
Atrocity Inc: How Israel Sells Its Destruction Of Gaza

Atrocity Inc: How Israel Sells Its Destruction Of Gaza - YouTube

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Atrocity Inc: How Israel Sells Its Destruction Of Gaza

The Grayzone
398K subscribers




80,546 views  Oct 8, 2024  #TheGrayzone
In an exclusive new documentary, Max Blumenthal rips the cover off the media deceptions and atrocity hoaxes Israel pushed after October 7 to create political space for its gruesome assault on the Gaza Strip. Blumenthal exposes the US mainstream media's role as a megaphone for the Israeli government, introducing new lies even after their initial ones were debunked. 

Atrocity Inc raises serious questions about the official narrative of October 7, while revealing how Israel's army has consciously engaged in the same hideous atrocities which it falsely accused Palestinian militants of committing.

Directed & Edited by Sut Jhally
Written by Max Blumenthal and Sut Jhally
Executive Producer, Sut Jhally
Produced by Max Blumenthal and Ahmad Hussam
Videography and Sound Recording by Robbie Leppzer
Additional Editing, Robbie Leppzer & Ahmad Hussam
Graphics by Ahmad Hassam

||| The Grayzone |||

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at least 40 babies were killed some of them their their heads cut off he said
he's never seen acts of brutality like this they cut of children others and and
and children and yes they cut off heads they cut off heads really Prime Min spokesman just confirmed babies and
toddlers were found with their heads decapitated stomach turning reports of
being babies being killed babies and adults decapitated babies and adults
burnt to death the head babies burn women literally decimate them dozens of children bound them up burned them and
executed them Boy and Girl 6 and 8 years old and their parents the father has eye gouged out in front of his kids Mother's
breast cut off the girl's foot amputated the boys's fingers cut off before they were executed she was pregnant woman
stomach is butchered up and a knife is still stacked in that baby little kids
who are beheaded we didn't know which head belongs to which kids bastards put these babies in an oven and put on their
oven they baked their baby in the oven and kept the woman alive so that she could hear the screams of her child
melting the little children that were put in the oven women sexually assaulted and brutally killed
pregnant women cut open guys the things they having here are so
sick prayed Savages raped women murdered children executed entire families
burning some of them alive sheer evil they are savages Kamas is
Isis for
[Music] [Applause]
on October 7th as news of the Hamas military attack on Israel started to emerge the Israeli PR machine went into
overdrive its propaganda Blitz was predictable and its objective was clear
shock the Western public into supporting Israel's plan to carry out the wholesale
destruction of the besieged Gaza Strip in its campaign to manufacture consent
for Mass death the Israeli government found no greater Ally than the unquestioning marionet that serve as the
faces and voices of us mainstream media the propaganda Blitz began roughly 72
hours after October 7th when claims that Hamas had beheaded 40 babies in kibuts
Berry were first broadcast on the Israeli television channel I24 Saturday
morning the report was delivered by Nicole zedk an American Born correspondent who openly admitted the
gruesome details were based on witness testimony supplied by Israeli soldiers
who had responded to the scene at kutb uh one of the commanders here said said
at least 40 babies were killed some of them them their their heads got off he said he's never seen acts of brutality
like this her Source was in fact a single soldier named David Zeon after
door we killed a lot of the terrorists we're stronger than them they're aggressive they're very bad cut head of
children cut head of women but were stronger than so who exactly is David Zeon as we revealed at the gry Zone when
he's not in an Israeli army uniform Zeon serves as a political leader of the shomron council a group that represents
35 illegal settlements in the northern West Bank just prior to October 7th Zeon
incited deadly riots against Palestinian citizens in the town of hu declaring the
village of hu should be wiped out this place is a nest of Terror and the punishment should be for everyone so is
this violent fanatic a credible Source mainstream media Outlets didn't even
bother to ask and of course neither did the Israeli government babies I can tell you
that they some of them yeah heads were cut off this this is what we're hearing from uh I I from soldiers on the ground
you know of Toddlers and and and children and yes they cut off heads they cut off heads the bogus story exploded
into the mainstream during a prime time CNN broadcast on October 10th it was there that the Network's correspondent
Sarah Sider cited the outlandish claim of 40 beheaded babies in kibuts bery as
a verified established fact we have some really uh disturbing new information uh
out of Israel the Israeli Prime Minister spokesman just confirmed babies and toddlers were found with their heads
decapitated and kafar Aza in southern Israel after Hamas attacks in the kabut
over the weekend later that day President Joe Biden grumbled about babies being killed stomach turning
reports of being babies being killed soon after the president claimed to have personally seen photographs of the
beheaded babies I never really thought that I would see and have
confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children
and from there the atrocity narrative went viral we have tried to live next to
them and the result was beheaded baby if we cannot condemn evil acts raping
murdering women young girls kidnapping grandmothers beheading babies Israeli
military and civilian officials have now confirmed to CBS news that children were among the victims beheaded in the Hamas
attack on one Community they found babies and adults decapitated and babies
and adults burnt to death there were babies that had been
beheaded soldiers say some of the victims were decapitated they killed them and they cut some of their heads
the children that were beheaded the babies that were burnt alive that's a tragedy do you care about the babies
that were beheaded the Israeli Army and government press office as well as the Biden White House eventually walked back
and retracted these claims alog together one once it was plastered across the front pages of papers all across the US
and Europe the damage was already done no matter how fabricated it might have been and Israel then had all the
political space it needed to carry out one sadistic act after another in the Gaza Strip a Liv stream Slaughter made
possible by Washington Berlin Brussels and the mainstream press that functioned
as these government's megaphone even as the beheaded baby story was exposed as a complete and
total hoax Israel and its proxies fed the media new Tales of atrocities that were even more lurid than before many of
these came from one particular individual Yosi landow a religious
fanatic from a self-described rescue organization known as zaka of this 14
15year old a head chopped off we were looking around for the head couldn't find it despite lacking any forensic
credentials or paramedic training zaka volunteers were typically the first on the scene and therefore able to make the
most outlandish claims Yosi landow himself said that he never actually saw
any atrocities take place but that he used his imagination to tell the stories
of the bodies he found when we go into a house and we're using our imagination
and what an imagination he has I would say about 280 bodies and 280 casualties I
would say % was tortured two piles of 10 children each were tied to the back
burned to death when we go into the house and we see on one side of the dining
room it was parents father and mother hands tied to the back and the other
side of the room against them there was two children a girl and a boy the same
position they were tortured main thing and I wouldn't call them animal an to
open up all the food that was prepared for the holiday and these terrorists
sitting and eating while torturing the father and the kids their parents and the kids they should see each other how
theyve being tortured how evil could that be landow's
lies were promptly Amplified by Israeli officials it took dozens of children
bound them up burned them and executed them they beheaded soldiers their
American counterparts including secretary Anthony blinkin were equally obliging a family of four a young boy
and girl 6 and 8 years old and their parents Around The Breakfast Table the
father has eye gouged out in front of his kids the mother's breast cut off the
girl's foot amputated the boy's fingers cut off before they were executed and
then their executioners sat down and had a meal there was just one problem for landow and those who Amplified his
questionable claims no bodies found in kibuts Berry match the descriptions he
made the story of the beheaded babies was also implausible according to official Israeli government data which
confirmed that only one baby 11-month-old Mila Cohen was killed on October 7th just one and she was
tragically shot by accident through a door not decapitated landow also claimed to
possess photos of a fetus that Hamas had cut from a pregnant woman's body or when
you go in you see a lady face down we turn her around she was pregnant woman
the the stomach is butchered up and a knife is still stacked in that baby the
unborn baby yet the imag is never materialized even after the media requested them one fact land out did
prove however was that the business of fabricating atrocity porn is extremely Lo lucrative before October 7th his zaka
organization was nearly broke but in the aftermath of the propaganda Bonanza they fueled they raked in over $13 million in
donations in just a short amount of time the Israeli paper hits reported that zaka volunteers were so desperate to
cash in on October 7th that they actually rearranged corpses discovered in the kibuts literally playing with
dead bodies in order to exaggerate the sense of horror before sending the images to potential donors one of zaka
competitor organizations United hot Salah was eager to cash in as well it
sent its director Ellie Beer to a republican Jewish Coalition fundraiser
there beer rattled off a slew of lies that Yosi landow would have been proud to have concocted I saw in my own eyes a
woman who was pregnant four months pregnant they came into her house in front of her kids opened up her stomach
took out the baby and stabbed a little tiny baby in front of her and then shot her in front of her family and then they
killed the rest of the kids I saw little kids who are beheaded we didn't know
which head belongs to which kid we saw a little baby in a oven they put him in these bastards put these babies in an
oven and put on the oven we found the kid a few hours later the story of a baby baked in an oven clearly contrived
to evoke the horrors of the Holocaust was immediately catapulted into the mainstream pro-israel press they baked
their baby in the oven and kept the woman alive so that she could hear the screams of her child melting the little
children that were put in the oven attacks that saw a baby put in an oven
and baked alive and even though this lie was also quickly debunked it contributed
to the narrative that Israel was confronting quote unquote Human animals as its defense minister yoav Galant put
it and it therefore had the right to do anything absolutely anything to prevent
another October
7th and Ma and and look there's no denying that
atrocities took place when Hamas attacked Israel on October 7th but Israel wasn't content to capitalize on
