
Simone Chun - Korea update 47. Spring on the Korean Peninsula?...

Simone Chun - Korea update 47. Spring on the Korean Peninsula?...

Simone Chun added 3 new photos.
16 March at 04:37 ·

Korea update 47. Spring on the Korean Peninsula?
빼앗긴 들에도 봄은 오는가?

남북, 북미정상회담 앞두고 미국내 언론, 싱크탱크 분석, 반응을 보니 참으로 가관이다. 한국인들의 목소리는 전혀 없는 남북회담, 북미회담 분석 도배. 한국 분단, 전쟁상태에 밥줄이 달린 그들의 비관적인 논평 실망. 촛불국민들이 운전대 잡고 반드시 주권국가 세워야 한다는 취지로 코리어 업데이트 47 준비했습니다.

“That we were able to create this [inter-Korean and U.S.-North Korea summit meetings] opportunity is not because of a coincidence but because this is the right path and the entire world wants peace, not war; a diplomatic solution, not a military one… I sincerely plead you to unify the power of our nation by transcending ideologies and setting aside partisan differences..." President Moon Jae-in


Dear Friend—an update on Korean peace process! Please support citizen’s media and their voices that are not represented in the commercial and mainstream media! Please help us!


· China, Russia and Japan support inter-Korean and U.S.-North Korea summit meetings.

· According to the latest poll by R.N. Search, President Moon's approval rating has shot back to 69.8%, mostly due to the news of inter-Korean summit and the U.S.-DPRK summit. The support is strong across the board, including centrist voters and Korea's most conservative region--southeast. The survey shows Korean’s strong support and mandate for peace process.

· Many in South Korea, including a former Unification Minister, recommend that the summit meeting between Trump and Kim should be held in North Korea, making it a truly historic moment that can break the Cold War at last and President Trump’s ability to reach the hearts and minds of people in North Korea as well.

So let’s take counsel of our hopes,

not our fears,

and let 2018 be the year the Korean War was really ended, for good.

Kevin Martin

President of Peace Action

1. NCNK (The National Committee of North Korea). Fighting Disease and Injury Together.

질병과 부상이란 공동적에 대항 북한 의료팀과 10년 함께한 하바드대학 신경 수술 의사 북한 10년 인권 교류 촉구, 북미 민간인 교류의 중요성 강조.

What started out as a simple question of how he could best use his skills and success as a neurosurgeon to “pay it forward” has burgeoned into a 10 year passion project to use medicine to build bridges between Americans and North Koreans for a better future…. The most rewarding aspect of working with his North Korean colleagues, Dr. Park says, is, “To be on the same team against a third enemy.” He further explained, “I’m a surgeon. When I’m working across the operating table with another North Korean surgeon, we’re bumping our heads against each other, working on the same team to fight a common enemy: disease and injury.”



2. Kevin Martin. Trump Can Help Bring Peace to Korea, by Following South Korea’s Lead. Anti War Blog. 북한은 모든 것을 협상 테이블에 올려 놓은 듯 하다. 문재인 대통령과 대한민국 기대 이상이었다. 트럼프가 북미영수회담 응답 옳았다. 돌이킬수 없는 길이다. 트럼프 대통령은 역대 그 어떤 미국 대통령이 달성하지 못한 한반도 영구 평화 달성할 수 있는 기회다. 200,000 멤버 미국평화 단체 피스 엑슨 회장, 케빈 마틴 기고.

However, it seems North Korea has put so much on the table, probably more than President Moon could have asked for, that there should be no going back. And for his part, Trump already made one wise decision, agreeing to President Moon’s request to postpone the massive U.S.-South Korea military exercises after the conclusion of the Paralympics in South Korea in late March. Now that Pyongyang accepts that the exercises will proceed next month (an astonishing concession given North Korea’s legitimate security concerns in relation to the war games), Trump has the chance to do what no president has done in seven decades-help achieve lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula. So let’s take counsel of our hopes, not our fears, and let 2018 be the year the Korean War was really ended, for good.


3. Christine Ahn. Commentary: Here’s What Kim Really Wants Out of His Meeting With Trump.

대한민국 민주화 운동이 문재인 대통령 시대를 개막, 대한민국 국민들의 절대적인 지지로 한반도 평화 프로세스 과제를 위임받은 문재인 대통령의 외교 성공이란 크리스틴 안 워먼크로스디엠지의 우수한 분석.

