
Debunking "Screams Before Silence," Sheryl Sandberg’s 7 October "mass ra...

Debunking "Screams Before Silence," Sheryl Sandberg’s 7 October "mass rapes" film, with Ali Abunimah - YouTube

Debunking "Screams Before Silence," Sheryl Sandberg’s 7 October "mass rapes" film, with Ali Abunimah

The Electronic Intifada
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52,443 views  May 3, 2024  The Electronic Intifada Podcast
Billionaire former Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg released a sensational film purporting to document the mass rapes Israel claims were carried out by Hamas fighters on 7 October.

Screams Before Silence, as the film is called, has already garnered more than 600,000 views on YouTube alone.

It is being heavily promoted by such figures as former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, ostensibly progressive Congressman Ro Khanna, the Israeli government and countless lobby groups and media figures. 

Ali Abunimah breaks down Sandberg’s film and show how it is full of fabrications, distortions and lies, and does not present any credible evidence to support Israel’s atrocity propaganda. 

Nora Barrows-Friedman, Asa Winstanley, Ali Abunimah and Jon Elmer of The Electronic Intifada were joined by Donya Abu Sitta, contributor and journalist in the Gaza Strip, on the day 208 livestream. You can watch the entire broadcast here: https://youtube.com/live/JA4oIKugdAM

For sources referenced in this video, see the accompanying article:

Show transcript
0:02 / 1:01:14

0:00okay um I am Nora baros fredman I'm here with aliia bonima uh I want to let you
0:06know that this next segment contains Frank discussions of alleged sexual
0:11violence last week billionaire former Facebook executive Cheryl sanberg
0:16released a film purporting to document Mass rapes carried out by Hamas fighters on October 7th the film called screams
0:25before Silence has been heavily promoted by such figures as former Secretary of
0:30State Hillary Clinton ostensibly Progressive Congressman Rah and of
0:36course the Israeli government among many others writing in the Washington Post on
0:41April 29th columnist Ruth Marcus urged her readers quote you should watch it
0:47and speak out about how rape and gender violence were deployed as weapons of war about breasts cut cut from bodies about
0:55Nails driven into a woman's vagina it has become the latest vehicle to push
1:00Israel's claims of mass rape on October 7th claims that Israel supporters continue to use to either distract from
1:07or Justify Israel's ongoing us armed genocide in Gaza since its release it
1:14has garnered almost 600,000 views on YouTube alone we're going to take a
1:20detailed look at the film now and Ali is going to show us how it is full of Fabrications distortions and lies and
1:27does not in fact present any new credible evidence to support Israel's claims Ali let's start by reminding
1:34viewers about the role Cheryl Sandberg has played in pushing this story prior to the release of the
1:40film thanks Nora yeah Cheryl Sandberg has indeed been pushing this story since
1:46soon after October 7th and regular viewers may remember that we encountered
1:51Sandberg Sandberg back in February when she and Hillary Clinton headlined a
1:57seminar at none other than Columbia University University to promote the mass rape hoax Sandberg chaired a panel
2:05featuring Jeffrey gettelman the lead author of The Notorious and now almost
2:10completely debunked New York Times article from December called screams without words I don't think that it's a
2:18coincidence that the title of sandberg's film screams before silence Echoes the
2:23headline of that New York Times article let's take a look at Cheryl sandbur
2:29introduc ucing Jeffrey Gelman at that Columbia University event uh back in
2:36February is a poiter prizewinning journalist foreign correspondent for the New York Times for the past 20 years he
2:43has covered every major conflict in more than 80 countries every so often I get to talk to him in these places and I
2:50can't believe what he's going through his piece in December called screams without words is the definitive piece on
2:56the sexual violence of October 7th incredibly hard to research and we'll have a chance to talk about
3:03that as you just heard the Sandberg praises the article gettman wrote with
3:09two Israeli co-authors as quote the definitive piece on the sexual violence
3:15of October 7th but that's not the only praise she gives it here's another brief
3:22clip back to you so the recent piece you just wrote screamed without words Builds
3:27on all the work you've done over the decades and is incredibly comprehensive I think you spoke to over a 100 people
3:34for the pece now uh as I said that was back on
3:39February 9th and recall that by that point much of gelman's pieace had already been debunked for example we had
3:47addressed it here on this live stream right at the beginning of January I'll just just mention right now that a lot
3:54of the rape claims that are in gettleman story do not appear in the Sandberg film
3:59and I'm going to come back and talk about that later okay uh let's talk about
4:05sandberg's film screams before silence uh give us an overview I watched it
4:11yesterday um yeah but yeah tell us what
4:16what what you think yeah we watched it I actually watched it several times so that nobody else has to um but yeah let
4:26let's look at this claim that's right at the beginning of the film um and this
4:32actually this this is a screenshot from the film and it says eyewitnesses and investigators have reported that Hamas
4:40subjected women to sexual violence and rape before they were killed those who
4:45are taken hostage suffered and continue to suffer physical mental and sexual
4:51abuse at the hands of Hamas terrorists now there's a couple of things to note
4:56here first with respect to what supposed happened on October 7th the film speaks
5:02only of eyewitnesses and investigators but not living victims seven months
5:09after this event they have still not identified a single Survivor the second
5:14thing to note is that the film does not claim that there were merely some isolated and individualized incidents of
5:22rape it insists and this point is hammered throughout the film that there was a pre-planned campaign of mass rap
5:30ordered by the leadership of Hamas this is important to keep in mind just like
5:37previous efforts to promote this narrative this film does not provide
5:42credible evidence of even one rape let alone Mass rapes on October 7th the film
5:48does not identify a single victim of the alleged Mass rapes on October 7th either
5:54living or dead they do claim as we shall see that there were dozens of women who
5:59are raped and killed but they can't put a name or a photo to any of them there
6:05are also no interviews with say family members of a rape victim living or dead
6:11they keep telling us to believe Israeli women but once again there are no Israeli women we are being invited to
6:18believe as victims except for one and she is not the victim of an alleged rape
6:24on October 7th and who is that so the only person they produced as a victim of
6:31an alleged sexual assault is a woman called Amit Susana and starting in late
6:36March her story was heavily promoted by the New York Times and the Israeli government's propaganda apparatus here's
6:43a short clip of her in the Sandburg film describing how she was captured and
6:48taken to Gaza 10 men around
6:55me and my instinct was just to to do what I
7:02can later in the film uh Susanna describes a pretty harrowing experience
7:09the one she told the New York Times about in March as I said she does not claim that she was sexually attacked on
7:16October 7th she claims that while she was being held in Gaza for 55 days one
7:22of her Gods whose name she gives is Muhammad forced her on one occasion to
7:27perform an unspecified sex sexual act but Susana only publicly revealed this
7:33account months after her return from Gaza and in the context of a highly coordinated campaign involving the New
7:40York Times and the Israeli government so for example when Susan first spoke to
7:46the media back in January about her experience in Gaza she never mentioned the alleged sexual assault and her story
7:54was rolled out at the same time that the New York Times and other Western media were largely ignoring credible firsthand
8:01accounts of sexual violence against Palestinians by Israeli soldiers so this
8:07one story got uh huge publicity while the uh testimonies of Palestinian women
8:14and men about sexual violence against them were just ignored now Amit Susana
8:21does not claim that there are any Vic any witnesses to what she says she experienced in Gaza so it's really
8:27impossible to verify or completely discount her claim but the key point is
8:33that even if we take her account to be entirely true it does not in any way
8:39support the main thesis of the film so s describes one individual taking
8:44advantage of his power over her in an isolated situation and on one single
8:50occasion nothing in her account again if we accept it as completely true supports
8:56the claim that there was a pre-planned campaign of Mass rape on October 7th uh
9:02or even that there is such a campaign against the female Israeli soldiers who are still in Gaza after the civilian
9:10women were released in November from the perspective of Sandberg and other Israeli propagandists
9:17focusing on Amit Susana is however understandable because they do not have
9:22any other victim not even one from October 7th itself
9:29in the film uh Cheryl Sandberg shows clips of various captured uh supposedly
9:37Palestinian Fighters uh confessing to rapes um but what can you tell us about
9:46that well again in the absence of any identifiable victims the Sandberg film
9:51includes footage supplied by Israel of supposed Confessions by captured
9:57Palestinians interrogated and certainly tortured by Israel torture by Israel is
10:03of course well documented pervasive and routine and has dramatically increased
10:09since October 7th the methods routinely used include inflicting physical and
10:14psychological torture and explicitly threatening to murder or rape relatives
10:19of a detainee if they do not provide the statements Israel demands we have to be
10:25clear that confessions obtained or suspected to have been obtained ained under torture can never be considered
10:32credible evidence and not even the New York Times and other Western Publications that are always so eager to
10:38launder Israel's lies have cited them as evidence you'll recall also that a few
10:44weeks ago we talked about the report written by prila Patton the UN secretary General's special advisor on sexual
10:52violence in conflict and in an article for the electronic in our colleague ASA
10:58win Stanley and I heavily criticized that report for its strong pro-israel
11:04bias but even that report was not willing to launder torture confessions
11:09the patent report actually states that the UN team did not consider accounts collected by Israeli intelligence bodies
11:16through quote interrogations of alleged perpetrators despite some being offered
11:22due to the mission team's inability in the time allotted to establish the due process rights of the accused persons
11:30and adequate authentification end quote also the Human Rights group Physicians
11:36for human rights Israel which has unfortunately given undue Credence to Israel's Mass rape claims has also
11:43warned that the so-called confessions were attained were obtained by interrogations that included the use of
11:50torture and thus it does not consider them valid and even the Israeli police
11:56have had to admit that they could not match these so-call confessions with any victims so this alone should discredit