the atrocities that had been clearly documented on camera they just weren't sufficient to give Tel Aviv the
political latitude it needed to mount a fullscale ethnic cleansing campaign
Netanyahu himself outlined the cynical logic directly when he addressed zaka volunteers and told him that their
mission was to Grant him the maneuvering room he needed to totally destroy Gaza
so the image of Hamas is a band of psychotic Isis likee irrational Muslim
Fanatics rather than a resistance group representing a popular constituency rebelling against being eternally
confined to a de facto internal Camp had to be reinforced over and over again
they are savages Hamas is Isis an act of sheer
evil the utter depravity and the barbaric nature with which these terrorists uh murdered and butchered
innocent Israeli civilians among Israel's key talking points dutifully repeated by its Stooges in the US media
was that the death toll on October 7th represented quote the largest killing of Jews since the Holocaust in the wake of
the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust the largest loss of Jewish
life in a day since the Holocaust it was the deadliest day for the Jewish people
since the Holocaust I would argue it's the deadliest day for Jews since the
Holocaust the implication of this line was obvious Hamas had set out to kill
Israelis simply because they were Jews not because they were military occupiers but was Hamas solely responsible for the
death to to according to the official Israeli line Hamas slaughtered 1,400
completely innocent people on October 7th but it's since been confirmed that at least 380 of the Dead were actually
uniformed Israeli soldiers engaged in maintaining the siege of Gaza after
several weeks the official death toll was reduced to 12200 of which 695 were
Israeli civilians after coroners determined that at least 200 Palestinians including Fighters and
average citizens who entered Israeli territory were contained in the original count in fact photos of Palestinians
killed by Israeli missiles inside Israel's Southern Gaza envelope were distributed as evidence of the savagery
of Hamas against Jewish Israeli civilians but these photos raise another
inconvenient question how did Israeli helicopter and drone Pilots differentiate between Palestinians and
Israelis in the chaos around the kibuts
I was one of the first Western journalists to question whether the Israeli military itself had in fact
killed many Israeli citizens on October 7th relying on interviews and Israeli
media with helicopter pilots who said they had no way of distinguishing between Israelis and Palestinians on the
ground as they emptied their payloads I speculated that the Israeli military had
initiated something called the hand cannibal directive this once secret procedure authorizes the Army to kill
not only the wouldbe foreign captors but their own soldiers and civilians in
order to deny Israel's adversaries The Leverage they could gain by grabbing
Israeli hostages it's a dark and twisted policy and many Americans especially those
who've served in the military might find it impossible to understand but it's one that perfectly serves the cynical
objectives of the Israeli State the electronic intifa was the first Western
Outlet to publicize an interview given by a Survivor from kibuts Berry who recounted how an Israeli tank crew
deliberately shelled a home filled with Israeli civilians who had been taken captive on October 7 knowing that they
would all be killed the dead included 12-year-old twins Lyall and Ariel hetron whose
deaths were promptly blamed by top Israeli officials on
Hamas at the gry Zone we were viciously attacked for our own post October 7th
reporting multiple mainstream Israeli and Western papers as well as Israeli
military officials themselves have since admitted that Tel Aviv enacted a mass Hannibal on October 7th even harats
which previously attacked us acknowledged that we were actually right revealing that the Israeli Army employed
the Hannibal directive in at least three separate locations inside Southern Israel this describing crazy hysteria
among the Army's High command the paper published an official Army order which read not a single vehicle can return to
Gaza so how many Israelis did the Israeli military kill on October 7th was
it dozens hundreds did they kill the majority of civilians registered in the official death toll we may never know
not only because the US state department constantly affirms Israel's right to investigate itself but because Western
media has shown so little interest in investigating or even reporting on the
Hannibal directive as it just doesn't fit the preferred Narrative of Hamas savagery had pregnant women cut open
guys the things that happen here are so sick this is not a Netflix show and it's not a cable news show none of that no
this is real life by this time Israeli pundits were also openly admitting their
government exaggerated the horror of October 7 to win inter National support
for their Blitz C on Gaza
so as us mainstream media took its cues from the Israeli propaganda apparatus repeating obviously dubious narratives
and quietly sweeping the lies they were told under the rug when they were eventually exposed they also refused to
report on one of the most shocking aspects of the war the stated intention by Israeli
officials and average Israeli citizens to commit genocide in Gaza if you gave
me a button to just erase Gaza every single living being in Gaza would no
longer be living tomorrow I would press it in a second give me that button and press it right now there you go and I
think most Israelis would but they would press it right like if they were in a closet alone they would they wouldn't even hesitate mhm someone came to them
and a dark said no one will know you press this all the Palestinians are gone
you'd be like [ __ ] hey is there another one but for the millions and millions of
Americans following the war through social media this horror was impossible to ignore
are they couldn't look away from the gruesome nakedly fascist snuff videos Israeli soldiers were posting on Tik
Tock and Instagram from inside the ruins of
Gaza or the viral videos average Israelis posted showing themselves
mocking the suffering of Gaza residents with no no electricity water or medicine
while trying to survive under [Music]
siege or the propaganda that Israeli State media was creating for its own citizens showing children singing in
support of annihilating everyone in [Music]
Gaza after decades and Decades of grinding military occupation Israel has
become a comprehensively sick Society with masses of citizens primed
for the destruction of Palestine but you'd never know it if you limited yourself to consuming old Legacy
Media now I know that Israel repeatedly claims that enough Aid is getting in and there is not a purposeful starvation and
those claiming otherwise are misinformed are lying the US Public's initial support for an Israeli military response
to the October 7th attacks began to dwindle after several months with polls
showing that a strong majority of Democratic party voters favored an immediate ceasefire in the face of this
PR crisis Israel groped for a new propaganda construct that would help stop the political bleeding while
keeping the bleeding in Gaza going to determine which angle to pursue Israel
turned to Frank Lun a celebrity pollster who in the past had helped the
Republican Party shape its tax slashing corporate friendly agenda he also designed the famous
Global language dictionary which advises pro-israel activists on which focus
group tested words and phrases to use to maintain American support for Israel in
its war on Palestinians this past March I received a tip from a political Insider who had
attended several briefings lunch delivered for New York State lawmakers and various influencers it consisted of
slideshows of data L had collected through focus groups he' conducted on the war in Gaza in one focus group lunce
asked participants to identify which alleged October 7th Hamas crime upset
them the most a majority of respondents declared that they were most upset by
the claim that Hamas quote raped civilians 19% more than those who
expressed outrage that Hamas supposedly exterminated civilians so it's
abundantly clear that at lanta's research influenced the next stage of Israel's propaganda Blitz as Tel Aviv
quickly pivoted from beheaded babies and other completely madeup atrocities to the suddenly discovered plague of
systemic rape by Hamas on October 7th the world has to decide who to believe
Israel rolled out its new phase of propaganda and its own United Nations Mission November 20123 in a high-profile
event featuring speeches by some of America's leading pants suit mins including billionaire Tech oligarch
Cheryl Sandberg the regime change obsessed former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and democratic
congresswoman Kirsten gilland the event was complemented by protests outside the UN headquarters
featuring literal crisis actors women impersonating rape victims dramatizing
events for which no concrete evidence existed in order to pressure feminist
organizations into more vocally support ing Israel's murderous assault on Gaza
when I saw the list of women's rights organizations who have said nothing I nearly choked as usual the
Western mainstream press reverted to its role as Tel aviv's obedience stenographers one of the least disgusted
atrocities in the October 7th Hamas attack on Israel is coming into horrifying Focus tonight stories of
women sexually assaulted and brutally killed the tsunami of atrocity porn
culminated with a front page article in the New York Times the paper of record
reporting to demonstrate beyond the shadow of a doubt that Hamas had engaged in a quote pattern of gender-based
violence on October 7th sexually assaulting Jewish Israeli women as part
of a calculated Campaign Of Terror at the gray Zone as we began examining the
sources in the Times article it quickly became clear that we were witnessing yet another atrocity hoax and an especially
cynical one which exploited the real crime of sexual violence against women in order to manufacture consent for an
ongoing campaign of ethnic cleansing one early Telltale sign that
the New York Times article was tainted was its Reliance on the serial fabricator Yosi landow from zaka despite
his established record of Lies the times also turned to an anonymous paramedic
from an Israeli Special Forces division known simply as G who claimed he had
found the bodies of two teenage girls in a bedroom in kibuts Berry whose corpses
showed clear signs of rape the only problem was that no teenage girls were found in the condition that g described
or ever recorded discovered in kibuts Berry it was so bad that the spokesman
of the kibuts issued an official statement contradicting the anonymous paramedics
allegations but G was undeterred and was allowed to continue inventing stories
one of my teammates he realized he saw a dog that was barking near a trash can
and we stopped by there and he opened that trash can and he pulled out of the
garbage a baby um perhaps maybe not even a more than a year old baby that was
multiple times stabbed all over his body and tossed into the garbage but as we already know only one baby was killed on
October 7th and she was shot by accident not stabbed and thrown in a trash can
meaning there was simply no way G could have possibly been telling the truth once again a key New York Times Source
had been caught lying from top to bottom the times screams without silence
investigation relied on the shadiest possible sources those with a record of spinning out stories that defied logic
and which seemed too absurd to believe on their face one of them an anonymous