As the U.S. and North Korea drew closer to war, the world pleaded for a true statesman to avert a global nuclear disaster that could impact hundreds of millions. Thankfully, the power of democratic social movements in South Korea ushered Moon into the presidency to fulfill the mandate of his people: to improve inter-Korean relations, which he has so skillfully done with his steadfast commitment to resolving tensions with peaceful gestures and diplomacy.


4. Tim Shorrock. Peace as Armageddon. The liberal freak-out over Kim Jong-un.

평화대전장. 남북한의 자결로 이룩한 이번 외교 성과, 자주독립 한국 대통령의 미국 외교 정책 리더한다는 엄연한 사실을 미국의 리버럴은 받아 들일 수 없다는 30년 한국민주화 운동 취재한 더 네이션의 베테랑 팀 쇼락 기자의 우수한 분석.

It was Moon’s diplomacy—together with his promises last year to place South Korea in “the driver’s seat” in the peace process—that convinced North Korea to participate in the Olympics and send its largest-ever delegation to the South since 1953. And it was a body of Moon’s representatives who went to Pyongyang last week and extracted the extraordinary promises and concessions—some of which have not been made public—from Kim that convinced Trump and his militaristic advisers that direct talks were a path worth pursuing.

The real story here is that too many liberals and too many journalists simply can’t accept the idea that the two Koreas may have accomplished this feat on their own, without the sober adult guidance of the American intelligensia. An independent Korea? A South Korean president driving American foreign policy? As the past several news cycles have shown in embarrassing detail, such things are simply unthinkable to the wised-up U.S. pundit caste. https://thebaffler.com/latest/peace-as-armageddon-shorrock

5. Real Diplomacy. CODEPINK 전 세계가 전쟁의 벼랑으로 추락하는 것을 막아낸 문재인 대통령 외교, 노력에 감사, 최대한의 제재에서 최대한 교류로 전환하는데 미국 시민들, 특히 여성 평화 단체가 반드시 대한민국 국민들과 문재인 대통령을 도울것 청원 운동. 코드 핑크.

We must turn US policy on Korea from one of “maximum pressure” to “maximum engagement.” Join us in thanking the South Korean people and South Korean President Moon for leading the way to a diplomatic meeting between North Korea and the US:

“The whole world is grateful for your diplomacy that has pulled back from the brink of war”.


6. Thomas Countryman. Advice for Trump on North Korea, From a Veteran of Nuclear Diplomacy. Daily Beast. 트럼프 대통령에게 행운과 인내심으로 북미정상회담 성공하라 강조하는 미국 재향 군인회 핵전문가 배테랑 조언.

We should wish for the president both good luck and patience, because reaching a peaceful outcome will be a protracted and difficult path. But that long and winding road will always be preferable to a short and bloody war.


7. S. Nathan Park. The Man Behind the North Korea Negotiations. The Atlantic.

북한과의 협상뒤의 한 사람, 문재인 대통령. 트럼프가 무대 중간에서 모든 주목 받고 있으나 이 드라마의 감독인은 문재인 대통령이다. 현대 민주주의 체제하에선 드문 75%의 국민 지지율 바탕으로 자유 세계에서 가장 인기있는 문재인 대통령, 국민들의 강력한 지지 기반으로 협상 돌파, 문재인 대통령 외교의 역량 발휘 분석. 즉, 대한민국 국민들의 평화 지지 저력이 바로 문재인 외교 성공의 열쇠란 아틀란틱 분석.

Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un have taken center stage—but it was South Korea’s president directing the drama. But no matter what, in many ways, Moon Jae In has already won. Moon’s approval rating has climbed back over 75 percent, making him once again the most popular leader in the free world. Trump and Kim may be the ones making headlines, but it was Moon who drove the entire process. In just eight months, he kept China on the sidelines, rebuffed North Korea’s attempt to drive a wedge between South Korea and the United States, pushed North Korea to put denuclearization on the table, and nudged the U.S. to step away from a preventive strike and talk to Pyongyang—to the point that Donald Trump, if he follows through on his pledge, would become the first U.S. president to hold a summit meeting with North Korea. And to the extent that giving Trump all the credit helps Moon steer him, the South Korean leader will be perfectly content to leave the spotlight to others.


8. How South Korea’s president pulled the US and North Korea back from the brink of war. Vox.

북한과의 협상뒤의 한 사람, 코리아 패싱을 완전히 종식하는 문재인 대통령 외교 평가.

