
Civil war | Definition, Causes, & Theories | Britannica

Civil war | Definition, Causes, & Theories | Britannica

Lebanese Civil War

Lebanese history
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1983 Beirut barracks bombing
1983 Beirut barracks bombing
1975 - 1990
Palestine Liberation Organization
Major Events:
1983 Beirut barracks bombings
Key People:
Michel Aoun Bashir Gemayel Pierre Gemayel

Lebanese Civil War, civil conflict (1975–90) in Lebanon emanating from the deterioration of the Lebanese state and the coalescence of militias that provided security where the state could not. These militias formed largely along communal lines: the Lebanese Front (LF), led by the Phalangists (or Phalange), represented Maronite Christian clans whose leaders had dominated the traditional elite class of the country’s sociopolitical fabric; the Lebanese National Movement (LNM), a coalition of secular leftists and Sunni Muslims sympathetic to Arab nationalism; the Amal (“Hope,” also an acronym for Afwāj al-Muqāwamah al-Lubnāniyyah [Lebanese Resistance Detachments]) movement, comprising Shiʿi populists; and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which represented Lebanon’s large Palestinian refugee population. Other participants in the war included SyriaIsrael, and splintered contingents of the Lebanese Army.


The causes of the war were multifaceted and deeply rooted but can be generalized as a growing crisis of insecurity. After he played a key role as commander of the army in resolving the crisis of a 1958 rebellion, the newly elected president Fuad Chehab made a valiant attempt to address the disproportionate development of the country and to centralize the state’s security apparatus. By the late 1960s, however, the development program he initiated proved politically unsatisfactory and had become a destabilizing force. The strengthened security apparatus, meanwhile, gained a reputation for suppression and corruption. The situation grew more precarious as the government negotiated the presence and operation of PLO guerrillas inside Lebanon’s Palestinian refugee camps, which had attracted Israeli raids on Lebanon, most notably on the airport in Beirut in 1968. As the state proved increasingly unable to maintain a monopoly of force, patronage networks, both existing and new, began arming and organizing their own security.

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A History of War

On August 17, 1970, Suleiman Franjieh, leader of a powerful Maronite clan from northern Lebanon who sought to undo the reform program initiated by Chehab, was elected president by one vote after three rounds of balloting. His presidency, polarizing and corrupt, alienated Muslims and Christians alike, and his government proved unable to maintain the state’s dominance over the growing and diffuse militias of the PLO. The Phalangist militia of the rival Maronite Gemayel clan began taking matters into its own hands by confronting the Palestinian militias directly.

Progression of the war

The beginning of the civil war is typically dated to April 13, 1975, when the Phalangists attacked a bus taking Palestinians to a refugee camp at Tall al-Zaʿtar, Lebanon. The attack escalated an intermittent cycle of violence into a more general battle between the Phalangists and the LNM, whose coalition of Lebanese leftists and Muslims supported the PLO’s cause.

In the months that followed, the general destruction of the central market area of Beirut was marked by the emergence of a “green line” between Muslim West Beirut and Christian East Beirut, which persisted until the end of the civil war in 1990, with each side under the control of its respective militias.

As Franjieh’s term came to an end, and with Lebanon’s army splintered, he asked Syria to intervene to prevent the country from disintegrating into multiple states. Despite its earlier support for the PLO in the south, Syria launched a large-scale intervention to redress the emerging imbalance of power in favour of the Christians in the north. Syria’s intervention sparked a more active Israeli involvement as well, in which Israel armed and financed Christian militias in the south of the country, whom Israelis looked upon as their main ally in their fight against the PLO. With Palestinian forces continuing to conduct cross-border raids into Israel, Israel launched a major reprisal attack in March 1978, sending troops into the south of Lebanon as far as the Līṭānī River. The resulting conflict led to the establishment of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL)—a peacekeeping force meant to secure Israeli withdrawal and support the return of Lebanese authority in the south—as well as to the creation of the South Lebanese Army (SLA)—a militia led by Saʿd Haddad and armed and financed by Israel to function as a proxy militia under Lebanese Christian command.

The most significant Israeli intervention during the course of the Lebanese Civil War, however, was the invasion that began on June 6, 1982. Although the stated goal of Israel was only to secure the territory north of its border with Lebanon so as to stop PLO raids, Israeli forces quickly progressed as far as Beirut’s suburbs and laid siege to the capital, particularly to West Beirut. The invasion resulted in the eventual removal of PLO militia from Lebanon under the supervision of a multinational peacekeeping force, the transfer of the PLO headquarters to Tunis, Tunisia, and the temporary withdrawal of Syrian forces back to al-BiqāʿGalvanized by the Israeli invasion, a number of Shiʿi groups subsequently emerged, including Hezbollah.

