
김선혁 (Sun Hyuk Kim) ,金善赫 고려대 전임교수진

전임교수진 게시판읽기 ( 민주주의 , 시민사회 , 사회운동 , 비교정책 , 공공개혁 , 지방분권 , 외교정책 , 지역통합 , 국제행정 , 국제개발협력 , 공적개발원조 ( ODA ) , 공공외교 ( public diplomacy ) ) | 고려대학교 행정학과


김선혁 (Sun Hyuk Kim) ,金善赫

민주주의, 시민사회, 사회운동, 비교정책, 공공개혁, 지방분권, 외교정책, 지역통합, 국제행정, 국제개발협력, 공적개발원조(ODA), 공공외교(public diplomacy)
정경관 420호
Stanford University 정치학 박사


  • - 1996. 6  미국 Stanford University 정치학과 박사.
      (논문심사위원회: Philippe C. Schmitter(지도교수), Larry J. Diamond, Daniel I. Okimoto).
    - 1994. 1  미국 Stanford University 정치학과 석사.
    - 1989. 2  서울대학교 사회과학대학 경제학과 학사.

경력 및 수상

<교내 경력>

- 2003. 3-현재: 고려대학교 정경대학 행정학과 부교수, 교수.
- 2015. 3-2019. 2: 고려대학교 국제처장.
- 2016. 11-2019. 2: 고려대학교 국제동계대학 학장.
- 2015. 3-2019. 2: 고려대학교 국제하계대학 학장.
- 2015. 4-2019. 2: 고려대학교 글로벌리더십센터 소장.
- 2015. 4-2016. 10: 고려대학교 국제교육원 원장.
- 2012. 5-2016. 1 고려대학교 법과 행정 연계전공 주임.
- 2013. 4-2015. 2: 고려대학교 교수의회 의원.
- 2011. 3-2015. 2: 고려대학교 연구기관심의위원회 위원.
- 2011. 6-2015. 2: 고려대학교 국제하계대학 부학장.
- 2003. 9-2015. 2: 고려대학교 국제하계대학 운영위원.
- 2014. 3-2015. 2: 고려대학교 입학시험출제위원회 위원.
- 2012. 9-2015. 2: 고려대학교 교무기획운영위원회 위원.
- 2013. 3-2014. 2: 고려대학교 입학시험출제위원회 위원.
- 2011. 11-2013. 10: 고려대학교 고대신문사 지도위원회 위원.
- 2009. 3-2013. 8: 고려대학교 정경대학 행정학과 BK21 아시아행정학허브 구축을 위한 교육∙연구사업단 단장.
- 2011. 12-2013. 2: 고려대학교 연구기획위원회 위원장.
- 2011. 3-2013. 2: 고려대학교 연구기획위원회 위원.
- 2012. 3-2013. 2: 고려대학교 입학시험출제위원회 위원.
- 2009. 2-2013. 1: 고려대학교 대학원 학사위원회 위원.
- 2009. 2-2013. 1: 고려대학교 정경대학 행정학과 대학원 주임.
- 2008. 10-2011. 2: 고려대학교 국제하계대학 부학장.
- 2010. 3-2011. 2: 고려대학교 입학시험출제위원회 위원.
- 2007. 8-2009. 7: 고려대학교 정경대학 행정학과 학과장.
- 2008. 2-2009. 2: 고려대학교 교무기획위원회 위원.
- 2005. 8-2008. 7: 고려대학교 정책대학원 공안행정학과 주임교수.
- 2008. 3-2008. 5: 고려대학교 발전기획단 발전계획수립 TFT 위원.
- 2007. 11-2008. 4: 고려대학교 글로벌리더십센터 소장.
- 2007. 8: 고려대학교 입학시험출제위원회 위원.
- 2004. 5-2007. 1: 고려대학교 국제한국학센터 운영자문위원.
- 2005. 3-2006. 11: 고려대학교 국제하계대학 주임교수.
- 2005. 3-2006. 2: 고려대학교 입학시험출제위원회 위원.
- 2004. 3-2005. 2: 고려대학교 입학시험출제위원회 위원.
- 2004. 3-2005. 2: 고려대학교 국제학부 겸임교수.
- 2003. 9-2005. 1: 고려대학교 국제교육원 부원장.
- 2002. 9-2003. 2: 고려대학교 아세아문제연구소 연구부교수.

<교외 경력>

* 외국 대학
- 2012. 1-2012. 2: 일본 Nihon University 법과대학 초빙교수.
- 2010. 2: 싱가포르 Singapore Management University School of Social Sciences 단기공동연구 초빙교수.
- 2006. 8-2007. 2: 미국 Harvard University 부설 Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies 초빙교수.
- 1996. 8-2003. 2: 미국 University of Southern California 정치학과 조교수.
- 2001. 8-2002. 6: 미국 Claremont-McKenna College 부설 Keck Center for International and Strategic Studies 초빙교수.
- 2000. 1-2000. 8: 미국 State University of New York-Buffalo 정치학과 초빙교수.
- 1996. 8-1998. 8: 미국 University of Southern California 국제관계학부 조교수.
- 1994. 9-1996. 6: 미국 Stanford University 부설 Center for International Security and Arms Control 연구조교 및 연구원.
- 1992. 9-1994. 3: 미국 Stanford University 정치학과 강의조교 (Stephen Krasner, Condoleezza Rice, Larry Diamond, Daniel Okimoto, David Abernethy 교수 조교).

