
<우리집 문제>를 통해서 읽는 북한 중산층의 제 2사회*

<우리집 문제>를 통해서 읽는 북한 중산층의 제 2사회*

The Second Society in North Film Series 

The film series is realized 'a family revolution' from 1973 to 1987 in North Korea. This series represented middle class who are an executives in North Korea, and middle class`s community and culture which are hide from outside world. The middle class builds up their own society and culture that is called an unformal second society distinguish from a formal first society that is controled by government. North Korea attained industrialization for ten years and modern systems for example abolition of the right to be the head of a family, the class distinctions, the sexist etc. The modernization builds up middle class contrast to a government`s declaration which is all man should be equality. The middle class educated socialist education that is called best system. They are good at social work and know well a guide suggested by a party. So they are demanded socialist model of mass education at society. But they have their own a model of behavior which selects individualism and familism actually. After Suryung`s demise, new regime abrogated rationing system. 

The <우리집 문제>를 통해서 읽는 북한 중산층의 제 2사회* 1)이 명 자** Ⅰ. 가정혁명화와 <우리 집 문제> 시리즈 Ⅱ. 중산층의 욕망의 공간으로서 아파트 Ⅲ. 공식사회와 비공식 사회의 간극과 공존 Ⅳ. 중산층의 결혼을 통한 ‘제 2 사회’의 구축 Ⅴ. <우리 집 문제> 시리즈의 의미와 현재 북한의 변화 * 본 연구는 2007학년도 경남대학교 학술연구장려금 지원으로 이루어졌음. ** 한국방송아카데미 강사 저서 및 논문: <북한 영화와 근대성>, 역락, 2005; <북학 영화사>, 커뮤니케이션북 스, 2007 외 다수. 404 統一問題硏究 2007년 하반기호(통권 제48호)

 pragmatic socialism are presumed transition period from classical socialism to market socialism. A market socialism is a way that socialist plan and capitalist market are combined a new system. The market socialism is suggest during regime change at soviet and eastern Europe. It is a China market socialism that North Korea takes as a model. It is economy reforms without political reformations. In such atmosphere, it grows up the possibility that civil society expand more and more in North Korea. Economy, political and cultural interchange grow between North and South Korea since 2000. If we hope North Korea` reformation and opening we should give a hand to a second society. ❙Key words: the second society, civil society, modernization,

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