Moon Jae-in turned Trump’s North Korea policy upside down with a master class in diplomacy.

He’s also managed to break the pattern of what some South Koreans call “Korea passing”— the way the big regional players like China, Japan, and the US at times exclude or sideline South Korea in talks about North Korea policy. Moon has managed to charm Trump after a period of stormy relations, and has ensured that South Korea is now playing an indispensable role in talks over denuclearizing North Korea.


9. Robert Carlin. On Negotiating With the North Koreans: Advice for President Trump. 38 North
미국은 단 한번도 양심적으로 북한과 협상하는 것을 보지 못했다. 북미 협상을 제로섬으로 접근하면 안된다. 북미 협상의 오랜 경험 있는 외교관 로버트 칼린 분석.

I never saw a “good faith” concession by the US. I did see the North Koreans moving from firm insistence on a particular US action to a position of accepting “on the basis of US assurances that such and such would happen” as sufficient for them to take a particular step that we demanded. The principles the two sides worked out were “action for action” and “simultaneous action,” but there are times when the latter is not practical in order to adhere to the former. High-level meetings with the North, in my experience, have not been a zero-sum game. The last thing we should want is to force them into that mold.


10. Striking North Korea First Is a Bad Proposal. Wall Street Journal. Opinion/Letters

Andrew Lichterman

Western States Legal Foundation

Oakland, Calif.

John Burroughs

Executive Director

Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy

New York

북한의 선제공격은 아주 나쁜 프로포절이다. 현재 트럼프의 국무장관 임용 가능성 추측되는 초강경론자인 미국 대표 유엔 대사 볼튼의 반박하는 미국 평화 단체. 북한의 핵 보유와 탄도미사일 보유란 사실만으로도 북한 선제 공격해야 한다는 것이 볼튼의 논리 라면 전 세계에서 핵과 탄도미사일 최대 보유국인 미국이 선제 공격을 받아야 한다는 논리 성립될 수도 있다는 미국내 대북강경론자들 우수한 직격탄.

By Mr. Bolton’s measure, North Korea has a better case for preventive action than does the U.S.

In “The Legal Case for Striking North Korea First” (op-ed, March 1) John Bolton argues, in essence, that the mere possession of nuclear weapons and long-range delivery systems by an adversary constitutes an “imminent threat,” justifying an immediate use of force.

By Mr. Bolton’s measure, North Korea has a better case for preventive action than does the U.S. Our forces regularly exercise outside North Korean territory. The U.S. has already deployed nuclear delivery systems capable of utterly destroying North Korea, a force far more threatening than North Korea’s fledgling nuclear arsenal. The United Nations Charter forbids the threat or use of force except in self-defense or when authorized by the U.N. Security Council. Threats to peace—which do indeed exist in the confrontation between North Korea and the U.S.—must be referred to the Security Council. In all of its resolutions on the matter, the Security Council has stressed the need to pursue a peaceful resolution of this dangerous standoff. The council has been clear in its refusal to authorize the use of military force by any party.

Mr. Bolton’s position is dangerous nonsense. He would have us drive a final nail in the coffin of international law—and quite possibly in the coffin of civilization.

11. Jake Johnson. John Bolton’s `Military Options’ for North Korea Demounced as `Utter Lunacy’. Common Dreams. 볼튼의 군사적인 옵션은 미치광이 짓이다 미국 평화 운동 단체 비판.

Formerly the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Bolton has long been an advocate of aggressive military action, even when the risk of civilian casualties is enormous. Bolton was a prominent booster of the Iraq War—which he still believeswas a good idea—and he has since frequently graced the pages of major newspapers calling for the U.S. to use force to solve its most pressing conflicts overseas.


12. Joseph Essertier. Zainichi Koreans Resist Japan’s Ultra-right and Mark Korea’s March 1st Independence Movement. Zoom in Korea. 일본 극우집단들의 재일교포, 테러 행위. 3월 18일 토교에서 한반도 평화, 평화 협정, 일본-북한 외교 정상화 촉구하는 촛불집회및 삼일 비폭력 독립운동 분석 한민족의 평화 운동 분석한 일본 나고야 대학의 미국인 교수 조셉 에스럴티어 우수한 논문. 강추!!