* 학회 및 학술지
- 2019. 1-현재: 한국행정학회 운영이사.
- 2012. 5-현재: Asia-Pacific Society of Public Affairs (APSPA) 한국 대표 집행위원장.
- 2010. 8-현재: Journal of Government and Politics (Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia) 편집위원.
- 2018. 2-2019. 2: Venice International University (VIU), Academic Council 위원
- 2016. 8-2019. 2: Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU), International Policy Advisory Committee (IPAC) 위원.
- 2015. 3-2019. 2: Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) 이사.
- 2018. 1-2018. 12: 한국정치학회 이사.
- 2015. 1-2018. 12: 한국정책학회 운영이사.
- 2017. 1-2017. 12: 한국정치학회 부회장.
- 2013. 6-2015. 5: Journal of Governance and Development (Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia) 편집위원.
- 2013. 1-2013. 12: 한국정책학회 운영이사.
- 2012. 1-2013. 12: 한국정책학회 편집위원회 위원.
- 2007. 9-2012. 12: Korea Journal (유네스코 한국위원회) 편집자문위원.
- 2012. 1-2012. 12: 한국행정학회 국제행정발전협력특별위원회 위원.
- 2011. 1-2011. 12: 한국정책학회 운영이사.
- 2011. 1-2011. 12: 한국정치학회 특임이사.
- 2008. 6-2011. 9: <정부학연구> (고려대학교 정부학연구소) 편집위원.
- 2010. 1-2010. 12: 한국정책학회 연구이사.
- 2010. 1-2010. 12: 한국행정학회 운영이사.
- 2010. 1-2010. 12: 한국행정학회 국제화특별위원회 위원.
- 2009. 1-2010. 12: 한국행정학회 편집위원회 위원.
- 2009. 1-2009. 12: 한국정치학회 연구이사.
- 2009. 1-2009. 12: 한국정책학회 국제화특별위원회 위원.
- 2003. 4-2009. 9: <아세아연구> (고려대학교 아세아문제연구소) 편집위원.
- 2009. 6-2009. 8: 한국정치학회 2009 한국정치세계학술대회 조직위원회 행사분과위원회 위원장.
- 2006. 4-2007. 12: Korean Social Science Journal (한국사회과학연구협의회) 편집위원.
- 2007. 1-2007. 12: 한국정치학회 총무위원회 위원.
- 2004. 3-2005.12: 한국정책학회 연구위원회 위원.
- 2003. 9-2005. 9: 재미한국정치연구학회 사무총장.
- 2004. 3-2004. 12: 한국국제정치학회 국제교류협력 특별위원회 간사.
- 2004. 3-2004. 12: 한국국제정치학회 학회운영 및 제도개선 특별위원회 위원.
- 2001. 9-2004. 9: 재미한국정치연구학회 이사.
- 2001. 8-2003. 7: Comparative Korean Studies (국제비교한국학회) 편집위원.

* 정부
- 2018. 4-현재: 경제·인문사회연구회 기획평가위원회 위원
- 2014. 8-2018. 7: 국무조정실 국제개발협력 평가소위원회 민간위원.
- 2014. 11-2014. 12: 정부업무평가 국정과제 평가지원단 위원.
- 2005. 10-2013. 12: 경찰청 규제심사위원회 위원. 
- 2010. 12-2013. 12: 한국국제교류재단 공공외교사업부 심의평가위원회 위원.
- 2013. 5-2013. 12: 민주화운동기념사업회 국제사업기획단 위원.
- 2011. 5-2011. 12: 민주화운동기념사업회 국제사업 자문위원회 위원.
- 2008. 7-2010. 6: 지식경제부 자체평가 우정사업 분과위원회 위원.
- 2007. 5-2008. 2: 정보통신부 자체평가위원회 위원.
- 2006. 3-2007. 12: 기획예산처 국가비전 및 장기재정전략 작업반 전문위원.
- 2005. 12-2007. 12: 대통령자문 동북아시대위원회 자문위원.
- 2004. 8-2006. 7: 외교통상부 한·중·일 경제통합부문 통상교섭 민간자문그룹 자문위원.
- 2004. 7-2006. 6: 대통령자문 정부혁신지방분권위원회 자문위원.
- 2004. 9-2005. 9: 대통령자문 동북아시대위원회 전략기획팀 전문위원.
- 2005. 2-2005. 5: 제6차 정부혁신세계포럼 서울선언문 초안작성위원회 위원.

* 기타
- 2007. 2-2009. 5: 재단법인 동아시아연구원 민주주의연구센터 소장.
- 2005. 5-2007. 2: 재단법인 동아시아연구원 분권화센터 소장.
- 2005. 3-2005. 9: 사단법인 새로운 코리아구상을 위한 연구원 부원장.
- 2003. 11-2004. 9: 사단법인 미래전략연구원 연구위원.
- 2000. 6-2001. 10: 미국 Pacific Council on International Policy 연구과장.

학부,대학원 담당과목

- Civil Society and Democracy (대학원 영어강의).
- Supranational Governance and Foreign Policy (대학원 영어강의)
- Comparative Public Administration and Policy (대학원 영어강의).
- 시민사회와 정부 (대학원).
- 비교행정과 정책 (대학원).
- Democracy and Public Administration (학부 영어강의).
- Government and Civil Society (학부 영어강의).
- NGOs and Civic Engagement (학부 영어강의).
- Comparative Government (학부 영어강의).
- Comparative Public Administration (학부 영어강의).
- Public Administration and Policymaking in Europe (학부 영어강의).
- 국제행정 (학부).
- 행정학원론 (학부).
- Governance and Public Policy (학부 핵심교양 영어강의).
- Civil Society and Government (학부 핵심교양 영어강의).
- Understanding Korean Politics (International Summer Campus).
- Politics and Foreign Policy of Korea (International Summer Campus).
- Politics and Public Policy in Korea (International Summer Campus).
- 민주주의와 행정 (정책대학원).
- Public Policy and Institutions (정책대학원 영어강의).


  • 저서
    - 2004. Economic Crisis and Dual Transition in Korea: A Case Study in Comparative Perspective (with Doh Chull Shin). Seoul, Korea: Seoul National University Press (2004년 문화관광부 학술부문 추천도서).
    - 2000. The Politics of Democratization in Korea: The Role of Civil Society. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press.
    - 2007. <분권헌법: 선진화로 가는 길> (공편자: 최병선). 서울: 동아시아연구원 (2008년 문화체육관광부 우수학술도서).


