
[JUCHE IN CONTEXT - linked to the popular masses, 반사대주의의


The Juche idea is studied throughout the world.It grips the imagination of the progressive and revolutionary people of the world who demand independence and a new society. It is probably one of the most widely studied ideologies in the modern world.Over a 1,000 Juche idea study groups have been set up and Juche idea seminars are held on a national,regional,continental and regional level.

The first ever Juche Idea Study Group was set in Mali on the African contintent in 1969.Reactionaries try to impede the study of the Juche and all kinds of chauvinists,revisionists and dogmatists attempt to dismiss the Juche idea. They cannot succeed because Juche represents the current of thought in the era of independence and it is the perfect communist revolutionary theory which gives correct answers to all kinds of questions in the revolution and construction.Indeed the sneerers, doubters and cynics of modern revisionism ,dogmatism and flunkeyism forgot that it was the DPRK Juche based socialism that survived and is winning victories against imperialism when other socialist countries collapsed .However they cannot block the study of the Juche idea The Songun idea is a further development of the Juche idea,It is based on the simple but essentia truth that the revolution is advanced and defended by the force of arms. Really the starting point of the Songun idea was the 2 pistols handed down to the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung by his father.
The Juche idea was born in the tempest of the anti Japanese armed struggle.It was created on the battlefields of the anti Japanese war rather than in a quiet study or smoke filled rooms.It is based on the simple truth that the popular masses are the masters of the revolution and construction.

As a young man the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung witnessed the fact that revolutionary struggles met a dead end in Korea;the nationalists repeatedly failed in their struggles and the Korean Communist Party was dissolved in 1928.They tried to conduct the revolutionary struggle by depending on outside forces.The nationalist groups tried to depend on this or that big power.The factionalists in the communist movement tried each gain recognition from the Comintern even though some factions had only a handful of people(indeed there are parallels with the British communist movement which is divided into many factions some only consisting of 4 or 5 people each insisting they are ideologically pure) 

What was the reason for these failures.Kim Il Sung’s sharp analytical mind penetrated through the fog of confusion and disarray.The answer was the previous nationalist and revolutionary groups were not linked to the people.They had been formed by petty bourgeois and bourgeois forces totally divorced from the ordinary people.
The great leader comrade Kim Il Sung realised that you have to depend on the ordinary people if you want to win victory in the revolutionary cause. They are the master of the revolution and the force that propels it forward,no other force.

This is a simple truth but in a lot of cases very hard to apply.The Juche idea of the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung shows how this can be done ,how the popular masses can be united and solidified around the revolutionary forces. Some people ignorant of the history of the Korean revolution and the development of the ideology of Juche think that Juche first appeared in December 1955 with the historic work “On Eliminating. Dogmatism and Formalism and Establishing Juche in Ideological Work,”

it is true that this historic speech underscoring the central need to establish Juche but in fact Juche goes back right to the days of the anti Japanese armed struggle. It was first elaborated at the historic Kalun meeting on June 30 and July 2nd 1930 at which the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung made the historic speech “The Path of the Korean Revolution” which declared the birth of the Juche idea to the Korean people and the whole world. In his reminiscences “With the Century “ comrade Kim Il Sung said “I made public in The Path of the Korean Revolution the idea and standpoint I had perceived in my days of struggle and elaborated in prison. This has become the line of our revolution and its guiding idea” . The main question was to develop the Korean revolution independently in accordance with the realities of Korea.He trenchantly criticised those leaders who were divorced from the masses and indulged in empty talk and quarrels. In particular some communists indulged in a war of words and did nothing to mobilise the masses.Those who vainly fawned on big powers were actually an hindrance to the revolution.

The establishment of Juche in the revolution was essential for a wide variety of reasons.

Firstly the historical and geographical context of the Korean.Korea is a relatively small country which borders on Russia and China.In close proximity to Korea is Japan which had several times tried to occupy Korea and had forcibly colonised in Korea in the early 20th century with the help of the other imperialists. The US too had long stretched out its tentacles of aggression towards Korea .It had tried to intrude into Korea in the 19th century.Then in 1945 had seized the south part of Korea dividing Korea into two(an unnecessary division having no geographic,economic,historical or ethnic reason behind it).

Thus there was the danger of big powers interfering in and even swallowing up Korea. Flunkeyism that it the worship of and submission to big powers.This was historically an acute problem in Korea.The old feudal ruling class had looked to different Big powers for support and this bad habit was continued by the nationalist movement and the communist movement.There was a pressing need for a new ideology which would sweep away such fallacies and put independence at the centre.


  • The Juche idea is an idea that the masters of the revolution and construction are the masses of people.
  • The revolution and construction are the work for the popular masses that should be carried out by the people themselves.
  • The working people can overthrow an old society and build a new society and create a bountiful and civilized life only by their struggle.
  • The Juche idea is an idea that the popular masses have the power to promote the revolution and construction.Or put enough way they are empowered to carry out the revolution and construction
  • The working people have the ability to transform nature and society. It is the working people who conquer nature and create material wealth, overthrow an old society and built a new one.
  • No other being is more powerful and intelligent than the working people in the world. Their strength and wisdom are inexhaustible.It is the working people that create all wealth and transform nature.Without them society cannot function.
  • Revolution can neither be imported nor be exported. The master of the revolution of each country is the people of that country and the decisive factor of victory of the revolution is in the country itself.


webpage about Songun and Juche run by the British Association for the Study of Songun policy

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