12:04the entire film but instead we see so-called progressives as you said people like roana and of course
12:11self-proclaimed champions of women's rights and human rights like Hillary Clinton heavily promoting a film that um
12:20shows uh prisoners who are tortured making confessions so Ali if there's no
12:27credible confession uh and no firsthand accounts from alleged victims of rapes on October 7th
12:34uh how does the film try and convince viewers that this is what happened well a lot of it is
12:41atmospherics you if you watch it you'll see there's a lot of sort of Doom and Gloom music and Cheryl sandbag crying
12:49and hugging people and people talking about terrible things that they experienced or witnessed on October 7th
12:57none of which are rapes but when it comes to the rapes one tactic is just to
13:02assert that there's an overwhelming amount of evidence without actually showing any of it so let's take a a look
13:10at this clip of Israeli Police Superintendent Merit Ben mayor talking
13:16to Sandberg with clear instructions to
13:22kidnap as many to rape as many to humiliate as many to murder as many they
13:28came here with a Mission and they succeeded in the mission how much evidence is there of the crimes of
13:34October 7th there's a lot of evidence we have over 200,000 visuals that we've
13:41collected uh we have uh over 2,000 uh testimonies that have been uh taken
13:47among these evidence we have substantial evidence for uh sexual violence that
13:54took place on the 7th of [Music] October so that might pretty convincing
14:00to an uninformed audience but as we've said before on this live stream Israel has never claimed and is still not
14:06claiming that there is a single piece of video that shows a rape taking place and
14:12that is an extraordinary absence given the fact that you just heard once again
14:17that this was a systematic campaign of mass rape but you do not have to take my
14:23word for it here's what the Israeli newspaper haritz reported as recently as
14:29April 18th in an article that is actually trying to boost not debunk the
14:34mass rape claims and I quote from haritz it says from inquiries put to three
14:40bodies in the defense establishment by haritz it emerges that the intelligence
14:46material collected by the police and the intelligence bodies including footage
14:51from terrorists body cameras does not contain visual documentation of any acts
14:58of rape that themselves end quote so here's a and
15:04here's another example of a claim that there is just a ton of evidence where none exists this is a woman called
15:10Sherie Mendes who is described as an Israeli Army rever reservist who was at
15:16the shura military base that was being used as a makeshift Mor on October
15:237th the shur base which is where all the victims of the October Massacre were
15:30brought there were body bags lining the corridors from the floor to the ceiling
15:37on both sides and we never knew what we would see we never knew what the level
15:43of the atrocity would be inside the body bag as we did more and more of what we
15:50were tasked to do we realized that women not just murdered women were shot in the
15:56head so many times that it seemed seemed like there was an intention an objective
16:01to obliterate their faces um most often families couldn't be shown the faces of
16:08their daughters and we began to see that some of it was sexual nature directly
16:13targeted sexual violence some came in with no clothing
16:20and mostly very bloody underwear did this feel systematic to you yes it did
16:26seem systematic to use sexual violence as a weapon of
16:35War so now let's go back to that April 18th article in harits and here's what
16:41it says quote at the shur base to which most of the bodies were taken for
16:46purposes of identification there were five forensic Pathologists at work in
16:51that capacity they also examined bodies that arrived completely or partially
16:57naked in order to examine the possibility of rape according to a source knowledgeable about the details
17:04there were no signs on any of those bodies attesting to sexual relations having taken place or of Mutilation of
17:12genitalia end quote the article also says that there were police forensic
17:18teams at the shur base and then it says quote these teams did not document a
17:24single case of sexual assault or cases of genital mutilation end quote and let's also go
17:33back to the UN report which says that the UN team examined thousands of photos
17:38and video clips provided by the Israelis the UN report says quote in the medical
17:44legal assessment of available photos and videos no tangible indications of rape
17:51could be identified end quote so Sher Mendes is just a liar and and there's no
17:59forensic evidence either um what are some of the other tactics that the film uses to try and convince viewers that
18:06we're dealing with something real here besides the Moody music and the close-up
18:11shots of Cheryl Sandberg patting the backs of people there is a huge emphasis on
18:17trying to shock viewers with claims that Witnesses observed mutilated bodies with
18:23signs of sexual violence including the insertion of objects such as iron bar
18:28and Nails into the uh genitalia and around the groins of victims another
18:35horrific claim is that bodies were found in positions that indicated that victims
18:40had been raped for example with their legs spread apart I want to emphasize
18:46that absolutely none of these claims are being made based on proper forensic examinations or by qualified experts so
18:55let's look at a few clips from the film and again I have to war that the things being described are pretty explicit and
19:02horrible let's take a look at this first clip cut to
19:08pieces cut to pieces you cannot identify if it's a man or
19:13woman everything was ripped
19:39a lot of the bodies were naked totally in your experience how often have you found naked bodies
19:46never never when I got out I saw so many
19:55bodies their shirts were were ripped off and girls without skirts
20:03without pants that their legs were spreaded they were abused the bodies
20:09were abused
20:48yeah so uh the people we just saw in that clip in order of first appearance with Sim
20:55grman of zaka a Jewish group that recovers body for burial and we'll we'll come back to them later he is followed
21:03Byam who worked as a security guard at the Supernova Rave uh that famous Rave a
21:09few miles from Gaza and then Kim otmazgin also of zaka and finally tan
21:16Tali bner a woman who survived the Supernova Rave and these are really
21:22horrific claims and for those who are listening and and couldn't read the subtitles in the Hebrew section
21:29uh the the account in Hebrew was similar to what you heard in English it was talking about burned mutilated bodies um
21:39and that kind of thing that uh the person assumes indicates rapes but again
21:45this person is not an expert now let's watch a bit more of Simka grman from
21:55zaka when we picked up the mattress we found her
22:01body this woman we could not identify her from her
22:06face she was nakat holy and she had
22:14Nails around her female
22:19organs it's quite a claim yeah and then now there's more
22:26unfortunately this is a clip of of sim grman again and Kim Mazin of zaka
22:34showing photos to Cheryl Sandberg that they claim show evidence of some of the horrors they just described let's look
22:40at that okay I'd like to see some of what
22:56saw as you can see the body was Ral in different
23:03stages this is a part of the
23:09breast I'll be here and over be here and over be here oh my
23:14god of course we don't see those photos ourselves that's right that's right and
23:21it continues for that little bit longer but it's it's more of the same and again Mazin who's speaking in Hebrew he's
23:28talking about you know things inserted around the groin area but as you say at
23:34no point do we see uh the those photos that they're showing to Cheryl Sandberg
23:39ourselves and then finally this is a clip of a man called Ramy Davidian who
23:45claims to have single-handedly rescued hundreds of people from that Supernova rave on October
23:577th foree
24:51[Music] it's okay
25:02I don't even know what to say about that well yeah I mean again just to summarize
25:07for those who are listening and couldn't read the subtitles so Ramy davidan they're standing in the forest where
25:14this Supernova Rave took place and he claims that he saw women tied to trees
25:20who had been raped who had been burned who had had objects like iron rods and
25:26wooden boards inserted into to their private parts and then he says that um I
25:33mean no one else was around according to him it was just him and then he says what he did uh is that he if their legs
25:41and again I'm sorry about how graphic this is but he you know if their legs were spread he closed their legs he
25:48covered everything up and he said so no one else could see so no one else could see so what's interesting about that is
25:56if we are to believe what he's saying then he is admitting that he actually tampered with a major crime scene in
26:04order to destroy the evidence of the thing the things he says he saw so that
26:09no one else could ever see them and that turns out to be very convenient indeed
26:15because Ramy davidan is a huge liar uh I know you have more to say
26:20about him Ramy davidan and some of these other characters that we just saw in that uh in those clips but let's start
26:27with those claims themselves why do you think they are not
26:33credible right first let's go back to that un report again by premila Patton
26:38the UN secretary General's uh special representative on sexual violence and armed conflict and here's what it says
26:45about the claims about objects being inserted into people's private parts
26:51this is paragraph 65 of the report which actually rejects a number of the most
26:56prominent Israeli atrocity claims about October 7th but look at that last sentence it says quote allegations of
27:04objects found inserted in female genital organs also could not be verified by the
27:10mission team due in large part to The Limited availability and low quality of
27:17imagery and then this is paragraph 47 of the same un report which addresses the
27:23claims about the positions in which bodies were allegedly observed
27:28it points to quote erroneous interpretations of the state of bodies
27:34by some volunteer First Responders without relevant qualifications and expertise some examples include
27:41mistaking post postmortem pugilistic posturing a boxal likee body posture
27:48with flexed elbows clenched fists spread legs and flexed knees due to burn damage
27:55as indicative of sexual violence Miss interpreting anal dilation due to
28:00postmortem morm changes as indicative of anal penetration and mischaracterizing
28:07grazing gunshot wounds to genitalia as targeted genital mutilation using knives
28:14end quote and those are all precisely things you heard things that you heard
28:21people in the Sandburg film saying especially the people uh from zaka you
28:27you saw masin claiming that he saw people with
28:34clenched fists like this is if they were trying to defend themselves and you just heard what the UN report said about that
28:41now I also want you to keep in mind those words burn damage because so many
28:47of the people in this film refer to bodies being burned and torned
28:53apart and what is the most like what is the most likely explanation for that I'd
28:59suggest that the obvious explanation one the film doesn't discuss at all is Israel's massive and indiscriminate use
29:07of helicopter gunships and other powerful weapons that cause precisely
29:12the kind of injuries described by the people in the film and the UN report