24-year-old accountant descried described by the times as a witness known only as seir told the paper that
after she had been shot in the back while fleeing the attack on the Nova Electronic Music
Festival she saw several Texas Chainsaw Massacre Style gang rapes and
[Music] murders including one in which quote she
saw three other women being raped and terrorists carrying the severed heads of
three more women if we're to believe sep's testimony then we must also believe that
while on the most consequential mission of their lives trained and highly motivated Hamas Fighters decided to take
a break in order to sexually assault and mutilate women just for fun and rather than take these three women hostage that
seir described which would have granted them enormous political collateral they beheaded them just for the hell of it
and this was was all physically possible while Under Fire from Israeli police and
Special Forces this is what we actually expected to believe when the Israeli paper harats
asked their country's police for forensic evidence to back up seer's outrageous decapitation claims they said
they'd come up empty-handed so once again shocking beheading story was exposed as a complete fairy tale perhaps
most tellingly the casualty intended exhibit a of Hamas savagery in the New
York Times screams before silence article was a woman called gal Abdus branded by the paper as a symbol of the
horrors visited upon Israeli women and girls during the October 7th attacks the
times dubbed this young woman the woman in the black dress referring to a grainy
cell phone video of her clad in a tight fitting black dress spll out Dead next
to a burned out vehicle the time stubborn insistent that Abdus had been raped despite a lack of forensic or
Visual Evidence proved to be too much for the young woman's bereaved family on January 2nd abd's sister mural alter
took to Instagram to light into the New York Times stating matter of factly that
her sister quote was not raped there was no proof that there was rape she also
pointed out that the timeline between her sister's last message to her family
and the time of her reported murder made it simply impossible for a rape to occur
how in 4 minutes were they also raped and burned alter asked the New York Times article had unraveled on every
level the whole Narrative of systemic sexual assault by Hamas which Israel had
introduced to the Western public to justify escalating its brutal assault on Gaza and which the mainstream press
dutifully disseminated stood exposed as a farce at around this same time Hillary
Clinton's friend and financial backer the pro Isreal Tech oligarch Cheryl sanberg Was preparing to release a major
documentary aimed at sustaining the propaganda
building on the New York Times debunked article she called it screams before
silence unlike the times however Sandberg also relied on videos of
Palestinian Prisoners filmed by Israeli interrogators in which the prisoners appeared to confess to brutally sexually
assaulting Jewish Israeli women on October
seven as we demonstrated at the gry Zone the most outrageous Confessions by Palestinian prisoners did not match up
with any atrocities documented on October 7th worse there is simply no way that these testimonies had not been
coerced through threats and hideous acts of torture a clear violation of the
Geneva convention's article 17 governing the treatment of prisoners of War
so in providing a platform for violently coerced false confessions to advance the
dubious Narrative of her propaganda film Cheryl Sandberg had violated one of the
most important tenants of journalistic ethics and therefore become a party to
Israel's crimes and in an especially dark Twist of irony the pokes Advanced
by Sandberg the New York Times and so many other Western Publications would
soon be revealed as de facto policy by Israeli soldiers against defenseless
male Palestinian prisoners held in Israel's archipelago of torture
dungeons in a shocking report relying on testimony from 55 former Palestinian
prisoners the Israeli human rights organization bet selum demonstrated that
the Israeli prison system after October 7th had been transformed into what the group called a network of camps
dedicated to the abuse of inmates as a matter of policy according to bet selum these
facilities in which every inmate is deliberately subjected to harsh Relentless pain and suffering operate as
de facto torture camps at the heart of Israel's network of torture centers is
Stan a facility in the neev desert which was built after October 7th to imprison
the thousands of men captured by the Israeli military in
Gaza human rights groups across the world have demonstrated that many of those languishing in the facility are
innocent civilians including Physicians kidnapped from hospitals in Gaza and
subjected to sadistic acts of violence and torture
[Music] at almost the exact time when Israel's
International propaganda apparatus was spinning out concocted stories of Hamas militants sexually assaulting female
Jewish ravers on October 7th members of the shadowy Israeli military unit known
as Force 100 were actually gang raping defenseless Palestinian men in Stan we
know this is true not only thanks to testimonies by former prisoners who told the media and human rights groups that
they had been sodomized by Israeli Soldiers with electrified metal rods but
because there was actual video evidence the soldiers responsible for
these hideous crimes were clearly filmed sexually assaulting the prisoners
once again an allegation Israeli propagandists made against Palestinians was exposed as a
confession the soldiers culpability for sodomizing Palestinian prisoners was never a matter of dispute in fact a
dozen members of Force 100 were charged and indicted in an Israeli military
court for sexually abusing the prisoners and what happened next exposed how
hollow the prosecutions actually were because as the soldiers were
transported to a military base in the occupied West Bank called B lid Israeli
nationalists launched a series of riots in support of the accused gang rapists
and no one was arrested in the riots and at the time of the filming of this documentary the soldiers have yet to be
charged as protests continued across Israel in support of the soldiers and of
the very practice of sodomizing Palestinian prisoners calls for exonerating the soldiers poured forth
from top Israeli government ministers shockingly according to a poll by the
Israeli Institute for National Security studies a whopping 65% of Jewish Israelis opposed
Prosecuting the soldiers that's 2/3 out of all Israelis meanwhile shabbat shalom is
the force 100 Soldier charged as the ring leader of the gang rapes which took place inside ston me Ben shitrit was
transformed by Israeli National media into a FK
Hero on one Israeli talk show a mainstream pundit argued that the only
thing wrong with raping Palestinian prisoners was that the practice had not been formally institutionalized as
military policy but the policy was necessary he insisted because Israel
needed to exact revenge for the rape that he was certain took place on
October 7th
and who convinced this bloodthirsty pundit that mass rape had taken place on
that fateful day without question it was the Western mainstream media CNN the BBC the
guardian the New York Times and Cheryl Sandberg the illustrious Legacy Outlets
which enthusiastically legitimize the Israeli government's crude Colonial
propaganda in doing so their deceptive coverage created realworld consequences
for Palestinians who had been placed under siege in Gaza branded as human animals then kidnapped and hauled off to
torture centers as long as these Outlets refuse to retract or even correct their lies us
politicians on the largest stage in the world will continue to repeat them these
depraved Savages raped women murdered children and executed entire families burning some of
them alive when na'vi palai the judge in the international criminal Tribunal for
Rwanda convicted three media personalities for supposedly inciting
the Rwanda genocide she said the following you were fully aware of the Power of Words and you used the medium
of communication with the widest possible reach to disseminate hatred and
violence without a fire arm machete or any physical weapon you caused the death
of thousands of innocent civilians those words can and should also be directed at the media Outlets
which trumpeted Israel's bogus October 7th atrocity propaganda helping it
generate international support for an assault on Gaza that has killed injured
or disappeared close to 10% of its total population by this point that indict
statement should also be directed of the powerful elected officials who to this day continue to repeat the lies about
what happened on October 7th because the people of Israel must never again face
the horror that a terrorist organization called Hamas caused on October
7th including unspeakable sexual violence and the
massacre of young people at Music
[Music] Festival you so what can we the citizens of the
countes backing Israel's destruction of Gaza do in the face of all of this first
thing we have to do is recognize our power we might not have endless resources like Israel and its Army of
propagandists but we have something more powerful it's the truth and we using it to get to them take it from Alex cart
the ultra Zionist CEO of paler a private military contractor that is pioneering
AI targeting systems and testing them on the people of Gaza when he discussed the
importance of the intellectual battle being waged right now we kind of just think these things that are happening
across college campus especially are like a s show no they are the show because if we lose the intellectual
debate you will not be able to deploy any army in the west ever Alex karp is
actually right and that's a good thing what he's saying is that we still have the power to challenge the war machine
he represents which is raking in record profits from the war on Gaza and
Beyond so we have to continue our efforts to never let them rest to bring
our protests voices and Independent Media to every place we can we have to
use our power while we still have the right to do
so why do you have no red lines on the death of children in Gaza is there anything that will lead you to turn away
from your support for Israel's genocide any level of dead children poyer why do you think the Democrats have no red line
on genocide in Gaza how much money have you accepted over your career from APAC and do you think that's a factor in why
the Democrats have no red lines no Reverend sharp any comment on APAC pumping Millions into defeat black
Progressive lawmakers so why do you never comment on what Israel is doing in Palestine it's a civil rights issue
Senator Booker why have the Democrats just uh done so little to exercise leverage against Israel do you think
it's APAC money how much APAC money have you taken over your career I mean is it weird to provide comic relief to an
Administration that's shipping bombs to a genocide is that weird Caitlyn uh Max Blumenthal from The gry Zone do you
think CNN's coverage after October 7th was too one-sided and it created support for genocide Kaitlin nothing about all
the lies CNN told about about October 7th beheaded babies Mass rape by Hamas
creating consent for genocide Max Blumenthal from the gray zone why do you think Biden has shown so few red lines
with the in Gaza I don't enough time but you're a former researcher for APAC do you think Israel has too much influence
in the media have youever acknowledged on air while supporting the Gaza genocide that you work for the Israel
Lobby I used to work for APAC and now I support Israel's genocide in Gaza I'm Wolf Blitzer
Sejin Lifeforce 生命
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2 weeks ago
The Western Media should be held to account!