  • - 2018. "Civil Society in South Korea: Contributions to Democracy and Future Challenges," in Linas Didvalis, ed., Civil Society in East Asian Countries: Contributions to Democracy, Peace and Sustainable Development. Kaunas: Center for Asian Studies, Vytautas Magnus University.
    - 2018. "Civil Society and Democracy in South Korea: A Reassessment" (with Antonio Fiori), in Youngmi Kim, ed., Korea’s Quest for Economic Democratization: Globalization, Polarization and Contention. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
    - 2014. "Emerging Patterns of Regional Governance in East Asia," in Soonhee Kim, Shena Ashley, and W. Henry Lambright, eds., Public Administration in the Context of Global Governance. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
    - 2014. "The Potential of Civil Society in Regional Governance in East Asia" (with Antonio Fiori), in  Lorenzo Fioramonti, ed., Civil Society and World Regions: How Citizens Are Reshaping Regional Governance in Times of Crisis. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
    - 2013. "South Korea: The Puzzle of Two Transitions" (with A. David Adesnik), in Kathryn Stoner-Weiss and Michael McFaul, eds., Transitions to Democracy: A Comparative Perspective. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    - 2012. "노태우 시대 한국의 시민사회," 강원택 편, <노태우 시대의 재인식: 전환기의 한국사회>. 나남.
    - 2010. "Democratization and Social Movements in South Korea: A Civil Society Perspective," in Jeffrey Broadbent and Vicky Brockman, eds., East Asian Social Movements: Power, Protest, and Change in a Dynamic Region. New York, NY: Springer.
    - 2009. "미국의 정치체제 및 거버넌스," 오시영 편, <미국의 행정과 공공정책>. 법문사.
    - 2009. "미래 트렌드 논의: 정치," 황혜신·류현숙·박경돈·서용석·이재호·최호진 공편, <한국의 미래모습과 정책과제 3권>. 법문사.
    - 2008. "미래 행정수요의 변화와 정책과제: 사회분야," 최호진·정지범·박경돈·임동진 공편, <미래 선진한국의 행정연구>. 법문사.
    - 2007. "정밀분석: 11개국 헌법 조문에 나타난 지방자치제와 분권" (공저자: 정원칠), 최병선·김선혁 공편, <분권헌법: 선진화로 가는 길>. 동아시아연구원.
    - 2007. "선진국 분권과 개헌 사례 분석: 프랑스의 성공, 이탈리아의 실패, 독일의 고민" (공저자: 정원칠), 최병선·김선혁 공편, <분권헌법: 선진화로 가는 길>. 동아시아연구원.
    - 2007. "Political Trust, Institutional Reform, and Democratic Deepening in Korea," in S. Philip Hsu and Chang-Ling Huang, eds., Political Challenges and Democratic Institutions: International and Taiwan’s Perspectives. Taipei, Taiwan: Taiwan Foundation for Democracy.
    - 2007. "2030년 한국의 정치지형," 전상인 편, <한국2030>. 에코리브르.
    - 2006. "권력이동의 국제비교," 박길성·한준 외 공저, <한국사회 권력이동>. 굿인포메이션.
    - 2006. "Discourses on Democracy and Political Reform in Contemporary South Korea," in Claudia Derichs and Thomas Heberer, eds., The Power of Ideas: Intellectual Input and Political Change in East and Southeast Asia. Franseweg, The Netherlands: NIAS Press.
    - 2004. "South Korea: Confrontational Legacy and Democratic Contributions," in Muthiah Alagappa, ed., Civil Society and Political Change in Asia: Expanding and Contracting Democratic Space. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
    - 2003. "Postwar Reconstruction in Korea: Limits and Promises of Its Generalization," in Nassrine Azimi, Matt Fuller, and Hiroko Nakayama, eds., Post-Conflict Reconstruction. New York, NY: United Nations.
    - 2003. "Civil Society in Democratizing Korea," in Samuel S. Kim, ed., Korea’s Democratization. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    - 2002. "Civil Society and Democratization," in Charles K. Armstrong, ed., Korean Society: Civil Society, Democracy, and the State. New York, NY: Routledge.
    - 2002. "Party Politics in South Korea," in Chung-in Moon and David I. Steinberg, eds., Korea in Transition: Three Years under the Kim Dae-jung Government. Seoul, Korea: Yonsei University Press.
    - 2001. "The Politics of Dual Transition in South Korea: Economic Restructuring and Democratic Deepening," in Seung-ho Joo and Tae-hwan Kwak, eds., Korea in the 21st Century. Huntington, NY: Nova.
    - 2001. "Korea: The Politics of Three Transitions," Korea Economic Institute of America, ed., The Political Economy of Korean Reconciliation and Reform. Washington, DC: KEIA.
    - 2000. "Civic Mobilization for Democratic Reform," in Larry Diamond and Doh Chull Shin, eds., Institutional Reform and Democratic Consolidation in Korea. Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press.
    - 1999. "Patronage Politics as an Obstacle to Democracy in South Korea: Regional Networks and Democratic Consolidation," in Howard Handelman and Mark Tessler, eds., Democracy and Its Limits: Lessons from Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press.


