and to make more would be futile. This is where it transcends a profession and enters real art.



14 replies

5 months ago
Thank you for giving us all the opportunity to see this movie on youtube!



2 replies

3 months ago
This is the most profound movie I have ever seen. This is the single greatest film I have ever seen. This movie exposes the true horror that was WWII in a way no other film could or probably will again. Thank you to those who created this amazing film!



1 reply

8 months ago
I love that we have this film available internationally. Besides that it is a very strong cultural blueprint and cinematic masterpiece, it is also a huge historical memory, which has to be remembered for ages to come. People should know how insufferably horrific the war was.



6 replies

1 year ago
Soviet cinematography is absolutely underrated



43 replies

6 months ago
So great that many young people get to see and appreciate this film. For many, this is their first encounter with Soviet cinema. I just like to point out for them, that the director, Elem Klimov had made another masterpiece before this. It is a very different kind of film, a comedy, but just as daring. It is called 'Dobro pozhalovat' (Welcome, No Tresspassing). It is the greatest satire about the Soviet Union made in the Soviet Union.



5 months ago
I remember my brother and I watched this film in our living room together, absolutely messed up and brutal. Still one of the greatest anti-war films we've seen.



1 reply

1 year ago
This makes Saving Private Ryan look like a Disney movie



21 replies

1 year ago
I saw this film on the BBC in about 1986 late at night i was 15 years old and it left such an impression on me ,i sat transfixed from beginning to end id never seen anything like it before ,and i have to say no other war film has eclipsed its visceral power or shocking epic scenes, the way Flera transforms from idealistic boy soldier to a broken aged shell of a person is devastating and very moving . A true classic in every sense .



9 replies

3 months ago
Films like this should be required viewing by every high school and college student in every country.



3 months ago
Thank you for putting it up here. I couldn´t find it anywhere else. This film is a historical treasure



1 year ago
This one snuck up on me. I wasn't expecting such realism. The central character, the boy in this film, his performance was absolutely riveting. Truly a  hidden gem.



1 year ago
To complete my degree of my Minor in History I had to watch this movie as a final for one of my Russian history classes, the professor then made us write a paper on it. This was several years back and I never forgot it, never will. Powerful movie



5 months ago
This is without doubt the greatest war film ever made .



2 replies

5 months ago
I just saw this movie for the first time. I just heard about its existence last night and i have to say it is THE BEST AND AT THE SAME TIME SCARIEST FILM I'VE EVER SEEN! The acting and filming were done to perfection. A work of pure cinematic genius. And honestly i will never get the sound of that whistle when that poor girl walks up to Flyora out of my head. But that is what the movie so horrific is the fact that it was all so real! Elim Klimov and everyone else involved did an amazing job of bringing the story of Nazi war atrocities to life.



3 replies

2 years ago
Man this is awkward. I saw this movie 2 weeks ago in very low quality, and I still thought it was one of the most gripping, intense and well-made movies I had seen in my whole life. Now, Mosfilms itself is putting the movie online. Guess I’ll have to rewatch it, not that it’s a problem considering how good it is. Thanks for the upload!



7 replies

2 years ago (edited)
Without any desire for exaggeration, this film is nothing like any other, on the favourite subject of Soviet Cinema...It's a milestone...A brutally realistic depiction of the invasion of Belarus by the Nazis, filmed entirely on location, that leaves nothing to the imagination. Excellent acting, by an all amateur cast, riveting direction and haunting music, and all the raw violence and madness of a war of attrition such as the Great Patriotic War was...A punch in the gut sort of movie, once seen not very likely to be forgotten any time soon, if only because of its realism and aftertaste, and a whole new concept in war movies, when it was made ( back in 1984-85)...Thank you Mosfilm, for another excellent upload...



20 replies

4 months ago (edited)
A cinematic masterpiece, one of the greatest films ever made. No horror movie is as harrowing and scary as this one



1 reply

10 days ago
No grand emotional music.Just the horror of war. Disturbing but well made movie! Great actors!



1 reply

1 year ago
Thank you for posting this in HD quality with English subtitles. I was able to play this in my Modern History class and the students got a lot out of it. This is one of those films everybody should see at least once.



1 year ago
One of the greatest war movies of all time. The suffering and pain, the sarcasm and joy. Every aspect of live in those days when human life was of no importance...everyone should see this film...especially nowadays...

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