
Becoming a Sun | Sunrise Ranch

Becoming a Sun | Sunrise Ranch

Becoming a Sun

For most people, their own life pattern is a mystery to them.

They don’t understand why they experience what they do. They can’t see all the magic that is at work in their lives. And they don’t recognize the subtle things they are doing to affect what is manifesting all around them. David Karchere’s No. 1 bestselling book, Becoming a Sun: Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence for a Happy, Fulfilling Life, explains how to bring light, love, and creativity into the world, no matter the circumstances.

The book is designed to be an operator’s guide to the evolution of human consciousness. This is how it begins:

What your world, and the people in it, need most from you is for you to be a sun.
They need your warmth. Your ability to offer your care for their well-being. Your ability to offer blessing. Nothing imposed. Nothing affected. Just the abiding spirit of love, constant in your heart of hearts.

Emotional intelligence begins with knowing, at a heart level, your oneness with the Creator inside you. Knowing that we are loved, allowing that love to find us and then loving back, allows us to connect with the world around us. It allows us to act upon that love in our world from the right starting point—not from a premise of greed, manipulation and competition.

Emotional intelligence leads to spiritual intelligence. Knowing how spiritual things work takes a heart perception. That harmonization isn’t purely an intellectual thing, for sure. What we find is that there are gateways in the heart that open up the human capacity spiritually and allow the power and intelligence of spirit to flow through the human experience.

The gravity of the sun is paramount in the solar system. Without it, planets, including Earth, would go flying into space. The warmth and light of the sun would have no relevance to us without the gravity that holds the Earth in its orbit.

How could this relate to a human life? What could we glean from this concept? The first chapter of the book puts it this way:

Your world needs the gravity you bring that holds the flow of creation in its orbit. This is your capacity to hold people in whatever process they are in. This is that attractive power that moves through you, which brings people close to your fire when they need to be.

The gravity you bring to your world is born out of your stability as a sun. Your acceptance of your rightful place in the heavens and your refusal to move from that place. Because you abide where you belong, you draw to you the people, the circumstances, the physical substance, and the financial substance that is longing to come to you and play a part in your world.

Your gravity is also that force that holds you together. It brings all the parts of who you are to one place to participate in your burning and your light.

So, how do we become a sun in our world? This excerpt is from a chapter entitled “This Golden Shining Moment”:

Knowing that consciousness is the pivotal factor for humanity and for our beloved Planet Earth, let us bring the highest reality of which we are aware to our world.

What must we do to let this happen? Most essentially, we must simply say that it shall be so. Let the highest reality come through my consciousness and yours, and let it be extended to the world. Let that reality come through our collective consciousness. With that willingness and commitment in the living of our lives, IT SHALL BE SO.

Having made this declaration, these opportunities are open to us:

• A full opening of heart and mind to the One Spirit

• A joining together in passion for our destiny to bring the transforming power of the One Spirit to the world

• Initiation of others into a knowing of the highest reality available to them

I was encouraged to tell the story of my life, so you’ll find out things about me by reading it. But there comes a time when you create something when it’s not about you, and this isn’t about me. This is about this awareness that we are sharing together.

— David Karchere, author of Becoming a Sun

Would you like to learn more? Becoming a Sun is available at Amazon.com.
We also offer Becoming a Sun as a multi-day workshop here at Sunrise Ranch. Visit our Upcoming Events page to see when it’s being offered next.


David Karchere is an author, speaker and workshop leader, and foremost thought leader on Primal Spirituality worldwide. He has offered workshops, trainings and lectures in the United States, Canada, Europe, South Africa, Japan, South Korea and Australia, and is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle.

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