March 18 Emergency Action in Tokyo
The action will also call for:

· Direct talks between the US and North Korea;

· The signing of a peace treaty to end the Korean War;

· North-South dialogue and independent and peaceful reunification; and

· The normalization of relations between Tokyo and Pyongyang.


13. Towards Normalization: Experts and scholars make sense of Trump agreeing to talks with DPRK. Zoom in Korea. Hyun Lee, Tim Beal, Christine Hong, and Gregory Elich. 미국내 진보학자들, 언론인들, 평화운동가들 북미회담 분석.

National Campaign to End the Korean War

Peace Treaty Now

End War Games

Start Negotiations



14. Professor Bridget Coggins, UC Santa Barbara. Korea Questions Episode 4: Should the U.S. normalize relations with North Korea?

Normalizing relations with North Korea is not rewarding past behavior but a cost of stabilizing the relationship with North Korea. 북미 외교 정상화는 북한의 과거 나쁜 행위 정당화 시키는 우대가 아닌 북한과의 관계를 정상화 하는 필요한 비용이란 시각으로 접근해야 한다. 북한을 처리해야 하는 문제꺼리 나라가 아닌 공존해야 하는 나라로 인식해야 한다는 캘리포니아 주립대학 산타 바바라 브리짙 코긴 교수의 조언.


15. Michael Fuchs. The North Korea Deal. Foreign Affairs

Why Diplomacy Is Still the Best Option. 미국은 조건 없이 북한과 대화해야 한다는 논문, 포린 어페어.

Yet Washington must convey that it is ready to talk anytime and anywhere, without preconditions and with the full backing of the president….The United States should also arrange high-level visits and open a U.S. interests section in Pyongyang. Such actions would cost little and give North Korea one of the things it craves most: respect from the United States. Likewise, the United States could publicly recognize the fact that North Korea is a state with a nuclear capacity and could focus in negotiations on issues besides denuclearization, while still keeping denuclearization as the long-term goal.


16. Suzanne Dimaggio and Joel Wit. Trump Is Smart to Talk to Kim Jon Un. The problem is, the United States is nowhere ready for this kind of high-stakes diplomacy. Politico Magazine.

북한의 핵추구는 핵보유 강대국 목표 아닌 자국 방위 공공히 다진후 경제 개발에 집중하기 위함임으로 미국은 북한에 경제 개발 도와야 한다는 수전 디마지오, 조엘 윗 미국 고위 외교 전문가들의 분석. 이러한 분석은 북한의 궁극적인 목표는 적화 통일이다란 왜곡하고 있는 전 시이에 출신 미국의 거대한 싱크 탱크 의 한국연구 전문 CSIS 테리 모어등 대북강경론자들의 논리 정면 반박.

Second, the North Koreans have said their goal is not to amass a giant nuclear arsenal, but to have enough to deter a U.S. attack, and then turn their attention to economic development. This follows Kim’s “byungjin line” — the country’s national policy of pursuing the parallel goals of economic development and a robust nuclear weapons program — which he first outlined in 2013. If there were to be any major shift toward a deal with the U.S. on the nuclear program, this argument spelling out the need for a “peaceful environment” for economic progress would, in effect, be its philosophical underpinnings. Since Kim has linked his legitimacy to improving the economic situation in the country, this is a potential opening for dialogue that should be fully explored. It offers one of the most promising points of leverage for the U.S.


17. Trump is right to meet Kim. NIKKEI 김정은 북한 지도자를 만나려는 트럼프가 옳다. 일본 니케이 신문.

북한의 핵무기 추구로 장기적인 군비 축소로 경제 계발에 집중할 목표이다 지적.

The premise of the byungjin policy is to reduce spending on the military by relying on nuclear arms, which are less expensive in the long run, and redirecting manpower and money into improving the economy.


18. Rev Jesse Jackson. Trump-Liim Meeting Could Make War Less Likely. Counterpunch. 제시 젝슨 목사. 트럼프와 문재인 대통령은 4월, 5월 정상회담을 앞두고 선의의 뜻으로 한미합동군사훈련 자발적으로 중단해야 충고.

It will take more than one summit to resolve this crisis. South Korea’s president will meet with Kim before Trump does. Trump and Moon would be wise to suspend this Spring’s U.S.-South Korean military exercises unilaterally, as a gesture of good will before the talks. One thing is clear. It is better that Trump and Kim are moving toward talks rather than escalating threats. Negotiations are preferable to name calling and missile rattling.