29:18remember that the Israeli police have already admitted that Israeli that
29:23Israel fired on people at the Supernova Rave using Apache helicopters and of
29:29course not just at the super uh Nova Rave the the dozens of Apaches were
29:34firing indiscriminately and as we at the electronic in have reported many times
29:40all based on Israeli sources Israel applied the so-called Hannibal directive on October 7th a military doctrine that
29:47allows Israel to kill its own people rather than allowing them to be captured by an enemy right so the UN has rejected
29:57the claims uh about objects being inserted into bodies you know systematically and the mutilation of
30:04genitals but what are other people saying yeah there are several examples
30:09of even generally pro-israel media sources looking at the so-called evidence and concluding that these
30:15claims are simply not credible so let's take a look for example at this March
30:215th article from NBC news about the UN report on alleged sexual violence on
30:27October 7th and right there you can see that NBC itself looked at the materials Israel
30:33gave to the UN team and that supposedly show objects inserted into women's genitalia and NBC says quote NBC News
30:42was also shown the photos but could not independently confirm that nails or a
30:48knife had been inserted in the women's bodies based solely on the images end
30:53quote and even Israel's hit newspaper is unable to SW follow the claims in that
30:59April 18th article that is actually trying to support the contention that
31:05the mass rapes took place haritz was apparently shown the same photos by Kim
31:11masin that we just saw Cheryl Sandberg looking at haret says quote OT masin
31:19showed several of the photographs in his possession to herit including the one set to show Nails having been inserted
31:26into the groin the photograph was taken almost a week after the massacre and is
31:32definitely of poor quality the possibility that what is depicted is indeed Nails seems reasonable certainly
31:39in combination with his testimony but it's impossible to determine this unequivocally end quote so htis TR is
31:48clearly trying to put the best possible spin on this to support OT mazin's
31:53claims but even they are unwilling to uh to endorse them
31:59you said you wanted to take a closer look at some of these characters uh including of course the zaka volunteers
32:06uh who do you want to start with well let's start with Kim Mazin and many
32:11viewers will already recognize that art masan works for zacha the Jewish extremist group whose members have been
32:18marketed worldwide as First Responders in order to give them more credibility that's why they see them in those yellow
32:26vests you're supposed to think that these a selfless uh you know Rescuers in
32:31fact what members of zacha do is collect bodies and body parts from scenes of
32:37disasters or violence in order to bury them regular viewers will also know that zacha and its members were responsible
32:44for some of the most notorious atrocity propaganda since October 7th including
32:49the totally false and disproven claim about a pregnant woman having the fetus
32:55cut out of her and the stories of children being tied together and burned none of that happened now the well-known
33:04uh lies of zacha ought to be enough to discredit anyone from that organization
33:10but it's particularly absurd for otmazgin to be put forward as a champion
33:16of victims of sexual assault now zaka was founded by a Jewish extremist with a
33:22history of terrorist violence a man called Yehuda Mesi zahav and here want
33:28to thank our colleague David Sheen for allowing me to use some of his background research on zaka and not
33:34masin that he's done for a forthcoming article about October 7th atrocity
33:40propaganda so during the 1980s the the founder of zaka Yehuda
33:45Mesi zahav led keset a gang of ultra Orthodox extremists that terrorize
33:52Jewish residents of Jerusalem to punish them for using electricity on the Sabbath for displaying photographs of
33:59females and for selling secular newspapers Mesi zahav later went on to
34:06found zacha and ran it for three decades in 2021 Israeli police opened an
34:13investigation into allegations that me Mesi zahav used his power first as head
34:20of keset and then as the head of zaka to commit violent sex crimes against adults
34:27and children male and female for over four decades
34:32many of his victims finally had the courage to come forward take a look at this article from wet one of Israel's
34:39biggest news outlets and this is from March 2021 you can see there that Mesi zahav's
34:48horrific sex crimes against children were an Open Secret in the haredi OR Ultra Orthodox community and many people
34:56were even calling him haredi Jeffrey Epstein a few weeks after the the police
35:04investigation into Mesi zahav's uh sex crimes was open he was opened he
35:11attempted suicide and in fact he died a year later and while all of his horrible
35:17crimes were being revealed and investigated one of his chief public defenders was none other than his zaka
35:25colleague Kim Mazin art masin even told Israeli Army radio
35:31that Mesi zahav was the victim of blackmail by his accusers and that quote
35:36the last thing he is capable of doing is hurting others end quote so there you
35:42have itaskin from the discredited extremist group zaka is one of Cheryl sandberg's
35:49star Witnesses in her film defending alleged victims of rape but he himself
35:55is a staunched defender of a man credibly accused of raping dozens of children over a period spanning for
36:05decades it's unbearable um you uh also said you wanted to talk more about Ramy
36:11Davidian the man uh we saw just a few minutes ago who claimed to see women tied to trees and various objects
36:18inserted into them yes interestingly Ramy deidan has
36:25already told his story or rather story since the versions seem to change
36:30constantly um and here he is for example featured on a website called humans of
36:35telaviv giving his account of October 7th uh he is
36:40identified uh not as a first responder like in the Sandberg film but as a
36:46farmer from M PA a Zionist Colonial settlement a few miles east of the
36:52boundary with Gaza in that account Davidian claims that he helped rescue
36:57hundred of people from the Supernova Rave including one young woman in particular and this is what he's quoted
37:04as saying I got a location from rotam one of the girls who escaped the party
37:10and she texted me that she was hiding behind a tree I drove to her location
37:15honking my car so she could hear me approaching her when I got to her location I saw she was surrounded by
37:21five terrorists I didn't Flinch and shouted at them in Arabic ahan my name
37:27is Abu Rami I'm Muslim and it's better that you give the girl to me and escape from here as fast as you can because the
37:34whole area is full of armed security forces I wasn't afraid it was pure instincts luckily they thought I was a
37:40bedin and because they were already on the Rum Run they gave me the girl the girl to me and ran off end quote now I
37:49found that Davidian has told this story this version of of the rescue countless
37:55times in interviews uh but he also gave his account in a video posted on the
38:01YouTube channel of the world mrai organization in December it's a five
38:07minute video but we're just going to watch a short clip where he tells the tale of his heroic Rescue of that uh
38:26woman for
39:10as you can see there uh Ramy deidan is really good at turning on the Waterworks
39:17in front of the camera but now I'm going to read the English subtitles again for
39:22those who are listening rather than watching he says in one case I rescued
39:28several girls they told me their friend was stuck in a Wy in the middle of nowhere there was no cell phone
39:34reception it was very difficult to reach her and she cried begging me to save her then I said fine I'll start honking with
39:41the car and the louder it gets you direct me yes yes yes I managed to reach her I started running I saw her with
39:48five or six men I looked to the sides I saw weapons then I realized they were terrorists I don't know where I got the
39:55strength from I found a pipe of a sprinkler only a farmer knows what that is I managed to knock them to the ground
40:02I put her in the car brought her to my house and once again returned to the area it's a miracle that this woman was
40:09saved I don't want that Merit I don't ever want that Merit I Didn't Do It for
40:14the Merit end quote so as you can see there he's he's
40:20uh what what you immediately notice there is that these accounts are very
40:26different in the first one he somehow scares off the five armed terrorists
40:33who've supposedly come to kill everyone in sight just by scolding them in Arabic
40:38he doesn't say anything about fighting them off with a pipe he just managed to either charm them or scare them uh by or
40:45convince them by pretending to be a Muslim he is in fact Jewish but he says he pretended to be a Muslim in the
40:52second story he heroically knocks five armed terrorists as he calls them to the
40:59ground with nothing but a piece of pipe I mean what do you think how credible is
41:05that watched a lot of movies right this is like a a you know a script from a
41:12superhero movie so he's clearly not a very credible witness and it's also
41:18notable that in the vast majority of his interviews that I saw deidan makes no
41:24claims whatsoever about seeing any signs of sexual violence the earliest instance
41:29I could find of Davidian claiming to have seen anything related to sexual violence the kind of things he describes
41:36it to Cheryl seinberg date from early February four months after October 7th
41:42in a report from the association of rape crisis centers in Israel an organization
41:48that has played a key role in trying to launder the mass rape hoax and the last
41:55thing I'll say about Ramy deidan is that that even if he can't keep his story straight he does seem to be enjoying the
42:02Limelight he's become a sort of a minor celebrity in Israel doing speaking
42:07events like this one in April where for uh the price of 60 shekels that's about
42:12$15 you can go and listen to him tell his tales of heroism and he's even uh
42:20Gone on a speaking tour of Italy recently right except he doesn't want
42:25any Merit as he says no very very modest
42:30modest character yeah yeah um are there other characters in the film that you
42:36want to highlight yeah uh we don't have time to talk about all of them uh but and and
42:43none of them are really any more convincing than what we've seen but I I'm going to mention a couple Sandberg
42:49interviews a woman called tally binner a survivor of the violence at the Supernova Raven we saw a little clip of
42:55her earlier uh bner says she was hiding in a caravan or a trailer as people in
43:02North America call it for hours with three friends on October 7th and here's
43:07a clip of her telling Sandberg what
43:13happened after 1 hour that we were in the trailer I started to hear
43:21um yell yelling of the women I heard the girl that started to
43:31uh yell for for a long time it was like please don't no no stop stop stop stop
43:38no no no it was like she was asking someone to
43:44stop what can they stop someone is abusing her someone touching her someone
43:50is doing something how do you know that or why do you think that I know how it sounds like
43:57I I can I can understand how it sounds there's no way that women will scream
44:04that loud for so long if it's not for for asking for help because someone
44:10is doing something sexually to
44:15her so at no point does tal B claim that she saw any of these rapes T taking