  • - 2017. "Historical Development of Civil Society in Korea since 1987" (with Jong-Ho Jeong), Journal of International and Area Studies, 24(2): 1-14.
    - 2017. "The Changing Modes of Administrative Reform in South Korea" (with Chonghee Han), Transylvania Review of Administrative Sciences, 50 E/2017: 54-72.
    - 2016. "정보통신기술혁명과 민주주의의 미래," <국제·지역연구> 제25권 제3호: 95-124.
    - 2015. "공적개발원조 예산 과정의 절차적 정당성: 한국의 제1기 중점협력국 선정을 중심으로" (공저자: 이경민, 박장호), <국제개발협력연구> 제7권 제 2호: 79-117.
    - 2015. "Administrative Reform in South Korea: New Public Management and the Bureaucracy" (with Chonghee Han), International Review of Administrative Sciences, 81(4): 694-712.
    - 2015. "Making e-Procurement Work in a Decentralized Procurement System: A Comparison of Three Indonesian Cities" (with Achmad Nurmandi), International Journal of Public Sector Management, 28(3): 198-220.
    - 2015. "NGOs and Social Protection in East Asia: Korea, Thailand and Indonesia," Asian Journal of Political Science, 23(1): 23-43.
    - 2014. "Jasmine Does Not Bloom in Pyongyang: The Persistent Non-transition in North Korea" (with Antonio Fiori), Pacific Focus, 29(1): 44-67.
    - 2013. "Civil Society and Local Activism in South Korea’s Local Democratization" (with Yooil Bae), Democratization, 20(2): 260-286.
    - 2012. "'Contentious Democracy' in South Korea: An Active Civil Society and Ineffectual Political Parties," Taiwan Journal of Democracy, 8(2): 51-61.
    - 2012. "Solidarity as a Unifying Idea in Building an East Asian Community: Toward an Ethos of Collective Responsibility" (with Hans Schattle), Pacific Review, 25(4): 473-494.
    - 2011. "정부의 질과 시민사회: 비판적 검토와 지표 개발을 위한 시론," <정부학연구> 제17권 제3호: 49-78.
    - 2011. "Globalization and National Responses: The Case of Korea," International Review of Public Administration, 16(2): 165-179.
    - 2011. "'Dynamics of Contention' in Democratic Korea: The Role of Anti-Americanism" (with Eun Sun Lee), Korea Journal, 51(2): 229-255.
    - 2011. "The Dynamics of Welfare Policy-Making in South Korea: Social Movements as Policy Entrepreneurs" (with Antonio Fiori), Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 5(2): 61-78.
    - 2010. "새로운 공약평가모형에 대한 탐색적 연구: 광역지방자치단체장의 공약포트폴리오와 포지셔닝을 중심으로" (공저자: 장지호, 윤지웅, 윤건), <의정연구> 제16권 제3호: 5-38.
    - 2010. "Social Dialogue and Industrial Relations in South Korea: Has the Tripartite Commission Been Successful?" (with Chonghee Han and Jiho Jang), Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 51(3): 288-303.
    - 2010. "Collaborative Governance in South Korea: Citizen Participation in Policymaking and Welfare Service Provision," Asian Perspective, 34(3): 165-190.
    - 2010. "Contextualizing the Meaning of Public Management Reforms: A Comparison of the Netherlands and South Korea" (with Taco Brandsen), International Review of Administrative Sciences, 76(2): 367-386.
    - 2010. "Advocacy Coalitions in Regulating Big Business in South Korea: Change of Chaebol's Holding Company Policy" (with Jiho Jang and Chonghee Han), Korea Observer, 41(2): 161-188.
    - 2009. "행정학적 시민사회론의 심화와 확장을 위한 소고: 공동생산과 이익매개" (공저자: 김창남), <정부학연구> 제15권 제3호: 241-277.
    - 2009. "Civic Engagement and Democracy in South Korea," Korea Observer, 40(1): 1-26.
    - 2008. "신생민주주의 국가의 시민사회: 비교민주화론의 주요쟁점에 관한 이론적 고찰," <사회과학연구> 제34권 제3호: 61-80.
    - 2008. "State-Society Relations in South Korea after Democratization: Is the Strong State Defunct?" (with Chonghee Han and Jiho Jang), Pacific Focus, 23(2): 252-270.
    - 2008. "세계화와 행정: 이론적 성찰과 정책적 함의," <한국행정학보> 제42권 제1호: 7-25.
    - 2007. "한국의 민주주의 공고화와 시민사회: 항의의 정치를 중심으로" (공저자: 김병국, Grzegorz Ekiert), <아세아연구> 제50권 제3호: 128-148.
    - 2007. "우리나라 제1~3공화국의 예산정책 변화과정 분석: 정책진화론을 중심으로" (공저자: 정재동, 정태헌), <한국정책과학학회보> 제11권 제2호: 251-275.
    - 2007. "How to Deal with South Korea" (with Wonhyuk Lim), The Washington Quarterly, 30(2): 71-82.
    - 2006. "Civil Society and Local Democracy," Korea Journal, 46(4): 62-86.
    - 2006. "참여정부의 혼돈, 진보의 위기, 그리고 한국 민주주의의 미래," <황해문화> 제53호 (겨울): 12-34.
    - 2006. "민주화와 시민사회의 대정부(對政府) 항의: 비통상적 시민참여와 거버넌스" (공저자: 김병국, Grzegorz Ekiert, 정원칠), <한국행정연구> 제15권 제3호: 249-270.
    - 2006. "정책 결정요인으로서의 제도, 이해(利害) 그리고 아이디어: EU, 한국, 미국의 GMO 표시정책 비교연구" (공저자: 조성은), <행정논총> 제44권 제3호: 121-152.
    - 2005. "신외교정책의 이론적 토대: 한국판 '현실주의'의 한계와 대안적 패러다임의 모색," <아세아연구> 제48권 제3호: 107-135.
    - 2005. "The Experience of European Integration and Potential for Northeast Asian Integration" (with Philippe C. Schmitter), Asian Perspective, 29(2): 5-39.
    - 2004. "New Asian Regionalism and the United States: Constructing Regional Identity and Interest in the Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion" (with Yong Wook Lee), Pacific Focus, 19(2): 185-231.
    - 2004. "비교정책학의 현재와 미래: 신제도주의, 사회적 구성주의, 신비교행정학을 중심으로," <한국정책학회보> 제13권 제3호: 259-278. 
    - 2004. "Democratization, Economic Liberalization, and Labor Politics: Mexico and Korea" (with Nora Hamilton), Comparative Sociology, 3(1): 67-91.
    - 2004. "국제행정과 초국가 거버넌스," <한국행정학보> 제38권 제2호: 87-102.
    - 2003. "시민사회론과 행정학: 행정학적 시민사회론의 모색," <한국행정학보> 제37권 제4호: 39-56.
    - 2002. "The Politics of Economic Recovery in South Korea: A Comparative Perspective," Pacific Focus, 17(1): 29-45.
    - 2001. "Researching and Teaching Korean Politics in the United States," Comparative Korean Studies, 8: 189-199.
    - 2000. "The Political Origins of South Korea's Economic Crisis: Is Democratization to Blame?" Democratization, 7(4): 81-103.
    - 2000. "Democratization and Environmentalism: South Korea and Taiwan in Comparative Perspective," Journal of Asian and African Studies, 35(3): 287-302.
    - 2000. "The Politics of Reform in South Korea: The First Year of the Kim Dae Jung Government, 1998-1999," Asian Perspective, 24(1): 163-185.
    - 1998. "Civil Society and Democratization in South Korea," Korea Journal, 38(2): 214-236.
    - 1997. "State and Civil Society in South Korea's Democratic Consolidation: Is the Battle Really Over?" Asian Survey, 37(12): 1135-1144.
    - 1996. "Civil Society in South Korea: From Grand Democracy Movements to Petty Interest Groups?" The Journal of Northeast Asian Studies, 15(2): 81-97.

