
The US role in the Korean politics 1979-1980

The assassination came as a total shock to the American officials in Seoul.

At this point, they did not know the identity of the assassin and were primarily concerned about security on the peninsula. 

When he arrived at the White House, Wickham had “virtually no knowledge of what was happening in Korea.”  

the Korean government and military acted without American input or influence.

a possible threat from North Korea, which was the U.S. Government’s main concern.

Despite the relative shock about the assassination, South Koreans in the army and the government suspected American complicity in the tragic event. Several Japanese and American newspapers published articles that stated 
the U.S. Government’s criticism of Park “sent a signal to would-be coup makers and saviors of the nation.”  

The United States could have used this time to focus on the opportunity to liberalize the government in South Korea after the removal of the military dictator, but President Carter and his administration needed to focus on the domestic pressures that arose from the Iranian hostage crisis. 

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