14 replies

2 weeks ago
The world owes an enormous debt to Max Blumenthal for his fearless journalistic integrity and for being on the right side of history.



2 replies

2 weeks ago
Max Blumenthal is a national treasure.



16 replies

11 days ago
"The biggest insult to the memory of the Holocaust is not denying it, but using it as an excuse to justify the genocide of the Palestinian people." - Norman Finkelstein



2 weeks ago
EVERY Accusation is a Confession.



27 replies

11 days ago
My god, I knew Nettanyahy & Co lied on an industrial scale, but I had no idea it was this ugly. Thank Max Blumenthal for opening our eyes.



2 weeks ago
And none of them show any evidence,  we only hear them make testimony  which the grayzone debunks. Thank you greyzone for factual reporting.



2 weeks ago (edited)
Max Blumenthal ❤
You are a hero. True Journalism. 
Thankyou for debunking their evil lies!



2 weeks ago
Youtube censorship just entered crisis mode!



9 replies

13 days ago
Max Blumenthal the people of Palestine need your voice and fearlessness.



2 weeks ago
"Many of us like to ask ourselves, What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?' The answer is, you're doing it. Right now." - Former U.S. Airman (Air Force) Aaron Bushnell



2 weeks ago
I have never been so morally depleted and yet still refusing to give up. I am spent, it's been a year of witnessing things I haven't even dreamed of seeing  in 40 years of life. But I know that my families in. Gaza are still trapped, still bombed and the children I care for so much still may not have their life stories written..All because Israel has not been stopped..So onwards and upwards... Thank you Max Blumenthal, I was waiting for this!



1 reply

2 weeks ago (edited)
Every accusation made by that Devil Netanyahu is an admission of guilt.



7 replies

2 weeks ago
43:50  This needs to be uploaded as a short!

Max Blumenthal is lethal!  A masterclass in true journalism! Thank you!



2 weeks ago
I'm surprised youtube allowed you to post this video. Let's hope it stays up.



9 replies

10 days ago
Wow. Phenomenal journalism. You are truly asking the right questions.



2 weeks ago (edited)
365 days of deception



2 replies

10 days ago
Thank you Mr. Blumenthal for your courage in sharing the truth.



2 weeks ago
"We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians." Nelson Mandela



1 reply

13 days ago
Now that is what I call investigative journalism.



2 weeks ago
The nation that cried wolf will never be believed again.



2 replies

2 weeks ago
After clicking on the video I had to verify twice that I actually wanted to watch the video, smh, to me it's just another sign that you guys & gal at the Grayzone are continuing to do great work! 

Which, sadly, is very rare these days, so thank you very much 🙏🏼



2 replies

2 weeks ago
Thank you once again for exposing the truth.



1 reply

13 days ago
My God. My God. Thanks Max Blumenthal, you are doing God's work



2 weeks ago
Thank you GRAYZONE for exposing liars.



1 reply

2 weeks ago
Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Thank you, so much, Max.  ✌



2 weeks ago
Max deserves a 'balls of steel'  journalism award!!



5 days ago
Thank you for your courage Max, and all at the grayzone, the world deserves the truth



2 weeks ago
Protect Max, or we lose the truth.



1 reply

13 days ago (edited)
Max Blumenthal is one of the most important journalists of our time



2 weeks ago
to hear it all again, the lies in the beginning, it's wild.



5 replies

11 days ago
This should have millions of views



2 weeks ago
THIS is what real journalism looks like. Ty Max



5 days ago
Thank you Max Blumenthal for always speaking and standing up for the truth and humanity.



2 weeks ago
No words can describe the pain that Palestinians people experience. 😢



1 reply

13 days ago
Thank you very much Max and the whole Grayzone crew for spreading the truth and working against corporate propaganda



2 weeks ago (edited)



1 reply

10 days ago
Max Blumenthal is a greatest, brave, strong, courageous and true independent journalist.



2 weeks ago
They will send drones to this comment section, prepare for it guys



4 replies

2 weeks ago
Thank you Max & Prop & Co., great job.



2 weeks ago
Can't believe in what sick times we live in. Thank you, Max. Lies, lies, everywhere.



2 weeks ago
Max and his Grayzone team are outstanding and courageous journalists, I pray for their safety.



2 weeks ago
I would highly recommend downloading this docu before it gets wiped! The truth must be told!



5 replies

11 days ago
Great job Grayzone! Media are complicit and will be trialed one day for this



11 days ago
This documentary needs millions of views. More brilliance from max and the team



2 weeks ago
Max your work is truly in memory of the late John Pilger. 
Excellent Journalism 💯



13 days ago
Congratulations on the documentary ! I could only watch till the 11th minute then had to walk away because I had a visceral reaction. I just let it play in the back and have been playing on loop to boost it on YT before it gets taken down



2 weeks ago
Great work again. This needs to be shared



3 replies

2 weeks ago
Thank you Max for integrity and professionalism. Soon it will be the end of critical journalism when states close and turn off free speech.