학술대회 발표논문

  • - 2018. "Trends in Higher Education: Transformation and Internationalization," Presented at the University Consortium of 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and University Presidents' Forum, Xiamen, China, October 19-21, 2018.
    - 2018. Invited Speaker, Symposium on Leadership, "Value vs. Values: Defending International Education in a Complex World," 2018 Annual Conference of NAFSA (National Association of Foreign Student Advisers), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, May 29, 2018.
    - 2018. "Impacts of Political and Global Trends on Student Mobility," Presented at the 2018 Annual Conference of NAFSA (National Association of Foreign Student Advisers), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, May 27-June 1, 2018.
    - 2018. "Impact of Geo-political Trends on International Student Mobility," Presented at the 2018 Annual Conference of APAIE (Asia-Pacific Association for International Education), Singapore, March 25-29, 2018.
    - 2017. "Civil Society in South Korea: Contributions to Democracy and Future Challenges," Presented at the International Conference on "Civil Society in East Asian Countries: Contributions to Democracy, Peace and Sustainable Development," Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania, October 26-27, 2017.
    - 2017. "Korean Higher Education: Korea University and Institutional Reforms," Presented at the UMY Workshop on Global University Benchmark, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, August 25, 2017.
    - 2016. "Higher Education in Korea," Presented at the 2016 Annual Conference of NAFSA (National Association of Foreign Student Advisers), Denver, Colorado, USA, May 29-June 3, 2016.
    - 2016. "Higher Education in Korea: Status Report," Presented at the 2016 Annual Conference of APAIE (Asia-Pacific Association for International Education), Melbourne, Australia, February 29-March 3, 2016.
    - 2016. "Reconciliation in Europe and Northeast Asia," Presented at the 2nd International Conference on "Con Todos y para el Bien de Todos," Havana, Cuba, January 25-28, 2016.
    - 2015. "Public Policy and Higher Education in Korea," Presented at the 14th Korea-Japan Millennium Forum, 연세대학교, 2015년 10월 27-28일.
    - 2015. "ICT‐Based Public Administration, Access to Information, and Civil Society Empowerment," Presented at the International Conference on "Governance, Public Administration, and ICT for Implementing the UN Post-2015 Development Agenda," Korea Institute of Public Administration (KIPA), Seoul, Korea, May 20, 2015.
    - 2014. "'행복국가' 시론(試論)," 한국고등교육재단 설립 40주년 기념 학술 심포지엄, 한국고등교육재단, 2014년 11월 27일.
    - 2014. "Historical Development of Civil Society in Korea since 1987: Current Issues and Future Prospects" (with Jong-Ho Jeong), Presented at Beijing Forum 2014 on "The Harmony of Civilizations and Prosperity for All: China and the World: Tradition, Reality and Future," Beijing, China, November 7-9, 2014.
    - 2014. "Reconciliation in Northeast Asia: Comparative Implications from Europe," Presented at Northeast Asia Forum 2014 on "The Past and Future of Northeast Asia: Communication, Trust and Prosperity," Shenyang, China, September 26-27, 2014.
    - 2014. "Solidarity as a Unifying Idea in Building an East Asian Community," Presented at Shanghai Forum 2014 on "Asia Transforms: Identifying New Dynamics," Shanghai, China, May 24-26, 2014.
    - 2014. "The Politics of Heritage-Making in South Korea: The Case of UNESCO’s 'Memory of the World' Register," Presented at the International Conference on "State Policy and the Cultural Politics of Heritage-Making in East and Southeast Asia," National University of Singapore, Singapore, January 16-17, 2014.
    - 2013. "한반도신뢰프로세스와 동북아평화협력구상: 성과와 전망," 한국정책학회 동계학회, 숭실대학교, 2013년 12월 6일.
    - 2013. "Re-theorizing Democracy in South Korea: The Rise and Fall of Civil Society," Presented at the International Conference on "Theorizing Democracy in East Asia: Perspectives from within the Region," National University of Singapore, Singapore, November 18, 2013.
    - 2013. "Reflecting on the First Quarter Century after South Korea’s Transition to Democracy: Ongoing Debates and Remaining Challenges," Presented at the 8th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 8), Macao, China, June 24-27, 2013.
    - 2013. "Emerging Patterns of Regional Governance: The Case of East Asia," Presented at the International Conference on "Public Administration in the Context of Global Governance," Syracuse University, New York, USA, June 13-14, 2013.
    - 2013. "NGOs and Social Protection in East Asia: Korea, Thailand, and Indonesia," Presented at the 7th Workshop on Social Protection in East Asia (SPEA), Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, May 30-31, 2013.
    - 2013. "Civil Society and Regionalism in East Asia" (with Antonio Fiori), Presented at the International Symposium on "Building Regions from Below: Regional Integration and Civil Society from Europe to the Rest of the World," Pretoria, South Africa, May 20-22, 2013.
    - 2013. "The Role of Reconciliation in Regional Community Building: Evaluating the Impact of Political Leadership, Civil Society, and External Actors in Europe and Northeast Asia" (with Hans Schattle), Presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association (ISA), San Francisco, California, USA, April 3-6, 2013.
    - 2013. "Administrative Reform in South Korea: New Public Management and the 'Orthodox Paradox'" (with Chonghee Han), Presented at the 3rd International Conference on Public Organization (ICONPO), Bali, Indonesia, February 21, 2013.
    - 2012. "An Exploratory Model of Antecedents and Consequences of Public Trust in Government" (with Sang Ok Choi), Presented at the IIAS (International Institute of Administrative Sciences) Study Group Workshop on "Trust in Public Administration and Citizen Attitudes," Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, December 11-12, 2012.
    - 2012. "Transformation of Civil Society in South Korea after Democratization: From Advocacy Groups to Policy Think Tanks" (with Kyungmin Lee), Presented at the 6th Asian Political and International Studies Association (APISA) Congress, Hong Kong, China, November 30-December 1, 2012. 
    - 2012. "한국 공공외교의 대내적 차원: 현황과 제언," 한국국제정치학회, "문화와 공공외교" 국제학술회의, 63컨벤션센터, 2012년 10월 29-30일.
    - 2012. "소프트파워와 공공외교," 한국학술연구원 주최 "국가대전략회의," 한국언론재단, 2012년 5월 18일.
    - 2012. "Public Administration Research and Teaching in Korea," Presented in the Plenary Roundtable of the 2nd International Conference on Public Organization (ICONPO), Korea University, Seoul, Korea, May 11, 2012.
    - 2012. "NGOs and Social Protection in East Asia: Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, and Vietnam," Presented at the 6th Workshop on Social Protection in East Asia (SPEA), Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, April 27-28, 2012.
    - 2012. "Government Reform as Governance Movement in Korea: Can Governance Eclipse Government?" (with Chonghee Han), Presented at the Asian Public Administration Forum (APAF), Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Korea, April 20, 2012.
    - 2012. "The Role of Reconciliation and Community Building: Europe and East Asia" (with Hans Schattle), Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association (WPSA), Portland, Oregon, USA, March 22-24, 2012.
