
Epic Exchange Between Justice Kirby and DPRK Counselor Kim Song



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Chris Wakeford2 years ago
Michael is real gem. Its Time.


Sharper Imagelll3 years ago


Evilfisher24 years ago
worlds largest criminal wants to enforce the law on others but not on themselves. what a joke


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Shiftless Lazycrat3 years ago
+Evilfisher2 Neither Australia nor the DPRK could be called the "worlds largest criminal", so however you intended your incomplete comment, it's wrong. You're right that your comment is a joke.


listen2meokidoki2 years ago (edited)
Who is the World's largest? China? Crimes against Humanity targeting religious believers? Does that not apply to China? And other Countries. But what if a religion advocates and practices crimes against Humanity? For example, Islam.


Hank Chinaski4 years ago
"If those in position of power do not act to stop crimes against humanity from occurring they may themselves be liable for prosecution for aiding in the commission of those crimes..." Excellent... by that standard all the governments of the world providing material aid and support to the North Korean regime are guilty of crimes against humanity going back for at least 20 years, if not more. Arrest them all.Show less


SMGJohn3 years ago
'Witnesses' which can easily be faked, fail.


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Andrew Brekus3 years ago
SMGJohn You're right we should just listen to the North Korean government! They're going to tell us the truth instead of the people who literally risk their lives running away from North Korea


thuy holland2 years ago
My name is Norman Hogermeer. when I am in killing range of J Kerby. I will kill him!!!


Fair Dinkum11 months ago
Kirby's a snake


JUFFAIR1013 years ago
I hope someone take the North Korean president to justice ,what's happening there is totally unacceptable.


Sharper Imagelll3 years ago
Every individual is a god! We must make a choice to become what kind of a god do you want to be! A variety of gods...do exist!


mikaylar Mikaylarrr3 years ago
This is nuts! and the dude next to Kim Song looks like he is asleep half the time haha


Peppa Pig3 years ago
I don't know what goes on in north korea but given the united states and un's track record i'm starting to disbelieve almost everything they claim. It's like the boy who cried wolf...


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dan710i2 years ago
Peppa Pig the track record of the US is theirs to own alone. Don't involve the UN.


Bryan Rodgers5 years ago
The Honorable Mr. Kirby was very clear in his presentation, his points were precise and to the point, and the DPRK and it's people should be allowed to have this report, but we all know that will never happen as it is a threat to the leaders of the DPRK, and it would weaken their authority over their people, something they will not allow because without complete control over their people they will fail just as all dictators do eventually. Russia has changed, China has changed, the Soviet block countries have changed, and Cuba is on the brink of changing also. NK needs to step into the 21st century, and let go of their 1950's style Stalinist policies over the rights of their own people. Freedom for the NK people to live free or die!!Show less


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Bryan Rodgers4 years ago
Yes I would. So are you saying that even though the United States, and other world powers have had their share of military blunders, that justifies the DPRK having som of the worse human rights violations since Adolph Hitler? I love how you simple minded dolts get on here and you always throw out the..........."Well the United States, and NATO have done some bad things, so the DPRK should also be allowed to do the same things". Tell me something CHILD, have you been to NK, have you seen the pain and degradation that the poorer NK's are suffering under Kim's rule? I've been there several times as a food, and medical aid worker for the UN, and believe me you are as NIAVE as they come. How convenient it is for you to sit behind your desk, typing on your computer without a fear of reprisal, or that the secret police will kick in your door, and take away you, and your entire family to prison for speaking out. Do me a favor, go back to reading your comic books, and get out of that basement you live in with your mommy and daddy.Show less


SunnyWinterMorning4 years ago
+Bryan Rodgers I was surprised that Mr. Kirby used the description "North Korea" the way he did in a formal setting. It is an insulting, colonial term for DPRK officials. You won't hear the DPRK officials use the term.


Bryan Rodgers4 years ago
If I was in Mr. Kirby's shoes, I wouldn't have called them North Korea, no way. I would have called them butt hole surfers! END OF TOPIC!!


SunnyWinterMorning4 years ago
+Bryan Rodgers I suppose I am a tad more diplomatic!


031limit0313 years ago
+Bryan Rodgers My person has encountered your person within a DPRK-based video, haha.


hananokuni25803 years ago
+Bryan Rodgers I sometimes wonder whether the DPRK leadership is intent on preserving the political system of Joseon Korea, which was abolished shortly after the Japanese began occupying Korean in 1910. Much of what the Kim government is doing is not unusual, considering that in pre-1900 Korea the same exact things used to happen, albeit on a smaller scale. Kim Jong-Un NEEDS to look like the brave, dauntless defender of his country, especially at a time when even high-ranking officials within his government are questioning his decisions. Otherwise, should he appear as a weak, ineffectual leader, his opponents will have no mercy on him.Read more


Bryan Rodgers3 years ago
I pray he is seen as the weak minded individual he is, and the Kim dynasty is ended with his demise.


Ho Pw3 years ago
Why the UN never investigate America's crimes against humanity in Syria, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine, and South Ossetia.


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Peppa Pig3 years ago
Probably because america has an army bigger than the rest of the worlds combined...


Matthew Jones2 years ago
Peppa Pig China Russia and India have bigger armies


listen2meokidoki2 years ago
Crimes against Humanity targeting religious believers? Does that not apply to China? And other Countries. But what if a religion advocates and practices crimes against Humanity? For example, Islam.


SkylineToTheSeaAndMe3 years ago
I can't understand a word of the DPRK counselor Song's English. Worst English I have ever heard (though my Korean is far worse).


