
Michael Dreiling | Sociology

Michael Dreiling | Sociology

Michael Dreiling

Department Head
Phone: 541-346-5025
Office: 611 PLC
Office Hours: Spring 2019: By appointment only
Affiliated Departments: Latin American Studies
Interests: Corporate political action and US trade policy, Nonviolence and social movements, Network analysis of collective action
Curriculum Vitae


Professor Dreiling earned his B.A. in Sociology and Anthropology at the University of California-Irvine in 1990 and his Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of Michigan in 1997. 

Author of a book and numerous articles on social movements and globalization, his current research utilizes both qualitative and quantitative methodologies to investigate contentious politics and corporate political power. 

He is presently writing several papers and a book based on a variety of environmental conflicts and an international comparative study of Energy Industrial Complexes, including Japan, Germany, and the U.S. 

Professor Dreiling’s recently completed book manuscript, titled Agents of Globalization, delves into the power-circuits and networks of multinational corporations as they work alongside state actors to craft the project of neoliberal globalization. 

As Co-Producer with Matthew Eddy, Professor Dreiling is also producing a documentary film, A Bold Peace: Costa Rica’s Path of Demilitarization(www.aboldpeace.com). 

At the University of Oregon, Professor Dreiling is a founding organizer and first elected president for their faculty union, United Academics. Professor Dreiling is also President of the Oregon State Conference of the American Association of University Professors, representing nearly 3500 affiliated members in Oregon.

Research Interests

corporate political action and US trade policy
nonviolence and social movements
network analysis of collective action

Teaching Areas

political and environmental sociology
social movements
social network analysis

Selected Publications

Refereed Publications (books, articles and chapters)


2016 Dreiling, Michael C. and Derek Darves. 
Agents of Neoliberal Globalization: Corporate Networks, State Structures and Neoliberal Trade Policy. Cambridge University Press.

Refereed Articles:

Forthcoming. Dreiling, Michael C. and Tomoyasu Nakamura. “A Nuclear Complex? A Network Visualization of Japan’s Nuclear Industry and Regulatory Elite, 2006-2012.” Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World.

2017 Dreiling, Michael C., Nicholas Lougee, and Tomoyasu Nakamura. 
“After the Meltdown: Explaining the Relative Silence of Japanese Environmentalism on Nuclear Energy.” Social Problems 64(1): 86-105. 

2015 Braun, Yvonne A., Michael C. Dreiling, Matthew Eddy, and David Dominguez. 
“Up Against the Wall: Ecotourism, Development, and Social Justice in Costa Rica.” Journal of Global Ethics 11(3): 351-365. 

2015 Dreiling, Michael, Nicholas Lougee and Tomoyasu Nakamura. 
“After Fukushima: The Silence of Environmental Organizations on Nuclear Catastrophe.” Metropolitics, 22 September 2015. URL: http://www.metropolitiques.eu/After-Fukushima-The-Silence-of.html

2014 Braun, Yvonne A. and Michael C. Dreiling. “Frames, Boomerangs, and Global Assemblages: Border Distortions in the Global Resistance to Dam Building in Lesotho,” (pgs. 261-292) in Nancy Naples and Jennifer Mendez (eds.) Border Politics, Social Movements and Globalization. New York University Press.

2011 Dreiling, Michael C. and Derek Darves. “Corporations in American Trade Policy: A Network Analysis of Corporate-Dyad Political Action.” American Journal of Sociology116(5): 1514-1563.

Peer-reviewed/Refereed Book Chapters:

Forthcoming, 2018. “Corporate Globalization and U.S. Trade Politics.” Chapter in Frontiers in Globalization Research II: After Brexit, ed., Ino Rossi.

Forthcoming, 2018. Dreiling, Michael C. “Liberalizing Trade and Finance: Corporate Class Agency and the Neoliberal Era,” 10,000 word chapter in Eds., Thomas Janoski, Cedric de Leon, Joya Misra, Stephanie Mudge. The Cambridge Handbook of Political Sociology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Forthcoming, 2018. Yvonne A. Braun and Michael C. Dreiling (equal authorship). “Social Problems in Global Perspective,” 9,000 word chapter in The Cambridge Handbook of Social Problems. Cambridge University Press.

Other Publications

*2015 “United Academics: A New Faculty Union at the University of Oregon.” Process: A Blog for American History. (for the Journal of American History). December 8, 2015. http://www.processhistory.org/?p=1228#more-1228

2015. Dreiling, Michael C. , Tomoyasu Nakamura, Nicholas Lougee. "福島原発事故に日本の環境団体はどう対応したか" (Responses of Japanese Environmental Organizations on Fukushima Nuclear Disaster). 専修大学 人文科学研究所月報 (Senshu University Institute of Humanities Monthly Bulletin, No.278, pp 21-63, November 2015). 

Social Documentary Film Work:

2016. Michael Dreiling, Producer and Co-Director with Producer and Director, Matthew Eddy. A Bold Peace: Costa Rica’s Quest to Abandon the Fever of War. A feature length film on Costa Rica’s 1948 revolution, abolition of the army, and expansion of a social democracy. 105 and 89 minute versions. Release date May 1, 2016. (http://aboldpeace.com and http://www.bullfrogfilms.com/catalog/bold.html)

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