    - 2012. "Administrative Reform in South Korea: Changes in the Nature of the Bureaucracy and State Capacity" (with Chonghee Han), Presented at the 2011 EROPA (Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration) Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, February 19-23, 2012.
    - 2012. "Bureaucratic Reform and State Capacity: The Case of South Korea" (with Chonghee Han), Presented at the 2012 Annual Conference of AAPA (Asian Association for Public Administration), Hong Kong, China, February 10-11, 2012.
    - 2012. "Democracy, Civil Society, and Popular Protest in South Korea," Presented at University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan, January 31, 2012. 
    - 2012. "Korea, East Asia, and the World: Democracy, Solidarity, and Globalization," Presented at Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan, January 27, 2012.
    - 2012. "Civil Society and Grassroots Politics in Korea," Presented at the International Conference on "A Liberal Challenge?: Civil Society and Grassroots Politics in New Democracies, Authoritarian and Hybrid Regimes," Co-organized by the Harvard-Yenching Institute and the Department of Public Administration, Korea University, Seoul, Korea, January 6, 2012.
    - 2011. "Social Enterprise and Government: The Case of South Korea" (with Eun Sun Lee), Presented at the 7th ISTR (International Society for the Third Sector Research) Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Bali, Indonesia, November 24-26, 2011.
    - 2011. "Social Capital: Definitions and Preceding Works," Presented at the 2011 Asia Science Seminar on "Social Capital and Community in the East Asia," Tokyo, Japan, September 14-17, 2011.
    - 2011. "Different Roles of NGOs in Social Protection in East Asia," Presented at the Annual Conference of the ISA (International Sociological Association) RC19 (Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy) on "Production, Reproduction and Protecton in the Welfare State," Seoul, Korea, August 25-27, 2011.
    - 2011. "The Jasmine Revolution and the Persistent Non-transition in North Korea" (with Antonio Fiori), Presented at the 2011 World Congress for Korean Politics and Society and the Annual Summer Meeting of the Korean Political Science Association (KPSA), Incheon, Korea, August 23-25, 2011.
    - 2011. "NGOs and Social Protection in East Asia: Developing a Comparative Framework," Presented at the 2011 ILO (International Labour Organization) RDW (Regulating for Decent Work) Network's Conference on "Regulating for a Fair Recovery," Geneva, Switzerland, July 6-8, 2011.
    - 2011. "인도 오리사지역 포스코 철광개발사업을 둘러싼 갈등에 관한 연구" (공저자: 조영희), 한국행정학회 하계공동학회, 목원대학교, 2011년 6월 24-25일.
    - 2011. "정부의 질과 시민사회: 비판적 검토와 지표 개발을 위한 시론," 한국행정학회 하계공동학회, 목원대학교, 2011년 6월 24-25일.
    - 2011. "Deploying the Idea of Solidarity in the Formation of an East Asian Community" (with Hans Schattle), Presented at the 2011 Biennial Conference of the European Union Studies Association (EUSA), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, March 3-5, 2011.
    - 2011. "Globalization and Policy Change: The Case of Korea," Presented at the 1st International Conference on Public Organization (ICONPO), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, January 21-22, 2011.
    - 2010. "Civil Society and Contentious Democracy in South Korea," Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Washington, D.C., USA, September 2-5, 2010.
    - 2010. "Political Conflicts and the Prospect of Democracy in Thailand," 한국행정학회 하계공동학회, 건국대학교 충주캠퍼스, 2010년 6월 25-26일.
    - 2010. "Deploying the Idea of Solidarity in the Formation of an East Asian Community" (with Hans Schattle), Presented at the International Conference on "Towards an East Asian Community: Why and How?" Graduate School of International and Area Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea, June 3, 2010.
    - 2010. "매니페스토 제도의 등장과 운용: 주요국 비교 및 한국에의 함의," 한국정책학회 춘계학회, 건국대학교, 2010년 4월 16일.
    - 2010. "Comparing Public Management Reforms in Europe and Asia," Presented at the School of Social Sciences, Singapore Management University, Singapore, February 19, 2010.
    - 2009. "전자투표의 사회적 합의기반 조성을 위한 정책 연구" (공저자: 민병오, 이정진, 이상신), 한국정치학회 동계학회, 한양대학교, 2009년 12월 4-5일.
    - 2009. "Government Funding and NPOs' Political Activity in New Democracies: The Case of South Korea" (with Jaeho Yeom, Hyungjoo Song, and Jinyoung Kim), Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA), Cleveland, Ohio, USA, November 19-21, 2009.
    - 2009.  "Democracy and Civil Society in Korea: A Reappraisal," Presented at Il Dipartimento di Politica, Istituzioni, Storia, Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy, October 20, 2009.
    - 2009. "Public Policy Challenges in a Globalizing World," Presented at the International Conference on "The State, Development, and Poverty Reduction," UNRISD and Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, September 28-29, 2009.
    - 2009. "The Dynamics of Welfare Policy-Making in South Korea: Social Movements as Policy Entrepreneurs" (with Antonio Fiori), Presented at the 23rd Convention of La Società Italiana di Scienza Politica, Rome, Italy, September 17-19, 2009.
    - 2009. "Popular Protest and Democratic Consolidation in South Korea," Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Toronto, Canada, September 3-6, 2009.
    - 2009. "The Dynamics of Welfare Policy-Making in South Korea: Social Movements as Policy Entrepreneurs" (with Antonio Fiori), Presented at the 2009 World Congress for Korean Politics and Society and the Annual Summer Meeting of the Korean Political Science Association (KPSA), Seoul, Korea, August 20-22, 2009.
    - 2009. "한국 국회의 소통문제에 관하여" (공저자: 장지호, 윤지웅), 한국정치학회 세계대회·하계학회, 코엑스, 2009년 8월 20-22일.
    - 2009. "Environmental Protest and Policy Change in Korea" (with Seongeun Cho), Presented at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) International Conference on "Environmental Policy: A Multinational Conference on Policy Analysis and Teaching Methods," Seoul, Korea, June 11-13, 2009.
    - 2009. "Democratization and Civil Society in South Korea," Presented at the International Conference on "The Logic of Civil Society in New Democracies: East Asia and East Europe," Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, June 5-7, 2009.
    - 2009. "Civil Society and Government in Welfare Policymaking in Korea" (with Antonio Fiori), Presented at World Civic Forum 2009, "Building Our Humanitarian Planet," Seoul, Korea, May 5-8, 2009.
    - 2009. "국회의 대내외 소통" (공저자: 장지호, 윤지웅), 한국정치학회 춘계학회, 세종대학교, 2009년 4월 24-25일.
    - 2009. "If At First You Don't Succeed: The Puzzle of South Korea's Democratic Transition" (with David Adesnik), Presented at the 2nd International Workshop on "Evaluating International Influences on Democratic Development," The Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law (CDDRL), Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA, March 5-6, 2009.
    - 2008. "Civic Engagement and Democracy in South Korea," Presented at the International Conference on "Korea at the Crossroads: The Challenges and Prospects," The Institute of Korean Studies, Seoul, Korea, November 17, 2008.
    - 2008. "The Logic of Civil Society in Post-Transitional South Korea: An Overview," Presented at the International Workshop on "The Logic of Civil Society in New Democracies: Hungary, Poland, South Korea and Taiwan," The Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, May 2-4, 2008.
