
Koreanists | 사랑받지 못하는 공화국 (2024) was written by Professor Bryan Myers, a professor of international studies at Dongseo University in Busan | Facebook

Koreanists | 사랑받지 못하는 공화국 (2024) was written by Professor Bryan Myers, a professor of international studies at Dongseo University in Busan | Facebook

사랑받지 못하는 공화국 (2024) was written by Professor Bryan Myers, a professor of international studies at Dongseo University in Busan. Anyone familiar with North Korean studies will be keenly aware of Myers and his work as he has written some excellent books on that subject, including The Cleanest Race and North Korea's Juche Myth. His latest book reveals two firsts: It’s his first written in Korean and it's his first that deals with South Korean politics.
Myers has said that "the book's original thrust is the argument that the right neglected / still neglects the work of state-building, but most young people, being centrist or progressive, are just not interested in that issue."
This conversation explores his work in the hope of creating a discussion around the issues that he raises, including Japan, North Korea, Park Chung-hee, and history.
All reactions:
You, Sandra Fahy, Leonid Petrov and 39 others

Adam Bohnet
Top contributor
Just a note from the admins to say that we are watching this conversation. In a diverse group like Koreanists, its normal and healthy for us to have opposing and strongly-held views, and we want everyone to be able to express their thoughts here. But, we also want to remind everyone to remain respectful to one another, and to make sure that healthy debate does not tip into the kind of argument that can undermine our community.
At this point everyone has had chance to express themselves clearly, so if posts on this thread continue to get heated we will close it to future comments. Please bear that in mind if you intend to add to this conversation.
Simone Chun
What is he? Is he a European-nationalist-imperialist, American-nationalist-imperialist? It's fair to examine one's own history and identity before claiming others'.
Craig Urquhart
Simone Chun are you being ironic? He's not either of those things.
Craig Urquhart
Myers is no imperialist. Not of any kind.
Craig Urquhart
Simone Chun That rational wiki article has to be the most grotesquely deceitful and misrepresentative hard-left rendering of Myers I've ever seen. It's as is someone to the left of Stalin wrote it. To say that it was dishonest is to discredit honestly dishonest people.
Craig Urquhart
Myers genuinely understands the horror state North Korea truly is. I've spent 10 years interviewing North Korean exiles and refugees. It's the subject of my PhD. For many years, I socialized almost exclusively with North Koreans. I've spent insane amou… 
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Simone Chun
Craig Urquhart If you are truly concerned about the suffering of North Koreans, help stop US warmongering.
The Papal Vision for Peace in the Korean Peninsula
The Papal Vision for Peace in the Korean Peninsula
The Papal Vision for Peace in the Korean Peninsula
Craig Urquhart
Simone Chun Being on the other side doesn't make someone a peace advocate. They're just on the other side.
North Korea's government is the entire source of the suffering of North Koreans and the sole author of their misery. The United States is not t… 
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Simone Chun
Craig Urquhart Best luck to your research! It's up to Koreans (including myself) who determine the fate of their nation, not you: the principle of self-determination. Good bye.
Craig Urquhart
Simone Chun Have you spoken with North Koreans? Do you know any? Have you bothered?
I'm not just some foreigner, and neither are the people here. Racist radical Minjok politics types like to pretend only "the right people" can speak about this, while… 
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Janice Kim
Craig Urquhart You must admit that it's difficult to assess North Korea comprehensively from the testimony of defectors, though. Right?
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Simone Chun
A critical historical and geopolitical understanding of the issue, especially the role of Japanese and American imperialism in the making of Korea, would enhance our understanding of Korea's tragedy. Moreover, NK has been under the threat of war from the U.S. for more than 70 years.
404 | Truthout
404 | Truthout
Craig Urquhart
Simone Chun Because "Truthout" is so reliable and not a pro-Russian/Chinese rag.
Craig Urquhart
Good job. I also thought his book was good.
Gabriel Pettyjohn
Before listening: Are there plans to publish the book in English?
David Tizzard replied
1 reply
사랑받지 못하는 공화국 | 브라이언 마이어스 - 교보문고
사랑받지 못하는 공화국 | 브라이언 마이어스 - 교보문고
사랑받지 못하는 공화국 | 브라이언 마이어스 - 교보문고