44:22place and as I said she claims that there were other people hiding in the Caravan with her
44:27presumably they would have heard the same things she says she heard but they do not appear in the film to corroborate
44:34what she says and I did some research and as far as I could find this is the
44:39first time that Tali Bena claims to have been not so much an eyewitness but an
44:45ear witness to rapes but it is not her first time talking to the media she was
44:50interviewed on Israel's Channel 13 on November 11th and she gives her account
44:56of hiding in the Caravan but during that interview which is in Hebrew she does
45:01not mention or imply anything whatsoever about sexual violence um and we could
45:09find no uh and that on the screen you just see uh is her on channel 13 back in
45:15um in November and I could find no previous interview or statement from
45:21Tali Benner making any allegation that she was a witness to any kind of sexual
45:27assault and another person that that we see in the Sandberg film is Raz Cohen
45:33he's a familiar face who appeared in Jeffrey gelman's New York Times story
45:38and has given lots of interviews since October 7th with a constantly changing story about the supposed rape he
45:46witnessed witnessed in the Sandberg film he gives a very brief vague version of
45:53his discredited account and I I think I I'll simply say that people could go back and watch a segment on the Jeffrey
45:59gement piece that we did on the live stream in January uh to get the full picture about Cohen and why he is not a
46:07credible witness yeah um speaking of the discredited Jeffrey Gelman piece in the
46:13New York Times from December you said you wanted to talk more about that how
46:18does this tie into the film apart from it being very similarly
46:25titled as we saw at the beginning of our discussion Cheryl Sandberg was still praising gettleman's peace in February
46:32at that event at Columbia University she was holding it up as this amazing
46:37exemplary piece of Journalism so you would think that many of the main examples of alleged rape that Gelman
46:44wrote about would be highlighted in sandberg's film but many of the most
46:49lurid stories Gelman and his Israeli co-authors wrote about are completely
46:55absent from the film there is one however that has given a very short treatment in the film and it's very
47:01telling how little attention it gets let's let's take a look at that
47:08clip who stepped forward a young woman who hid in the bushes and described that
47:15very close to her a few yards from her there was a group of Kamas terrorists
47:20who pulled by the hair another woman
47:27who was stri from the waist down
48:01so that woman speaking in Hebrew with the bloodred face is the one identified by Jeffrey Gelman only by the first name
48:08sapir and for those who are listening she describes hiding in a ditch and seeing Hamas fighs rape a woman and then
48:15one of them cuts off her breast and tosses it on the road and then they toss the breast around and play with it like
48:21a ball this is a claim that has been repeated by countless media Outlets over
48:27the last six months the video of her speaking and it's a longer video
48:32originally was actually presented at a press conference by the Israeli police soon after October 7th in the same video
48:40sapir claims that she saw the Hamas men beheading several women and dancing
48:46around with the detached heads that is not mentioned in sandberg's film because
48:52it totally discredits sep's account as we pointed out in our janary segment on
48:58the ghl piece this could not have happened without leaving masses of physical evidence including huge amounts
49:05of blood and DNA and of course where are the severed heads and the Headless
49:10bodies gettleman was challenged about this after his original screams without
49:16words article which was published on December 28th how could the times have
49:21published such an extraordinary outlandish claim without any corroboration
49:28whatsoever the the New York Times published a followup piece by gettleman
49:34and his Israeli co-authors anat Schwarz and uh um Adam sah on January 29th to
49:41try to repair the damage and it it uh contains this quite extraordinary
49:49claim the police said they found Sap's bag where she said she had been hiding
49:55and women's clothing near where she said the rapes occurred and three s heads were found farther away near the bodies
50:02of as salant in military fatigu Israeli officials said without providing more
50:08detail end quote and I mean that's stunning as far as I know of course none
50:15of that was mentioned in the first article which Jeffrey Gelman claims they
50:21spent months on and interviewed 150 people that it never occurred to them to
50:27ask the Israeli police well do you have any evidence but conveniently the Israeli police said for his follow-up
50:34article after he was criticized oh yeah by the way we did find the heads but uh
50:40as far as I know Jeffrey gatlan and the New York Times are the only Outlets to
50:46ever claim that the Israeli police found three seven heads that has never been
50:52reported in Israeli media as far as I've been able to find and you can imagine that this would would be a huge story
50:58you would have seen it in multiple Outlets not just in uh in Israel but all
51:03over the world gatlan just dropped it in in passing he doesn't say if he asked
51:08the police if they have crime scene photos of these heads or women's clothes or of the alleged asants that were found
51:16dead there there's been no claim that there is any DNA evidence it's just a
51:22passing sentence in gelman's second article and there has been no follow up
51:27by the New York Times surely if these heads existed the story told by sapir
51:33would have been a central part of sandberg's film surely the police in
51:39superintendent that we saw talking about how much evidence there is would have specifically mentioned this shocking
51:46crime and crime scene and all the evidence surely the women would have been identified but instead it's just
51:52mentioned briefly near the end of the film with no mention of the seven heads
51:58whatsoever I'll also mention that Gelman claimed that there was a second
52:03eyewitness to what sapir said she saw a man named Ura Carol but as we showed in
52:09our segment on the New York Times piece back in January Carol had previously
52:14told Israeli media that he did not see any of this taking place but only that
52:20sapir had told him about it and he does not make an appearance in the Sandberg
52:25film either so the story of the dancing Hamas men with the seven heads has just
52:32disappeared I mean I just keep remembering Gelman uh when he was being interviewed by Cheryl sanberg at
52:39Columbia University all those months ago saying that as a journalist it's not his
52:44job to provide evidence he just uh relays information that he's given
52:50extraordinary um what are some of the stories that were in the Gelman piece in the New York Times do not appear in the
52:58Sandberg film right the first one of course is the case of gal abdou an
53:04Israeli woman who was killed on October 7th Gelman made her the poster child
53:09victim of the alleged Mass rape but that story totally fell apart when gal abdou's family repudiated it as Mondo
53:18ice reported within days of the publication of the original story members of gal abdou's family said
53:24they'd never been shown any evidence that abdou was raped that the known facts about her final moments made it
53:31impossible and that the New York Times had manipulated and deceived the
53:36family another major alleged case gettleman and his authors his co-authors
53:42highlighted was that the of that of two teenage girls who were supposedly found
53:48murdered and raped in kib and that there was Sean on one of their bodies that
53:53story was already debunked at the time we talked about the New York Times article on this live stream uh again at
54:00the beginning of January but since then it has been comprehensively disproven by
54:05other Publications as well including the intercept and even the New York Times itself it simply never happened and
54:14there you see uh a headline from uh March 4th in The
54:19Intercept kibot Berry rejects story in New York Times October 7th expose they
54:26were not sexually abused it's not true said the kibot spokesperson of one of
54:31the stories featured in the paper contoversial article and again that's referring to the story of these two
54:37teenage girls in kibuts ber and you can also see uh right here will show the New
54:44York Times uh itself reporting on March 25th that quote new video has surfaced
54:52that undercuts the account of an Israeli military paramedic who said two teenagers killed in the Hamas Le
54:59terrorist attack on October 7th were sexually assaulted and then a bit
55:04further down in the same article the time says quote NE barai a member of a
55:09group from the kibuts that looked into the claims of sexual assault at the house said this story is false reached
55:17by the times the medic declined to say whether he still stood by the account saying he would like to put the attacks
55:23behind him and quote I bet he would like to put that behind
55:29him but strangely or perhaps not so strangely the New York Times is still refusing to retract the ghl piece but
55:37their pretense that everything is okay is not making the Scandal go away this week more than 50 tenur professors from
55:45Top journalism schools wrote to the New York Times urging them to quote immediately commission a group of
55:51Journalism experts to conduct a thorough and full independent review of the report in editing and Publishing
55:58processes for this story and release a report of the findings and end quote
56:05there and i' just like to remind viewers that it was us here at the electronic inal and a tiny handful of other
56:12independent Outlets including Mond wise The gry Zone and then much later The
56:18Intercept who raised the alarm about this story right from the start I also want to acknowledge here the research by
56:24Z squirrel the anonymous user of Twitter or X who has done First Rate work
56:29throughout in debunking this hoax and there are other individuals on Twitter as well who uncovered important things
56:36for example um the repudiation of the gal Abdu Story by her sister miral alter
56:44their research helped me with today's segment as well I think that the fact that the key
56:50claims that were in gettleman story are completely absent from the Cheryl sber film is effective in admission that they
56:57are totally false not even Cheryl Sandberg is prepared to stand by them
57:03but I think her failure to acknowledge anywhere in the film how much false and debunked reporting there has been false
57:10reporting that she publicly endorsed at that Colombia event in in February uh
57:16this reveals that she never set out to make a documentary but a piece of atrocity propaganda and that's what her
57:22film is we can tell a lot uh about her agenda by what's in the film but also
57:29what's not in it and the fact that Sandberg and other proponents of the mass rape hoax never addressed these
57:35debunked stories reveals their basic glaring
57:40dishonesty well finally ali uh as you said we and others have debunked this
57:46Mass rape story time and time again and yet they keep coming back with it why do you think that is I mean I'll go back to
57:54what we've said all along claims that black and brown men
58:01colonized men are sexual Savages who rape white women and settler women is as
58:07old as colonialism and this excuse has been used or th this this this lie has
58:14been used uh for centuries to justify the
58:19dehumanization murder and genocide of enslaved people of colonized people of