Sue z5 years ago
I am surprised this was posted 4 days ago and only 891 people viewed it and 12 liked it. I shared it on facebook and will share again on Google because I want more eyes opened to this plight. I pray the people of North Korea receive freedom soon. They have suffered so much!


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Bryan Rodgers5 years ago
More will see it, and I loved it. Very informative, and eye opening.


William Westbrook5 years ago
Who is the creepy fat guy next to Kim Song? He appears not to be wearing his Kim Il Sung pin! Well, I suppose it's just behind Kim Song's right elbow.


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William Westbrook5 years ago
No! He's wearing some kind of pin, though.


RepublicanG8mer5 years ago
He's most likely a government agent. They are making sure that the DPRK ambassadors and ministers stick to the state's ideology.


Bryan Rodgers5 years ago
@RepublicanG8mer Your probably 100% correct on that. Even high ranking political figures from the DPRK has minders to keep them in line, and from defecting.


Bryan Rodgers4 years ago
@***** Your comment was so bad, you don't even rate TROLL.


0000000000eu3 years ago
SO, NO CRIMES HAVE BEEN SPECIFIED! CONCLUSION: This is a big charade against the DPRK!


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k0smon3 years ago
+0000000000eu DPRK is in itself a lie. It is not democratic, nor based on the people, and it is not a republic. It is a communist dictatorship based on a ruling party headed by the Kims. It cannot supply proper food or electricity to its people. It cannot even supply up to date farming equipment to enhance its growing of food. Stone age methods are still in use.


0000000000eu3 years ago
@k0smon , you mean, you are talking about the USA! As far as know, the U.S. is the most corrupt country on Earth. Is that a democracy? — Holy shit!


k0smon3 years ago
+0000000000eu No, I am talking about the retarded North Korea, still in the stone age, worshiping men. The USA is a republic, not a democracy.


0000000000eu3 years ago
@k0smon , sorry, kid, you don't know what you are talking about; so, shut the fuck up!


k0smon3 years ago
eu////// Sez you, silly person. I am a lot smarter than you since all you learned in school was propaganda. NK, a giant concentration camp. DPRK is a misnomer.


undeadpresident5 years ago
So why have US government officials not been held accountable for their crimes against humanity in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere? Why have I been treated as a criminal for trying to prevent those war crimes from taking place? Why is N. Korea the target of such accusations? Did millions of people die, and millions more get displaced, due to an unprovoked series of wars of aggression based on fabricated pretexts by North Korea, or by the USA? You can't possibly hold any credibility whatsoever on the subject of crimes against humanity unless you target the most brazen, large, undisputable ones over ones that are based on hearsay and have no solid evidence.Show less


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Cheryl Cammack3 years ago
+undeadpresident The supreme court determined that the unlawful combatants have the right to trial and to face their accusers, also to know what they are charged with, so this has led to a myriad of lawsuits against the DOD and the military. I believe it is just a matter of time before the people who were responsible for the violation of human rights will be brought before the courts to answer for their crimes. The free world is not perfect but if the principles of freedom are followed the wrongs committed can be made right.Show less


SkylineToTheSeaAndMe3 years ago
+undeadpresident - While I totally 100% agree, that doesn't absolve North Korea of their crimes and human rights violations. It does however minimize the Western position regarding such crimes, by their own hypocritical acts.


undeadpresident3 years ago
@SkylineToTheSeaAndMe my point is that it's questionable what crimes actually took place in North Korea whereas the USA is the biggest war criminal nation on the planet and it's easily provable and the USA has no moral ground whatsoever to stand on to try to make such accusations. If not for the USA to begin with the DPRK would not have to spend most of their income on defense. Show less


SONGUN0075 years ago
Judge Kirby was accused of paedophilia by an Australian senator . Kirby is a puppet of US imperialism , I wonder how much they pay this waster


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alongfellow0015 years ago
Give me a break Justice Kirby has more integrity than the entire North Korean state (which I assume you are from). the only puppet here is the douchebag who made this comment and was probably forced/paid to make shameful accusation about one of most respected high court Judges in common law. You know whats fun? being able to comment something like this without fear of repression I doubt you can say the same mate.Show less


Max Prime5 years ago
Kim Jung Un can read minds and shot a hole in one on every hole in a round of golf!


Bryan Rodgers5 years ago
SONGUN007 Prove to us all that what you say is true? Shut us all up with your facts that what you say is true, please I would love to read anything you post that can back up your accusations? PUT UP OR SHUT UP! It's as simple as that.


Bryan Rodgers4 years ago
RIGHT ON GreenPlasticMatthew!!!


SONGUN0074 years ago
@GreenPlasticMatthew rubbish Kirby lived in a £10 million mansion and was close to the Liberal party of Australia . With regard to the allegations against him who knows just look at Edward Heath and the establishment paedophile ring in the UK you never know what the ruling class get up to behind closed doors. One day we will find out the truth about Kirby


SONGUN0074 years ago
@GreenPlasticMatthew Kirby is a member of CIA front organisations


SkylineToTheSeaAndMe3 years ago
+SONGUN007 - Even if that were true, does that absolve the communist dictatorship NK government of any responsibility on any issue regarding it's people, policies, or nation?


Adam Parker3 years ago
Yes, and the Minister of State, Bill Heffernan, who made that accusation made it under parliamentary privilege, then retracted it as being incorrect very shortly afterwards, and then lost his job as a Minister for committing this error - sacked by his own conservative Prime Minister. Kirby was exonerated completely. It is a non-issue.


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