In August 1982 Bashir Gemayel, the young Phalangist leader who had managed to unify the Maronite militias into the Lebanese Forces (LF), was elected to the presidency. In mid-September, however, three weeks after his election, Gemayel was assassinated in a bombing at the Phalangist headquarters. Two days later Christian militiamen under the command of Elie Hobeika, permitted entry to the area by Israeli forces, retaliated by killing hundreds of people (estimates range from several hundred to several thousand) in the Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila. The election of Bashir’s brother, Amin Gemayel, to the presidency in late September 1982 failed to temper the mounting violence as battles between the Christians and the Druze broke out in the Druze stronghold of the Shūf Mountains, resulting in numerous Christian fatalities. The Western peacekeeping forces that had been dispatched to Lebanon in 1982 likewise suffered heavy casualties, among them the destruction of the U.S. embassy by a car bomb in April 1983 and the suicide attacks on the U.S. and French troops of the multinational force stationed in Lebanon in October, which hastened their withdrawal from Lebanon early the following year (see 1983 Beirut barracks bombings). By mid-1985 most of the Israeli troops had also withdrawn, leaving in their wake the proxy SLA in control of a buffer zone north of the international border.

Fueled by continuing foreign patronage, Lebanese society between 1985 and 1989 descended into a militia economy. While Lebanon faced high unemployment, flight of capital and skilled labour, and scarcity of goods and services, militias now provided wages and rationed goods to their fighters and commanded access to goods, services, and wealth in part through smuggling, extortion, and the arms and drug trades. This period of disintegration was crystallized with the decline of many of the country’s remaining institutions, and in 1987 the collapse of the Lebanese pound—which had demonstrated a surprising resiliency throughout the first 10 years of the war—led to a period of profound economic hardship and inflation. Furthermore, when Gemayel’s term ended on September 22, 1988, parliament could not agree on the selection of a new president. As a result, Gemayel named Gen. Michel Aoun, a Maronite and head of what was left of the Lebanese Army, as acting prime minister moments before his own term expired, despite the continuing claim to that office by the incumbent, Salim al-Hoss. Lebanon thus had no president but two prime ministers, and two separate governments emerged in competition for legitimacy. In late November 1988 General Aoun was dismissed as commander in chief of the armed forces; because of the continued loyalty of large portions of the military, however, Aoun was able to retain a de facto leadership. In February 1989 Aoun launched an offensive against the rival LF, and in March he declared a “war of liberation” in an attempt to expel the Syrian influence. In September 1989, following months of intense violence, Aoun accepted a cease-fire brokered by a tripartite committee made up of the leaders of AlgeriaMorocco, and Saudi Arabia.


On October 22, 1989, most members of the Lebanese parliament (elected in 1972) met in Ṭāʾif, Saudi Arabia, and accepted a constitutional reform package that restored consociational government in Lebanon in modified form. The power of the traditionally Maronite president was reduced in relation to those of the Sunni prime minister and the Shiʿi speaker of the National Assembly, and the division of parliamentary seats, cabinet posts, and senior administrative positions was adjusted to represent an equal ratio of Christian and Muslim officials. A commitment was made for the gradual elimination of confessionalism, and Lebanese independence was affirmed with a call for an end to foreign occupation in the south. The terms of the agreement also stipulated that Syrian forces were to remain in Lebanon for a period of up to two years, during which time they would assist the new government in establishing security arrangements. For his part, General Aoun was greatly opposed to the Ṭāʾif Accord, fearing it would provide a recipe for continued Syrian involvement in Lebanon.

Parliament subsequently convened on November 5 in Lebanon, where it ratified the Ṭāʾif Accord and elected René Moawad to the presidency. Moawad was assassinated on November 22, and Elias Hrawi was elected two days later; however, General Aoun denounced both presidential elections as invalid. Several days later it was announced that General Aoun had again been dismissed from his position as head of the armed forces, and Gen. Émile Lahoud was named in his place.

In January 1990 intense strife broke out in East Beirut between Aoun and Samir Geagea, who then headed the LF, which proved very costly for the Maronite community and, over several months, resulted in the deaths of numerous (mostly Christian) Lebanese. The final vestiges of the Lebanese Civil War were at last extinguished on October 13, when Syrian troops launched a ground and air attack against Aoun and forced him into exile.

The newly unified government of President Hrawi then embarked upon the delicate and dangerous process of consolidating and extending the power of the Lebanese government. A new cabinet composed of many former militia leaders was appointed, and considerable effort was devoted to the demobilization of most of the wartime militias. The process of rebuilding the Lebanese Army was begun under the auspices of General Lahoud, its new commander in chief. At tremendous cost, the more-than-15-year Lebanese Civil War was ended, and the framework for Lebanon’s Second Republic had been established. Throughout the war’s duration, more than 100,000 people were killed, nearly 1,000,000 displaced, and several billion dollars’ worth of damage to property and infrastructure sustained.

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