58:26indigenous people around the world and it's that same it's that same narrative
58:32being recycled for a 21st century genocide that is what's going on here
58:39and it it's simply a desperate effort to distract from the genocide to
58:47distract from the student Uprising the student in father that's going on all
58:52over the country and it's I think Israel considers it to be the best or or or
59:00they think their strongest card to play uh with more left-leaning Progressive
59:06and liberal opinion in the west where uh support for Israel is just crashing but
59:13what it amounts to is vile genocidal atrocity propaganda
59:20which is being used to justify mass murder of mostly the vast majority of
59:27the people being murdered in Gaza by Israel and the United States and Germany
59:33and their other allies are women and children men are being murdered of
59:39course and men are no more deserving of this fate I'm not implying that but the
59:44vast majority of victims are women and children the people the the that uh
59:50Cheryl Sandberg and Hillary Clinton and other promoters of this vile propaganda
59:55claim to care about so much yeah well thank you for that uh I know
1:00:01that that took a long time and a lot of exhaustive research um you know I having
1:00:08to to watch that film several times I mean these are the sacrifices that that
1:00:14we make at the electronic and devada thank you so much Ally for that work thank you and I and I just want to thank
1:00:20Tamar because yeah I threw a lot of media at her over the last I don't know
1:00:25how long long it's been I bet close to an hour and she just did a tremendous
1:00:31job supporting me in doing this as did Asa and of course you and all our colleagues David Sheen and others as
1:00:40well so thank you all yeah absolutely thank you thanks for watching this video
1:00:46please subscribe to our YouTube channel hit like leave a comment these engagements help us with the YouTube
1:00:53algorithm and it helps us to get around Silicon Valley censorship as much as possible it does make a difference you
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okay um I am Nora baros fredman I'm here with aliia bonima uh I want to let you
know that this next segment contains Frank discussions of alleged sexual
violence last week billionaire former Facebook executive Cheryl sanberg
released a film purporting to document Mass rapes carried out by Hamas fighters on October 7th the film called screams
before Silence has been heavily promoted by such figures as former Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton ostensibly Progressive Congressman Rah and of
course the Israeli government among many others writing in the Washington Post on
April 29th columnist Ruth Marcus urged her readers quote you should watch it
and speak out about how rape and gender violence were deployed as weapons of war about breasts cut cut from bodies about
Nails driven into a woman's vagina it has become the latest vehicle to push
Israel's claims of mass rape on October 7th claims that Israel supporters continue to use to either distract from
or Justify Israel's ongoing us armed genocide in Gaza since its release it
has garnered almost 600,000 views on YouTube alone we're going to take a
detailed look at the film now and Ali is going to show us how it is full of Fabrications distortions and lies and
does not in fact present any new credible evidence to support Israel's claims Ali let's start by reminding
viewers about the role Cheryl Sandberg has played in pushing this story prior to the release of the
film thanks Nora yeah Cheryl Sandberg has indeed been pushing this story since
soon after October 7th and regular viewers may remember that we encountered
Sandberg Sandberg back in February when she and Hillary Clinton headlined a
seminar at none other than Columbia University University to promote the mass rape hoax Sandberg chaired a panel
featuring Jeffrey gettelman the lead author of The Notorious and now almost
completely debunked New York Times article from December called screams without words I don't think that it's a
coincidence that the title of sandberg's film screams before silence Echoes the
headline of that New York Times article let's take a look at Cheryl sandbur
introduc ucing Jeffrey Gelman at that Columbia University event uh back in
February is a poiter prizewinning journalist foreign correspondent for the New York Times for the past 20 years he
has covered every major conflict in more than 80 countries every so often I get to talk to him in these places and I
can't believe what he's going through his piece in December called screams without words is the definitive piece on
the sexual violence of October 7th incredibly hard to research and we'll have a chance to talk about
that as you just heard the Sandberg praises the article gettman wrote with
two Israeli co-authors as quote the definitive piece on the sexual violence
of October 7th but that's not the only praise she gives it here's another brief
clip back to you so the recent piece you just wrote screamed without words Builds
on all the work you've done over the decades and is incredibly comprehensive I think you spoke to over a 100 people
for the pece now uh as I said that was back on
February 9th and recall that by that point much of gelman's pieace had already been debunked for example we had
addressed it here on this live stream right at the beginning of January I'll just just mention right now that a lot
of the rape claims that are in gettleman story do not appear in the Sandberg film
and I'm going to come back and talk about that later okay uh let's talk about
sandberg's film screams before silence uh give us an overview I watched it
yesterday um yeah but yeah tell us what
what what you think yeah we watched it I actually watched it several times so that nobody else has to um but yeah let
let's look at this claim that's right at the beginning of the film um and this
actually this this is a screenshot from the film and it says eyewitnesses and investigators have reported that Hamas
subjected women to sexual violence and rape before they were killed those who
are taken hostage suffered and continue to suffer physical mental and sexual
abuse at the hands of Hamas terrorists now there's a couple of things to note
here first with respect to what supposed happened on October 7th the film speaks
only of eyewitnesses and investigators but not living victims seven months
after this event they have still not identified a single Survivor the second
thing to note is that the film does not claim that there were merely some isolated and individualized incidents of
rape it insists and this point is hammered throughout the film that there was a pre-planned campaign of mass rap
ordered by the leadership of Hamas this is important to keep in mind just like
previous efforts to promote this narrative this film does not provide
credible evidence of even one rape let alone Mass rapes on October 7th the film
does not identify a single victim of the alleged Mass rapes on October 7th either
living or dead they do claim as we shall see that there were dozens of women who
are raped and killed but they can't put a name or a photo to any of them there
are also no interviews with say family members of a rape victim living or dead
they keep telling us to believe Israeli women but once again there are no Israeli women we are being invited to
believe as victims except for one and she is not the victim of an alleged rape
on October 7th and who is that so the only person they produced as a victim of
an alleged sexual assault is a woman called Amit Susana and starting in late
March her story was heavily promoted by the New York Times and the Israeli government's propaganda apparatus here's
a short clip of her in the Sandburg film describing how she was captured and
taken to Gaza 10 men around
me and my instinct was just to to do what I
can later in the film uh Susanna describes a pretty harrowing experience
the one she told the New York Times about in March as I said she does not claim that she was sexually attacked on
October 7th she claims that while she was being held in Gaza for 55 days one
of her Gods whose name she gives is Muhammad forced her on one occasion to
perform an unspecified sex sexual act but Susana only publicly revealed this
account months after her return from Gaza and in the context of a highly coordinated campaign involving the New
York Times and the Israeli government so for example when Susan first spoke to
the media back in January about her experience in Gaza she never mentioned the alleged sexual assault and her story
was rolled out at the same time that the New York Times and other Western media were largely ignoring credible firsthand
accounts of sexual violence against Palestinians by Israeli soldiers so this
one story got uh huge publicity while the uh testimonies of Palestinian women
and men about sexual violence against them were just ignored now Amit Susana
does not claim that there are any Vic any witnesses to what she says she experienced in Gaza so it's really
impossible to verify or completely discount her claim but the key point is
that even if we take her account to be entirely true it does not in any way
support the main thesis of the film so s describes one individual taking
advantage of his power over her in an isolated situation and on one single
occasion nothing in her account again if we accept it as completely true supports
the claim that there was a pre-planned campaign of Mass rape on October 7th uh
or even that there is such a campaign against the female Israeli soldiers who are still in Gaza after the civilian
women were released in November from the perspective of Sandberg and other Israeli propagandists
focusing on Amit Susana is however understandable because they do not have
any other victim not even one from October 7th itself
in the film uh Cheryl Sandberg shows clips of various captured uh supposedly
Palestinian Fighters uh confessing to rapes um but what can you tell us about
that well again in the absence of any identifiable victims the Sandberg film
includes footage supplied by Israel of supposed Confessions by captured
Palestinians interrogated and certainly tortured by Israel torture by Israel is
of course well documented pervasive and routine and has dramatically increased
since October 7th the methods routinely used include inflicting physical and
psychological torture and explicitly threatening to murder or rape relatives
of a detainee if they do not provide the statements Israel demands we have to be
clear that confessions obtained or suspected to have been obtained ained under torture can never be considered
credible evidence and not even the New York Times and other Western Publications that are always so eager to
launder Israel's lies have cited them as evidence you'll recall also that a few
weeks ago we talked about the report written by prila Patton the UN secretary General's special advisor on sexual
violence in conflict and in an article for the electronic in our colleague ASA
win Stanley and I heavily criticized that report for its strong pro-israel
bias but even that report was not willing to launder torture confessions
the patent report actually states that the UN team did not consider accounts collected by Israeli intelligence bodies
through quote interrogations of alleged perpetrators despite some being offered
due to the mission team's inability in the time allotted to establish the due process rights of the accused persons
and adequate authentification end quote also the Human Rights group Physicians
for human rights Israel which has unfortunately given undue Credence to Israel's Mass rape claims has also
warned that the so-called confessions were attained were obtained by interrogations that included the use of
