
Samaritans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Samaritans (Samaritan Hebrew: שוֹמְרִים Samerim"Guardians/Keepers/Watchers [of the Law/Torah]", JewishHebrewשומרונים‎ Shomronim,Arabicالسامريون‎ Sāmeriyyūn) are an ethnoreligious group of the Levant, originating from the Israelites or Hebrews of the Ancient Near East.
The Samaritans are adherents of Samaritanism, anAbrahamic religion closely related to Judaism. Samaritans believe that their worship, which is based on the Samaritan Pentateuch,[4]is the true religion of the ancient Israelites from before the Babylonian Exile, preserved by those who remained in the Land of Israel, as opposed to Judaism, which they see as a related but altered and amended religion, brought back by those returning from the Babylonian exile.

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