
Bernie Sanders on why he hasn’t endorsed Kamala Harris yet Jul 27, 2024

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Bernie Sanders on why he hasn’t endorsed Kamala Harris yet


1,293,050 views  Jul 27, 2024 
 #BernieSanders #KamalaHarris #2024election

Sen. Bernie Sanders joins Ali Velshi to discuss why he has yet to endorse Kamala Harris for president, the new energy around the Democratic ticket, and more. 


Back in 2020, kamala harris
Was 1 of 7 sitting senators
Who charged joe biden for the
Presidential nomination.
Four years later, harris is the
De facto nominee and all the
Other senators have endorsed
Her campaign with one
Exception, bernie sanders.
Earlier this week, the
Independent vermont senator and
Progressive icon told reporters
On capitol hill, "i will do
Everything i can to be sure
That she becomes president."
But, stopped short of formally
Endorsing her.

Bernie sanders joins me now.
Senator, good to see you, i
Want to talk politics.
First, i have to tell you, my
Dad in toronto, 89-year-old
Father, had a heart valve
Replacement surgery and wanted
Me to make sure you knew that
The only thing he paid for in
Our single-payer universal
Healthcare system was parking.

>> [ laughter ] that's -- well,
I would hope that everybody in
This country here is that,
Because we remained the only
Major country on earth not to
Guarantee healthcare for all
A lot to be learned from the
>> which would be great, if
That could be on the next
President's agenda, it would
Involve more than winning the
White house.
But, it would be great if we
Could get to that point.
Whatever model one wants to
Choose, they are all kind of
Better than ours.
So, what is it that you would
Like to get, in order to get
Your endorsement?
What sort of commitments are
You looking for, from vice
President harris?
>> well, look, i am going to do
Everything i can to defeat
Donald trump, clearly the most
Dangerous president in our
Somebody who doesn't believe in
Democracy, the right of women
To control their own bodies.
We don't talk about it enough.
This guy thinks climate change
Is a hoax, in the midst of us
Experiencing the warmest day on
Earth, on record.
So, he has got to be defeated.
What i am worried about -- as
You know, for a long time -- is
It pains me, as somebody who
Comes from a working-class
Family, that right now,
Majority of working-class
People support the republicans,
Who did -- could care less
About the needs of working-
Class families.
I think that has a lot to do
With the fact that the
Democratic party has, over the
Decades, turned its back on
Working people.

I think an important exception
To that is joe biden.
Joe has been the first
President in american history
To walk on a picket line,
Appointed a really strong
Secretary of labor, good
People, national labor
Relations board, and i think
Has put together the most
Progressive agenda and
Accomplishments of any
President in modern history.

But, what i hope we can do in
This campaign is let the
Working class of this country,
White, black, latino, understand
-- that we understand the pain
They are experiencing.

We are looking at massive
Income and wealth inequality.
For the truth of the economy
Now, people on top are doing
Phenomenally well, 60% of
People are living paycheck to
We talked about healthcare, our
Healthcare system is broken,
Dysfunctional, we've got half
Of our elderly people trying to
Get by on $30,000 or less.
We have a childcare system,
Totally broken.
We have got to start paying
Attention to the needs of the
Working class of this country
And stand up to powerful,
Special interests, who have
Enormous power, not only in the
Republican party, but i have to
Say in the democratic party, as
>> clearly, you have this list
Because you can run it off, off
The top of your head.

Are there particular Commitments you want from Kamala harris that you felt Like you had from joe biden?
>> well, as you know, president
Biden supported a 100 day
Agenda, said the first 100
Days, he would do things like
Expanding social security Benefits.
All right?
25% of our people, elderly
People on social security,
Living on $15,000 a year.
We can do that by lifting the Cap on taxable income, and Extend the life of social
Security by 75 years.
Medicare -- well, look, between You and me, as we well know,
The congress is not ready to Move to medicare for all, which I support.
But, you know what you could
Do, and what president biden Wants to do?
Expand medicare to cover Dental, hearing, and vision.
We can raise the minimum wage To a living wage
we can cancel All student debt.
We can put a cap on rising rent

In this country and build Millions of units of affordable Housing.
We can deal with the childcare Crisis.
We can do those things and More, and make it clear to the
Working class that we are Prepared to take on the big
Money interests, who never had It so good.

And, by the way, in the midst
Of all of this, ali, we have to
Start talking about a corrupt Political system as a result of Citizens united, where elon Musk is now trying to buy the Election for trump, $45 million A month -- too many billionaires Are controlling the political Process.

We have to and that, we have to
Overturn citizens united and
Moved to public funding of
Elections, in my view.
>> so, there is nothing in
Anything you said that would
Suggest you would spend a
Minute thinking about donald
Trump as a presidential
Candidate, so what is the
Difference between working
Really hard to overcome donald
Trump's election as president,
And endorsing kamala harris?
>> all right, well, look, you
Know where i am right now?
I am in manchester, new Hampshire.
We just had a great town
Meeting here, talking about the
Need to elect the vice President.

We were in west lebanon, i am
Going to be in bangor maine
Tomorrow, portland, maine.
But i think it is important for
Some of us to say, look, we
Know there is a lot of big
Money in the democratic party.
We want to make sure that the
Vice president is listening to
The working class of this
Country, to progressives, as
Well, and brings forth very
Specific ideas.

These are not radical ideas.
Expanding medicare by lifting
The cap, expanding social
Security, building housing,
These are not radical ideas.
>> no.
>> and i would hope very much
That we get some specificity on
>> in order to get that
Specificity, is that
Conversation happening in real
Time right now?

Are you in that conversation
With the vice president, or are
Your people in conversation
With the vice president's
>> well, i have spoken to the
Vice president and i look
Forward to speaking with her
Again in the near future.
Yes, that conversation is going
>> got it.
Talk to me about what that Would do for you, differently?
In other words, you getting
Those assurances, you are going
Out there, telling people in
The places you just named that
They have to vote for the vice President.
What will happen when you get The insurance that you want?
Which i expect you will get.

>> i hope i do get them, i do.
But, look, we cannot -- this
Country cannot, in my view,
Just tolerate donald trump Getting elected, so i am out There, i work hard, and i am Going to do everything i can to Make sure that harris is our Next president.
But, i just am trying -- you Know, 
it pains me -- again, Coming from a working-class Background -- 
that so many Workers, especially white Workers, are turning their Backs on the democratic party.

And i think we can bring them In, 
if we give them an Understanding, we know what is Going on in their lives, the
Pain they are experiencing, and That we have an agenda, 
  • so that Their kids are not going to Have a lower standard of living Than they do, so they can Afford to go to a doctor
  • so That they can be easier for Them to join a union, 
  • so that We raise the minimum wage.

These are not radical ideas,
And the democratic party has Got to start addressing them at Every level.

>> do you feel there is a
Little bit more energy in this
Race then there was a week ago?
>> oh, absolutely.
It seems to me -- you were just


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