torture and thus it does not consider them valid and even the Israeli police
have had to admit that they could not match these so-call confessions with any victims so this alone should discredit
the entire film but instead we see so-called progressives as you said people like roana and of course
self-proclaimed champions of women's rights and human rights like Hillary Clinton heavily promoting a film that um
shows uh prisoners who are tortured making confessions so Ali if there's no
credible confession uh and no firsthand accounts from alleged victims of rapes on October 7th
uh how does the film try and convince viewers that this is what happened well a lot of it is
atmospherics you if you watch it you'll see there's a lot of sort of Doom and Gloom music and Cheryl sandbag crying
and hugging people and people talking about terrible things that they experienced or witnessed on October 7th
none of which are rapes but when it comes to the rapes one tactic is just to
assert that there's an overwhelming amount of evidence without actually showing any of it so let's take a a look
at this clip of Israeli Police Superintendent Merit Ben mayor talking
to Sandberg with clear instructions to
kidnap as many to rape as many to humiliate as many to murder as many they
came here with a Mission and they succeeded in the mission how much evidence is there of the crimes of
October 7th there's a lot of evidence we have over 200,000 visuals that we've
collected uh we have uh over 2,000 uh testimonies that have been uh taken
among these evidence we have substantial evidence for uh sexual violence that
took place on the 7th of [Music] October so that might pretty convincing
to an uninformed audience but as we've said before on this live stream Israel has never claimed and is still not
claiming that there is a single piece of video that shows a rape taking place and
that is an extraordinary absence given the fact that you just heard once again
that this was a systematic campaign of mass rape but you do not have to take my
word for it here's what the Israeli newspaper haritz reported as recently as
April 18th in an article that is actually trying to boost not debunk the
mass rape claims and I quote from haritz it says from inquiries put to three
bodies in the defense establishment by haritz it emerges that the intelligence
material collected by the police and the intelligence bodies including footage
from terrorists body cameras does not contain visual documentation of any acts
of rape that themselves end quote so here's a and
here's another example of a claim that there is just a ton of evidence where none exists this is a woman called
Sherie Mendes who is described as an Israeli Army rever reservist who was at
the shura military base that was being used as a makeshift Mor on October
7th the shur base which is where all the victims of the October Massacre were
brought there were body bags lining the corridors from the floor to the ceiling
on both sides and we never knew what we would see we never knew what the level
of the atrocity would be inside the body bag as we did more and more of what we
were tasked to do we realized that women not just murdered women were shot in the
head so many times that it seemed seemed like there was an intention an objective
to obliterate their faces um most often families couldn't be shown the faces of
their daughters and we began to see that some of it was sexual nature directly
targeted sexual violence some came in with no clothing
and mostly very bloody underwear did this feel systematic to you yes it did
seem systematic to use sexual violence as a weapon of
War so now let's go back to that April 18th article in harits and here's what
it says quote at the shur base to which most of the bodies were taken for
purposes of identification there were five forensic Pathologists at work in
that capacity they also examined bodies that arrived completely or partially
naked in order to examine the possibility of rape according to a source knowledgeable about the details
there were no signs on any of those bodies attesting to sexual relations having taken place or of Mutilation of
genitalia end quote the article also says that there were police forensic
teams at the shur base and then it says quote these teams did not document a
single case of sexual assault or cases of genital mutilation end quote and let's also go
back to the UN report which says that the UN team examined thousands of photos
and video clips provided by the Israelis the UN report says quote in the medical
legal assessment of available photos and videos no tangible indications of rape
could be identified end quote so Sher Mendes is just a liar and and there's no
forensic evidence either um what are some of the other tactics that the film uses to try and convince viewers that
we're dealing with something real here besides the Moody music and the close-up
shots of Cheryl Sandberg patting the backs of people there is a huge emphasis on
trying to shock viewers with claims that Witnesses observed mutilated bodies with
signs of sexual violence including the insertion of objects such as iron bar
and Nails into the uh genitalia and around the groins of victims another
horrific claim is that bodies were found in positions that indicated that victims
had been raped for example with their legs spread apart I want to emphasize
that absolutely none of these claims are being made based on proper forensic examinations or by qualified experts so
let's look at a few clips from the film and again I have to war that the things being described are pretty explicit and
horrible let's take a look at this first clip cut to
pieces cut to pieces you cannot identify if it's a man or
woman everything was ripped
a lot of the bodies were naked totally in your experience how often have you found naked bodies
never never when I got out I saw so many
bodies their shirts were were ripped off and girls without skirts
without pants that their legs were spreaded they were abused the bodies
were abused
yeah so uh the people we just saw in that clip in order of first appearance with Sim
grman of zaka a Jewish group that recovers body for burial and we'll we'll come back to them later he is followed
Byam who worked as a security guard at the Supernova Rave uh that famous Rave a
few miles from Gaza and then Kim otmazgin also of zaka and finally tan
Tali bner a woman who survived the Supernova Rave and these are really
horrific claims and for those who are listening and and couldn't read the subtitles in the Hebrew section
uh the the account in Hebrew was similar to what you heard in English it was talking about burned mutilated bodies um
and that kind of thing that uh the person assumes indicates rapes but again
this person is not an expert now let's watch a bit more of Simka grman from
zaka when we picked up the mattress we found her
body this woman we could not identify her from her
face she was nakat holy and she had
Nails around her female
organs it's quite a claim yeah and then now there's more
unfortunately this is a clip of of sim grman again and Kim Mazin of zaka
showing photos to Cheryl Sandberg that they claim show evidence of some of the horrors they just described let's look
at that okay I'd like to see some of what
saw as you can see the body was Ral in different
stages this is a part of the
breast I'll be here and over be here and over be here oh my
god of course we don't see those photos ourselves that's right that's right and
it continues for that little bit longer but it's it's more of the same and again Mazin who's speaking in Hebrew he's
talking about you know things inserted around the groin area but as you say at
no point do we see uh the those photos that they're showing to Cheryl Sandberg
ourselves and then finally this is a clip of a man called Ramy Davidian who
claims to have single-handedly rescued hundreds of people from that Supernova rave on October
7th foree
[Music] it's okay
I don't even know what to say about that well yeah I mean again just to summarize
for those who are listening and couldn't read the subtitles so Ramy davidan they're standing in the forest where
this Supernova Rave took place and he claims that he saw women tied to trees
who had been raped who had been burned who had had objects like iron rods and
wooden boards inserted into to their private parts and then he says that um I
mean no one else was around according to him it was just him and then he says what he did uh is that he if their legs
and again I'm sorry about how graphic this is but he you know if their legs were spread he closed their legs he
covered everything up and he said so no one else could see so no one else could see so what's interesting about that is
if we are to believe what he's saying then he is admitting that he actually tampered with a major crime scene in
order to destroy the evidence of the thing the things he says he saw so that
no one else could ever see them and that turns out to be very convenient indeed
because Ramy davidan is a huge liar uh I know you have more to say
about him Ramy davidan and some of these other characters that we just saw in that uh in those clips but let's start
with those claims themselves why do you think they are not
credible right first let's go back to that un report again by premila Patton
the UN secretary General's uh special representative on sexual violence and armed conflict and here's what it says
about the claims about objects being inserted into people's private parts
this is paragraph 65 of the report which actually rejects a number of the most
prominent Israeli atrocity claims about October 7th but look at that last sentence it says quote allegations of
objects found inserted in female genital organs also could not be verified by the
mission team due in large part to The Limited availability and low quality of
imagery and then this is paragraph 47 of the same un report which addresses the
claims about the positions in which bodies were allegedly observed
it points to quote erroneous interpretations of the state of bodies
by some volunteer First Responders without relevant qualifications and expertise some examples include
mistaking post postmortem pugilistic posturing a boxal likee body posture
with flexed elbows clenched fists spread legs and flexed knees due to burn damage
as indicative of sexual violence Miss interpreting anal dilation due to
postmortem morm changes as indicative of anal penetration and mischaracterizing
grazing gunshot wounds to genitalia as targeted genital mutilation using knives
end quote and those are all precisely things you heard things that you heard
people in the Sandburg film saying especially the people uh from zaka you
you saw masin claiming that he saw people with
clenched fists like this is if they were trying to defend themselves and you just heard what the UN report said about that
now I also want you to keep in mind those words burn damage because so many
of the people in this film refer to bodies being burned and torned
apart and what is the most like what is the most likely explanation for that I'd
suggest that the obvious explanation one the film doesn't discuss at all is Israel's massive and indiscriminate use
of helicopter gunships and other powerful weapons that cause precisely
the kind of injuries described by the people in the film and the UN report
remember that the Israeli police have already admitted that Israeli that
Israel fired on people at the Supernova Rave using Apache helicopters and of
course not just at the super uh Nova Rave the the dozens of Apaches were
firing indiscriminately and as we at the electronic in have reported many times
all based on Israeli sources Israel applied the so-called Hannibal directive on October 7th a military doctrine that
allows Israel to kill its own people rather than allowing them to be captured by an enemy right so the UN has rejected