1 reply

2 weeks ago
What kind of society spawns this?



1 reply

7 days ago
this video has no "graphic images of violence" that could disturb viewers.

Youtube is deliberately censoring this piece of journalism



2 weeks ago
Thanks for exposing their EVIL deeds.



12 days ago
Good to see Wolf Blitzer identified as a former AIPAC employee.



2 weeks ago
Wow... they were lying without moving their eye balls! Thanks so much MAX!



2 weeks ago
My share button disappeared in this video, but it came back after I accessed it from my viewing history rather than directly from within the video



2 weeks ago
Everyone who told these lies needs to be held accountable



3 replies

2 weeks ago
Great work Max as usual.



2 weeks ago
Max Blumenthal is a brave man with balls of steel, brilliantly courageous. A legend



1 reply

2 weeks ago
An excerpt : 

After talking about the Iranian attack as a brazen and unacceptable escalation, State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller was asked by the press if he considered anything Israel has done in the past three weeks escalatory. Miller ridiculously refused to acknowledge any escalatory behavior on Israel’s part, saying instead that Israel had merely “done things to expand the conflict” in order to fight terrorism. 

We’ve been seeing similarly bizarre linguistic gymnastics from the mainstream press since Israel began its invasion of Lebanon, with the mass media instead using phrases like “raids”, “ground offensive”, “ground operation”, and “Israel Enters Lebanon” in its headlines in order to avoid the word “invasion”. This is the same media class that used to ridicule Russia for calling its invasion of Ukraine a “special military operation”.
That’s right, kids: Iran’s attacks “escalate”; Israel’s attacks “expand the conflict”. Lebanon’s attacks are “terrorism”; Israel’s attacks are “self-defense”. Russia launched an “invasion”; Israel launched a “limited ground operation”. Destroying Gaza is a “response to October 7”; October 7 was “unprovoked”. When their guys do it it’s bad, when our guys do it it’s cool. 

Hypocrisy runs rife throughout the western empire because the western empire is not what it pretends to be. It pretends to stand for peace and stability when it really stands for war and domination. It pretends to stand for human rights when it really stands for tyranny and abuse. It pretends to stand for truth and justice when it really stands for lies and propaganda. 

This is the dystopia we were born into, and it’s got us on a trajectory toward somewhere very bad. Buckle up. 




9 replies

5 days ago
This documentary needs to go viral. It needs to be talked about everywhere.  I'm hoping someone has the social media skills to accomplish that.



2 weeks ago
How depraved can you be to tell these lies?



18 replies

2 weeks ago
Thank you Max and The Grayzone.



2 weeks ago
In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

George Orwell

Thanks y'all ️



12 days ago (edited)
Thanks, Max Blumenthal and The Grayzone!! 



2 weeks ago
Grateful for your work, Max. Watching and sharing in South Carolina.



2 replies

13 days ago
Outstanding reporting by Max Blumenthal



2 weeks ago (edited)
Oh, my God!  I've never seen heard of such a sick culture.  I feel so bad for the Palestinians.  Thank-you, Max, for exposing this.



2 weeks ago
Bless you, Max & friends! Everything you do matters so much to us-all. This is so perfectly shown as one of the best pushbacks to the lies, deceits, propagandas, ever. Sad anniversary of the worst insanities. Thank you! Perfect timing. May peace be what is drawn into the world from this truth! Free Palestine, free Lebanon, free journalists & journalism of conscience!



2 weeks ago (edited)
Even though  all those allegations turned to be lies. those reporters will never speak with the same sadness in their voices over Palestinians children… that’s all you need to know.



4 days ago (edited)
Brilliant, Max - succinct, articulate, and highly informative.



2 weeks ago
This is the Greatest Official Reporting about the Truth and Lies Told about October 7th



13 days ago
Thank you to Max Blumenthal, and all of the inspirational and badass members of the grayzone team. I wish every American had to watch this.



2 weeks ago
Thank you. Watching from Alaska. 



2 weeks ago
Excellent journalism, Max.  You not only risk your career but your life.  Thank you.



2 weeks ago
This will be the Greyzone's crowning glory on YouTube. Well done to you and thank you but, your channel's probably toast now. Lots of respect to you ❤❤❤



2 replies

12 days ago
Thank you for putting this out there. It’s been a year of having to put together scattered video clips, interviews, analysis, forensics, stats to find out what actually happened especially with what we knew to more than likely be the Hannibal Directive at work. Yet here is a video well edited and calmly narrated to consolidate it all, good work.



2 weeks ago (edited)
And one year later, lies are still being marketed. Thank you, Max.



2 weeks ago
Thank you.The age restriction ploy to discourage viewing is obscene.



2 replies

2 weeks ago
These are the crimes they commit.  Unthinkable atrocities.



10 days ago
Very well done and well researched.  More power to the Grayzone. God bless



2 weeks ago
Critical thinking made me seek the truth in 2014.
What I found out is truly dystopian!



1 reply

2 weeks ago
Max Blumenthal is a man on fire: the William Lloyd Garrison of present-day.



2 weeks ago
Thank you Max ❤



13 days ago
Max, I will share this widely — if I lose a few friends, but enlighten even one, I will be content.  Thank you for your great journalism; you are a hero to many, me included.



2 weeks ago
Thanks for all the amazing work you do Max, you a real one big ups



3 days ago
Amazing Doco! Thank you. Have you considered uploading the video to another site that doesn't have an age restriction too?



2 weeks ago
Congrats Max!



7 days ago
God bless the independent journalism of people like the Grayzone!



2 weeks ago
Tremendous respect to Max Blumenthal.This is why people are abandoning the legacy media warmongers and watching independent journalist.



4 replies

2 weeks ago
No doubt in my mind that youtube will flag this as offensive.



2 replies

2 weeks ago
Excellent reporting. And excellent investigative journalism!



2 weeks ago
Every accusation is a confession



13 days ago
RESPECT to Max Blumenthal and the Grayzone family. A light in this dark world.



2 weeks ago
Thank you Max for spreading the truth and debunking the false narrative and lies.



2 weeks ago
Excellent production, sharing it with all my mainstream media sheeplike contacts.



2 weeks ago
The Palestinians have been fighting for their freedom and independence since the early 20th century. The conflict between Israelis and Palestinians dates back to the British Mandate for Palestine in the 1920s, when Jewish immigration to Palestine increased, leading to tensions with the Arab majority. The 1948 Arab-Israeli War, also known as the 1948 Palestine War, was a series of battles fought between Jewish paramilitaries and Arab forces after the declaration of the State of Israel. The war resulted in the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, who became refugees. Since then, there have been several wars and uprisings, including the 1967 Six-Day War, the first and second intifadas, and the 2023 Gaza conflict. The Palestinians continue to fight for their right to self-determination, statehood, and an end to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Free Palestine 🇵🇸!!!



1 reply

13 days ago
Such a powerful and truthful documentary.  I hope it is widely seen especially by mainstream journalists.



2 weeks ago
Thank you for real, honest, accurate, and courageous journalism, Max. It is appreciated!



2 weeks ago
I didn't believe it from the start. There is no honesty.



6 replies

10 days ago
Max is a GIANT an absolute GIANT. How can we support you and your telling of the truth?



2 weeks ago
Im grateful for The Greyzone. In Australia, our media is terrible to say the least.



1 reply

12 days ago
Painful but necessary documentary 🙏❤️



2 weeks ago
Thank you Max for your advocacy for the oppressed everywhere. You’re a global treasure ♥️🙏🏾



2 weeks ago
So glad You released this important Documentary today!!



2 weeks ago
The whole thing is sickening.



2 weeks ago
Thank you,  Max.  This is excellent!



2 weeks ago
Bravo. I can't believe how grim they are and frankly demonic



13 days ago
Fantastic work by Max, a brave man, a hero ❤❤. If only the mainstream media could have an iota of his integrity. Keep up the good work, hopefully more Americans and Europeans will wake up to our government and media complicity in enabling heinous war crimes against innocent Palestinians.



