
Yakov M. Rabkin - Wikipedia ヤコヴ・ラブキン

Yakov M. Rabkin - Wikipedia

Yakov M. Rabkin

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Yakov M. Rabkin

Yakov M. Rabkin (born 29 September 1945) is a professor emeritus of history at the Université de Montréal, author and public intellectual. His published works include studies of relations between science and technology,[1] research on cultural aspects of science,[2][3] including studies of Jews in the scientific profession,[4] Science Between the Superpowers (Priority Press), a study of programs for the exchange of U.S and Soviet Union scientists,[5] as well as works on the fate of Soviet science[6] and scientists[7] after the dismemberment of the USSR and, more generally, on science and political freedoms.[8] As a result of his graduate seminar on demodernization and an international conference he organized in Nice in 2016, he co-edited Demodernization: a Future in the Past,[9] a multidisciplinary volume on reverses of modernity as a global phenomenon at the turn of the 21st century.

Professor Rabkin has also contributed to the fields of Jewish and Israel studies.[10] His book A Threat from Within: A Century of Jewish Opposition to Zionism[11] was nominated for best French to English translation for "an important and timely work" at the 2006 Governor General's Awards.[12] It has also been listed as one of the three best books of the year by Japan's leading daily Asahi Shimbun in 2010.[13] This book is currently available in fourteen languages. He later published What Is Modern Israel? which has also appeared in French, Japanese and Russian. It examines what he calls the "Protestant origins" of the Zionist project; the adoption of that project in the late 19th century by secular Jews from Central and Eastern Europe, imbued with the ethnic nationalism of the time; the stern resistance Zionism faced from Jews around the world, not least in the Holy Land; and the ongoing Jewish opposition to Zionism from different perspectives, both religious and secular.[non-primary source needed]

Rabkin is a frequent contributor to printed and electronic media on international relations, Russia and the former USSR as well as contemporary Israel. He has argued for freedom of discussion, against political uses of history and shown skepticism with respect to a two-state solution for the Israel/Palestine conflict. He has expressed support for a bi-national state. He has done consulting work on science and higher education for national and international organizations, including UNESCO, NATO, OECD and the World Bank.[citation needed]


  1. ^ Morris, Peter J. T.; Morris, Peter John Turnbull (1966-01-15). From Classical to Modern Chemistry: The Instrumental Revolution - Peter J. T. Morris. Royal Society of Chemistry. p. 3. ISBN 9780854044795. Retrieved 2015-09-29.
  2. ^ "Cultural variations in scientific development". Ssi.sagepub.com. 1986-12-01. Retrieved 2015-09-29.
  3. ^ "Citation Visibility of Africa's Science". Sss.sagepub.com. 1979-11-01. Retrieved 2015-09-29.
  4. ^ 'American Jews in the Physical Sciences,' in Stephen Harlan Norwood,Eunice G. Pollack (eds.) Encyclopedia of American Jewish History, ABC-Clio, 2008, vol. 2, pp. 739-742.
  5. ^ Campbell, John C. (Winter 1988–1989). "Capsule review"Foreign Affairs67 (2). Council on Foreign Relations.
  6. ^ Meske, Werner (1998). Transforming Science and Technology Systems: The Endless Transition? - Werner Meske. IOS Press. p. 339. ISBN 9784274902017. Retrieved 2015-09-29.
  7. ^ Yakov M. Rabkin, Elena M Mirskaya, 'Russia:Science in the Post-Soviet Disunion,' in Barry Lesser, A.D. Tillett (eds.) Science and Technology in Central and Eastern Europe: The Reform of Higher Education, Garland Publishing, 1996 pp.43-51
  8. ^ Yakov M. Rabkin, Elena M Mirskaya, 'Science and Totalitarianism: Lessons for the twenty-first century,' Mark Walker, ed. Science and Ideology: A Comparative History, Routledge 2003 pp.17-33.
  9. ^ Rabkin, Yakov; Minakov, Mikhail, eds. (November 2018). Demodernization: A Future in the Past. ibidem Press. ISBN 978-3-8382-7140-8.
  10. ^ Jewish Studies and Israel Studies in the Twenty-First Century: Intersections and Prospects.
  11. ^ A Threat from Within.
  12. ^ '2006 Finalists - Translation (French to English).' Canada Council for the Arts 2006
  13. ^ "Capsule Le livre d'un historien québécois primé au Japon comme l'un des meilleurs livres de l'année 2010"CERIUM. Retrieved 12 January 2011.

External links[edit]



出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
ソビエト連邦の旗 ソビエト連邦レニングラード

ヤコヴ・M・ラブキン英語Yakov M. Rabkin1945年 - )は、カナダ歴史学者モントリオール大学教授。敬虔なユダヤ教徒でありつつ、シオニズムユダヤ教の教義に反すると批判している[1]ユダヤ研究とイスラエル研究の分野にも貢献している人物であり、著書の「内側からの脅威:ユダヤ人による反シオニズムの歴史(A Threat from Within: A Century of Jewish Opposition to Zionism Paperback)」はカナダ総督文学賞最優秀翻訳賞をノミネートしている[2]。名はヤコフ、ヤコブとも表記される。







  1. ^ A Threat from Within: A Century of Jewish Opposition to Zionism” (英語). fernwoodpublishing.ca2023年11月14日閲覧。
  2. ^ The Canada Council for the Arts - Finalists - Translation - 2006 Governor General's Literary Awards”. web.archive.org (2009年8月22日). 2023年11月14日閲覧。
  3. a b 紀伊國屋BookWebヤコヴ・M.ラブキン著、菅野賢治訳『トーラーの名において―シオニズムに対するユダヤ教の抵抗の歴史』著者紹介
  4. ^ 世界と日本を考える Meets JAPAN 第16回 ユダヤ教徒がシオニズムに反発する理由 ヤコブ・ラブキン Yakov Rabkin モントリオール大教授(歴史学)、朝日新聞グローブ、2009年10月19日
  5. ^ ヤコヴ・ラブキン教授 『トーラーの名において』邦訳刊行記念シンポジウムヤコフ・ラブキン教授のプロフィール
  6. ^ Yakov Rabkin, historian and author Our past and futureJudaism, Zionism and Anti-Zionism By admin, on May 26th, 2010
  7. ^ 柄谷行人による書評「ユダヤ人の起源[著]シュロモー・サンド/トーラーの名において[著]ヤコヴ・M・ラブキン」ブック・アサヒ・コム、2010年5月16日
  8. ^ YouTube動画ヤコブ・ラブキン「無神論者としてのユダヤ人の創出」冒頭、2008年12月2日同志社大学での講演
  9. ^ 明治大学軍縮平和研究所「ホロコーストとイスラエルを考える」シンポジウム、2010年4月18日
  10. ^ ヤコヴ・ラブキン教授 大阪講演─パレスチナ/イスラエル問題は宗教紛争か─
  11. ^ 2010年04月22日 (木)アジアを読む「中東問題の根源は ヤコブ・ラブキン教授に聞く」


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