the claims uh about objects being inserted into bodies you know systematically and the mutilation of
genitals but what are other people saying yeah there are several examples
of even generally pro-israel media sources looking at the so-called evidence and concluding that these
claims are simply not credible so let's take a look for example at this March
5th article from NBC news about the UN report on alleged sexual violence on
October 7th and right there you can see that NBC itself looked at the materials Israel
gave to the UN team and that supposedly show objects inserted into women's genitalia and NBC says quote NBC News
was also shown the photos but could not independently confirm that nails or a
knife had been inserted in the women's bodies based solely on the images end
quote and even Israel's hit newspaper is unable to SW follow the claims in that
April 18th article that is actually trying to support the contention that
the mass rapes took place haritz was apparently shown the same photos by Kim
masin that we just saw Cheryl Sandberg looking at haret says quote OT masin
showed several of the photographs in his possession to herit including the one set to show Nails having been inserted
into the groin the photograph was taken almost a week after the massacre and is
definitely of poor quality the possibility that what is depicted is indeed Nails seems reasonable certainly
in combination with his testimony but it's impossible to determine this unequivocally end quote so htis TR is
clearly trying to put the best possible spin on this to support OT mazin's
claims but even they are unwilling to uh to endorse them
you said you wanted to take a closer look at some of these characters uh including of course the zaka volunteers
uh who do you want to start with well let's start with Kim Mazin and many
viewers will already recognize that art masan works for zacha the Jewish extremist group whose members have been
marketed worldwide as First Responders in order to give them more credibility that's why they see them in those yellow
vests you're supposed to think that these a selfless uh you know Rescuers in
fact what members of zacha do is collect bodies and body parts from scenes of
disasters or violence in order to bury them regular viewers will also know that zacha and its members were responsible
for some of the most notorious atrocity propaganda since October 7th including
the totally false and disproven claim about a pregnant woman having the fetus
cut out of her and the stories of children being tied together and burned none of that happened now the well-known
uh lies of zacha ought to be enough to discredit anyone from that organization
but it's particularly absurd for otmazgin to be put forward as a champion
of victims of sexual assault now zaka was founded by a Jewish extremist with a
history of terrorist violence a man called Yehuda Mesi zahav and here want
to thank our colleague David Sheen for allowing me to use some of his background research on zaka and not
masin that he's done for a forthcoming article about October 7th atrocity
propaganda so during the 1980s the the founder of zaka Yehuda
Mesi zahav led keset a gang of ultra Orthodox extremists that terrorize
Jewish residents of Jerusalem to punish them for using electricity on the Sabbath for displaying photographs of
females and for selling secular newspapers Mesi zahav later went on to
found zacha and ran it for three decades in 2021 Israeli police opened an
investigation into allegations that me Mesi zahav used his power first as head
of keset and then as the head of zaka to commit violent sex crimes against adults
and children male and female for over four decades
many of his victims finally had the courage to come forward take a look at this article from wet one of Israel's
biggest news outlets and this is from March 2021 you can see there that Mesi zahav's
horrific sex crimes against children were an Open Secret in the haredi OR Ultra Orthodox community and many people
were even calling him haredi Jeffrey Epstein a few weeks after the the police
investigation into Mesi zahav's uh sex crimes was open he was opened he
attempted suicide and in fact he died a year later and while all of his horrible
crimes were being revealed and investigated one of his chief public defenders was none other than his zaka
colleague Kim Mazin art masin even told Israeli Army radio
that Mesi zahav was the victim of blackmail by his accusers and that quote
the last thing he is capable of doing is hurting others end quote so there you
have itaskin from the discredited extremist group zaka is one of Cheryl sandberg's
star Witnesses in her film defending alleged victims of rape but he himself
is a staunched defender of a man credibly accused of raping dozens of children over a period spanning for
decades it's unbearable um you uh also said you wanted to talk more about Ramy
Davidian the man uh we saw just a few minutes ago who claimed to see women tied to trees and various objects
inserted into them yes interestingly Ramy deidan has
already told his story or rather story since the versions seem to change
constantly um and here he is for example featured on a website called humans of
telaviv giving his account of October 7th uh he is
identified uh not as a first responder like in the Sandberg film but as a
farmer from M PA a Zionist Colonial settlement a few miles east of the
boundary with Gaza in that account Davidian claims that he helped rescue
hundred of people from the Supernova Rave including one young woman in particular and this is what he's quoted
as saying I got a location from rotam one of the girls who escaped the party
and she texted me that she was hiding behind a tree I drove to her location
honking my car so she could hear me approaching her when I got to her location I saw she was surrounded by
five terrorists I didn't Flinch and shouted at them in Arabic ahan my name
is Abu Rami I'm Muslim and it's better that you give the girl to me and escape from here as fast as you can because the
whole area is full of armed security forces I wasn't afraid it was pure instincts luckily they thought I was a
bedin and because they were already on the Rum Run they gave me the girl the girl to me and ran off end quote now I
found that Davidian has told this story this version of of the rescue countless
times in interviews uh but he also gave his account in a video posted on the
YouTube channel of the world mrai organization in December it's a five
minute video but we're just going to watch a short clip where he tells the tale of his heroic Rescue of that uh
woman for
as you can see there uh Ramy deidan is really good at turning on the Waterworks
in front of the camera but now I'm going to read the English subtitles again for
those who are listening rather than watching he says in one case I rescued
several girls they told me their friend was stuck in a Wy in the middle of nowhere there was no cell phone
reception it was very difficult to reach her and she cried begging me to save her then I said fine I'll start honking with
the car and the louder it gets you direct me yes yes yes I managed to reach her I started running I saw her with
five or six men I looked to the sides I saw weapons then I realized they were terrorists I don't know where I got the
strength from I found a pipe of a sprinkler only a farmer knows what that is I managed to knock them to the ground
I put her in the car brought her to my house and once again returned to the area it's a miracle that this woman was
saved I don't want that Merit I don't ever want that Merit I Didn't Do It for
the Merit end quote so as you can see there he's he's
uh what what you immediately notice there is that these accounts are very
different in the first one he somehow scares off the five armed terrorists
who've supposedly come to kill everyone in sight just by scolding them in Arabic
he doesn't say anything about fighting them off with a pipe he just managed to either charm them or scare them uh by or
convince them by pretending to be a Muslim he is in fact Jewish but he says he pretended to be a Muslim in the
second story he heroically knocks five armed terrorists as he calls them to the
ground with nothing but a piece of pipe I mean what do you think how credible is
that watched a lot of movies right this is like a a you know a script from a
superhero movie so he's clearly not a very credible witness and it's also
notable that in the vast majority of his interviews that I saw deidan makes no
claims whatsoever about seeing any signs of sexual violence the earliest instance
I could find of Davidian claiming to have seen anything related to sexual violence the kind of things he describes
it to Cheryl seinberg date from early February four months after October 7th
in a report from the association of rape crisis centers in Israel an organization
that has played a key role in trying to launder the mass rape hoax and the last
thing I'll say about Ramy deidan is that that even if he can't keep his story straight he does seem to be enjoying the
Limelight he's become a sort of a minor celebrity in Israel doing speaking
events like this one in April where for uh the price of 60 shekels that's about
$15 you can go and listen to him tell his tales of heroism and he's even uh
Gone on a speaking tour of Italy recently right except he doesn't want
any Merit as he says no very very modest
modest character yeah yeah um are there other characters in the film that you
want to highlight yeah uh we don't have time to talk about all of them uh but and and
none of them are really any more convincing than what we've seen but I I'm going to mention a couple Sandberg
interviews a woman called tally binner a survivor of the violence at the Supernova Raven we saw a little clip of
her earlier uh bner says she was hiding in a caravan or a trailer as people in
North America call it for hours with three friends on October 7th and here's
a clip of her telling Sandberg what
happened after 1 hour that we were in the trailer I started to hear
um yell yelling of the women I heard the girl that started to
uh yell for for a long time it was like please don't no no stop stop stop stop
no no no it was like she was asking someone to
stop what can they stop someone is abusing her someone touching her someone
is doing something how do you know that or why do you think that I know how it sounds like
I I can I can understand how it sounds there's no way that women will scream
that loud for so long if it's not for for asking for help because someone
is doing something sexually to
her so at no point does tal B claim that she saw any of these rapes T taking
place and as I said she claims that there were other people hiding in the Caravan with her
presumably they would have heard the same things she says she heard but they do not appear in the film to corroborate
what she says and I did some research and as far as I could find this is the
first time that Tali Bena claims to have been not so much an eyewitness but an
ear witness to rapes but it is not her first time talking to the media she was
interviewed on Israel's Channel 13 on November 11th and she gives her account
of hiding in the Caravan but during that interview which is in Hebrew she does
not mention or imply anything whatsoever about sexual violence um and we could
find no uh and that on the screen you just see uh is her on channel 13 back in
um in November and I could find no previous interview or statement from
Tali Benner making any allegation that she was a witness to any kind of sexual
assault and another person that that we see in the Sandberg film is Raz Cohen
he's a familiar face who appeared in Jeffrey gelman's New York Times story
and has given lots of interviews since October 7th with a constantly changing story about the supposed rape he