2 weeks ago
Thank you Max and The Grayzone, true journalism and a shining beacon of light amongs a sea of darkness of corporate liars



13 days ago
Beautiful work. Brave journalism.



2 weeks ago
Alot of these accusations were immediate ...like Oct 7-8 ... How did they get them to make up these stories so quick...almost as if it was planned



3 replies

2 weeks ago (edited)
The lies are more egregious now!!! Thanks.



13 days ago
Since I follow your reporting, I see how you pieced together your discoveries to make this. Good work.



2 weeks ago
This is so important. I hope everyone watches and shares. Everyone in the world needs to see this



1 reply

11 days ago
Thank you Mr. Blumenthal and your team for being among a small minority of journalists willing to investigate claims.


2 weeks ago
Great journalistic expose thanks Max



13 days ago
The best ever reporting. It tells it all. Thanks, Max and god bless.



2 weeks ago
The Young girl Choir sing for mass Genocide always is SHOCKING!



1 reply

2 weeks ago
Great work Max and GrayZone… as usual ‼️



2 weeks ago
Max, you absolute CHAMPION. It's hard to see the compendium of lies arranged this way and not get furious, but the work you're doing is indispensable, even if it feels like a shout into the void. The world is completely wrong on this, and you're one of the few lights in the darkness. 🙌🏾🙏🏾 Keep Going.



2 weeks ago (edited)
Empowerment to the people! Humanity first! Thank you, Greyzone, Max, Maté. and all your team and partners in this fight for justice. Great job ❤



2 weeks ago
Thank you Max, The Gray Zone Team and Prop&Co for your efforts and work. 
People, share this everywhere!



11 days ago
Thank you Max. Independent journalists with journalistic integrity are the heroes of our time


2 weeks ago
Damn!! The Grayzone and Max bring out the truth weapon!!



10 days ago
Without the grayzone.... we would be ruined.   Thank you for EVERYTHING you do for journalism.   #freejeremyloffredo



2 weeks ago
Thank you for your humanity, Max. Excellent work as always.



11 days ago
Great work Max and Prop.&co! I wish every American would watch this.



2 weeks ago
Thank you so much for all your work🙌🏼✨💖



7 days ago
Truly incredible work.

I just wish the number of people that end up watching this documentary could be a number around 50m or much much more.



2 weeks ago
great work reconstructing the beginning of the narrative.



13 days ago
This documentary should be mandatory in all schools, great work Greyzone.


2 weeks ago
Inb4 YT shuts this down for too much truth.



2 replies

11 days ago
You all at the Grayzone are so inspirational!  This is what Journalism is supposed to be!!! ✊✊



2 weeks ago
“Pre-Oct 7 Gaza was a concentration camp. Post-Oct 7 Gaza has become an extermination camp”. Former US ambassador Chas Freeman.



11 days ago
Amazing and so needed documentary! 
Mr. Blumenthal, I feel enormous gratitude for all that you do. 
From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!!!



2 weeks ago
This is a very important documentary. Thank you Max for exposing the truth. God bless you.



2 weeks ago
Imagine the kind of lies they could get away with before the Internet. This film keeps referencing an alleged event that is now illegal to question. Soon it will be illegal to question the beheaded babies.



13 days ago
Excellent work yet again from Max and the Grayzoje team. A beacon of truth amidst a sea of lies and hogwash



2 weeks ago
Good for you for anticipating the Media Blitz and countering it



13 days ago
Max Blumenthal = courage!



2 weeks ago
Outstanding and concise documentary. Thank you Max Blumenthal and everyone involved in releasing this important piece.



2 weeks ago
Max, I’ve been so late to your work but after 10/7/2023, no more. I’m looking forward to watching this. Thank you for all that you do.



2 weeks ago
Max you need to keep up this format.  I know it's alot of work but this was great and you have a gift in communicating.   One of these a month would be sweet!!!!  Thank for all that you do bud



2 replies

9 days ago
Your reportage is invaluable, thank you Grayzone.



2 weeks ago
Max Blumenthal, thank you so much for reversing their gaslight. To date, I can not believe the same has been repited by Linda Thompson UN U.S. Embassador and others. The more they repeat, the more those who aren't critical thinkers will absorb and believe  - the repetition is just sick. 

Thank you for bringing light to the .



13 days ago
Outstanding work.  To Max and everyone who collaborated & contributed, thank you all.


2 weeks ago
David Zion is like Pinocchio. Every time he lies his nose grows.



13 days ago
Thank you Max for your courage, you are truly honourable.



2 weeks ago
BRILLIANT,thank you Greyzone, keep up the great work and exposing the lies of the monsters👍



13 days ago
Thank you for your courageous work!



2 weeks ago (edited)
Congratulations to Max and his team for such an impressive, fact based, thought provoking documentary.



13 days ago
Peerless. And extraordinarily brave. Truth-tellers like Max help to make our grim reality somewhat tolerable



2 weeks ago
Thank you Max!



10 days ago



2 weeks ago
Thank you Max and Grayzone. Admire your tireless journalism against the lies of our media.



13 days ago
This is how the journalism should be 👏



13 days ago
Thanks Max for your unmatched courage



2 weeks ago
Thank you, Max and everyone who worked on this!



10 days ago
Phenomenal Max, I’m speechless about the horrors, your work, and how you stiched all content together in an accessible documentary 👏


2 weeks ago
your videos make me so angry at how ignorant the world chooses to be, but I'm so grateful for all your work....



13 days ago
Thank you Max!
Thank you Grayzone!
This is a documentary of the upmost importance!


2 weeks ago
the lies repeated, like an avalanche.



11 days ago
This never got added or presented in my timeline until all the rest of your uploads. 

YouTube is suppressing this documentary



2 weeks ago
Max and his team should saluted and applauded for bring out the truth y to o the masses unlike the cheap journalism carried out by Piers Morgan
Keep up the great work 👏👏



7 days ago
There's no walking back now for mainstream Western media. All credibilty is gone.



2 weeks ago
Thank you, Max.  I could not finish listening to the Israel lies and evil gaslighting.  Simply, too painful and heartbreaking.



1 reply

13 days ago
The Truth! A brilliant & essential Documentary that exposes the depths of their lies!



2 weeks ago
Thanks Max thank Grayzone...



2 weeks ago
This is a must-watch!



2 weeks ago
Wow! Journalist actually doing real work ! I guess CNN can fuck off !



2 replies

12 days ago
Max Blumenthal and the Grayzone team are first class !


2 weeks ago (edited)
Get em Max/prop & co!



2 replies

13 days ago
M. Blumenthal is arguably the most important journalist addressing the US-Israel phenomenon and Middle East relations today. His weaponry? Common sense, uncommon integrity, a critically reflective skepticism about the nation-state, and an encyclopedic (not censorious Wikipedic) mind. Throw in a little quick dry wit and no wonder the legacy punditry fear & block him. He is amazingly invaluable journalism.


2 weeks ago
Excellent journalism thank you Max🙏⚓️❤️



9 days ago
Max and his team give me hope in this crazy time. Thank you!


2 weeks ago
Fantastic work as usual from The Grayzone. Keep up the great work please, other so called journalists are either too scared or too lazy to report the truth.



2 weeks ago
God bless you Max. thanks for keeping the truth alive



2 weeks ago
I downloaded this video before YT deleted it

Thanks to The Grayzone, Electronic Intifada and Mondoweiss...You are the only hope for journalism in the West



1 reply

2 weeks ago
i wish i could like this masterpiece of a video a million times. Thank you Grayzone & Prop & Co!!!! FREE PALESTINE❤🇵🇸🇱🇧



13 days ago
Great work Max and the Grayzone, so important to debunk the lies.  Do you have this written up in a document we could use and share?  Something listing all the atrocity lies and the evidence debunking them would be be so useful.  Thanks so much



2 weeks ago
Thanks, Max, for your boldness and conviction in presenting the truth to the world.



10 days ago (edited)
Amazing documentary, thanks for making it, I need a link for it, so I make a qr code and hand out tens of thousands of flyers



2 weeks ago
Textbook incitement to genocide.
Under Article 25(3)(e) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, a person who “directly and publicly incites others to commit genocide” has committed a crime against international law.
The ones who knowing fabricated it are guilty, as well as the ones who unquestioningly disseminated it.



