

DPR of Korea is beautiful and the Juche idea is scientific theory - Posts

Modern revisionists mouth about the "cult of personality ". This was a term used by Khruschov to slander and vilify the late JV Stalin and the building of socialism in the USSR . Khruschov's so called secret speech to the 20th congress of the CPSU was leaked out to the imperialist countries and the term "cult of personality" became a stock in trade for anti-communist propagandists as well as revisionists and opportunists . The USSR and international communist movement suffered badly because of Khruschov's folly .

The USSR swung right and a few decades later restored capitalism , that is where the theory of the "cult of personality" ends up. The essence of the theory of the so called "cult of personality" is an artificial separation of the leader from the masses. Bourgeois and revisionist commentators fail to realise that the leader is not an individual but the centre of unity of society.

Those who prate about the "cult of personality" are those who fail to see society as a collective, instead are influenced by a bourgeois concept of society which sees society as made up of atomised individuals, typically an extreme and nihilistic variant of these world outlook was expressed by ex premier M Thatcher who once claimed that "there is no such thing as society"
Indeed the leader is the supreme brain of the revolution , the supreme brain of society . Society is like a living organism or a body. The brain requires a brain , a body without a brain would be impossible . Yet some people think you can have a body without a brain. No one thinks of the brain enslaving their own body.
In the DPRK the masses , the party and the leader form an integral and harmonious whole the like of which has never been witnessed in any exploitative capitalist society and not in any revisionist countries either . People in the DPRK are united in a single heart and a single mind, they move as one.'


Some of the sillier and most offensive propaganda comes from the imperialist media such as the BBC which talk of "state organised mourning" , this insults the pure feelings of Korean people grieving for the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il. It is possible to force people some things such as go to work but it is impossible to force people to cry . Some so called "leftists " join hands with them such forces complaining about a "concentration of power" and "hereditary principle" . Such people ignore the fact that comrade Kim Jong Un was elected vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party of Korea at a party conference in September 2010. The WPK has over 3 million members, most families in the DPRK have party members within them. So basically Kim Jong Un's appointment as successor to the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il was democratically decided by a large number of people so there is no parallels with monarchies. Some foolish people speak of "feudalism " but in a feudal society organs like the Supreme People's Assembly and local people's assemblies simply wont not exist nor would the Workers' Party of Korea. Feudalism is defined simply by the Freedictionary Online as "political and economic system of Europe from the 9th to about the 15th century, based on the holding of all land in fief or fee and the resulting relation of lord to vassal and characterized by homage, legal and military service of tenants, and forfeiture.". In the DPRK feudal landlord-ism was abolished in 1946 by the Agrarian Reform law , which redistributed free of charge all land over 5 hectares ,one of the most radical land reforms in history Those who talk about "feudalism" are not only extremely ignorant of the DPRK's history and struggle only very ignorant of the DPRK's history and struggle but actually lack a Marxist understanding(just how can and when did feudal production relations come back when they had been abolished), just how stupid can revisionist and Trotksyite blockheads be ! The DPRK is often judged through the prism of imaginary socialist societies envisaged in failed revisionist programmes ( in 1951 we had the "British Road to Socialism" supposedly a creative application of Marxism, 60 years later we are still waiting for socialism)
In the DPRK organs of power such as the Supreme Peoples Assembly, provincial and city peoples assemblies are elected by direct and equal suffrage. The voting age is 17 years old. Usually in the DPRK the turnout for elections is virtually 100% (compare this to turnouts of 60% or 70% in capitalist countries or even less than 20% in local elections). Voting in the DPRK is seen as a demonstration of unity and harmony in which everyone participates, people even dance at polling stations, every section of society votes. In capitalist countries such as the UK there is a view that voting in elections is for rich people, intellectuals and the so-called 'chattering classes' Unlike the so-called Western democracies electors have the right to recall their representatives if they fail to do their job properly.

The DPRK fully practises the Chongsan Ri method and Chongsan ri spirit worked out by the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung and fully embraced by the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il. 

The Chongsan ri method is best defined thus

"The basic requirement of Chongsan-ri spirit is to thoroughly defend the interests of the popular masses, rally the entire people around the Party and convert all the works into that of popular masses themselves. The main of Chongsan-ri method is that 

  • superiors help their subordinates
  • go out to the spot to grasp the actual conditions and 
  • find correct ways to solve the problems, 
  • give priority to the work with the people and 
  • fully mobilize the people’s revolutionary enthusiasm and creativity to carry out their assignment."

All cadres and officials are expected to do manual work
Officials live in ordinary blocks of flats.
The great leader comrade Kim Jong Il himself worked very hard ,cutting down on his sleep only taking naps and eating plain rice-balls. He died whilst on a tour of on-the spot-guidance.

The relationship of the masses to the great leader President Kim Il Sung and the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il was a close one which Westerners found hard to understand. 
They were like ties of blood , Korean people regarded Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il as their fathers. 
The role of the leader under Juche-orientated socialism is very different to politicians in capitalist societies. Often politicians in capitalist societies are simply front-men for the big monopoly corporations. Real decision making in done behind closed doors in the boardrooms of the City rather than parliament.

The great leader president Kim Il Sung declared "The People Are My God". The great leader comrade Kim Jong Il also practiced this carrying out people-orientated policies , benevolent policies. 
The leader loved the people and the people loved the leader. 

This was clearly demonstrated when the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il passed away , no communist or socialist or progressive person should speak ill of this.'


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