witnessed witnessed in the Sandberg film he gives a very brief vague version of
his discredited account and I I think I I'll simply say that people could go back and watch a segment on the Jeffrey
gement piece that we did on the live stream in January uh to get the full picture about Cohen and why he is not a
credible witness yeah um speaking of the discredited Jeffrey Gelman piece in the
New York Times from December you said you wanted to talk more about that how
does this tie into the film apart from it being very similarly
titled as we saw at the beginning of our discussion Cheryl Sandberg was still praising gettleman's peace in February
at that event at Columbia University she was holding it up as this amazing
exemplary piece of Journalism so you would think that many of the main examples of alleged rape that Gelman
wrote about would be highlighted in sandberg's film but many of the most
lurid stories Gelman and his Israeli co-authors wrote about are completely
absent from the film there is one however that has given a very short treatment in the film and it's very
telling how little attention it gets let's let's take a look at that
clip who stepped forward a young woman who hid in the bushes and described that
very close to her a few yards from her there was a group of Kamas terrorists
who pulled by the hair another woman
who was stri from the waist down
so that woman speaking in Hebrew with the bloodred face is the one identified by Jeffrey Gelman only by the first name
sapir and for those who are listening she describes hiding in a ditch and seeing Hamas fighs rape a woman and then
one of them cuts off her breast and tosses it on the road and then they toss the breast around and play with it like
a ball this is a claim that has been repeated by countless media Outlets over
the last six months the video of her speaking and it's a longer video
originally was actually presented at a press conference by the Israeli police soon after October 7th in the same video
sapir claims that she saw the Hamas men beheading several women and dancing
around with the detached heads that is not mentioned in sandberg's film because
it totally discredits sep's account as we pointed out in our janary segment on
the ghl piece this could not have happened without leaving masses of physical evidence including huge amounts
of blood and DNA and of course where are the severed heads and the Headless
bodies gettleman was challenged about this after his original screams without
words article which was published on December 28th how could the times have
published such an extraordinary outlandish claim without any corroboration
whatsoever the the New York Times published a followup piece by gettleman
and his Israeli co-authors anat Schwarz and uh um Adam sah on January 29th to
try to repair the damage and it it uh contains this quite extraordinary
claim the police said they found Sap's bag where she said she had been hiding
and women's clothing near where she said the rapes occurred and three s heads were found farther away near the bodies
of as salant in military fatigu Israeli officials said without providing more
detail end quote and I mean that's stunning as far as I know of course none
of that was mentioned in the first article which Jeffrey Gelman claims they
spent months on and interviewed 150 people that it never occurred to them to
ask the Israeli police well do you have any evidence but conveniently the Israeli police said for his follow-up
article after he was criticized oh yeah by the way we did find the heads but uh
as far as I know Jeffrey gatlan and the New York Times are the only Outlets to
ever claim that the Israeli police found three seven heads that has never been
reported in Israeli media as far as I've been able to find and you can imagine that this would would be a huge story
you would have seen it in multiple Outlets not just in uh in Israel but all
over the world gatlan just dropped it in in passing he doesn't say if he asked
the police if they have crime scene photos of these heads or women's clothes or of the alleged asants that were found
dead there there's been no claim that there is any DNA evidence it's just a
passing sentence in gelman's second article and there has been no follow up
by the New York Times surely if these heads existed the story told by sapir
would have been a central part of sandberg's film surely the police in
superintendent that we saw talking about how much evidence there is would have specifically mentioned this shocking
crime and crime scene and all the evidence surely the women would have been identified but instead it's just
mentioned briefly near the end of the film with no mention of the seven heads
whatsoever I'll also mention that Gelman claimed that there was a second
eyewitness to what sapir said she saw a man named Ura Carol but as we showed in
our segment on the New York Times piece back in January Carol had previously
told Israeli media that he did not see any of this taking place but only that
sapir had told him about it and he does not make an appearance in the Sandberg
film either so the story of the dancing Hamas men with the seven heads has just
disappeared I mean I just keep remembering Gelman uh when he was being interviewed by Cheryl sanberg at
Columbia University all those months ago saying that as a journalist it's not his
job to provide evidence he just uh relays information that he's given
extraordinary um what are some of the stories that were in the Gelman piece in the New York Times do not appear in the
Sandberg film right the first one of course is the case of gal abdou an
Israeli woman who was killed on October 7th Gelman made her the poster child
victim of the alleged Mass rape but that story totally fell apart when gal abdou's family repudiated it as Mondo
ice reported within days of the publication of the original story members of gal abdou's family said
they'd never been shown any evidence that abdou was raped that the known facts about her final moments made it
impossible and that the New York Times had manipulated and deceived the
family another major alleged case gettleman and his authors his co-authors
highlighted was that the of that of two teenage girls who were supposedly found
murdered and raped in kib and that there was Sean on one of their bodies that
story was already debunked at the time we talked about the New York Times article on this live stream uh again at
the beginning of January but since then it has been comprehensively disproven by
other Publications as well including the intercept and even the New York Times itself it simply never happened and
there you see uh a headline from uh March 4th in The
Intercept kibot Berry rejects story in New York Times October 7th expose they
were not sexually abused it's not true said the kibot spokesperson of one of
the stories featured in the paper contoversial article and again that's referring to the story of these two
teenage girls in kibuts ber and you can also see uh right here will show the New
York Times uh itself reporting on March 25th that quote new video has surfaced
that undercuts the account of an Israeli military paramedic who said two teenagers killed in the Hamas Le
terrorist attack on October 7th were sexually assaulted and then a bit
further down in the same article the time says quote NE barai a member of a
group from the kibuts that looked into the claims of sexual assault at the house said this story is false reached
by the times the medic declined to say whether he still stood by the account saying he would like to put the attacks
behind him and quote I bet he would like to put that behind
him but strangely or perhaps not so strangely the New York Times is still refusing to retract the ghl piece but
their pretense that everything is okay is not making the Scandal go away this week more than 50 tenur professors from
Top journalism schools wrote to the New York Times urging them to quote immediately commission a group of
Journalism experts to conduct a thorough and full independent review of the report in editing and Publishing
processes for this story and release a report of the findings and end quote
there and i' just like to remind viewers that it was us here at the electronic inal and a tiny handful of other
independent Outlets including Mond wise The gry Zone and then much later The
Intercept who raised the alarm about this story right from the start I also want to acknowledge here the research by
Z squirrel the anonymous user of Twitter or X who has done First Rate work
throughout in debunking this hoax and there are other individuals on Twitter as well who uncovered important things
for example um the repudiation of the gal Abdu Story by her sister miral alter
their research helped me with today's segment as well I think that the fact that the key
claims that were in gettleman story are completely absent from the Cheryl sber film is effective in admission that they
are totally false not even Cheryl Sandberg is prepared to stand by them
but I think her failure to acknowledge anywhere in the film how much false and debunked reporting there has been false
reporting that she publicly endorsed at that Colombia event in in February uh
this reveals that she never set out to make a documentary but a piece of atrocity propaganda and that's what her
film is we can tell a lot uh about her agenda by what's in the film but also
what's not in it and the fact that Sandberg and other proponents of the mass rape hoax never addressed these
debunked stories reveals their basic glaring
dishonesty well finally ali uh as you said we and others have debunked this
Mass rape story time and time again and yet they keep coming back with it why do you think that is I mean I'll go back to
what we've said all along claims that black and brown men
colonized men are sexual Savages who rape white women and settler women is as
old as colonialism and this excuse has been used or th this this this lie has
been used uh for centuries to justify the
dehumanization murder and genocide of enslaved people of colonized people of
indigenous people around the world and it's that same it's that same narrative
being recycled for a 21st century genocide that is what's going on here
and it it's simply a desperate effort to distract from the genocide to
distract from the student Uprising the student in father that's going on all
over the country and it's I think Israel considers it to be the best or or or
they think their strongest card to play uh with more left-leaning Progressive
and liberal opinion in the west where uh support for Israel is just crashing but
what it amounts to is vile genocidal atrocity propaganda
which is being used to justify mass murder of mostly the vast majority of
the people being murdered in Gaza by Israel and the United States and Germany
and their other allies are women and children men are being murdered of
course and men are no more deserving of this fate I'm not implying that but the
vast majority of victims are women and children the people the the that uh
Cheryl Sandberg and Hillary Clinton and other promoters of this vile propaganda
claim to care about so much yeah well thank you for that uh I know
that that took a long time and a lot of exhaustive research um you know I having
to to watch that film several times I mean these are the sacrifices that that
we make at the electronic and devada thank you so much Ally for that work thank you and I and I just want to thank
Tamar because yeah I threw a lot of media at her over the last I don't know
how long long it's been I bet close to an hour and she just did a tremendous
job supporting me in doing this as did Asa and of course you and all our colleagues David Sheen and others as
well so thank you all yeah absolutely thank you thanks for watching this video
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