1 reply

1 day ago
Excellent work, Max and the grey zone crew!


2 weeks ago
Max theres scenes that need to be seen, but those people will use that to report it to youtube and get this taken down, its more important to blur these scenes in order to keep this up



13 days ago
Thank you for continuing to speak out on this mind-numbing travesty.



2 weeks ago
Paid the $3 on propnco and watched this morning. Really well done.



1 reply

12 days ago
Superb but heartbreaking documentary.  Debunks all of the sickening, garbage propaganda.



2 weeks ago
Thank you, thank you, thank you to the Gray Zone.



12 days ago
Nailed it max, it’s so depressing trying to explain this shit to my parents,friends and colleagues



2 weeks ago
I would rather call your broadcast as "Murder Inc."



2 weeks ago
All the Israeli soldiers and other responders have cameras and would have taken images of these atrocities if they were sickened and angered and would have been disposed to document these.



13 days ago
Thanks Max. Thanks Grayzone. Keep telling the truth about Gaza and Ukraine. Stay strong. And to all viewers, please donate to support Grayzone.



2 weeks ago
Max B - Truthy Spice!



1 reply

12 days ago
Thank you Max and the Grayzone for such important work - Respect.


2 weeks ago (edited)
Max Blumenthal does it again! Exposing the truth, dismantling propaganda!
Great work! Good stuff! 
Thank you!



11 days ago
Outstanding summary Max!



6 days ago
You’re brave to follow this max but thankyou, I’m down to watch some sick shite, but this was very difficult to face.



13 days ago
Thank you for this video. It is excellent. Your journalism is top notch Max.



12 days ago
this is excellent. thank you for putting it all together. 🇵🇸🖖🏾🙏🏼🦾



2 weeks ago
Vote for Jill Stein. Doesn’t matter if you think she can win. It’s important that we do not support genocide.



10 days ago (edited)
Thank you so much, Max and The Grayzone, for all you do! May God protect you and your families.


2 weeks ago
Agreed 100% . Dark cannot cover the Truth forever .



18 hours ago
Great documentary.  I'm here from Scott Hortons podcast and the interview you did. Well worth the time spent.


2 weeks ago
lets see how long until youtube deletes this



9 days ago
This was brilliant!  You are a treasure Max!  EVERYONE PLEASE SHARE THIS!!!!


2 weeks ago
Before YT deletes it.



11 days ago
This was incredible. Thank you again .



12 days ago
Thank you Max 🙏❤



13 days ago
Tank you Grayzone…for Telling the truth ❤



13 days ago
Why is the share button missing from this video?



13 days ago
Amazing work. The truth always prevails over falsehood.



13 days ago
Oh man… this video rings so true and i just want to cry for another year straight.. im so sorry Palestine. Thanks Max and Propaganda.🤙🏽



2 weeks ago
Hello Max From Yonkers N.Y excellent report I wish the best to you and family, keep the struggle and be safe, you’re very brave. Blessings and hugs😍🥰



2 weeks ago
Max Blumenthal is the greatest



1 reply

2 weeks ago
Thank you Max 🇵🇸🕊️



2 weeks ago
Why cant i share this? No share button



13 days ago
always excellent work and investigative journalism. Bless you all for always speaking up for truth and humanity ❤



12 days ago
Can we not sue these liars? 
Can we not make a public fund or something and go after them, like the Good Law project in London? 
Soo sickening. 😢



2 weeks ago
Phenomenal Work, Max!!!
Stay Blessed!
Stay Safe!
Keep defending the TRUTH and JUSTICE.
Thank you for standing with humanity and freedom.


10 days ago
Max Blumenthal Good work



2 weeks ago
Grazie! Un documento straordinario e incredibile. Ci stiamo già affrettando a diffonderlo il più possibile anche in Italia



2 weeks ago
Excellent work! Thank you 



13 days ago
Thanks Max for this record of truth!🙏



2 weeks ago
Even today these lies are believed by the mentally vulnerable.



2 weeks ago
Max Blumenthal a real journalist with integrity and honesty, showing the facts, shame on msm.


2 weeks ago
Thank you Max!!!!!



12 days ago
Excellent work.  If I could give 2 thumbs up, I would. Such a cathartic release to watch you guys.  Let's me know I'm not alone out here in the mountains.



13 days ago
Could you/sb please add CAPTIONS🔤?

Then it'll be POSSIBLE to TRANSLATE  it to other idioms 🔊🔊🔊

Thank you Max Blumenthal, you're a not only an US treasure, but a world treasure!!



10 days ago
Your video will be worth gold in the future. Best reporting ever.



2 weeks ago
Youtube has removed the share button



2 weeks ago
This is fantastic work Max and Grayzone


2 weeks ago
Every lie is a confession😮



10 days ago
Excellent work Max, Sut and Ahmad and all of you courageous at Grayzone! Yes, truth is our power


12 days ago (edited)
truth truth truth... must watch



12 days ago
Awesome work on a tough subject. Excellent work Max and team


2 weeks ago
My God how these people can lie as if it's normal



3 replies

13 days ago
Thank you Max and The Grayzone for bringing us the truth. A must watch documentary!


11 days ago
The conversation
 of the "Two Nice Jewish Boys" is evocative of recorded conversations of Nazi bureaucrats discussing the final resolution of the' "problem".



11 days ago
Why is YouTube not allowing me to forward this Real Truth with Real Talk documentary???????



2 weeks ago



1 reply

2 weeks ago
This is a very difficult watch. I can't imagine how difficult it was to put together. Thank you.


2 weeks ago
Great doc!



8 days ago
Brilliant doc. Great work, Gray Zone/Max B.


2 weeks ago
I think Blinken is planning a career as a pulp fiction writer when he retires from his career as a globetrotting liar.



1 reply

2 weeks ago
Keep doing what you’re doing Max. You’re making a difference.


2 weeks ago
Jill Stein and Butch Ware ticket for President 2024



13 days ago
Absolutely phenomenal!! Thank you Max!



2 weeks ago
I don't think anyone quite understands how bad this is their are genuine for real evil people of horror lovin laughing it now we can do anything what ever we what...who's nobody's gonna believe it THE TRUTH is what ever we what it to be



4 days ago
We see and can’t do anything. Humanity died, can this wake anyone up and stop this nonsense. Thanks Max and grayzone. The world needs more like you. Salute



2 weeks ago
el gobierno realmente piensa que somos idiotas
 la tasa de desempleo se está volviendo desfavorable.  Es obvio que nos dirigimos hacia la hiperinflación, lamentablemente tener un trabajo no parece garantizar una estabilidad financiera completa, pero tener múltiples flujos de ingresos que no dependan del gobierno sería una gran decisión,*



13 replies

13 days ago
GrayZone Max,Anya,Arron and others in GrayZone you are truly American heroes Journalism the highest level  our hats off for your courage and dedication 
Thank you and we love you please take care of yourself withe Gods blessings



2 weeks ago



1 reply

13 days ago
Hey Max I talked with you at the first Rage Against the war machine about Punk lyrics. We're going to pull some out of your work here and make a punk song for you



2 weeks ago
Well done! Thank you for your continued work on exposing the lies told on behalf of Israel. Thank you for your courage in the face of the possibility of revenge on you and yours. Blessings to you!



13 days ago
Great work Max, thank you for all your dedication and hard work revealing the truth! 🍉



13 days ago
Great documentary. I forwarded to many friends. Thank you 🙏



13 days ago
Great work Max! We very much appreciate it


2 weeks ago
Thank you for exposing the truth! All the best



13 days ago
INSTANT CLASSIC.  Complete with the classic Max signature drive-by artistry at the end - right in their faces  ("is that weird?").  LOVE IT.


5 days ago
I am so thankful that people like you still exist. Thank you for all that you do. Amazing documentary


9 days ago (edited)
I am literally stunned. Everyone needs to know this! Amazing work and a bastion of journalism as it should be done.


12 days ago
Thank you Max and Grayzone. And thank you Liam for questioning Matt miller state dept.