    - 2008. "The ‘Dynamics of Contention’ in Post-Transitional Korea: The Pivotal Role of Anti-Americanism" (with Eun Sun Lee), Presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association (ISA), San Francisco, California, USA, March 26-29, 2008.
    - 2008. "The Politics of Constructing and Implementing New Public Management Reforms: A Comparison of the Netherlands and South Korea" (with Taco Brandsen), Presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), Brisbane, Australia, March 26-28, 2008.
    - 2008. "세계화와 행정: 이론적 성찰과 정책적 함의," 한국행정학회 기획세미나, 대한상공회의소, 2008년 1월 24일.
    - 2007. "새 정부와 시민사회: 협력적 거버넌스의 조건," 희망제작소 심포지움, "창조적 리더십을 지니기 위한 새 정부의 조건: 17대 대통령직 인수위원회의 역할과 과제," 대한상공회의소, 2007년 12월 27일.
    - 2007. "The 2007 Korean Presidential Election: A Postmortem," Presented at the International Workshop on "Democracy and Regional Development in Asia," The 16th Taipei-Seoul Forum, Taipei, Taiwan, December 21-22, 2007.
    - 2007. "International Influences and Democratization in South Korea" (with David Adesnik), Presented at the 1st International Workshop on "Evaluating International Influences on Democratic Development," The Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law (CDDRL), Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA, October 25-26, 2007.
    - 2007. "Democratic Consolidation and Social Protest in Korea," Presented at the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA, October 24, 2007.
    - 2007. "Civic Participation and Democratic Governance in Korea," Presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) RC27 (Structure and Organization of Government) on "Governance Crisis in Comparative Perspective," Korea University, Seoul, Korea, October 11-12, 2007.
    - 2007. "Emerging Patterns of Co-Production in South Korea: Strengthening Democracy and Constructing (Not Complementing) a Welfare State" (with Jeongwon Kim), Presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Group of Public Administration (EGPA) Conference, Madrid, Spain, September 19-22, 2007.
    - 2007. "Protest and Democracy in South Korea," Presented at the 2007 World Congress for Korean Studies and the Annual Summer Meeting of the Korean Political Science Association (KPSA), Pusan, Korea, August 23-25, 2007.
    - 2007. "Citizen Participation, Popular Protest, and Democratic Consolidation in South Korea," Presented at the International Conference on "After the Third Wave: Problems and Challenges for the New Democracies," Taiwan Thinktank, Taipei, Taiwan, August 13-14, 2007.
    - 2007. "Civil Society-Government Collaboration in South Korea: Types, Cases, and Implications" (with Chang-soo Heo), Presented at the International Conference on "Civil Society Development and Local Government Innovations," Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, May 29-30, 2007.
    - 2007. "Regionalization in Europe and Asia: Divergent Paths or Distinct Finalities?" Presented at the International Workshop of EU-NESCA on "Regional Integration in Europe and Asia and Regional Blocs: Legal, Economic, and Political Perspectives," Korea University, Korea, May 18-19, 2007.
    - 2006. “The Implications of European Integration for Northeast Asia,” Presented at the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, December 19, 2006.
    - 2006. “민주화 이후 한국의 국가-사회관계: 정부, 기업, 노동, 시민단체와 ‘운동민주주의’” (공저자: 장지호, 한종희), 한국정책학회 동계학회, 고려대학교, 2006년 12월 1일.
    - 2005.  “정책 결정요인으로서의 利害, 신념, 제도: 미국, EU, 한국의 GMO 규제정책 비교연구” (공저자: 조성은), 한국행정학회 동계학회, 서울산업대학교, 2005년 12월 9-10일.
    - 2005.  “The Experience of European Integration and the Potential for Northeast Asian Integration” (with Philippe C. Schmitter), Presented at the International Conference of the European Union Studies Association-Asia Pacific (EUSA-AP), Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, December 8-10, 2005.
    - 2005.  “한국의 민주적 공고화와 항의의 정치,” 연세대학교 사회학과 콜로키움, 연세대학교, 2005년 11월 21일.
    - 2005.  “South Korea’s Foreign Policy at a Crossroads: Beyond the South Korean Version of ‘Realism’,” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Washington, D.C., USA, September 1-4, 2005.
    - 2005.  “Recasting Korea’s Foreign Policy: Theoretical Reflections,” Presented at the International Conference on “New Directions for Korea’s Foreign Policy and the East Asian Community,” Asiatic Research Center, Korea University and the Korea National Strategy Institute, Seoul, Korea, July 22, 2005.
    - 2005.  “권력이동의 국제비교,” 아시아재단·한국청년정책연구소 공동 심포지움 “한국사회의 권력이동,” 고려대학교, 2005년 6월 24일.
    - 2005.  “2030년 한국의 정치지형,” 한국미래학회 심포지움 “한국의 미래: 2030의 비전,” 프레스센터, 2005년 6월 11일.
    - 2005.  “한국의 민주적 공고화와 항의의 정치,” 동아시아연구원 지구넷21 제5차 토론회, 동아시아연구원, 2005년 5월 16일.
    - 2005.  “Prospects for Northeast Asian Integration: Lessons from Europe” (with Philippe C. Schmitter), Presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) RC03 (European Unification) on “The European Union and the World: Asia, Enlargement and Constitutional Change,” Beijing, China, May 5-6, 2005.
    - 2005.  “국제행정: 행정학의 멋진 신세계” (공저자: 김정수), 고려대학교 행정학과 50주년 기념 학술회의, 고려대학교, 2005년 4월 22일.
    - 2004.  “신외교정책의 이론적 기초,” 정책기획위원회, 2004년 12월 18일.
    - 2004.  “Political Trust, Institutional Reform, and Democratic Deepening in Korea,” Presented at the International Conference on “Political Challenges and Democratic Institutions,” National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, December 3-4, 2004. 
    - 2004.  “Governmental Policy and Local Movement in Korea: The Taep’och’on Case” (with Ju-Yong Jung), Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Chicago, Illinois, USA, September 2-5, 2004.
    - 2004.  “정책연구와 비교방법론,” 한국정책학회 춘계학회, 한국과학기술회관, 2004년 4월 9일.
    - 2004.  “New Asian Regionalism and the United States: Constructing Regional Identity and Interest in the Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion” (with Yong Wook Lee), Presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association (ISA), Montreal, Québec, Canada, March 17-20, 2004.
    - 2003. “국제행정과 초국가 거버넌스,” 한국행정학회 동계학회, 이화여자대학교, 2003년 12월 12-13일.
    - 2003. “국제행정과 초국가 거버넌스,” 고려대학교 행정학과 콜로키움, 고려대학교, 2003년 12월 3일.
    - 2003.  “시민사회론의 행정학적 함의,” 한국행정학회·한국정책학회 하계공동학회, 무주리조트, 2003년 6월 20-22일.
    - 2003.  “정치세력화 없는 노동운동과 민주주의,” 아세아문제연구소 비교민주주의 세미나, 고려대학교, 2003년 3월 7일.
    - 2002.  “Postwar Reconstruction in Korea: Limits and Promises of Its Generalization,” Presented at the International Conference on Post-Conflict Reconstruction, UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research), Hiroshima, Japan, November 11-13, 2002. 
    - 2002.  “비교정치학적 사례로서의 한국,” 아세아문제연구소 비교민주주의 세미나, 고려대학교, 2002년 11월 1일.
    - 2002.  “The Origins, Contributions, and Legacies of a Contentious Civil Society in South Korea,” Presented at the 2nd International Workshop on “Civil Society and Political Change in Asia,” East-West Center, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, October 25-28, 2002.
    - 2002.  “Discourses on Democracy and Political Reform in Contemporary South Korea,” Presented at the International Conference on “Discourses on Political Reform and Democratization in East and Southeast Asia in the Light of New Processes of Regional Community-Building,” Institute of East Asian Studies, Gerhard Mercator University, Duisburg, Germany, May 22-24, 2002.