19. Professor Dave Kang, USC. “American media and pundits – Please please PLEASE focus on the Moon-Kim summit. It’s going to happen. It’s going to be substantive. And, it’s a huge step forward. The herd mentality of our obsessive focus on the perils of a Trump-Kim summit is not helping any…” 남가주대학 한국학 원장 데이빗 강 박사의 미국 언론들, 싱크 탱크들에 호소, 제발 남북정상 회담에 집중하라. 아주 역사적인 일이다 강조. 북미정상회담에 올인 북미정상회담 실패 할 것이라 재 뿌리면서 소위 전문가들, 언론들 비판. https://twitter.com/daveckang/status/973310183676919808

20. Lastly, I am including a reference in Korean: an interview with JNC TV (Justice and Common Sense TV), a US-based Korean and Korean-American Internet TV for 7,000,000 Koreans living overseas. Many thanks to JNC TV, and the volunteer reporter, Dr. Song! Please support our awesome new media of the people, by the people and for the people! (My apologies for shamelessly promoting my own interview thouJ) 미국 현지에서 생생하게 진보 뉴스를 전해 드리는 우리 재미교포님들, 송현 기자님, 한국국민들이 만든 새로운 언론, 비영리 정상추 티비입니다. 100% 자원 봉사팀들 많이 응원해 주세요^^

Simone Chun. “U.S. Should Respect South Korea’s Sovereignty.”

시몬천 박사 “대한민국은 과연 주권 국가인가 고민해봐야”

북한의 대 평화 제스츠, 핵계발 완성단계에서 군비 축소, 경제계발 집중하고 하겠다는 뜻, 타이밍 의미.

남북 정상 회담 좋은 기회 만들어서 잘될 것으로 전망.

북미관계의 진전이 있어야 남북관계의 진전 있어.

남북 정상 회담 정례화 해야.

정전 협정을 평화 협정으로 대체해서 통일의 기반 마련해야.

한국내 수구 보수 세력 남북대화 반대 각성해야.

· Optimistic about upcoming inter-Korean and U.S.-North Korea summit meetings because of the solid democratic foundation within South Korea after candlelight democracy that empowers President Moon and his diplomatic team.

· Inter-Korean summit should NOT be just one-time event but regularized.

· Armistice should be replaced with a peace treaty.

· Ultra-conservative, pundits and corporate media that spoil the current peace initiative should be more constructive for the common good.


지금은 남의 땅 ─ 빼앗긴 들에도 봄은 오는가?

나는 온몸에 햇살을 받고
푸른 하늘 푸른 들이 맞붙은 곳으로
가르마 같은 논길을 따라 꿈속을 가듯 걸어만 간다.

입술을 다문 하늘아 들아
내 맘에는 나 혼자 온 것 같지를 않구나
네가 끌었느냐 누가 부르더냐 답답워라 말을 해 다오.

바람은 내 귀에 속삭이며
한 자욱도 섰지 마라 옷자락을 흔들고
종다리는 울타리 너머 아씨같이 구름 뒤에서 반갑다 웃네.

고맙게 잘 자란 보리밭아
간밤 자정이 넘어 내리던 고운 비로
너는 삼단 같은 머리를 감았구나 내 머리조차 가뿐하다.

혼자라도 가쁘게나 가자
물 마른 논을 안고 도는 착한 도랑이
젖먹이 달래는 노래를 하고 제 혼자 어깨춤만 추고 가네.

나비 제비야 깝치지 마라
맨드라미 들마꽃에도 인사를 해야지.
아주까리기름을 바른 이가 지심매던 그 들이라 다 보고 싶다.

내 손에 호미를 쥐어 다오
살진 젖가슴과 같은 부드러운 이 흙을
발목이 시도록 밟아도 보고 좋은 땀조차 흘리고 싶다.

강가에 나온 아이와 같이
짬도 모르고 끝도 없이 닫는 내 혼아
무엇을 찾느냐 어디로 가느냐 우스웁다 답을 하려무나.

나는 온몸에 풋내를 띠고
푸른 웃음 푸른 설움이 어우러진 사이로
다리를 절며 하루를 걷는다 아마도 봄 신령이 지폈나 보다.

그러나 지금은 ─ 들을 빼앗겨 봄조차 빼앗기겠네.

청와대 산비둘기
대한민국 외교팀
우리집에 2년째 찾아 오는 오리부부.

빼앗긴 들에도 봄은 오는가?

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