12 days ago
Really really quality production. While none of the info was new (in point that out only because the lies are still spreading and atrocities continuing) the way the information is so clearly laid out from start to finish beginning on 10/7 and showing the connections between the lies of the media and politicians to the violence on the ground is really useful and does an extremely good job at displaying it, adding another few nails to the coffin, making it just that much more difficult to defend, etc. really excellent work.


13 days ago
Well done. YouTube won’t let me share it



12 days ago
Max Blumenthal, thank you for the immense important journalist work you are doing always and specially now when media outlets are fuelling so much dangerous propaganda.



10 days ago
Thank you Max. May God bless you man.



13 days ago (edited)
Max and the Grayzone team, we thank you from the depths of our souls for igniting and holding the torch of light and truth. This is bigger than all of us. We have to choose now how humanity should be defined and where we place our values. We all owe this to future generations! Greetings from Germany. It is suffocating here!


11 days ago
Thank you Max. What a courageous piece of truth telling. Thank you mate.



10 days ago
Thank you for exposing this BS.



2 weeks ago
I'm glad you got out in time for the anniversary, but it's being shadow banned like a mofo. I had to look up the entire name, and then be on my signed in account. That sucks, but please keep doing your important work. ❤



2 weeks ago
Thank you Max for the truth. God bless you.



9 days ago (edited)
This is a potent and poignant film! Amazing work!! Thanks for your courage and journalistic rigor in exposing the truth. I wish I had run into you and Aaron at the protest at the capitol when Netanyahu came to speak before congress earlier this year. I am fellow DMV native living in Montgomery County, MD so hopefully I cross paths with you and Anya! Deep appreciation.


13 days ago
Max, thank you soooo much for doing this video.



13 days ago
Max, thanks for this illuminating documentary. Solidarity!✊🏾Free Palestine! End the occupation! Stop the genocide! 🇵🇸 ✊🏾 🇵🇸 ✊🏾 🇵🇸



2 weeks ago
Well done what a powerful piece of truth. I have shared far & wide already.



11 days ago (edited)
Love from Ireland mate, you are a legend to me, simple as that. I thank you.



13 days ago


11 days ago
Thank you for this. True journalism.



10 days ago
This documentary needs a lot more views.


2 weeks ago (edited)
I appreciate Max Blumenthal's investigative journalism and ballsy confrontations in the halls of Congress, but as an editor I have two points to make:   1) twice, Max misspeaks the name of the NYT article, erroneously calling it by the name of the Sandberg documentary.  2) Epileptic Seizure warning should be issued, what with the incessant camera flash transitioning.



4 days ago
Excellent work Sir! Thank you for being a good human being!


10 days ago
Thank you Max Blumenthal!



13 days ago
I class Max Blumenthal a great investigative journalist as good as John Pilger.



2 days ago
Max: You are a true David amongst a world of lying Goliaths. Well done, thank you.


13 days ago
Can’t be said too often.The transformative power of words.Well said , MB.

Brilliant moment, backstage at the Chicago convention - the corridors of power - watching the celebrities  avoiding the unscheduled camera and microphone….


13 days ago
Max out-Norms Norman Finkelstein. Love the undiluted, eloquent rage 💕



13 days ago
Thank you Max for your outstanding Journalism



8 days ago
This does justice to the art of journalism!


9 days ago
I just hope people download this before the whole thing gets taken down



13 days ago
Fantastic! Please share this widely!



13 days ago
Merci infiniment Max , BRAVO!



13 days ago
😲💥👍🏾🙏🏾 Awesome! Thx very much for Your exceptional commitment to promote Truth and Peace, You are in my top 10 list Heroes ^_^ greetings from France💗



2 weeks ago
Thank you, Max and GreyZone



13 days ago
The grayzone report facts. Evil has no way home.



12 days ago
Incredible. Thank you, Max❤


11 days ago
One of the best presentations of the lies so far.  Keep up the great work guys and girls.  Love from Australia ❤


12 days ago
Clicked to view and was met with a warning, TWICE, of the content I am about to view may contain violent imagery.  DO I wish to continue?

They're trying hard to reduce viewership.  Earlier in the day, I did not receive these warnings.

So much other violent graphic content out there and I don't receive these warnings.



13 days ago
Brave. Fantastic. Proud of you, Max Blumental and shame on my western journalists colleagues


13 days ago
Excellent work as always



11 days ago
This was the only channel this morning that kept on glitching, and became dysfunctional four times as I was viewing it. YT or hackers outside of YT are actively attempting to block Grayzone's truth telling media.


11 days ago
Thanks. Very important report. Admiration!



2 weeks ago
This video deserves to break records please like 👍 and share ❤



8 days ago
Peak journalism. Share this video with everyone, especially if they're pro-israel.



2 weeks ago
Wow, powerful Max powerful. Share share share!



13 days ago
More seminal work from the masters of actual journalism



12 days ago
Watched this. Great stuff dude. Keep it up.


13 days ago
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for making this.


2 weeks ago
Max has been opening my eyes ever since all this started in last October


13 days ago
Thank you, Max, for your continued dedication to correcting the narrative. However, I question the amount of time given to these lies in this production, and even repeating them.


2 weeks ago
Great DOCU... will not stay long on YT.
I saved a copy for educating MSM sheep.



2 weeks ago
Thank you and to your group to put together this concise and intelligent documentary that resumes this horrible year of blood shedding, that seems have no end.  May God reward you for your good deeds and truth telling.  You show us the path and give us hope.  The truth will prevail.


4 days ago
Is this video not shareable??



13 days ago
THANK YOU SO MUCH, MAX! All these people that were featured here, and who twisted the truth  are shameless. A higher power will mete out the punishment for their lies.


9 days ago
Much respect to you, Max Blumenthal.


12 days ago
Thank you for unfolding the lies & sharing the truth!


9 days ago (edited)
Absolutly brilliant. Thank you, Max, for your superb work and commitment.


13 days ago (edited)
@Max. TRULY POWERFUL! Thank You for your Support of Facts, Truth & Real Justice based Journalism. Priceless


11 days ago
This needs to go viral . The world needs to know the truth


12 days ago
Brilliantly done work! Such a necessary and important documentary. Another box of Israeli skeletons collected together. Dear Max, thank you for your dedication and passion. We should share this movie in every platform. Thank you for being a voice of voiceless people ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥


3 days ago
more people need to see this truth, well done Grayzone


13 days ago
Thank you so much, Max!!! This is fantastic!!!!!!!


13 days ago
Max Blumenthal is a legendary journalist. This documentary is essential for understanding how damaging this perfidious propaganda campaign has been for the Palestinian people.


2 weeks ago
Very well put together, thank you



9 days ago
Thanks for keep showing us the grayzone


13 days ago
Max, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart to be a true human, and showing the world the truth, if only we could have more  truthful journalists like you. Thank you


5 days ago
This was a great video! Hats off to you a your dedication


9 days ago
informative, detailed and accurate reporting from you and your team


10 days ago (edited)
Max, other than being extremely intelligent, eloquent and talented, you're a true hero of our times and an incredible human being. G-d bless you!



2 weeks ago
Excellent documentary work.



13 days ago



13 days ago
Was the share button taken away on purpose?



10 days ago
I expected it already. The propaganda was insane even on meme platforms. Many people expected something to be off.

Thanks for the journalistic work and bringing these things to the surface.


13 days ago
Very informative. Thank you so much



13 days ago
We need Spanish subtitles for this to spread the word



2 weeks ago
Amazing documentary, Masterful from Max, a giant of a journalist. On this subject, he wrote the blurb for the book Atrocity Fabrication from AB Abrams, very important book showcasing how they keep doing it and keep getting away with it.



10 days ago
Thanks for more truths Max Blumenthal, dont stop what your doing, we need more like you, please dont stop.


13 days ago
Wow so powerful ! Great documentary for anniversary Al-Aqua Flood operation. Thank you for being a real journalist getting to the truth.



11 days ago
YouTube disabled the share option!!!



2 weeks ago
Thanks for your great work, Max!


13 days ago
Thank you for exposing the lies.



13 days ago
Thank you, Max!!! Thank you Grayzone!!! ❤❤❤


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