    - 2002.  “Against All Odds: Explaining Regime Stability and Nontransition in North Korea,” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association (WPSA), Long Beach, California, USA, March 22-24, 2002.
    - 2002.  “Civil Society and Political Change in South Korea,” Presented at the 1st International Workshop on “Civil Society and Political Change in Asia,” East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, March 16-19, 2002.
    - 2002.  “Feasibility of Democratization in North Korea,” Presented at the International Workshop of Korea Forum 2002, Research Institute for Korean Affairs (RIKA) and the Institute for Far Eastern Studies (IFES), Yuseong, Korea, February 1-2, 2002.
    - 2001.  “Democratization, Economic Restructuring, and Labor Politics in South Korea,” Presented at the Korea Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, October 18, 2001.
    - 2001.  “Democratization, Economic Restructuring, and Labor Politics: Mexico and South Korea“ (with Nora Hamilton), Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), San Francisco, California, USA, August 30-September 2, 2001.
    - 2001.  “Transformation of the South Korean State: Structural Changes of the State after the 1997 Financial Crisis” (with Bum-Soo Chon and Erick Duchesne), Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), San Francisco, California, USA, August 30-September 2, 2001.
    - 2001.  “U.S.-South Korean Relations,” Presented at the International Workshop on “Aspects of U.S.-Korean Relations,” The Keck Center for International and Strategic Studies, Claremont-McKenna College, Claremont, California, USA, August 17, 2001.
    - 2001.  “Researching and Teaching Korean Politics in the United States,” Presented at the International Conference on “Korean Studies in the 21st Century,” The International Association of Comparative Korean Studies (IACKS), State University of New York-Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, USA, July 3-4, 2001.
    - 2001.  “Democracy and Civil Society in Korea,” Presented at the International Workshop on “Korean Democracy and Development,” Columbia University, New York, New York, USA, May 25-26, 2001.
    - 2001.  “Party Politics in South Korea,” Presented at the International Conference on “Korea in Transition: Three Years under the Kim Dae Jung Government,” Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., USA, March 26-27, 2001.
    - 2000.  “Korea: The Politics of Three Transitions,” Presented at the International Workshop of the Task Force on Korea, Pacific Council on International Policy, Los Angeles, California, USA, November 14, 2000.
    - 2000.  “The Politics of Economic Reform in Korea: A Comparative Perspective,” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Washington, D.C., USA, August 31-September 2, 2000.
    - 2000.  “Economic Crisis and Popular Support for Democracy in Korea” (with Doh Chull Shin), Presented at the World Congress of the International Political Science Association (IPSA), Québec, Québec, Canada, August 1-5, 2000.
    - 2000.  “Economic Restructuring and Democratic Consolidation in South Korea,” Presented at the Asian Studies Program, State University of New York-Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, USA, April 14, 2000.
    - 1999.  “The Politics of Dual Transition in South Korea: Economic Restructuring and Democratic Deepening,” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, September 2-5, 1999.
    - 1999.  “Economic Crisis in Korea: A Political Etiology,” Presented at the Institute for Far Eastern Studies, Kyungnam University, Seoul, Korea, July 6, 1999.
    - 1999.  “Economic Crisis in South Korea: To Blame or Not to Blame Democracy?” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association (WPSA), Seattle, Washington, USA, March 24-28, 1999.
    - 1998.  “Rise of Civil Society,” Presented at the International Conference on “The Republic of Korea After 50 Years: Continuity and Convergence,” Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., USA, October 2-3, 1998.
    - 1998.  “South Korea at a Crossroads: Political and Economic Transformations,” Presented at the Political Economy and Public Policy Program, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA, April 7, 1998.
    - 1998.  “The Next Step: Stabilizing State-Civil Society Relations and Democratic Consolidation in South Korea,” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association (ISA), Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, March 17-21, 1998.
    - 1998.  “Democratic Consolidation and Environmental Politics: South Korea and Taiwan in Comparative Perspective,” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association (WPSA), Los Angeles, California, USA, March 19-21, 1998.
    - 1998.  “Civic Mobilization for Democratic Reform,” Presented at the International Conference on “Institutional Reform and Democratic Consolidation in Korea,” Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA, January 8-9, 1998.
    - 1997.  “From ‘Social Management’ to ‘Selective Engagement’: South Korean Policies toward Social Groups at a Crossroads,” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Washington, D.C., USA, August 28-31, 1997.
    - 1997.  “Civil Society and South Korean Democratization,” Presented at the International Workshop on “Civil Society in South Korea,” Columbia University, New York, New York, USA, May 31, 1997.
    - 1997.  “Patronage Politics as an Obstacle to South Korean Democracy,” Presented at the International Conference on “Democracy and Its Limits,” University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, May 2-3, 1997.
    - 1997.  “Patronage Politics and Democratic Transition in South Korea,” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS), Chicago, Illinois, USA, March 15-16, 1997.
    - 1997.  “Is the Battle Really Over?: State and Civil Society in South Korea’s Democratic Consolidation,” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association (WPSA), Tucson, Arizona, USA, March 13-14, 1997.
    - 1997.  “South Korea after the Democratic Transition: Civil Society,” Presented at the International Conference on “South Korea after the Democratic Transition: Political Economy and Civil Society,” The Korean Studies Institute (University of Southern California) and The Korea Social Science Institute, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA, February 14-15, 1997.
    - 1996.  “Informal Networks and Democratic Consolidation in South Korea,” Presented at the International Workshop on “Social Networks, Organizations, and Informal Institutions,” Summer Institute, MacArthur Foundation Consortium on International Peace and Cooperation, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA, June 21-25, 1996.
    - 1995.  “Democratic Consolidation and Civil Society in South Korea,” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast (ASPAC), Portland, Oregon, USA, June 16-18, 1995.
    - 1995.  “Civil Society in South Korea: From Grand Democracy Movements to Petty Interest Groups?” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS), Washington, D.C., USA, April 6-9, 1995.
    - 1994.  “Democratization and Civil Society in South Korea,” Presented at the MacArthur Foundation International Conference on “Democracy and Popular Empowerment,” University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, April 8-10, 1994.
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