사랑받지 못하는 공화국 | 브라이언 마이어스 - 교보문고
사랑받지 못하는 공화국 | 브라이언 마이어스 - 교보문고
사랑받지 못하는 공화국 | 브라이언 마이어스 - 교보문고
Gabriel Pettyjohn
Before listening: Are there plans to publish the book in English?
David Tizzard
Top contributor
Not that I know of yet, but it would probably be best to check with Myers himself. As a sidenote, this is the third book written in Korean by a non-Korean that I have read this year. Seems to be a growing trend and I'm all in favour of it.
Craig Urquhart
Good job. I also thought his book was good.
Simone Chun
What is he? Is he a European-nationalist-imperialist, American-nationalist-imperialist? It's fair to examine one's own history and identity before claiming others'.
Craig Urquhart
Simone Chun are you being ironic? He's not either of those things.
Craig Urquhart
Myers is no imperialist. Not of any kind.
Craig Urquhart
Simone Chun That rational wiki article has to be the most grotesquely deceitful and misrepresentative hard-left rendering of Myers I've ever seen. It's as is someone to the left of Stalin wrote it. To say that it was dishonest is to discredit honestly dishonest people.
Craig Urquhart
Myers genuinely understands the horror state North Korea truly is. I've spent 10 years interviewing North Korean exiles and refugees. It's the subject of my PhD. For many years, I socialized almost exclusively with North Koreans. I've spent insane amou… 
See more
Simone Chun
Craig Urquhart If you are truly concerned about the suffering of North Koreans, help stop US warmongering.
The Papal Vision for Peace in the Korean Peninsula
The Papal Vision for Peace in the Korean Peninsula
The Papal Vision for Peace in the Korean Peninsula
Craig Urquhart
Simone Chun Being on the other side doesn't make someone a peace advocate. They're just on the other side.
North Korea's government is the entire source of the suffering of North Koreans and the sole author of their misery. The United States is not the enemy, here.
Have you ever spoken to actual North Koreans? Even one?
The North Korean regime isn't just a well-meaning misunderstood alternative. It is wholly bad, predicated on utterly heinous principles to the core, and built on lies, abuse and torture. This is the nature of the government. Its society is a prison camp pretending to be a country, a psychopathic religious cult that takes pleasure in hurting people and in suffering. It's a prison state. At their very worst, South Korea's governments have been spectacularly better than the best moments of North Korea's sociopathic murder-government. Everything about the North Korean government is irredeemable.
There are no excuses, there's no "But we also have problems" or "The US did some bad thing". Anyone who makes excuses for or apologizes for the absolutely criminal government of North Korea is at best a dupe, at worst a danger to every person who values human life.
The North Korean people have precisely one enemy: Their own government. Full stop.
Simone Chun
Craig Urquhart Best luck to your research! It's up to Koreans (including myself) who determine the fate of their nation, not you: the principle of self-determination. Good bye.
Craig Urquhart
Simone Chun Have you spoken with North Koreans? Do you know any? Have you bothered?
I'm not just some foreigner, and neither are the people here. Racist radical Minjok politics types like to pretend only "the right people" can speak about this, while they lie and pretend and think the Northern government is wonderful, but I have a stake in Korea, too. You may not like it, but we belong here, too, and we are just as much a part of this nation's future as you are. 한국은 우리 모두의 집입니다.
It's very common for Minjok racists and xenophobes to try to silence people who tell the truth, when they can't argue any more.That's common in many societies. That form of xenophobic silencing is just as ugly and repulsive (and predictable) in Korea as it is anywhere else. So you will not silence people you dislike by branding them unacceptable aliens. This is our country and our society, too, and our fate is tied to it.
You can hide your sympathy for the murder-regime and the gangsters in the North if you like, but Korea is part of the world and the world is part of Korea. That's what normal societies are like. The option to live in a purified, racially and socially perfected society exists. All you need to do is travel north and there you are. I'm sure you'll be welcomed with open arms.
Janice Kim
Craig Urquhart You must admit that it's difficult to assess North Korea comprehensively from the testimony of defectors, though. Right?
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Simone Chun
A critical historical and geopolitical understanding of the issue, especially the role of Japanese and American imperialism in the making of Korea, would enhance our understanding of Korea's tragedy. Moreover, NK has been under the threat of war from the U.S. for more than 70 years.
404 | Truthout
404 | Truthout
Craig Urquhart
Simone Chun Because "Truthout" is so reliable and not a pro-Russian/Chinese rag.
Adam Bohnet
Top contributor
Just a note from the admins to say that we are watching this conversation. In a diverse group like Koreanists, its normal and healthy for us to have opposing and strongly-held views, and we want everyone to be able to express their thoughts here. But, we also want to remind everyone to remain respectful to one another, and to make sure that healthy debate does not tip into the kind of argument that can undermine our community.
At this point everyone has had chance to express themselves clearly, so if posts on this thread continue to get heated we will close it to future comments. Please bear that in mind if you intend to add to this conversation.

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